"Rejoice, rejoice today behold I come to live in the crib of your hearts. Today is a great day of JOY and PEACE for you because the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who loves you and cares you is finding His throne in the palace of your hearts. He does not desire to dwell in the temples made of iron and wood but He wants to live in the temples made of flesh and blood. YOU, MY CHILDREN, ARE THE LIVING TEMPLES WHERE HE ENTERS AND LIVES WITH MANY BLESSINGS OF PEACE AND JOY.
As the Magi and the shepherds paid homage and worshipped the Child, you too must pay homage and worship by offering your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Now I am happy that you have come away from the power of darkness and sin; don't conform yourselves again to the works of darkness but always be transformed in your mind and heart to do the Will of God. Surrender your mind and heart with all your desires, plans and abilities to the Lord; and give each part of your body with its movements and activities to Him so that you may no longer be led by sin but be led by Grace.
He is with you why do you fear? Even if the heavens break down or the earth
quakes you have nothing to fear because the Lord of all creation is within
you. Let the devils prowl around you like lions with all kinds of afflictions
and temptations, nothing can touch you because He is within you to fight
against them all. He is the cause of your peace and joy and He is your
power and refuge. Rejoice in Him rather than rejoicing in the things that
He gives you. Because you have restored your relationships with all in
Harmony you have peace. Nobody can take away the peace and joy which you
Always keep your entire being, spirit, soul and body sound and free from
sin then you shall have a Christmas daily. Behold He will be with you till
the end of the world"
II Sam 7: 8-16
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A Message during Advent - 10th December 2001
Thus says the Lord, "My children, I know your fears and anxieties on these days. There are wars and rumours of wars. There are calamities of earthquakes, famine and pestilence. There are alarming changes in the climates and seasons. More than ever in the history, violence, hatreds and betrayals are increasing. There are many apostasies and denials of faith. False prophets and Messiahs are everywhere, some of them proclaim themselves as gods and incarnations of God; by performing signs and wonders they are deceiving and leading astray even those whom I have chosen through My beloved Son Jesus. Seeing all these things many prophesy falsely that the end is near. Dear children the end can not come unless the Kingdom of God is preached to everyone on earth. To the one billion Muslims and to the same number of Hindus and to an equal number of people of other religions the Gospel of My Son is not preached yet. Millions and millions have not even heard of Jesus! IT IS MY WILL THAT ALL SHOULD KNOW THE GOSPEL AND COME TO BELIEVE IN JESUS SO THAT ALL MAY BE SAVED.
The Gospel of My Son is not effectively preached even to those who call themselves Christians . Hence many of them live without any God or religion. Some of them have defected the WAY and have followed other gods. This is a terrifying time that many who pretend to be Christians are not truly Christians because they live in all forms of sins and impurity under the garment of religion and piety. They hold only to the external form of religion denying the interior power of truth, love and justice. I see jealousy, rivalry and divisions in the Church which is the Body of My Son. My heart pains when I see many sects, groups and denominations in the church because I sent My Son to reconcile all and to grow together in love. It is because they have not paid attention to the Word of My Son who repeatedly said to love one another. His words are My own words; the Gospel He preached is a GOSPEL OF LOVE. Those who preach a Gospel other than this have no God in their hearts! There are preachers who dilute the teaching of My Son. Because the people can not tolerate the sound doctrine of the Gospel, the preachers are following their own desires and insatiable curiosity to please the listeners. Some of them dispute on words or rituals and make confusions and doubts among the people. Those who make divisions and groups by their preaching have no Spirit of God in themselves. Whoever teaches something different and does not agree with the sound words of My Son is conceited; with arguments and verbal disputes they create friction among the people and make religion a gain for name, fame and money!
am seeking for genuine preachers of the Gospel of My Son. They should faithfully
preach the doctrine of My Son without compromise or error. Such preachers
deserve honour and praise and they should be supported by your prayers
Is 52: 7
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On these days I see the sad face of the Lord. He is calling for repentance, prayer and fast.
dear children, it is My love for each of you that urged Me to send My Son
Jesus to mankind to bring them back to the Paradise which was lost by sin.
