Photos and reports of the
preaching ministry of Fr. James
in the year 2023
Värnamo, Sweden. September 15-17. 2023
Fr. James preached a retreat at Mariakyrkan, Varnamo in Sweden from 15th
to 17th September. It is for the first time that he went to Sweden,
a Scandinavian country. It is the 104th country of his evangelisation ministry.
It is Fr. Franz Sohneider, the parish priest who invited Fr. James and
organised the retreat. He himself translated all the talks and prayers
of Fr. James. The Church was full. The participants were a mixed community
mainly of Swedish, Croatian, Bosnian,Vietnamese, Polish. The people were
very happy and enthusiastic to hear the powerful talks of Fr. James and
to participate in his healing prayers. There were many confessions and
conversions. There were testimonies of healing and liberation. The people
wanted to hear Fr. James more and more. He met each one and prayed over
after hearing their problems. All were filled with the power of the Holy
Here are some photos and videos:
Photos and panoramics
Hitzendorf - Austria. Seminar for Croatians. Fr. James Manjackal
Sep. 08-10 2023
From 8th to 10th September Fr. James conducted a charismatic renewal retreat
for Croatian in Kirchenhalle at Hitzendorf, Austria. Hundreds of Croatians
came by buses from various parts of Croatia to hear the word of God and
to renew their catholic christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The theme of the seminar was, "He who is in Christ Jesus is a new creature..."(2Cor
5:17) Fr. James preached powerully about being "born again by the Spirit"
by repentance, confession, conversion and infilling by the Holy Spirit.
He spoke emphatically about the need of a Eucharist centered life. His
powerful prayers for inner healing and laying on hands on each one for
infilling of the holy Spirit really changed the lives of the participants
beyond their expectation. There were many testimonies of conversions and
healing. Fr. Mark, the provincial of the congregation of the missionaries
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus gave powerful testimony of his conversion
in one of the retreats of Fr. James in 2001. He said he had no faith in
God and practiced no religion till he attended the retreat of Fr. James.
There and then in the retreat he received his call to priesthood. He says
that Fr. James is not only his spiritual father and inspirator of his priestly
vocation but also a real father who gives him paternal love that he had
missed at home.
Here are some photos& videos:
Photos and panoramics
Prešov - Slovakia. August 11-13. 2023, Retreat for married
Fr. James conducted a married couple's retreat in Arena Svabska at Presov,
Slovakia from 11th to 13th August. The subject he chose was 'They are no
longer two but one flesh'(Mt 19:6). The married couples were very happy
to listen to Fr. James and his translator Suzana Lapcic on various aspects
of married life in order to live a happy & prosperous married life.
The talks were deep, enriching and empowering with various quotations from
the Holy Bible and teachings of the Church and testimonies. The people
were really thirsty for such talks, we could see people's readiness to
listen even long talks without break for food or drink. "Whoever
comes to me will never thirst, and whoever believes in me will never hunger
, I am the bread of life" was made true here! In a time false culture of
divorce & separation increase against Gods will, this retreat was necessary
for the hundreds of married couples gathered for the retreat. There was
powerful inner healing prayers preceding reconciliation between the couples.
Many in tears asked each other pardon for the wounded past and promised
to live together in love, unity and holiness of life. It was a thrilling
program when the wives laid hands on their husbands and vice versa and
prayed for healing, liberation and infilling of the Holy Spirit. The warm
exchange of hugs was authentic expression of their becoming one in flesh
and spirit indeed! Fr. James spared no time for himself, he even met each
couple and listened them to lay hands on them to pray for Gods richest
blessings on their married life. On the last day, Sunday, the couples renewed
their marital vows and exchanged the rings that was previously blessed
by the priests present in the program. It was with heavenly love and joy
that the husbands gave rose flowers to their respective wives. There were
many beautiful testimonies of reconciliation, healing and liberation. The
retreat was organised by Radek and Zuzanna Lapcic with the support of two
famous evangelising teams of the local church- the Credo and Maranatha.
Mrs Maria and team conducted the music.
