My name is Magdalena (Maggie) and it was through Fr. James Manjackal that my life was completely transformed, and I would like to tell you about it here:
My Background
I was born in 1942 in the former Yugoslavia, as the child of a german
couple. I was baptised, but the communist regime had forbidden to speak
about God, so I knew nothing about Him. I spent my early childhood in a
Russian concentration camp, where my grandmother died because of hunger.
After that I was separated from my family and was raised as a communist
and atheist by the state. As a result, my view of the world was completely
distorted. The church was the enemy.
Communism was the ideology worth living and dying for. At the age of
twelve, I was forced to move to Germany to live with my father, after his
imprisonment in Russia. But I always felt like a stranger there, especially
because the language was foreign to me. That's why I left my family again
when I was 16. I became a nurse in psychotherapy, after 10 years I studied
and then I was a nursing director of a psychiatric hospital for more than
20 years. However, I realised I would not be able to create a paradise
on earth, which the communist ideology had deluded me to expect, despite
my efforts for the sake of the people. I therefore began to search for
"something" else that would satisfy my life.
Through my self-experience-analysis according to C.G. Jung, I took an interest in Asian religions. I had a large group of friends, very "good" and intellectual people with great ideals. 1968 and the following years were years of major changes in Europe. We were searching for the meaning of life, for self-experience, self-realisation, emancipation, expansion of consciousness.... The search of meaningfulness was so strong that we got involved in all forms of Esotericism and New Age: Different forms of therapy from America, Parapsychological teachings, Zen Buddhism, Yoga as well as the Asian religions and teachings. Friends of mine, doctors and therapists, went to India to different gurus. My profession was not enough for me either. It was clear to me that there had to be a deeper sense, something "higher". I was ready to do anything to find this "something" that was worth living and dying for.
I was invited to the ashram in Poona to the Indian guru Bhagwan Shree
Rajneesh. He said of himself he was an incarnation of Jesus Christ. I then
went to India two times and took part in all the programmes offered there.
But then I realised that this man Rajneesh was not Bhagwan (=God). Again
a lie -an illusion - broke and with this realisation my social environment
broke as well. I realised that this man could not help me. My thirst and
longing remained.
On My Own
I was so full of questions and had no one to help me. I stood for hours
in front of churches, but usually did not have the courage to go inside.
My fear of rejection, the lies of communism about church and my bondage
to the dark forces did not allow any contact. I was living in Germany at
that time and a friend asked me if I would come along on a trip to Medjugorje
(Bosnia) as a translator for a travel group. There was my first encounter
with Our Lady, in the language of my childhood, and I knew I had finally
Fr. James
A year later (1999) I went to Medjugorje again. Fr. James was there
at the same time. I was amazed by the power and authority which this priest
had in his prayer for the people. When he
put his hands on my head and prayed for me, my whole body trembled.
I was deeply touched inside and a power went through me. I was inwardly
filled with warmth and light. It was so
incredible that I cannot express it in words. I felt an enormous love!
Holiness! It was a piece of heaven. This "something" was now there: JESUS.
He is alive! I was in the presence of my God!
Later that evening, however, I wanted to suppress all I had experienced.
I thought that I had only fantasized about it and was therefore out alone.
But then Fr. James crossed my path and asked me if I had not felt anything
when he prayed for me. Suddenly the experience was present again.
The next day I knew that Fr. James has the power and authority from
his God to help me and to free me from all bondages. He will be stronger
with his God than the darkness in me. I wanted to hear and experience him
speaking about his God and also my (!) God. However, Fr. James had already
travelled elsewhere and I was very disappointed and doubted about God's
love for me.
But a few months later I had the opportunity to attend a retreat with
Fr James in Austria.
Through the words of Fr. James so much beauty, so much goodness and
love came into my heart and touched me deeply. I now wanted to know and
love Jesus. I had reached the end of my
seeking and had finally arrived.
My return to the Lord
Now began a journey of repentance and healing. I had no awareness of
sin and did not know the commandments of God. With the help of Fr. James,
who was able to look into my heart and soul
and prayed with me for enlightenment through the Holy Spirit, I recognised
many of my sins. I saw my sinful, immoral life, my aberrations, my bondage
to false gods and I saw how much I was
hurting the true God JESUS. I saw how I had sinned against love and
life. I wept and repented from the heart.
In this confession I was also shown where I had to change my life without
compromise: I ended two immoral relationships and bad habits, distanced
myself from particular people and changed
my behaviour towards my subordinates and my superiors.
Even later, the Lord showed me, through dreams and other such things,
my sins and what I needed to change.
The battle and God's miraculous healing
But the spiritual battle - within me - was there. The evil one has
power. The darkness, Satan with all his demonic powers did not release
me that easily. I heard voices telling me the lies that God doesn't want
me, that the Catholics will reject me, that Fr. James will kick me out
of his retreat,...
I heard voices and had dreams with horrible condemning content. It
got to the point where I had suicidal thoughts. Some attacks of evil also
manifested. For example, once when I wanted to go on a retreat, someone
drove into my parked car. Or once when I wanted to go into the confessional,
I was forced to leave the confessional and suffered a terrible inner struggle.
even then Jesus was with me. I was at least able to go in and ask for
a prayer.
There were also many temptations from my old group of friends to fall
back into my old habits.
But I faced this struggle. I was still unable to relate with Catholics
and therefore still alone, but Jesus gave me other support. I fell ill
at the time and so I was able to listen to the video recordings of the
talks given by Fr James all night long. I now also had a Bible and read
over and over again the passages that Fr James said in his talks. So I
fell in love with Jesus and could believe in his loving presence.
I also attended retreats of Fr. James and I would like to tell you
about the physical healings I received there over the years:
In the year 2000. It was the day before the retreat with Fr. James.
I fell down at work and my left hand was shattered. I recognised it as
an attack of Satan who was trying to prevent me from going to the retreat.
After getting a plaster bandage, I went to the retreat by train. The doctors
told me that I was going to have a complicated operation where screws and
nails would be inserted into my hand. After the retreat, X-rays showed
that this was not necessary. Alleluia,thank you Jesus!
March 2001. I had to go to hospital because I was diagnosed with cervical
cancer. I found out about a retreat of Fr James at Easter, although I still
didn't have much contact with Catholics. On Good Friday, during the prayer
for healing, I heard the words of Jesus through Fr James: "Magdalene you
are mine. I heal you from your cancer." My body was flooded with strength
with warmth and light. Jesus gives forgiveness, healing and deliverance!
I love him!
January 2003. The doctors noticed changes and lumps in my breast. I
was supposed to have an operation and was already in the hospital, the
blood sampling had already taken place and a
nurse showed me where my room was. From the hospital car parking area
I called Fr. James and asked for his help, for his prayer. I believed:
God will hear us, he will help me! Then the surgeon who would perform the
operation came to meet me. He told me he had spoken to the radiologist.
The operation is not necessary and I should only come regularly for
check-ups. I said to the doctor that I thank heaven for that. And he replied,
"Yes, this is a day to thank heaven." I didn't need any operation until
today. Lord Jesus, thank you!
2004: retreat in Wigratzbad: The healing process of my eyes was started.
The words of Jesus: "A person is healed from glaucoma" and "Magdalene eyes
are healed by Jesus". My eye disease is a legacy from my ancestors. Many
in my family were blind by the age of 50. Thank you Lord Jesus!
To give Testimony
My life has changed fundamentally. I have changed and I give testimony
of it wherever I can: Among my co-workers and students, to people from
my past, to nursing students,... I also took
some of them to seminars of Fr.James. What I share is very simple:
I share about my life without Jesus, about my seeking and my life and I
share what I have experienced and how it is now with Jesus in my life.
Things have changed in my family too: My niece who lived with a man
has now married in the church and her two children got baptised. My sister
received a miraculous healing through a
prayer from Fr. James that I asked him by e-mail. My other sister,
who lives in the USA, was the only one in her settlement who was miraculously
saved from hurricane damage, as if "someone" had held his hand over the
Final thoughts
When I was a child and no one was allowed to speak about God, there
was an old lady who was brave enough to tell me about ONE who loves everyone.
I never forgot that, I knew somewhere
in the world I had to find HIM. This became, was and is my attitude
towards life! I was able to get to know and love this "someone" who loves
everyone, through Fr James. Especially through the way Fr. James celebrated
Mass, I was able to experience the presence of God. But also especially
when I was allowed to visit him twice in the hospital when he was paralysed
and could only move his eyes, I felt the presence of God very much. Through
Fr. James, his blessings and his prayers, I was led to Jesus and was able
to get to know and love him.
Dear Fr. James, I thank you and I love you with all my heart for this.
I congratulate you to your jubilee and wish you God's rich blessing, his
love and the protection of our Mother Mary! I pray for you!
It is an adventure to live with Jesus and also with you, dear Fr. James.
Even at my age, guided by
the Holy Spirit, at Our Lady's hand. And if it is God's will, He will
allow us to meet again in this
world, otherwise: We will see each other in heaven!
Yours Maggie
How I met Fr James
I met Fr. James in 2006 in Guntersdorf, near Vienna, Austria. My general
condition was not good at that time.
I had had an operation to remove my uterus and one ovary. In addition,
I had suffered a deep shock when I fainted due to medication and suffered
an injury to my lip and chin. So I was very bad physically and mentally.
I had depression, anxiety and panic attacks due to all these circumstances.
At that time I sought help from Hildegard Medicine, I was my own doctor.
I was convinced that the "medicine of St. Hildegard" must be good because
it "comes from God". (I have since given up Hildegard medicine altogether,
as Fr James advised me only take herbs from my own garden. In reality,
it did not help me).
Two priests, Fr Ludwig Maria Gmoser and Fr Rudolf Parth, and my friend
Christa had advised me at that time to go on retreat with Fr James. I did
not know him at that time; I was very skeptical and afraid of him. Through
the urging of my friends, I let myself be persuaded to give it a chance
and was prepared to take part in at least the first day of the retreat.
I wanted to get to know Fr. James and form my own opinion.
I asked my husband Kurt to attend with me because my fear was very
great. When I saw Fr. James PRAY and when I listened to his talks, the
first thing that struck me was his great LOVE with which he spoke of God.
It impressed me very much.
There was also the possibility to talk to Fr. James personally. I took
this chance.
I presented my request to him and he advised me to praise and glorify
God and to attend every 3 days, which I did. However, this was not possible
for my husband, so Fr. Ludwig Maria promised that he would be there for
me the rest of the time, when I needed something.
That was a great comfort for me. .. James was the first person to give
me HOPE, after the end of the 3-days retreat I knew I would get better,
but not immediately. I knew it was going to take a little while. Yes, I
am so infinitely grateful to Fr. James, he has prayed for me countless
times and I have been healed countless times, from all sorts of things
and illnesses. We have even been organizing retreats for him since 2007.
Never in my life had I even remotely thought of such a thing.
Start of the organisation of the retreat
On 25 May 2007, on our wedding day, there was a YOUTH retreat in Thaya/Lower
Austria. My husband Kurt and I were so impressed by Fr James, so we told
our children about Fr James. They agreed to go to the youth retreat in
After the retreat, we asked Fr. James to bless us on our wedding anniversary.
Suddenly Fr. James asked us if we would be willing to organize couples
retreats for him. e were very surprised, as we had had nothing to do with
Fr James until that time.
My husband Kurt asked Fr. James if he knew how difficult it is to attract
couples. Shortly before, we had invited couples in our vicariate to a retreat
and 3 couples came. P. James said that more than 100 couples would come
and he was right.
There were 107 couples with their 70 children in 2007 in the parish
of "Maria Namen" in Vienna! It was simply wonderful! So many couples found
new to Jesus! It was simply indescribable how many graces the couples received.
Some were on the verge of divorce and through the retreat they found
each other anew!
In the following year, we organized another retreat for couples. Therefore,
we have already organized several retreats and our family has always received
great BLESSINGS. Our children made great progress in faith!
At Fr James' retreat, I learned to pray with confidence for healing.
For spiritual, but also for physical wounds, illnesses and suffering. Not
only my faith and that of my family was renewed and strengthened there,
but I was healed again and again, both spiritually and physically. Through
his retreats, I received healing directly on the spot on the one hand,
and on the other hand, a healing process was often set in motion, which
was then continued, also with the help of other priests who accompanied
me in my everyday life.
Therefore, I would like to list here some physical and spiritual healings
that I have received from the Lord. I would especially like to highlight
the healing from my cancer in 2013.
Physical and Mental Healings and Liberations 2006-2020
Healing from my cancer (diagnosed in summer 2013),
I had a very aggressive form of breast cancer. I had one breast removed,
as well as 10 out of 15 lymph nodes and my right ovary. There was also
a suspicion that the cancer had already spread to my spine. The diabetes
diagnosis, I had received shortly before, did not make it any easier. I
wanted to accept the suffering, but I was too weak, I cried and was scared
and had little strength. I did not have a good starting position: diabetes,
overweight, weak nerves, etc.
P. James said during a healing prayer at a retreat: "Sylvie, you are
healed of cancer".
I took the healing for myself, but also kept to Fr. James' words that
one also owes a certain obedience to the doctors. That is why I did all
the therapies. In total, I received 8 chemos and 30 radiotherapy treatments.
Despite having undergone these medical therapies, the whole course of my
illness and the fact that I am still alive today is a real miracle.
At the beginning of my therapy, my husband and I decided to use all
the possibilities God gave us through the Catholic Church. My husband called
it the "Catholic Alternative Medicine" ;-). So we attended and still attend
Holy Mass every day and receive Holy Communion.
Receiving Holy Communion unites me more deeply with Christ and makes
me a living member of the Body of Christ, renewing the graces I received
in Baptism and Confirmation and making me strong against sin. As it
was a very serious illness, I received the anointing of the sick at regular
intervals. Anointing of the sick heals, strengthens and comforts, gives
consolation and peace, connects the sick person and their suffering with
Christ in a profound way.
I went to see Fr James before every chemo (it was still possible then)
or he gave me a blessing through the phone where I felt comfort and strength.
I know he prayed for me every day as he does for many.
The time I had the chemos was very hard but my blood counts were always
fine even though I had obesity and diabetes. Many who had a better starting
position than me often had to take a break from therapies because there
blood counts were too bad, but I was able to continue without delay. Even
during the radiotherapy treatments, I never had an open spot.
By the way: I was healed of my depression after my sixth chemo through
the prayer of Fr. James (7 March 2014).
In addition to chemotherapy, I had to have the affected breast and
the right ovary removed (October 2013). These operations both went well.
However, after the ovarian surgery I had an improper removal of the drain.
I got a 10 cm long purulent wound. By the grace of God, a friend who was
a doctor came to visit. I had known her through the retreats and the evangelization
work with P. James.
Through her I was transferred to another hospital and my wound healed
quickly. She also put me in touch with an oncologist who was able to look
after me well.
More miracles
Two priest friends prayed for me for liberation from the "spirit of
cancer", this gave me real relief and hope. I felt freed from a great burden.
I would have loved to dance for joy if I could have.
On 9 May 2014, my oncologist called me and gave me the positive news
that there was no cancer in my lumbar spine. On 17 May 2014 my oncologist,
who consulted another doctor, confirmed again that there was no cancer
in my lumbar spine.
This was necessary because there were already two other diagnoses about
it from two hospitals. Thus, by God's great grace, I was healed of my cancer.
In the course of time, this spot in the lumbar region also became smaller
and smaller. The way to a job was now open. But before I started working,
I had anxiety and fear of large gatherings of people and fear that I would
not be able to do various things, as well as strong inner restlessness.
On 1 October 2014 I went to Fr James and asked for prayer and on 7
October I started working without anxiety.
Testimony at the rehab in Bad Sauerbrunn 29 July to 19 August 2014.
In Bad Sauerbrunn I received biofeedback to determine the biofeedback curve.
During the examination, I prayed: "Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me"-.
And it came out an ideal biofeedback curve. The statement of the counsellor
in charge was: "It would be great if all our patients had such a result."
Gifts and chansms, I received from the retreat with Fr James:
Cancer diagnosis again in 2020/2021
Since 2020/21 I have been diagnosed with cancer in my spine and lungs
I miraculously don't have to have chemotherapy, but anti-hormone therapy,
which is working very well. This healing is still ongoing. I trust that
I will be healed again and I have already been healed! I trust and rely
on the statement of the prophet Fr. James Manjackal: "Sylvie you are completely
healed from cancer" during a healing prayer last year 2022.
An example of my healing in progress: My tumor marker: CA 125 was above
1287 (7.9.2021) and fell to 43,6 (4.4.2022). CEA was 59.5 (7.9.2021) and
is now already in the normal range 3.1 (4.1.2023). CA 15-3 was above 722
(7/9/2021) and is now currently at 46.3 (6/6/2023). Normal range is 26.4.
In the course of cancer treatment, I was given injections and tablets.
On 24 March 2023, after the injection, I developed cramps and rashes/swelling
that incapacitated me for 2.5 weeks and forced me to bed. Miraculously,
the oncologist allowed me to take a 2 month break with the medication.
This allowed my body to recover. During this time, my GP tried to get to
the bottom of the cause of the rashes and swellings. I knew from previous
examinations that this was an almost hopeless endeavour. Nevertheless,
I went to an internist, among others, who examined me thoroughly. But since
this was not possible in these 2 months, I had the tumor marker determined
again on 3 June 23 after an online healing prayer with Fr James.
And it was a MIRACLE, the tumor marker dropped from 52.5 to 46.3 without
medication! Praise the Lord! In the meantime, I got the result from the
internist that I have high blood pressure and need to be adjusted.
It would not have been detected so easily! That is also a great mercy.
Therefore, I asked the oncologist if he would take me off the therapy for
another month and he allowed it! What a great miracle! My GP took me off
the gastric protector and gave me another drug, but I kept having rashes
and swelling on my face.
On 17 March 2023, I went with my husband Kurt to see Fr James in Graz.
After Fr. James' prayer for me, I was healed from these rashes and swellings!
Praise the Lord! I was already so affected by these rashes that every day
in the morning I immediately looked at my face to see if it was not already
swollen again. I cannot describe what a liberation that was!
On the 1st of July after Fr. James' monthly online prayer, I felt like
I was healed of my hormone problems. Amen. I still suffer from severe dizziness
and vertigo but I think that will also end. Thank you Jesus! I am writing
this testimony before the blood test tomorrow and I already thank the Lord
today that he has not let the tumor marker rise during this time and that
I am completely healed! Amen Thank you Jesus!
Spiritual helps on my way:
It is a WAY with JESUS, we need healing and deliverance at all times
because we are simply weak people, make mistakes and do not always recognize
the will of Jesus. I go to Mass every day, pray the Rosary every day and
read the Bible and Catechism every day. I attend healing services, retreats
and online healing prayers with Fr James or also other priests. Very strong
and helpful for me is the consecration to the Heart of Jesus:
As couple, we have consecrated ourselves to the Heart of Jesus through
the Heart of Mary in the Legion of Mary, of which my husband and I are
Also, through a consecration to the Heart of Jesus by Fr James (you
can find it on his website) and praying various healing prayers.
It is also important for us to connect with God in personal prayer
- as Fr James advises us again and again - so that we recognize God's will
and act accordingly.
I have ups and downs, but again and again I look at Fr James' healing
prayers and again and again I am liberated from my fears, from my stomach
problems due to medication and mental injuries. I need to be liberated
again and again because I am a weak person. I often have too little confidence.
I always try to pick myself up again after every discouragement, to trust
God more and ask God to help me. I can't do it alone. I have to renounce
my fears again and again and command the evil spirits that want to make
me sick and discouraged to go under the cross of Jesus. Jesus has redeemed
and freed us through his death on the cross.
I have written down where I have my weaknesses: E.g., I renounce the
spirit of cancer and command it to go under the cross of Jesus or I renounce
you, spirit of despondency, of fear and command you to go under the cross
of Jesus etc.
Before I get up, I make the sign of the cross over my places in the
body where I have problems and ask the Lord to wash me clean with his precious
blood. I ask the Holy Spirit to come with His joy, power, healing, etc.
Sometimes the healing comes a little later, then it is the Lord's will
for us. Sometimes I was healed immediately and sometimes it was the Lord's
will that I came to be healed with the help of conventional medicine.
If we look in Daniel 3:16 and ff, we see that Shadrach, Meshach and
Abed-Nego, before they were thrown into the furnace of fire, answered King
Nebuchadnezzar as follows: "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able
to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out
of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that
we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast
set up."
This is my path. I want to learn to trust the Lord more and more. If
he heals me, it is good. Nevertheless, if his will is different, who am
I to know better than the Lord is?
If it were up to human judgement, I would have died many times, but
God has saved me again and again, until one day he calls and says: "It
is time". The will of the Lord be done! Praise the Lord forever and ever
Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all the angels and saints and
to our heavenly Mother Mary! Thanks to the powerful prayer of Prophet Fr.
James Manjackal!
May God grant him long life and overflowing graces and blessings!
We can never repay him for what he does for us!
Lord, forgive and bless him and the many others who have prayed for
For a long time I had been struggling with foot pain due to degenerative
bone changes and heel spurs.
On Friday, October 21, during a prayer for healing, Fr. James mentioned
my name and said Teresa you are completely healed. With great joy in my
heart, I believed, thanked and praised God. I felt light in my soul, like
a butterfly, I could fly, I felt joy and incredible power in my heart.
Returning home from a retreat, I didn't feel any pain in my feet and it
still is today.
It was Jesus who touched me with his power and healed me with his love.
Praise the Lord ! I have a great peace in my heart and I feel that it is always with me.
A testimony from a retreat with Father James Manjackal.
Waldek and Grażyna married for 42 years, parish of St. Lawrence in
Glinianka. e want to share the testimony of the retreat with Father Manjackal
of 20-22.10.2023
On October 14th, after a spinal injury, I got a very strong pain that
limited my movements to such an extent that I could neither tilt nor turn
I came to the retreat in great pain. While praying for healing, Father
James said that Jesus was healing Waldek from his ailments. With great
conviction that it was up to me, I accepted this healing of God. The next
morning I woke up with no pain and no mobility limitations. Happy, I would
like to thank Jesus for the healing and Father James Manjackal for his
prayer ministry and blessing. Waldek
I, Grażyna, Waldek's wife, would also like to thank Jesus and Fr.
James for their intercessory prayers to the Triune God for the graces that
God gives us. On this retreat I experienced the spiritual love of Jesus,
the joy of the Spirit, and the healing of my spine and heart. I would also
like to share that for 7 years I have given my life to Jesus and his presence
is always in me.
I thank God and Father James for this fruitful retreat.
With God Grażyna
Testimony 20-22.10.2023 Warsaw
My name is Marcin . 12 years ago I had surgery on my leg . Unfortunately after this operation there were many complications . Since then I felt pain in this leg every day and it limited my walking and daily functioning very much . During the retreat with Fr. James I experienced the Grace of healing of that leg . I do not feel the pain .
Praise the Lord !
Thank you Jesus !
20-22.10.2024 Warsaw
My name is Ursula .
During the retreat with Father Manjackal I was completely healed .
The Lord God healed me from the spirit of rejection , which influenced
my whole 59 years of life . He healed me from the spirit of manipulation
and feeling of low value , judged by people . I also experienced the Grace
of physical healing from female problems , anxiety and headache .
May God be glorified and exalted .
God be thanked .
Testimony 20-22.10.2023 Warsaw
My name is Alicia and I would like to tell you how I was healed of
my homosexuality thanks to the prayer of Fr. Jacob at the retreat. Even
as a young girl I felt that something was wrong with me. Since I was a
child I was a very deep believer and prayed that the Lord would take it
away from me, but unfortunately it didn't happen. In high school
I met such a company, which repeated to me that after all, this is normal
and I should live as I feel. I walked away from church and prayer. I lived
like this for 8 years. God protected me and I never got involved with any
woman. My family prayed earnestly for my return to God, and a cousin once
heard about Father Manjackal and offered my family a retreat.
Everyone went except me. During Fr. Jamsea's prayer for the healing
of my photo, while at home, I received a grace, such a light, such a huge
release of love. I accepted it very reluctantly. The struggle continued
for another 1.5 years. Today is the 4th year since I personally came to
the retreat, where God continues to heal me of my wrist pain.
I thank Father that he is so dedicated and that the Lord God can work
through him and change people's lives!
I received a new wonderful ! Thank you!
Today, I myself give testimony and pray for people like me. I wish
everyone could experience what I did.
God bless. Alicia
Testimony 20-22.10.2023 Warsaw
Thank you Lord Jesus from the bottom of my heart for the physical and
spiritual healing and most beloved Mother Mary.
I give you my life , joys and sufferings . Thank you for the miracle
of healing from cerebral palsy and please persevere in doing Your Will
. While praying at Fr. James retreat I felt Lord Jesus Your healing and
I can walk without crutches .
Mary I give my whole family , friends ora whole self to You .
Testimony 20-22.10.2023
Jesus, thank You for my healing. Jesus, I love You so much and trust
You completely, my Father. I know that I am healed from my mental illness.
During prayer, I felt Your healing so much that I stopped the psychotropic
drugs I had been taking for over 10 years. I had severe depression and
Thank you Jesus for your mercy. I love You my Jesus. You are my King
over Kings and Lord over Lords.
Testimony 20-22.10.2023 Warsaw
I had the pleasure of attending a retreat with Fr. James Manjackal
in Ostroleka 7 years ago . I went to this retreat more out of curiosity
. Jesus had a different plan for me , I received a new life during the
retreat . Lord Jesus freed me from all addictions , the most beautiful
thing I received was a new heart and a new life .
Now I share this testimony , I want to say that Jesus is and lives
among us .
Retreat 20-22/10/2023 Warsaw
During Father Jakub's prayer during the retreat in Warsaw, the Lord
Jesus healed me of very frequent headaches and the associated epileptic
condition. Cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation) also disappeared.
Leg swelling also disappeared after three endoprostheses. The above three
symptoms have apparently disappeared.
What's more, during the prayer I heard that I was completely cured,
so I hope that God will also heal me from hypertension.
My name is Agnes I want to thank the Holy Trinity for the grace that
took place at the Retreat with Fr . James Manjackal from 20 to 22.10 in
Warsaw . For a long time I have suffered spiritually hurt by my husband
, by his interest in other women .
It was here at the Retreat during prayer that I was freed from this
suffering , I felt lightness for which Praise Jesus for his works .
Jesus Lives and heals .
Retreat Warsaw 20-22.10.2023.
During the retreat with Fr. J. Manjackal in Warsaw in 2023, I was healed
from very heavy menstrual bleeding.
Thank you God !
I believe that during the retreat z o. Manjackal I was healed of allergic
rhinitis , ear problems , uterine wound( after cesarean section) .
I believe that the Lord God gave me a child during prayer .
Retreat Warsaw 20-22.10.2023.
Participating in Rev. James Manjackal's retreat, I believed with faith
in the words spoken by Rev. James that our Dear Lord would heal me of my
neck pain, which had been very severe for a long time. I accepted this
healing. The next day Fr. James, while praying for healing, said my name
that I was healed.
I believed in faith and accepted it .
Our Lord is gracious and merciful!
Praise the Lord for this !!!
Retreat Warsaw 20-22.10.2023.
Jesus Christ be praised. I came to this retreat with a sore and heavy
heart. It was full of wounds. The week leading up to this retreat time
was very difficult for me. Everything was happening that made me tired
and discouraged about this arrival. On the day of departure I was struck
by pain, so I thought to myself that I would NOT be able to make it, it
was rather not me who thought so, but it was the evil spirit that whispered
to me. I said NO! I reached, the pain subsided during adoration, so that
I felt a poignant warmth in my belly. My heart was filled with peace and
great lightness. Forgiveness came for those who had wronged me, especially
for my late sister. And love for my husband and forgiveness .
Praise the Lord
Retreat Warsaw 20-22.10.2023
I received a stream of healing graces at the retreat. I was healed
already on Friday from dizziness, which had lasted since 04/04/2022. I
lost the ability to move on my own because I was losing my balance. In
2021 r., in November, in a car accident, I had 6 broken ribs and a broken
sternum, a contusion of the left lung, a contusion of the epigastrium.
Since Friday, digestion and appetite have returned. I have no pain in my
sternum and ribs. The stream of God's Grace on Saturday revived my vitality
and rejuvenated my 85 years.
I thank God for such a retreat. I will pray for Fr. James M. and the
Healed Mary
Retreat 21.10.2023 Warsaw
At Father James Manjackal's retreat I was healed of a heart rhythm
disorder ( arrhythmia)
Praise Jesus !
Retreat 21.10.2023 Warsaw
During the international prayer led by Father James Manjackal, which
takes place every first Saturday of the month, I received healing from
back spine .
Praise the Lord !
Retreat 20-22.10.2023 Warsaw
On the first day of the retreat, during the prayer for healing, my
complaints of very severe esophageal reflux, which were bothersome during
the day and most intensified at night during sleep, subsided. Thank you
Lord God for the healing .
Janina from Poznan
- Ecuador
I am Yvette Santos León, I am 53 years old and I live in Ecuador.
For more than 5 years I had reflux and colitis (inflammation of the
large intestine), and in the last 2 years this got worse because I also
got sick with ileitis (inflammation of the ileum, which is a part of the
small intestine).
During all these years I had undergone medical treatment with a lot
of pills, but last year the pain had become so intense that sometimes I
could not sleep, and in the month of November I did not even have the strength
to get out of bed.
Already tired of not being healed with medicine, one day of november
I decided to stop taking it and asked the Lord to heal me...
On Saturday December 2, I woke up very sore, I was still on bed and
asked again God to heal me, then I connected to YouTube looking for catholic
music or some catholic video that can help me to calm down.. and
suddenly and for the first time it appeared a live video Father James'
healing prayer (it is important to mention that I had heard of this
priest before, but I did not know that he had a YouTube channel and much
less that he did live healing prayers). I began to pray with him, to adore
baby Jesus, to thank Him to become as a child, to sing to baby Jesus with
father James… then father James started to pray for the sick.... people
started to write their names and deseases in the chat, so I wrote my name
and asked the Lord to heal me of the disease of my intestines... Father
James was mentioning the names of the people and the diseases that the
Lord was healing... But father did not mentioned my name, and meanwhile
like blind Bartimaeus, I said over and over again: "Jesus heal me",
and I wrote several times in the chat, until finally Father James said
that Jesus had healed me.
The prayers finished, I got up from my bed with faith that I had been
healed, and as the days passed, little by little the symptoms of reflux
and pain decreased, and finally disappeared. On February I went to the
doctor, she made me medical exams again, and told me that I
was cured.
Glory to the Lord! Thank you Jesus because you have healed me! Thank
you Father James for praying for me!
Jezu ufam tobie
I was healed from tetany, that was diagnosed by a doctor in this year.
