Photos and reports of the preaching ministry of Fr. James
in the year 2019

Bleiburg - Austria. February 1st & 2nd. 2020
„On 1st and 2nd of February Fr. James and team conducted a charismatic retreat for the Croatians & Slovenians in the Slovenian Cultural centre at Pliberk/Bleiburg, Austria. There were a few Austrians too among the participants. It is Kristina & Darko Culjak with their two children and other members of a Prayer Community „Friends of the Holy Spirit” from Zagreb that organised this seminar – with important contribution of father Janez Tratar from Eberndorf. The parish dean Ivan Olip and the Bishop's Chancery Celovec/Klagenfurt gave permission to conduct this seminar. People came by busses from Croatia and Slovenia. Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave powerful talks on the need of strong renewal of Christian Catholic life based on Jesus Christ and the Church especially in this critical period of time in Europe where many are leaving faith and all live under the fear of Islamisation.  They insisted on the need of repentance with conversion and the need of authentic & witnessing christian life based on prayer and sacraments.During the time of breaks both along with  Mrs.Gaby were praying for the sick people; and many healing were reported. On the first day evening Fr. James led the mass in Croatian assisted by a young priest by name Fr. Ivan and conducted a very long healing prayer that indeed transformed the participants. On Sunday morning Dr. Richie gave a deep talk on growing in the Holy Spirit. Fr. Ivan led the mass and Fr. James gave the homily on the need of infilling of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. After the Holy Communion Fr. James conducted the infilling prayer. He blessed the religious articles also. There was simultaneous translation into German, Slovenian and Croatian. All the talks and prayers were translated in to Croatian by Mrs Tea Susac from Medjugorje. Here are some photos and videos

Photos & Panoramics
Published in05.02.2020

Father James Manjackal with the Croats again! Praising the Lord at Bleiburg

Two days ago, Father James Manjackal, an Indian Catholic priest and a well-known charismatic, celebrated the Lord with hundreds of Croatian people once again after 20 years, this time at Bleiburg - the place of the greatest suffering of the Croatian people in the history of its existence.
Father James is well remembered after dozens of retreats organized in Croatia at the beginning of the new millenium, as an ardent preacher followed by numerous signs and miracles. 
Father James always says that he has never seen people who have such an incredible faith in Jesus as the Croats do, and let us remind you  that Pope Francis has recently blessed him and his work and sent him to spread the Gospel throughout the world. 
Take a look at how Bleiburg, which is today a symbol of the Croatian suffering caused by the communist "winners" in 1945, got blessed and consecrated due to the presence and prayer of this great priest who was praising the Lord in exultation together with other Croatian priests and believers.
The video has been posted on the official Facebook page of Father James. Take a look!
There is another thing that will make you happy. Your needs, intentions, pleas, difficulties, joys...will find their place in everyday prayers of Father James.
On the official website of Father James Manjackal it was announced that all of you who wish Father James to pray for you, may contact him by email or send him a letter to his address in Austria.
Here is the contact information:
(Everybody who wants to write to Father James, please write in the English language only)

postal address:
Fr. James Manjackal
Haus Sankt Lukas
Strubergasse - 18
5020 Salzburg


Otac James Manjackal ponovno s Hrvatima! Na Bleiburgu slavio Gospodina

Otac James Manjackal, indijski katolički svećenik i karizmatik svjetskoga glasa prije dva dana slavio je Gospodina nakon 20 godina sa stotinama hrvatskih vjernika na Bleiburgu - mjestu najvećeg stradanja Hrvata u povijesti svog postojanja.
Otac James ostao je zapamćen nakon desetaka seminara održanih u Hrvatskoj početkom novoga milenija, kao gorljivi propovjednik kojega su pratili brojni znakovi i čudesa. Fra James uvijek kaže da nikada nije vidio ljude s takvom nevjerojatnom vjerom u Isusa kao kod Hrvata a nedavno ga je, podsjetimo, blagoslovio papa Franjo te čitav njegov rad te ga poslao u svijet širiti Evanđelje.
Pogledajte kako je Bleiburg, danas sinonim simbol svih hrvatskih stradanja od komunističkih „pobjednika“ 1945. godine postao blagoslovljen i posvećen dolaskom i molitvom ovog velikog svećenika koji je u zanosu slavio Gospodina skupa sa ostalim hrvatskim svećenicima i vjernicima.

Video je objavljen na službenoj Facebook stranici oca Jamesa. Pogledajte!

I još jedna divna vijest koja će vas obradovati! Vaše će potrebe, nakane, molbe, poteškoće, radosti… svakodnevno naći svoje mjesto u molitvama oca Jamesa.

Na službenim stranicama oca Jamesa Manjackala priopćili su da svi oni koji žele da se moli za njih to mogu učiniti tako da oca Jamesa kontaktiraju preko E-pošte ili mu poslati pismo na njegovu adresu u Austriji. Adrese vam donosimo u nastavku.

(Molimo Vas da svi koji ocu Jamesu želite pisati to učinite isključivo na engleskom jeziku)
postal address:
Fr. James Manjackal
Haus Sankt Lukas
Strubergasse - 18
5020 Salzburg


Published in L'Echo des Îles - Magazine of the diocese of  Port-Victoria in Seychelles. February 1st 2020

The Prophet of the 21st Century was in Seychelles

Click here!

Seychelles -  Baie Lazare - St. Francis of Assisi Parish. January 15th. 2020
On 15th there was a farewell mass by Fr. James at St. Francis Assisi church at Lazare, Mahe. The church was crowded with those who had attended his retreats in different places even from Praslin. They all expressed their desire of his return to the Island to preach and to strenthen them in their faith in the catholic church. Many people shared their testimonies of new life, inner healing and liberation and physical healings. The parish priest Fr. Ives thanked Fr.James, Gaby and Richie and wished them to return as soon as people. As Fr. James bid farewell, people were shedding tears as it was raining heavily outside! The people said that it was raining because the Island was sad about the departure of Fr. James to Europe! They all would have been happy to get one more blessing with his laying on of hands but he was very tired with his continous programs in the very hot summer. The bishop too came at the airport to say buy to Fr. James. He said that he had very many testimonies on conversions and he appreciated greatly the good works of Fr. James and team. Here are the photos:


G. Bonal Report             Video - Overview Seychelles
Seychelles - Healing testimony of Lina 
with Fr. James Manjackal. January 2020

Praslin island - Seychelles. Baie Sainte Anne. January 12-14th. 2020
From 12th to 14th Fr. James and Gaby were is Praslin, the most beutiful island in Seychelles. It has only 9000 inhabitants. It is Fr. Maurice, the parish priest of St. Ann's church who organized the program of evangelization. On 12th the team was welcomed with singing& dancing of little children with tender cocunut water& snaks. On 13th half of the program was in the open ground and the rest in the church.The culture and manners of people here are very different from that of people in Mahe, the main Island with the capital Victoria. There were the testimonies of blind seeing, people leaving the crutches and walking and alcoholics stopping the addictions. A very good number of people attended the programs. Gaby& Fr. James went to the island by a small flught of Seychelles airlines that carries only 11 people and returned by a huge ship. The climate was little rainy. Here are some photos



Seychelles -  Baie Lazare - St. Francis of Assisi Parish. January 11th. 2020
On 11th January Fr. James preached to the people from the parish of Perseverance at Francis Assisi Church, Baie Lazare because the climate at Perseverance turned bad. Some 1500 people attended the program from morning till evening. Dr. Richie too gave a talk just before he left the Island with his family after holidays. They said bye to the people with a dancing song  with the children.
Fr. James conducted a deep inner healing and physical healing prayer at2. 30 that ended at 4.30.There were many miraculous healing. People were overjoyed at the end of the program. Fr. James himself led the concelebration of the holy mass and preached soon after the prayers. Then he asked the concelebrants to lay hands and pray over the people. The church was over crowded with people- as there was no place to sit, many were standing and squating on the floor. Here are some photos and videos



Seychelles. Victoria - Cathedral. January 9th. 2020
On 8th January Fr. James conducted a one-day programe in the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception of Mary at Seychelles. The themes were " the need of baptism in the Holy Spirit" and " prayer groups". From 9 am to 6.30 pm Fr. James gave classes on these subjects and prayed with them and celebrated mass for them. The Cathedral was packed with people. Here are the photos and videos



