Retreat celebrated in Madrid
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Thousands of people gathered in Varazdin to
listen to Fr. James Manjackal.
Fr. James Manjackal said that God created man in
families, he created male and female, married life is God´s plan,
man should leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they
shall not be two but one, what God has joined together man should not tear
asunder. Fr. James deplored the many separations and divorces happening
in Europe. He pointed out the brokenness of the children in the families.
Very forcefully Father James told the parents of their responsibility towards
their children that the parents should remain IN LOVE, IN GRACE AND IN
and the couples need to live together in love.
Father James condemmed many abortions that are taking place in our european countries, Life belongs to God, no one has right to take away another one´s life, in Europe many people speak about human rights, what about the right of the helpless and defenseless children in their mother´s wombs? "My dear people" Father James said "Stop all killings, stop all murders! Specially the massacre of the tiny little children." If you truly love God you should keep his commandments, when you break the commandments you don't love God, you should love God not in words but in actions and deeds. Hundreds of physical healings were reported, a
twelve year old boy who was in crutches for seven years threw away the
crutches and came to the stage and gave testimony. During the prayer people
were clapping hands seeing a man on the
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"VECERNJI LIST" Thursday 16th August 2001
With the seminar in Novalja on the island of Pag, Fr. James Manjackal, Indian Charismatic, finished his stay in Croatia. THE BISHOP OF THE ISLAND OF KRK ASKED FR. JAMES TO COME NEXT YEAR AS WELL "God willing I shall see you next year as well,
for your Bishop asked me to hold a seminar in Krk bishopric again" - said
at the end of the retreat in Novalja Indian Charismatic Fr. James Manjackal,
who spent the last 20 days around in Croatia. He was especially honored
at the last seminar because the bishop of Krk, Msgr. Valter Zupan, celebrated
the Mass in Novalja. Fr. James thanked him by kneeling down before him.
"You are a blessed people and Croatia is a blessed country. My goal is to create a new Jesus' generation in your midst. Christianity is in your tradition, and so I am sad to hear that teachings like reiki, New Age, Hare Krishna and those of Sai Baba spread among you. You must leave such teachings. I shall be interceding in prayer for you, but also listening whether you have remained on the right path", - said Fr. James, inviting all Croatians to stay away from addictions, get married and have children, for only then will Croatia persist. In Novalja, there were around 4000 faithful who filled the sports hall to the last spot on both days. On the second day in the afternoon, Fr. James was praying for the health of all those presents, including those who were unable to come. A large part of the seminar went by in singing, because - as Fr. James says - the Lord is best recognized in it. The arrival of Fr. James to Novalja reminded many of reverend Zlatko Sudac, who over two years ago, when he was the curate in a local parish, got stigmatized at a similar seminar. Namely, a Cross appeared on his forehead. Everybody who ever listened to his sermons knows that his charisma to that of Fr. James. That is why many - and especially the locals - were hoping that reverend Sudac would attend the seminar. This however did not happen. At Novalja parish, they denied any connection between the arrival of Fr. James and their former curate. The inhabitants of Novalja had once written a petition for the return of reverend Sudac. |
VECERNJI LIST Thursday 9th August 2001
The well-known world's Charismatic Fr. James Manjackal is leading a three-day seminar for the evangelization of the church of Zadar. ZADAR. - This time at Jazine hall there were no ugly words or negative emotions, but rather around 4.000 people were breathing and singing united in prayer with Fr. James Manjackal, charismatic Catholic priest from India. From Tuesday afternoon till Thursday, Fr. James will be conducting a seminar for the evangelization of Church the purpose of which is renewal of faith in Christ the Savior and especially inner healing and healing. The seminar of Zadar is the first of its kind attended by the Archbishop - said Fr. James thanking Zadar's Archbishop Ivan Prenda on his arrival to Jazine by descending from the stage and kneeling down before them. "I am sad when journalists write about me as a healer and a miracle worker, because there is only one miracle worker, Jesus Christ. Do not run to me, run to Jesus. I am only preaching the Kingdom of God," said Fr. James yesterday to the inhabitants of Zadar, asking them repeatedly not to clap to him but to Jesus. This charismatic priest explained - due to frequent inquiries of the kind, whether he belongs to a particular sect - how the Charismatic Renewal is the official renewal movement of the Church, approved by Vatican. On the first day, the program lasted until 22:30.