Anyways, I used to feel weak, have so many muscle spasm and tremors for
more than one year.
What's more, for the last year I had my shoulder injured after work-outs
at the gym. In november I did a resonance, which shows that my shoulder
is ok .
Praise the LORD !
Praised Jesus and Mary!
Dear Father James, I am writing to you today with great gratitude in
my heart for all your prayers and I want to testify.
I am Jasminka, from Ljubeščica, a small town in Croatia, I live and
work in Austria. In June 2023, I attended Father James' Seminar in Graz
for the first time. Durring the prayer for healing, he also said
my name.
I immediately believed and thanked Jesus in myself, but for secular,
medical confirmation, until now. All that time the words of Jesus, when
he healed 10 lepers and only one returned and came to thank me, echoed
in me and kept coming to my mind.
That's why I now want to testify that Jesus healed my blood and all
blood values, especially from leukopenia. And that in November,
during an online - prayer with Father James, he healed me of pain in my
Thank You, my Jesus, for everything that I have and that You never
left me,you gave me miracles and healed me.
I love You Jesus, my strength and my consolation.
Jesus is alive and here among us!
Dear Father James,
I would like to witness the healing I received on November 4th, 2023
during the healing prayer. On October 22th, I woke up at night due to severe
pain in my right shoulder. My arm was sore, stiff, almost immobile. The
pain was intense and continued in the same intensity during the day so
I went to the emergency room. Please find medical documentation attached.
I was prescribed a therapy - opiates and antirheumatics, but I couldn't
take my therapy because of the job I do, which includes gun carrying. I
suffered strong pain until November 4th. On that day during the prayer,
the thought "Try to move your hand" came to my mind but I didn't do it,
I kept following you. The same thought reappeared. At that moment, I realized
that my arm no longer hurts. I carefully started raising my hand, lifting
it normally - forward, backward, sideways. I decided to hold out my hand
and lifted it above my head. The hand is healed! Thank God, thank Jesus,
thank you.
I'm grateful.
One morning in the spring of 2023, on my way to work I stepped wrong
and twisted my left foot on the slippery pavement. The pain was piercing,
but after a while I was able to walk to work. From that day on, my foot
was sore and swollen, especially in the evenings after work. After two
months, when home treatment was not helping, I was hesitant to go to the
doctor. I didn't want to waste my time looking for a foot injury specialist,
so I kept going to work, but it was a difficult time. After two months
I went to Father James' spiritual renewal retreat in Ostrava, thinking
that God would heal my foot there. At this retreat my leg stopped hurting
on the first day and in the evening it was no longer swollen. I praised
the Lord. After returning home, my foot began to hurt again. I started
searching on the internet for a specialist. I called one. He had an appointment
available in two months at the earliest. I didn't call another doctor.
I said to myself, God, I thought, now that my leg is hurting again, you
just want me to go to the doctor. But at the spiritual renewal, you did
heal me. And if my leg hurts again, I just trust you. I give the pain in
my leg to you, and when it hurts, I sacrifice the pain for the conversion
of sinners. Within a week, my leg was completely fine.
Thank you Jesus for healing and thank you for father James Manjackal
Dear Father James,
I thank dear God for your great heart and the suffering you show for
us who are influenced by your intercessory prayer.
During a regular check-up, the doctor had suspicions and sent me for
a areola puncture on my left breast. I immediately sought your prayers.
The puncture results showed that I am healthy. Jesus healed me through
your intercessory prayer, Father James.
Thank you for your prayers, love, and the suffering you endure for
I love you, I pray for you, Father, and I thank dear God for giving
you to us! I have been to almost all your seminars in Croatia.
Grateful, Kristina Oršanić Kopić from Zagreb (Croatia)
I was at Father James's seminar on August 10, 2023. in Altötting,
Germany. I prayed for my family and people around me. I did not pray for
myself. When Father James spoke, I had the feeling that he was speaking
to me. Especially about insomnia, how he doesn't sleep either, how Jesus
can rest us in one hour of sleep as if we slept all night. As we do not
need to take any pills or preparations. I thought to myself that I, too,
have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, I am struggling, I am
praying, I am showing this suffering to Jesus, but when it comes to 2:00
a.m. I can't do it anymore and sometimes I take Melatonin - because I think
I can't suffer anymore and how I have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning
and be in top shape for the patients I care for.The night after the seminar,
I dreamed that I was lying in bed, and two nurses were removing bandages
from the lower part of my legs. I also saw Father James standing next to
my bed, and I felt Mrs. Ana Protic in my spirit, that she was also there
and praying (she is the leader of our small prayer community). I knew that
Jesus healed me from insomnia and from sick veins in my legs through the
prayers of Father James and Mrs. Ana. Oh, how nice and well I slept then.
The insomnia is gone.
Thank you Father James! Glory to Jesus! And thank you for your prayers
for my niece Kiara, and Jesus healed her according to your prayers - you
said her name even before you could read the letter in which I asked you
to pray for her. Thank you. Thank you Jesus and may he bless you so that
you can evangelize for a long time.
Davorka Bosnjak
& Simona
Denar father James,
thank you for your prayer!
Two years ago we informed that my father Ivan had a prostati
cancer. His state of health was progressively becoming worse. A few weeks
ago he visited his doctor and she was very surprised. His state of health
has suddenly improved without any known reason. The doctor broke off the
medical treatment. Thanks God!!
I ask you to keep praying for my father because he still has terrible
pains and he has problems with walking. He is 87 years old.
I also ask you to keep praying for my mother who has many cronical
diseases. My state of health has becoming worse and worse.
Thank you very much! Yours sincerely,
Simona Poredoš
Dear father James,I wroted you almost two year ago about that boy Emanuel
( my husbands nephew) that lives in Germany and has autism. Few days after
that his mother join your prayer ,it was that time on Friday. Few days
after his mother put him to sleep in the evening she said to him :"Good
night Emanuel" he responded:"Good night mum". It was for the first time
that he repet after someone or respond. After that day he spoke more and
more. Hvala i slava Isusu! Thank you, father James for your
prayers from our heart. This is Emanuel (photo)
Dear Father James,
I thank you for your prayers and blessings both for me and my family.
I would like to tell you how I was blessed during your service in July,
in Portugal, during the cure and liberation prayer.
It had been years since I was able to kneel. When you said that those
who couldn't kneel should try to do so and have faith, and they would be
healed, I tried to kneel with great difficulty but when I stood up I was
able to do so thanks to the blessings of God and your own.
Ever since, I have been able to kneel without difficulty. I would like
to thank you for your help, the blessing and santification of my family's
May God bless you always.
Filomena de Jesus
Dear father James, I am writing you my testimony.
I was born as one of triplets. I ran out of oxygen and that's why we
were all born two months early. Because of this, I have hemiparesis
on the right side of my body and my right leg is shorter between 2 and
3 cm according to the old findings. I was tapping when I would walk
( “hopping” on the right leg ). I had an elevation of 2 cm in the right
I was at your Spiritual Renewal for Croatians in June and September.
I experienced healing. There is no more hopping.
My Achilles tendon has lengthened. When I went to get the new
findings, the doctor thought that my tendon had been lengthened by the
operation. I do squats much easier because the heel doesn't go up in the
air like before. My leg is now 2 cm shorter and I walk better. The doctor
also reduced the elevation in my shoe from 2 cm to 1.5 cm, and he said
that only 1 cm is possible (to see for myself how it is easiest for me
to walk)
Below I am sending the findings before
and after the Spiritual Renewal.
Thank you for praying for me and my family. dear God bless and protect
Ivan Glasnović
My mom received the link for the international healing hour from a
friend. She was so delighted watching it, she called me afterwards and
described such a beautiful experience. I didn’t see her so happy like
this. She said she heard: Danijela, you are healthy.
I searched on the internet and found the streamed version on YouTube.
By watching it, I became healing of my pain, my heart and brain changed.
I became stronger.
Thank you for your prayers! „
Dear Father James.
My name is Igor, I am 41 years old. I attended your seminar for the
first time in Koprivnica (Croatia) in 2002. This year I attended all three
seminars for Croats in Austria. At the first seminar, God healed me of
fornication, cursing, lying, and stealing, and I started praying again,
and at the third seminar this year, my spine healed.
I am divorced, I have three daughters from my first marriage. Now I
am in a civil marriage for 7 years and I have one daughter. After the first
seminar in Austria, through prayer and the Word of God, I was encouraged
to initiate proceedings on the annulment of the marriage. I have been to
the ecclesiastical court and it has grounds for obtaining nullity. He should
start court these days. I believe that with God everything is possible
and that God turns for good all those who love him. I am asking you to
pray for me and this case so that God's will is fulfilled because he would
fervently want me to live sacramentally again and receive Jesus in the
holy host. I also hope that you will be able to hold seminars in Croatia
again, because we really need it. I love you and pray for you dear Father
James. God's blessing
Hail Jesus and Mary Father James! I would like to testify how great
God is. I've been suffering from cancer for three years, they removed my
uterus and after a few months progressive cancer appeared on the breast
that was removed. I went through chemotherapy and radiation. But of all
that, it hurt me the most when they took out my uterus and I endured the
In the sixth month I was in Austria at your seminar and after the laying
on of hands I felt a great grace, while I was resting in the spirit my
whole body stretched and in an instant I saw a hand on my stomach, it squeezed
my stomach so much that I had the feeling that my stomach stuck to the
spine and after that I heard a voice go and testify in the Name of the
Triune God, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Blessed
Virgin Mary that I completely healed you!!! The Holy Spirit worked a lot,
I have never received so much grace as I did then, and since 2006 I have
been going through spiritual renewal.
When I came home after three days, I realized that I had no pain in
the place where my uterus was removed. In the eighth month, I went to the
gynecologist who asked in disbelief where I had been operated on and who
had operated on me, because he did not see any scars. I knew that only
our great and merciful Lord could do that. First, I thank the Triune God
and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and then I thank you for your great love and
kindness, for your great sacrifice for us who are poor in spirit. May the
Lord be glorified even more and more powerfully through your life.
P.S. when I came to the seminar, I wanted so badly to touch Jesus,
to touch his clothes, and then the Lord did it, you received us for a personal
prayer where you allowed me and my family to kiss the wounds of Christ
on your body. When the Lord gives, He gives abundantly, not only for me
to touch Him, but for my whole family!!! Thanks and glory to Jesus for
all the graces given, healing of spirit, soul and body!!!
Dear Father James,
Julian has been seizure-free for 3 years epilepsy because of your prayers.
We are very grateful to God and you for this. However, according to
his doctor, he still needs to take the medication.
God bless and protect you!
Praised Jesus and Mary. dear father James. I asked you to pray for
my daughter Katarina, who is struggling with fears and anxiety, and thank
God my daughter miraculously recovered, so I wanted to send you this testimony
I attended one of father Manjackal's retreat in France and I received
a professonal gift. Indeed, I ve been a teacher at home for 3 years and
since the retreat, I ve been feeling more confident during my job. I m
also more efficient and I spend less time preparing my lessons. In a few
words, I feel better in my job after father Manjackal placed his hands
on me. I know that s divine...
Dear Father James!
Today, I would just like to briefly write to you what I experienced
on your Saturday prayer.
When you had prayer, I joined you somewhere in the middle because I
was previously busy. When you prayed for the curse break, I felt such hot
chest pain inside, and tears flowed without my strength to stop them. The
same thing happened to me, when you prayed for your spouses in crisis,
tears flowed. And when you pronounced my name, Matthew you were freed,
it hit me like a lightning bolt in my heart.
Thank you Jesus for everything he does, even though I don't understand
so many things. I believe that the Lord has broken something in me. Thank
you for all your prayers and for the gift of the Holy Spirit who speaks
through you.
I wish you God's blessing on your journey to mission.
Mateja from SLovenia
I would like to testify, how for our God nothing is impossible
and Our Lady intercedes for our intentions and no one is left without help.The
first time I participated in online retreat led by father James during
the Covid pandemic when I was sick and I was healed. In 2023 I participated
in his retreat led in Sierakowice and Warsaw and I see how God helps in
my life and members of my family.In 2023, I started pray for Father
James as part of the group called in Poland „Margaretki”.I pray in
this intention every Friday.In November 2023, I got sick, I had a fever
of about 40 degrees for a long time, I had terrible pain in my stomach,
back and legs, I could barely move because of the pain.
Despite the pain, I prayed the rosary and, just as Father James taught
during the retreat that the name of Jesus has power, I called the name
of Jesus many times with faith, I entrusted the painful parts of my body
to God, by making the sign of the Holy Cross. The medicines which I received
did not help me, what's worse, due to my allergies, I couldn't take all
the medicines. I felt worse.After the medical diagnostics another doctor
sent me to the hospital with suspected inflammation in pelvic and left
ovarian abscess, indicating that surgery may be necessary. On Wednesday,
when I was received this diagnosis, my daughter added to her prayer
intentions also intention for my healing during her bread and
water fast, which she was continued until 9 days, and she wrote an
e-mail to Father James with ask for pray while I went to the hospital.
When I was admitted to the hospital, my daughter read from the church community
the message that in the frame of the pilgrimage of the image of Our Lady
of Victories, the image will be at our home next year on Mother's Day.Further
examination indicated an abscess 7x4 cm on the left side of stomach. I
was sent for further diagnostics in the hospital. During hospital treatment,
I became allergic to the medicine and I felt still pain.Due to the
abscess detected on the left side of my stomach, I had a CT scan ordered.
The doctor said that the CT scan did not show abscess on the left
side of my stomach.All the time in the hospital, I continued to pray, offering
my pain for the souls who are suffering in purgatory and those who suffer
even more like me. On Thursday, after 9 days in the hospital (on the 9th
day of my daughter's fast) I left hospital without surgery, I felt on the
left side of my stomach pain like after surgery.
On Friday next week I had inspection visit with the another doctor
- he said that’s true-he also didn’t see abscess in the left side of
my stomach. That day was the first Friday of the month December, in the
evening during Holy Mass I felt that the pain had gone away and disappeared.
Praise the Lord!I encourage you to trust in God,pray for priests and the
souls in purgatory suffering.Praise the Lord for the grace of healing and
all the blessings.
Dear Father James,
I would like to witness the healing I received on November 4th, 2023
during the healing prayer. On October 22th, I woke up at night due to severe
pain in my right shoulder. My arm was sore, stiff, almost immobile. The
pain was intense and continued in the same intensity during the day so
I went to the emergency room. Please find medical documentation attached.
I was prescribed a therapy - opiates and antirheumatics, but I couldn't
take my therapy because of the job I do, which includes gun carrying. I
suffered strong pain until November 4th. On that day during the prayer
of Fr. James Manjackal, the thought "Try to move your hand" came to my
mind but I didn't do it, I kept following the prayer. The same thought
reappeared. At that moment, I realized that my arm no longer hurts. I carefully
started raising my hand, lifting it normally - forward, backward, sideways.
I decided to hold out my hand and lifted it above my head. The hand is
healed! Thank God, thank Jesus, thank you.
I'm grateful.
Thank You lovely Lord God fór all healings and blessinss in our family.
We are getting stronger in love. It's so good to have You, i can't imagine
life without You. Thank You so much. Dear beloved father James thank you
fór everything you have done for us.
Thank You our most loved lord God. Bianka started to talk good. She
had some problems. She said twice words before and so was speaking slowly.
Thank You for all blessings. I know my family is very blessed by You by
program with dear beloved father James.
Lucia Golinska
Ewa's family. Retreat Sierakowic
Ms. Ewa's family is a foster family for seven children. Ms. Ewa is currently
staying with her children at the Wake Clinic in Warsaw so I - a neighbor
- am giving this testimony on her behalf.
e 22.07.2023
My name is Bożena I would like to give a testimonial .
A year ago ( 2022 R ) in Sierakowice at the same place at a retreat
led by Fr. James Manjackal Eve my neighbor , I and my neighbor's family
asked for life and health for her two children who were in a car accident
.Coming back from church there was a tragic accident . The driver of the
car , in which the children were traveling went off the road into a ditch
. Unfortunately , on the way hit a tree , the car roofed . The children
were resuscitated immediately after the accident , in serious condition
they were taken to the hospital, where they were resuscitated again . They
had many injuries and fractures . The condition of the children was very
serious . ( attached photos of the children after the accident )
We went to Fr. James' retreat to pray for life and health for the Children
. We believe that through the prayer of Fr. James the Lord God is
little by little giving health to the children . Dominic's condition has
improved .Since the accident for 9 months Dominic was in a coma . Today
he walks on his own , speaks , eats meals and learns life again .
Klaudia is still in a coma , she is being rehabilitated all the time
, her situation is changing for the better .
Thank you God for hearing our requests.
God is alive, He hears us and answers our desires and prayers.
Retreats Warsaw 2023
My name is Joanna . I am from the Lublin area , thank you Lord Jesus
for the grace I received . During the Charismatic retreat of Fr. Jamesa
M. I received many graces for which I thank you very much .
Lord Jesus healed my heart , and the pain in my back .
Praise the Lord !
Retreat Sierakowice 22.07.2023.
Praise the Lord Jesus .
I had a colorectal anastomosis 14 years ago I was diagnosed with malignant
cancer. I did not take chemotherapy or lamps, I refused and entrusted my
disease to Jesus.
At a retreat in Starogard Gdanski, Fr. Manjackal, during prayer, mentioned
my diminutive name as my parents and siblings called me - Wieśka. Fr.
James said: "Wieśka the Lord Jesus is healing you." I believed it and
accepted the healing.
In all the time that has passed since my illness and the retreat until
now I have been working all with a small break ( one year I had a
pension ) . Recently I have been working sorting fruit. More than once
I returned from work about 3 km on foot, more than once I had to walk both
ways on foot 6 km. , and I am over 66 years old. People ask where I get
my strength from. I take strength from the Lord Jesus, it is He who leads
me through life.
Thank you Jesus
Worshipper Wieslawa from Gdynia
Retreat Sierakowice 22.07.2023
In 2012 while attending Fr. James Manjackal's retreat in Starogard
Gdanski , I experienced healing from migraines after individual laying
on of hands by Fr. James Manjackal and his personal prayer over me for
my healing .
I also experienced an inner strange feeling - an opening to the Holy
Spirit . I was joyful in myself and filled with the Holy Spirit .
Justyna from Bydgoszcz
Retreat 22.07.2023 Sierakowice
Testimony from the retreat in Sierakowice .
During the prayer for healing which was led by Fr. James Manjackal
on Saturday I felt relief from suffering , less abdominal pain . I had
been ill for a long time with enteritis and colitis . On Sunday the pains
stopped completely . During adoration of the Blessed Sacrament I received
inner peace .
Praise the Lord !
Retreat Sierakowice 22.07.2023.
Luck of God.
I participated in 2022 in a retreat organized in Sierakowice, led by
Fr. James Manjackal. During the retreat I was healed of hemorrhoids. I
was healed for a very long time, I went to many doctors. Going to work
after the retreat, my colleagues noticed that since I had been on the retreat
I had not complained of hemorrhoid pain, only then did it occur to me that
it was during the prayers of Fr. James the Lord Jesus healed me.
Today I also attend this retreat, a year has passed and I am healthy.
Praise the Lord . Kasia
Retreat 22.07.2023 Sierakowice
Thanking the Lord God for His mercy and power , I would like to testify
to the grace of healing from breast cancer through the intercession of
the prayer of Fr. James Manjackal .
Last year I had numerous examinations : ultrasound , mammogram and
two biopsies. I was diagnosed with breast cancer . Surgery and radiation
were recommended . I went on a one-day retreat to Obory , where Fr. James
celebrated the Eucharist and conducted conferences . During the Eucharist
, Fr. James prayed for healing . During the prayer Fr. James said that
the Lord heals from breast cancer , my name was also mentioned among those
experiencing healing .
I already had an operation scheduled for which I interceded . After
the operation , which went well no painkillers were needed to the amazement
of the nurses . Numerous specimens were submitted for examination . The
doctor informed me that he cut out everything possible in the areas marked
, and removed 4 lymph nodes from me .
The histopathological results showed no cancer cells in the above sections
God be thanked for His omnipotence , power , and above all for love
and healing .
Hanna from Gdansk
22.07.2023 Sierakowice
My healing and transformation began at Fr. James Manjackal's retreat
in Obory in 2019. The healing was preceded by an act of Entrustment to
Mary in August 2018 . God healed my Faith , which is growing day
by day .
After Fr. James retreat in which I participated Jesus saved my soul
and sons Robert and Blazej from eternal damnation . God showed me the right
path to follow in life . I also received the grace of forgiveness .
The Grace of Forgiveness is the beginning of every healing . Through
forgiveness I Bless my enemies and friends . It is important to do God's
Will in life , and God is to come first . I believe and trust God , even
though sometimes a breakdown comes - I pick myself up and grow . I believe
and Trust with all my Heart , Soul , Body , Senses and Emotions .
I thank everyone whom God put on my path in a difficult situation ;
Fr. James , Priests who celebrated Mass , Maria and her family , Ulka and
many others and people who supported me spiritually and physically .
God healed my Soul physically from many ailments , wounds and emotions
Praise the Lord .
Blessed be Jesus and Mary and Saint Joseph!
I would like to share my testimony.
My name is Andrijana Vicković, I am 47 years old, and I was diagnosed
with Rheumatoid Arthritis 26 years ago. Over the years, it has advanced
a lot and degenerative changes are pronounced. I have an artificial knee
and an artificial ankle in my right leg.
While the left knee is still mine, but very damaged, because the disease
completely destroyed the cartilage. It was destroyed to such an extent
that I can't even rely on it, and since May 2023, I've been on two crutches
and in a wheelchair.
At Father James's spiritual renewal in Austria for Croats, on September
9, 2023, after Father James laid his hands on me and prayed, I lowered
my heel to the floor and leaned on my leg.
And not only that, but I walked without crutches, so I relied completely
on my leg. Even today, 5 days after the prayer, I walk without crutches.
Our God is great ! He wants us to be healthy and happy.
Thank you Father James for your prayers and intercession!
I thank Christ for giving me health and relief through tortured hands.
Jesus Christ, my King, my God !
Andrijana Vicković, Pula, Croatia
My testiomony is related with my request about divorce decision.
The story of our marriage problems is very long, so in short words
I can say, I decided to take our children and leave my husband in end of
a May, when nothing changes.
But, Jesus did a miracle in our married life; because of Your prayers,
many Holly Masses, many rosemaries ( Pompeian novena), our God helped us
to stay together in love and unity.
Thank God and thank You for helping so many people to come to God!
Joachim, who is now 5 years old, since about 10 months is able to speak.
It is after you prayed for him.
Previous he can't communicate, was diagnosed by many specialist, who
claimed he probably will be never speaking normally. Finally he was diagnosed
as an autistic child, still with no or very small chances to develop speeach
ability ever. But Jesus did a miracle for our son through your prayers.
Now he is speaking well in polish and know some english words and phrases.
Praise the Lord!
Dear Father James,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, sacrifices
and fasting for humanity and for individuals.
Today during your online prayers the Lord pleased me with the healing
of my knee. I was in great pain for a long time, even at night the pain
woke me up. I couldn't walk without pain, I couldn't even kneel in church
during mass. During your prayers, I placed my right hand on my sick knee
and during the final blessing you gave us, I knelt completely without pain.
Dear Father James, I remain united with you in prayers
in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN!
Yours sincerely
Jana Kormaňáková
Dolný Kubín
Florence and Serge
Dear Father James,
I was in june in Brest to participate to your retreat for 3 days. We
were together my husband Serge and I Florence and it was our 46 years of
wedding. It was a great and wonderfull expérience for the first time
we met you and all the team around you. We were in the same plane from
Paris as you and we exchanged a smile when we get up on board.
We have 5 children and 9 grandchildren and we are christian catholics.
We left the practiss of our religion and our engagement as catéchistes
or to prépare to wedding, in 1991 for different reasons, the principale
is the attitude of some priests around us. I was 33 years when I began
a new part of my life. I get married when I was 20 years old, 5 children
before 30 years old and it was for me important to contribute to the world
and to help people. I began a training to be psychotherapist. I arrived
to a master trainer in NLP and Hypnosis and I worked in France and in Morocco
until my retreat in 2018. Since this time I continue as psychotherapist
and to train gratuitous.
In the same Time with Serge, in Mexico we met in 1996 chamanes huicholes
and we join them during several years to pray for humanity and to open
our heart. We left in 2005 and stopped definitvly.
I can tell you that we entered strongly into all the différents traditions
asiatics as Qi Gong yoga etc...and psychologie of Carl Gustav Jung, esoterism
bla-bla-bla... We red a lot of books and practice experiences.
In the same Time the most important for me was to share force and love
of God, Jesus and Marie and to help people to get out difficulties and
suffering. And I worked a lot !
And in 2021, in november I went with Serge at the cimetery to visit
and pray for my parents.
The morrow I felt very clearly that I have to return to the church
to the celebration of Eucharisty.It was an order of my parents and I obeyed.
I talked with Serge and he decided to come with me. We live in Marseille
near Notre Dame de La Garde and we have 4 messes per day and every day
it is possible to confess. Naturely I felt necessary to go to confess and
to read the Bible. I began to read St Paul.
Later we met a woman who told us of Maria Valtorta and her books: the
Gospel as revealed to me. We bought the books and red them. Since décember
2022 we change a lot of things in our life. And later I red Christian magazine
and I red your life and called Maryvonne to check if we could participate.
And we met you Father James and all your team in Brest. The third day I
confess with Father Jean-Charles and during your homily I decided to stop
to train in hypnosis (I have engaged a training in march with 6 womens
until september) to stop to use all thouse practices and to talk about
Jésus and Holly Spirit to my patients. And I did it. Since we changed
our life deeply. It will be too long to give some details of the change
of our life and also how for our family, our children, our friends and
the womens in training, it is just untelligible or dangerous our crazy
or unacceptable . Fortunatly we can understand all these differents reactions
because we were at the same place before: we believed in ourselves and
in our power and all was possible for us!!!
NOW we obey to the Holly Spirit, we believe only in God our Father
and we obey to his Will, we pray Jesus and we are happy to belong to the
Christian Church Catholic. We give up judgment and we pray, forgive and
I like to say that I find again my childhood faith of when I was seven
old. All this long way to return at home! And Serge too!
Thank you Jesus, thank you Marie my Sky Mother, thank you Holly Spirit,
thank you my guardian Angel, and thank you My God to teach me, to lead
me. Thank you to give us the force through the wedding sacrament to stay
together and to go through all the past proofs .
Thank you Father James to preach the Gospel without compromise and
to travelling indefatigably with love, force and courage and thank you
all your team specially to Gaby, Maryvonne and Vincent.
Actually we are waiting to know our mission, to obey to God Will and
to let Holly Spirit lead us. United in love and in the Church of Jesus-Christ
Our best regards Florence and Serge
Dear Father James,
Now I have got a good job. Praise the lord. Thank you Jesus for your
prayers online.
God bless you
Dear fr.james,
My name is vineetha, settled in Australia. My son Andrew (7 years
old)has suffering with tooth grinding while sleeping. We were scared of
this problem and requested prayer from fr.james. Also participating first
Saturday prayers continuously with this intention.
By the grace of God, last 4 months he was sleeping very comfortably
and not making tooth grinding.
We didn't meet any doctors, only ask to jesus to heal him with your
holy blood.
Many thanks to Holy spirit and my almighty God. Thank you so much father
james for your abundance support and love.
We all love you .
Kind regards
My name is Stjepan Lamesic. I was born in 28.6.1956. This is testimony
how Jesus healed me.
Last year I had a big stomach pain June 23. Before that few years ago
I had a colon cancer and two intestinal tangles.
When I arrived in hospital on June 23. 2022 - I had surgery and doctors
removed 40cm of my small intestine. After 5 days everything in my stomach
brust, everything spilled into the abdominal cavity- I had surgery again-
I got stoma. The doctors said I will be in a wheelchair for the rest of
my life. I was in hospital for 8 weeks.
My niece wrote to father James to pray for meHe replied that he was
praying. I believed in his prayers. Also I attended his healing prayers
on line. My brothers and sisters in Christ also prayed for me. And my wife
to- every evening.
I was discharged from the hospital in the 9th month. I could not do
anything on my own- but we countinued to pray. The doctors said that it
might be a little better in February 2023.
In December 2022. I had control and everything healed- the doctors
removed my stoma and said that my healing was a miracle of God because
thay expected that it would only get a little better in February 2023.
Im am fine now, all the openings in my stomach closed in December 2022.
I can do now everything on my own- walk alone, drive car....everything
is like before surgeries.
Dear father James thank you for everything, God bless you!!
My cousin Vlado Jerkovic is better he started to walk and drive car-
but he is not good enough he get blood infusiones 2x for week- he has low
henoglobin abobt 50 that need to be 120. Countiniue pray for him to. Thank
you for everything!! God bless you!!
Dear Father James Manjackal, 06.05. on Saturday there was a virtual
prayer for healing, I listened to it on Monday 08/05/2023, that morning
I prayed to the Lord to heal my tachycardias and arrhythmias on my heart
that I feel and that my findings would be good. When you prayed for
the health of my heart, I heard my name, I didn't feel anything then, but
to this day, the arrhythmias in their earlier form have not recurred and
the Holter EKG results came back normal. I believe that Jesus healed
my heart. Thanks and glory to our good God! Amen! Hallelujah!
Darija Gravanic
Thank you so much Holy Father for all Your blessings, help. You are
the best, You always know what is best fór my family and me. Big thank
to You. Thank You that love came again between my husband and me... So
múch thanks fór All. That my son speaks better and understands... That
my daughter has so good memory and marks in school. I have such a lovely
family. Everything is better. Thank you father James for all your prayers...
Lucia Golinska
Dear fr. James,
I had so much mental suffering that I couldn't get out of bed and take
it. I sent you a prayer request to pray for me. When I received
your email and you say you pray for me, everything just stopped.
The only ones left are the usual ones I'm used to, but that's nothing.
I am very grateful to you and to Jesus who heals through you. It
was really unbearable for me and I couldn't deal with it.
I pray for your good health and that the Holy Spirit fills you with
all the blessings to be a powerful instrument for the glory of God!
Thank you! I use google translate because I don't know English
very well.
Lara Pleše Gržić
Gordana Rados
Dear Father James,
I would like to provide this Testimony of the power of our Lord Jesus
Christ and the miracle he has performed during the miraculous healing during
the prayer session from 03 June 2023.
I have been suffering from Thrombosis for years with, at times, severe
pain. Recently I was off sick at work for over a month with many hospital
visits, huge pain and sleepless nights. Sometimes the pain became unbearable
and I was scared the Thrombosis could potentially kill me. The vein in
my leg was as thick and large, the size of an asparagus, which was both
very frightening and painful.