Seychelles. Victoria - Convent of St. Joseph's of Cluny. January 7th. 2020
On 7th January Fr. James conducted a one-day program for the nuns& priests in the convent of St. Joseph's of Cluny at Victoria in Seychelles. From morning till evening he gave classes and shared his 47 years of experiences of priesthood in evangelisation. He prayed over them. Bishop Denis too participated in the program and led the concelebrated mass in the evening. Here are the photos



Seychelles-Baie Lazare. St. Francis of Assisi Parish. January 3-5. 2020
In Seychelles at Baie Lazare in the parish church of St. Francis of Assisi Fr. James and team condcted a charismatic retreat for a 1000 people from 3rd to 5th of January 2020. It was well attended by the people. Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave powerful talks that brought the people to an experience of new life in Christ. All what were preached were new for the people here. On the second day evening Fr. James prayed over all the participants. People liked Gaby for giving them books and some religious articles free at the beginning of each conference. People had beautiful testimonies of miraculous healing, liberation and new life. Many of them decided to go to all the programs of Fr. James in the Island till 16th. For many of them Fr. James' life is a miracle! Here are some photos & videos:

Seychelles. January 2nd. 2020. Visit to Prison
On 2nd January 2020 Fr. James went with Gaby, Richie and Janine to the national prison of Seychelles to preach and to pray over them and to have mass with them. Although there are some 400 prisoners, only about 50 of them turned up for the program. Fr. James preached words of peace, joy and consolation to them and explained to them that real imprisonment& slavery come from sin only. He told them that real freedom is freedom to love God& others and to be good. The prisoners were very happy to listen to the many testimonies that he shared. He prayed over each one and gave them a rosary each. The superintent & guards of the prison was very kind& compassionate. Here are some phtotos



Seychelles. 30.12.2019 to 01-01-2020. Meeting with the Pressident Mr Danny Faure and Midnigh Mass in St. Francis of Assisi Church

With the president of Seychelles 
Mr. Danny Faure

With the bishop Mr. Denis and Fr. Yves, 
organizser of retreats in Seychelles

End of year Vigil 
on St. Francis of Assisi Church

End of year Vigil 
on St. Francis of Assisi Church
Fr. James & his team reached Seychelles on 30th  and started his ministry of evangelization on the following day with his visit to the local bishop Rt.Rev Dr. Denis and to the president of the republic Mr. Danny Faure. On 31st night from 6 to the dawn of 1st January 2020, Fr. James and Dr. Richie preached and conducted mass and healing prayers for the crowd gathered at St. Francis of Assisi church , Baie Lazare. It is great that he started his program of preaching the Gospel on the first day of the new year. People in the island are very eager, enthusiastic, and receptive to the renewal programs coducted by Fr. James Manjackal who has come for the first time. On 2nd he will spend his time to preach and to offer mass in the prison. It was his desire to spend oneday with the prisoners.

Fr. James in the main bulletin news of SBC. Seychelles TV - Meeting with the Seychelles President Danny Faure. 31.12.2019

Guadarrama - Spain. December 6th to 8th. 2019
Fr. James and Gaby Landauro  preached a charismatic retreat at ' Fray Luis de León Cultural-Residential Complex in Guadarrama, Madrid- Spain from 6th to 8th December.  It was the last retreat of this year by Fr. James and team. Both were very tired after three continuous programs of preaching in last 3 weeks  for large crowds in Austria, Poland and Slovakia . The theme of the retreat was " The Word became flesh and lived among us" ( Jn 1:14) It was a closed retreat for few people. It was well attended by all those came and all benefited much by the talks, prayers, adoration and masses of Fr. James that were well translated by Gaby Landauro as usual in all his Spanish retreats . The music team was very good and led everyone to worship Jesus through hymns.  It was good to see them praying and singing in tongues unlike in other places elsewhere! There were enough priests to hear confessions and to celebrate mass with Fr. James.On the second day evening after the prayer for infilling by the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands everyone experienced really much inner healing and  many physical healing. All were really filled with great joy and peace! There was great jubilant atmosphere in the hall.  On Sunday in the morning, Fr. James gave class on five multivitamin tablets for spiritual growth. Although today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the mass was of the first Sunday of Advent. The homily was again about growing in the Holy Spirit. Fr. James emphasized  the attacks and assaults of the evil spirits on our way  in walking with the Holy Spirit. There was no time for people to come forward to give testimonies but many raised their  hands acknowledging several blessings in the retreat.  Fr. James gave the special blessings of plenary indulgence  to the participants of the retreat and blessed the religious articles. When people wished each other for the forthcoming Christmas and new year 2020 biding" Adios", tears of joy could be seen in their eyes! They all said " Come again to Spain". The retreat was organised by Andrés de la Asunción and his wife Paquita González and Javier López, my webmaster. Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Hlohovec-Slovakia. Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st
From 29th November to 1st December, Fr. James and team preached a charismatic convention for more than 2200 people at Hlohovec- "Sportova Hala na Zabrani" in Slovakia. Fr. James was invited by Arch Bishop Mons, Jan Orosch.  There were many people from Czech Republic too to attend the program.The theme of the event was " Jesus Christ the healer  and saviour of the world " ( Is 53:4) Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave very powerful and enlightening talks to bring the people to deep inner healing and conversion to an authentic Catholic Christian life.All those who attended the retreat said that the talks and prayers helped them to deepen their faith in Jesus and His body, the church; and to grow in the Holy Spirit more and more. The inner healing prayer on the second day gave them all a real experience of new birth in the Spirit. Fr. James, in spite of his physical sufferings, placed his hands on each participant and volunteers and their children- almost 2500 people- and prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit on Sunday morning.  On all days Dr. Richie and Gaby were praying over people who came to them for any spiritual help. There were many beautiful testimonies of reconciliation, healing and life-change. There was no time  for people to come forward to share testimonies in public. Fr. James celebrated mass in Slovak on two days. On the last day, on the first Sunday of the advent, Fr Josef Schwarz, the dean who represented the arch bishop, led the concelebrated  mass, and he thanked Fr. James and team for coming to preach the Gospel to such a large crowd to lead them to  the kingdom of God. He himself was in the program on all three days. After the Holy Communion, both  Slovakia and Czech Republic were consecrated to  the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After the consecration the people were thrilled to chant the national anthem with great joy. Fr. Samuel Hurajt, a Minorist priest was a great help for all the liturgical events and programs. There were enough priests to hear confessions and to concelebrate mass.
The convention was organised by Radek & Zuzana Lapcic with the help of " Credo" an evangelising team they had formed.
Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Warsaw-Poland. November 22th to 24th
From 22 th to 24th November, along with Gaby, Dr. Richie, Fr. James conducted a charismatic  retreat in the Sport's hall, Zespol Szkol, at Warsaw in  Poland for about 1500 people. The whole was fully packed! The theme of the retreat  was on both inner healing and physical healing based on, " He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds" ( Ps 147:3)
As the majority of the participants had attended one or more charismatic retreat previously, both Dr. Richie and Fr. James gave powerful talks on how to grow deep in Christ through the Holy Spirit. They spoke  subjects like  'on-going repentance', 'growing in faith & love in Jesus and His body the Church', 'growing in love by the anointing of theHoly Spirit', 'Liberation and healing from the Scared wounds of Christ' ' Becoming like Jesus by doing Gods will' etc. During the breaks Fr. James, Gaby and Dr. Richie were listening to the problems of the people and praying over them. Most of the participants said that the deep inner healing prayer enabled them to be born again for a new life in Christ!  On Sunday, the last day of the retreat, Fr. James prayed by laying hands on every one in the retreat for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The last mass of the retreat was presided over by Fr. Marek, the parish priest and the animator of the program. After the mass Fr. James prayed over the religious articles and gave the official blessings of indulgences. There were many good testimonies shared by the participants. All the talks and prayers were translated by Thomas Ksiazczak from Torun. A team of volunteers under the guidance of Ala and Wiola had come from Gdansk to help the team. Fr. Vinoy George came from Rome to support Fr. James, his confrere.  The retreat was organised by Bartek and Ania with a team of volunteers under the guidance of Fr. Marek, the parish priest. Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics

Opublikowano w Ekai28.11.2019 

magazyn internetowy Katolickiej Agencji Informacyjnej. Wiadomości związane z Kościołem z Polski

Bóg uzdrawia. Niezwykłe rekolekcje z Ojcem Jamesem Manjackalem

28 listopada 2019 | 19:08 | amir | Warszawa
Fot.: Maciej Furmanek

Ok. 1400 osób wzięło udział w rekolekcjach pod hasłem „On leczy złamanych na duchu i przewiązuje ich rany” (ps 147,3), które głosił znany katolicki charyzmatyk, o. James Manjackal. Rekolekcje organizowane przez Fundację Bądź Dobrej Myśli odbywały się od 22 do 24 listopada w warszawskiej Falenicy.

