MESSAGE XIII – Christmas 2012 Song


Thus says Jesus, “My friends, today you celebrate my birthday. I shower on you, on your family and dear and near ones the richest and plentiful blessings of heaven. The greatest blessing that you can have is my own living presence in your hearts and lives. When you receive me whole- heartedly in your clean hearts through the Holy Spirit, it will be your birthday also because you are then born again to a new life. Therefore my birthday is your happy birthday too.

With my coming a new age began on earth, an age where people found forgiveness of their sins, liberation from the bondage of Satan, healing of souls and bodies and many other spiritual and physical blessings; it is an age where there is no war and fighting, enemies and revilers but where people live together as brothers and sisters in joy and prosperity by forgiving one another, carrying one another’s burden, sharing the wealth and property with those who are needed. Yes, I came down on earth to put a foundation to a new society, a society built upon love and justice. I abolished the old system of ‘an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ and established a new system with the slogan ‘love one another’.

Today, dear friends, examine yourselves and see if you have celebrated Christmas, my birthday, only with external and worldly celebrations without finding me in your lives through a good confession of sins with sincere repentance and a holy communion by eating my body and drinking my blood where you can become one with me. Perhaps many of you wished ‘Merry Christmas’ without true happiness in your hearts; you cannot have true joy and happiness in your hearts without me in your lives. Perhaps you made exchange of gifts without a genuine love for the other person in your hearts.

You shall find answer to all your troubling questions about the meaning of life and sufferings of various kinds only by clinging to me in faith because I am the true image of the invisible God, the refulgence of God’s glory, the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the head of the church, my body through which I continue my works. Hence my friends, an obedience of faith is to be given to me, who revealed the love of God. A life of faith without an action of faith is dead. The decision of faith is an entrusting of your lives to me that brings to you real freedom and imperishable happiness.

Since I revealed the whole truth about God, heavenly life and meaning of human existence, it is your primary duty to come to the knowledge of truth through a systematic study of the Holy Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Above all, you must form a personal relation with me through your personal prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments specially the sacrament of reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist.

I am here on earth with you with my plan for your welfare and good future, I have come to give you life in abundance, but you must know that you are free, either to choose life or death, prosperity or doom. When you do not choose me as your only saviour and Lord by an authentic faith expressed in entrusting your entire life to me, you will suffer the most tragic drama of spiritual enslavement of sin, demoniac powers and death; and thus forsaking me the source of all blessings and accepting mundane and carnal sources of temporary happiness your lives may be doomed! Behold today you celebrate your own birthday by celebrating my birthday, I am with you always”

Gen3: 15
Deut 11: 26-28; 30: 15-20
Ps 63: 9; 68: 6-7; 91: 14
Is 1: 2-4; 53: 4-6; 54: 10; 60: 14-20; 65: 17-25
Jer 1: 13; 29: 11-13
Mt 1: 23; 5: 38-48; 7: 17 
Mk 1: 15; 10: 27; 14: 22-25 
Lk 2: 1-20; 4: 17-22 
Jn 1: 1-2; 3: 3-5; 10: 10; 6: 54-56; 13: 34-35; 14: 6 
Acts 2: 42; 4: 32-35; 16: 31 
Rom 1: 5; 12: 1-2, 9-17; 13: 8-10, 26; 15: 4-6 
I Cor 1: 10-13; 3: 1-4 
II Cor 10: 5-6      
Eph 2: 1-8; 4: 25- 32 
Phil 2: 6-/; 4: 4
Col 1: 15-18; 2: 20; 3: 12-17
II Tim 3: 16 
Heb 1: 31 
Jam 2: 14-26
I Pet 2: 24; 3: 8-9; 4: 7-10
II Pet 1: 20-21 
Rev 21: 7, 22-27 

MESSAGE XII – 1st. Sunday of Advent 2012 Song


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, you are now in the season of Advent, a season of waiting for the coming of the Living Lord in your lives. Jesus, my Son, your Saviour and Lord is ready to enter into the hearts of all those who believe in Him with a sincere heart. He, who ascended into heaven after His resurrection, returns in the same way to everyone on earth. He comes and dwells in those who love me by keeping my commandments. If only He comes to your hearts, your inner thirst and hunger will be quenched. If you have lost His presence in the temples that you are, it is time for you to find Him back.

Jesus, my Son, will come with a winnowing fan in His hand to swift the world; He will gather together all those who live their lives according to my will and present them to me and I shall glorify them in eternity but He will destroy all those who live in wickedness. It is time for those who live in wickedness to change their ways and to live a new life in righteousness and holiness of truth. Therefore, my children, hate what is evil and hold on to what is good, do not associate with those who live in sin but rather be shinning lamps in grace and holiness even to bring those who live in darkness and perversity to the true Saving Light.

Your hearts should be liberated from all desires and enticements of the flesh in order to receive the Lord. You must stop the works of the flesh like fornication, pornography, promiscuity, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, occult, sorcery, hatred, un-forgiveness, jealousy, greediness, lying, theft, and all forms of worldly and carnal pleasures. On the contrary, you must put on the character of Jesus like love, peace, joy, goodness, meekness, gentleness, self control, humility, kindness and faithfulness; then you will have a real Christmas in your lives.

You must know my children that the majority of the people in the world have never heard of their Saviour. If only you proclaim Him before them by preaching His Gospel, shall they come to know Him and be saved. Those of you who have experienced the salvation of Christ Jesus have a duty to share your experience with others. Only through faith the people can be saved, faith comes from what is heard and what is heard comes through the Word of God.

During this season you must be generous enough to spend your time, energy, money and all that you have for evangelization so that many people in the world may experience the paradise brought back to humanity by Jesus. Today many people even deny the existence of God because they do not want to live according to the spiritual and moral values of life that come from the observance of the rules and commandments given by God. Dearly beloved children, you who live a morally and spirituality good life should bring others to your way of life which is the true way shown by Jesus, your Saviour and Lord. If you live, you must live for the Lord and if you die, you die for the Lord; so then whether you live or die you are the Lord’s. Behold I knock at the door of your hearts, if you open your hearts I will come in and dine with you, for I am the living Lord who loves you and cares you.”