During the healing prayer, when Father James said, “Gordana you are
receiving healing, Jesus is healing you!” I felt the healing coming over
me. The vein, with this large size had completely subsided within a very
short time and is now very small and I feel no pain. This is truly a testimony
of the miracles our Lord Jesus Christ is performing in our lives if we
genuinely believe in his mighty, godly power.
Thank you Jesus, thank you for your endless love and mercy for all
your miracles and divine love! You are the only true God!! We thank dear
Father James for all his incredible sacrifices, endless love and countless
We are a Croatian family from Switzerland and are praying and fasting
for Father James, his health and may dear Jesus and our Mother Mary richly
bless and protect him.
Blessings everyone!
Kind regards, Gordana Rados
Hail Jesus and Mary dear Father James. My name is Krešimir Knežević
and I am a Croat, I want to witness the healing from your last International
prayer, I presented myself to the Lord with all my wounds, my nerves, my
brain and even my speech, that is the stuttering I have had since childhood,
and you are then in 48 minutes you said my name Krešimir.. Glory be to
Jesus.. Even before the spiritual renewal in Austria for Croats, which
I attended, you also said my name in an online prayer for the healing of
my back.. Now I testify to you everything, and I already wrote to you how
the Lord is calling me to serve him, but I must be patient. I am happy
to see you again in Austria on June 16
Kresimir Knezevic
Dearest father James,
I participated on your seminar in Austria in February. I had problem
with food, whenever I was nervous I was just overeating and I couldn't
feast. But thanks to Lord and your prayers now I can. And more than
that, I felt like Jesus is bring me back my dignity.
After the seminar I started to go to Holy Masses most of the time and
now I go daily. I confessed every few days in the beggining but now I confess
almost every day, because God gave me mercy to realize how sinful I am.
I realized that the most of my life I was doing my will not His, and I
didn't realize how sinful is that, so I had a lot to repent. Our Father
is such a great pedagogue!
My friend Danijela, who had tumor operation is recovering. Doctors
removed tumor that was on three organs. Thank you for your prayers!
I'm so grateful to the Lord for everything that He has done in my life
and for sending you on my paths. God bless you with all His blessings!
hello my father!
on my return from the retreat in Nevers in september 2017 i thanks God
for curing me of my alcohol addiction for curing me of my childhoods
wounds, for
showing me what i have to give up. thanks you father James for your
prayers. God bless you
& Anto
Dear father,
My fiancé Anto and I attended your seminar for Croatians in June in
Austria. On Friday, before we were supposed to leave, he had an allergic
reaction to his meal. He usually eats everything, and it was very suspicious
to us what the reason was. Of course, we knew who was stopping us from
coming. But his lungs narrowed, and I had to call the ambulance, and we
went to the hospital. When we arrived there, the doctors could not tell
us what caused it, and he was feeling much better. I didn‘t know it at
the moment, but my mother was at the seminar praying for him. Shortly after
he was finished at the hospital, we rushed back home, took our bags, and
drove to the seminar. Sadly, we missed one day, but on Saturday, we were
healed. I had chronic migraines for more than 10 years, and for the last
few months, he was sick every other week, and we didn‘t know why. After
you said that sin is holding us back from receiving any blessing, I ran
to the priest and confessed my sins. I felt that so much pain was off my
shoulders, and I felt clean, which I hadn‘t for a long time, and I was
so happy, and I said to my fiancé, "Go and confess your sins; you will
feel better," and he said no, I will wait. I was sad at first, but I said
to God, "Please tell him to go," and right after that, my mother came to
him and said, "Go to confession." He was still not sure, and I went to
him again and said, "Please go." I saw him moving to the waiting line,
and about an hour later I saw his cleaning. He was crying a lot, and it
made me so happy that I just knew we had changed as a couple. After the
last prayer of the evening, Jesus told you the names of people who had
been healed, and there were a lot of people with my name, but at first
I didn‘t believe it. I knew Anto was healing; I felt it in my heart.
On Sunday, I got the answer I waited for: yes, I was healed too. We had
a long talk about how we were going to pray more and continue to live in
purity before our wedding.
Thank you for being a servant to Jesus and for helping all of us. God
bless you.
In Croatia, we say “ako Bog da” which means something like, "If
it's God’s will, we will attend your seminar again in August, and till
then we will pray for you.
Katarina and Anto
Dear pater James,
My name is Mirna and I’m 28 years old. I’m from Croatia and I have
been at your seminar in Austria in June. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell
you my testimony so I will share it with you via e-mail. eight months ago,
I found out that I have leukemia, and a month after this diagnosis, the
doctors said that I also suffer from hydrocephalus. the excess water in
my brain gives me severe headaches, nausea, and occasional loss of vision.
I show the pain I am going through to the lord for the church and the complete
consecration of priests and nuns.
What I want to testify to you now is not my physical healing, although
I believe that the lord healed me at the seminar. I want to write you about
a spiritual reality that I experienced.
I have never been to your seminar before, I have never seen you before.
I dreamed of you in February 2023. yes, I saw you in a dream. your face
was smiling and gentle, and your hand was outstretched towards me. you
told me you were looking forward to our meeting and left.
When I woke up, I thought about the dream and it seemed so real, but
I didn't know how such a thing was possible. you can't arrive in Croatia
so where can I meet you?
the lord created an opportunity, and I came to Austria in June. the
second night in Austria, on the day of immaculate of Mary, I dreamed of
you again. you were sitting in the stroller, and I was sitting
right next you. when woke up it was 2:50 am and I felt your presence in
the room. I felt you sitting next to me, and I started praying for you.
When I woke in the morning, the dream was not completely clear, but
it became clearer during the laying on of hands.
My heart was filled with a special joy, and while you were laying hands
on people, I felt an indescribable strength coming out of me and I became
weaker and more tired. I felt a strong pain in my back and shoulders. when
the time of holy mass was approaching, the pain in my back and shoulders
became stronger, so much so that I could hardly get up from the chair.
then you said that your shoulders and back hurt and I felt some connection
with you.
I had a great need to share my experience with you, father. Please
pray for me.
In the attachment I’m sending you a picture of me with my daughter.
Best regards,
Kind regards
I would like to share the happy news that for three weeks I have returned
to normal life, because my heart has started to function normally.
I have been suffering from atrial fibrillation for several years.
I had 3 ablation treatments which did not bring the expected effect.
Also the drugs available in Poland did not help me. Recently, I visited
a cardiologist who set me a date for the next ablation on July 14th.
At the same time, he prescribed me a drug that, after many years, is available
again in Poland. Since I started taking this drug, I have not had
arrhythmia despite various circumstances that previously caused it.
I am convinced that this is how God worked through your prayers in my life.
After a retreat in Warsaw in February, I start each new day with adoration
of Jesus. Thank you Father for all your prayers for me and my family.
We also include you in our prayers. God bless you.
Healing from pain in the fingers
By participating in an online healing prayer on June 4, I was healed
of my back pain and pain on my fingers. Glory to God!
I am happy that I met you in the retreat while signing books
Praised Jesus and Mary!
My name is Hrvojka, I come from Croatia. I am a mother of 9 children.
husband Croatian veteran. We were on spiritual renewal in Graz. 17-18.6.
in 2023
Thank God for you. We renewed in the heart and soul of the Holy Spirit.
We had a wonderful experience of God's love. In my heart, I wanted to be
completely conformed to Christ. I want to carry all the pain and suffering
He bears because of the sins of my family in my heart for the salvation
of souls and love for Christ. Pray for me for that purpose if it is the
Will of God. I will also fight for you. God's blessing!
Dear Father James,
Thank you very much for your prayers and sacrifices. Everything got
complicated with pneumonia and diarrhea, but it turned out well.
4.6. Anežka (Agnes) received her first Holy Communion and on the same
day we took her to the hospital with a fever. 8.6. she received Holy Communion
again on the Body of God, and the next day she had an examination of her
whole body with an excellent result - only the cyst remained in her head,
without new focal expansion.
Thank God for that! It's a hope for us, even though the doctors, based
on their experience, expect it to come back again. Anežka (Agnes) also
quickly recovered from pneumonia.
From 5.6. I prayed the novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague with her
every day, and on exactly the ninth day of the novena she was allowed to
go home.
We wanted to participate in the spiritual renewal in Ostrava, but in
that situation it was not in our power. But we believe that God will make
it up to us on another occasion.
With gratitude,
Marie Krátká
God bless Father James Manjackal for your answer and prayer. I am sending
a certificate of healing my son, my conversion and healing my mother (who
died before covid). I thank God very much for giving us such a loving priest.
that the priest, despite all adversities, tells the truth and shows it
in the Word of God - the Bible.
Certificate of healing my son Szymon Piotr Szczepanik. My son,
when he was 3.5 years old, fell ill with a very rare neurological disease,
Landau-Klefner syndrome. Our son had seizures at night and lost his
speech. We tried all medications, diets - nothing helped. by
the time he was 10 he was almost speechless and we had to make the decision
to have an operation which was very risky and could lead to death or paralysis.
we had to feed the child and it was difficult for him to walk and learn
with the teachers who came to our house at the end. The priest came
to us as every year and asked what to do? Does he know someone who
can help because doctors no longer find solutions. you told me about
Father J. Manjackal. I asked where the priest lives and how much
it costs - I was far from the Church and faith. He told me about
the retreat - he tried to explain ... The next day a lady came to my work
who wanted to send money for recording a DVD of the retreat - I asked if
I could borrow it - she agreed. I watched the retreat and I understood
how I sin, what an egoist I am, how everything that the priest spoke about
- I break.
For the first time, under the influence of a retreat, I prayed with
my wife and son in my own words - from the heart. My wife and son
were surprised, but my son prayed in the Spirit for a long time - he didn't
know that it was possible. The next day I broke DVDs with movies,
games that were bad. I told my wife that I would live differently.
We went to the children's neurology clinic in Wroclaw where everyone was
shocked - our son fell asleep and did not have an epileptic attack, the
EEG was normal - it was always bad. we all cried because we were
about to decide on surgery...
My son began to live like other children, he studied very well, he
finished primary school and then the next two stages of education with
very good grades. Now he is an IT specialist, an independent man.
I promised after the retreat on DVD that I would go to thank God for healing,
but the next retreat in Gorzów Wlkp in Poland was held with the Lumen
Christi community - I went there with eight people and after returning
we founded the Community of Renewal in the Holy Spirit, which still operates
today and serves, and generates priestly and religious vocations.
I also went to a retreat with Father James Manjackal in Poznań, Poland
- during which God healed my mother's stomach, which was to be operated
on. Mom also stopped smoking cigarettes, converted to God, became
a very good person. During the retreat, a friend had his prostate
healed, and his son was healed of allergies - he could eat anything (chocolate,
eggs, nuts) - he was allergic to it. Currently, I am a minister of
Holy Communion and I go to the sick with the body of the Lord Jesus, I
serve at the altar as a lector. Everyone who took part in the retreat
with Father James Manjackal has changed life - for the Glory of God.
Czesław Szczepanik
I have a testimony. Jesus is alive. God's blessing is showering
me from all sides. The Holy Spirit touched me on June 18, 2023 in
Hitzendorf/Graz during your Spiritual Renewal. my son Sandro was
cured of the evil spirit of fear. the second son Marjan got a job
after 6 months of completing his studies in his profession. Jesus
I love you Jesus Thank you Jesus you are almighty. thank you, Jesus,
the triune God of the holy soul for our priest James, because the grace
of God was poured out through his intercession.
Praise be to Jesus and Mary... I would like to testify for answered
prayers. After a visit to Austria and a spiritual renewal where I
was there and wrote my intentions. Your prayer for my daughter Marina,
who couldn't get pregnant for 9 years, was answered. She is now carrying
a boy for three and a half months. His name will be Emanuelu.
Thank you dear God and you. HALLELUJAH. God bless you.
Svjetlana Adžić
Dear Fr James
When I watched your video on 1st Saturday of May 2023 as you called
out my name (via subtitles). I claim healing as you called out my name.
I did feel some energy coming from the host at certain time. Felt my health
improved slightly or better.
Also since I came home from your retreat in Carmaux, I was quite surprised
when my left ear improved a little bit.
As you know that I'm deaf since birth as I used to have some residual
or little hearing on left ear and nothing on my right ear since birth.
But this time few weeks ago, I was very surprised to hear a little bit
more heading or noise, it's just was much sharper than before. I just happen
to pass by a music session outside my home town.
A much sharper noise or hearing came out of my left ear as I was quite
stunned to hear it. I said to myself, what's the hell was that, gradually
I realised my left ear got little slight improvement or just sharper in
terms of hearing noise such as music. That's the only explanation that
I came up with was your retreat in Carmaux. Cos I didn't have that before.
A photo is attached.
God bless you,
Jack Coleman
Dear father James,
Last year I have recovered from the bad post covid symptoms during
your online pray. You said my name and all bad symptoms momentaly disappear.
Katarina Krstulović
Father James Manjackal
I, Jacqueline Delaunay, on November 5, 2021, I returned to the emergency
room for an arrhythmia with fibrillation. I received treatment by the cardiologist
with medication and several check-ups and since 2022 an annual check-up
in June.
On June 29, 2023, I went to the cardiologist's office where I underwent
two exams and an electrocardiogram. The cardiologist told me that everything
was fine and that I no longer needed to take medicine for my heart.
Thank you Jesus who through the prayers of Father James Manjackal healed
me of my arrhythmia.
A very big thank you to Father Manjackal who through his sufferings
asks Jesus to heal us.
Jacqueline Delaunay
My daughter Sara had a lump in her leg and was sent to a surgery after
punction results. She was feeling unwell and scared the whole time while
we waited for biopsy to be done. Fr. James praid for her health and told
us how he sensed that everything will be okay. Finally, the results showed
exactly that. Thank you Fr. James for keeping her in your prayers!
On the picture-my husband and I in Ephesus, in front of house of Mother
da Conceiçao
Mr James, I need your prayers, I am ill, I suffer from sinusitis and
allergic rhinitis, and I have a lot of mucus, I suffer from bulumia.
Thank you
Ana da Conceiçao Oliveira Carolino
Dear Fr.James Manjackal,
I would like to share you the testimony for the fastest recovery of
Fr.Philip Tony Pinheiro from sever Fever. Father admitted in the Hospital
due to viral fever and on August 2nd we got information that Father shifted
to ICU. So I requested the prayers from Fr.James Manjackal, father promised
me his prayers for the fastest recovery of Fr.Philip Tony Pinheiro.
In the evening, father shifted to room and within 2 days he discharged
from the Hospital
I strongly believe that this fastest recovery is from our Lord Jesus
Christ and our Mother Mary
Thank you for the prayers Fr. James Manjackal
Thanks and Regards,
Rinu Antony
Thrissur, Kerala´, India .
Praised Jesus and Mary!
I am Katica Tarle from Vukovar, Croatia.I regularly listen to virtual
prayers for healing.
At the virtual prayer for healing which was on 01.07.2023
I was healed from frequent kidney inflammations ,and urinary bladder
Blessed be God!
Katica Tarle
and Leopold
Dear father James!
I am in the prayer group of Sylvia and Kurt Dörfler and I was at your
retreat in Austria in March one month ago. I have to thank you very much
because a great deal has been solved.
Our daughter is ten years old and then we did not have a second child.
You showed me the solution. You told us the example of a woman who
loves everyone in her prayer group but does not love her husband. The second
example was that a woman was angry with
her husband and so her three children were all disabled. ..... and
then I realised that this was my fault. It was true that I did not love
her husband and when our daughter was a small child.
I was very angry with my husband. I went to confession very often and
forgave my husband but there was no real love. So I went to confession
to father Florian and I regretted it very much. As you told us at the retreat
I always asked the holy spirt that I can love my husband and now it is
possibe that I can love him and I am very grateful that you saved our marriage.
I asked my husband to forgive me and now we try to have a good marriage
and that I really love my husband. It is possible with the Holy Spirit.
... and we are very grateful that we did not have a disabled child...
We are very thankful because God showed us that we now can still have
a healthy child. But I still have to let it go and must not be fixed on
ist. It can only happen by the power of God and not by our power... and
we still have to wait because God showed us that HE will open the right
door at the right time and will make it happen at the time he wants.
Thank you very much for your great help.
Yours Ingrid and Leopold from Austria
I am happy to send you a photo of Laura. Laura was in Austria at the
seminar in February. Father James called her name. She believed and it
was confirmed by the doctors at the Great Inquiry. Laura is healthy again.
Thanks Jesus. God bless Dear Father James, you were praying for our Laura
who was battling lymphoma cancer. Today we got confirmation that Laura
is healthy again. Cancer patients were common in my family. I the mum,
my mum and dad and now the daughter. We give thanks for everything and
praise the Lord. thanks for the prayers You wrote to us yesterday that
Jesus answered our prayer. We are connected to you in spirit. Here's the
God bless you
In Love Igor, Sanja, Laura and Rafael.
Dear Father James,
On 01/04/2023 our family participated in your online prayers for healing.
We have a daughter Maria with Down syndrome and she has had pain in the
area around the excretory organs for many years. Even after repeated examinations,
the doctors found nothing. But you, father, named Mary with Down syndrome
as having bowel problems. We believe that it was our Maruška. We want
to thank the Lord Jesus for her healing.
I, Ludmila - her mother, am all "riddled" with cancer, both the lymph
nodes repeatedly, as well as the stomach, Maybe even the left breast, now
I got a tumor about six months ago in the mouth on the palate. After a
blow to the head many years ago, I now felt more and more pain in the head
and dizziness. You, father, have seen many people with brain, stomach and
breast tumors during your prayers. I believe that the Lord Jesus healed
me too and I thank him very much for that. And I also thank him for giving
me so much health and strength so far that I could handle the care of Maruška
and my husband Karel.
Father, to your priestly golden jubilee, which you celebrate on the
feast of our first Czech bishop St. Vojtěch, we wish you much health,
strength, God's gifts and blessings in your next ministry, as well as the
powerful protection of the Virgin Mary. We are praying for you.
I am attaching a joint photo of Maruška and me - the mother.
The Kavalcova family, CZ
I was at your seminar in Austria in March. God healed me of long-standing
problems - insomnia and my movement problems, and I believe and trust that
He also healed me of other diseases. Sincere and great thanks to God and
to you Father James. Best regards and may God keep you in good health.
God bless you !
Marija Grajzar
Father my name is Valency peres I am from Goa currently leaving in
UK. I was praying for 2nd gift of child in your online prayers on 1st Fridays
and Saturdays. God is great!. I had 4 miscarriages and one was in
February 2022. God had blessed me with a beautiful baby boy on 8th March
I praise and thank God.
Dear Father James,
I was recently retired in Carmaux and it was the first time I met you.
I want to testify to you of my healing.
In April 2022, I had surgery on my left eye because I had failing eyesight.
After the operation, my sight had improved but I was still seeing double
images with the left eye. I consulted several specialists just before retirement
without improvement.
I see my ophthalmologist two days after the retreat for a new examination:
my sight was perfect 10/10 in both eyes!
The doctor was surprised and I told him: it's a miracle!
I had another healing. I had to have surgery on a nerve between two
toes that had been causing me pain for years. I didn't want to have surgery
because it's a risky operation.
Since I came back from retirement I no longer have any pain!
Thank you Lord, Thank you Father Manjackal, Thank you also to the entire
Praise Team and to Maryvonne
I will be present at the Brest retreat accompanied by my husband and
my daughter Céline
My name is Corinna Maria Wolfsberger and I am 21 years old.
I saw Father James for the first time at the youth retreat in Puntigam
2023 (24-26.02.2023) and during his healing prayers on Saturday I was freed
from my migraine. I had suffered from migraines since I was 10 years old
and I could no longer live without strong painkillers. Since the retreat
I no longer had migraines - the Lord healed me through Father James.
In addition, I was often in despair in the past, I used to get easily
distressed and really panic. Since this weekend, even in the difficult
moments, I feel the love and support of God.
Lord, bless Father James and all his good works with your divine mercy!
Praise be to Jesus Christ!
Father James. My name is Josipa. I didn't leave the house for seven
years. I had great fears and forced thoughts and great spiritual oppression.
I spent all three days at a spiritual renewal for Croats in Austria. You
prayed for me the other day at the laying on of hands for the sick. You
told me. Go in peace. I am now free and healthy. The doctor reduced my
therapy. I received the authority of a believer and I pray with the cross
of St. Benedict. I am a new person in Jesus Christ. I am joyful and witness
what dear Jesus has done for me through you.
I send you this testimony in love.
Praised Jesus and Mary.
I want to share with you my testimony of healing. I had endometriosis
on my left ovary for many years. I had an operation 10 years ago, but after
6 months the disease returned again. I had my last gynecological examination
in July 2022. At that time, the cyst was approximately 3.5 centimeters
on the left ovary.
In December 2022, I started following healing prayers every first Friday
with Father James, where I showed and prayed for healing from endometriosis.
And with that, my husband began to bless me with holy water and oil of
St. Rita.
I had a gynecological examination yesterday, March 13, 2023, and the
endometriosis is gone, my left ovary has completely healed. God is great
and almighty. Thank God for healing! Thank you, Father James, for being
a man of God, and for allowing God to work through you. God bless you all.
Simona Tomasic
Dear father,
I am happy to testify that my son's strabismus improved after praying
for healing.
Thank you Jesus
My father
I participated your retreat in July in Pau, i got a healing of
verification toc
I am sending you an e-mail, because it’s been more than 6 months
that I ask a lot of questions, I asked for a change of work by transfer
to Pau for family reunification, I work in Bordeaux, I wonder a lot about
this change of work in Pau which seems very difficult, difficulty finding
a home.
My father liberated me from this indecision, which affects my health,
I must take now a decision to go to Pau or to stay in Bordeaux, I do not
know what to do, I am at the limit and I get a lot of pressure, my father
helped me make the right decision
In general, i always have problems to make decisions, i am always hesitant,
my father can you heal me of these hesitations
I thank you father for your prayers
Dear Father,
I have a testimony. I had bleeding and so many complications during
my second pregnancy. I have requested prayers to Fr.James and Gods grace
I have delivered a healthy baby girl on 10/05/2022 without any complications.
Thank you Father and remember us in your prayers.
Glory to God. Kind regards,
Mary Golda
Dear Father James,
I was with my wife at the retreat last weekend in Graz. Thank
you for the Holy Masses, your sermons and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
I have a nasal septum curvature and therefore problems breathing. Especially
at night. Since your retreat it is much better.
Thank you for your prayers!
Martin Kalser
My name is Ružica Plantak.
I live in Varaždin, Croatia. I am 61 years old. I am a wife, mother
of three beautiful girls and grandmother of 4 grandchildren.
I have had problems with my teeth since my childhood. My teeth were
decaying badly, and over time the gums began to weaken. 17 years ago I
wanted to get implants. However, my doctor told me that this is not possible
because the picture shows that my bones are very weak and that the bones
cannot hold the implants. He said When I decide that all my teeth will
be taken out and dentures will be placed. I was very afraid of braces,
so all these years I lived in fear, hid my teeth and watched what I ate.
In August of this year, I was in Graz for a three-day spiritual renewal
by Father James. I almost gave up because my teeth hurt so much. However,
my daughters persuaded me to go with them and that we should all pray for
the healing of my grandson Roko, who is 3 years old and has brain damage.
My teeth hurt a lot in Graz, but I was calm. I wasn't afraid. Father James
called my name during the healing prayer. My heart was pounding, I was
happy. But the toothache did not stop.
When we returned to Varaždin, a week later, I suddenly lost 5 teeth
at my nephew's wedding. I thanked God because I believed that he had the
best plan for me. And the fear almost disappeared as well.
Soon I went to my doctor to see what we could do next. She sent me
to take pictures of my teeth and gums.
When I brought her the picture, she said that the gums were great,
that the bones were strong and that they could put new teeth in me. So,
my dental bones have regenerated.
Jesus healed my dental bones.
Jesus is alive! Jesus is the medicine and the physician. Eternal glory
to Jesus!
Hail Jesus and Mary Father James. I would like to share with you my
testimony of healing after your recent seminar in Graz.
For more than 5 years, I have suffered from a skin disease of the feet.
For a long time, I didn't deal with it at all, I just cleaned up the consequences:
a big stench and burning/painful feet. Then I started applying creams,
based on the doctor's prescription, and later with the natural preparations
of venerable Ljubica from Posušje, with God's blessing. There was improvement,
but a complete cure did not occur (must be because my lack of faith).
At your seminar in Graz, during the prayers for healing and the moment
you said my name, I believed that I was healed, that is, that I would be
healed in 2-3 weeks. And it was like that. One day I felt that my
feet were very smooth, and I saw by touch that there were no indentations.
I immediately told my wife, look, I am healed as Father James said.
With God all things are possible to those who believe.
God bless you
Ante Begović
Dear Father James Manjackal,
In September 2021 in one of your online prayers (Fridays)you said my
name "Fatima you are healed" and I few days later I realized that I didnt
only stopped losing weight(I lost 18kg in 10 Months) but I had also put
a bit of weight .The day before Father Alfredo Neres also had said a prayer
for me on the telephone.15 days after that ,in your online prayer, you
said "Fatima you are totally healed don`t doubt".
Thank you very very much for your Holy intercessions Prayers of Healing.
Fatima Ponte.
Dear Father Manjackal, my name is Myriam Pitchee. I always remember
your first visit to Mauritius, I must have been 65 to 70 years old. I had
acute arthritis and the doctor had already condemned me.
You were in Mauritius at that time and you were to give a healing prayer
session at a stadium in Rose Hill.
I remember well, my daughter took me there. And during the session,
you shouted into the microphone: - "Myriam you are cured"
At the time, I didn't know you were talking to me. It wasn't until
later that I realized my arthritis was gone for good.
I have been 100 years old since July 3 of this year and I have never
had any sequelae of this disease. I lost my eldest daughter on March 18
of this same year. It's still very hard for me to bear it, but I respect
God's will.
Today I have another daughter who is critically ill with a brain tumor
and is going to have an operation in India. Yesterday I sent you a letter,
my father, to pray for her, so that the intervention goes well. It would
be very hard if I were to lose my second daughter, but God's will be done,
not mine. .
My father, I wish you a very long life in the service of God. May your
prayer always be answered, may all the sick who suffer enormously in their
flesh and who ask for divine intervention, be healed.
Thank you my father for the grace that I obtained thanks to your intervention.
Myriam Pitchee
and Peter
Dear Father James,
first of all we want to thank you for all your prayers for our family.
We were asking you to pray for us so that we could have healthy children.
We wrote to you 2x and we have 2 daughters - Therese is 5 years old and
Mary is 1,5 years old. After having Therese we lost our second baby in
the 5th week of pregnancy (miscarriage).
We would love to have more healthy children.
I have only 1 ovary (I had a tumor on the other one a few years ago).
Also I am often getting sick as I have autoimmune problems.
Despite all of this we want to trust God that everything will go ok
and we will be blessed with more healthy children. We always wanted to
have a big family.
We are praying a lot to God so I could get pregnant.
Please Father James pray for us that we would be able to conceive more
healthy children.
Thank you and God Bless you Father. We will keep you in our prayers.
Katarina and Peter from Slovakia
Dear Father Manjakal thanks to your prayers Michele got her job with
a lawyer she studied economics and Jesus helped her through your prayer
God bless you!
Dear Father James,
The Lord be with you!
My name is Margarta Thaqi, I am an Albanian from Kosovo, and I am Catholic,
I am writing you this letter to inform you and to thank you very much for
praying for me and healing the headache that I used to have.
For more than 10 years I was in a heavy pain from headaches, went to
several medical specialists but they could not find any cure for me. I
decided to listen to your online seminars every Friday. During the seminar
sessions, I prayed, and one of your sessions, I heard that you have mentioned
my Name and said that I was healed from Headache. Since then, I am feeling
very good, and I did not have any pain session for almost 3 months.
In this case I want to thank you for praying for me to our Jesus Crist,
as HE has healed me.
After having this experience, I have shared the information to all
the people I know, and I meet.
One of my friends who is Muslim, when she heard about my story, she
has asked me to approach to you and seek help on her behalf. She would
like you to pray to our Jesus Crist for her son Dren Dapko in the photo
attached, who is 20 and he is deaf mute (does not speak and is deaf) but
he has also other health issues. One of the problems that he had was with
kidney, and his mother gave him one of her kidney.
Even thought that they belong to Muslim religion, they believe that
only Jesus Crist can help their son because with Jesus Crist everything
is possible.
Once again thank you very much for praying for me as your prayers has
healed me.
Best regards,
Margareta Thaqi
Praise The Lord .Thank u father for your fervent prayers for my daughter
Gianna maria.Today she went to school after two weeks.please continue your
prayers Father to increase her immunity levels.
Am attaching the testimony and her photo below
Thank you jesus and thank u Father
Tinu shejin
Kara ( Kodungalloor)
I, Anđelka Butigan, on Lord's Day 11/13/2022. I want to testify to
the following:
My brother-in-law Željko Briški suffered from the corona virus, a
severe form, his heart, kidneys, and lungs failed, only machines worked
for him, he was clinically dead. I contacted Father James and asked him
to pray for Željko's recovery. I saw the announcement that Father James
will be praying for the sick right next Friday. That Friday, I was watching
on the yt live prayer of Father James and he said: at this moment, the
Lord is healing people who are lying in the hospital on respirators due
to the corona virus, and he mentioned Željko's name. At that moment, I
felt complete peace and believed that everything will be fine. I called
my sister, Željko's wife, and she was desperate and said that she could
not believe in his recovery because he was very ill, and she asked me to
believe for her. That day I received a sign from the Bible (Bar 5:1-4)
that everything will be fine.
5 days after the prayer of Father James, Željko was taken off the
respirator. I must mention that Father James said that he saw 41 people
on respirators, but only a couple of names were mentioned for recovery
that day.
I thank the Lord in my name and in the name of my sister's family,
and I am sending this contribution as a Thank you. May the good God bless
you in your further work.
My name is Matilda Pranjic and I am 51 years old. I live and work in
Bosnia and Herzegovina in Tomislavgrad. I was at your spiritual seminar
in 2001 in Medjugorje and then I experienced healing. I was mentally seriously
ill after losing my twins as a
young mother in a high pregnancy. My illness was a vicious circle from
which I could not get out and lasted for three years. I was consuming various
medications but I still felt bad and had severe mental problems. I even
had suicidal instincts and I was
afraid of myself. Thank God, then you arrived in Medjugorje and thank
you to my godparents who bought me a ticket for your spiritual seminar.
Yes, after spiritual renewal, Jesus healed me, stopped smoking, soon
became pregnant again, and gave birth to a healthy and normal baby girl.
I now have 3healthy and normal daughters. Thank Jesus.