Na program rekolekcji składały się: konferencje wygłaszane przez O. Jamesa, modlitwy ( różaniec, koronka do Bożego Miłosierdzia) a także modlitwy o uzdrowienia duchowe i fizyczne oraz Msze święte w pięknej oprawie muzycznej. Trzydniowym spotkaniom towarzyszyła atmosfera radości, wzruszeń i żywej wiary.

Uczestnikami, jak mówią organizatorzy, byli zarówno ludzie mocniej zaangażowani w życie Kościoła – członkowie różnego rodzaju katolickich wspólnot, ruchów i stowarzyszeń, grup modlitewnych, całe rodziny jak również tradycyjnie praktykujący katolicy, ale także osoby poszukujące, wątpiące czy sceptycznie nastawione do Kościoła. Ludzie modlili się o uzdrowienie z choroby, rzucenie nałogów, uzdrowienie wewnętrzne – z lęków, depresji, zniewoleń duchowych, o nawrócenie dzieci albo współmałżonka.

Na Eucharystii niedzielnej w uroczystość Chrystusa Króla o. James podkreślił, że Królem życia każdego katolika powinien stać się Jezus Chrystus, a Królestwo Boże jak podkreśla Ewangelia nie jest z tego świata. To nie królestwo pieniędzy, władzy, ambicji, sukcesów zawodowych. To królestwo wewnętrznej radości, pokoju, miłości i jest ono możliwe, gdy przyjmujemy do siebie Ducha Świętego, który objawia nam prawdę o Bożej Miłości, Chrystusie i Bogu Ojcu. Duch Święty łączy się z naszą wolą, sercem i intelektem i przynosi nam swoje siedmiorakie dary.

O. James zachęcał do przebaczenia i podkreślał jego znaczenie w procesie uzdrowienia ciała, duszy, serca.

Podał sposób na pełnię szczęścia . To 5 punktów: codzienna osobista modlitwa i kontakt z Bogiem, codzienna lektura Pisma Świętego, udział w Eucharystii ( zachęcał do codziennego udziału), post oraz zaangażowanie we wspólnotę. Ważne jest także dzielenie się i pomoc innym.

Rekolekcje z o. Jamesem Manjackalem odbywały się w Hali Sportowej przy ul. Poezji 5, w Warszawskiej Falenicy. Organizatorzy dziękowali wszystkim, dzięki którym mogło odbyć się to niezwykłe spotkanie, władzom Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, księżom zaangażowanym w posługę podczas rekolekcji, obsłudze technicznej, muzycznej, cateringowej oraz ponad 60 wolontariuszom, bez których trudno byłoby podołać wyzwaniom logistycznym i organizacyjnym tak dużego masowego spotkania.

Rekolekcje tego typu przyciągają tłumy pragnące doświadczyć spotkania z Bogiem, pogłębienia swojej wiary, uporządkowania własnego życia, a także doznania uzdrawiającej mocy Boga Miłosiernego. Ludziom wątpiącym, poszukującym czy sceptycznie nastawionym do Kościoła wybierającym takie spotkania towarzyszy często zwykła ciekawość i chęć sprawdzenia, czy Bóg jest i działa. Ojciec James głosił rekolekcje w Polsce już kilkadziesiąt razy. Na zaproszenie Fundacji Bądź Dobrej Myśli przyjechał po raz jedenasty.


Fot. Anna Mirkiewicz

Tegoroczne rekolekcje organizowane były przez Fundację Bądź Dobrej Myśli przy współudziale parafii Matki Bożej Dobrej Rady z Warszawy – Miedzeszyna.

O. James Manjackal ( ur. 18 kwietnia 1946 r w Cheruvally w Kerala ) pochodzi z Indii. Jest członkiem Zgromadzenia Misjonarzy Świętego Franciszka Salezego [MSFS]. W czasie pracy jako wykładowca w seminarium spotkał Jezusa dzięki modlitwie młodego człowieka. Został uleczony fizycznie i duchowo i od tego momentu zapragnął głosić rekolekcje charyzmatyczne na całym świecie. Zrezygnował jak sam twierdzi z ustatkowanego, spokojnego i wygodnego życia wykładowcy, by stać się wędrownym głosicielem Ewangelii.

Podczas swej posługi ten urodzony w Indiach misjonarz, odwiedził ponad 100 krajów. W 1976 roku został wysłany przez Zgromadzenie z misją ewangelizacji świata. Podczas tych niezwykłych spotkań mają miejsce liczne uzdrowienia zarówno fizyczne, jak i duchowe. Ojciec James podkreśla, że nie on jest uzdrowicielem ale Jezus Chrystus.

W lutym 2016 r. podczas uroczystości w Watykanie o. James został posłany przez Papieża Franciszka jako Misjonarz Miłosierdzia, by w imieniu następcy św. Piotra głosić Boże Miłosierdzie i o nim świadczyć.

Działalność ewangelizacyjna o. Jamesa Manjackala jest bardzo szeroka. Oprócz głoszenia rekolekcji o. James stworzył i wspiera liczne ośrodki duszpasterskie, budowy kościołów, domów dla bezdomnych i chorych, na co przeznacza środki zebrane podczas głoszenia rekolekcji. W Indiach powstało centrum rekolekcyjne Charis Bhavan, założone i ufundowane przez o. Jamesa w 1989 r. w Kerala (południowe Indie). Jest to miejsce, w którym tysiące ludzi modli się i gdzie co tydzień prowadzone są rekolekcje, a współbracia o. Jamesa – misjonarze św. Franciszka Salezego, przybliżają ludzi do Chrystusa. W miejscu tym schronienie znajdują także osoby samotne i w podeszłym wieku. Kolejne miejsce, to Charis Maids Seva Sadan (Service centre of Charis Maids) – współtworzony przez o. Jamesa dom dla kobiet samotnych i w podeszłym wieku. Misjonarze św. Franciszka Salezego pracujący w Kerala prowadzą także niższe seminarium duchowne, w którym rozpoczyna się formacja przyszłych misjonarzy. Duży wkład w rozwój i funkcjonowanie seminarium mają dotacje przeznaczane przez o. Jamesa, który wspiera dzieła ewangelizacyjne nie tylko w Indiach, lecz także np. w Afryce, gdzie wspiera budowy domów dla ludzi ubogich i bezdomnych, budowy kościołów, a także edukację dzieci z rodzin ubogich.

Jest autorem licznych książek i publikacji „Eureka”, „Widziałem wieczność”, „Modlitwa czyni cuda”, „Uzdrowienie wewnętrzne”, „Raj

Published in28.11.2019 

Catholic News Agency website of the Polish Episcopal Conference 

Google's translation

God heals. An unusual retreat with Father James Manjackal

November 28, 2019 | 19:08 | amir Warsaw
Photo: Maciej Furmanek

Approx. 1,400 people took part in the retreat under the slogan "He heals the spirited and binds their wounds" (ps 147.3), which was proclaimed by the well-known Catholic charismatic, Father James Manjackal. The retreat organized by the Foundation Be Good Thought took place from November 22 to 24 in Falenica, Warsaw.

The retreat program consisted of conferences given by Father James, prayers (rosary, chaplet of Divine Mercy) as well as prayers for spiritual and physical healing and Holy Masses in a beautiful musical setting. The three-day meetings were accompanied by an atmosphere of joy, emotions and vivid faith.

The participants, as the organizers say, were both people more strongly involved in the life of the Church - members of various types of Catholic communities, movements and associations, prayer groups, entire families as well as traditionally practicing Catholics, but also people seeking, doubting or skeptical about the Church. People were praying for healing from illness, quitting addictions, internal healing - from fears, depression, spiritual enslavement, for the conversion of children or a spouse.

At the Sunday Eucharist on the feast of Christ the King, Father James emphasized that Jesus Christ should become the King of every Catholic's life, and the Kingdom of God, as the Gospel emphasizes, is not of this world. This is not a kingdom of money, power, ambition and professional success. It is a kingdom of inner joy, peace, love and it is possible when we receive the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the truth about God's Love, Christ and God the Father. The Holy Spirit joins our will, heart and intellect and brings us His the seven gifts.

Father James encouraged forgiveness and emphasized his importance in the process of healing the body, soul and heart.

He gave a way to full happiness. These are 5 points: daily personal prayer and contact with God, daily reading of the Holy Bible, participation in the Eucharist (encouraged daily participation), fasting and commitment to the community. It is also important to share and help others.