Always My heart grieves at the sin of man! Today it is more than ever in
the history: the innocent killings and blood shed in the wars, the injustice
and discriminations to the poor, animosity and unforgiveness of the people,
the licentious and immoral behaviour of My chosen people pains My heart
more than ever! At the same time, I see the number of people lifting up
their hands in prayer and fasting pleading for mercy. It is My mercy that
prevents punishing mankind. My dear children, how long should I wait upon
your return! During the time of Advent will you not open the door of your
heart to My Son Jesus? He is the King of peace and the Lord of love. When
He knocks at the door of your heart open your heart in repentance and allow
Him to enter in it. Do not close the INN of your heart to Jesus who wants
to be born. If you come away from your sin and allow Him to be born in
your hearts you will have a true Christmas. All the money and wealth you
intend to spend for the external celebrations of Christmas must be spend
for the poor. You shall see my Son Jesus among the poorest of the poor.
The house you build for the homeless. the cloth and medicine you give to
the needy, the food and drink you give to the hungry and thirsty are indeed
given to HIM and I will reward you for all that you do for the poor. The
world is passing through a critical time my children! People, families,
countries and nations are loosing peace and tranquillity. If only you live
a life pleasing to me, if only you are men of good hearts, you shall have
the peace which He will bring for you. My children, repent, pray, fast
and help the poor, behold your redeemer is coming soon."
Gen 6: 5-6
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MESSAGE 2nd. November - Month of November - to pray for the Souls in purgatory
children, you should know your relationship with those who are blessed
in heaven and with those who are in purgatory. You know very well that
nothing unclean can have entry into the Tree of Life. I am a Father who
loves all the children, I don't want anyone to be lost. I sent My Son into
the world to save all and not to condemn anybody. But I know that many
people departed from the world without union with My Son in whom alone
is salvation. There is no condemnation for those who are in My Son. Do
you think that I am a cruel Father who will not show compassion and mercy
to those who passed away from the world without union with My Son? After
the death on the cross My beloved Son visited and preached the Gospel to
those who remained in darkness in the nether world and saved them and He
ascended to Me with them. Now there are many who are in the darkness of
the nether world unable to have access to the Tree of Life in Paradise
who are craving for your help. They are your brothers and sisters through
Jesus and My Spirit and perhaps some of them may be your own blood- relations.
You can preach to them the Gospel of My Son in Spirit and Truth, you can
ask Me pardon for their sins and reconcile them to Me by your prayers and
sacrifices. If they have not believed in My Son you can profess My faith
on their behalf, if they have not repented of their sins and confess them,
you can do it on their behalf, on their behalf you can participate in the
Holy Eucharist where the sacrifice of My Son on Calvary to save mankind
is continued. If they did not live a good life and did good things for
others, you can do all these on their behalf and save them through you.
It is work of evangelisation for those who sleep in the Lord. These days
many are saved from purgatory and joined the company of the saints through
the merits and blessings of many good people praying for those who sleep
in the Lord. My children, when they are saved by your prayers and good
works they will intercede for you before the Throne of Mercy. As your Saviour
and Lord ministered to the souls in the nether world, you too have to continue
the ministry of My Son so that all shall see my glory and enjoy the banquet
prepared for all. Until the last judgement when I appear on clouds with
My Son to judge the living and the dead, those who died and are living
on earth have chance to enter the Kingdom of heaven. My children as you
help one another on earth, help those who are away from you by death, because
they can not help themselves for their salvation. They look forward to
your help. Blessed are those who understand this mystery and enter into
the ministry of saving the souls departed. You are called to evangelise
and save the living and the dead. My children, I want to redeem everyone
of you through by my redemption brought to you through My Son. I am the
Father of those who are on earth, in heaven and in purgatory. My children,
My love will be always with you.