BIG Thank Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
God bless father James and keep him on himself life journey!
In January 2021, a cyst appeared on my face.
I went to 3 dermatologists.
For 7 months I took medication and the cyst remained the same.
With no other solution, I decided to have surgery.
The Surgeon said the scar would stay. Was afraid. I sent an email to
Father James asking for prayer. Father James responded immediately and
told me to have the surgery. He was going to pray for me and celebrate
mass on the day he was going to have the operation.
I have no doubt that it was through Father James' prayer that
I achieved the spectacular result.
Angelino - Portugal
Dear beloved father James, thanks to lord God for the operation of
my mum. It went on good. She is now in recovery and We all hope She will
walk soon and everything will be good. I believe everything will be good
after rehabiliatation. Thank you beloved father James for your prayers
and love. I love you. May lord God bless you in Jesus name. Our most loved.
Lucia Golinska.
I am much better than whan all this happend to me. My muscles are better
for 2/3. I had physiatrist and neurologist and results are ok- my diagnosis
is muscle hypotonia- I have to eat proteins and strengthening. Doctors
said that something bothered me on the medicine they gave me so my orgamism
made such reaction- they told me not to use it anymore.
Now I have other problem-as my muscles return and go better I again
have neck and shoulders spasm - my neck and shoulders are stiff and cramped
- and I have to strenghten the rest of the musculature.
I don't have any pain. All these happened because you prayed for me.
I love you and pray for you, dear father James.
Please pray that my musculature go stronger and neck and shoulders
spasm and stiffness disapier.
Thank you a lot, God bless you.
Dragana Jerkovic
Dear respected Father, Glory to Jesus!
As I emailed earlier, the health of my son is getting better and slowly
gaining weight. nothing was happened as mentioned in the earlier scan report.
As per the scan report and blood test done during the 5 th month of pregnancy
there was a high risk of down syndrome may happen To the child
. But by the grace of God as of now nothing happened. The ear test done
was perfect and the eye test also passed . Even though we have not done
any test to recognize any symptoms of down syndrome we believe that nothing
will happen to the child. And the child will be alright. It is all because
of your prayers.
You promised me safe delivery of a. healthy child and God answered
your prayers.
Thank you father for your prayers.
With love and gratitude
Varghese( Jijo), Soumya, Celestine and Edwin
I have been thinking for some time that I also want to testify that
the Lord Jesus has healed me. My name is Maria Perzelova, I live Bratislava,
in Slovakia.
One of my diagnoses is sacroiliacalgia. For almost three years I used
to have a lot of pain in my spine (in the lumbar part). I couldn't lie
on my back or on any side, so it was always a problem for me when I wanted
to sleep at night. I couldn't sit at all either. I could only stand or
walk very slowly. And the severe pain was really exhausting for me.
But with this email I want to testify that the Lord Jesus has healed
me too, although not completely, but now I can lie on my back and partially
sit, and I can move a lot better. And what is also significant, the severe
pains that used to plague me have been greatly reduced.
Praise be to Jesus for all the gifts He has given to me and for His
kind care and patience with me.
We want to send testimony. We received many blessings by your international
prayers online. Jesus did a miracle for our dad through you.My dad was
diagnosed with oncology, there were 3 complex operations. In one of which
God saved him. God was always near and helped.
One of the first miracles was when the first time the medical tests
showed that there was no oncology. Dad had chemotherapy, but even the doctors
said it was amazing that all was clear and there is no cancer, it was miracle!
But the doctors still insisted on an operation, for safety, and there God
saved dad also, because the doctors accidentally brought the infection,
and it was a miracle of God that dad recovered from such an infection.
Thank God, halelluah!! Then there were 2 more operations, but each time
God was there, and thanks to God, everything went well. God always was
near. And now my daddy was having control medical tests, and the doctors
said that there is no oncology, that all tests were normal. I'm so happy!!
God is merciful and very kind!! I thank God very much, for dad, for these
miracles, for healing! Praise God!! Haleluahh!
Dear Father James,
I am sending my testimony about your prayers for me and how you helped
me two times with your messages. Thank you Father James, God bless You.
Thank you for your prayers, every Mass when you prayed for me.
Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus.
I was diagnosed with carcinosarcoma in March 2022. I had one serious
surgery in April 2022, than the toughest chemotherapy from May to August
2022. Than in September they started with heavy Radiotherapy. On
the day of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 08.09.2022. CT showed
the recidive of carcinosarcoma on abdominal aorta. They increased radiotherapy
and started with another strong chemotherapy.
In September my best friend Zvjezdana sent me a link to write to Father
James to pray for me.
I did that,, but at that time I didn¨t know about his monthly Healing
prayers, every month on first Friday.
On the 14th October 2022. CT showed that carcinosarcoma was not healed,
the size of it increased. They stopped chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
and my doctor included me in palliative care. Because of the radiotherapy
and the position of carcinosarcoma no surgeon decided to operate me.
Finally, one abdominal surgeon decided to operate me, and said that
it will be very dangerous surgery. At that time I have decided to go to
this surgery only because for the love of my three sons and my husband.
Not to give up. The surgery was two times postponed in December 2022. When
final confirmation of the surgery was confirmed I had deep in my heart
great wish to write to Father James to pray for me and this surgery.
He answered to me, and when I red his message I felt hope and peace.
The message from Father James I received on 28.12.2022. My heart was completely
sent to Gods will. Thank you Father James for praying for me.
I had surgery on 29.12.2022. I have survived this surgery, and I am
still recovering from it. It was painful and many tears were on my daily
But I ve jointed Healing prayers of Father James on 6th January as
a light of hope.
Members of my family, my friends and other people that I don¨t know
they pray for me. I ve started to pray for me since 15th September 2021.
At that time my diagnosis was 5 herniated discs.
Since than I am praying and after sarcoma recidive I completely believe
in Gods will. I have joined Prayer warrior program.
Dear Father James please pray for me to be healed from this carcinosarcoma
if it is Gods will, and to have Gods love, grace and peace in my
life. I believe Dear God will come to love, to heal, to liberate
and to strengthen me.
God Bless all my brothers and sisters who are Father James is praying
Thank you Father James, God bless you. Thank you Jesus, Praise You
Vesna from Croatia.
Praise the Lord. After starting having problems in my stomach 13 years
ago I had gastroscopy. It tourned out that I had Helicobacter pylori, involving
chronic gastritis, also I had problems with pancreas. I took medicines
but they did not help me. I attended many retreats for 13 years. After
one pray after my email to Father James a few weeks ago I experienced some
changes in my stomach during the night. I went to regular medical test
a few weeks ago- during gastroscopy the doctor told that I do not have
Helicobacter and chronic gastritis. I was supriesed as I did not take any
drugs. I am sure that Jesus healed me during that night.
Kind regards,
from France - February 2023
I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.
We have written to Father James to entrust this intention. Shortly
before my operation, I attended the online healing prayer for the first
Following my operation, to the great surprise of the doctors, no cancerous
cells were found on the operating piece. The cancer was gone !
I thank Jesus with all my heart for this healing. I thank Father James,
as well as the other people who have prayed for this intention.
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I asked you for prayer for my pregnant relation and her 7 month old baby. She has got ill in the 7th month liver and blood. Last Saturday she had c-section. I wrote you a short note. Now 7 days later Isabel is feeling better and can go home next monday. And the little 950 grams baby has good results. It’s a miracle. I send you picture and video.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you „Vergelt‘s Gott“ for your prayer.
Yours Liane
Dear Father. Today in the church I met a lady who was on your retreat
in Glogów in 2019. She already had two older children, but wanted another
child. Unfortunately, for over 10 years she was unable to conceive a third
child. She had already lost hope. During the retreat, she asked God very
much that she could have one more child. You also prayed for this intention.
After praying, she was a bit distrustful ... Then I told her that in a
year she would have a child, since Father James had prayed for it. She
also did not believe it. She gave birth to this child, the boy whose name
is Stanislaw, is already 2 years old. Today I took a picture of them which
I am sending. The photo shows Stanislaw, his older sister and mother. I
greet my Father cordially.
Hail Jesus and Mary!
Thank you Father James for your prayers for my healing. During this
time, I also had a PET_CT due to changes in the brain. After your prayer
on August 5th, you saw many healings of neurological problems and tumors,
you also called my name. The results of PET_CT were very good, no cancerous
tissue was found. Thank you Jesus for healing and your praying.
I have another head MRI on Friday August 19th so I am asking for prayers.
Thank you Jesus, Anton Hohler
Praise the Lord. I want to testify to the miraculous healing
of our son who was very sick. A week ago, he called me in the evening and
said that he got suddenly sick. He had fever and chills. Since he
had some exposure to Covid, I was worried and sent email to fr. Manjackal
for prayers. In the morning he was completely well without taking any medication
and could go for Sunday Mass. Thank you Jesus for Your Love and Mercy and
speedy intervention.
I am an entrepreneur, married and we have 2 children.
We lived the faith superficially for many years. Our life, professionally
and privately, went well. Together in the family, we overcame some difficult
crises well. In the last few years I felt more and more longing for fulfilment
of meaning, longing for something more than our material existence.
The lockdowns during the Corona pandemic challenged me. I got anxiety
attacks and had many sleepless nights. For my 50th birthday, my mother
gave me, among other things, a consecrated rosary from Medjugorje. During
these sleepless nights I began to pray the rosary. I started praying the
rosary. I felt that it calmed me down. I became more and more interested
in the Bible, went to confession, Holy Mass and adoration. Life changed......
I realised more and more that I was being guided by our Mother of God.
I met people and situations that helped me enormously. This was also the
case with Father James' healing retreat. I followed her call and went to
Father James' talks go straight to the heart. Father James mentions
the relevant biblical passages in all his talks. There is a common thread
running through the retreat and it is a wonderful opportunity for all participants
to reflect on their lives in the light of God.
It is the opportunity to experience God tangibly, to be ignited with
the fire of love and to gain much strength and clarity. During the celebrated
Holy Masses and the prayers for healing, the whole of heaven is palpably
present. During the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit took
hold of me physically, psychologically and spiritually, psychically and
spiritually. I am infinitely grateful and deeply touched by these experiences.
Deep inner peace and joy spread immediately.
In these moments I decided to give testimony about my inner healing
and to set out on the path to holiness with conviction.
I want to fearlessly stand up for the teachings of Jesus Christ and
His Word.
I was with my wife at their mission retreat in Regensdorf Switzerland
on Saturday and Sunday. I am very happy with my wife such a dear priest
as I met you Padre on you. Your intercessions to loved ones as you prayed
the Mass and Sacraments with faith your strong will of Jesus Christ for
all of us.
Your powers convinced me and my wife a lot when you put your hands
on our heads that we received much grace and power from you and the living
Jesus Christ and the Holy God in our hearts with light.
I and my wife bought 2 books from you, " Paradise Restored" and "I
saw Eternity".
I am very busy reading the Bible for 1 hour every day as you had told.I
will certainly read the whole Bible book, because as a Christian I have
never read it before. Through your Mass it has convinced me a lot that
I have never met such a dear, sympathetic priest in my life. I am sure
that I received all that I had asked in prayer with you.
I will certainly come again to your other retreats when you are here
in Europe.
I was with my wife at the retreat last weekend in Graz. Thank
you for the Holy Masses, your sermons and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
I had a nasal septum curvature and therefore problems of breathing
especially at night. Since your retreat it is much better. I thank Jesus
for healing me through your prayers.
Thank you for your prayers!
Martin Kalser
He is currently in Belgium. He was waiting for his work permit and
other approvals which were getting delayed incessantly. I, his cousin sister
went to Charis Bhawan and offered his intention there. Then Fr James also
prayed for him when I shared the intention through email. Praise the Lord
for the Lord had mercy and immediately he got his permit and now he's working
in Belgium. His wife is also getting ready to move there by the grace of
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Pater James!
I was in Graz.
I read your Book “Fluch...”- Liberation from curse.
Now After Reading the Book i am healed from bitting Myself in the Cheeks.
I thank the Lord for this healing. After reading your book I have great
joy in attending mass especially for others. Your retreat h ealed my soul
and body and now I am new.
Thank you! Sunny greetings
I Thank god.
Ernestine Theil
My testimony from the retreat, in Graz
Jesus has strengthened my faith very much. Yes, I experienced a real
renewal of faith. Jesus made me NEW, strongly trusting. I was able to experience
a complete renewal of faith. This enormous joy in the fellowship of brothers
and sisters in faith has done me a lot of good. I was immediately taken
away by this strong praise in the first seconds of the retreat and Jesus
touched me existentially. Yes, I was deeply touched and redemptive tears
flowed. A great joy of redemption I experienced. The power of faith and
joy passed over to me. I am deeply grateful to our Saviour and Redeemer.
It is very important for me to put my hand on my heart and say to myself:
I am a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. Or to put my hand on my heart and ask
myself, what is there in me now, .......Das hilft.
Dear Fr. James eternal thanks to God for your dedication and sufferings,
I am experiencing the fruits. HALLELUJA.
My name is Dragana Jerkovic. I was born 1983. in Tuzla Bosnia and Hercegovina
and still live there. I am jurist by profesion.
This year in 30.04.2022. I did neck exercises and hurt my neck and
I had neck and sholders spasms and pain.
The doctors gave me medicine for the spasm- miorelexans to relax spasam
and that medicine relaxed whole my body and muscles to much. That was 15.5.this
year /2022/. I could not walk for 4 weeks because whole my body was to
much relaxed. Everything hurt me-my whole body- knees, hips, neck, sholders
to much. I have big headache and the pain in the back of my head and neck.
My body and muscles were to much relaxed. My whole body was like a rubber
from that medicine. I could not walk good or without pain. I got very tired
and my body was exhausted. I did MR cervical spine and I had changes in
my cervical spine/ c3-c4-c6/ - scoliosis, lordisis and spondilosis. I had
a big big pain in my cervical spine, neck and head and pain in other parts
of spine. I had cervical spin pain and whole spin pain, big neck pain,
big headache, knees pain, hips pain because my muscles were to much relaxed
from that medicine and back and head pain.
12.6. this year/ 2022/ I writte to a Father James. My neck, head, hips,
knees stop hurting. I had a big pain in head and neck and it passed. My
headache stopped and the pain in the back of the head stopped.
I felt my cervical spine comes into place. At night when I sleep I
felt a crunch in my neck and I felt my vertebares are put in their place.
Especially in the back of the head. I also felt this for the middle spine.
Exhausted pased. I also had a corona virus in the middle of this
my pain and it also passed. Tenperature 39 and it also pased.
I attend Father James online seminar/ first friday -2 7.2022/ - I did not have translate to my language.
I also had a big big emotonal trauma and psyhological trauma- I had
relationship for 13 years- from 1998- 2011- and break up and my boyfriend
merried another girl. It was very very difficult for me to get over it
and forgive. I felt like I lost whole my family. I cryed all time for years-
I had emotional breakdowns- and trauma triggers. It was very difficult
for me. I was in physical pain from that enotional pain.
I also had a breast surgery in 2013- it was also trauma for me. Now
I don't have emotional pain as I have. I know that I have to forgive my
ex boyfriend but I could not- now I am on the right way to do it. Now I
felt like all that time disapiered. And also my muscles get stronger and
better- efects of miorelaxans disapiered.
Thak God for sending me fatrer James- if it had not been so difficult
for me I would never found him. From now I will attended all of his online
programs every single time. And now I know that everything will be much
than better with my life because God knows what is the best for me.
Dear Father James God bless you, from now you will be my best friend!
My cousin sister Stella lives in Australia. It's been more than five
years since she married and she had no children. They were very disheartened
and hopeless that she would never conceive. As I visited and prayed in
Charis Bhawan in Kerala, God gave an insight that she would conceive.
Fr James prayed for her through email. Lord Jesus Christ in his abundant
grace, blessed her womb and she's now expecting a child.
Thank you Jesus. Praise you Jesus.
Praised Jesus and Mary.
Dear Father James,
First I want to thank you for my mother's recovery. Through your intercession
online, her bones stopped hurting.
She was suffering much. Now she is well.
God bless you,
Thank you Jesus for intervening in the treatment of your son Chimuanya,
who suffers from Blood cancer. Fr James prayed for him by laying his hands
on his photos. They were really in a difficult situation but Lord Jesus
in his unfailing love rescued him from despair. He was suddenly shifted
to a better hospital for treatment and his treatment helped him recover
better. He is still undergoing treatment but we believe that Lord has blessed
him and anointed him.
Thank you Jesus and praise you Jesus.
& Barthlomew - Obory 23.07.2022
My name is Ula , Husband Bartholomew I experienced healing through the
prayer of Father James Manjackal.
Several years of trying to have a child treatment in Poland and in
London every doctor said something different I had a fallopian tube unblocking
which turned out not to be necessary a lot of drugs which also did not
help, nothing helped . Year after year passed and our hope faded.
Accidentally, I found out that Father James is coming to Obory I was
told " go what you care will not hurt and can help " . I agreed immediately
. I think it was 2017. . We came to this wonderful place I went to
confession where tears flowed for a long time , then there were prayers
and blessing . I asked for a pregnancy , for the child we wanted so much
. I heard the question if I get pregnant and give birth will I come here
to thank you , I said yes!:) Then Father James prayed for inner healing
and healing , I felt that I was unworthy to be healed and at one point
I heard "Ulo , Ursula you are one asking for pregnancy you have been healed
just believe it !!! I just tears were flying with peas . ! The Lord God
through the prayer of Father James healed me . I had 2 miscarriages and
the day came when I found out I was pregnant for the 3rd time . I had complications
during my pregnancy , but with God's help I made it .
I gave birth to a healthy beautiful son . His name is Marcel was born
16.05.2022 Today he is almost 3 months old . At the end of June 2022 I
found out that Father James Manjackal will preach retreats again in Obory
. I said to my sister and husband , we have to go thank you - after all
I promised. A week before the trip to Obory obstacles began as if
the evil would not allow me to go thank keep my word .
I prayed to St. Michael the Archangel . I asked God to take away the
evil hindering me from coming I thank the Father . I wanted so much to
be there . God heard my request I am with my husband and sister , it's
raining and I'm writing an e-mail because I didn't get to thank Father
in person .
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ministry and prayers
God bless .
Ula, Bartholomew , Marcel
- Sierakowice 21.07.2022
My name is Hania ,
I prayed for offspring in marriage Son for many years .
My daughter-in-law miscarried her first pregnancy . We all prayed for the
gift of offspring . Son and wife in 2015 attended a retreat of Fr. James
Manjackal during which , among other things , there was a prayer for the
gift of offspring . Prayer was answered .
Daughter-in-law Sylvia , once again became pregnant and was due on
August 15 , the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary .
Grandson Stefan , was born on August 16 , the name day of Stefan Cardinal
Wyszynski , and in more than a year a granddaughter was born .They became
parents of two wonderful children . They are happily married , the
children are rearing healthy .
God be thanked .
Hello Father James, today I am writing about what has changed for us
since I registered and started asking for prayer for my husband, it has
been about 3-4 months.
2 months ago I noticed that my husband no longer complains that he
is in pain he doesn't even touch his stomach, it means that he is healed,
it's thanks to your prayers, I'm very happy, today he has hemorrhoids around
his anus all the time and he can't get rid of it, and he also has a problem
with his teeth, he has a strong bacteria in his gums. I don't know anymore
what should I pray for with him for the whole person? I don't know, it's
hard, I still believe and hope that he will be healthy soon. It's a vicious
circle. His name is Petr. My daughter has no sense of smell after covid,
it's been 9 months, her name is Veronika. They were my husband and I were
at your meeting in the Czech Republic, it was great. Father, my husband
has constant problems with himself, he was 50 years old now, I had cancer
3 years ago, he no longer wants children and I would like to have more
children, I pray for him, children and you father and to jesus please help
me thank you very much Michaela
Dear Father James,
I greet you warmly and I want to thank the Lord Jesus for my healing
from cancer of the digestive system, from headaches in the crown (after
an injury), from migraines with pain in the right eye with continuing cataracts.
I participated in your prayers for healing on August 5, 2022. Thank
you very much and we are also praying for you in our family.
Ludmila, CZ
Dear Father James
First photo the skin was cracked, the vein was sore and throbbing,
the skin itches badly
Second photo now that vein has completely receded and the skin is smooth
with no scars after attending your online international healing prayers.
In your emails you had promised to pray for my healing too.
Glory to Jesus and thanks to Jesus!!
Dear Fr James,
Sending you the picture of Vinay and Shilpa with their son John.
While the baby was in the womb, you predicted that 'a normal healthy
boy' will be born. Thank you for prayers and blessings.
Shyla Sajiv
My name is Luiza. I am from Poland. On June 22nd and 23rd I had a very
strong headache which did not subside even for a minute. The headache
was accompanied by a severe haemorrhage to both eyes. A mini-stroke was
suspected. I asked Father James for prayer. On the following day, June
24th, I participated in an international prayer for healing. During the
prayer, following Father James’ words, I believed that Jesus took away
my headache and bleeding to my eyes at that very moment. My headache stopped
during the prayer. Directly after the prayer I went to check my eyes. It
turned out that the severe haemorrhage to both eyes was gone.
Thank you Jesus.
First of all let me ask pardon to Abba Father and to you Father
for sending the testimony a little late.
My mother Mary kutty who is 69 years old had a bleeding 3-4months
back. Dr.asked to take ultrasound scan. Report showed thick uterus
and two polyps. She took biopsy; but was negative. Considering
the age Dr. Said it is better to remove uterus, ovary and tube
and did so. When biopsy result came it showed positive.
So Dr. Suggested a resurgery to remove lymph nodes to find out its spread.
But biopsy of lymph nodes was negative.
After first surgery when mummy was in the hospital
fr. James has called her name in an healing service.
Even though Dr. Asked to go for chemotherapy and radiation doubting
recurrence after some time believing God has touched her we are not going
for it. Our merciful father has showed us at stage 1 itself
before it spread to other body parts . Thousands of praises to God
Almighty. Many Thanks to fr.james for praying for Mummy.
Still she has sleep problems and panic attack and weakness.
Please pray for her to get long healthy life and cancer not recur again.
Daddy is half paralyzed and totally dependent on her and we have financial
limitations also. Mummy has only one daughter got married.
Thank you very much!
My neck, knees, spin, hips stop hurting. My temperature 38.5-39 gone/
I took the medicine but it is gone/. Now is 36.8-37. My headache stopped.
The pain in the back of the head stopped.
I felt my cervical spin comes into place.
At night last few days while I sleep I felt a crunch in my neck and
I felt that my vertebares are put in their place. Especially in the back
of the head. I also felt this for the middle spine.
I am not so much exhausted as I was.
The muscles are still left to pass, especially shoulders. They are
still relaxed and I feel like a rubber. They are much better than mounth
or two mounths ago but not good jet. I can walk good.
Thank you for everything, God bless you!
Respected Fr James Manjackal
I am attaching a testimony of mine that experienced through one of
your friday prayer meetings.
" Jesus heard my prayers and gave me more than what I asked.I felt
peace joy and power. I also feel happy after 6 months.I saw Jesus as in
the divine mercy picture andJesus crucified in the Blessed Sacrement .Also
when Father said that you can see blood flowing from Blessed Sacrement
I saw red blood flowing .Also I had allergy and breathing difficulty and
headaches jesus took away all that.I heard Jesus calling out my name .
Thank you Jesus".
Dear father James,
I' am writing you a testimony about child Mihael from Croatia and sending
you a photos of his MR from his doctor.
You prayed for him and also online on fridays.
On photos you can see his cancer before and now.
Thank you for all your prayers!
God is great!!
Please keep praying for him.
Thank you dear father James for your prayers. Since the Pau's session,
my left ankle no longer hurts. I was born with a club foot which was operated
on when I was born. I walk normally but I felt my ankle as soon as I walked
a little too much. Could you pray that the Lord enlighten me on my vocation.
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless you! Alyette
& Jasmina
Praised Jesus and Mary, dear father.
I just want to thank you for your prayers for my husband and me to
get a baby. After 2,5 years merriage we found out that our baby is coming,
I'm pregnant for 4 months. Thank you very much and be blessed a lot.
Ivan & Jasmina Bubalo
31 and 30 years old
Dear Father James, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for
every prayer, every Mass, every moment when you remembered me in your prayers.
Namely, I wrote to you on February 14, this year, that I had a diagnosis
of cancer, very rare, unknown... It started on the cervix... And it continued
under a different name in metastases... Wrong first diagnosis. But
the Lord can and does everything for good, thanks and glory to Him.
In the past 5 months, I went through a cycle of 6 very strong chemotherapies,
they gave me the best they had.. I changed my diet, started drinking vitamins...
And most importantly, spending time with the Lord... I accepted the Lord's
plan, He is the only one always there, I am in His arms, I live in
Him and I am in Him, aware that I am so small and helpless and yet so valuable
to Him.... During this period, I was carried to Him by other people's prayers,
I could not pray , except when I gave thanks for all of you who pray
for me... I am the one who was healed by Jesus through the faith of others....
You said, Father James, that I was healed and I firmly believe that I am...
Because the Lord accepted your prayers - after each therapy I was on my
feet, and it should have knocked me down completely, I was completely independent,
I felt and I feel great... It is the work of the Lord, He was with me all
the time, (and still is) ... I know that nothing would have happened
if He had not blessed every therapy, sent me the people I need, I
know that He puts it all together like a puzzle... Just let Him be glorified...
I am a walking testimony... People are amazed when they see me functioning
with all that, but it's not me, it's the Lord in me.
My child, my 8-year-old daughter, is going through all this with me
brilliantly, Our Lady is watching over her in all this, thanks to our heavenly
Mother. After 3 chemotherapy treatments, a ct scan was performed.
The cancer has shrunk by more than half, it was not only stopped but also
reduced, metastases were no longer mentioned, the blood count is great,
the liver is great... Everyone is in a miracle and I know and testify that
my Jesus did it through prayers.... Now on Thursday, after I received
three more chemos, I'm going to a new ct... And as a man, I'm a little
afraid (I'm always afraid because of this little child that God has lent
me... And she's afraid that she might lose me , I see that her heart
hurts and she tries to be brave, especially when I'm not there... I wouldn't
like to leave her yet, she needs me... the Lord knows that) but I firmly
believe that everything will be ok and that this new therapy will also,
anti-body therapy will be excellent, because the Lord will be with me and
will continue to be in these medicines... Thank Him and glory... And thank
Him for fervent priests like you, you who guard and care for the flocks
entrusted to you. .. Thank you Father James, thank you very much...
I don't know what and how it will be next, I don't even know if there is
any more, we are not masters of our time... but I know that I have
now, this moment, and that I have to thank you in the name of my child,
and in my own name... Thank you for your prayers and thank you to the Lord
for putting you on my path, as well as all those who fervently prayed with
you for me...
Please pray that my daughter will be built up and strengthened with
all this, that all this will not distance her but bring her closer to God,
through Our Lady's intercession, through the suffering of Christ.... I
want the Lord to be glorified, He sees the whole picture, we don't
, let His will be... He will bring everything to good... I only want His
peace in my heart and His closeness, and I want the same for my daughter....
When He calls, I will go, but if at all possible, I wouldn't do it
until my daughter grows up... But I repeat, let it be His will, I trust
Him and surrender myself completely to His grace... God bless you and preserve
the strength and love that He poured into you as His shepherd. ..
I will write to you further....
With love, Gabriela Kvesic
My name is Suzana Čuić and I am from Croatia. I am 46 years old and
I would like to share my experience that ended up well thanks to your blessings.
I had polip in my uterus and dozens of doctors have seen it. After I prayed
for it and watched your meeting I came to the hospital and the polip has
dissapeared.. they couldn't believe it.
And also my knee pain dissapeared that lasted 10 days.
Thank you Jesus for healing me.
Thank you father James.
Praise you Jesus.
Hello father James,
I am 14 years old and sent you a picture of me and wanted to thank
you for all your prayers and that you responded that fast to my mails.
It was a difficult time (7 months) until my hair stopped fallen out
completely and I have to say that I doubted sometimes and I didn’t understand
why it happened to me but I never stopped praying and believing and got
even closer to Jesus because he knows when the right time is to help me.
Especially your healing in Slovakia helped me much to never give up my
faith. Thank you
God bless you
sincerely, Adriana!
Dear Father James!
My name is Elisabeth and I'm from Quebec.
This message is to give you news of a baby (my godson Luke) for whom
I asked your prayer for.
Thank you so much for your prayer for him!
He is now a thriving 10 months old baby! (I send you a picture of him)
He had two jaw surgeries (one in january 2022 and the other one in May
2022) to be able to breathe and eat normally (he has severe Pierre Robin
syndrome) and they were very successful. His parents had great anxiety
about the hospital costs and the mother's employer had decided to lay her
off. And she was the one who had medical insurance trough her job. So it
was all a great source of anxiety for them.
By a miracle of God everything came back in order and the mother was
able to keep her job. And their baby Luke is now doing so well! Glory be
to God!
It is with immense gratitude from the heart that I write to you today
I want to thank you for your ministry who brings the Love of God and
great Hope in my life! (I have wounds and anger in my heart from bad life
experience and listening to you brings peace to my soul and mind).
God bless you dear father James! Great union of prayers
In Jesus and Mary,
Elisabeth Dugré
I was consecrated CHARIS MARIAM IN 2014. Father Manjackal prayed for
me, because I had a BRAIN TUMOR at the same time the whole world was praying
for his cure from GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME. This disease now
left me 85/100 disabled but by the Grace of God I kept my mission going
even in this situation.
Last year I suffered a serious accident that took place at the Metro’s
electronic stair-case. I fell with my shopping sack from a height of about
6 meters. This caused me to break my ankle and have a double fracture.
I had various contusions on the head and body, it was a painful experience
that was very difficult to accept. But as believers, we must learn to give
glory to God in all things. I was bedridden for 3 months, there was no
way I could set my foot on the ground. This took months of
rehabilitation and learning how to use the electric wheelchair at the
At this point, I started listening to Fr Manjackal’s religious programs
and celebrations on the internet. But It was a trying and difficult moment
for me. To give me hope and strength the medical team had obtained a grant
for an electric wheelchair in 2 months, normally it takes a minimum of
15 months of wait. I was so apprehensive but at the same time I thought
to myself that…. “Jesus you are alive... some get a momentary healing,
others quick and lasting, I will remain with you Lord you are faithful
and I will cling to you.! Thank you, Jesus, I eventually left the hospital
without a wheelchair nor a walking stick to everyone's amazement. I will
still be able to do my shopping with the caddy. Thank you, Lord!
During the effusion of the Holy Spirit in Pau when I tried to straighten
myself, a manager requested reinforcement, given my disability and my corpulence,
it was then that an ordained Priest got up and walked to me in the name
of Jesus!