The retreat with Father James Manjackal took place in the Sports Hall at ul. Poezji 5, in Warsaw Falenica. The organizers thanked everyone who could make this extraordinary meeting happen to the authorities of the Warsaw-Prague Diocese, priests involved in service during retreats, technical, music and catering services, and over 60 volunteers, without whom it would be difficult to cope with the logistical and organizational challenges of such a large mass meeting .

This type of retreat attracts crowds wishing to experience a meeting with God, deepening their faith, ordering their own lives, as well as experiencing the healing power of Merciful God. People who doubt, seek or be skeptical about the Church and choose such meetings are often accompanied by mere curiosity and the desire to see if God is and works. Father James gave a retreat several dozen times in Poland. He came for the eleventh time at the invitation of the Foundation Be Good Thought.

Photo. Anna Mirkiewicz

This year's retreat was organized by the Foundation Be Good Thought in cooperation with the parish of Our Lady of Good Council from Warsaw - Miedzeszyn.

Father James Manjackal (born April 18, 1946 in Cheruvally, Kerala) comes from India. He is a member of the Congregation of Missionaries of St. Francis of Sales [MSFS]. During his work as a lecturer at the seminary, he met Jesus through the prayer of a young man. He was healed physically and spiritually and from that moment he wanted to preach a charismatic retreat around the world. He resigned, as he claims, from a settled, calm and comfortable life of a lecturer, to become a traveling preacher of the Gospel.

During his ministry, this Indian-born missionary visited over 100 countries. In 1976 he was sent by the Congregation with the mission of evangelizing the world. During these extraordinary meetings, numerous physical and spiritual healings take place. Father James emphasizes that he is not a healer but Jesus Christ.

In February 2016, during a ceremony in the Vatican, Father James was sent by Pope Francis as a Missionary of Mercy to on behalf of the successor of Saint. Peter to proclaim and show God's mercy.

Father James Manjackal's evangelizing activity is very wide. In addition to preaching a retreat, Father James has created and supported numerous pastoral centers, construction of churches, homes for the homeless and the sick, for which he dedicates the funds raised during preaching. A retreat center Charis Bhavan was founded in India, founded and funded by Father James in 1989 in Kerala (South India). It is a place where thousands of people pray and where weekly retreats are held, and the confreres of Father James - missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, bring people closer to Christ. Lonely and elderly people find shelter here. The next place is Charis Maids Seva Sadan (Service center of Charis Maids) - a home for lonely and elderly women co-created by Father James. Missionaries Francis de Sales working in Kerala also conduct a lower seminary where the formation of future missionaries begins. Grants allocated by Father James, who supports evangelistic works not only in India but also in Africa, where he supports the construction of houses for the poor and the homeless, the construction of churches, as well as the education of children from families make a great contribution to the development and functioning of the seminar. the poor.

He is the author of numerous books and publications, among others: "Eureka", "I saw eternity", "Prayer does Wonders", "New life in Christ", "Paradise restored"

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Misjonarz miłosierdzia. Kim jest ojciec James Manjackal?
Iwona Flisikowska

W ciągu 40 lat głoszenia Ewangelii ojciec James był prześladowany, a także porwany i torturowany. Swoim oprawcom, znanym z imienia i nazwiska, wybaczył, a nawet pomógł w najtrudniejszych dla nich sytuacjach rodzinnych.

Kiedy na rozpoczęcie Roku Miłosierdzia w 2016 roku papież Franciszek zaprosił duchownych z różnych stron świata, aby mianować ich misjonarzami miłosierdzia, wśród zaproszonych osób – jako jedyny na wózku inwalidzkim – był ojciec James Manjackal, który mówi, że ani wózek, ani żadna niesprawność nie są przeszkodą, by głosić Dobrą Nowinę po krańce Ziemi.

Ojciec James Manjackal urodził się w 1946 roku w południowych Indiach, w stanie Kreala zamieszkałym przez wieli katolików. Święcenia kapłańskie przyjął w roku 1973 w Kongregacji Misjonarzy św. Franciszka Salezego. Przez wiele lat wykładał jako profesor w seminarium, w Ettummanoor.

Podczas ciężkiej choroby, gruźlicy nerek, został uleczony fizycznie i duchowo – jak twierdzi, stało się to w czasie modlitwy młodego człowieka z grupy charyzmatycznej, który modlił się nad nim w szpitalu. To był przełom w dotychczasowym życiu kapłańskim zakonnika.

Od tego momentu powziął decyzję, że będzie głosił rekolekcje ewangelizacyjne, szczególnie z modlitwą o uzdrowienie duszy i ciała – jak się okazało z biegiem czasu, na całym świecie.

Prześladowania i przebaczenie

W ciągu 40 lat głoszenia Ewangelii ojciec James był prześladowany, a także porwany i torturowany. Swoim oprawcom, znanym z imienia i nazwiska, wybaczył, a nawet pomógł w najtrudniejszych dla nich sytuacjach rodzinnych.

W Arabii Saudyjskiej został aresztowany i uwięziony już na lotnisku za to, że miał przy sobie różańce. Z więzienia pomógł mu się wydostać amerykański oficer, który wstawił się za ojcem, zeznając, że różańce są dla jego amerykańskich żołnierzy stacjonujących w tym regionie.

Jednakże pośród wszystkich tortur, jakie doznał misjonarz, największym ciosem były dla niego niesłuszne podejrzenia i oczernienia. Przyjął je z pokorą i przebaczeniem.

W 2012 roku, kiedy powracał z rekolekcji głoszonych na Półwyspie Arabskim dla muzułmanów, ojciec James poczuł się źle na lotnisku – po wypiciu kawy, którą otrzymał, a później jeszcze gorzej w samolocie. Dotarł do domu, ale jego stan był bardzo ciężki.

Wówczas wiele setek tysięcy osób na całym świecie otoczyło ciężko chorego misjonarza modlitwą. „Póki ręce wznosimy do góry, niczym Mojżesz na polu bitwy, mamy nadzieję na zwycięstwo” – komentowali między sobą modlący się o uratowanie księdza.

 Czytaj także: Leszek Podolecki: Boży ratownik i ojciec, który czeka na wszelkich marnotrawnych synów

W wyniku ciężkiej i bardzo trudnej do zdiagnozowania rzadkiej choroby (zespół Guillaina i Barrégo) misjonarz był sparaliżowany i podłączony do respiratora, był w śpiączce. Dzisiaj stan zdrowia ojca jest dobry, choć porusza się na wózku inwalidzkim. O. James zawsze na rekolekcjach dziękuje i mówi, że stan jego zdrowia poprawia się dzięki modlitwie tysięcy ludzi i licznym rehabilitacjom.

Kiedy na rozpoczęcie Roku Miłosierdzia w 2016 roku papież Franciszek zaprosił duchownych z różnych stron świata, aby mianować ich misjonarzami miłosierdzia, wśród zaproszonych osób – jako jedyny na wózku inwalidzkim – był ojciec James Manjackal, który mówi, że ani wózek, ani żadna niesprawność nie są przeszkodą, by głosić Dobrą Nowinę po krańce Ziemi. 

To nie ja uzdrawiam, tylko Jezus
Przyjdźcie do mnie wszyscy utrudzeni i obciążeni, a ja was uzdrowię! – te słowa Jezusa często przypomina ojciec James w swojej kapłańskiej posłudze, również w czasie rekolekcji.

Misjonarz głosił rekolekcje ewangelizacyjne, również z modlitwą o uzdrowienie duszy i ciała:  już w ponad 100 krajach, na wszystkich kontynentach. Prowadził też kongresy i szkoły ewangelizacyjne. Przeprowadzał misje pośród muzułmanów i osób, które chciały zostać chrześcijanami.

Znane są świadectwa uzdrowień, zwłaszcza otrzymanych w czasie mszy świętych sprawowanych przez ojca Jamesa. To nie ja uzdrawiam, tylko Jezus – tłumaczy misjonarz.

Tak było i w tym przypadku: Gaby Landauro Ledesma twierdzi, że 20 lat temu po modlitwie ojca Jamesa została uzdrowiona z bardzo zaawansowanego stwardnienia rozsianego. Do dzisiaj Gaby, jej syn lekarz Ricardo Febres Landauro i cała rodzina wspierają misjonarza w jego ewangelizacyjnym dziele.