MESSAGE - 1st. November - All Saints' day -
dear children I have called you to a life of holiness. Everyday you pray
to Me "Thy will be done". Have you ever asked what is My will?. My will
is your holiness of life. It is to set apart people who are washed themselves
from the stains of sins and iniquities without blemish in splendour and
glory that I sent My Son and allowed Him to die on the Cross stretching
out His arms and shedding even the last drop of His blood. You who believe
in My Son and follow Him in your lives belong to My Family and household,
you are closely knit together with Me and My Son and with each other through
the Holy Spirit that sanctified you. Do not think that only those who are
beatified or canonised in the church are my saints, I have millions and
millions of saints in My heavenly mansions who are not known or revealed
themselves to anyone, they are virgins, married people, widows and widowers,
young and old who persevered themselves in their pursuit of holiness and
perfection in the vocations of their lives, who fought themselves against
the temptations and assaults of the flesh, the world and the Satan with
marvellous courage of the Spirit and amazing love for Me. Day and night
they are before Me praying for the sanctification of the world so that
one day you too may join with them. My children you who call upon My name
keep yourselves away from sin, wash yourselves in the blood of My Son,
sanctify yourselves through My Spirit and robe yourselves in My splendour
and glory. Nothing unclean can see Me or enter My presence because I am
holy. I know your struggle and distress in your Christian life, I know
that you are walking through a narrow path taking up your daily crosses
but trust in Me because I know you and I care you and I look forward for
the day you will come to Me to inherit the Kingdom I have prepared for
you from the beginning. Daily I shower on you roses of graces and blessings
so that you make no compromise with sin or sinful way. Your names are written
in the book of life and your citizenship is here with Me in heaven, you
are on earth only for a short span of life. My children I love you and
I call you my holy ones"
Mt 5: 3-12
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Message Oct 1st. - "Become like a child"
says the Lord: "My dear children, on these
days the human heart has become more corrupt and deceitful than ever. It
is in the hardness of heart that man turns himself away from Me and more
towards Satan who destroys you taking away all the blessings which I have
given to you. I see people pretending love and friendship, keeping in their
hearts ambushes of defraud, terror, vengeance. All the things that defile
you came from your heart and it is from the heart evil thoughts, murder,
adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy, etc. come. Hence
dear children more than ever on these days I call you to repentance and
to keep your heart clean and blameless like the hearts of children. Look
at the little children how they walk in My presence without any fear or
doubt but trusting in Me for everything. I urge you to become like them
who are simple and humble and it is to such like I reveal my mysteries.
I don't hide anything from those who posses a child-like heart and they
shall see what the eyes have never seen and what the ears have never heard
and they will experience My love beyond all measure! Freed from sin and
situations of sins you must be strengthened in your heart to fight the
assaults of the enemy, the devil. My kingdom is a matter of power and not
of weakness, and it is My righteousness peace and joy of the Holy Spirit.
Looking at everyone's heart I must be able to say "here is a true Christian
in whom there is no duplicity". Stop giving places in your heart for the
foxes of wickedness and evil to ditch dens and for the birds of vain thoughts
and malicious thoughts to make nests but consecrate your heart to Me where
I may dwell. It is in the sanctuary of your heart I want authentic worship
and praise in spirit and truth. It is in your heart that I make a covenant
with you giving you a spirit of love and attachment to Me so that you may
never depart from Me but cling to Me always. I shall be your Father and
you shall be My child, you are precious and glorious in My eyes because
I love you".