In the end, Fr. James was speaking out the names of the people for which
he felt that they were being healed. He was mentioning various diseases:
epilepsy, pancreas and liver diseases, headaches, and also spiritual diseases.
To a certain Anita, he said to "go back to her father and ask for forgiveness
and her life would be happier".
Fr. James from India "heals" around thirty inhabitants of Zadar at the Mass Fr. James' prayers at "Jazine" were, apart from thousands inhabitants of Zadar, attended by many other Catholics from other places. Among them, you could hear stories that, at one of his seminars in Croatia, Fr. James told the thousands of believers gathered that they should all rub their eyes. After a few minutes, when the "séance" was over, he cried out: "You can see now, come!" It was then that allegedly, a man from the crowd, who was blind until then, started walking towards Fr. James on his knees looking at him in amazement, while his wife fainted watching it. In Zadar, Fr. James has "healed" around thirty believers. On Tuesday, the first day of the three-day Catholic seminar conducted by Fr. James Manjackal from India at "Jazine" basketball hall, over 3.000 inhabitants of Zadar gathered. The arrival of Fr. James was announced with some controversy, due to the fact that all circles of the Croatian Catholic Church do not recognize his gift of healing through which he supposedly heals people at his Masses. Thus, for instance, the bishop of Porec and Pula prohibited in Istria the holding of seminars with prayers of healings, while, in other bishoprics of Croatia, with both the permission and support of a part of the Church. Thus, in the Zadar Archbishopric, they will take place from 7-9 August. The rectories backed up the organization of Fr. James' three-day seminar with prayers for healing across the Zadar Archbishopric, where people could obtain information about the arrival of the world-known charismatic with the gift of healing. The Packed Hall
Fr. James first addressed the public with simple words, describing among other things, his feelings at such seminars in India, with several hundred millions inhabitants, and in Croatia with the population of 5 millions, which makes a big difference. Among the thousands of Zadar inhabitants who came to the seminar, there must have been a considerable number of those with severe and incurable diseases, seeking the way to healing in hope through Fr. James' prayer. A part of those present were, again, probably lead by a sheer curiosity. Catholic priest and world-known charismatic with the gift of healing, Fr. James Manjackal, was leading the prayer at "Jazine". At one point, he spoke out about thirty names, repeating to those presents that were called out that they have been healed (e.g. "Luka, you are healed"). Many who expected such epilogue of the prayer, unfortunately, did not hear their names. This probably didn't discourage them from coming again to Fr. James' prayer, because, with people who are seriously or incurably ill, it is hope that "dies last". Blind man seeing?
All in all, it is certain that Fr. James' seminar in Zadar will remain a topic of discussion for long, not only among the participants, but also among those who will be interested to hear the experience of those who were present at the healing prayers. |
JUTARNY LIST, Tuesday 7th August 2001
MIRACLE WORKERS: After the prayer of Fr. James Manjackal at Varzdin's "Sloboda" Stadium 11 years old Marija makes her first steps without Crutches According to her mother's words, Marija was born with one leg 12 cm shorter. She already underwent several operations, while she is currently recovering at the Varazdinske toplice spa. VARAZDIN - Holding her mom by the hand, the 11 years old Marija, as her mother claims went up the stairs without crutches for the first time in her life and bravely stood up before thousands of people gathered at the seminar of the Indian Catholic priest, Fr. James Manjackal in Varazdin. The two of them came from Rosko Polje near Tomislavgrad (BiH), hoping that Fr. James' healing powers shall help Marija to walk without crutches after having undergone several operations of her 12 cm shorter leg. In front of those gathered at "Sloboda" Stadium,
which was echoing for three days with songs and prayer of those favoring
Fr. James, Marija's mother, overwhelmed with joy about her daughter being
able to walk, told the story of her little girl.
