“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent equipped for every good work” (II Tim 3: 16-17). One who decides to follow Jesus should decide to set apart a time to read the Bible. I call reading of the Bible as praying the Bible or listening Jesus through the Bible . God’s word is a lamp for one’s life and a light to one’s path (Ps 119: 105). St. Augustine used to say that ignorance of the Bible would be ignorance of Jesus Himself. If only we know Jesus we can love Him.
As one prays the Bible he will experience Jesus speaking to him through those words, by convicting him of his sins, by advising him in the way of the Lord, by strengthening him with the spirit, by leading him to healing, etc. Once a Muslim man told me that while he was reading the Bible he read the healing of the paralytic. Suddenly he felt an inspiration to pray for his own healing of ulcer in the stomach and he experienced the healing. I know a Hindu whose name is Krishnan who received a healing of his lung’s cancer while reading the Bible. I have many testimonies of people who received conversion of their lives, healing of their sickness, and answers to their problems of life while reading the Bible. Bible is written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and while someone uses it, the Holy Spirit continues to guide him by the Spirit. The Bible has answers to problems of all people of all times as it is an eternal prophesy for all. The Bible is a treasury of God’s innumerable blessings and even a touch of the Bible in prayer follows unfolds God’s blessing!.
You must have your own Bible. As you read when some sentences may strike your heart, then keep it underlined by a pen. It is good to memorise some good and inspiring sentences of the Bible so that in times of your need the word of God will come for your guidance. Once I was very much humiliated and misunderstood in my own community, I felt very much hurt. The devil brought to my mind the idea of leaving my congregation even. When I turned to the Lord in prayer and opened the Bible a few words written by Sirach which were underlined started speaking to me , “My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for testing. Set your heart right and be steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of calamity, cling to him and do not depart so that your last days may be prosperous” (Sir 2: 1-5). As soon as the word convicted me I was in tears and I asked the Lord for pardon for my sins and chased away the evil spirit of confusion and destruction and then the Lord consoled me. Those who treasure God’s word in the heart will not commit sin (Ps 119: 11).
It is good to write apt Bible sentences on a piece of paper and stick them on your walls, on your books, on your cars, etc. Now a days, we get good Bible-stickers which can be stuck in various places. The Lord told the Israelites thus, “Take to heart those words which I enjoin you today. Drill them into your children, speak of them at home and abroad, whether you are busy or at rest. Bind them at your wrist as a sign and let them be as a pendant on your forehead: write them on the door posts of your houses and on your gates” (Deut 6: 6-9). It is sad to see that some homes are decorated with obscene pictures, and even with the pictures of witches and devils!. As one makes a cleansing of oneself, he must make a cleansing of his home too.
It is good to start reading the Bible after a prayer or a hymn to the Holy Spirit so that He will inspire you during the reading. After the reading it is good to make some spontaneous prayers basing on the words read. After the reading surely one should listen to it in spirit. The word that is read or heard is only “logos” (sounds and language of the word), then it should become “Rhema” (words steeped in the Spirit). Jesus said, “The words that I have spoken (logos) are spirit and life (Rhema)” (Jn 6: 63). Your inner heart must be open to the word of God which you read. Through the word of God and by the Holy Spirit, God will reveal His will and plan for one’s lives “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent. (Is 55: 10-11). For those who are beginners in the reading of the Bible I will suggest that they read the New Testament passages first, then go over to the other books of the O.T. It is good that one reads a Psalm daily. All the Psalms are prayers.