Is 43: 4
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Message XI - Feast of the Mother of Sorrows
mother is still standing at the foot of My cross praying for the salvation
of humanity. It is in her virgin womb that I was conceived taking the form
of man in order that all who believe in Me would be saved. When I ascended
to heaven I had promised that I would come again to judge the living and
the death. Many prophets had foretold about My coming but it is Mary, the
Galilean young virgin who lived gracefilled life through prayer and holiness
who brought Me to the world. Today too through various apparitions, visions
and signs, she is giving the messages of prayer, fasting, repentance, need
of sacraments, charity, etc. to prepare the hearts of the people to receive
Me at My second coming. Blessed are those to listen to her message and
change their lives and decide to follow Me and My words. I, have given
her to you as your mother, on the Cross my little children. With motherly
affection and tenderness she loves you all and with grief in her heart
and tears in her eyes she pleads with Me when you turn away from My ways.
On these days her intercession along with other holy ones before the heavenly
throne has brought many souls to My heart. My little children, listen to
her plea for prayer, penance, reconciliation and sacramental life. I give
My peace unto you"
Jn 19: 25-27
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On these days with the sporadic and painful events that happened in the US many people ask whether it is the beginning of an end. I wish to give the messages that Jesus speaks on these days in my prayers.
children, you hear of wars and rumours of wars, you see nations rising
against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms, but see that you are not
alarmed, for these must happen, but it will not yet be the end. I know
that many false prophets are there to deceive people even by performing
signs and wonders. There is much deceptions and injustice everywhere! I
know that there are who call themselves gods and incarnations of gods,
but My children you should not believe them or go after them. A great persecution
for those who live a righteous and holy life is coming shortly. You must
pray and daily eat the living manna which I give in the Holy Eucharist
to remain strong to fight out the evil days. Satan is roaring around like
a lion to devour people. The end will come only when My Gospel is preached
to everyone, the just and the holy will be persecuted to be mature enough
to enter My Kingdom prepared from all eternity and then the end will come.
The day and hour of My second coming and judgement of the nations is a
great mystery and secret only known to My Father, not even to me! Perhaps,
on My coming many who are called by Me by baptism may not be in My Kingdom
as they have gone away from the WAY I have shown, but many whom you call
"pagans and non-believers" may be found in My Kingdom. It is time for the
strongest of the nations to repent and to change their ways of lives. The
number of divorces and brokeness of families against God's will, perverted
sex, promiscuity, agnosticism, apostasy, killing of the innocent babies
in the mother's wombs, Euthanasia, testing of foetus whom I have created
in my own image and likeness and the cloning pains My heart as in the time
of Noah. Pollution of sins in big cities makes Me sad and prevent people
to receive my blessings. It is time for all big cities to repent and to
humble before God and ask His pardon and mercy. America should forgive
the offenders and pray for them as I have told you in my Scripture. It
is need and just you find the culprits and bring them before the court
of justice to punish their wickedness but never shall you take retaliation
or vengeance against them. Vengeance is mine! In forgiveness and love you
shall find my healing and strength for your nation. If the people listen
to My voice I will mould the nation into a holy nation. The present disaster
was predicted and foretold by many holy people but none listen to the Word
of God. It is not a time to retaliate or to revenge by way of war or counterattack.
I love America, I want to save the nation. Individually and collectively
you must humble yourselves and ask the Lord pardon for all your sins, again
I say I love America and the people of America! I have seen their love
for the poor and the weak, I keep in My heart the generosity and kindness,
hence I will save you My people. In My wounded heart I console and comfort
the people who are been innocently attacked and made to suffer. I give
My peace, I shall be with you always"
Read the following
Gen 6: 5-6
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Message 15th - Feast of the Assumption
Glorify God in your bodies
is a great day for you, a day when My mother and your mother, Mary the
Spotless Virgin went up to heaven soul and body, to receive the crown of
Glory". Jesus says, "The assumption of My mother gives you hope and guarantee
that one day you too will rise again to glory, soul and body, if you live
a holy and blameless life, full of grace. You should know that your body
belongs to Me as My Spirit is living in you, hence you should offer your
body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. My child GLORIFY
ME IN YOUR BODY. Daily in your prayer you must come close to My Heart and
allow each part of your body to be washed and cleansed in the Living Blood
and Water that flows from My Heart. Wash yourselves clean and put away
your misdeeds from before my eyes! I search for worshippers who will worship
Me in spirit and in truth. When you glorify Me in your body by a clean
and blameless life, I will raise you into glory when you part from this
world through my Spirit that dwells in you with which I too was raised.