- I believe that Marija is much better now and I thank Jesus for His help - said in the end Marija's mother to all those gathered at the stadium. The little girl from Tomislavgrad is currently rehabilitating at the specialized clinic in Varazdinske toplice. Her physician, Dr. Novak, told us yesterday that, according to regulations, she is not free to disclose any information about her patients' physical condition, except to their nearest relatives. That is why we were unable yesterday to get an expert confirmation whether Marija has been at least partially healed after having attended the seminar. Fr. Zdravko Puh, who organized Fr. James' visit to Varazdin, expressed that it is not Fr. James who heals, but that people are helped by their faith in God. |
VECERNJI LIST" Monday 6th August 2001
Despite great heat, thousands of Faithful
from North Western Croatia attended the Catholic Seminar of Fr. James Manjackal
GOD IS LOVE AND WHOEVER HAS NOT KNOWN LOVE, HAS NOT KNOWN GOD VARAZDIN - Thousands of believers from North Western Croatia came this weekend, despite great heat, to Varazdin to listen to Fr. James Manjackal, Catholic priest from India. Believers from Zagreb, Vinkovci, Krapina, Osijek, Krizevci, Cakovec, and Varazdin came to Sloboda Stadium to hear God's Word. God is love! Whoever has not known love cannot recognize God. Life belongs to God. If we separate, we do things, which are not in keeping with God's plan. The killing of unborn children in their mother's womb is not in God's plan. Why then do we wonder and ask ourselves who is guilty for the increasing number of retarded children? I am not saying that God has cursed us, but it is us who bring curses upon ourselves - said Fr. James Manjackal in his sermon. Separation creates unrest among the children and within the family. The consequences are that children go through a shock, - explained Fr. Manjackal. He explained in his sermon that whatever leads children to sin should be cleaned from the country. Among many believers in the stadium, we met Mara, originally from Bosnia, who lives in Krapina now. "As a Bosnian refugee I was living in Vienna, where I had a stroke. I cannot feel my left leg and suffer from frequents headaches. I believe that God can help me and that is why I am here". Ivan from Vinkovic (Slavonia) said that he came upon the invitation of a friend. Several years ago he divorced his wife because she had problems with alcohol. "I came to search for peace of the soul. I was in Medugorje too. This helps me" - said Ivan. Word is around Varazdin about Fr. Manjackal's healing power, but he points out that it is God's doing, and not his, and that God Himself knows best what happened. However, the organizers of the seminar were distributing leaflets with the address, which the believers may contact with the description of their experiences. Today at 9 a.m., Msgr. Marko Culej, the Bishop of Varazdin, will receive Fr. Manjackal. |
"VECERNJI LIST" Wednesday, 1st August 2001
Fr. James Manjackal has finished the Five-day
gathering in Zagreb
BODY AND SOUL OF AROUND 600 PEOPLE WERE HEALED At the gathering under the motto "Yahweh did great deeds for us, and we were overjoyed", there were nearly 80.000 people: believers, but also atheists and those who belong to other religions. With a magnificent religious at Dom sportova, by calling upon the Holy Spirit on all those present and the whole of Croatia, Fr. James Manjackal, Indian Catholic priest, a world-known charismatic who speaks out the names and the number of the people being healed spiritually and physically by Jesus, has last night finished his five-day prayer gathering in Zagreb. Fr. Ivan Miskic, Franciscan conventual from Sveti Duh in Zagreb, organized the seminar. The gathering was held under the motto "Yahweh did great deeds for us, and we were overjoyed", there were around 80.000 people present: believers, atheists and those who belong to other religions, while around 600 people were spiritually and physically healed. The inhabitants of Zagreb could feel his charisma of a great preacher who can preach tirelessly for hours also yesterday, during the Mass and the calling upon the Holy Spirit. He has the gift of seeing the number of those suffering from certain diseases, as well as the names of those who have been healed, and even the affected body parts, during the prayer. Seven years old Dario can walk again without
Many came to Dom sportova only because of God's
word, and not the desire for physical healing. Among them is Mr. Danko
Robic, 39 years old informatics expert from Zagreb.