I remember that he took me by the hand. I thanked him strongly and
returned to my seat with assurance of a miraculous cure of endless headaches.
The specialists after the x-rays had definitively diagnosed arthrosis at
the level of the ankle. In the sole of the foot, the muscles tended to
retract causing permanent pain. Waking up, it was impossible to place one
foot on the ground. I needed time to adapt. The Lord Jesus Christ healed
me from all these diseases in order that I glorify His name and reassure
others that by resolving to remain faithful to Him, we will make eternal
And also, that Fr James and all who are following the Lord will receive
the support of the Holy Spirit to illuminate the hearts of the whole world.
With prayers and the precious blood of Jesus, souls will be saved
Amen Alléluia !
Aurore Huberte
Dear Fr James,
I give testimony to Our Lord Jesus' grace of deliverance from the power
of reiki during your last prayer and healing of 5 August last.
I give testimony to being healed of fibroids as I know they are shrinking
with each moment.
I give testimony that the hair on my head is being restored with each
moment as I can see the new hair start to emerge under my head scalp.
I want to sing praises to Our Lord Jesus, Our King, Our Saviour, the
Only Healer. I am a most unworthy servant but I sing with shouts
of joy that Our Lord Jesus has had unfathomable mercy upon me, a poor wretch
of a soul.
God bless you Fr James.
Dear Father James,
Thank you for all your prayers.
I want to make testimony.
I had breast cancer and it was on the lymph nodes as well.My magnet
scan showed that I am cleared and one year I do not have cancer of breast.
I believe that it happened through your prayers for me.
After chemotherapy, surgery and operation, I had asked you through
mail to pray for me and I heard in your online prayer my name
that I got healing.
Thank you God, thank you Father James for praying for my healing and
Kind regards,
Darija from Croatia
Testimony On line healing prayer August 5th 2022
2 days before the on line prayer, the company doctor noticed I was
limping. I said it was my past hip operation (femoral neck in 2014 from
which I already gave testimony of healing during Father James retreat)
but usually it happens if I stay seated long and disappears 2 minutes later.
But in the evening it was hurting me in an unusual way. I was wondering,
"it is now 8 years after the operation maybe something downgraded in the
nail or the bone and I should go and see the surgeon", which I never did
since then.
During the prayer Father James said Jacques you are healed. I felt
nothing, but I thought I would know after from what ? and I did not think
about my hip. After the prayer I noticed I had no more pain on the hip,
and was not limping anymore.
Thank you Jesus
God bless Father James
God bless you
Praise God Fr
God listened to your prayers as Luke Pio Gomes was able to move
forward the day you replied my email .
Thank you! God bless you!
Sr. Gerosa Dias Sfn
Goa India
My name is Marylin and a live near Aveiro (Portugal). I write you this
email to thank Pe. James Manjackal for praying for me and my family.
Last Friday, on healing Praying of August 5th, Pe. James mentioned
that Jesus was healing my breast cancer. Praised be God!
At the precise moment that Pe. James mentioned my name I felt a great
source of heat passing exclusively in the chest area and an enormous feeling
of gratitude filled my heart. Praise be given to God, Who is so good to
his unworthy servant.
As soon as the prayer ended i went to Fatima and stayed there to thank
and pray to Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary and to thank and spend
some quiet time with Eucharistic Jesus. I felt so blessed!
Some family and friends already know about my experience. One even
wrote to Pe. James asking for prayers to him and his family but others
were reluctant to believe. It's okay, God knows what He's doing and everything
God does is always perfect. Praise God today and always.
I know Jesus is the truth, I'm sure it won't be long before the doctors
release me from the treatment. So be sure that soon I'll give a full testimony
for the glory of God. Until than i will keep praying with Pe. James and
all brothers.
Please forgive any errors in my English.
May God bless You.
Dear Father James,
The Lord be with you!
My name is Margarta Thaqi, I am an Albanian from Kosovo, and
I am Catholic, I am writing you this letter to inform you and to thank
you very much for praying for me and healing the headache that I used to
For more than 10 years I was in a heavy pain from headaches, went to
several medical specialists but they could not find any cure for me. I
decided to listen to your online seminars every Friday. During the seminar
sessions, I prayed, and one of your sessions, I heard that you have mentioned
my Name and said that I was healed from Headache. Since then, I am feeling
very good, and I did not have any pain session for almost 3 months.
In this case I want to thank you for praying for me to our Jesus Crist,
as HE has healed me.
After having this experience, I have shared the information to all
the people I know, and I meet.
One of my friends who is Muslim, when she heard about my story, she
has asked me to approach to you and seek help on her behalf. She would
like you to pray to our Jesus Crist for her son Dren Dapko in the photo
attached, who is 20 and he is deaf mute (does not speak and is deaf) but
he has also other health issues. One of the problems that he had was with
kidney, and his mother gave him one of her kidney.
Even thought that they belong to Muslim religion, they believe that
only Jesus Crist can help their son because with Jesus Crist everything
is possible.
Once again thank you very much for praying for me as your prayers has
healed me.
Best regards,
Margareta Thaqi
I have been converted or rather returned to the church for only 2 years.
Last February, my husband was on oxygen because he had Covid and we are
not vaccinated. So for the first time I knew Father Manjackal through the
on-line healing prayer that we listened because my husband was not well
at all.
We pray a lot for the fight against the evil by making novenas. One
day I had severe pain in one leg which prevented me from walking normally.
A friend seeing my pain, gave me an oil to put on my leg but she told me
that I had to believe that Jesus was going to heal me through this oil.
So I obeyed and I massaged my leg with this oil, doing as she had told
me, but I also made signs of the cross on the painful places. I didn't
know where this oil came from. The pains completely disappeared and I asked
my friend : where does this oil come from? She answered me but it is the
oil blessed by Father Manjackal ! I had heard about this priest twice !
Then as I live near Jean-Christophe, a faithful of the retreats of Father
Manjackal, but also members of those consecrated by the Father during a
retreat, he told me that he was going to Pau to help the team of the association
Fontaine d'Eau Vive which organizes a retreat for Father Manjackal. This
was the third time I had heard of this priest. So I asked Jean-Christophe
if I could go to this retreat with him and if he wanted to take me and
my daughter in his car. He had two free seats in his car and we were able
to attend this wonderful retreat. We thank the Lord for all the graces
he gave during this retreat: grace of healing and conversion.
Dear Father,
Here is my testimony. I have applied for the extension of my parents
visiting visa. I didn't get any response from the visa department. I have
sent emails in relation to their visa application as there is no any phone
contact available. I requested prayers to Fr.James and God heard his prayer
in 24 hours, I got email saying that their visa extended for 3months one
day before their visa expiry.
Glory to God.
Kind regards,
Mary Golda.
“Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my
name, he will give it to you. (John16:23)
I am George Thomas 72 years old from Mumbai, India, I was admitted
in hospital in the month of June 2022 due to Covid positive. I am a kidney
transplant and heart patient. As I am taking immune suppressing medicine
daily it took one months’ time to become covid negative. I was in Intensive
care unit for few days. My chest X-ray has taken before admission in a
hospital, another one in the hospital where I admitted and the 3 rd one
from a third hospital ,10 days after my discharge from hospital. All report
shows that nodules in both Lungs. The reports were disturbing me and I
was in
great difficulties.
I contacted Fr. James Manjackal at that time he was in Germany and
he prayed for
me over phone for 15 minutes, blessed me and said to me that Jesus
has healed you. He also told me in the midst of prayer that “ I see the
blood of Christ erasing the nodules , George you are healed”.
Same day I went to hospital where I was admitted and the doctors examined
me, taken Xray and they could not find any nodules. I was completely healed.
Many favours from Jesus through Fr. James’s prayers were received in
our family. Thank you, Jesus, I love you Jesus. Thank you Fr. James, so
much for your prayers.
Dear father James. I wached your healing seminar and I prayed that
Jesus give me a child. I m now preagnat but woried for my baby health.
Please pray for this baby that Jesus send to me to be healthy.
Maria Grcic
- Retreat Warsaw 10-12.06.2022
My name is Elizabeth .
I thank the Lord Jesus very much for the grace of healing my soul .
I have regained peace of mind and joy of heart during the retreat of Fr
James Manjackal . I also no longer have pain in my knees.
I believe that the Lord Jesus has also healed other parts of my body.
Thank you and praise you Lord .
Be glorified!
My healing began thanks to Fr James Manjackal.
The healing was not immediate, it took several years. My parish church,
St Paul the Apostle, was also involved.
I attended various Masses for healing and retreats led by Fr James,
but in fact the healing began in December 2021 and continued until yesterday
I realised that the most important thing for me was spiritual healing,
not physical healing and that is what I received. I had not realised this
until now. I have found a love in myself that I thought I was not capable
I received the Scapular of Mary in my church. In February 2022, the
Monstrance from Medjugorie was with us and on February 3, I had a miraculous
apparition of the Cross with Jesus, the Tabernacle and the Monstrance standing
in a miraculous light (I have it in pictures).
Since then I started to go to church more often, I even started to
"go crazy" and the priests and nuns of the parish had a lot of work with
me. This was all done on a mental level and once I accepted it that way,
I was able to understand and accept it physically.
The complete healing happened yesterday during the prayer for healing
at Fr James' retreat in Warsaw. I am very grateful to Fr James that through
his prayer the Lord Jesus healed me, and also
to all the priests whom God has put on my path.
Praise the Lord
- Retreat Warsaw 10-12.06.2022
Warsaw 4 June 2022
3 years ago at a prayer meeting ( retreat with Fr Manjackal ) during
which Jesus healed me from a very malignant breast cancer changing it to
medium malignant .
There was surgery + radiation, and the doctor was very surprised that
something was different on the biopsy and something was different on the
pathomorphology. Everything was on "cito" - because he reckoned with the
fact that a tumour of this size gives metastasis to the lymph nodes. Only
the sentinel lymph nodes were excised, which were "clean", without cancer
cells. Praise God!
I had the impression that an invisible hand opened the golden thin
flap and pulled out ( the nodule ) the contents .
The place after the nodule was filled with blood ( like pulling a tooth
) .
I felt the spot for a long time - it was a bit painful like after surgery
I thank " Thy Jesus for the grace of healing " . This is the second
cancer and the second breast with radiation .
- Retreat Warsaw 10-12.06.2022
My name is Lucja.
In 2010 I went to Father James Manjackal's retreat in Warsaw. During
the retreat I was healed from Lyme disease and after I came back home I
had a check-up and the result was zero (0).
Thank you Jesus for the healing.
Glory to You!
Dear Father,
I am Mathew Syriac, I have neck pain from last one week and with
grace of god I watched Healing prayer on 01st july 2022 in the youtube.
So I prayed when FR James majackel said neck pain is going. In the same
way I feel hot in my neck and I told my wife also that I feel healing.
From now I dont have neck pain.
I love jesus
Praise the lord.
Mathew Syriac
& Andrea
Thank you for your love and your prayers. I feel a lot of peace from
the meeting in Hlohovec you said that my name was healed and i believe
that your prayer was answered God bless you and im sending you a 100euros
for your missions a lot of love from Marta and my sister Andrea
Dear father James. I wached your healing seminar and I prayed that
Jesus give me a child. I m now preagnat but woried for my baby health.
Please pray for this baby that Jesus send to me to be healthy.
Maria Grcic
Dear Father James,
l want to tell you something now because may be l will not have time
to tell you about during the retreat in Pau.
One month ago during the healing prayer, I received a great grace.
For several months I had a ball inside my ear. I was very busy with the
translation of your book and the organization of the retreat and I had
no time to go to the dermatologist. But as it became painful and before
the insistence of my daughter I made an appointment anyway. Strange thing
during my appointment I forgot to tell him about my ball !!!! He removed
a small growth of flesh on my body and I forgot the problem with my ear
although it was painful. How could that be possible ? My daughter said
to me "Mom I think you're losing your mind". The following Friday there
was the healing prayer. You know that I never ask anything for myself because
I pray for others. Suddenly you said "Maryvonne you are filled with grace
and you are healed". As I had forgotten my ear problem I said "Lord I am
not sick I ask you to rather heal my brothers and sisters. However I thank
you for filling me with grace and I thank you for the healing of the sick
people". Then 2 days later, after my shower, I remember my ball and l put
my finger in my ear : great surprise, there was nothing inside !!! no ball
anymore !!! The Lord had healed me and I understood why I forgot to tell
the Doctor, it was in fact the plan of the Lord who had decided that only
HIM would heal me. Let us give thanks to our Almighty God.
May the Lord give to all my brothers and sisters the same graces I
already received : my conversion, several healings. I thank HIM for the
most important grace he gave me : the mission he entrusted to me to work
with you for His Glory. Amen.
Thank you My Dearest Father for your prayer and support. I pray for
you. My Love to you.
Dear Acha ,
Thank you for your reply. The attached photo is my sister in law’s
family. In 2017 , they faced a really difficult situation in life , which
we thought it may end up with a broken relationship. I have requested prayer
from you & my family attended a retreat for them in Divine UK . By
God’s grace everything sorted and they are living a peaceful blessed
life .. Thank you Jesus Thank you , Anu Josit
Dear Father,
I Leona would like to give my testimony, my husband Gerald had written
to you in Jan 2022. We have been married since Aug 2021 as I had
not conceived I was worried.
My husband had written asking you to pray for us, thank you father
you replied that we will blessed with a baby very soon.
I am now expecting due in month of Oct 2022. Thank you father for your
prayers please continue to pray for baby and me.
Pedro Melo
Dear Fr James
On the last healining prayer I want thank Jesus for having healing
me on my stomack Praised Jesus God and saviour haleluia!!
Fr James I am a Priest friend from Arnaldo Paixão in Portugal
I pray for you on This Holy Mass for you and Peace on the World
Your faithfully
Fr.Pedro Melo
Blessed be Jesus Christ, Father James, I am your spiritual child.
Yesterday I prayed with you Prayers for Healing. My teeth were hurting
very badly. It was probably starting to get inflamed from the draught.
This morning in my heart I said to the Lord :" Lord, Father James said
my name, I trust You". And my teeth stopped hurting. Hallelujah, the pain
is gone. Praise be to You, Lord Jesus, and from my heart I thank You. And
I have one more testimony. This morning I prayed for President Putin. In
my heart there was a sentence that very tenderly sounded from my heart
: "Vladko, put an end to this madness, because so many innocent people
are dying".
I myself was very surprised by this. For who am I that I should to
pray for the president? And now tonight we prayed for him together with
you. Mr Jesus is wonderful. He has prepared the hearts of your spiritual
children in advance for the evening prayer.
With greetings Blessed be Jesus Christ,
Gabriela Ďurčeková
Dear father James Manjackal, this time I want to testify about being
healed from an irregular menstrual cycle. Through January and February
my period was 4 days late for the first month and 11 days for the second.
But over the previous months, the menstrual cycle was regular and came
exactly without a single day of delay. After 4 days of delaying the menstrual
cycle in February, I was very worried and went to drink pills and teas
that were just intended for regular menstruation, but even that did not
work. In the meantime, I left the matter in God's hands, and accepted that
delay with the hope that it might come, but only with His will. The menstrual
period came on the same day (18.2.2022, Friday) when you led a virtual
prayer for healing in which you said in 27 minutes and 19 seconds that
Ivana will have a regular menstruation, and my name is Ivana. This way
I want to testify about being healed from irregular menstruation. All to
the eternal glory of God.
God's blessing.
& Bożena
Dear Fr. James,
I am sending you my mum's testimony once again with her photo.
"On 7th January, I was watching your online prayer (not even the whole
of it) and after that I started to feel better. At the end of the month
I had an appointment at an endocrinologist and it turned out the test results
were surprisingly very good. The doctor was astonished and she said that
it looked like there was a remission. To be sure, the doctor sent me to
do a thyroid biopsy and to have another appointment in April.
The biopsy didn't show anything wrong. Couple of days ago I went to
do some tests (for the appointment) and the results are better than in
January. All the thyroid functional parameters are normal (which hadn't
happened before).
That is why I decided to give you this testimony.
Now, I know I am miraculously cured from the disease and that Lord
Jesus cured me during your prayer, Fr.James. I am grateful for that.
Thank you Jesus!!!
Glory Alleluia!!!
Be praised and adored Lord Jesus!!!"
Thank you Father James for your prayers! God bless you!
Monika & Bożena (from Poland)
Dear father James,
Hereby I want to testify that my decease Mycrosporosis almost vanished.I
am healed as you can see on the pictures.Thanks to the mighty Lord.Jesus
you are the healer!!!
Mighty Lord bless You and Yout mission!!
Warm regards from Anita and Mario from Croatia..........Glory to the
I had a bad cold with sneezing and runny nose, very tired. And at the
end of the prayer everything is stopped.
Jacques - France
I, Maria Wimmersberger, was cured of my abdominal pain last Friday.
Suddenly I had to go all the way to goose for sure 3-4 times and then the
pain in the stomach area was gone. I was also healed of my imun weakness,
Hallelujah thank you Jesus, thank you Father James, thank you God.
LG Maria
& Rita
Dear father, I just want you to know that Jesus answered yours and
our prayers ; Jesus heald David and Rita ,they are mutch better. ( They
had pneumonia,ear infection ,bronchitis, fever )
Thank you Jesus !
I hurt my hrad and had serious problems. I was so sleepy in the dať,
I had chronic sleepness. I list a lot of weight. I have two small children
and I need to be here for them. The smallest one Berni is very alive. And
Bianuska is in the age when She wanted to decide on her own. And my hair
štartér to fall off in plenty amount. I fou d out there are not growing
much new so I bought a cap for people with no hair but I believe that I
am healed by Jesus Christ and healing prayer by our lovely James, spiritual
father. I am so thankfull to our Lovely God. I had a bad Eeg on brain.
Vigility and strong theta wawe what is a drep sleep when I was awake on
Eeg and there was more but in neurologist lamguage what I can not describe.
Mater thanks to our most loved and the best God my brain on magnetic rezo
nancie was on normal and I had just chronic infection of Indie the
nose. I believe I am completly healed and samé my children, they are growing
and improwing in every way and Bianka want to be a sister and one day holy
what is the best. So I am so happy. Ass well my husband wanted to divorce
me when I was ill and I had a paranoid schizofréniu but my psychogist
said I need no more sessions and We are do not know if my husband mum is
not making a black magic. Please Lord be kind to her and please forgive
her All so She can one day go with us to heaven when my family and me will
be worthy it. You are so good. I can just praise You. You are the best.
And Holy Mother and All Saints and All believe who prayed for us and You
are please with them, they are on Yours image really. Oh, thank You Lord.
I am so happy with You.
Thank You that Bianka is singing in choir for You. I believe Bernardik
will be one day top if it will be Your will. Let Your will happen. It is
saint will.
Praise the Lord
I am Sindhu Emmanuel .I have very difficult to study IELTS . With grace
of God I got good results.W hen I am feeling difficult to study IELTS and
exam I asked prayer request to fr James Manjackal .Thank you for your prayers
and support
Good evening Father,
Happy Easter! Hope you had a great Easter weekend!
I am sending you France’s testimony. He had hernia surgery two weeks
ago. I requested your prayers. By your intercession and prayers together
with God’s mercy, he has recovered from the surgery.
Surgery went well. He has low platelet count and we were worried of
excessive bleeding. By God’s power and grace, he did not experience any
excessive bleeding and his doctor was surprised when he removed the dressing,
there was no sign of bleeding at all. The dressing was clear. We thank
the lord for his wonders in France’s life.
We now continue to pray for his prostate issue and varicose veins.
May the Almighty continue to pour his healing power on him. United we pray.
Thank you Father for all. Stay healthy and blessed.
Thank you very much for your prayer support for our 9 year old daughter
Veronica. She is after nine hour surgery and the statements of the doctors
are very positive. All the tumor was probably removed from the cells. She
will have some medical check-ups, so we still pray that there won't be
any other negative consequences. Praise the Lord!
Veronica received a Holy communion for the first time before the surgery.
God bless you in many ways. Thank you once more.
Family Timkova
God bless you, Father James!
Jelena was healed by at your prayer (04. 03. 2022.) and returned home
from hospital!!
Thank Jesus, thank you!!
My name is Agnes. In 2021 I took part in Father Jams' Lenten online
retreat. It was a very difficult time for me. A few days earlier I had
lost my third pregnancy. The tests showed no abnormalities. I left the
hospital. During the retreat I wrote to Father Jams about it. A few days
later I received a message from him saying that I would give birth to a
healthy baby. The pregnancy and birth would go well so that I would not
worry. I printed out this Email for myself.
In May 2021, I attended an online retreat with Father Jams again,
just before Pentecost. During prayer, Father said: "I see Jesus going
in a white robe and distributing children. Now children are given to women
named Agnes. If you want- then stretch out your hands. As a sign that you
accept". I did. Three months after the miscarriage I had another pregnancy.
I entrusted the child to Our Lady as soon as I found out about the pregnancy.
God confirmed many times through His word that He was blessing this child.
However, evil did not cease to haunt me. There was a suspicion of cytomegalovirus.
It is a disease transmitted by children. And I work with them... The virus
turned out to be a pregnancy reaction.
Exactly one year after receiving the Email from Jams father on 11.03.2022
Peter Christopher was born. He got 10 points, tests showed no cytomegalovirus
- neither in me nor in him. I thank the Good Lord that He listened
to me and gave me this boy so that I could be his mother.
I love you Father Jamsie. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In 2019 i had a double-sidet screw fracture on the S1 spine. After
the operation i had numbness in three toes on the both feet . It got better
on the rigth and stayed the same on the left. I had come to terms with
it and accepted that it was the way it was . I took part in the healing
prayer on Friiday and prayed diligently . In the evening while showering
i felt a burning sensation in my three toes. I thougth to my self my God,
what is this ? Please no more ouch , I've had enough anyway. I felt something
happend to my toes. Shortly there after i tried to bend my toes ,yes it
works again , i can feel my toes again and can bend them again. My Lord
and my God , what am i that you give me such a great healing. Thank you
Jesus for this healing, praise and glory bei to you.
My name is Renate, I am 49 years old and live in Bramberg - Land Salzburg
in Austria.
On Friday 29.04.2022 Father James had online healing prayers and I prayed
deeply and firmly for my heartburn. I felt it was gone and Jesus healed
me. Also all my blood levels are completely normal, my vitamin D level
is ok, my serotonin level as well as my fibroids and poly is gone.
I praise, praise and thank the Lord for my healing.
Praise be to Jesus Christ - Hallelujah!
Praised be Jesus and Mary, great greetings to you, dear Father James!
We have received many graces praying with you. Thank you for following
you regularly. I must pray that you mention in prayer a wonderful young
man with severe cancer are really nothing but I am a witness that
prayer and faith can do everything to be good and that every disease disappears.
His name is Mario Senjak was born on April 30, 1979. Pray for this husband
and father. Thank you very much for every prayer for every spiritual
renew, may dear God keep you! My family and I love you very much
Dear Father,thank you so much for your international healing prayers...
While I was listening to your prayers during the 1st April programme,you
announced that JESUS healed 8 person's kidneys..I said to myself:'Thank
you Jesus,I am among them! Thank you Jesus,thank you,Jesus,Thank you, Father
James..' In fact, I had felt unknown pain in my kidneys for months so that
I had had problems while turning in bed or getting out of it..I
had not yet visited my doctor... Jesus is generous to me - now I can
easily get up from my bed or turn in it..
Our God is great!
Thank you , thank you, Jesus, from the bottom of my heart!
Dear Father,thank you so,so much!
Dubravka Bašić
Good evening Fr. James,
I'm Joshna from Ernakulam. I'm writing this mail to share my experience
that I had while watching "deivathinte kaattu" on shekinah tv. On 4th March,
my parents are watching this program, I just go through my hall and just
looked at the tv. It was for the first time that I saw you. I found a wound
in your hands. I sit there to watch. Suddenly I saw a Cross, that is appearing
on your forehead. It was so surprising and my eyes are filled with tears.
It was an unforgettable experience and I couldn't utter a word. My parents
were there. But I couldn't move and utter anything. I didn't sleep that
night. The very next day, I went to church. I felt like I was in heaven.
I was so happy and thankful.
I was a lazy person to go to church before. But after this experience
I can't think a day without holy mass. I can feel the difference in me.
Now I believe Jesus loves me. He needs me. I want to be with my Jesus.
I want to live my life for my Jesus. I'm very thankful. I don't know how
to express my feelings. Thank you Jesus.
And thankyou so much father because Jesus touches me through your talk.
Thanking you.
Praise the Lord!
Joshna Johnson.
I am attaching a testimony of mine that experienced through one
of your friday prayer meetings.
" Jesus heard my prayers and gave me more than what I asked.I felt
peace joy and power. I also feel happy after 6 months.I saw Jesus as in
the divine mercy picture andJesus crucified in the Blessed Sacrement .Also
when Father said that you can see blood flowing from Blessed Sacrement
I saw red blood flowing .Also I had allergy and breathing difficulty and
headaches jesus took away all that.I heard Jesus calling out my name .
Thank you Jesus".
Dear Father James,
I thank dear God for your great heart and the suffering you show for
us who are influenced by your intercessory prayer. I thank for my mother
Ivančica for curing Parkinson's disease. During the intercessory prayer
You said that she was healed and let her not be afraid, and she is much
better. There are still sciatica and difficulty walking but Parkinson's
symptoms are gone.
I also pray for her liberation from fears. I am much, much better with
the spine, there are no tingling in the hands and numbness of the hands
and there is no problem with insomnia.
The last 2 months I have been involved in every prayer for healing.
I love you, I pray for you, Father, and I thank dear God for giving you
to us!
I have been to almost all your seminars in Croatia.
Kristina Oršanić Kopić from Zagreb (Croatia)
I was cured of back pain. let us praise the Lord
Dear Father
I Thank you so much for your prayers during my cancer and last week
I had à petscan no more ganglions and the professeur said me that I am
healed. I share this very good News to you and God is so wounderfull for
me and my familly
God bless you .I pray God does many miracle through you.
Charleyne Garny de la Riviere
Dear Fr James
On the last healining prayer I want thank Jesus for having healing
me on my stomack Praised Jesus God and saviour haleluia!!
Fr James I am a Priest friend from Arnaldo Paixão in Portugal
I pray for you on This Holy Mass for you and Peace on the World
Your faithfully
Fr.Pedro Melo
Praise the Lord
I was two times on person to person retreat long times ago on Father
James retreat for healing and deliverance. I could expirience that God
is not far away from Us as I thought before in my life and that Jesus ended
the living and resorected God is among Us, who is so consern about us and
loves us unconditionally.
Also on every of his retreat I could expirience healing power of Lord
Jesus on body, soul and spirit many of them I attended online as well.The
most beautiful expirience was when God forgave me all my sins, I felt that
all the heaviness on my soul wich I had before in my life was taken away
and I was like butterfly in my soul and could feel that Jesus is close
to me.
Thank You Jesus, praise You Jesus
Praised Jesus and Mary father James Manjackal. My name is Damir Slunjski
from Croatia.
04.02. on healing pray i held my hands on the chest i heard my
name. After that i feel relief, and a sleep easier. But i have it lots
of psychic problems for which i needs Yours pray and Jesus healing.
And i will pray for You father James.
Dear Father James,
Jesus healed me from my kidney problems. The pain disappeared.
Thank you for your prays and healing transmissions.
God Bless You.
I want to give a short testimony, about my healing during the last
online healing Prayer on Friday 18th February:.
I (Margaretha Dörfler) had a severe cough for about 2 month, it wasn’t
covid and the doctors couldn’t find anything else either.
It got much better after a month, but it still bothered me a lot. On
February 18th, 2022, during Fr. James' online healing prayer, I suddenly
felt that I was healed. God be praised, now and forever!
I want to testify that my daughter got her period after almost three
and half years without drinking hormones.
Thank you and Glory to Jesus!
Thank you father James!
My name is Teresa Anastácio, I am married and have 3 children. I know
Fr. James since 2008, I attended several of his retreats in Portugal.On
the 18th of October 2021, I was told that I had contracted the HPV virus
(Human Papilloma), this virus is responsible for uterus cancer. On the
25th of October I had a biopsy.
Meanwhile I came to know that Fr. James was conducting only healing
prayer, and the next would be Friday the 29th of October. I was so happy
to be able to pray again with Fr. (I usually say that he is my spiritual
father), it was such a joy, as I was not able to attend a retreat for so
many years!
I was praying, and the moment Fr. Talked about healings he said: “There
are several women with cancer in the uterus. Teresa you are healed.”
I doubted and thought if it was really about me Teresa, and I doubted but,
it must be for me, and again Fr. Said:” YES Teresa you are healed of
your CANCER”.
I was so happy, and I believed it was me.
On the 4th of November I receive the biopsy report, were it said that
the HPV virus was present in my uterus and damaged some cells, but at present
my body rejected the virus! ALELLUIA! ALELUIA!
Teresa Anastácio
and Jaroslav family
Dear Father James,
I want to testify big God´s power and grace in my life and the life
of my husband after your prayer in Brezno (Slovakia) 22.-24.6.2018. We
couldn't have children and now we have a beautiful, healthy boy. Thanks
Jesus for his love!
Our boy has 3 years tomorrow and we would like to have more children,
but again we cannot. Please pray for us if it's God's will for us to have
more children.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
Jana and Jaroslav Lukovi
Glory to Jesus and Mother Mary
Father James God bless you
I participated in the virtual prayer for healing today .4.2.2022..I
prayed and glorified the Lord with you and prayed for the people he healed.
At one point it crossed my mind, if you do not heal me Lord I thank you
for the people you heal "and at that moment I hear my name and that Jesus
is healing me from a stomach tumor. I felt through my whole body like a
current or tingling I can't describe it in words. I was overwhelmed with
joy and strange joy and as thoughts are really me, I began to thank Jesus
.When the prayer was over I came to the children and told them I was healed
and showed them the video .We watched the video several times and each
time a sense of joy. You said some healings go slowly, I know and feel
that Jesus healed me even though I go to chemotherapy .Please pray for
my family .I will gladly testify everywhere that Jesus healed me through
you and your prayers .God bless you!
Glory and Praise be to Jesus and the Blessed Mother Mary.
Thank you Jesus for giving you to us, Father James.
Many greetings and blessings from Dubrovnik
Ivanka Kitin
I have been suffering from hip osteoarthritis for three years.I was
in severe pain and had difficulty moving.I attend virtual prayers of father
James since 12.11.21.y.During the prayer I felt the powerful power of the
Holy Spirit touch my hip.A gentle touch like waves the hip moved
I felt afther that.I felt a great heat few times.I heard my name six time
in all.I believe it's me that.I'm in the process of healing.It's easier
for me to move.