Here are some photos and videos
Altötting, Germany. July 28 to 30. 2023
From 28th to 30 July 2023 Fr. James conducted faith & healing seminar
in 'Kultur Kongress Forum' Altotting, Germany that is very close to the
famous Marian shrine of black Madonna of Altotting. Hundreds of German
speaking people gathered to listen to the Gospel preaching to renew their
christian catholic life through the healing and liberation work of the
Holy Spirit. Fr. James gave powerful, anointed, long and deep talks on
most of the teachings of the Catholic church like faith in Jesus
and His body the church, Jesus the only Saviour and Lord, prayer that connects
a person to eternity, repentance to find life in Christ, the two kingdoms
& two powers, the Hold Eucharist, importance of love and unity in married
life, perfection & holiness of life to become like Jesus etc. Such
a thirst and enthusiasm for the word of God & the Holy Spirit were
seen rarely only in other retreats. Although the majority of the participants
were from Germany, 21 countries represented the retreat. In fact it was
Markus Huber alone who organised the program with the permission of Bp.Stefan
Oster of Passau; and he had the powerful support of Maria Theresia, Sacristan
Thomas and few other local people. Mr. Markus had organised several retreats
for Fr. James in the same hall. Deacon Kurt and his family from Vienna
formed the music group with Beate of Hungary and they sang melodious and
faith- evoking hymns like angels. Kurt's daughter Margarita translated
all the talks and prayers of Fr. James into German. Mr. Joseph made beautiful
video clips and photos for the webpage. Acoustic performance by Mr. Rupert
was great!
On the second day, Saturday, Isabella Jovin Manjackal, six year old
grand niece of Fr. James, received her first communion from him in the
concelebrated mass with hundreds of people.Her parents brought her and
the siblings all the way from Brussels as it was her ardent desire to Jesus
for the first time from the hand of her beloved 'Jamesappapy'. Her vote
of thanks was well appreciated.
On the last day Fr. James prayed over each of the participants
and blessed the holy articles; and the participants left the hall with
shouts of joy and demand 'Fr. James must come again to preach to
us'. He gave them dates for a retreat in the month of August 2024. Here
are some photos and videos:
Photos and panoramics
Sierakowice, Poland. July 21-23. 2023
Fr. James conducted a renewal retreat for the Polish in an open-air ground
from 21st to 23rd at Sierakowice in the parish of St. Martin of Tours.
It is Bishop Edward Pelplinska of the diocese of Berezoweski who
invited him through the parish priest Fr. Thadeusz Knut. Although
the whether forecast was "No rain", it rained cats and dogs on all days
but the people with their eagerness & enthusiasm remained calm and
quiet with umbrellas in one hand and Bible & note book in the
other to listen the word of God and to be filled with the holy Spirit.
Even when Fr. James gave long conferences of 2 or 2.30 hrs, not a single
person moved away; whenever he asked 'shall we stop as it is rainy and
cold' they responded, 'No, we want to hear you more...' ; it was really
an amazing experience for all.On the last day Bishop Arkadiusz Okroj presided
over the concelebration. It was convened and organised by the good parish
priest Fr. Tadeusz with the help of Wiola, her husband Thomas and many
able hands from the parish mainly of the community of Columba. There
were many priest to hear confessions. The music team of Miss Kasia
was very powerful and anointed keeping the people warm and spirit-filled.
Mr. Thomas Ksiazcizak translated all the talks and prayers. Despite rain
and cold, Fr. James sitting on the wheelchair prayed over each and everyone
unmindful of his pain& bleeding and cramps on the muscles. There were
many testimonies of, conversion, healing and liberation. Here are some
photos and videos:
Photos and panoramics
Santa Maria da Feira. Espinho - Porto - Portugal. July 8-9.
Fr. James Manjackal conducted a retreat at 'Europarque' in Santa Maria
da Feira, Portugal on 8&9th of July 2023.Some three thousand people
attended the retreat in two days. Fr. James gave powerful talks on the
need of 'walking by the Holy Spirit'. His strong plea for repentance of
sins for the kingdom of God kept the priests busy in the confessionals.