Ojciec James Manjackal pomimo niesprawności przemierza wiele setek kilometrów, głosząc rekolekcje, sprawując msze święte, które gromadzą wiernych z różnych stron świata. Pomimo bólu ramion i dłoni błogosławi wszystkich, a zwłaszcza dzieci i młodzież, „ponieważ jest to przyszłość świata, nasze bezcenne perły” – mówi misjonarz miłosierdzia.

Published in22.11.2019 

Google's translation

Missionary of Mercy. Who is Father James Manjackal?
Iwona Flisikowska

During the 40 years of preaching the Gospel, Father James was persecuted, kidnapped and tortured. He forgave his tormentors, known by name and even helped in the most difficult family situations for them.

When at the beginning of the Year of Mercy in 2016, Pope Francis invited clergy from around the world to appoint them as missionaries of mercy, among the invited persons - as the only one in a wheelchair - was father James Manjackal, who says that neither the wheelchair nor any disability are an obstacle to preaching the Good News to the ends of the earth.


Father James Manjackal was born in 1946 in southern India, in the state of Kreala inhabited by many Catholics. He was ordained a priest in 1973 in the Congregation of Missionaries of Saint. Francis of Sales. For many years he lectured as a professor at the seminar at Ettummanoor.

During a serious illness, tuberculosis, he was healed physically and spiritually - he claims it happened during the prayer of a young man from a charismatic group who was praying over him in the hospital. It was a breakthrough in the priest's past life.

From that moment on, he decided to preach evangelization retreats, especially with a prayer to heal the soul and body - as it turned out over the world.
Persecution and forgiveness

During the 40 years of preaching the Gospel, Father James was persecuted, kidnapped and tortured. He forgave his tormentors, known by name and even helped in the most difficult family situations for them.

In Saudi Arabia, he was arrested and imprisoned at the airport for carrying rosaries. He was helped out of jail by an American officer who stood up for his father, testifying that the rosaries were for his American soldiers stationed in the region.

However, amid all the torture that the missionary suffered, his unjust suspicion and slander were the biggest blow to him. He accepted them with humility and forgiveness.

In 2012, when he returned from a retreat preached on the Arabian Peninsula, among others for Muslims, Father James felt bad at the airport - after drinking the coffee he received, and later worse on the plane. He arrived home, but his condition was very bad.

At that time, many hundreds of thousands of people around the world surrounded the seriously ill missionary with prayer. "As long as we raise our hands, like Moses on the battlefield, we hope for victory," commented among themselves praying for saving the priest.

As a result of a severe and very difficult to diagnose rare disease (Guillain-Barré syndrome), the missionary was paralyzed and connected to a respirator, he was in a coma. Today, my father's health is good, although he is in a wheelchair. Father James always thanks and says that his health is improving thanks to the prayers of thousands of people and numerous rehabilitation.

When at the beginning of the Year of Mercy in 2016, Pope Francis invited clergy from around the world to appoint them as missionaries of mercy, among the invited persons - as the only one in a wheelchair - was father James Manjackal, who says that neither the wheelchair nor any disability are an obstacle to preaching the Good News to the ends of the earth.

I don't heal, it's Jesus

Come to me, all weary and burdened, and I will heal you! - these words of Jesus are often reminded by Father James in his priestly ministry, also during retreats.

The missionary preached an evangelistic retreat, also with a prayer for healing the soul and body: in over 100 countries, on all continents. He also ran congresses and evangelistic schools. He carried out missions among Muslims and people who wanted to become Christians.

Testimonies of healings are known, especially those received during masses celebrated by Father James. I'm not healing, it's Jesus, ”explains the missionary.

This was the case here: Gaby Landauro Ledesma claims that 20 years ago, after the prayer of Father James, she was healed of very advanced multiple sclerosis. To this day, Gaby, her son, doctor Ricardo Febres Landauro and the whole family support the missionary in his evangelizing work.

Despite disability, Father James Manjackal travels many hundreds of kilometers, preaching retreats, celebrating masses that gather faithful from around the world. Despite the pain of arms and hands, he blesses everyone, especially children and young people, "because it is the future of the world, our precious pearls," says the missionary of mercy.


St. Polten - Austria. November 15th to 17th
From 15th to 17th of November Fr. James and team preached a charismatic retreat at 'Jahn Turnhalle' in St.Pölten, Austria.This retreat was organised by Deacon Kurt & Silvia Dörfler and family with their prayer group. A good number of people from the surroundings and from far, attended the retreat with great zeal and enthusiasm. Fr. James and Dr. Richie  gave classes on the topic " Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow you will see the wonders of the Lord"( Joshua 3:5) All the talks were faith evoking for conversion, new life, liberation and healing; in fact it was a retreat of growing in the spirit. Fr. James again and again insisted on the great need of the times 'to be holy' as God is holy and 'to be perfect' as the heavenly Father is perfect. Both the preachers said very clearly that the problems of the world today comes from sin.There were enough priests to hear confessions and to give counselling. During the break Dr. Richie was counselling a lot of people and praying over them. In spite of pain all over the body especially on his shoulder, Fr. James prayed over many sick people daily, and  on the last day, he prayed over all the participants by laying  hands on all as usual, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many people rushed to Gaby for a prayer and blessings and they found great peace, joy and healing after her prayers. After the mass on the last day, all the priests with the people consecrated Austria to the Heart of Jesus through the immaculate heart of Mary.The music was led by Miss. Beate Müller and team. There were several volunteers and well-wishers like Franz & Petra from Münnerstadt  to help to conduct the program.Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Krosno - Poland. 18th to 20th October
Fr. James, Gaby and Dr. Richie  preached a charismatic retreat in 'Hala sportowo-widowiskwa Osrodka Sportu i Rekreacji ' at Krosno Odrzanskie, Poland from 18th to 20th October. It was organised by the parish priest Ks. Zbigniew Samociak, the Vicar Ks. Michal Szot, Fr. Andrew Skoblicka, Miss.Jadwiga Skoblicka and Mrs. Leokadia Paprocka with about 100 volunteers. It was attended by over 900 people, out of which the majority was from the parish. The major of the city, Mr. Marek also helped the organisation and attended the retreat with great interest. As majority of the participants had attended his  retreat at least once previously, Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave very enlightening, clear, radical,  and deep talks on holiness of life that is in union with Christ. The talks helped each one in the retreat to look deep into their interiority or heart so that they could cling to the Hart of Jesus after a good conversion.  The title of the retreat was " Cast your net into deep" ( Lk 5:4).  The long and deep prayers of healing and the laying on of hands on each person for the infilling of the holy Spirit made the participants very happy and spirit filled. All the priests said that the confessions were very deep and many came to the confessionals in tears with real repentance or 'metanoia'  of their past. On Saturday afternoon the local bishop Rt. Rev. Dr.  Mgr. Tadeusz Litynski came and listened to the talks of Fr. James on the kingdom of God and gave a short talk to appreciate the works of evangelisation by Fr. James in Poland particularly in his diocese. He blessed the participants.  On Sunday morning, many came forward to give testimonies of healing, liberation and experience of new life. There were testimonies of healing of cancer, tumor, complicated arthritis and rheumatic problems etc.  Dr. Richie then gave a talk on five multivitamin tablets for spiritual growth. The concluding Mass was officiated by the parish priest at 12 midday. Fr. James gave the homily in which he asked them to be ' firebrands' of Christ with the power, fire and enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit.  As usual he blessed the religious articles after the holy Communion. All the talks and prayers were translated by Thomas Ksiazczak from Torun. A team of Wiola, Kazimier & Asia came all the way from Gdansk and  helped Fr. James, Gaby and the organisation. Here are some videos and photos.