Thank you Jesus!My daughter returned,I home.I see positive changes
in her behaviour.Glory to Jesus!My mother decided to be baptized.Aleluja!Thank
you Jesus!Thank you for the prayers father James.
Marija Valentina
My warmest regards. My name is Ľudmila and I come from Slovakia, specifically
from Topolčany. It is a district town in western Slovakia. I am 54 years
old. I am listening to your live transmissions which are being interpreted
through the Credo Community.
I have never had problems with my knees I did not know what it was
when others complained. I remember all of a sudden my left knee hurt.I
ignored it. Gradually the pain got worse and I couldn't walk or kneel properly.
My knee swelled up. I didn't go to the doctor for work. I treated myself
as best I could. But it didn't help much. After some time, there was just
a Spiritual Renewal via livestream I think in June 2021. During the prayers
for healing and deliverance, I asked the Lord to help me. I couldn't even
give in to myself in front of him. Then the words were spoken that He heals
those who have pain in their knees. I blinked and my name Ludmila was spoken.
I cried a lot and thanked with all my heart. But the pain was still there,
but I believed thanks to your words from Jesus to believe. Even now as
I write this to you I am crying with emotion at how wonderful the Lord
is. Then you challenged us to stand up and jump for joy and thank God.
I stood and jumped and gave thanks even though it was still palpable. The
next day, less so until the pain was completely gone. The Lord healed me.
I could kneel in church and adopt my Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord Jesus.
Thank you that the Lord Jesus has invited you to give us Himself through
you. Thank you.
Dear Fr.
Thank you for the prayers, my daughter Kavitha pass A2 exam and son
Kiran got freelance job.
God bless you,
Thank you father,
+Sneha Respected James Achcha,
God miraculously intervened and removed the obstacles in my work area,
God blessed me with a job that was better than I expected, Yesterday 25/02/2022
God blessed me with the opportunity to sign the contract, All glory and
praise be to God alone. Thank you so much for praying, Dad.
George (Sreekumar), Italy.
Dear Father James,
This way I want to thank you for your healing seminar.
Thru your seminar Jesus has heard my small prayer, and I received
a gift of healing. A few days ago I had a strong pain in my hipp.
So strong that I could hardly walk. After your seminar and your praying
- I started to walk normaly (without any pain). All this, I am writing
you to witness, that even two thousand years - Jesus is still
This letter I am writing you on my Mum's birthday. A few
years ago her diagnose was metastatic cancer. Not knowing what tommorow
brings, we all turn to our God. And like I said, God has heard our
prayers and my Mum was healed.
Also as a Family that brought us, much closer and it open up
our inner eyes.
Thank you Papa for all the Love and effort you are giving to us thru
this seminars.
Kind regards,
Zagreb, Croatia
Dear Father Manjackal,
My name is Ana Škulić, im Roman catholic 68 years old from
Rijeka, Croatia and this is my testimony.
Through my life there was lots of pain and suffering but with help
of our Lord Saviour i was manage to endure.vSixteen years ago i notice
Psoriasis on my body after Brest cancer chemoterapy.
Listening your great prayer for recovery on 21.11.2021. i got cognition
for recovery from our merciful Lord Jesus.One month later Psoriasis withdrew
from my body as you can see on pictures that im sending. Glory to our Dear
and Almighty Lord, Amen, Hallelujah !!!
Big thanks also to You dear Father whose prayers for all of us makes
our lives special. Let our Lord give you good health and all Gods mercy.
Sorry for my bad English...
God Bless, Ana
Dear Father James,
I bear my testimony.
Since I was 18 I have had kidney problems (kidney stones, sand,weight
and weakness, with severe kidney attacks and bladder problems). During
a three-day seminar on Novembar 2021. You said my name, I felt warmth and
grace. I recived a cure for kidney disease. I prayed and thanked on the
following days. Day by day I was getting better and better and my kidneys
are healthy.
Thank you Jesus and Your great intercessory prayer!!!
Zdenka, Croatia, Zagreb, 58 years old
My name is Renate, I am 49 years old and live in Bramberg - Land Salzburg
in Austria.
During the online healing prayers, Father James said, "Renate you are
healed!" I believed and trusted in the Lord that He had already healed
me of my depression and it happened that I was completely healed.
Praise be to Jesus Christ - Hallelujah!
At the last healing prayer on 4.2.2022, Jesus healed me in both my
eyes. I can see better and the crumbs in my eyes have improved. I have
glaucoma in both eyes, my right eye is very bad because of the severe corneal
crumbling. My eyes always burn badly. I often had to put drops in them.
I had a hard time reading. When I read the Bible I noticed that I can see
better. Thank you Jesus, I can see better and see better when I read.
Thank you Jesus, praise and glory be to you!
Dear Fr. James,
Myself, Tessy, I am writing this mail as a testimony to my healing.
A few days back one of my eyes got closed and I had to do radiation on
my head. My sister, Reema, had sent a prayer request to you father and
I know that you prayed for her healing when you prayed on line on Friday.
By Grace of God and through Holy Jesus and Holy Mary, my eyes has
opened fully. But my eye ball is to get adjusted Little more. Please pray
for that and also for correct procedures/ medicines to be taken again.
Thank you Jesus ,thank you Jesus. I am sure God will hear my
prayers. I am having pain and swelling, father, please pray for that
Thanking you fr for your prayers,
Your child tessy
I want to witness how Jesus healed me! From the 9th month of
2021, I had terrible headaches and my eyes narrowed! I went for a massage,
took painkillers, the baby passed and again for 3 months. !!
In fact, everything happens for a reason! I sent a message to Father James
and asked him to pray for me and my unbearable headaches, tears!
Thank you, Father James, for praying for me! Thank you and glory
to the Lord Jesus Christ the Physician! I am fully healed in the online
prayers on Friday. God, I love You and I need You this and every
day. I give You praise and glory! In the name of Jesus, Amen
Sonja Pilato Slavka Batušica 7 Zagreb- Croatia
I am Manfred and i am 53 years old. I was very depressed and I lost
interest for life. My wife wrote to Fr. James Manjackal and I am sure he
prayed for me. From the following day I feel better. When attending the
prayer online with Fr. James, I am fully healed- now I stopped medicines
that I was taking for 15 years. I feel happy and strong in my life. I want
to love Jesus more. Thank you fatehr James for your prayers.
I started watching you last September 2021. At that same time, me,
my husband, and my son were diagnosed with covid, you had mentioned during
the healing programme that “Denise, you are being healed”. We recovered
very rapidly and since then I have kept watching all your healing programmes.
I have had a lot of spiritual blessings which have been very uplifting
at times. My sister in France too was healed from lung disease.
Praise be Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers. May God bless you for all your good works.
Dear father James
Thank you for spending time praying for us. God keeps you in His Grace
and Mercy!
In the early morning of 24th of January I was seeing your youtube channel,
Intercontinel Intercession Prayer from 21st of January 2022and you said
for 3 times that a Teresa was healed and on the last time you said: Teresayou
are healed and blessed. Don’t doubt, my child. Maria Teresa don\t doubt!”
when I was asking if it was me. So i took possession of these words and
i am here to testify and glorify Jesus that heal me and blessed me.
I have to tell you that on the same day i had an appointment
with my haematologist and she told me that my immune system was strong
and good, that all my blood exams were good. I was diagnosed with blood
cancer in 2019, next year,I was diagnosed with asthma and in July 2021
I had pulmonar embolism. As you can imagine i hsuffer a lot with shortness
of breathing.
Your gift of knowledge said that I am healed and i stick on it
for the Glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thank you Jesus! I love you Jesus! Gloy and Alleluya to our King!
Maria Teresa Gouveia
Dear Father James,
Greetings from the Czech Republic! Thank you for your love to us al!!!
I must say, your healing Friday prayers has helped me lot. My right
knee has not been aching more since half of October 2021 when I was joining
the healing prayer. Before, I was able to knee on it hardly ever.
Yesterday, on 4 February, 2022, the first Friday of the month, I entrusted
myself into your prayer. I was dealing with a rather unpleasant and delicate
situation which had a destructing psychical and spiritual impact
on me. During the prayer I felt that my heart was liberated from someone'
s hatred, I was able "to breathe" free. After your on-line prayer I was
watching an on-line Holy Mass, laying all bad consequences of the problem
with sacrificial gifts on an altar. Since yesterday, I have felt
that all the situation has been calmed down and my heart has been filled
with an inner joy.
With the best wishes,
Eva Fleischerova
the Czech Republic
Dear Father James Manjackal,
I attended your healing seminar online last weekend, including Friday.
Already on Friday I felt a clear improvement in my left ankle, after the
first day of the seminar. Thus encouraged, I asked my priest for a confession,
which then took place on Saturday at 17:00. I was even allowed to stay
for the following Holy Mass, although here in my place of residence, because
of Corona, the rule is that one must register for the service a week before
the Holy Mass. I could walk the way to the church and back without pain.
The strength in the legs is still missing, but with breaks it went. On
Sunday, after the 3rd day of the seminar, I had no more pain at all, in
my left foot. Hallelujah! I am so grateful to God! I have also been busy
sharing the links from the 3 day seminar everywhere and have already given
testimonies to my sister and family.
God keep you and give you the strength to continue to give God's blessings
and healings!
With warmest greetings
Good evening Father,
Hope you are keeping well!
I am more than happy to send my testimony of France healing. France
is a very devoted son of God. He is very active in his parish in Mauritius.
The Llord has healed him so that he can continue to work for him.
France was diagnosed with Covid on February 3. I spoke to him on
February 4 early morning before your prayer session. When I hung up with
him, I told him that I will send a prayer request to you on his behalf.
He had a temperature of high 38+. I told him that united we pray, the
lord is the greatest physician and healer. We believe and to his surprise,
he woke up on Saturday morning with a normal temperature of 36.7 and Oxygen
level of 96%. Since then, he has been feeling better day after day. He
did another test today and the result came negative.
Thank you Lord for delivering him from this virus. You said the word
and you healed him, you are the lord, the healer! Thank you Father for
giving me the opportunity to testify the power of prayer and for your prayers.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. He has very bad varicose
veins and a small hernia. He will need surgery for both. Please see his
picture below. He is very thankful to you and the Almighty!
Stay healthy and blessed! See you soon at your next prayer session.
United we pray for the sick and the whole world.
I want to write a testimony as a thenks for Gods love, and as a thenks
for answering my prayers and prayers of my family and for healing me. I
was diagnosed with testicular cancer and was opereted. But the doctors
said it's kind of a cancer that is wery well curable, but it tends to return.
I lived in anxiety and fear of that. And after listening to your prayer
of healing, and heard my name and my diagnosis, and that i was cured by
Gods grace i couldn't belive it, i sruggled with it to truly belive. The
next day i had to go to the hospital to do searches, and after doing magnnetic
recording and x-ray doctors didn't see anything dangerous or ill on my
body. But most importantly that prayer and healing didn't just brought
back my health, but it brought back joy into may life. My name is Karlo
and i thank you for your prayers.
During today's healing prayer, felt a gentle trickling all over my
back, rigth shoulder , both Lega and knees. I was in a lot in of great
pain. My back pain , both Lega and shoulder are gone.
My God you are so big and wonderful, there ist no one like you . Thank
you Form thus great healing .
Thank you Jesus praise and glory be to you
Dear Pater James!
Thank you very much for your healing prayer yesterday. Since I am writing
to you and I have spoken to Sylvia Dörfler about our problems a lot of
things are changing in our family. There is an inner healing and also a
physical healing process for me, my husband and our daughter. Our daughter
has cystic fibroses, an illness that harms the lungs and the digestion
system. She was depandant on many medication for years, but since October
everything is better and she does not need some medicine any more.
We do not have more children, but now there is an inner healing so
that Jesus and the Legio Mary group of Sylvia Dörfler is more important.
Now it is more important for me to care about other people and pray for
them and my own wishes are not so important any more. But there is also
a physical healing and my husband and I are feeling that our hormones are
changing. So I can leave it to god how our lives are going on.
Often I have got problems with my eyes and my glasses which is mostly
psychological. Sometimes I have not got a problem for years and then it
can be very difficult for weeks or months. I want that I can learn that
I can have the victory over these problems with Jesus. I wish that all
these problems ends and I can win the battle.
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours Ingrid
Deara father!
I am Edita Katic from Croatia. In spring 2021 I feeled very very bad
and very sick. My eyes pained me every day. One time I see double picture.
My left side of body I feel weakness. My memory was terrible. And then
23.5.2021 on HOLY Spirit, you are pray,sunday and call my name.
Edita you are healing. But I didn t heared when you call me, because i
loss signal. But imedatley I feel better. Tommorow when I wake up I didn
t have a sick. Then my friends Vesna call me and asked me, did I
am this Edita who is healing. I didn t understand, then she told me that
you deara Jeams calling my name!! !! Iwas soo
happy and I m said:" Yes of course that s me, who can be another. THANK
I'm sorry for my bad english. I hope that you are understand m.
Lots of love and GOD BLESS YOU
In January 2016, I contracted shingles in my right ear and this caused
a paralysis of my face nerve, an imbalance (dizziness) deafness in my right
ear. The whole right part of my face was paralyzed, the most serious the
fact that I could not close my eye due to paralysis of my eyelids and thus
there was a risk of blindness to my right eye. Gradually, swallowing paralysis
was aded. It was difficult for me to drink and eat. I was afraid as far
as it would go. My condition was getting worse and the doctors could not
help me longer. Hospitalization and rehabilitation did not help. In addition,
I had a skin tumor on my left cheek and a vague finding appeared on the
retina of my left eye.
After four months of unsuccessful treatment, I wrote to Father James
asking him for an intercessory prayer for my healing. As soon as Father
James answered me, the situation began to change rapidly. I felt great
inner strength, swallowing was adjusted, and I was able to eat and drink
without worrying about being sick. The first movement appeared on his paralyzed
face, and his eye began to close so that there was no danger of blindness.
That day I went to see a doctor, who immediately noticed this change. It
got better very much balance system and the skin tumor on my left check
also healed and proved to be benign.
Another healing took in 2019 in Hlohovec in Slovakia. After prayers
of father James Manjackal I was healed from the digestive problems that
plagued me for about three months.
In 2022 while praying for healing online, a stomach neurosis healed
that I felt for more than month.
I thank the Lord Jesus for healing, P. Mary for intercession and father
James for prayers.
Best regards.
Jiřina Večeřová
Czech Republic
I had chest pains one morning and night before. the pain lasted all
day and i was scared because of it if I got over covid two months ago.
That day I prayed a prayer for healing with father James . I felt the horror
many times and the pain disappeared. while he uttered the names of the
healed and i was among them.
Thanks and glory to Jesus! God bless father James and all the priests!
Dear father James,
My name is Katka. I had corona virus and I was on oxygen in the hospital
during December. At the same time my twin sister Renatka also got sick
and had corona although we live apart, she in Prague and I live in Michalovce.
She was doing worse so she was in ICU and that is why the doctors used
extracorporeal circulation for 5 weeks. I asked my friend Zuzka to write
to you in English and ask you for prayers. You have answered her that my
sister will be healed soon and that Jesus loves her and heals her. Nowadays
she is in gradual recovery, she talks without any problems, she exercises
so she will be able to walk again. Praise the Lord.
Your living faith has helped us. We take part in your online prayers.
And because of you my faith is growing. We believe what has just
happened is a miracle. My sister was on the verge of life and death as
doctors said. They even wanted to disconnect her and told us to come to
say goodbye. But somewhere deep I believed that she is going to be
healed and she is going to be alive. Many priests, brothers and sisters
prayed for her, for her only son Tadeas and for our family, too. And these
all saved us.
I am speechless and I don’t know how to thank God for his mercy,
thank Holly Mary for her presence, I don’t know what I should do to show
I am grateful. I want to thank you very much from my heart for all your
effective fervent prayers, your sacrifice, your difficulties you have to
face and most of all for your love.
With all my love,
Testimony- praying for souls in purgatory
It was about 11pm when I was praying and received gift of praying in
different language (pray in Holy Spirit).
I was so happy and my heart felt so full. First I did not know what
I was saying, I doubt was it real, I questions myself is this good? What
I am praying? Is this really coming from Holy Spirit? From that night I
was so impatient to start praying again. I was trying to spend my free
time to pray, to thank God, to pray that will of God will be done.
When I was praying I talked to my God that I ardently want to pray
for souls in purgatory so they can as soon as possible come in kingdom
of God, in heaven.
I asked my God, my holy Mother Mary, if that is their will, to give
me cognition for how long is necessary to pray for soul, and to give me
cognition when soul comes in heaven.
First I started to pray for my mother. I asked for how long do I have
to pray for her and automaticly I spread my arms.
Than I asked for my father. I started to pray and asked the same question.
I was praying and automaticaly spread my arms, but this time much more
than for my mother. This is cognition that God gave me to understand. Thank
my God for that. I am so happy!
When I pray for one soul God gaves me cognition when that soul goes
to heaven. I feel great joy in my heart, I necessarily must to get up,
look up at the sky, praying, crying with happiness, waving with my arms
up and sending kisses toward heaven and I repeat Aleluj, Aleluja!
For my mother I have been praying for one year. Now, she is ih heaven.
Except for the souls I know, I pray for those who have nobody to pray
for tham, and for those who have a little to come to kingdom of God.
Thanks God for everything! Aleluja! Aleluja!
Tanja Kosić
Dear father James,
After your prayer, my nice Kata has no side effects of the drug wich
she receives for Multiple Sclerosis last 9 months. We believe in her healing
that she received through your prayer from the dear Jesus and Mother Mary.
Thank you and glory.
Dear Fr. James Manjackal,
thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who hears my crying.
Lord forgive me my sins and abominations towards You and Heaven by
looking for you in wrong or evil ways in my past and recently.
My testimony on Ft. James Manjackal healing prayers, international
intercession and other videos, Lord guided me to: I converted to Christianity
about 1½ year ago in solitude when I had covid, knowing inside me this
is the time to reconcile with God.
First time I experienced deep cleansing and spiritual healing with
your video messages about 9 months ago. Something happened just the next
night after I was baptized in water by a small non-denominational group
- I was opressed by evil spirits which I didn't know the source, but I
supposed they maybe came from my previous life false religions and other
new age paths. No prayer helped me at that time. Soon I found your video
playlist of 10 Moments Christ shed Blood for us. After listening I was
soon deeply delivered from the evil ones and anointed with healing flow,
peace and rest in the Lord.
Next time it was this week after a month or more of great tribulations
and trials at my work as a school teacher, facing a lot of violent and
evil behaviour of children which started to increase after all covid lockdowns
and sanctions. At some moment I just couldn't bare it and I felt deeply
covered by darkness, anger and sorrow overwhelming me, being in the conflict
and defensive state, lost from the Lord in the fruits of sin. I didn't
see myself working as a teacher anymore. No anyone's or my own prayer helped
me really much, just barely to survive. Then I remembered how your videos
helped me and happily found more updated new healing and praying videos
on the YouTube channel Prijatelji Duha Svetog, with Croatian translation
which I understand well as well. I put few longer sessions on playlist
overnight and was aware of strong and deep spiritual cleansing, healing,
and reviving fresh anointing of Divine Mercy all the night sometimes scented
gently sweet. Big release and new life in me was already over the night
when I got awake few times. In the morning I was completely renewed and
all negative thoughts about my job were gone and new courage, peace and
protection of Lord started to built in me and around me. So it is up to
I will gladly join the next live programs, as I see also fits my free
time just after work on Fridays, I'm deeply grateful and honoured for reminding
Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit, and all the privilege and technology
as well that we can join and share together and meet each other world-wide
in new hope for the New Earth eternally ruled by our Lord Christ Jesus.
Blessings and prayers for your ever increasing well-being in Lord's
Uroš from Slovenia
Dear Father James,
I wanted to give my testimony of how Jesus healed me from long lasting
and horrible backbone pain during Your Gospel preaching. I participated
in your teaching that happened in Poznan, Poland, 25-28 Feb 2011. I also
have that recorded on DVDs we bought after the event. Here's how this all
A year after my second baby delivery I was still having a horrible
pain in my backbone. I had been suffering for a whole year. I was going
to doctors and they could not help me, one doctor said that this may be
so for my lifetime! He said if this pain does not go away, the only help
for me is some relief with pain-reducing medicines but they have their
side effects. The pain was getting so hard that I could not do anything,
like taking care of my little children, washing dishes, cleaning or cooking.
At some point I couldn't even walk without this pain. I cried because I
thought I would be using an invalid cart soon, and be disabled. I wanted
to be healthny for my children.
It was the Aug 2011 and you were going to teach in Poznan where we
live. I wanted my husband, Piotr, to joing your preaching and prayers but
he didn't want to. Finally I registered him and as he was hoping for Jesus
to heal him, but he could only be there for a short time because of his
job. So despite that I didnt plan to go, I took his registration card and
went instead of him. I was not praying for me but for my husband! Yet i
didnt't experience anything during the prayers in the church. However,
a day or two later, when I was laying down in my bed, i suddenly started
feeling as if someone was starting doing something with my backbone! It
was like if someone was touching gently with a feather - each backbone
ring was being touched slowly. I was surprised as I had never felt that
thing before. But I wasn't afraid. It was just extraordinary feeling.
I didn't realize it was healing yet. But after a day or two i realized
clearly that i can walk and do ANYTHING at home and NO PAIN anymore! It
was at that point I realized that strange feeling was really Jesus grace
touching me! It's been 11 years that I haven't had that horible pain at
all! Anymore. I do have some little pain in the back when I get cold or
Covid, but that is a different one, that is the "typical" one and goes
away with the infections. That pain i had was a result of something bad
happening during my children deliverance. My backbone was hurt sometimes
during the delivery and that was a serious thing.
But Jesus healed me, I believe that as it was immediate and extraordinary!
I was giving the testimony to my friends and relatives. But I never shared
that story with you Father or publicly anywhere.
Please Father, pray for Piotr, my husband, so he can be healed too!
He's asked you in an email sent yesterday. I know he'll share his testimomy
as well as he's been suffering so much for 25 years. We have 4 children
and I need his help with them, and they are boys and need their father.
I hope this testimony will help others to have trust in Jesus power!
Thank you Father
Weronika Chwedczuk-Ponitka
Daliya and family
Dear Manjakal Acha,
Praise the Lord!
First of all , Kindly pardon for not responding to your mail in such
a long time. I would like to give three testimonies here and apologies
to Lord Jesus christ that not intimate the answer of our prayers to the
God servant Fr. James Manjackal.
1) I have requested prayer support on 18th Nov 2019. Lord Jesus heard
our prayer and got a new job on 2nd March 2020 (about to complete 2 years
now) with a 30% salary increase. Currently work from home due to the pandemic
since joining (in Kerala) . According to my ability and qualification not
worth to receive this position , but our Lord granted this job to me as
Senior Manager for South Asia payrolls in a US multinational company
2) We are blessed with 4th child Maria in Dec 2019.
3) Recently I have attended an online retreat in Shekinah TV of Fr.
James Majackel and got inspired to support the ministry. I have contributed
Rs 25,000 on 8th Feb 2022 and on 17th Feb i have got a bonus payment of
1.5 lakhs which was never expected.
Let us thank God for all his blessings poured to me. Thanks again for
all your kind prayer support and God's messages.
Kindly continue to remember all of us in your prayers and to lead a
spiritual life without any tension, fear and complete trust in God . especially
for my wife Daliya , Son - Chris George and daughters - Lisbeth, Anna &
God bless you
Best Regards,
D' Souza
Praise be to God for healing me .
Fr. I was suffering from sore throat and redness in the throat so Dr
suspected a cancer . With deep faith, I participated in the healing
service held on 7th Jan ' 22 and you took my name Juliet you are healed
So I claim the healing . After medical checkup, the Dr rule out the
cancer and found that redness in the throat is due to acid. So I
praise God for a great miracle in my life.
All praises to God for using you as an instrument of healing many people.
God bless you and your ministry.
Mrs Juliet D' Souza
Goa, India
Petra Franja
Dear father James,
I follow all your online prayers of healing and I have to testify the
healing i received on Friday 26.11.2021 through your prayer.
I got corona on 22.11.21 and the virus was landing on my lungs.
On the morning of 26.11.21 I saw that the situation with the lungs
will not be good, i got the temperature again, i didn't feel good and i
prepared myself in my thoughts i would have to go to the hospital.
At about 15:30 i have connected to your channel of prayer of healing
that you lead for all of us sick of corona and in general for the healing
of all people.
I didn't pray for my healing but i thanked the lord for other people's
healings and i was very happy that others healed.
In one moment when you said the names of people who were healing, the
voice i heard in my heart before you said my name: „now he will say your
name“ and in that moment Father James, you said: „Petra you are healed!
Petra you are healed!“ and i knew exactly that it was me! in my heart
i immediately felt that it was me.. I also immediately felt that something
removed from my lungs. the temperature fell immediately, i could breathe
with all my lungs! and then i started to cry... I cried out of ratitude
and shock because my lord was merciful and healed me.
Then I have more to tell you. when we corresponded in July, you said
you would pray for my sanctification and for the answer what Jesus want's
from me. Thank's to you prayer father James, i got the answer on 03.10.2021.
And the last thing i want to tell you: this weekend (from 31.12.2021
till 02.01.2022) I was in Međugorje. i often go there. This time when
I climbed on Križevac, on the Way of the Cross I was in prayer
and on at the tenth station you came to me father with joy, you were with
me in this moment, you were alive along me and I could feel you, and you
climbed on my back and then we climbed to the top together.
In that moment i felt that i have to pray only for you.
I know you felt the same and that you are waiting for this letter of
mine to confirm me how you were really with me at the stations of Križevac.
Dear my father James, I love you, I pray for you and thank you for
your sacrifice you are giving for us!
I know we will be in contact because i am your spiritual daughter
God bless you!
Your daughter Petra Franja
Dearest father James, I would like to testify about my deliverance
from smoke addiction after James Manjackal healing mass in November 2021.
I was struggling with that issue for a long time and I can not describe
how grateful I am because of deliverance of that addiction. I tried to
graudally reduce the level of nicotine by using electric cigarettes, but
that was nothing compared to love of God which touched me during healing
treatment of James Manjackal.
God bless you,
Brkljača, Zadar, Croatia
Father James,
Praised to Jesus and Mary.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
A month ago when you had three days of prayer for healing - on Saturday
when the prayer ended you said: now get up and loudly applaud Jesus, at
that moment I got up raised my hands and loudly applauded Jesus. I was
suprised that I could stretch my left arm as well as my right because I
couldn't before. Two and half years ago I broke my left arm and shoulder.
I was in surgery and the doctor said I would not be able to raise my arm
to the maximum. The doctor said that the operation was difficult because
I was also irradiated on that arm due to breast cancer and I don't have
lymph nodes. Jesus was glorified on my arm. Now I can raise and stretch
my arm as before the fracture. That fall and broken arm happened when I
was returning from Holy Mass on August 15th.
Jesus thank you, Jesus glory to you. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
How can I not love you, how can I not love you my Jesus.
God bless you father James.
I'm sending you blessings father James.
1st testimony - was when I attended your retreat for the 1st time in
France (think it was carmaux, not sure).
I was surprised when I passed by the statue of our lady (don't know
which title, cos she's many titles), I felt a shift down (push) inside
side of my left neck as evil spirit came out of my chest I think. I was
quite surprised and perturbed of what had happened. I realised afterwards
(few months later) that I was involved in reiki or vortex healing or bio
energy healing (not initiated, just hands on by healer) , TM(was initiated
with a mantra specific based on age as it was 'shring'). Which may have
led to it cos I was looking for something or seeking healing at that time.
Nobody told me about these dangers to the doorways of evil. I found out
on the Internet when I was browsing re dangers etc. I was totally naive
and clueless.
I have confessed it all except for one or two I couldn't rem(due to
neck injury discovered when I had a mini stroke 8 years ago). I didn't
know it that I had a very old neck injury until mini stroke happened.
Hence shift down in left side of my neck at my 1st retreat with you.
2nd testimony: (2nd retreat) was in Portugal(North) , I was very down as I didnt know why. So at end of that retreat, I could feel jesus lifting me up and out of being down. That was coming straight from the host exposed. I was amazed when I felt it inside my head. I didn't think or know it cos of total lack of basic religious education or nor taught, just very very basic education, nothing more or less.
3rd testimony. It was at family healing tree retreat in Munnerstdt, Germany 2017, .(Bavaria area) which was the best one so far cos it took out the most of it out. I realised long afterwards that family tree bloodlines orfamily generational tree was giving me some problems that I didn't think of that before. It really opened my eyes re family tree generation line where sin was passed on to the next which i didnt know of. Something that it took out of me which I don't know. But it led me to became more stable in health and body health became kind of little solidity from there. I would like to attend another family tree healing retreat by you in another country(future) if God allows it. (please God).
4th testimony- 17th Sept online healing video. I watched it live without any subtitled. But I said to myself before, if I attend any retreat or healing session from you, I might get something out of it even a little or small or nothing etc. I trusted God to do the work even If I don't feel it as it worked.
5th Testimony- that my mind has gone calmer and quieter. I felt some sort of calmness later after that 17th Sept video. You know that I have had PTSD before. This was something I hadn't experienced it before re such calmness inside my head. Then I watched 17th Sept video again this morning for first 20mins (then more to watch it tonight later) cos subtitles usually comes out some 24 hrs after a live video. That's YouTube process/settings or procedure cos subtitles usually doesn't show up as live until 24 hrs later (with captioned).
6th Testimony:
I was 20 mins late for that video after I arrived at Cafe with Internet
access cos my credit for mobile had used up. However, I watched the rest
of it. Then I watched it again yesterday with subtitles. Live video doesn't
show it until 24 hrs later or more per you tube procedure or settings.
I like to confirm and claim my healing of left hand which I suffered from
neuropathic pain for electric shocks. I have had some trouble with my left
hand when I watched the video at first. Then towards end of video, it was
mostly gone. So I claimed healing based on 1st October video. Thank god,
praise God.
7th Testimony - January 2022 (cant rem exact date,think it was end of
Jan.) I watched your healing hour Bethesda on YouTube. On that day prior
to watching it, I was v upset after reading an independent report from
a hernia specialist in USA. Cos he couldn't do it anymore for me as of
now I'm back to square one re problematic left groin with shrinking testes
as time goes on. I have been praying for financial windfall to pay for
2 surgeries that I need, one is problematic lower left groin, 2nd was neuropathic
nerve pain (left side plus left hand) which was damaged by previous surgery
back in 2015 in Germany. These made me unwell or ill for days at times.