Mt 4: 17; 5: 8; 6: 22-23; 7: 21-23; 18: 3; 25: 31-46 
Mk 7: 20-23; 11: 15-17, 28 
Lk 3: 17; 6: 43-45; 17: 26-30; 21: 34-36 
Jn 4: 13-14; 6: 35-37; 7: 37; 14: 20-23 
Acts 1: 10-11; 3: 20-21; 4: 12 
Rom 10: 13-17; 12: 9; 13: 12-14; 14: 8 
I Cor 3: 16-17; 5: 9-13; 6: 9-10, 19-20; 9: 16; 15: 45
Gal 5: 16-23 
Eph 4: 22-24; 5: 3-5 
Phil 2: 15 
I Thess 4: 3-8; 5: 23-24
I Tim 6: 11-16 
II Tim 4: 1-5 
I Pet 2: 1-5; 4: 1-6
II Pet 2: 1-3 
I Jn 1: 9-11, 15-17; 2: 28-29; 3: 2-3
Rev 3: 20; 7: 14-17; 14: 1-5; 21: 1-8; 22: 14-15

MESSAGE XI – 8th. of November 2012 Song


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, you must know that the soul that I have breathed in you is immortal. At your death your body will be separated from your soul temporarily and on the day of judgement your soul will join again with your body, and those who did good in their body will be rewarded in heaven and those who did wickedness will be condemned to hell. I sent my Son Jesus into the world to save everyone on earth through Him. He carried the sins of mankind on His body and through His sufferings He brought forgiveness and pardon for your sins. All those who believe in Him and find salvation are formed as one body in Him and this is His church.

In the church, which is the body of my Son, all those who receive my Spirit are my children; and thus they are brothers and sisters in one Spirit. When a part of the body is wounded the whole body suffers, so also when some of the members of the church are in sin, the whole church suffers. As you are brothers and sisters in one Spirit you should help the erring people by forgiving them and asking pardon and mercy from God for their sins. My children, you know very well that only those who are clean of heart can see me face to face in heaven. There are many, although lived a holy life on earth, did not do enough penance yet to expiate their sins but died with stains on their souls and are suffering in purgatory in the purifying fire in order to be cleansed. It is called the temporal punishment for the sins. Although their sins were forgiven and the eternal punishment was removed through their repentance and confession, they have to suffer the temporal punishment.

As they are your brothers and sisters you can show your compassion to them by your prayers, holy masses, fasting, works of charity especially helping the poor and saving souls on earth by works of evangelization. Saving others on earth by way of preaching the Gospel will save your own souls and the souls of many others even of those who passed away. From the merits that you have treasured up in heaven by your good works and charity you can help your brothers and sisters in purgatory. Perhaps, your own parents, grandparents, ancestors or relatives may be among them. As my Son Jesus, your Saviour and Lord, became sin for you by taking up your sins on Himself, you too can take up their sins on yourselves and ask God for pardon and mercy.

In the past people used to ask me pardon for the sins of their parents and ancestors and I bestowed my pardon on them and saved them and as a consequence their families were liberated from curses. Today due to an increase of materialism and secularism in the world many people have lost their faith in life after death and consequently they have lost the love for those who passed away from this world. Perhaps many of your relatives and friends in purgatory are waiting upon your prayers, masses and good works so that they can have their beatific vision as soon as possible. My children, you can be assured that when they come to me in heaven they will pray and intercede before me for you and your families with all the saints in heaven”

Gen 2: 7 
Lev 26: 39-40
II Mac 7: 21-33
Ps 106: 6-47 
Mt 5: 8; 8: 17; 21: 31-46 
Jn 3: 14-18; 5: 24-29 
Rom 12: 3-8 
I Cor 12: 12-27 
II Cor 5: 21; 15: 12-29 
Eph 1: 22-23
Col 1: 18
I Thess 4: 13-18
I Tim 2: 3-6 
Jam 5: 19-20 
I Jn 3: 1-3; 5: 6-12
Rev 7: 9-17; 21: 1-8, 22-27; 22: 12-15

MESSAGE X – 29th September – Feast of the Archangels Song


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, beware of the tactics and cunning plan of Satan, my enemy, to annihilate humanity by destroying values and morals of family life. I created mankind in my image as male and female and kept them together and blessed them with the gift of fertility so that they might procreate children and increase in number subduing the earth. I wanted man to be the crown and master of creation in all his dignity. Today Satan, the liar and father of lies is spreading an unnatural and perverse vice of homosexuality enticing mankind to go against my plan for their welfare and prosperity, and it inculcates the same sex union.

The very word “same sex marriage” itself is a contradiction in terms and absurdity and perversion of truth because marriage is always between two opposite sexes. Even among the animals, birds, fishes and reptiles, it is the opposite sex that mates to procreate and survive. Today man in his depravity and degradation has lost his dignity and is behaving even worse than the unintelligent beings! Dearly beloved children, mankind is moving towards a great tragedy - a tragedy of extinction. Mankind that I created with higher wisdom and intelligence has lost the right reasoning because they are alienated from me and my commandments and have formed their own rules and ethics of life. Although they think that they have become wise and even equal to gods becoming judge unto themselves; they have become vain in their way of thinking and their senseless minds are darkened. As Satan has blinded their eyes and confused their intellect, they failed to understand the cunning and destructing plan of Satan. Satan is a murderer and destroyer of lives from the beginning. He knows well that if homosexual and lesbian unions increase on the earth, there will be no more human beings left and humanity will come to its own end.

At two times in history Satan was angry. First it was when I created mankind in my image and settled him in paradise to live a righteous life according to my commandments. There he succeeded in defeating my plan for man by influencing man to say “no” to my will and say “yes” to his will. Secondly Satan was angry when I decided to send my beloved son Jesus as redeemer for the mankind. Here he did not succeed to destroy my plan because Jesus, my son, surrendered himself to my will always and thus through Him the whole mankind said “YES” to my will. He had taught mankind clearly that marriage is between man and woman and that their union is indissoluble.