Photos and Panoramics


Bergerac-France. September 27th to 29th
From 27th to 29th September, with the invitation of Philippe Mousset, Bishop of Perigueux an Sarlat,  Fr. James and team conducted a charismatic retreat in Salle Anatole, France, in the parish of Bergerac for about 1100 people who were enthusiastic to hear the word of God and to renew their Catholic Christian life through  the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The theme was " Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will perform miracles for you" ( Joshua 3:5) Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave several conferences that led the participants to a deep conversion to new life and experience of holiness. Mrs. Maryvonne Lavalloir shared her experiences in following Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit after attending retreats with Fr.James. There were enough priests to hear confessions and to celebrate mass with Fr. James. People had a very good experience of conversion, healing and liberation in the inner healing prayer and in the prayer for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. There were many good testimonies of healing, liberation and new life. Four people testified that they were able to get up and walk from their wheel chair, and five people testified healing of cancer in a previous retreat with. Fr. James!  On Sunday the mass was presided over by Fr. Bernard Fort, a very kind & holy priest, who comes very regularly to help the team and the participants by hearing confessions and praying for liberation. After the homily,  Lafont Christophe, Bassette Leonard & Schliefsteiner Daniel made their consecration of  life for holiness in the Charis Marian Covenant Community; Fr. James blessed their rings of consecration & prayed individually for them. After the Holy Communion,  France was consecrated to the Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate heart of Mary. When Fr. James had announced this program on the first day itself, people started clapping their hands expressing their joy;  the good believers in all Christian countries want their countries to be consecrated to the Lord! Vincent Maduraud translated all the talks and prayers with clarity and precision as he does always. The whole program was organised by Maryvonne and Patricia Brassart with the support of over 35 volunteers. The music team under Miss Isabel was great to lead the people for praise & worship. Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Graz - Austria. September 13-15. 2019
From13th to 15th September Fr. James and team preached a retreat in Brauhaus Puntigam, Graz, Austria to more than 600 people German speaking people and to over 200 Croatians. As the majority of the participants were already in one of his retreats in the past, the talks were given for helping the people to grow in the Holy Spirit basing on the theme " Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will perform wonders among you" ( Joshua 3:5) All the talks by Fr. James and Richie were deep and highly pastoral enabling people to find a growth in their spiritual life. All the talks and prayers were translated from English to German by Dr. Richard Fabres. The retreat was organised by St. Thomas Charismatic prayer group that was started after the first retreat of Fr. James in Graz in 2000. Frau Traude was the main organizer of this retreat. There were many priests to hear confessions and to look in to the spiritual needs of the people. Fr. James prayed over each participant by laying hands. The music team was led by Beate, Janine, Silvie & deacon Kurt and family. There many testimonies of healing, liberation and new life. The Croatians  who came from far from their country with great thirst & hunger for Jesus & His Spirit returned jubilant saying, ' Slavimo Gospodina!'  Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Brezno Slovakia - Married couples retreat. August 22nd to 24th
On 23rd and 24th August Fr. James  conducted a married couples retreat at Arena Brezno in Slovakia. Some 600  married couples attended the retreat with their children. Some 50 children attended the retreat sitting besides their parents, and over 150 small children were cared by the volunteers in a separate hall; but all the children with the parents attended the Holy Mass, adoration & prayers.  Fr. James prayed over the children separately and made them happy.Over 30 Volunteers of " Credo" worked and prayed hard for the success of the retreat. Fr. James  gave very soul-touching talks on the greatness of married life and explained well that families must be  "domestic churches" with prayer and sacramental life. The deep & powerful prayer for inner healing was a time, the couples forgave each other and reconciled from the depths of their hearts and became one in flesh and spirit! All of them had chance to make confessions. When the married couples renewed their marital vows with the exchange of rings, many of them were shedding tears of joy. When they prayed for each other for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, they were so immersed in prayer and they were really " one heart & one body" in intimate love!
Mrs Zusanna Lapcic,  very powerfully and energetically translated all the talks and prayers. On Sunday the dean of the deanery Fr. Dusan  led the concelebrated mass and gave a homily. After his homily,  Fr. James addressed the married couples and  renewed their marital vows with the exchange of rings. When the husbands gave rose flowers to the  wives, again there was tears of joy! On the first day itself, Fr. James had prayed over the sick and the couples who had no children. Every one was happy being filled with the Holy Spirit.  The retreat was organised by the evangelising couples Radek & Zuzanna Lapcic with the support of the evangelising group "Credo". Here are some photos and videos:


Altötting - Germany. August 9th to 11th 2019
Fr. James Manjackal and team conducted a charismatic retreat from 9th to 11th  August in 'Kulture & Kongress Forum' at Altötting, in the diocese of Passau, Germany. Often Fr. James preaches retreats here. The hall is only a few meters away from the "Grace Chapel (Gnaden Kappelle) of the famous "Black Madonna" of Altötting. The hall has the capacity of 900 seats. Daily about some 800 people attended the retreat to hear the Word of God and to find conversion and  new life in Christ through the Holy Spirit . The theme of the retreat was, " HE TOOK AWAY OUR INFIRMITIES AND BORE OUR DISEASES" ( MT 8:17)  The talks  and testimonies of Fr. James, & Dr. Richi  were very deep, enlightening and spirit filling to help each participant to return to God' love and to one another by deep reconciliation. The inner healing prayer on the second day was very long and very special. After the inner healing prayers, Fr. James prayed over each participant for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. He prayed for some 100 people by standing- first time after the miraculous healing he obtained on 29th August. At the concluding mass Fr. James exhorted the participants to read the signs of the times and to face today's challenges with courage in the Lord & His Spirit. In all his talks Fr. James emphasised and challenged  the need of Europeans especially German speaking people to return the root of their Christian life so that Europe might keep its Christian identity in spite immigration of Muslims from Islamic countries.  People commented that  they could notice a great change in Fr. James as he has become more merciful and benevolent!After the mass he blessed the religious articles. Then Dr. Richie helped the participants to CONSECRATE GERMANY to The Heart of Jesus through Mary, Our blessed Mother. There were beautiful testimonies of physical healing, liberation and new life. The music was led by deacon Kurt and his wife Silvie with their team from Vienna. It was organised mainly by Markus Huber and Angelika Napolitano with the support Uta, Adolf etc.  As Markus has decided to go for priesthood, Fr. James with all the priests and participants of the retreat prayed for him specially and wished him all the best for  his studies and formation. Here are some photos and videos



Glogow-Poland. August 2nd - 4th 2019
Fr. James and team conducted "a family retreat"  at PARAFIA  pod wezwaniem Milosierdzia Bozego w Glogowie from 3rd to 5th August. The theme was, " Believe in the Lord Jesus, you and your family will be saved" ( Act 16:31) Although the retreat was intended for over 1400 people in a hall, the venue was changed as only few people registered for the retreat. In Poland the spirit of "anti-clergy" is at work through the enemies of the church, as a result many people are keeping themselves away from church and programs of the church! Fr. James gave powerful talks on the need of strengthening the spirit of catholic families through prayers and sacramental life. He said very clearly that individuals or families can not live in grace without priests and bishops; he pleaded with the people not to keep themselves away from the church because of the scandals of a few priests.  He asked pardon for the sins of the priests! All those who came to the retreat had a very good experience of the Holy Spirit and the renewal of Christian Catholic life. There were many good testimonies. Many testified that their love for the clergy and the church increased by the talks and prayers of Fr. James. It is Ksiadz kanonic podporucznik Janusz Idzik who invited Fr. James with the permission of the bishop and convened the program. He was so happy with the retreat, he even danced with the people on the last day of the retreat! He wants father James to go there again for renewal retreats. Teresa and Franciszek Gruszka were the organisers of the retreat with Fr. Janusz. Jadwiga came with a team of people from Krosno to help the organisers. Wiola and the team from Gdansk was there to Help Gaby and Fr. James.
Here are some photos and videos:
Video TV

Ostroleka-Poland. July 26th to 28th. 2019
Fr. James  and team preached a charismatic retreat at Ostroleka, Poland from 26th  to 28th  of July to a crowd over 1000 people attending daily at " Hala Arkadiusza Golasia". The team was invited by the local  Bishop Rt. Rev Dr. Janusz Stepnowski DD. It is for the 11th time that he is preaching at Ostroleka. The subject was " Only through the Holy Spirit one can say that Jesus is Lord" ( 1 Cor 12:3)Fr. James  and Dr. Richie gave  powerful talks on various subjects like the anointing of the Holy Spirit, blocks to receive the Holy Spirit, Renewal of Christian life through the Holy Spirit, healing, health and new & authentic Catholic  life by the Holy Spirit etc. During the time of break on all days, Fr. James, Gaby Landauro, and Dr. Richie prayed over the sick people. People were standing in queue for them. Fr. James, although he was under medication of antibiotics for pneumonia gave most of the talks, signed books,  conducted the prayers of healing and prayed over each participant by laying hands for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. All the talks, prayers were translated  by Ania. There were many testimonies of healing, liberation, experience of the Holy Spirit and new life.   Bishop Mgr  Janusz  presided the mass on the first day itself  and Fr. James preached homily on the Eucharist. Fr. James expressed his gratitude to him and to the Bishop Emeritus  Rt Rev Mgr Stanislaus D.D who had defended him and stood for him while there was a situation to cancel his retreat due to opposition from some people. The retreat was organised by a couple who had attended many retreats of Fr. James- Grzegorz & Beata. It was well organised with the help of  more than 50 volunteers with the spiritual guidance of the Parish Priest Ks. Wieslaw Bialczak. Fr. Wieslaw presided over the mass on Sunday. Gaby Landauro,  Wiola, Kasimier & Asia, were working in the team with Fr. James. The people of Ostroleka love the ministry of Fr. James so much that they have invited him for a retreat in the same month  in 20120. Here are some photos and videos and panoramics.