I need to get well in order for me to work to make a living or pay my bills
Medical specialists couldn't find it what's wrong with me even it might
be nerve entrapment inside left lower groin. Even though MRI or CT failed
to find it. I was sort of crying inside and felt very depressed on that
day prior to your Bethesda video program. Then I watched it as I saw my
name called out by you. I felt quietness came over me or something came
over to calm me down, entering me inside. I was surprised to see myself
not upset after that(afterwards) . It was some spiritual one. It takes
a lot of effort to calm me down but HS seems to quieten me down on that
day. Apart from that, I saw you saying via subtitles that Covid situation
would be over in next March as to my much surprise that 'little voice'
inside me said 'yes'. It was a quiet silent voice that came across me re
'yes'. It was very rare as it doesnt happen normally. I usually watch your
YT healing program twice, first to watch it without subtitles, then few
hours later or next day, subtitles in English, usually come on or appear
on the settings automatically. I checked it 2nd time, this with subtitles
as it confirmed what you said re Covid situation where inner quiet voice
inside me said 'yes' re your comment on Covid situation predicted . I just
wait and see re next March or more likely April. Ireland had stopped or
ceased nearly all of their covid restrictions as its almost back to normal
here except for strict mask requirements which might be eliminated by next
week or two at least as it was announced few days ago.
8th Testimony - Other bethesda videos last sept or Oct or Nov 2021 ,not sure which month but i forgot it to mention this one: I had experienced some sort of healing vibrations on my forehead as i thought at first that was something wrong with me until next bethesda video (2 weeks later) that you had confirmed it by commenting that some people might experience some healing vibrations. Thats confirmed it for me re previous fortnight video.
9th Testimony: I have forgiven the church as im no longer bitter or angry, just acceptance for what it did to me in the past and move on.
Many many thanks to you re your prayers but i should be thanking Jesus
for granting it to you on my behalf. You have asked me to forgive the church
in your reply- older email to me back then which i did ,thank god.
Also many many thanks for your prayers when i had a terrible struggle
with an evil spirit/s around April 2020 or April 2021, not sure which one.
I recognised it was evil at that time as i was struggling with deal with
it due to my past involvement with Reiki, homepathy, Transendental mediation
(TM), vortex healing, assortment of other spiritual healers that i have
attended them in the past but i have renounced it completely.
Of courseI realised the extent of my many and huge mistakes (cos i
was looking for any healing) in opening a doorway to evil via reiki or
TM et al. I wanted to thank you for THAT cos it helped me to overcome that
spirit whatever name it was called at that time. Finally last week video
or two weeks ago you mentioned two types of healing, 1st one was overnight
healing -spontaneous healing, 2nd one was slow healing. As you can see
the above- mentioned testimonies of mine as it was slow healing per your
defintion. i didnt mind re slow healing cos i wanted to be healed whether
is it fast or slow. But i found that slow healing works better for me as
if removing bad brick by bad brick etc.
Now you have my photo and also my testimony as well. My baptised name
is John as its easier cos everyone knows me if its jack cos its a very
small world re deaf community etc.
God bless you FR James in abudance , May god bless you in good health
and be safe.
God bless Ya.
Jack Coleman.
Good evening Father,
Happy to see you today. I attended your 3.30 pm session and I thanked
the lord for all his healings and graces bestowed on each one of us. Our
God is an Amazing God.
Anju and brother are recovering and both surgeries went well by God’s
grace. Thank you for your prayers. My brother, France is very grateful
and thank you for your prayers. He is doing well, thanks God.
Please keep them in your prayers.
I was happy to hear that the lord healed someone by the name, Hervé
from skin cancer. I claimed it for Father Hervé for whom I asked you to
pray. Thank you lord for healing him. Amen.
ave a great evening and a great weekend. United we pray!
Stay safe and blessed. Take care.
Dear Father James,
I come to testify of two healings that I had at your last retreat on
November 21, 2021.
The first healing: I had a lot of anger in me and you said, there are
people who are angry against politicians, the government etc., that was
my case. But my anger was pouring out against the people around me.
I welcomed this word because I understood that it was for me. In the
evening at the end of the dinner I had a very sharp pain in the right side
I thought I would faint I lay down and I understood that the Lord was healing
I had no more strength, I said to the Lord: yes Lord, I let go of everything,
I know that you are healing me at this moment and that it is my anger that
is going away, I went to the toilet several times and little by little
peace returned. Since then I am at peace, I have no more anger. Thank you
Lord. Thank you Father James
The second healing is my nails: they were fragile, streaked, brittle,
split and even sometimes from top to bottom.
You said: present your body, your limbs, arms, fingers, even your nails
to the Lord (you insisted). I presented my nails. Then after 2 or
3 weeks, I saw all of a sudden that my nails were smooth, no longer broke.
I said thank you Lord when I realized that it was a healing.
Yes, thank you Lord for you heal even when we don't ask you, because
you see what is good for us.
Thank you Father James, you are listening to the Lord and I trust your
ministry. I pray for you and your team.
Dear Rev. Fr.James Manajackal,
Praise the Lord & Happy Christmas.
I would like to share my testimony which had happened during your zoom
prayer meeting held in Kuwait on 14 December 2021.
We are staying in Kuwait as family for the past 21 years, I am 53 years
and I was suffering from some health issues like body weakness, body
pain , prostrate problems and Glaucoma, Especially my both eyes have advance
During the prayer meeting you had announced my name HANS LUKE among
the people who received the healing.
After that I got a lot of relief for my health issues .
Thank you very much for your prayers and we will pray for your good
health& missionary works.
Hans Luke & Beena Hans
I was diagnosed with Covid at the airport in London Luton when I was
travelling home for Christmas. It was a lateral flow/antigen test. Soon
after I took the test I had a call informing me that my test was positive.
I was advised to leave the airport immediately and isolate myself. Not
long after I received the results, I sent an email to Father James Manjackal
and asked for his prayers.
On the next day, which was 25th December, I had a PRC test at the test
side/walk through test side. I was informed within 24 hours that my test
was negative. I confirm that this is true and I do not have any symptoms.
I also wanted to add that one week or so before this event happened
I asked Father James to pray for my friend and her daughter who were diagnosed
with Covid. My another friend also tested positive. They live in different
cities so we are in touch only over the phone. My friend’s daughter was
tested negative at once. My two friends recovered now from Covid and the
results of their tests are now negative.
Thank you Jesus for healing us through Father James. Thank you for
Father James. Thank you Fr. James from the bottom of my heart for your
prayers, suffering and sacrifices. May God be glorified!
My name is Paola,
I had Covid three to four weeks ago. Everyday 41°C fever, nausea,
a lunginfection and needed oxygen. It was so bad that I wrote an Email
to you, to help me with prayer.
It was not a sudden healing, but two doctors said, it got better faster
then it normally does when one is as sick as I was.
After Covid was gone I had the side effects which were sleeplessness,
no taste, low blood pressure, twitching nerves and everything was spinning.
I also had a depression developed.
Then I attended your healing prayer on YouTube. My name was mentioned
for healing of the ovaries. I had an illness there for many years, called
"Polycystic ovary syndrome". But also after the prayer I was healed from
the depression and I recovered "unusual" quickly from the covid side effects.
God gave me so much, hallelujah. Paise the Lord.
I had a dream, before I had covid, in which he told me, he would heal
me completely.
He did and he still does! I believe.
God bless you father
Sincerely Paola
Praise God for healing me from breast cancer
Fr. James Manjackal conducted healing prayer on 10 Dec 2021. I attended
the prayers . Fr. James called my name twice saying Magaret you are
healed from breast cancer and again he said Magaret you are healed completely.I
really praise God as I experience healing on my body.
All Glory to God
Mrs.Margaret D' Silva
My name is Luiza.
At the retreat in Warsaw in 2018 I was healed of uterine cancer and
haemorrhage that had lasted for three weeks. My condition was critical.
After several months I had haemorrhage from the urinary tract. It was
Sunday. A doctor informed me on the phone that it was probably cancer metastasis.
I asked Father James to pray and the bleeding stopped after six hours.
Last year I was healed of a 3 cm ovarian cyst. During the online prayer
on Friday I was healed of extremely strong headaches that had lasted for
several months and made me unable to sleep at night.
During the last online prayer I was healed of Covid infection. The
cough, lasting for three months, subsided on the following day.
During the online retreat I was also healed of several other diseases
not mentioned in this testimony.
Thank you Jesus.
Dear Father,
I would like to share my testimony.
I am healed of my migrena after a prayer meeting in December with you,
father James. I found peace in my heart. I pray with my kids more.
It's amazing that I pray for my son's recovery and miracles happen
to me too. Every word you were saying during prayers in July were like
you are talking about me.
I had a heart hardened without love in the past but now with your talks
and prayers I believed Jesus because He gave me a new heart.
Dear father, Please pray for Samuel. My 7 years old son.
With love
With this I would like to give a testimony ... my dear daughter has
left home and has broken off contact with all of us (father, brother, aunt
and myself) ... I was very sad about it and the only thing I wanted was
the lost one Son comes home ... I prayed for her every day and with the
help of inspiration from Father James and the virtual healing (took part)
I went to church, I received communion, I went to confession and I believed
in mine very strongly Daughter ... and at Christmas a Christmas miracle
happened, because my daughter rang the doorbell and came to me.
I was overjoyed because God answered our prayers.
I thank Father James most sincerely.
God bless you!
Thank You God!
Fr. James has been my spiritual father for 21 years and I have a spiritual
connection with him. I was inspired by his example, lectures and testimonies
for my actions and my decisions, I hand everything over to the Holy Spirit,
and from time to time I have extra requests or prayers.
I started studying the Bible, exploring and experiencing Charismatic
Life. One of the most interesting seminars with Fr. James was on Family
Tree Healing and Growth in the Holy Spirit in October 2011.
I received many healings in the retreats in addition to knowledge of
God‘s Word with many charisms.
• Healing and relief from menstrual pain with heavy bleeding and
great pain with cramps, headache, nausea and vomiting,
• 2005 prayer request for health by Fr. James (What happened to you?)
after injustice, slander, injuries, suffering,
• 2015 feeling of soothing warmth in the front of the skull after
listening to the Word of God for 1-2 hours and an increase in mental, spiritual
strength and resilience as well as calm and serenity,
• October 1st, 2021 healing of a broken heart after injustice, slander,
persecution, injuries, suffering,
• November 20th, 2021 partial healing of eczema since early childhood.
Praised Jesus and Mary!
Father James, I follow you constantly on the you tube channel and thank
you immensely for giving so much for us.
Special thanks to you for the healing prayers every other Friday. I
gain so much strength for my soul in meeting you in prayer.
I will briefly describe my life to you. I became pregnant at the age
of 15. and despite persuasion from the husband's parents (my husband supported
me to give birth and he desperately wanted it) to have an abortion I decided
to give birth. And I gave birth to a daughter and came to live with my
husband. Despite the fact that they wanted me to have an abortion, I went
through everything just for the love of Jesus and the love of my husband,
I forgave them and to this day I live with them.
Today I am 38 years old and have 4 children and 1 grandchild and 1
grandchild yet to be born. . I am used to great love from my husband but
sometimes we quarrel for no reason to hit me so hard with his words that
I find myself spiritually at the bottom. I am aware that evil is playing
with it. I am aware that evil exists. Maybe he wants me to feel so spiritually,
to be at the bottom .... I can't help but resist that because these attacks
come from my biggest love, my husband. I need you to pray a lot because
I am currently on the spiritual bottom. Vasa Darka Ćibarić from Croatia.
My husband's name is Mario and the children are Antonia, Paula, Albert
and Ana and granddaughter Pia (she got a name from Padre Pio for my favorite
Dear Jamesaccha,
This is my testimony about my husband.
My name is Annamma James, from Vienna,Austria.
My husband (James Mathew) went on vacation in India. After a
month, he got Covid-19. He was set to return to Vienna on 16.12 at the
time. After he tested positive twice prior to his return, I wrote to Fr.James
requesting his healing prayer. His prayers gave me confidence.
Two days before his flight, my husband tested negative. Thank you Jesus,
thank you Fr.James!
Praised Jesus and Mary
My name is Loreta, I am writing you from Split in Croatia.
I listened your seminars, which was 19-21.11.2021. I found out about
it when it has already begun,so I listened afterwards.
The next day while we prayed, I was in complete devotion to God, you
said to put our hands on our painful places, for me that are my lungs and
abdomen that suffered from cancer in 2018. After the operation they did
not give me much hope,the struggle lasted 2.5 years… from the very beginning
I handed everything to God.I believed and prayed constantly, and
now I am returned to my job, which I am enjoying (by profession I am a
nurse and work with psychiatric patients). The moment when you were praying
I feel a strong warmth in these parts of the body. And you then say my
name Loreta… the power of the Holy Spirit touched me through you, all
grace descended on me. Praise and glory to Jesus. Thank you dear Jesus
who heals us through you, little immortal souls..We pray for you, and you
pray for us…
Thank you for existing!
Many greetings from Loreta from Croatia!
Dear Father James after your prayer for all children suffering from
autism my son is much better I feel and believe. I Dear Father James
after your prayer for all children suffering from autism my son is much
better I feel and believe. I pray together with you that he will
be completely healed. His name is Rino. He is soon 4 years old. He was
born on St. Stephen's Day on December 26. Thank you dear Jesus for healing
you spiritually and physically through you. Dear God! Son Branko
and husband Aldo. Viktorija Ćibaric
This is a testimony on how Jesus healed our 4 ½ year-old child Alex
Benny, son of Benny Mathew and Smitha Joseph.
Alex was diagnosed with hyper eosinophilic syndrome on Nov 4th, 2020
in Canada. He had high fever and he was sleeping most of the time starting
from last week of October and we took him to the emergency on Nov 3rd.
He admitted in the ICU directly as his blood pressure and heart rate were
low. They found that his white blood cells were really high especially
eosinophils count. It was 66 instead of 1. They started the treatment right
away but he was not responding to any medications. They did all possible
tests including cancer tests but all came back negative. Finally, they
concluded that it is hyper eosinophilic syndrome with unknown reason.
His condition became worse day by day and he was not responding to
any medication including chemo. His eosinophils count was 107 on Nov 21st
and doctors lost all hopes. They told us that we cannot do anything more.
Our family decided to pray 1000 rosaries and pray to Mother Mary and lot
of people were praying for him. His count dropped to 44 when we completed
750 rosaries. His count came back to 0 when we completed 1000 rosaries.
He got discharged on January 19,2021 after 2 ½ months of hospitalization
and we were so happy that Jesus healed our son. Doctors told us that he
doesn’t need any more treatment as all tests results were negative. But
his count started going up again in April and we lost all our hopes. Doctors
gave different chemos and injections and they were able to control his
eosinophils count till August 2021. We continued our prayers and blood
results were not showing good signs. His liver got affected with all these
medications. Doctors finally decided to do bone marrow transplant in November.
We talked to Fr.James Manjackal in October,2021 and he prayed for Alex
and told us that Alex will get great healing from Jesus. Don’t doubt,
believe in Jesus. We started attending Fr.James’s healing services with
Alex and Alex got admitted in hospital on Nov 3rd,2021 for his bone marrow
transplant. We were continuously praying during his treatment. Doctors
told us that he is in high-risk category as his liver is already inflamed.
So, we might need to admit him in ICU for couple of days and he needs feeding
tube as kids won’t be able to eat anything during these days. Usually,
kids will get mouth sores, nausea and vomiting as they are getting very
high dose of chemo for the transplant. We didn’t listen to their words
and we just gave our son to Jesus’s hand and asked his mercy on him.
His transplantation went well on Nov 9th without any complications.
His body got adjusted to all the medications very well. They didn’t put
feeding tube as he was eating well most of the days. He didn’t have any
nausea, mouth sores any pains after all these strong medications. He was
the only kid in last few years in that hospital went through the transplant
without any feeding tube and mouth sores. He was acting like he just had
a fever and recovering from that fever. We could see God’s presence in
each and every moment. Everyday doctors were saying “Alex, you are surprising
us. We never expected your transplantation will go smoothly like this”.
Doctors told us his new cells will start growing up within 10-21 days.
We attended Fr. James’s healing service on Nov 12 with him and father
announced his name and said Jesus is healing him. We cried out of joy and
his cells started growing back on Nov 16th (7th day after the transplant)
and he engrafted after 14 days without any complications. He got discharged
on Dec 3rd and we are back home after 4 weeks. He has to go for check up
every week now. His liver enzymes are still high and it may take sometime
to go back to normal. His bone is little weak because of all these treatments.
It will take 6 months to recover completely but we believe that Jesus will
heal him completely soon. Only Jesus can help our son. Requesting everyone’s
Dear Father James.
My name is Irena Vidmar. I came from Kamnik in Slovenia.
This is my testimony of my healing ten years ago. I was with
you in Kurešček in Slovenia. My father in law and her sister were together
in Kurešček. The next day they also invited me and my husband. We were
there all day. We prayed and blessed Jesus... It was a perfect day. I felt
Jesus closeness. Then we already have one child and we wish for one more
child. But I couldn't get pregnant. We pray all day on Kurešček. I asked
Jesus and Mary for one more child. When I heard my name during prayer I
knew I was healed. I got pregnant in a year. Now I have a wonderful family.
I still thank Jesus.
Now I need Jesus' help again, because I have a problem with my mental
health, anxiety, depression, burnout... I am going through hard times.
Father James please pray for me.
God bless you.
I am attaching a photo of my family to you.
Irena Vidmar
and after!
Dear f. James,
I wrote you in July and asked you for a prayer. Also slovenian priest
Peter Nastran prayed for me.
I had a cyst on my neck (big egg size). After your prayers I got an
idea and I started to drink Aloe arborescens, mixed with honey and a bit
of alcohol.
The interesting thing is, that God canceled two operations. The first
time doctors got badly injured guy, who needed imediate operation. And
the second time they didn't want to accept me, becouse it wasn't yet 7
weeks since I was infected with covid. By the way: covid wasn't hard for
me at all. I was singing worshiping songs all the time.
It's been almost three months now, since this cyst has almost gone.
It's in size of hazelnut now. Jesus healed me.
Glory to God almighty!!!
You can show my pictures to anyone.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you!!
Pax Christi!
I want to share my little-big testimony about healing. (Woman, 34y.o.,
1child) I was watching online your program for Czech and Slovak republic
in July 2021. Long time before this program I felt pain in my left
breast (I am breastfeeding first child almost 2years) almost continualy..
after healing prayer when we should hold hand on the painful place I have
no pain there anymore :)
Praise the Lord!
Thank God and thank you for your service and also sharing and teaching.
God bless you!
Janka Kubisová from Slovakia,
Greetings Father James!
I have already written to you by WhatsApp, but you said it would be
better for you if we wrote by email so that you could translate.
My husband, son and I were sick and now healed!
A woman asked me to pray for a boy who was in a coma.Jesus told me
loudly: "Marko will get well".In two days the woman wrote to me that the
boy was awake from the coma!Aleluia
At the Holy Mass in the church, Jesus looked at a woman and said to
me: "Pray for the woman, she is powerless".After the Mass, the woman said
this and she started to cry and said that it was true. Then I sent her
her virtual seminary and she was happy.Aleluia!
I also wrote to you that I have a fight with wasps in my flat (about
20 pieces) and only in my work room and in the cellar where we keep our
work things. After your blessing the wasps are no longer there.Aleluia
Obviously the person did something on our work, because from July we
are down with the work..Now she makes blood drops in the staircase. I will
send you all the pictures.
Father, thank you for all the prayers, it means a lot to us. We have
been in closed seminaries for almost 13 years and you are also in our prayers.
Oh, I have another testimony. The woman I work for is called Silke, she
has breast cancer. After your prayer it has become smaller. Aleluia!
All this will be in one week, Father.
Greetings from the bottom of my heart, God bless you and keep you.
Tatjana Makivic
Dear Father James,
I wish to express my gratitude for your prayers and teachings which
enrich my soul so much.
At each of your retreats, I have always felt great benefits: inner
healings, great peace and serenity and several physical healings.
- In 2004, during your retreat in Reunion Island, I was healed of my
tyroid and my diabetes was stabilised, I testified to these healings during
a retreat in Lourdes in 2005.
- In 2018, during a pilgrimage to Lourdes, I had to be hospitalized
because of very strong pain on my left side, shoulder, arm, on October
9 a scanner showed risks of "ischemic stroke at the cerebral level".
My sister Gisèle wrote to you with my photo to ask for your prayer,
8 days later, everything had disappeared according to the MRI.
- At the end of November 2020, I was found to have cancer in my right
colon, I was operated on 29 December followed by chemo...
Although I have to undergo chemo because of the protocol in place,
I am convinced that I am cured, moreover, I have heard you mention my name
several times. (my first name is not a common one)
I give glory to God for giving you the opportunity to continue teaching
us and praying for us, for the whole world.
From the bottom of my heart, dear Father, I thank you for your goodness,
your love of God and of others for helping us in this way.
I can follow all your retreats and healing prayers online, and I always
receive many graces... I am sure that your online retreats have helped
me a lot to cope with my cancer, surgery, chemo in a deep peace and serenity.
May God bless you richly and keep you long to save many more souls.
Marie-Eline Montée
Reunion Island/France
December 3, 2021
Our Lord Jesus healing today !
My name is Ivan ( my english is not so good ). On 26.november 2021
after of pray the rosary of Divine Mercy at 15:00 in hour of Mercy, i
was on internet when i looked window which called "Virtual prayer for healing"
father James Manjackal. Also day or two ago i see the same priest lead
spiritaul renewal, that video lasted 6 hours and i was thinking that is
so boring ,how he can speak that much, and i left from the video. Now I
back on the story of 26.november , I was in my room like I said after Hour
of Mercy i watched the video "virtual prayer for healing" ,and I thinking
in myself how I woud like to JESUS heal me from my diseases and bad habits
, and also some attachment to some sins.
I started video on , that was a half time of video about 30 minutes
I hear how father James speaks many names of people enumerating diseases
of which JESUS healing them. Then I think it was exactly 1:02:44 when father
James said my name Ivan, but that video watched about 1,100 people LIVE
when was that, so I thinking maybe there are more people under that name,but
after that father James said eyes closed " I see 13 people which called
John, Ivan ,Jan who receive the healing ". Then was everything clear to
me. I was believe in that, i feel peace in myself and warm, and feeling
is been so good.
Some diseases which you have enumerated , was my diseases.
I believe that I was healed by JESUS .
Thank you JESUS, and thank you father James. I love you :)
Dear Father James, I cannot give testimony about my healing because
I cannot check so quickly if my cancer is gone but I feel much better after
your blessing and prayer. During your prayer I felt warmth in my body and
I was very joyful in spirit. I claim healing, I know that Jesus loves
me.My spirit is stronger and I hope that my faith will grow with the help
of Jesus and your help. I am so grateful to you, Father James, for helping
God bless you and keep you! I wait for the next prayers online.
Georgia from Zagreb
My twin son Joshua Anto 3 yrs and daughter Grace Anto 4 yrs was suffering
from High fever and the fever was reoccurring before 4 hours, I was getting
anxious and exhausted as I am carrying my 4 child in womb who is 7 month
That was when I attended the 3 Rd day international seminar of fr James
and as he prayed with his priestly authority for sickness to be healed
and deliverance, I begged Jesus for the prayers of healing to be
manifested in children.
During the prayer high fever departed and they are now recovering gradually
from cough and cold.
I thank you lord for hearing me and helping me in my despair.
Christy Anto
Vasai West
On third day of your last spiritual renewal I think I was healed from
abnormal to normal. You spoke my name and I do not have my internal struggles
any more. I had struggled with them my whole life. First diagnosis was
set 2015th, and last about 6 months ago - schizophrenia. I think I got
through all mental diseases and I knew I would be healed from all of them.
It was only a matter of time. Maybe all of that big suffering was God's
plan for something - I believe in that. The reason I was convinced in healing
was the light from time to time in all that big darkness and losing all
I love, getting all I was scared off, so much pain. The light was for example
seeing Mary a couple of times (once she was holding me in her arms), smell
of roses which are not from Earth (last was today trough all Holy Mass),
and once I was healed from temperature praying rosary for second time one
after another on day before Christmas (temperature from 37.0 - 37.6 last
5 or 7 days coming backs every month or two months; nothing to remove it,
not tee, not cold shower or drog and that was all being like this 10 years
- the doctors could not find the reason, but I could not work with it).
So, the time will show I got healed from mental illness (big, big soul
suffers), like it shows from my temperature - I never from that time, several
years ago, had any temperature, be the grace to the Lord :))). . (Because
of these signs my heart was in deep belief that I will get healed from
my soul suffering some day, and that day I think was come, just time to
show. .) Thank you for praying and glory be to Jesus. Amen. Aleluja. :)))
Best regards,
On 11/18/2021 I watched your spiritual renewal from 11/12/2021. At
one point, when you said that Jesus heals many people from various allergies,
I immediately asked Jesus for my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter to recover
her from a milk protein allergy. And then you said, "Rafaela, you're healed."
I believed in that and praised Jesus. I gave her to drink normal milk and
a meal with milk proteins. She always had eczema on her bottom, belly and
had diarrhea. But at that moment, after that healing, she had no problems.
So then I normally serve her to eat and drink regular milk and milk products.
But the next day itchy blisters appeared on his bottom. I was wondering
what is it? But then I announced what you said. That we should believe,
even if it doesn't look like the healing right away. And so I believed.
I realized that something was different anyway, that she did not have diarrhea.
And I also remembered that God tested Job.
That Satan tempts us and God tests us. Satan tempts us not to believe
and God tests us on what our faith is. Whether real or superficial. That's
why I believed, and I told my wife that what she saw was just the last
breath of her allergy. That the allergy is getting weaker and our doughter
will be healthy. The next day she had diarrhea, but on the other side she
did not have eczema. I told myself: great. Healing is still ongoing. Satan
did not stop tempting my faith. And after the next day, she's fine. Praise
belongs to Christ the King. Hallelujah.
Jan Branich
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Father James. I had the opportunity
to see you once and live on the island of Krk in Croatia. I am in Croatia
and I live in Zagreb. And two days ago I prayed with you via video. After
that I felt great peace and immediately I went to confession with my wife.
I feel very nice since then. I will definitely pray for what you sent me
and I can't wait again for us all to pray via live video. Best regards
from me and family. We wish you a peaceful beautiful and pleasant night.
Dear Father James,
It is a long long time I didn't write you, after you said the thirty
mass for our families to my husband Nicolas and me. Please do forgive me,
please do.
I tried to be close to you during the daily mass, but it was often
too early and I haven't done as much as I wanted to.
You made a miracle and I can say that for sure I have no more nervous
depression, now that 3 months are over. And I began to stop homeopathy
at mid July, was a little afraid to do so, but really stopped everything
at the end of July. First total stop without problems since the years 2000.
I also stopped homeopathy for my little dog, who has so many problems and
he is not worse.
I noticed that as soon as you began to pray for us, many miracles appeared
: my dear danish cousin Neel who was a famous artist but became work
less and striving for the last ten years, had 3 job propositions. That
a niece discovered she was in love with a good friend since ever, that
another niece had her first job proposition, that my eldest nephew received
a triple job proposition... The sad thing is that none of them has a strong
faith, so when I told that they received this gift of God thanks to you,
no one went further, they were so happy but didn't jump in a prayer life.
And for my cousin, from a half atheist family as most often in Denmark,
I don't think she believed miracles are possible.
Then, with of course some exceptions, our family began to pray very
often the rosary in the evening, all together even if far one from the
others. Naturally, many miracles of Love, Peace, Understanding came in
our family. There is still a long way to walk, but we try to be honest
and generous one with the other.
God Bless you, dear Father James. I thank God but I know He Gave us
these miracles through your pains offered to Him.
In union of prayers, with Gratitude and Love in Jesus and Mary,
Dear Fr james,
My wife Cheryl lost her job oct 15 th 2020 in Abudhabi due to Pandemic.
I wrote to you regarding this are offering it everyday to Jesus
through Eucharistic celebration.Abudhabi govt has just started to open
job market visas this November. Cheryl got Job through interview a good
government job.
Thank you jesus .praise you Jesus.I also everyday offering this issue
through divine mercy chaplet .god intervened in beautiful his time
he does wonders for his people. his mercy and grace endureth forever.
also thanks for your intercession fr.
I am actually fortunate to listeñ to Healing prayer done by our beloved
Rev Fr James Manjakkal.
I was praying to Holy Eucarist during his prayer. Adoring & praising
our good Lord.
I had heart burning experience of new life in christ & inspired
to lead a better life acceptable to God.
Thank you
In christ.
TGJose, Ernakulam
Dear Father James,
I am very glad for your ministry and life example. I´ve become
catholic since 2012. One of my first retreats that you led was in
Czech republic. There was a lot of problems in my life. I suffered from
sadness. I was often hospitalized because of schizofrenia . My life
dramatically changed thanks to your prayers. I am able to study and live
better life for others.I am free now. I felt faith in my heart when you
had been praying for me. I believe in my full recovery. I am under
authority of doctors now and have to take medicine still but how did you
say: Marek you are healed and I do believe.
God bless, yours
Marek Budík
Our dear Father James,
I am writing to you because I want to bear testimony (again) to the
great works of Jesus. I want to testimony how Jesus heals our son Roko
and our family.
I am Mateja from Varaždin, the mother of little Roko. You know our
story. Last 6 months, since you entered into our lives, Jesus miracles
started happened.
Roko has been suffering from malignant epilepsy since he was 8 months
old. He has a lot of seizures every day that don’t allow him to develop.
He’s two years old, and he still doesn’t sit, walk, talk, or even hold
his head. Because of brain injuries, he can’t laugh when he wants to,
hear and experience everything around him. He can't hug his brother, dad,
grandma, grandpa, me - his mom.
Although this is a very difficult journey, my family thanks dear God
every day for sending us Roko. We are healed spiritually!
We know we would all find ourselves on the wrong path, the one where
Jesus would be somewhere along the way, and now Jesus is at the center
of our family. We are patient and joyful.
And precisely because we have been healed spiritually, we believe that
Roko will physically heal completely, stand on his own two feet, and one
day speak of the great works of Jesus.
We believe that Roko will be a priest and carry out evangelization.
We read him Bible every day!
We do not miss your prayers for healing every other Friday and we participate
in this three-day spiritual renewal. We pray a lot and we thanks to Jesus!
We goes to the Mass with joy, we sing spiritual songs! Roko feels that!
When Roko do something on his own - grabs a toy, raises his head or
just laughs, our older son Petar, who is 6 years old, immediately says
out loud: Glory to Jesus! We are new people, we are the new family
of Jesus!
Yesterday when you said that Jesus heals Roko from seizures and epilepsy,
tears of joy began to flow on their own. We know that Jesus healed our
Roko from epilepsy! We know that this is exactly our Roko! We immediately
raised our hands to heaven and thanked Jesus!
Glory to Jesus! Jesus is the center of our family!