My heart now is grieving over the sins committed by My people in masturbation,
homosexuality, adultery, incest, pre-marital sex, bestiality and other
immoralities. My dear people, come away from all sexual promiscuity and
practices of unnatural vices and wash yourselves in My Blood and I shall
give you a new Spirit to live a life according to My will which is your
holiness and purity of life. My child, in your personal prayer I will strengthen
you with My Spirit and when you eat My body and drink My blood in the Eucharist
you will be transformed to My likeness and image"
Is 1: 15-17
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Message 25th July Feast of St. James
Persevere in sufferings
Heart is much grieved seeing the poor style of witnessing by His followers.
He is asking the Christians to take up the cross and follow the narrow
way. These are His words: My Church grew in the blood of the martyrs.
Now no one is ready to suffer with Me and for Me. I know it is hard for
you, My children to be in the world and at the same time not to be of the
world. But you must know that My Spirit come to help you whenever you feel
weak. In afflictions, persecutions and sufferings you must not be despaired
or discouraged, you must remain courageous and strong through the power
of the Spirit. You must feel happy when you suffer for my Name s sake.
I continue living in you and through you, My children. As I prayed you
must pray, as I preached you must preached, as I went about doing good,
you too must go around doing good. Also you must suffer as I suffered;
then you shall be My witness, you must be prepared to drink the cup that
I drank. Look at the apostles and fervent Christians who suffered martyrdom
for Me. You must be prepared to shed even the last drop of your blood to
live a holy life. Your sufferings will produce an eternal weight of glory
beyond all comparison. Seek not that which is seen and transitory but look
out for that which is unseen and everlasting. I am with you whenever you
bear witness to Me .
Mt 10: 37- 39
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St. Thomas day - 3rd. July
are blessed because you have believed in Me without seeing me! Why Thomas
insisted to see Me and touch my wounds? Is it because he did not believe
in Me? Of course not! When I was going to the tomb of Lazarus, it is he
who told the other disciples who were reluctant to come with Me to Bethany
in fear of the Jews, "Let us also go to die with Him". He was my most courageous
apostle. Preaching the Gospel in India was a great difficult task entrusted
to him. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. He wanted to have
a direct and personal experience of Me to go and to evangelise the Indians.
Although he had heard of My resurrection from the other disciples, he wanted
to have a deeper experience of My resurrection to testify to the Indians
to open their hearts to My love. Because he insisted I allowed him to have
this experience and he indeed went to Kerala, in India and converted many
to My love by his personal testimony. The vibrant church of Kerala is a
living testimony of his untiring preaching in India. He was pierced to
death by a lance by his opponents at Madras and his tomb is seen even today.
Dear children, today too I give My personal appearance to many. Ask and
you shall be given! Have the personal experience of My living presence
and go and proclaim My love to those who have not heard of Me. I am with
you till the end of the world"
Read :
Jn 11: 1-16
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Message VI 18th June 2001
Thus says the Lord:
children, My heart thirsts for you, you are precious in my eyes and glorious,
because I love you. If you look at My broken heart on the cross you will
realize My love. It is by breaking My heart and by shedding even the last
drop of My blood that I loved you! The blood and water that flow from My
heart is the living fountain to purify you from sin and uncleanness. In
My heart your inner conscious will be cleansed from dead works to worship
the living God in Spirit and in Truth. I have taken away all the punishments
of your sins. When you come to Me, you will find not only forgiveness and
atonement but I will wipe away even the scars of your sins and no more
I will remember your sins! There is a close connection between your heart
and My heart, my child. Through the Holy Spirit, My Father and I dwell
in your heart. When you commit sin and go after the desires of the flesh,
My heart grieves as at the time of Noah or at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah.