Photos and panoramics

Martinique Island - France. July 11-14. 2019
Fr. James and Gaby left Munich early in the morning  for Paris on 10th July  to join  the French team Maryvonne, Vincent & his wife in order to fly together to 'Forte De France at Martinique' in the afternoon to conduct a retreat  at Lamentin. Martinique is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It is an overseas region of France with a population about 400 000 of which 90% are catholics. It is a tropical Island. As it is the integral part of the Republic of France, it is in European Union with its currency 'Euro'. All the inhabitants hold French passport. The capital is Forte de France, one of the largest city in the French Antilles. The main language of Martinique is French but the people speak Creole too. The people of Martinique are of African descent; their life style is very simple and hearty!
This year Fr. James conducted only one  retreat was from 11th to 14th  in the great Hall 'Ferme de  Porrina' at Lamentin, organized by "Yeshua Association" coordinated  by Mr. William & Patricia; and it was attended by more than 1200 people everyday.  The theme of the retreat was,"Don't be drunk on wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit" ( Eph 5:18). Fr. James was invited by the Arch Bishop of Martinique. Martinique is an Arch Diocese, its archbishop is a Dominican by name Mgr. David Macaine, an young shepherd with a holy, humble& simple character! Although he was very busy with his pastoral activities, he made it a point to visit Fr. James on the last day of the retreat but it was too late when he came to the hall as Fr. James and team left the place already for the airport to  take the return flight. He knew Fr. James very well in the retreat he conducted last year and he is always happy to have James at any time in the Island. Fr. James and the team are very happy to go there because of the warm and hearty love of the people. Maryvonne had shared her experiences in the renewal with Fr. James that was appreciated by all.  Mr. Vincent translated all the talks and prayers.On the last day there were many sharing of testimonies of conversion, liberation, physical& inner healing after the experience of infilling of the Holy Holy Spirit. They all said that they had an unique experience of Pentecost in their lives. Fr. James and Gaby returned to Munich on 15th evening and Fr. James had to take ' antibiotics' & rest following a ' pneumonia'- he had viral fever from the Island already! Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and panoramics

Radio Saint Louis. Martinique. Michel Deglise et Gisele Bomal. Engagement aupres du Père James 

 Zurich-Regensdorf. Switzerland. June 28th & 29th. 2019
Fr. James and team preached a two day retreat in St. Mauritius Church at  Zurich- Regensdorf, in Switzerland on 28th & 29th of June. It was organised by Shaji Ramanalil & Vincy with their evangelising prayer group with the permission of the local bishop and the parish priest. Deacon Kurt and team came from Vienna to conduct the music and worship. Fr. James, Dr. Richie  gave powerful talks and testimonies on the subject  " SALVATION IN UNION WITH CHRIST" based on " There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ( Rom 8:1)  On Saturday after noon, on the feast of the pillar apostles Peter and Paul, after the Holy Mass, Fr. James led the participants to a deep inner healing and prayed over the participants for the infilling by the Holy Spirit. Mr David Kennedy, the organiser of a ' Rosary campaign' in Switzerland gave a brief talk on the subject and encouraged the people to envelop the country with the recital of  rosary to keep the country Christian. At the end of the mass on Saturday Fr. James blessed the religious articles and gave the blessing of Indulgence. On 28th, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Deacon Kurt had led the participants for a prayer of consecration of Switzerland to the heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Although it was a retreat for two days only, most of them said they had the same experience as of a five day retreat because the preachers catered all the subjects necessary for a Christian renewal by the Holy Spirit. Many of the participants shared beautiful testimonies of healing and new lfe. Dr. Richie translated all the talks and prayers of Fr. James. With joy of the Spirit in the hearts, all of them all the participants left the church saying "Come again". Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and panoramics

Sanctuary of the "Pieta Obory" - Poland. June 22nd. 2019
On 22nd June Fr. James, Gaby  went to the Carmelite Sanctuary of the "Pieta Obory" to conduct a healing day with conferences, mass, adoration and healing services. It's a village about 150 Kilometres away from Gdansk. Thousands of people from all over Poland gathered there travelling by busses and private vehicles to listen to the preaching of Fr. James and to participate in his prayer services. As it was a sunny day, people had to open their colourful umbrellas ! It is Fr. Piotr, the spiritual animator of this sanctuary who invites Fr. James for this program. It is for the 6th time that he is conducting a healing day. It is he who started healing program in Obory in the year 2011. For four years he could not go there because of his illness of GBS. He has to travel from Piding to Munich by car, fly to Gdansk and again travel by car to Obory. It is hard for a person on wheel chair with neuropathic pain and some other mysterious suffering. But it is with great joy in the heart he goes there to preach, as he says often " the joy of the Lord is his strength". Every year the crowd is increasing. The authorities of the Sanctuary are particular that Fr. James only should conduct this program every year.. Fr. James preached on the  subject 'intimacy with Jesus' in order to withstand trails and difficulties of life like Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God who "stood " watching the crucifixion of her Son on Calvary, Again and again Fr. James appealed to the people to be a " Disciple of Christ" rather than a mere ' Christian  like St. John the beloved disciple of Jesus who clinged always to the heart of Jesus. He challenged the Polish to live an authentic Catholic life. During the mass He preached on faith in the living Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He said " Earth without Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is Darkness, Chaos and catastrophe! ".He appealed tot he young boys to become priests in order to celebrate mass and bring Jesus to the hearts,  to families, and to the land.In the afternoon with a talk on forgiveness and faith he prepared the crowd for a prayer of healing before the Blessed Sacrament. There were many testimonies of healing. As Fr. James was walking by holding the rails and the hand of an volunteer, people from the crowd waving hands shouted, "Long live Fr. James" "Come again", "We love you, Papa James" "you preach life to us, we are healed" etc.  He promised to go there again on 27th June 2020. Here are some photos and videos:-

Photos and panoramics

Pentecost retreat. Warsaw-Poland. June 2-9. 2019
Fr.James preached the Pentecost retreat this year  at the hall ' Global Expo' at Warsaw Poland from 7th to 9th June. Before starting the retreat He went with his team to the Arch Bishop of the diocese Rt. Rev. Dr. Romuald  Kaminski to obtain his apostolic blessings. As the Archbishop knew that Fr. James is disabled and is on wheel chair, he came   down to the car; standing beside the car talked with him very friendly and encouragingly for about 25 minutes& blessed him and the team. It was a grace-filled event! The theme of the retreat was, "Be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit" ( Act 1:8)  He gave powerful talks with many  personal testimonies about the need of a pentecostal experience in the life of every christian and prepared the hearts of above 2000 people,  who attended daily for three days with great enthusiasm and thirst, for an anointing of the Holy Spirit. From the beginning there was an atmosphere of prayer and grace in the hall and all those who entered the hall experienced great peace and joy of the Holy Spirit always. On the first  Friday and the following Saturday many people experienced great healing and liberation in the prayers of healing before the Blessed Sacrament and they testified them in public. On the day of Pentecost, Sunday, Fr. James prayed over all the participants by laying hands for an experience of Pentecost. Teams under  Wiola, Kasimir and Asia from Gdansk helped Fr. James and Gaby. It is Rev. Fr. Marek Serafin who took the interest in organising the retreat and he guided the team of organisers and volunteers.  A couple named Barthlomiej Wesolowski (Bartek) and Anna Daczkowska (Ania) were the chief organisers of the retreat. It is for 10th time that they organised the retreat of Fr. James in Warsaw!
On Pentecost Sunday Fr. Marek presided over the mass and Rev. Dr. Abraham Vettuvelil. MSFS, the superior general of the congregation of the Missionaries of St.Francis de Sales gave an inspiring homily. He said that the theme of Pentecost is 'change' by the Holy Spirit- Holy Spirit changed the apostles & 120 people gathered in the cenacle and 3000 people were changed their lives by listening to the spirit-filled talk of St. Peter and by receiving the Baptism. Fr. Abraham came from Rome mainly to express his love, solidarity and encouragement to the preaching ministry of Fr. James who belongs to his congregation!All the talks and prayers were translated by Mrs Anna Lason Zygadlewicz. There were many beautiful testimonies of healing, liberation & new life shared by many participants on the last day.  Here are some photos & videos:
Photos and panoramics
Video talk #1
Video talk #2