Now the defeated and frustrated enemy, the Satan, is tempting mankind to go away from my plan by deviating them from moral and spiritual values of life especially of married life because family is the foundation of human society. When I destroyed the earth with a deluge because of the sins of mankind, I told my servant Noah to take a pair of each animal, birds, fishes and living things into the ark so that through them they might survive by multiplying and increasing. When the Israelites returned to their mother land, as they were few in number, I instructed them to find wives for their sons and husbands for their daughters so that there will be a great nation on earth. If homosexual and lesbian unions increase and man refuses to marry a woman and vice versa there will be no human being left and the earth will reduce to its primordial state of chaos. Meanwhile in the interim time many would die of poverty as that there will be only a few people left to till and to cultivate the earth.

My children, you who believe in me and follow my commandments, it is time for you to be alert and to be awakened to the deeds of darkness to keep yourselves innocent and blameless before me in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. You must fight tooth and nail against gay unions and be witnesses of my holiness and righteousness. You should teach the people about the perverse nature of homosexuality and give them my message to return to my plan about mankind; if they listen to you, they listen to me, and if they listen to me and return to live a morally good life I shall save them and the earth and give them prosperity and welfare. Behold I am with you to cover you with my grace and to protect you from the evil one”

Gen 1: 27-28; 2: 23-24; 3: 1-7, 23; 7: 1-3
Lev 18: 22-23; 20: 13
Jer 29: 6-7
Hos 4: 6; 14: 2
Zach 1: 3 
Mt 26: 39; 19: 1-8 
Mk 14: 36 
Lk 22: 42 
Jn 8: 44; 14: 6 
Rom 1: 18-32; 13: 11-14 
Eph 4: 17 
Phil 2: 15 
I Tim 4: 1-2; 6: 3-4
II Tim 2: 16-18; 4: 3-4
Jude 1: 7 
Rev 12: 13-18

MESSAGE IX – 16th. July – Our Lady of CarmelSong


Thus says Jesus, the Lord, “My friends I warn you to be bewared of those who pretend to have visions and messages and mislead you by deviating your mind away from the teachings of the Bible and the Church. There are many false prophets and visionaries who come to you in my name but in fact they do not know me or belong to me, but they give false visions and deceitful divinations about the end of the world and they pretend to know more than what I know from my Father. You should not pay any attention to them because they come to you to frighten you as the terror of the night misusing even the internet, mobile telephones and other communication media.

I am the Lord, your Saviour who redeemed you from your sins and guide your ways through my Spirit. I have taught you all what I have heard from my Father and they are written down by my disciples which you can find in the holy Bible, and I continue speaking to you through the Holy Spirit in the Church and she will declare to you about things that have to come because she speaks only what she hears from me and she guides you to the fullness of truth. It is my Father who called me and sent me to you as a man and I am always obedient to my Father and when He will send me again I am ready to come. Neither the angels in heaven nor I do know the time of the end of the world and about my second coming. I do not want you to follow the ignorant and erring people who in their pride and righteousness pretend to know more than I know from my Father.

Today in the world there are many visionaries and messengers who follow their own spirits and sometimes even the evil spirits because in their life time they have been involved in esoteric and new age. They prophesy their own thoughts about the end times and in fact some of them are in fear and doubt about their own eternal life and they hide their true identity under the mask of prophetic visions and messages. They are trying to cover their own iniquitous life provoking others to unnecessary fears and worries. They may even perform signs and wonders to deceive even the elect. They are like the wolves that see the feathers of the bird on the road and run about to eat its flesh while the bird is on the branch of the tree. They, of course, see some of the signs of the end of the world like war and terrorism, hatred and rebellion, hunger and famine, persecutions and sufferings, calamities and destructions while they do not know the main sign that is to come. Perhaps those false visionaries and prophets do not know that I have told of their appearance as signs of the end times.

Dear friends, you must know why I have foretold the signs that would precede the end times. Knowing all of them I want you to be vigilant and alert against all wickedness and iniquities of this world that is loosing all values of spiritual and moral life through the infiltration of secularism, relativism and materialism. I want you to be blameless innocent children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Also I want you to be my authentic witnesses and shinning lights of my holiness in order to bring those who live in the shadow of death and in the darkness to my kingdom of light.

The end will come only when my Gospel is preached to all men on earth, so that all those who accept me as Lord and Saviour may live in my kingdom through righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. I will destroy the sovereignty and authority of Satan and I will hand over the kingdom to my Father and your Father. My friends, at the death of each of you the world ends to your life. If you know this truth and live by it you shall live a holy life. The world and the flesh and all their enticements and attractions will pass away and whoever does the will of God remains forever. God’s will for you is your holiness of life, therefore live a life detached from the desires of the flesh and the world and be attached to me who loves and cares you; and possess me as the treasure of your life, then you shall live forever in my kingdom. Behold I am with you always”

Ez 13: 3-23
Mt 5: 19-24; 10: 37-39; 24: 4-14, 23-26, 45
Mk 13: 5-10, 32-37
Lk 9: 57-62; 17: 20-21
Jn 1: 18; 17: 14-19; 24: 36
Acts 1: 7
Rom 13: 11-14; 14: 17
I Cor 12: 12-27; 15: 24
Eph 1: 22-23
Col 1: 18
I Thess 4: 3-8
I Pet 5: 7
I Jn 2: 15-17
Rev 22: 14-20

MESSAGE VIII – 27th. May – Pentecost 2012 Song


Thus says the Lord Jesus, “Dear friends, as I have promised I sent you today my Spirit so that standing along with me as my brothers and sisters, you can call my Father “our Father”. Joining with my Spirit, you are my Father’s children and His heirs, joined heirs with me. To all those who believe in me and accept me as their Lord and open their hearts I send my Spirit.

I had told you already that I will not leave you orphans when I would ascend to my Father in heaven. After my Ascension, I became a life giving Spirit in order to be with you always. It is with this same Spirit I preached the Gospel, healed the sick and cast out demons. Today I am giving you my Spirit in order that you may continue doing my works on this earth where many are perishing because of the ignorance of the Gospel, various sicknesses and bondages of Satan. My friends I want you to be my powerful witnesses by doing my works through the power of my Spirit.