Croatia has been blessed as well
Vecernji news from July, 30
"Father James prayed for blessings for Croatia
for the president and for the prime minister."
Dozens of people, have testified the physical and spiritual healing, many with medical certificates. |
Croatia. From July 26
On the 26th of July Father James Manjackal arrived in the city of Zagreb, he is being interviewed since the very same date by the Croatian media. On the 27th of July he started a retreat in the stadium Dom Sportova, the biggest indoor stadium in the city of Zagreb, although it is holiday time in Zagreb, over 12 000 people congregate everyday to assist his preachings.
His work is shown daily on TV and he is followed very closely by the mayor newspapers, TV- and radio-stations, he is still giving daily interviews and press conferences. After finishing the retreat in Zagreb, he will hold four more retreats in the main Croatian cities
Croatian Press:
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(Just click over the thumbnails to see an enlarged view).
July 19 to 23: Father James Manjackal for the third time in Medjugorje
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19.07.2001 - Father James Manjackal, a catholic priest and a
missionary of St. Francis de Sales from India, began his third
seminar. He is gifted with many graces of the Holy Spirit,
which he transmits with much zeal to the faithful. The first seminar,
given in 1999, when F. James was not yet known in this area,
gathered over 400 participants.
The second, given in 2000, attracted over 800 faithful. Severalthousands
attended the final Mass.
This year, because of the great interest, the seminar takes place in the Sport Hall in Ljubuski, and there are about 5000 participants. The evening Mass will be celebrated within the framework of the evening prayer programme in Medjugorje. There is enough place for everyone, and we expect even more faithful.
The goal of these seminars is, first of all, in the renewal of faith
in Jesus Christ, the only Saviour, and the practice of Christian life within
the Church. It is also, however, for the spiritual healing of inner wounds
received from others, for the healing of injustices a person has suffered
from, and for the healing of sins a person has committed. The condition
of healing is to forgive oneself, to
forgive others and to receive the grace of forgiveness from God in
the sacrament of Confession. It is well known that physical healings take
place during Fr. James' seminars, which is a special gift of God and a
sign that Jesus is alive today just as He was when He walked in Galilee.
The faithful received Fr. James with a long and hearty welcome: they have taken Him into their hearts and they feel that he belongs to them. The greeting word was given by Fr. Branimir Musa, the Superior of the Franciscan monastery of Humac. Father James' words quickly touched and put fire into the hearts of the participants, among whom are many sick persons.
The Maltese Order, who is at the service of the pilgrims in Medjugorje during the whole summer, doubled its effectives for this occasion, and will stay in Ljubuski at the disposal of the faithful, in cooperation with local medical services.
Let us pray for Fr. James, for all participants and for the spiritual
renewal of all Catholics.
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Father James Manjackal: growth in faith and fidelity to the Church
24.07.2001 - During the seminar, which took place July 19 to 23 in the
Sport Hall in Ljubuski, in the presence of almost 5000 faithful, Fr. James
Manjackal led every day the prayer in Medjugorje, after the evening Mass.
There were much more than 20000 Croatian and foreign pilgrims, and many
Croatian priests and religious sisters. To introduce the prayer before
the Blessed Sacrament, Fr. James gave a catechesis of an hour, to strengthen
the faith of the people. Prayers were oriented towards forgiveness and
reconciliation, towards renouncing of sin and healing of personal and collective
spiritual wounds from the past, towards the infilling with the gifts and
fruits of the Holy Spirit. These prayers were accompanied by some physical
healings, for which we wait for a medical confirmation.