Münnerstadt - Germany. May 31st to June 2nd. 2019
From May 31st to 2nd June, Fr. James and team preached a "Family tree healing retreat" with the theme 'Led by the Spirit' at Event.u.Messecentrum,  bei Münnerstadt in the diocese of Wurzburg, Germany. The families that gathered to hear the word of God and to receive the Holy Spirit for a healing for the individuals and families were very enthusiastic and eager. Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave powerful talks on the way Holy Spirit works in a person, family and in the society helping the people to  live together in  love, unity, solidarity and justice. 'The family tree healing prayers' in the evening on the second day of the retreat was something unique, marvellous and soul-touching that was appreciated by all because they were penetrating the hearts of everyone present with the permeation of the Holy Spirit. Fr. James prayed for all the ancestors of four generations by dipping each one in the blood of Christ and asking the Holy Spirit to breath on them anew for a new life! People were very jubilant and joyful as they believed that they and their families were liberated from all evils and curses & were saved. After praying over each participant in the retreat by laying hands Fr. James asked Dr. Richie to lead the whole group to a "Consecration"of Germany to the Lordship & kingship of Jesus through the Immaculate heart of Mary. In all  talks both Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave hope & optimism to the participants for a new Christian Europe. He exhorted the people to say the prayer of consecration of the nation every day and to encourage others to do the same. People were represented from most of the European countries and even from other countries like Peru, Brazil, India, Sri-Lanka, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Dubai etc.Music team was led by Beate and team from Vienna under the spiritual guidance of Deacon Kurt. The parish priest Fr.Michael who encourages renewal in his parish and the surroundings, was the chief celebrant of the mass on Sunday. There were priests even from Nigeria and Congo to hear confessions and to concelebrate mass. This family tree- retreat at Münnerstadt was organised by Franz & Petra Dannler with the support of several other spirit-filed  volunteers. Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and panoramics

 Brezno-Slovakia. May 10-12.2019
From 10th to 12th May 2019, Fr. James and the team preached a charismatic convention at Arena Brezno, in Slovakia for more than 3500 people everyday. The theme of the program was "New life in Christ" (1 Cor 5:17) Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave powerful talks on the need of real conversion with inner healing in order to leave the old way of life for a new and  authentic Christian Catholic life. They challenged the audience, mainly Slovaks & Czechs, to remain in faith  in Jesus Christ and  in the church through prayers and sacraments so that they could be champions and pioneers to keep the whole Europe Christian!  They led the group to a consecration of their countries to the Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary! " Ten moments Jesus shed His blood for us", the new book of Fr. James translated into Slovak was released on the first day of the retreat. Zuzanna Lapcic  translated all the talks and prayers in the retreat. On the first 2 days Fr. James himself led the Eucharistic celebration in Slovak.  On the 3rd day, Sunday, the local bishop Mons. Stanislav Stolarik of the diocese of 'Roznavska' led the concelebration of the mass and preached. Already in the room, he had met Fr. James and thanked him for coming to his diocese for evangelisation; and they prayed for each other as a sign of love and solidarity.  There were over 25 priests to hear confessions and to concelebrate the mass. On the 3rd day morning, Fr. James prayed over all the participants. He made the people happy and Spirit-filled! The program was organised by Radek & Zuzanna Lapcic in cooperation with the evangelisation group "Credo" that they had founded. There were many people to give testimonies of conversion, inner healing, life-change and physical healing. Here are some photos & videos:-

Photos and Panoramics


Mönchengladbach - Germany. April 26 to 28th. 2019
From 26th to 28th April Fr. James and team conducted a charismatic retreat in Mehrzweckhalle Eiken, at Mönchengkadbach, Germany, in the diocese of Aachen. It is close to Dusseldorf. It is for the first time that he and his team preach in this area. Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave powerful talks on ' healing into new life'. ( 2 Cor 5:17)
It was well attended by the participants as many of them were quite new with the charismatic renewal. Gaby shared her beautiful testimony of healing and conversion. There were many testimonies of conversions, healing and liberation. Many of them left the practices of new age and esoteric ways and came to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord. Fr. James prayed over each one by laying hands for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was organised by a married couple named Christine & Wolfgang with a handful of volunteers.
Here are some photos and videos:

Photos and Panoramics


Brest - France. March 15 to 17th. 2019
From 15th to 17th March,  Fr. James  and team preached a charismatic retreat at 'Eglise Saint Jacques'  in Brest-France by the invitation of Bishop Mgr Laurent DOGNIN. It was organised by Maryvonne Lavalloir & Patricia Brassart Paulhiac in the Catholic association' Fontaine D'Eau Vive', with the able support &  guidance of the Parish Priest Jean Baptiste GLESS and other volunteers. On the first day Fr. James released his new book book named " Ten moments Jesus shed His Blood" ( in French)  by giving the first copy to to Fr. Jean Baptiste, the parish priest.  Fr. James and Dr. Richie preached on the subject " Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow you will see miracles" ( Joshua 3.5). In fact, the whole retreat was in the context of the Lent - it was really an opportunity for the participants to experience the fruits of the passion of Jesus Christ! Both Fr. James. and Dr. Richie gave very powerful talks focussing on the Passion of Christ that helped  the participants for a new life by repentance & conversion. Sr. Gaby Landauro gave her testimony of life with emphasis on consecration. Maryvonne also shared her testimony about her conversion and new life in her retreat with Fr. James at Lourdes and  how she started organising retreats for him in France. All the talks and prayers were beautifully translated by Vincent Maduraud. On the second day, Sunday, the Parish priest Fr. Jean Baptiste GLESS  presided the concelebration of the mass. On the last day, Sunday, the Vicar general of the diocese Rt. Rev Fr. Alain Guellec presided over the concelebrated mass and preached.  Mr. Jacques Comand and Miss Marianne Vertommen consecrated their lives for holiness in Charis Marian Covenant Community on the second day during the mass..There were several priests to hear confessions on all days and to concelebrate the Holy Mass. Many people shared  testimonies of conversion, healing and new life. Fr. James prayed over each participant of the retreat on Sunday morning.Here are some photos and videos:-
Photos and panoramics

Burgenland-Austria. January 25-27 2019
The first charismatic retreat of this year by Fr. James and team was preached from 25th to 27th January 2019 in Weingut Stefanhof at Burgenland, Austria. The theme of the retreat was "Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow you will see the wonders of the Lord" (Joshua 3:5). Fr. James and Dr. Richie gave  powerful talks on the need of holiness for the church and the people of God that led every participant  to very good conversions of hearts, confessions, inner healing and new life. The atmosphere and the events were very grace- filled according to all who participated. It was organised by deacon Erwin and his Wife Ottilie, & Johanna Klein with their prayer group. Mr. Joseph and Irmgard Gross gave their mighty support for conducting the retreat. Fr. Florian, Deacons Kurt, Christian,(with there wives Silvie & Gabi)  Deacon Werner and other priests and deacons  were a great help for the preaching team, organisers and the participants. Gaby Landauro was there with her sisterly or maternal love & smile for all. The music was by Miss Beata of Graz and team.
Although it was snowing and very cold out side, the hearts all  were set on fire within by the infilling of the Holy Spirit! Her are some photos and videos:-

Photos and Panoramics


Rev. Dr. Abraham Vettuvelil MSFS is elected Superior General

 On Feb 2nd 2019,  in the general chapter of the MSFS held at Msfs Provincial house, Guwahati, Assam, India, Rev. Dr. Abraham Vettuvelil is elected Superior General for a second term of 6 years. Fr. Yves Carron, the present provincial of Franco- swiss province is elected as assistant to Fr. Abraham. It is a great acknowledgement and appreciation of the members of the congregation for the yeoman and magnanimous services Fr. Abraham rendered  the last six years for the congregation of the missionaries of St. Francis de Sales(MSFS) and the global church. He is not only has the charism of leadership& service, but he is a well- known preacher of the Gospel & a great animator of souls. It is a time heaven rejoice over the missionary works of the MSFS. May Jesus be praised- Jesus is alive! Hearty congratulations and prayerful wishes to Fr. Abraham MSFS.

Below, some photos and videos with Fr. James Manjackal and Rev Dr. Abraham Vettuvelil:

Click on the photos for an enlarged view

April 2016. Celbrating the 70th Fr. James Manjackal birthday and 43 years of priesthood

 Retreat in Obory (Oborach) - Poland. 
July 28th 2018.


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