Because the human beings who are created in my image and likeness lost their sanctity, the earth and all the creatures in it also have lost their sanctity. It is my Spirit that sanctifies all because my Spirit is a spirit of sanctity. If only, you my friends, return to sanctity of life, the problems of the present times will be solved. Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow you will have bread to eat; sanctify yourselves today tomorrow you will have miracles and signs. When you return to me by faith in repentance and find fellowship with me through my Spirit, the thirst and hunger of your souls will be quenched, When you live a new life through my Spirit, you will have no more the reproach of famine and poverty, on the contrary you will have an increase of fruits on your trees and crops in your fields; your granaries will be filled with grains. My friends behold today I send my Spirit upon you all; blessed are those who receive my Spirit and lead their lives by the power of my Spirit.”

Gen 1: 27-28 
Num 11: 18
Jos 3: 5 
Ez 36: 22-32 
Hos 4: 6 
Mt 10: 5-8
Mk 6: 7-13 
Lk 4: 18-19; 9: 1-6; 10: 1-12; 24: 48-49 
Jn 6: 35-37; 14: 16-20; 15: 26-27 
Acts 1: 8; 2: 1-21, 38-39; 4: 24-31; 10: 38
Rom 8: 14-17 
I Cor 15: 45 
Gal 4: 6-7 
Eph 6: 11-18
I Thess 4: 3-8 
I Jn 1: 1-4 
Rev 3: 20 

MESSAGE VII – 5th Sunday after Easter Song

Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, there are only few more days to the feast of Pentecost. I want you to enter in the cenacle of your inner self to wait upon the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of my Son, so that you may be clothed with power and grace. Although you have received His Spirit in your baptism and in other sacraments, you should keep the Spirit alive and active in you so that you may be able to fight a good and successful war against the tactics of Satan, the desires of the flesh and the attractions of the world. I want you to enkindle the fire of the Spirit in you so that you may be burning and shining lamps to those who live in the darkness of soul.

If you have sinned grievously by breaking the commandments you have definitely lost the power of the Holy Spirit and you are away from the kingdom of God because you are not in grace. When you allow sin to reign over your bodies by obeying the desires of the flesh you are a slave of sin and Satan; and you are unable to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. Hence repent of your sins and confess them so that you may be washed and purified in the power of the blood of my Son which is available for those who believe in Him.

If you have offended the Holy Spirit by your anger, unforgiveness and hatred, it is time for you to forgive and reconcile with all. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is a Spirit of love and it cannot come to those who hate each other. If you have wounded anyone by words or deeds, ask pardon and be reconciled, and if someone had offended you pardon them unconditionally, so that the Spirit of love will burn in your hearts and that you may grow in love, goodness, meekness and in the service to your fellow man.

Having purified your soul from all kinds of sins, yield your inner self with all your internal senses for the anointing of the Spirit. You must present yourselves to the ocean of the Holy Spirit whole heartedly with all your desires and plans of your minds and all the parts of your body so that you may be born again. In your new life, sin and Satan will have no power over you because you will be under grace and the Holy Spirit will control your life always helping you to crucify your old self with all its passions and desires.

In order not to resist the action and unction of the Spirit you must pray these days for a deep inner healing from the former way of life which was corrupt through deceitful desires and from all negative emotional feelings like fears, anxieties, inferiority complex, guilt, resentments and rejections. Also you must pray for liberation from the futile conducts like pride, concupiscence, selfishness, arrogance, greed, etc that were handed on to you by your ancestors so that you may experience the freedom of the children of God. You must know my children that true freedom is freedom to be good and to live according to God’s will which is the holiness of your lives. If you prepare yourselves and wait upon, you shall surely be filled with all fruits, gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit and you will be equipped to be the powerful witnesses of Christ.

I wish that you seek the special intercession of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to obtain a fresh and powerful infilling of the Holy Spirit because it is her that I chose to pour my Spirit to conceive my Son and to give Him to the world in order to save humanity from their sins. She is a model and inspiration for you to receive the Holy Spirit and to be led by the Holy Spirit. All the more, she was with the Apostles at the early church to intercede for the coming of the Holy Spirit. My children open your heart completely and receive the Holy Spirit in order that you may live a holy life in this world which is groping in darkness and unholiness”

II Chrn 6: 36-42
Ps 51: 11-15
Is 11: 2
Mt 1: 20-21; 5: 14-16
Mk 3: 23-29 
Lk 1: 31-35; 24: 49 
Jn 3: 3-7; 5: 35; 14: 16-17, 26; 15: 8, 26-27; 16: 8-15 
Acts 1: 13-14; 2: 1-5; 7: 51; 19: 1-7 
Rom 5: 5; 6: 3-19; 7: 14-25; 8: 5-13 
I Cor 12: 1-11; 15: 45 
II Cor 5: 17 
Gal 2: 19-20; 5: 13-26 
Eph 4: 22-32; 6: 10-12
Phil 2: 15
Col 2: 12; 3: 5-11
I Thess 4: 3-8; 5: 23
II Thess 2: 13-15
II Tim 1: 6-7; 4: 6-8
I Pet 1: 18-19 
I Jn 1: 9 
Rev 21: 1-8 

MESSAGE VI – 15th.of April - Mercy Sunday Song


Thus says the Lord our God, “My children, I am a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity, continuing my kindness for a thousand generation forgiving wickedness, crime and sin. When Adam and Eve disobeyed my command and committed sin, they lost their life in paradise but out of my compassion I promised a Saviour who would restore them the paradise. When Cain killed his own brother, I showed him my mercy by putting a mark on him lest anyone should kill him at sight.

At the same time, you must know that along with my mercy there is anger too; I will show my anger to those who are unrepentant and not willing to change their lives. While your ancestors offended me by their sins and wickedness I punished them with a deluge but, I showed my love and mercy upon Noah and his family that lived in righteousness. Also I showed my mercy and love on the family of Lot while I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins of immorality. I do not derive any pleasure at the death of the wicked but rather I wait upon the sinner to return to me and I rejoice when they return to me. When they return to me I do not even ask them why or how they committed sins but I forgive them and forget their past.