At the end of the seminar, Fr. James proposed to the faithful to take
following decisions:
1. I will be proud of being a Christian, because God Himself, incarnate
Son of God, gives Himself to me in His love, and fulfils generously all
my needs.
2. I will be faithful to the bishops, the Pope and the teaching of
the Church.
3. I will receive Jesus joyfully in the Holy Communion, because He
gives me life, light, joy, love and peace.
4. I will go to confession often (once a month) and will not omit the
Sunday Mass, because Jesus' disciples meet there to celebrate His resurrection.
5. I will go for Mass even during the week whenever I can, to deepen
my friendship and communion with Christ.
6. The Word of God - the Bible - is henceforth my principal reading,
because through it, God Himself speaks to me; He gives me wisdom, strength
and big promises, light on my way to eternity.
7. In the morning, at the beginning of the day, I will spend at least
half an hour in personal prayer, so that every day may be blessed and joyful.
8. I will be a joyful witness of what Jesus does in my life, and I
will work with all my strength for the spreading of His Kingdom of truth,
life and love in all souls, which brings peace.
9. I will never again be afraid of any person, nor any sickness, nor
of death, nor of temptations, but - with Christ - I will courageously overcome
all difficulties of life.
10. I will never again choose sin or waste my time in vanities of this
world. I will begin a new life with Christ.
After leaving Medjugorje, Fr. James Manjackal will preach several seminars
all over Croatia.
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Croatian press:
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Wednesday, 25 July 2001 - Vecernji List (Croatian newspaper)
At the Mass celebrated by the Indian priest there was more people than
for the Apparition Anniversary.
- There are personal things I cannot reveal you!- said Fr. James "I love to come and preach here because people from all over the world are gathered", said Fr. James Manjackal about Medugorje. He is a charismatic Indian priest known by the fact the many people claim to have been healed at his spiritual seminars. That is why, according to some estimations, around 100,000 faithful were gathered at the Mass in Medugorje. Many claimed that there was even more people than for the Apparition anniversary. Hours before the Mass several Kilometres long traffic backups blocked all the roads leading to the shrine. This time also many testified about their miraculous healings. Among them was Mr. Nikica Dragoje, reporter at the local radio station Radio Mira. After 18 years of a serious disease, he was able to sleep lying on his belly once again. Some mentioned other diseases which are - according to their claims - gone. There were around 800 such people. People who were healed after taking part in the prayer with Fr. James at Zagreb's "Cibona" hall also came to Medugorje to testify. The Mass in Medugorje was celebrated after a one week seminar that this world known charismatic held at the sports hall in Ljubuski. Each day, around 4,500 faithful took part in Fr. James' retreat. |
- Hochaltingen - Germany. May 2001:
- In the Holy week, Fr. Manjackal gave a "prayer retreat" to over
a 100 people at St. Bernhard, Schwäbisch Gmünd. On the following
week 120 youth attended a Charismatic retreat with him in the same place.
- Fr. James Manjackal, a catholic priest from India, has preached the Word of God in the Cibona Hall in Zagreb, Croatia. The porwer of preaching of the Word of God and prayers had a great impact on people who came in thousands. The blessing of the Holy Spirit filled the people of Croatia with the joy and the love of Christ. On the last day there were over 9000 people.
Fr. James Manjackal was interviewed by nespapers, television and other medies. This was a great opportunity for Fr. Manjackal to share the Word and the Love of Christ with all those who were unable to come to the convention. The following is a paper cutting of the leading Croatian daily.
Just click over this thumbnail to see an enlarged view:
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- In Vorau, Austria, Fr. James Manjackal conducted a "growing in the
Spirit" seminar for about 200 people.
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