When you turn away from sin and come back to My heart I rejoice and exult.
The sins of my chosen ones pain My heart more than the sins of the world!
You are my chosen ones, to share my priesthood by grace and to remain as
my own holy ones. I don't desire the lose of your soul, my child, I desire
that you come back to Me from all your lawlessness and find a cleansing
in My heart. I will give you back all grace and holiness which you lost
in the past. I will take away your old heart which was seducing you to
sin and lawlessness, and give you a new heart which will urge you constantly
to love Me with all your heart by keeping My commandments and statutes.
Come, My child to My most loving and compassionate heart and find peace
and joy in your heart. I know that you may find it painful to cut away
your old ways of life and bud your heart into My bleeding heart, but do
it you will be saved. Don't consecrate your heart to the heart of any human
being, but only to My heart because I am God who is holy. Be holy as I'm
holy, cut off from Me you will be dried up and thrown into fire. My loving
child, place your heart in My heart and let us enter into a personal intimate
relationship. I will protect you from all harm and evil, and you shall
find success and prosperity wherever you go. I will bless your family and
all what you do if you consecrate them to My heart. Remove from your home
all pictures and idols of human beings and created things and place the
image of My heart where you shall come together and pray. My heart shall
be source of many blessings for your family".
Read :
Deut 30: 6
Ez 36: 23-27 Gen 6: 5-13 Zach 13: 1-3 Hebr 9: 11-22 Hebr 10: 16-17 Jn 4: 23-24 Jn 15: 1-10 Rom 5: 7-8 Jer 4: 4 |
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Message V 14th June 2001
MESSAGE OF CORPUS CHRISTI - Feast of the Precious Body and Blood of Christ
Thus says the Lord: Dear children ever since you lost My presence in Paradise, I was longing to be with you. It is My love that urged Me to take up a human body like you. Because I had a body like you, you could see Me, you could touch Me and you could be with Me in My physical presence receiving the warmth of My love. When I was to part from this world by My death on the Cross I decided to be with you physically so that you could continue touching Me and could be in my intimacy. Always I wanted to be with mankind giving them my love. Hence at the Last supper I instituted the Holy Eucharist so that you might experience My physical presence not only by seeing and touching but by eating My Body and drinking My Blood! When I took the bread and said, 'This is My body' indeed it became My body. So with the wine, it became My blood. When I told it to My disciples "to do it" I meant that whenever they do it the bread would become My body and the wine would become My blood. Dearly beloved children, this is what happens at the daily Mass. Through the word of my priests and the Holy Spirit the Bread and Wine becomes My Body and Blood as the Word became flesh in the Virgin Mary's womb by the Power of the Spirit. The anointed hands of my priests are the womb where daily I become a human being to be with you so that you can see me, touch me and can become one with me by eating My body and drinking My blood! I know some of you can not understand the mystery of my love. Two thousand years before too when I walked on earth doing good, many did not understand My love. They could not understand a God becoming man, so too many of you can not understand My presence in the form of bread and wine. Then they called Me 'a carpenter's son', now you see Me only as 'mere bread'. If you believe in Me, you must believe My words too, that you will have eternal life. Cleanse yourselves from all your sins and take part on the banquet of My Body and Blood, you will surely experience My powerful presence in you, doing wonders and marvels in your life, keeping you safe from all evils. My children daily come to My Eucharist table and eat My body and drink My blood, and thus quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger. I am with you always till the end of the world"
Read :
Ex 16:
4 - 35
Jn 6: 22 - 29 Lk 22: 14 - 20 Jn 1: 14 Mt 1: 23 Mt 28: 20 I Cor 11: 23- 32 |
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Message IV 30th May 2001
remind you to stir up into flame the Gifts of God that you have received
through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of
cowardice but rather of love, power and self-control
Tim 1:6-7)
Thus says the Lord:
children, I wish that a new Pentecost happen in your personal life and
in the life of your family and that of your society as well. At the first
Pentecost in Jerusalem my followers were healed of their pains, fears,
anxieties and disappointments and experience My living and loving presence
along with My Father and they became bold and powerful to preach My Kingdom
and to bear witness to Me even to their death. My Heart is grieved now
seeing the weakness of you and your Church. I want you and your Church
powerful. My religion is not a weak religion of weak people, Mine is a
power-religion with powerful people ready to fight out all evils. I feel
sorry of My followers who go after cheap gods of other religions, and even
to satanic and esoteric practices luring people to the power of darkness.