A certain professor commented that Fr. James is a great professor on pulpit
because in few minutes he is able to convince the audience almost all articles
and dogmas of Catholic Church like faith in Christ and Church, kingdom
of God, Holy Spirit, Holy Eucharist, judgement, hell, heaven, purgatory,
prayer, penance sacraments, indissolubility of marriage, horror of abortion
etc. Always his conferences catches the attention of the hearers so that
they are eager to hear him more and more so that the hearers become doers
of the Word of God. He prayed over each one for the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. During the breaks he was meeting the people individually to pray
for their needs and to sign the books. All who attended his retreat admired
and praised God for His zeal and enthusiasm even in his old age on a wheelchair
to evangelise. His strong demand for Holiness is echoed and reechoed in
the minds of the people when he asks repeatedly "What is Gods will for
you, my children" & the sudden and loud answer by the participants,
'My holiness'! The program was organised by Prof.Joao Silva Dias and his
wife Teresa, Mr.Vasco& his wife Paula, their daughter Raquel& Miss
Clara Henriques. There were many volunteers to assist them. Raquel translated
all the talks and prayers into Portuguese. Raquel had her betrothal for
marriage with Luis on 8th during the Holy mass. The anointed hymns by the
music group helped all to sing and worship Jesus. Here are some photos
and videos:
Photos and panoramics
Brest - France. June 23-25. 2023
Fr. James preached a 'Revival in Spirit' retreat from 23 to 25th
June at Brest France. People from all over France especially from Brittany
rushed in hundreds to listen to Gods words and to be healed of their spiritual
physical ailments. Fr. James gave powerful and uncompromising conferences
about the need of the French to return to an authentic Christian Catholic
life that is the root of the nation. His talks and prayers helped many
for conversion and new life. There were several testimonies of people who
decided for a new way of life in Christ. There were also testimonies of
inner and physical healings. Fr. James prayed over each participants for
the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is Bishop Laurent Dognin and the parish
priest Fr. Eric de Kermadec who invited Fr.James for this event. It was
organised by Maryvonne, Patricia, Ann Marie, Maria and the team ' L'Association
Fontaine d'Eau Vive' with several volunteers.
As usual Mr. Vinvent translated all the talks and prayers of Fr. James.
Mr. Bruno Perrinet, the chief editor of 'Chretiens Magazine' published
a special issue in June with the photo of Fr. James on the cover and with
several articles & photos inside to honour him for his sacerdotal golden
jubilee. It was distributed to every participant. All the participants
left the hall spirit-filled and with much joy expecting a Pentecost event
with Fr. James at Perigueux from 8th May 2024. Here are some photos and
Photos and panoramics
Hitzendorf – Austria. Retreat for Croatians. June 16-18
From 16 to 18 the June Fr. James conducted a Revival seminar for the Croatians
in Kirchenhalle, at Hitzendorf, Austria. Hundreds of Croatians came by
buses and cars all the way from various parts of Croatia and Bosnia to
attend this retreat. The Croatians scattered in various parts of West Europe
also were eager to attend this seminar. It was organised by Darko &
Christina Culjak who works with Fr. James for a long time for the spiritual
renewal of Europe. Fr. James gave powerful talks on the need of being Spirit-led
in Christian life(Rom 8:14). The talks inspired and challenged the participants
for an authentic and holy christian catholic life. He made powerful prayers
of healing and prayed over each participant for the infilling by the Holy
Spirit. Several priests had come from Croatia to hear confessions, counselling
and spiritual direction. Powerful, melodious, inspiring and anointed music
team was from "Sluge Beskorisne" [Unworthy servants]. Many of the participants
had been in various seminars in Croatia conducted by Fr. James in the 90's
as children! Mr. Mate Curkovic translated well all the talks and prayers
of Fr. James.
There were many physical healings. Several people were liberated from
the bondages of Satan! Many people testified that they had real conversions
and experience of new life because they never had such a powerful
seminar like this before in their life. Here are some videos and photos
Photos and panoramics
Ostrava - Czech Republic. June 9-11.