It is my life and mercy that urged me to send my only begotten son Jesus to you as your only Saviour and Lord. Through Him I opened the way for you to me and to heaven. He showed my compassionate love on you by pardoning the sins, healing the sick, liberating those who were oppressed by Satan and feeding those who were hungry. It is my love and mercy that permitted Him to die an ignominious and cruel death on the cross on Calvary carrying all your sins and curses of the sins on His body like a scapegoat.

By rising from the dead He lives amidst you today to continue to show my mercy and love. Today also He sees you as harass, helpless and like sheep without shepherd. In Him, who is alive in the church through the Holy Spirit by prayers and sacraments, you shall find my love and mercy. He waits upon you inviting you, “come to me, all you who labour and burdened and I will give you rest”. He comes and knocks at the door of your hearts to open so that He can enter into you to abide in you and to give you salvation. He is ready to quench the thirst and hunger of your soul by giving you the life giving bread and the power giving water.

He who cried with compassion at the tomb of Lazarus before raising him and showed His mercy on the widow who lost her only son is here amidst you. He who showed His compassionate love before multiplying the loaves for the hungry is here right amidst you today. It is my compassionate love that compelled Him to give the power to the church to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. He, the Good Shepherd who goes after the lost healing them and restoring them to health is walking amidst you today. Do not be blind like the disciples on the way to Emmaus but open your hearts and eyes at least when He breaks His body and sheds His blood daily at the Eucharistic table so that you may see Him and experience Him. Through my great compassionate love today also He cries out, “I have come not to call the righteous but the sinners”. Blessed are those who experience my compassionate love through my beloved son Jesus who is alive in His body the church”

Gen 3: 15, 4: 15; 6: 8-22; 7: 1; 8: 20-22; 9: 8-17; 19: 12-13
Ex 20: 6; 34: 6-7
Lev 16: 20-28
Ps 25: 6; 40: 11; 103: 8; 145: 9 
Sir 2: 11; 5: 5-8; 16: 16; 17: 29; 18: 5; 51: 23, 26
Dan 3: 90 
Ez: 18: 21-23 
Mt 10: 8; 11: 28; 14: 14
Mk 2: 17
Lk 7: 11-15, 22; 24: 13-35 
Jn 3: 16; 6: 35-37; 9: 6; 11: 35-44 
I Cor 1: 3 
I Tim 1: 2 
Heb 10: 17
I Pet 3: 8
II Jn 1: 3
Rev 3: 20 

MESSAGE V – 8th. of April – Easter 2012 Song


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, Jesus Christ, my beloved son, your saviour and Lord defeated sin, Satan and the world and triumphantly is risen from the dead. As He is risen by the power of the Holy Spirit, you, who believe in Him and are baptized in the Holy Spirit are already risen with Him although you are living on earth. You are a risen people belonging to Jesus Christ and His kingdom and your citizenship is in heaven with Him. Although you have a temporary and transitory life here on earth, you are sealed and installed through the Holy Spirit for eternal life.

As the heaven with all the angels and saints rejoice today around the Risen Christ to celebrate the Easter feast, so all those who follow Him authentically and wholeheartedly have the right to join the heavenly joy as they too are risen with Him. So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. So my children, rejoice in the Lord always, rejoice that Jesus is risen and at the same time He is with you through His Spirit to forgive your sins, to console you and to heal you in your sufferings and sicknesses and about all to strengthen you in your spirit.

In order that you may experience the power of His resurrection in your daily life, you must crucify your old self of sinfulness with Him constantly. You must know always that your call is to be holy like Him in every conduct of your life and to be like Him every day as His living witnesses. Through your experience of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the risen Christ, through your prayers, sacramental life and penance in the church, His body, you will conquer sin, Satan and the world. My children, I want you to be victors on this earth, you should never bend your neck before your enemy, on the contrary you must stand erect as my beloved children, brothers and sisters of my son Jesus Christ and God’s own chosen royal priests. Always you must keep in mind your dignity as a Christian. You are carrying the Holy Trinity within you and you are a sacred temple. Therefore worship the Trinity in you by making your heart His holy throne from where all blessings will come on you and on all what you do. Your real worship is the offering of your body with all its parts as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God.

Do not conform yourselves to the norms and values of this world which is under the power of the evil one but be transformed to godliness by following the spiritual and moral values of life given to you by the Bible and the church. What the eyes have never seen, ears have never heard, or the hearts have never understood will be your hope and experience that is awaiting you when you meet the Trinity face to face after this mundane life. While you live here on earth, you must know the difference between light and darkness, spiritual and carnal, seen and unseen, worldly and heavenly and temporary and eternal. Do not make any compromise my loving children! What does it profit if you choose all that is carnal, temporary and worldly and lose your eternity! You should not be foolish with the wisdom of this world, but you must be wise with the wisdom of God because all those who live according to the wisdom of this world will perish.

My children, already you are carrying in you the death and resurrection of Christ, your Lord, by your baptism. Today I give you my peace and joy that no one in the world can take away from you. You need not to be afraid of those who can kill your body but you must surely be afraid of those who can kill your soul and body to hell. All your hardships, afflictions, sufferings, persecutions and crosses for the sake of Christ and His kingdom will strengthen your soul and inner self making you angelic and saintly equipping you to love and serve the Lord more and more. Again I say, my children, rejoice in the Lord who dwells in you and redeems you”

Mt 10: 28; 25: 31; 28: 1-10 
Mk 16: 1-13 
Lk 9: 24-25; 24: 1-12 
Jn 8: 12; 14: 27; 21: 29
Acts 2: 30-36; 3: 13-15; 4: 9-12; 5: 30-31
Rom  6: 4-11; 12: 1-2; 13: 11-14 
I Cor 1: 18-25, 30; 2: 9; 15: 25
II Cor 1: 22; 3: 16-18; 4: 16-18; 5: 1-5
Gal 5: 16-26 
Eph 1: 13; 2: 19-22; 4: 30
Phil 3: 18-20; 4: 4
Col 1: 21-23; 2: 10-15; 3: 1-5
I Pet 2: 9; 3: 13-17; 4: 12-15
I Jn 1: 5-10; 2: 15-17; 5: 19
Rev 5: 6-14 