I hate all new age healings which rely on cosmic powers which
are under the power of Satan, my enemy. My children come back to Me, the
true source of peace and joy. Why do you go after wells and cisterns that
can not give you the living water? Look at My heart, which is the well
of salvation from where streams of the living water flows. Come and wash
yourselves, heal yourselves and be filled quenching all your thirst and
hunger. To all those who believe in Me and decide to obey Me following
My ways, I will pour out My Spirit, the promise of My Father. When you
are filled with My Spirit, you shall share the divine Son ship with Me
and you too shall be My heavenly Father s children, becoming heirs and
coheirs of all the glorious riches of heaven. When you receive the same
Spirit which I received I become your brother and My Father becomes your
Father. When We abide in you through the Spirit, you become My temple where
you shall worship Me in spirit and in truth. Dear children, you have nothing
to fear in this world, through My Spirit I give you power to tread upon
scorpions and snakes and to fight against the full force of the enemy.
Through My abiding Spirit, you shall experience the great power of My name
which is more powerful than any other name on earth and in My name you
shall approach the throne of blessings and receive all what you ask; and
in My name you will command the evil spirit to depart and if you lay your
hands on the sick you will see wonderful and miraculous healings. My Spirit
is a Spirit of love, power and self-control. Through My Spirit I will let
you know God s will in every conduct of your life because He will be in
you and with you with His sweet and gentle voice leading you to great and
wonderful experiences which your heart has never experienced, the eyes
have never seen and the ears have never heard. When you grow more and more
in My Spirit you shall be transformed into my image and glory in which
you were created and then you shall be with Me where I am and together
we will know even the depths of God. My Spirit shall lead you to the fullness
of truth. When you share My divine life, the life that I have brought in
abundance for you, you shall be totally a new person with a new attitude
and life style regaining your spiritual and physical health. Always I watch
and care the Spirit in you with a jealous love! When you are in My Spirit
it will be easy for you to follow my commandments and statutes because
within your heart the Spirit will tell you what to do and what not to do,
giving you always the grace to follow My Holy Will. My children, My Spirit
yearns for you and waits upon you. When shall you come to Me and drink
from Me to satisfy your heart s thirst?
Is 11: 2
Act 4: 12, 23-37
Act 5: 32 Sant. 4: 5 Rom 10: 13 I Cor 2: 9-16 I Cor 12: 1-10 II Cor 3: 16-18 Gal 4: 4-7 Gal 5: 22-26 Sal 40: 1-4 Sal 43: 1-2 Sal 51: 11-16 Sal 63: 1-2 |
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Message III 15th May
The Lord says,"My dear children spend time in coming near to Me and praying before Me. I thirst for souls who come to Me in prayer. This is a terrifying time. People are bothered about money, wealth and pleasures of the world. Through my Spirit and living in you along with my Father, thus you are my temple. You must worship Me and adore Me in spirit and truth. I am searching for true worshipers of God who do not put their confidence in flesh. Dear children, you will have many temptations from the flesh, the world and the Satan. I warn you as I warned Peter, my first Disciple, can t you not keep an hour praying that you may not enter into temptation (Mt 26: 40-41). The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power (I Cor 4:20). In the power of My Spirit you have to fight against the full force of the enemy so that nothing may harm you in your pursuit of the Kingdom. When you come into Me in prayer, I will let you experience Me and my plan for you and for your future. When you come to Me in prayer I will open up heavens and shower many blessings upon you. Don t you love Me and give Me first place in your life, my little children, then set apart your best time for prayer to commune with Me. I will never abandon you, my children, My peace I give you."