Fr. James conducted 'Spirit in revival' convention in Ostrava Arena at
Ostrava Zabreh, Czech Republic from 9th to 11th of June. Fr. James preached
powerfully to the hundreds and thousands gathered in the Arena on the need
of being led by the Holy Spirit to an authentic Christian life at a time
world has lost all values of life and morality. Christians must be alert
and awakened reading the signs of the times- he said, otherwise Christianity
will be left without her identity as Gods own people. The last day, 11th,
on the feast day of the Holy Eucharist, the whole program was conducted
in the public ground of the Church of St. Antony- Ostrava-Kuncicky. The
large crowd gathered was eager to listen to the powerful speech of Fr.
James on his favourite subject' The living presence of Jesus in the Holy
Eucharist". He had prayed over each one on Saturday for the infilling of
the Holy Spirit. The program was organised by Radek &Zuzanna
Lapcic. The whole translation of his talks and prayers were done very exactly
and gracefully by Zuzana Lapcic. The people who attended were very happy
and spirit-filled. It is after 11 years of gap that Fr. James James came
to this town to preach the Gospel- for the first time on wheel chair! Here
are some photos and videos:-
Photos and panoramics

Retreat in Warsaw - Poland. March 24-26. 2023
Fr. James preached a renewal retreat at Warsaw Poland from 26th to 28th
March.He came two months ago all the way from Kerala, India on wheelchair
to preach a few retreats in Europe to awaken the faith of the Europeans.It
was his last retreat before going to India to celebrate his sacerdotal
golden Jubilee. On the very first day itself Bishop Remould of Warsaw came
to wish Fr. James a happy Jubilee and gave an inspiring talk and blessings
to the people.
Fr. James gave deeper talks to help the participants to a greater experience
of Jesus through. the anointing of the Holy Spirit.It was really an immediate
preparation for the forthcoming Passion & Easter weeks. He emphasised
the need of crucifying the old self in order to live a new life in Christ.
There were powerful and anointed prayers for inner healing, liberation,
physical healing and infilling of the Holy Spirit. On all three days Fr.
James was the chief celebrant of the holy mass in Polish. On the last.
day Fr. James had fever and he decided not to lay hands people and pray
as he did not want to give his fever to others. Many people testified
their special experiences and physical healing from the retreat. A team
under the leadership of Wiola came to help the organisers. Gaby was there
to help Fr. James and the team. Her presence and prayers radiates much
grace on the people. The retreat was organised by Bartek and Ania. Talks
and prayers were translated by Mr. Thomas from Torun. Here are some photos
and videos:
Photos and panoramics
St. Peter Am Ottersbach - Austria. March 17-19. 2023
From 17th to 19th March Fr. James conducted a ' Revival in Spirit' Seminar
for Austrians& Croatians at Ottersbachhalle in St.Peter Am Ottersbach
Austria. People were very enthusiastic to hear the Word of God and be renewed
by a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit in the holy season of lent. Fr.
James' talks and prayers were translated in to German& Croatian.There
were many priests to hear confessions and to give spiritual guidance. It
was organised by deacon Kurt& Silvie. It is their daughter Margarita
who did the translation into German. Darko& Kristine from Croatia led
the Croatian group. Christine made the translation into Croatian. There
was a powerful music team under Miss Beate from Hungary. Fr. James prayed
over each participant of the seminar for the infilling of the Spirit. There
were many healings and miracles. Here are some photos& videos
Carmeaux - France. Mars 10-12. 2023
Fr. James Manjackal conducted a revival retreat in Halle Francoise Mitterrand
at Carmaux France from 10 to 12th of March 2023. It was organised by Mrs
Maryvonne and her evangelising team. A good number of people from various
parts of France came to listen to the preaching of the Gospel, to receive
a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and to commit themselves to an authentic
Christian Catholic life. Several people were healed spiritually, emotionally&
physically. As the arrivall of Fr. James was delayed by late flight, Mrs.
