EUREKA !!! I too have found it!!!
Dear Fr. James Manjackal,
I had an opportunity to read your book EUREKA and I founded it very interesting. I felt a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit as I read the book. So I thought I should congratulate you and thank you for having brought out such a beautiful book.
It was by God's will that I got your book. The book was gifted to my aunt and I happen to see it. I flipped through the pages and I found it very moving, so asked her the book and read it, the chapters on the gifts of the Holy Spirit will clear the doubts and minds of many as it happened in my case. I had just returned from a retreat on inner healing at Kozhibode, so the book further strengthened me and helped me get closer to the Holy Spirit.
Let me know introduce myself---I am Felcy Joseph. I completed my M.B.B.S 2 years back and now I have passed the exam to study in the UK. Even though I have been attending charismatic prayer since many years I had no recognised the work of the Holy Spirit. Now after reading your book and other books on the Holy Spirit I have come to know of Him as a person.
Once again thank you for your beautiful book. With love and prayers
Felcy Joseph
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EUREKA !!! I ja sam našao!!!
Dragi oče James,
Imao sam priliku čitati Vašu knjigu EUREKA i otkrio sam da je veoma zanimljiva. Osjećao sam posebno pomazanje Duhom Svetim dok sam čitao knjigu. I tako sam pomislio da Vam trebam čestitati i zahvaliti na prekrasno napisanoj knjizi.
Bila je to Božja volja da sam dobio tu knjigu. Knjiga je bila darovana mojoj teti i dogodilo se da sam ju i ja ugledao. Prolistao sam nekoliko stranica i učinila mi se zanimljivom. Zamolio sam ju knjigu kako bi ju pročitao. Poglavlja knjige o darovima Duha Svetoga mnogima su razjasnila svaku sumnju pa tako i meni. Upravo sam se vratio sa seminara za nutarnje ozdravljenje u Kozhibodeu, a knjiga me je dodatno osnažila i pomogla doći bliže Duhu Svetom.
Dopustite mi da se predstavim. Moje ime je Felcy Joseph. Prije dvije godine magistrirao sam, a sada sam prošao prijemni kako bi studirao u Engleskoj. Iako sam mnogo puta u više godina bio prisutan na karizmatskim seminarima nisam spoznao djelovanje Duha Svetoga. Sada nakon pročitane Vaše knjige i drugih knjiga o Duhu Svetomu otkrio sam Njega kao osobu.
Još jednom hvala na prekrasnoj knjizi. S ljubavlju i molitvama,
Felchy Joseph
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