MESSAGE IV – 25th. March – Passion WeekSong


Thus says the Lord Jesus, “My friends, on these days of Lent, as you are seriously meditating on my sufferings for you, I wish to draw your attention to one of my important teachings, to forgive all and to love even your enemies. I had given you the example of forgiving and loving the enemies on the cross while I was dying. I love ardently and take seriously all those who take my words seriously because my words are life and spirit and they are food for your souls. You must know that it was when you were God’s enemies by your sins that I left heaven and my equality with God and came down to you as a man to liberate you from the burden of your sins to the extent of giving my own life by shedding even the last drop of my blood so that you may again become children, heirs and friends of God. It is by putting on this love, the love that love the enemies, the love that goes to the sinner, to those who hate you, persecute you and offend you by word and deeds, that you become my true disciples.

Hatred, anger, rivalry, jealousy, selfishness, envy, divisions, ill feeling towards others are all against my commandment to love one another as I have loved you; and if you don’t remove them from your hearts, your practice or rituals like worship in the church, prayers in groups and sacraments, etc. are all pretends and masks of religion which are not acceptable before God. Every day I receive millions and millions of your prayers for healing of diseases, liberation from the power of Satan, protection from disasters and catastrophes and for blessings both material and spiritual. But when I look upon the hearts of those who come to me  with prayers I see that they have not forgiven and reconciled with others, hence I am unable to lift up those prayers to my heavenly Father in order that He might open the floodgates of heaven to shower the blessings. My friends, I hear your complains and murmurings that your prayers of intercession to me are not answered and that I am not a generous God, but I ask you to examine your consciences to see whether you are praying according to the conditions that I have given to you. Repeatedly I have told that you should forgive others when you pray, and when you forgive others your gifts, penance and sacrifices will be accepted. I see many of you praying with anger and hatred towards my body, the church and the ministers of the church like bishops and priests. I notice that some of you are praying with anger and hatred towards parents, life partner, brothers and sisters, neighbours and people with whom you live.

If I obtained forgiveness for all your sins through my sufferings and death on the cross and called you my friends making you worthy to be seated along with me in the heavenly kingdom, you should follow my example, so that you may never say that you have enemies but always and ever say that all are your friends. Make everyone on earth your brothers and sisters. Pray for those who persecute and bless those who do evil to you. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, do not look for revenge, if your enemy is in need help as if you help your own relative or friend who loves you. If only your love grows to the extent of loving your enemies, your love will be true and authentic.

I had taught very clearly that your sins would be forgiven to you if only you would forgive others. I know that many of my followers keep hatred, anger and unforgiveness against others in their hearts and at the same time believe that their sins are forgiven because they have confessed their sins to the priest. My loving friends, you cannot be reconciled with me or with my Father in heaven unless you reconcile with others. I want you to be sincere and authentic in your practice of religion and religious rituals; I don’t want you to be Pharisees with pretensions and masks.

Cleanse and purge yourselves from all your impurities and have your hearts as clean and white as wool or snow, cleanse inside of your hearts by deep repentance through reconciliation so that you may appear righteous and holy before your God rather than appearing righteous before your fellowmen in the society. I can shower blessings only on those who are truthful and sincere. I have brought many blessings to each one of you through my passion, death and resurrection to meet all your needs. Behold I am with you through my Spirit to help you; hence open your hearts to receive my Spirit to love your enemies.

Lev 19: 17-18
Sir 28: 1-5
Is 1: 18-20; 59: 1-2
Ez 36: 26
Mt 5: 23-24, 43-48; 6: 14-15; 15: 19-20; 18: 21-35; 22: 37-40; 23: 25-28; 25: 34-40
Mk 7: 20-23; 11: 25; 12: 29-31, 38-40 
Lk 6: 27-36; 11: 39-44 
Jn 15: 13-14; 17: 24; 19: 34-37 
Rom 5: 8-11; 8: 26; 12: 11-21; 13: 8-10 
I Cor 11: 27-29 
II Cor 3: 16-18; 5: 18-21
Gal 5: 19-21 
Eph 2: 11-22 
Phil 2: 5-11; 4: 19
Col 3: 5-11 
II Tim 3: 1-5
Heb 9: 13-14, 22; 10: 19-23
James 2: 13 
I Jn 3: 11-24; 4: 7-21
Rev 22: 12-16

MESSAGE III – 22nd. February – Ash Wednesday Song


Thus says the Lord Jesus, “My friends, like every year this year too, you are going to enter the Holy Season of Lent when you will meditate more on my sufferings, death and resurrection and will try to draw power from me for your Christian life. This year I want you to observe the Lent more seriously than in the past because the Church, my body, is going through various crisis and problems. In most of the countries in the world, those who believe in me and follow me are persecuted, and in some countries my believers, including priests and nuns, are falsely accused and killed and the places of worship are set on fire. The institutional Church is criticized for her corruption, and the scandalous life of some of the priests and bishops are shaking the faith of many.

My friends, you must know that the Church is mine and it is my body; and it is built on rock and the powers of the nether world cannot prevail over her and destroy her. This is the time of purgation, with the winnowing fan in my hand I am sifting my followers to know if they really believe in me and follow me. Reading news about the Church from various newspapers and television channels you may easily criticize her and condemn her; but you must know that you are the Church. It is time for you individually and collectively to examine your behaviours to see if you are convicted of these charges. It is easy to judge the behaviours of others and leave the Church, my body; but if you examine yourselves you would know that you are the corrupt and immoral ones. If you change yourselves, you will see your Church changed because the Church is made up of you. When you are holy, united and powerful you can bring back all those who are strayed from the Church and even bring all those who do not believe in me.