Read :
Lk 10: 17-20
Mt 6: 6-8 Jer 29: 11-14 Mt 24: 36-44 Lk 21: 34-36 Eph 6: 18 I Thess 5: 1-24 |
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How to make personal prayer (Click here) |
Thus says the Lord,
My Mother as I have given her to you as your own mother. Not only at the
foot of the Cross that She became your Mother, much before She became your
mother, for when I took the human body in Her you were in My body and,
hence She became your Mother at the first moment of my conception in Her
Immaculate womb. Rejoice that She is your mother. The Power of Her prayers
before Me and My Heavenly Father is incredible! As my Father selected Her
and prepared Her for My first coming, now She is preparing the hearts of
many and the world at large by various apparitions and messages for My
second coming. Don't follow the false teachings of some who say that She
is not My Mother! It is She who conceived Me and carried Me in Her womb
for nine months and gave birth to Me at Bethlehem and suckled Me from Her
breast, and caressed Me in Her lap with the tender love of a mother. It
is She who taught Me to pray and fast, and taught Me the wisdom of the
Scriptures. When I was lost in the Temple anxiously She searched for Me
and brought Me back home. From the moment I was conceived in Her womb up
to Mount Calvary where I offered Myself to My Father, She suffered much
for Me. She was suffering everything in secrecy and silence without a word
of murmur or complaint. Which son on earth can forget the loving tenderness
of such a mother! When She brings to Me the sinners, tepid and lukewarm
souls I shower abundant graces upon them. When She brings to Me the prayers
and petitions of Her children, My brothers and sisters on earth, My Heart
look at them with mercy and compassion. In pain and travail, She is standing
and praying before the Throne of grace to bring Her children to God's Kingdom.
As a good Mother She can not think of anyone going to perdition. She is
always asking people to come to Me and to listen to My words. She does
not want any praise or worship to Her. She is asking you all to accept
Me as your Lord and Saviour and to worship Me alone. But as She is your
mother, you must love Her and respect Her. The devil is roaring about like
a lion to devour people, but She is there to protect you from the power
of the devil, She will fight with you against the power of darkness. My
children this is the time you have to be alert in prayer".
Read :
Lk 1: 26-38
Lk 2: 1-52 Jn 2: 1-11 Jn 19: 25-27 Acts 1: 14 Rev 12: 17-18 I Pet 5: 8 Mt 24: 42-51 |
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Message 23rd April 2001
The Lord says, "My
body is broken and my wounds are severe because of the brokeness and wounds
of the families! I want to be honoured and worshiped in your families by
your family prayers when the parents and children come together in love
and unity. I am the Lord of your families, in times of dangers and difficulties
it is I, your Lord, who take care of you. I hate divorce! I don't support
any kind of separation between the spouses as it is I who joined you together.
Couples love one another by surrendering one's ego to the other. It is
in your mutual love and submission I come and dwell in your families. Give
concern and love to your children. They are my gifts to you, my dear parents.
Dear children be obedient and submissive to your parents. I guide you,
support you and bless you through your parents because they are appointed
and given to you by me. Keep a picture of my Sacred heart and of the Holy
Family in your home and come together to worship me. Daily recite together
a rosary at least. When you gather together in prayer I shall be with you
with my richest blessings. I leave my peace in your heart and in your home,
dear children".
Read the following Bible passages:
Malachi 2: 14-16
Genesis 2: 22-24 Mathew 19: 4-9 I Cor 7: 10-11 Colossians 3: 18-21 Sirach 3: 1-16 Sirach 7: 18-25 Mathew 18: 19-20 |
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