Maryvonne shared her testimony of conversion, healing and experience of
working with Fr. James for Jesus& His Gospel. It was a very good
introduction to the retreat.. Many were touched by her innocent and authentic
sharing.Fr. James spoke words that could bring real repentance, conversion&
new life to the people in this holy sean of lent. People left the hall
with great joy asking Fr. James to go to many other places of France to
evangelise to awaken the faith of the French. Here are some photos and
Photos and panoramics
Retreat for youth in Graz Austria Feb 24-26. 2023
Fr. James conducted a 'youth event' from 24th to 26th February at Brauhaus
Puntigam in Graz Austria. It was organised by deacon Kurt and his wife
Silvie & daughter Margarita. There was a melodious& powerful musik
group by the youth. Father James gave powerful talks challenging the youth
to awaken to the signs of the times and work for the evangelisation of
Europe and warned that otherwise christianity will extinct from here. Here
are some photos and videos:-
Sankt Peter am Ottersbach - Austria. February 17-19. 2023
Fr. James conducted a revival in Spirit program for the Croatians and Slovenians
from Feb.17th 2023 in" Ottersbachhalle" at St.Peter am Ottersbach in Austria.
In Croatia the Catholic bishops conference does not allow priests from
other countries to preach renewal retreats! Thousands of Croatians came
by several busses from various parts of their country even travelling 18
to 20 hours. It was amazing to see their hunger and thirst for the Word
of God& the Holy Spirit in spite of the scorching cold of winter! The
Croatians know Fr. James well as he had preached several seminars in almost
all their towns and cities including his largest convention at Medjugorje
in 2000 attended by more than 100 000 people.
Fr. James, although weak on his wheelchair especially with the recent
attack of pnuemonia& urinal infection, gave powerfull talks on the
need of Europe to return to Jesus the only Lord and challenged the participants
for a new life in Christ. There were long Q's to make confessions. Many
conversions, inner healing& physical healings were reported.
They left the hall spirit-filled with the decision to have many more seminars&
revival program in future.
Photos and panoramics
Valencia - Spain. February 7th. 2023
Fr. James Manjackal had an unique opportunity on 7th February to offer
holy mass with the chalice of Jesus (Holy Grail) in the special chapel
of the holy grail in the Cathedral of Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Valencia,
Spain. The archbishop gave him this great privilege on the occassion of
his golden jubilee of his sacerdotal ordination. He was introduced to the
archbishop and this opportunity was made available for him through Dr.
Richi & Janine with their friends who live in Valencia. Fr. James,
a great lover of the Holy Eucharist, was so emotional to touch this great
relic of Jesus used at the last supper to institute the Holy Eucharist.
Participants of the mass could see him kissing the cup of Jesus several
times with tears of joy. He said that he placed all his relatives, friends,
benefactors, well- wishers and those who have contact to him through retreats,
videos, books & mails- the living and the dead- in the 'holy grail'
that he lifted up & prayed.
Here are a few photos and videos
Porto - Portugal. January 28 - 29. 2023
Fr. James preached in the new year 2023, his first retreat in Europe in
the last week of January at Porto in Portugal. It was attended by tens
and thousands in "Centro Social Luso Venezolano". Professor João &
Teresa Silva Dias
organised this convention with their team. Tickets were sold out in
one week of its announcement that showed how the Portugese were thirsting
for this retreat from Fr. James who had preached several retreats in all
cities of Portugal in the past. Also it was an opportune time after the
"covid" to affirm their faith in Christ Jesus and to go ahead with hope
and optimism as authentic Catholic Christians in spite of several social
and political struggles. Fr. James challenched the participants to be faithful
to the human& Christian values of life that come from the commandments
of God and teachings of the church. He prayed for their integral healing
, and on the last day of the convention he laid hands on each participants
and prayed for the infilling of the holy Spirit. People were overjoyed
and went out of the hall shouting, " Fr. James, come again, we need you"
Here are some photos and videos:-
Photos and panoramics
to the previous page