The Church, my body, is one, holy and apostolic; if you are united in loving God and loving your neighbour, you are one; if you are holy as I am holy, your Church will be holy; and if you stand firm in the teachings handed over to you through the Apostles you will belong to my true Church. My Church is always led by the Holy Spirit. Let those who hold various positions of service in the institutional Church know that they are not masters and they have to use the gifts they have received to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

It is sad that some of the leaders of my Church live a double life with a mask; under the titles and positions, prayers and rituals they cover up their wickedness and appear as righteous before others. Let them know that their end is near because I judge not the appearance but the hearts. I am not a God who can be pleased with empty prayers and rituals, I will be pleased only with those who keep my commandments and love me with their whole heart. Through my Spirit I am bringing to light the hidden bad behaviours of the people of God, both the clergy and the laity. Those who are led by the desires of the flesh are the enemies of my Church; they are rotten branches that have to be cut off in order to be burned in fire on the day of judgement. It is because of them that I, my Church, am persecuted today.

My friends, do not be sad or disappointed at the bad behaviours of certain people in the Church; they may wound my Church but they cannot destroy her, they may petrify my Church, but they cannot remove her dynamism, they can expend her wealth but they cannot exhaust her, they can defame her but they cannot root out her holiness. You must know that there were betrayers, sinners, detractors in the Church from the beginning but my Church persevered and thrived in the hearts of all those who received her with a sincere and clean heart all through the centuries.

Looking at your material prosperity and at the same time your spiritual poverty in the heart, I weep over you as I wept over Jerusalem. I entreat you to return to me with repentance in your hearts so that I may bestow my mercy upon you and redeem you. I am not a God who takes pleasure in the destruction of the wicked because I had shed even the last drop of my blood for you all so that you might be saved. All those who live a wicked and dishonest life, whether the clergy or the laity, if you return from your sins and decide to live a new life by observing my commandments and laws, I will forgive and forget your past sins and give you a new heart and spirit. My friends, this is a time you must pray for your Church more with fasting, penance and frequenting the sacraments. Soon the time of testing will come an end and the Church will triumph. Behold I come and knock at your hearts for repentance and for change of life. I am Jesus, your Saviour who loves you”

Is 55: 1-7; 58: 3-10 
I Sam 15: 22; 16: 7
Jer 4: 14; 6: 20, 26; 23: 11, 24
Ez 18: 21-32; 36: 26
Hos 14: 2-3
Joel 1: 14; 2: 12-13, 17
Mal 3: 7b
Zach 7: 8-12; 12: 10
Mt 4: 17; 5: 10-11; 7: 1-5; 10: 16-33; 16: 18-19; 23: 1-12 
Mk 7: 6-8; 9: 42-48; 12: 30-31 
Lk 3: 16-17; 5: 32; 6: 37-42; 13: 1-5, 34-35; 15: 7; 17: 7-10; 18: 9-14 
Jn 3: 16-18; 9: 38-41; 12: 44-50; 13: 16; 16: 8-11; 15: 18-21 
Acts 2: 38-39; 3: 13-20; 4: 8-12 
Rom 11: 17-24; 12: 6-21; 13: 8-14 
I Cor 6: 9-10; 12: 4-11, 27-31
Gal 5: 13-21 
Eph 4: 20-24; 5: 3-5 
Col 1: 18; 3: 5-17
II Tim 3: 1-5
James 1: 1-4, 22-25; 2: 14-26
I Pet 1: 15-16; 2: 9; 3: 8-9; 4: 10-16
Rev 21: 5-8

MESSAGE II – 24th. January – Feast of St. Francis de SalesSong


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, I want you to be authentic followers of Christ my Son by putting on His character, especially His meekness and humility. Most of the problems of the world emanate from cruelty, wickedness, hardheartedness, unkindness, arrogance, self-righteousness, pride etc.

You must look at Jesus who was always humble from the beginning to the last moment of His life here on earth. Although He was one with me and equal with me, He humbled Himself to become a man in order to save you all. All throughout His life He avoided any form of publicity or praise; He never sought His own glory. While He was with His disciples, He never behaved like a Master although they called Him Master; He performed even the most humble and menial job of a slave like washing the feet. He came not to be served but to serve all. He revealed His humility in associating with the sinners, the despised and the outcast in the society and allowing Himself to be ridiculed as a glutton, drunkard, friend of sinners and tax collectors. His humility was seen in His life of poverty, possessing nothing for Himself although He was the Lord of the universe, because He wanted to make you rich through His poverty.

His silence before those who falsely accused Him and His patient submission to the outrageous injury and injustice of the enemies manifested His humble nature. He was not only humble to me, His Father by obedience, but also He revealed His humility in being obedient to His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, and even by obeying Pilate the unjust judge and his judgements. Yes, Jesus, your Lord and Saviour, showed the example of humility from the time He was conceived in His mother’s womb until His death on the cross. My children, it is Him you have to follow.

Jesus was the meekest lamb, the scapegoat that took away the sins of mankind. You can learn His meekness in His patient dealing with the sinners, never scolding them, threatening or punishing them but comforting them with peace, saying, “son / daughter, your sins are forgiven, go in peace”. He was very meek and loving to the blind, the deaf, the lame, the lepers, the crippled who came to Him for a healing touch. Although He was busy with His Father’s business of preaching the Kingdom, He never avoided anyone who came to Him for any sort of help. His mild rebuke to Thomas who was stubborn in his doubting unbelief “put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side and do not be unbelieving but believe”; and His tender words of love for three times to Peter who denied Him thrice when He was in the hands of His enemies, saying, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” were great expressions of His gentleness and meekness. Even His warning and reproof to Judas Iscariot His betrayer, saying, “one of you will betray me .... what you are going to do, do quickly” was with expression of gentleness and tenderness. His vicarious sufferings and prayers even for those who rejected Him, persecuted Him are real expressions of His meekness. As the prophet Isaiah foretold, “Though he was harshly treated, he submitted and opened not his mouth; like a lamb led to the slaughter or a sheep before the shearers, he was silent and opened not his mouth”. My children, it is this meekness that you have to put on in your lives. That is why often Jesus told you “learn from me, because I am meek and humble of heart”.

Moses was a quick tempered and aggressive man who felt great anger towards those who were unjust and discriminative towards his own people. He even killed an Egyptian Captain with one kick. But when he met me at the burning bush on Mount Horeb, he became a humble and meek instrument in my hands to lead the people of Israel with all love, patience, gentleness. It is what happened to all those who had the experience of the burning love of Jesus in their lives. Thus Paul of Tarsus, enemy of Christ and the persecutor of Christians, when he met the crucified Lord on his way to Damascus, became a follower of Christ and a friend of Christians. Agustin of Hippo who was one of the worst sinners became one of the greatest saints when he met Jesus Christ through the Word of God. Francis de Sales who had an impatient and rough character became a “gentleman saint” by putting on the virtue of humility and meekness when he was filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the story of every saint who lived on earth.

My children, whoever you are, if you are a Pope or a bishop, king or a president, priest or a pastor, teacher or a doctor, father or a mother, keep your hearts in the wounded heart of Jesus and pray daily and often, “Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart unto Thy heart” because He told you often, “learn of me, because I am meek and humble of heart”. Also He had told, “Bless are the meek for they will inherit the land”. You will be great before God and man when you are humble and meek, Behold I am with you always”.

Ex 3: 4-10 
Is 42: 2; 50: 5-6; 53: 7 
Mt 5: 5; 9: 1-13; 11: 28-29; 20: 28; 26: 60-63 
Mk 1: 29-34; 5: 34; 8: 1-3 
Lk 2: 51; 7: 34, 47-50; 15: 1-2; 23: 8-10, 34 
Jn 8: 50; 13: 4-5, 21-27; 20: 27-29; 21: 15-17 
Acts 1: 4; 22: 3-10 
Rom 5: 15-21; 6: 4-11; 8: 1-4; 12: 9-21 
I Cor 9: 19-23
II Cor 5: 17-21; 8: 9; 10: 1
Gal 1: 13-14; 2: 19-20
Eph 4: 15-16, 25-32 
Phil 2: 5-9 
Col 3: 5-17
I Pet 2: 23 

MESSAGE I – New Year 2012 Song


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, a new year is dawned on you, rejoice and praise the Almighty God for the gift of this New Year. Perhaps many desired to see this year, but they are no more! But you are blessed with this year – a year to love me with your whole heart and to love and serve your neighbours more. It is a year to pray more, to attend the Holy Sacraments, specially the Holy Eucharist more fervently and to reap many blessings from heaven by your good deeds. This is a year where many of your plans and desires will be realized and fulfilled.

My children, as you are growing physically one more year, I want you to grow spiritually too. You should not brood over your failures of the past and regret, but forgetting them, go forward with hope and optimism by surrendering yourselves and your plans and wishes into my hands. You must know that always I have a plan in mind for you and for your good future, but you can have it if only you hold my hands and walk according to my ways and commandments. With me you will have all success and prosperity and without me you will have failures and doom. Always remember that it is I who formed you in your mother’s womb and gave you life, and at the end of your sojourn in this world you must return to me.

As you pass days and years, you must know that you are moving towards your eternal life. It means that you are walking towards your death and final day on this earth which may happen at any time. Whether you are rich or poor, small or big, young or old, black or white, believer or non believer, you have to face the reality of death which is the gate to eternal life. You have not brought anything to this world except my breath, the breath of life that I breathed into you at your conception; and when you depart from this world you can take nothing that I gave you for your sustenance, but you will return to me with the life-breath that I gave you. If you have enriched your lives through the life of Christ my Son, who is the life giver, you will be really rich and blessed when you come back to me in heaven.

My children, while you are here on earth remember me, your Creator, and your Saviour Jesus Christ, and program your lives through our ways given by the Church. You will experience our abiding presence in you when you love us by obeying and observing our commandments and words. Then you will have joy, peace, good health, prosperity along with the material and spiritual blessings you need. My Son Jesus is Emanuel, a God with you always.

In this year, too, there will be catastrophes and disasters, floods and draughts, economic crisis and financial recessions but those who believe in Jesus my Son and live a holy life according to my will shall be safe and secure. When you give all your worries unto me through my Son I will take care of you; the floods of life will not drown you, the fire will not burn you and the flames will not consume you because you are my children and you are very dear to me. Like the birds that carry the young ones on their wings, I will carry you in my hands my children, if you trust in me. You will not feel weak or weary in your labyrinthine lives but drawing power from me and my Spirit through prayer and sacraments you will fly strong like eagles cutting the whirl winds and whirl pools, breaking all barriers and obstacles, diving through and fro to haul jewels and pearls of life.

This year too, you will be living in fear of wars and terrorism. Perhaps two developing nations may challenge each other by threats of war. The death of a spiritual leader in the world may create a vacuum in the hearts of many people. The Church and the Christians will be more persecuted in various countries and many will have to shed blood for faith because the spirits of antichrist and anti church are powerfully working together in the world. The sufferings and blood of many martyrs will again sanctify and unify the Church as it was in the beginning. My children this is time that you have to stay awake and be vigilant against the tactics of the enemy through your life of prayer and sacraments so that you may not be trapped by their snares and tactics. Behold I am with you until the end of time”

Gen 2: 7 
Deut 6: 4-5 
Ps 9: 1-3; 16: 1-3; 18: 1-4; 19: 8-9; 23: 1-4; 31: 1-6; 34: 1-4; 55: 23; 103: 14-15
Eccl 10: 13-18; 12: 1-7
Is 31: 5; 40: 31; 43: 1-4; 44: 1-3 
Jer 29: 1 
Job 1: 21 
Mt 1: 23; 6: 25-33; 10: 26-33; 13: 44-50; 24: 42-44 
Mk 12: 29-31; 13: 32-37 
Lk 6: 38, 43; 11: 9-13; 12: 22-31; 21: 12 
Jn  6: 54-58; 10: 10; 11: 23-24; 14: 23-24; 15: 8, 10 
Acts 14: 22 
Rom 8: 28-33; 12: 9-21; 13: 8-14
I Cor 3: 1-3 
Eph 4: 15-16 
Phil 3: 13; 4: 6 
Col 2: 19
I Tim 6: 7 
I Thess 4: 3
I Pet 5: 7 
I Jn 4: 1-3 

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