Thank you Father James! God bless you!
Mateja Plantak Peček
Thank you, Father James from the bottom of my heart, for your prayers,
my daughter Zoya who is healed from atomic eczema by the precious blood
of Christ. I can still ask you to pray for her to be a holy and healthy
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will give you much prayers,
my spiritual father.
with love Adel
Dear fr.James
Im really glad that u have really time to read all of the postmailig
and another issues. I haven't hoped really because I know how demanding
it is to react and replay to all of the needs and asks of people. My testimony
is not so long.
I just wanted to thanks and remind u myself that your prayers are strong
and were listened and I feel that things are realised and get improved.
Also in the last prayers on Friday 24th November afternoon 3.30p.m
u were praying.I again noticed God's blessing in area of hormonal issues.
This is really loooong therm problems with the hormons.
But I gave all this problem to God and all of the problems with my
eyes(right eyes astigmatism/problem with cornea).
I have ask to u father can u pray for one father of my student ('Im
teacher at the elementary school) The father of my student has a cancer
very bad tumor in a head.Pls pray for him.His name is Lubo 49 age from
Bratislava.The family is devastated by this sicknes.
But also during your reatreat on 19th till 21st November I sent a link
of this retreat to the family and today Ive got great news that he is much
better could speak by phone.Is really big progress.Pls keep him in your
Im sending u also my photo as u asked me for my picture and testimony.Pls
find the attachment.
Thanks so much.
May God Our Lord Jesus Christ bless u.
Gabriela Polak
Dear Father,
thank you for all the blessings throughout your seminar! I gave
you the pain of my heart, I have wanted a spouse with whom I will have
a family for a long time, and it never happens to me. Through the
seminar you infused me with grace and peace and trust in God’s plan for
me. I surrender my wish to you and I ask you to ask Jesus to have
mercy on me and send my spouse as soon as possible. Amen
Thank you Jesus and thank you good Father
Lana Blazevic
Dear James Manjackal,
Lord bless Fr Manjackal,
I am Roksoliana. Thank you, thank you, thank you Fr Manjackal that
through you God has freed me from 40 years of chronic cigarette addiction(
One day I smoked, then I stopped as I could not smoke anymore!
Only a miracle could have done it! Painless. God took away the thought
of smoking cigarettes, and that was the end of smoking. I have now been
enjoying 2 years without cigarettes!
Glory to God
Ave Maria
God bless you,
Greetings, Father James.
I would like to write you a very small testimony that I experienced
after spiritual exercises with you on the Internet. In my life, I have
experienced many different disappointments, many different things that
have led me to this state of suffering. I thought I would not find for
myself such beautiful things that I could experience before I ruined everything,
but God showed me the way in the suffering I am experiencing. I began to
perceive it as my mission to be able to save souls, and as a bonus I received
in this suffering the experience and connection of love with Jesus. I would
never have thought that I would be able to accept such suffering, but I
received the gift after spiritual exercises with you.
I'm not saying it's easier or harder for me, the suffering is still
the same, but my attitude in suffering has changed. And today I no longer
want any healing, I just want the gift and grace of the deepest love to
suffer for him.
And so, Father James, announce from the roofs what is hidden, bring
to light what is in the dark ... thank you for your prayers and I also
pray for you.
Dear Father James,
I received healing from chronical mononucleosis on 20 August directly
during Father James' first healing prayer session on Youtube, it was simply
gone after six years - the typical feelings of weakness, subtle pain, and
exhaustion were gone and never returned since.
My skin was targeted by the virus, but God helped here as well, I don't
have to cover up my face with makeup etc. anymore, something I never would
have done a year ago.
Also, I can truly say that I received complete emotional healing: I
don't feel hatred or resentment towards anybody. Jesus has beaten my worst
These are all miracles which are a product of praying with and for
Father James for more than a year by now - among others in his numerous
retreats and his healing prayer sessions.
Surely, God is not done with me yet and there are better and worse
days, but the most important thing is that I am completely healthy and
that the healing process was initiated and is continuing. And with perfect
health and most importantly Jesus on my side I can do anything! Praise
be to God! Thank you Jesus!
I am very grateful for the online retreats in November 2021. It was
very beatiful time. I was very tired, but even when I slept I experienced
the Holy Spirit. During the long pray for inner healing I felt like during
the exorcism - my body behaved so and expirienced the power of Jesus. I
fell down also during the blessing and Jesus came to me like to Mary Magdalene
and told me that I am not condemned. It was so wonderful experience. Also
I feel that I am reconciling in my heart with sisters from the convent.
I asked in my heart for forgiveness and forgave them. After a few days
I started feeling nothing and feel freedom in this case.
I am also very grateful for the stationary retreats a few years ago.
Father James during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament looked at me
at the moment and told: Sandra - you are healed from depression. I thought
that the Holy Spirit is wrong as I am not Sandra... then Father James told
that my full name is Aleksandra and in the same moment I experienced the
hit in my head - like Jesus took away the stone from my head. After that
experience I got more and more hapiness.
Dear Father James, I don't speak much English. I'll be short. I've
written to you before. I'm listening to your seminars. I want to confirm
to you the healing of my skin on my face from eczema. Blessed be God! What's
visible and I believe is more than what happened. Of course I'll write
to you again. God bless you. I'll scroteat you a picture of me.
Praise God
My nephew's son Luke Pio Gomes was suffering from 47 xxy chromosomes
so I sent email to Fr. James Manjackal asking him to pray for
the healing. During healing prayers Fr. James called his name
Luke Pio a small child having problems of hormones and chromosomes is healed
. So entire family was so happy and praise God for healing the child
All thanks and praises to God for using Fr.James Manjackal
to heal this one month old baby.
Fr. Thank you for the great miracle.
Sr. Gerosa Dias sfn
Goa, india
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Dear fr. James,
My name is Petra Jengic, 43 years old, from Zagreb, Croatia.
On the 20th and 21st of November 2021 I had participated at International
Healing Seminar held by you through your YouTube chanel. During the prayer
on Sunday, the 21st, you were saying many names and Lord was healing. I
was curious to hear my name as well, but as I have no serious illness and
I not asked for anything but still wanted to hear my name as to have confirmation
Jesus is with me.
Then at one point, you have said as follows: Petra, receive the inner
healing. The Lord is healing your right now. At that moment I knew that
was me, and a feeling of warmth went through my body.
I thanked the Lord in that moment. As I have realised the inner healing
is the healing I needed due to my many wounds (the biggest two being wound
of rejection and wound of abortion).
Your child in Christ Jesus,
Bodružić feet
Click on the images for an enlarged view.
Dear father James I am writing to you because I want to testify of
my healing.
First of all I am very grateful to God for working through you ; you
are very special and kind ,and through your seminars we can learn a lot
about our faith and thank you for that. Last Friday I watched your healing
prayer and when you said, I put my hand on the part of my body where I
was feeling pain ( my kidney).
I was having problems with kidney stones and pain, through the prayer
I felt warmth and pain from my kidneys to my legs, after some time my pain
was gone. From that moment the pain from my kidney disappeared.
Thank You Jesus !
Yesterday (Friday 19/11/21)I listened the prayer again. I felt tingling,heat
and cramping in my foot. Because of previous healings in my life I knew
what was going on. A couple of years ago I got healing from my flat feet
and I felt the same thing, but my foot was clearly not completely healed.
After this prayer the arch of my foot was completely raised, this was it,I
immediately walked differently.
In the photos:, the left foot ( first photo) ,and the right foot(second
and third photo) that got healed on friday.
Thank You, thank You Jesus !
Pray for my family father James, I wish you all the best and sending
you a lot of greetings from Croatia.
Marijana .
Daugter was miraculously saved in Australia
On Sunday 3rd of October around 2.45am our daughter Marielle
slept and woke up as she was feeling hungry, while preparing some food
she was talking to her dad, suddenly she declined. She has heard someone
being dragged and later a female screaming, and someone walking around
the hallway. Then she had gone near the door and she had seen through a
peephole on the door and saw a male wearing a hooded jumper with the hood
over his head carrying a backpack. She saw him approaching her door and
hooked the access card. After trying to open our daughter’s door and
waiting there for some time, he suddenly walked away from the fire exit.
She was frightened about what was happening so called the police. She
waited in her unit till she saw the police outside. Later she was told
that guy who is also a resident in that student apartment two doors next
to her unit had called one of the residential advisors to get the
master card to open his room , later he had threatened that girl with a
knife tied her on a chair grabbed the master card from her and told her
that he is going to bring all the girls from that floor to his room and
going to stab and kill all of them together, when he came to open our daughter’s
unit the master card got damaged so he couldn’t open the door, when the
police checked the door they have told that “SHE WAS MIRACULOUSLY SAVED”
as the master card of the door got damaged while it was hooked to her door.
And the police have told her that she was so LUCKY.” “ONLY OUR COMPASSIONATE
I sent you an email father requesting prayers for Marielle.We always
recite 9 “Divine Mercy Chaplet'' “Rosary” calling the name of “Jesus”
1000 times and also place the intention in the chat box. Everyday without
failing we recite the “Guardian Angel prayer” and the “Prayer to
the Holy Cross.”
I used to place my family picture and a picture of our daughter’s
apartment in front of the screen, while attending the Perpetual Adoration,
and also during the mercy hour I touch the crucifix and the Blessed Sacrament
I always touch both with a crucifix and bless and put the sign of the cross
with that crucifix on each of my family member and also on the picture
of our daughter’s apartment, sprinkle the blessed water with salt and
put the sign of the cross with the blessed oil on the pictures.
All Glory and Honor to our Mighty God for this miracle and for the
hand of protection on our daughter Marielle. Thank you Abba Father for
your unconditional love and care for me and my family! Thank you Sweet
Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit! Thank you Mama Mary for every blessing in
our lives.
Thank you & God Bless you Fr, James and the entire ministry for
all your prayers and for leading us closer to Jesus.
Thank you for always praying for us
God bless you
Godfrey ,Pioline , Marielle & Dion
Hello, I am Marko.
I have had a heart valve problem since birth which didn't bother me
up until recently. I'm now 44 years old with a wife and 5 living children
and 3 with the Lord.
I was ordered for surgery on October 21st 2021. I couldn't listen to
the seminar on October 15th 2021. so I listened to it the night before
surgery. I thought to myself: so what if it wasn't live. When you said
"I see the open sky, give them a new heart, it's your promise'', I felt
something hit me in the chest.
I was on the operating table the next morning for valve replacement.
It happened that I had an allergy to an anesthetic and the operation was
postponed to November 29th 2021. The problem with the heart valve was still
On Tuesday night November 23rd I listened to the second part of the
seminar which was on saturday November 20th
You said "I see the open sky, something like milk ... the fire of the
spirit on your body ... The Lord says: I give you a new heart whiter than
snow, all the blessings you have sought and more. I love you and keep you
close to my heart."
Then I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit enter me. I started shaking.
I knew I got a new heart but I won't be able to check before going to the
hospital in a few days whether it was physical or just spiritual healing.
I believe it is physical and spiritual.
Thank you for the prayers. I"ll let you know how it went.
Jesus healed me at Father James Manjackal's online retreat 19.11-21.11.21.
He gave me a new heart. I could not pray for my enemies before. I had rather
prayed "Jesus, do what you want to them..." but not "forgive them...".
Now, without bad thoughts in my heart, I can say "forgive them". Thank
you Jesus.
Sabine Bauer
Father James thank you so much for the retreat and your intercessory
prayer. I was healed in body and soul. Jesus told you this and I felt it
and was moved. I also ask Jesus to grant you good health, to bless and
strengthen you, and I thank Jesus for you and for your priesthood.
Dorota Puchajda Poland
Dear Father James!
Thank you for your spiritual retreat on YouTube 19.-21.11.2021. Father
James, we love you!
You wrote in one of your books that you wanted to take us, your spiritual
children who had participated in your retreats, with you to Heaven. And
we want to be in Heaven with you! We want to love Jesus Christ more and
more! Father James, you are suffering for us! We love you.
When the retreat ended, we cried because we missed you and we are missing
you. We pray for you. May mama Marry protect you and Lord Jesus bless you
and your loved ones.
We want to be with you father James, at least during the online retreat.
Thank you for your love to us and to God.
Family Potoček from Czech Republic, Prague.
My name is Mario Maric. I am a medical technology engineer by
profession. I waited for a job after completing my internship and there
wasn’t too much chance for that. My mother wrote to Father James on April
2, 2020. and asked him to pray for me to get a job .. Just about that time
they announced a vacancy and I got a job, and started working at the end
of the same month. However. the wife did not manage to get the opportunity
to do an internship in Dubrovnik, but she succeeded in Zagreb, so she was
forced to leave, although this separation did not suit us. That was the
case until 05.2021. when my contract expired and after my colleague returned
from sick leave, I lost my job again. God obviously had his plan, because
after a short time I got a job at a clinical center in Zagreb. I did not
plan any of this, Jesus led everything in a miraculous way, including the
fact that, God willing, we will soon become parents. Thank you dear Jesus
for all the graces he has given us through the prayers of Father James,
and we continue to commend ourselves to him in prayer.
Dear Father James,
I thank you and God for the healing that I received on Saturday during
the prayers at the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, on the 2nd day of the seminar
on 20th November. I had trouble with my legs, but I don't know exactly
what. When I sat for a long time I could not get up and walking was painful.
It got a lot worse this year, so I had to stay up when I got up from my
chair and the first steps to support and the next walk was painful. I have
had these problems for about ten years, but I have not noticed. The Lord
is great and it is interesting that I fell asleep during adoration, after
half past seven and I woke up around eight o'clock and said "I am healed"
in my hips I felt something like a vacuum, or rather it seemed that I did
not have them and for the first time I got up without pain. My legs hurt
from my knees down, but within three days it passed. This is not the first
healing after your prayers, so I would like to take this opportunity to
thank you. The Lord Jesus received a flower at the Mass of St. on Sunday
and if I find out your account in the Czech Republic, I would like to contribute
to your mission. I pray for you every day (from the program in Brno) and
I accompany you and your years of illness and I believe that I will continue.
I am 64 years old.
With gratitude and the wish of God's blessing
Dear Father James Manjackal,
I attended your online healing seminar last weekend, including Friday.
Already on Friday I felt a clear improvement in my left ankle after the
first day of the seminar. Encouraged by this, I asked my priest for a confession,
which took place on Saturday at 5 pm. I was even allowed to stay for the
following Holy Mass, although here in my place of residence, because of
Corona, the rule is that you have to register for the service a week before
the Holy Mass. I was able to walk the way to the church and back without
pain. The strength in my legs is still missing, but with breaks it worked.
On Sunday, after the third day of the seminar, I had no more pain at all
in my left foot. Hallelujah! I am so grateful to God! I have already shared
the links from the 3-day seminar everywhere and given testimonies to my
sister and family.
God keep you and give you the strength to continue to give God's blessings
and healings!
With warmest greetings
Marion Ursula Schröder
Aswathi Varghese Kachappilly
Dear father,
My name is Dr.George Varghese Kachappilly.
I am here by testifying the healing received by my sister Dr. Aswathi
Varghese Kachappilly from SLE.She got positive for screening antibody test
for SLE on October 22,2021.On consulting rheumatologist ,the doctor asked
her to do a routine urine test in which she was found to have trace amount
of albumin.Our family became really worried about her and prayed for her,asked
intercessory prayer at many retreat centres.She was undergoing further
investigations for the same.I have asked for prayer request to manjackal
achan on 28th of October for which achan replied sure prayers
and also on 21st of November .During yesterday's healing prayers
achan mentioned my sister's name if I am not mistaken.By God's grace
and mother Mary's intercession ,all the remaining test became negative
and albumin trace which was initially found in the urine test became normal
in the retest.Rheumatologist assured her not to worry and also doctor said
that she do not need to take any medications.I thank Jesus Christ and mother
Mary for the same .
Thank you father for your prayers.My family is obliged to you for your
intercessory prayer for the same.
Praised Jesus and Mary,
My name is Barbara Šegota-Balanč, and I live in Sisak, Republic of
I participated in the online prayer meetings for healing that you held
on November 12, 2021, and in the three-day spiritual renewal from November
19 to November 21. 2021.
According to your prayers for health, the Lord brought me on November
12, 2021. I recovered from COVID-19, and from that day my slime began to
melt and I was stronger every day.
Also in the prayer for health at the three-day spiritual renewal on
November 20, 2021. I was cured of allergies because I used to have occasional
itchy rashes and urticaria on my body. Also after that prayer I no longer
have pain in my heels like I had before.
Thank you and Glory to Jesus!
God’s blessing and abundance of peace and love.
Barbara Šegota-Balanč
My name is Sabina Toić. I come from Croatia. I am 43 years old. I
am married. I live with my family on the island of Cres. The husband
is name Ivan, and the children are Mihael (14), Luka (11) and Magdalena
(8,5 months).
When You held the seminar in Zagreb 2001. I was a server. Our leader
was Father Ivan Miškić. In that time I was studing at the Faculty of
Chemical Engineering and Technology in Zagreb. That seminar left a deep
mark on me. That is when my process of change began.
I want to thank You for the strong seminar You held this weekend. Thank
You for talking the time for us who want to know the Lord Jesus and ourselves.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart, even though You are in Your pain
and suffering.
I wanted to witness to the great works of God that Jesus gave me through
We threatened the entire seminar program.
I prayed to the Lord Jesus to come into my heart. I prayed for the
grace of forgiveness, that I could forgive everyone who had hurt me, that
I could forgive myself. I prayed that the Lord Jesus would heal me from
the paralyzing fear, the spiritual disturbances that took away my life
force for a long time, the pain in my spine, in my whole body, the spiritual
attachments and blockages I had from people in the family I was born into.
When there was adoration, I surrendered my life to Jesus and prayed
Throughout the seminar, I felt close to Jesus. When You said my name
in prayer on Friday and Sunday, I felt in spirit and emotion that I was
healing. I felt healing on my body today. I received my deliverance and
healing and the presence of Jesus in my heart. The Lord Jesus opened me
to life so that I could do want His will is for me, and that is my sanctification.
We are waiting for my husbands employment.
We love You and send greeting from Croatia.
With love, Sabina
Dear O James Manjackal!
I have followed your oneline spiritual renewal. Thank you for the wonderful
words of encouragement. I am a nun and I have time for common prayer and
other obligations, but I still managed to hear something and pray with
you. I prayed to Jesus to give me health. that now I can no longer sing
in common prayer in a convent in church and school because I have religious
instruction. That's why I'm sad. When you started the last part of the
seminar today with a prayer for the continents, I had to interrupt again
due to obligations, but now I listened a little to the last part where
you spoke whose prayer was answered. You said 3 Annes have recovered from
cancer. I hope I am one of those Ana, that is my first name, and I am a
religious Sr. Teresa. Dear Father James, I commend myself to your prayers,
I want to be a holy sister in spite of various obstacles of the Evil One,
who also serves people. I am happy that you exist, You are of God, remain
our signpost to heaven in this wilderness of life. Let us remain connected
by prayer. I love you because you are conformed to Jesus and want to help
everyone, just like Him. Let's stay connected by prayer! May God protect
you! I wish you a good and peaceful night!
Jacques Camand
At the first online Friday healing prayer I had a pain in my right foot that hurted, up to the bottom of my leg. After the prayer pain has almost disappeared. I was very tired and I slept during almost the whole second part of the session. But I received healing.
Unfortunately after an IRM exam to check the bones where they discovered micro breaks due to osteoporosis, pain came back, but less importantly.
On November 12th it almost disappeared 100% and I take it in my heart.
Jacques CamandViolet Concessao
After participating in the healing prayer service, blessed with more grace...I was suffering from severe tennis elbow since more than a decade.... it's nearly a month now, no tennis elbow pain in both my hands...Jesus has set me free. All glory and praise to Lord Jesus
Violet Concessao,
Manglore. India
Clinck on the images for an enlarged view
Dear Fr. James,
I have been following your work for Jesus many years, since your first visit (seminar) to Croatia, and I have been praying with you and for you, especially when you have been particularly ill.
I live in Zagreb and I was at your seminar in Zagreb for the first time in 2001, and later I was at your seminar in Pula and I always felt great graces and obedience.
Namely, on Friday, October 15, 2021. I followed your seminar for healing with great joy directly via youtube and prayed with you.
By the way, for 6-7 years I have had a problem with psoriasis on my hands (which can be very uncomfortable, on the knuckles especially), which has gotten much worse lately and created big problems for me (dry, cracked skin, peeling, skin sores, etc.) so it was inconvenient for me to even wash my hands with water, especially to do other things that I have to to do regularly, i.e. to cook and clean for my family, as a mother and wife, etc.
In one moment, when you having been prayed for those with psoriasis and I cried out “Jesus, if you want you can heal me now, but may Your will be done, so if you want I will continue to carry that cross of mine” and I continued to pray for others who have been commended in my prayers.
The third day after that, i.e. the next Monday, I noticed that the skin on my hands was unusually smooth in those places that were usually affected by psoriasis, so I remembered my prayer and realized that I had been answered by your intercession, dear fr. James!!!
I have waited until today and decided to testify because now I see that my skin is clean until this day (although used to get worse when the colder weather came) and I have accepted healing and I praise and thank the Lord, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and the great love and sacrifice you make to glorify our Lord Jesus in all his children who honor and love him.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart once again and glory to the our Lord Jesus forever !!!Pavka (age 52)
Zagreb, CroatiaKlara
Hello, father!My mum and me prayed today with you. I heard that you said my name. Also I heard when you said sinusitis ( I am waiting for surgery).
At the end you prayed for mental illness people. At that moment I felt God's mercy. I felt that Jesus hold his hands on my head. After delivery (in 2018) I started to be shizofrenic and I have anxiety. Now I feel that I am more confident and I think that now I will be able to go outside alone. I am very greatful to God that I am healthy now.
Thank to you father because you prayed for all of us.
Best regards,
Klara KrstulovicNatasa
My name is Natasa, I am 57 and I live in Slovenia. On the 1. of October I accompanied a Healing prayer of Father James from my bed. I had Covid, it was quite intense, not easy to endure. I had a terrible headache, high fever, an itchy rash and have lost sense of smell and taste. I got tired very quickly and I was coughing heavily for many days. During the prayer Father James said: »Natasa, you are healed from Covid and all the symptoms of Covid, you are completely liberated, thank God.« Immediately I started to thank God and gave Him praise. By His grace I got strong faith and I was thanking him every day all day long. For every cough I said aloud: »Thank you Jesus for touching me and healing me! It was not an instant healing but I did not give up my faith. »If Father James said I was healed, it is so, I kept repeating to myself.«
Today after more than a month, I am completely healthy, strong, I can work as before, have my sense of smell and taste back, the rash is gone, and I dont cough anymore! I am so happy and grateful! Praised be our King and Lord Jesus Christ! And in tears I am thanking Him that He gave us a great gift of His anointed and faithful priest our dear Father James Manjackal!
Nataša Ajtnik, Slovenia
Dear Father Manjackal,It took me a little time to send you my testimony of the healing. First, I want to thanks Lord Jesus for this special gift.
It wasn’t the first time, I attent to your meeting, but it was the first healing prayer you made through your YouTube channel.
When I heard you to say my name I felt so lucky and happy to have the chance to be one of the lucky ones who receive the blessing. This blessing enable me to heal my heartburn and to liberate me from bad smell.
I have a lot of work to become a better person but I have the chance to have an amazing godmother and a spiritual father to help me to become someone reliable.
I also want to ask you, how I can ask you to made a trentain of Mass for my family in order to break the curse of the law.
Best regards,
Laetitia LABOURG
Dear fr. James,
I am Monika, grateful for Jesus's miracle, I don't have anymore simptoms of multiple sclerose from 16.10.2021. Yesterday, I were also healed, and my mother Ana. She is most probably healed from cyst in her uteros and on a her left breast. We can't prove it on a medical way, just to wait the time to see have we still have simtoms.PATER NOSTER, QUI ES IN CEALIS, FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA!
Dear Father James, I am thanking you for praying to the Lord.
He healed me of a pain in my throat in your healing prayer and also gave me the gift of fatherhood in one of your retreats.
I glorify the Lord Jesus.
God bless you!
My name is Margaretha Dörfler and I’m from Austria. I met Father James for the first time in the Year 2006, at this time I was 16 Years old. Somehow I never managed to give written testimony and didn't know where to start it. After the healing prayer of Father James on the 29th of Oktober 2021 I knew I had to give testimony about the goodness and greatness of God.
At that time I met Father James for the first time I had a great desire to find God more, but I was also convinced that I was a good catholic, although I was full of inferiority complexes and self-doubt. I was hiding myself in a lot of books, especially fantasy-books. Because of that books, the circumstance that my family came more and more in touch with esoteric, end-of-the-word prophecies and a lot of other “little things” my catholic faith from the childhood became more and more distorted.
When I met father James 2006 on a youth retreat in Austria I was very suspicious. My parents met him in the same year before me, I was 16 and so I was very sceptical about the thinks they liked. Nevertheless I wanted to go to this retreat. I examined every single word father James spoke. But his words won every time, everything was absolute catholic.
After all I could open my heart when father James told us how he was kidnapped in India.
From this retreat on I tried to give God all of my life, but it was very hard to give things away, especially my books. I asked Got to show me piece by piece what book I should throw out. And so he did. He showed me only one at a time. At the end I threw all my fantasy-books out and a lot of others, at least more than 70 books.
Then for me and also for my family began an adventure that lasts until now. First I was on several retreats and I was liberated from my inferiority complexes, my fears and also from burdens from the evil one. God sent me also a good priest in Austria to help and lead me.
Then I realised that it was time not only to hear the words but implement them in my life and I knew that this would be a task for the next years, maybe for my whole life, but I decided to do it.
In all that years Jesus heals me once on my body (so that I know it) during a retreat with P.James from heavy pain every time I got my period. And I thank and praise god for this great healing.
But the other things God did in my life until now where like an ocean of grace.
Through the retreats of P. James I got the tools and the knowledge to give my life a different direction. A direction to the real life: Jesus himself.
So I was healed from my test anxiety during a silence adoration in my ordinary life, also more and more reconciliation and peace came into my heart and my family, I got more real faith, My pursuit to work for the kingdom of God was purified and directed in a fruitful direction, I can love the others more, I have more power for my daily life, I have found in Jesus a true friend who never leaves me alone, especially not in the suffering and difficulties of life, I got true and catholic friends and a new, rich, powerful approach to the sacraments of the Church.
It was and is not always easy, I've also had to give up friendships, give things away, and change my life. Not only once, but again and again. Difficulties and sufferings still come, but all this is imbued with the hope of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, who loves us and gave himself for us.
When I look back on those 15 years in which I was allowed to grow up, I have to say:
It was absolutely worth it.
Jesus I praise you and thank you for all things you have done and still do in my life. Jesus I thank you for all the people who have accompanied me for a long time in my life. And I thank you for Fr. James, who has become part of my family, for the great love you have placed in his heart for all people and for all his sufferings, prayers and sacrifices.Maria
God reward it. I Maria Wimmersberger received healing in the brain, cysts, in the neck and joy. And my children and grandchildren, especially Daniel freed from fear and Raphaela in the belly. My husband has healing from cholesterol and knee pain. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, God bless you. LG Maria
Dear father James,My name is Ivana Poje. I come from Slavonski Brod, Croatia. As you know, on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of September I had a written exam as part of the Bar Exam. During the past 4 months that I had at my disposal for learning I had so many obstacles (i couldn't learn almost nothing, got sick several times) but God's love and mercy was bigger than any obstacle I had to confront. By God's will and His intervention I passed all of my three written exams (each day you write one verdict from a different area of law). When I found out the results and that I had passed written exams, I had only two weeks left to learn literally anything and to repeat what I had previously learned for the oral examination. I asked Father James for prayer and he told me that he will pray on my intentions. Few days before exam i got sick again, but God was bigger than my disease. Miracle happened, God's mercy found me again, during that day He was with me. He led me through the day and gave me courage and strength to carry on. Sometimes he spoke through me. I even couldn't understand when I got to learn that. I praise the Lord who heard me, had been there with me! Something impossible became possible with Him! Now I know that there is no such thing that isn't possible, because when you don't have a not chance at all, you have to trust in the Lord who is above all. He is in control. God blessed me so good!! Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I thank God for the servant of God, Fr. James who prays for everyone for everything. May Jesus give him good health.
For the purpose of God's glory and this testimony, I am sending my picture from the day I passed oral exam of the Bar Exam. Glory to Jesus! Glory to the Lord!
Greetings from Croatia.Pavka
Dear Fr. James,
I have been following your work for Jesus many years, since your first visit (seminar) to Croatia, and I have been praying with you and for you, especially when you have been particularly ill.
I live in Zagreb and I was at your seminar in Zagreb for the first time in 2001, and later I was at your seminar in Pula and I always felt great graces and obedience.
Namely, on Friday, October 15, 2021. I followed your seminar for healing with great joy directly via youtube and prayed with you.
By the way, for 6-7 years I have had a problem with psoriasis on my hands (which can be very uncomfortable, on the knuckles especially), which has gotten much worse lately and created big problems for me (dry, cracked skin, peeling, skin sores, etc.) so it was inconvenient for me to even wash my hands with water, especially to do other things that I have to to do regularly, i.e. to cook and clean for my family, as a mother and wife, etc.
In one moment, when you having been prayed for those with psoriasis and I cried out “Jesus, if you want you can heal me now, but may Your will be done, so if you want I will continue to carry that cross of mine” and I continued to pray for others who have been commended in my prayers.
The third day after that, i.e. the next Monday, I noticed that the skin on my hands was unusually smooth in those places that were usually affected by psoriasis, so I remembered my prayer and realized that I had been answered by your intercession, dear fr. James!!!
I have waited until today and decided to testify because now I see that my skin is clean until this day (although used to get worse when the colder weather came) and I have accepted healing and I praise and thank the Lord, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and the great love and sacrifice you make to glorify our Lord Jesus in all his children who honor and love him.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart once again and glory to the our Lord Jesus forever !!!
Pavka (age 52)
Zagreb, Croatia
Dear Father,
I am sending this mail as my testimony. I had requested Fr. James to pray for me for healing of my burn (2 legs) on 4th. I was not able to walk without help. After 2 days by God's Grace, the pain disappeared and now walking freely because of the prayers of Fr. James on last Friday.I have to continue dressing 1 or 2 times more, that is all.
I dont know how to Praise & Thank God for his Mercy and healing touch towards this sinner and thanks to Fr. James for his prayer support.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you fr. James and team
VilsyMaryvonne Lavalloir
After a check-up with my cardiologist I had to undergo a heart scintigraphy to check a problem that had been diagnosed following the stress test.
The scintigraphy showed an abnormality and the cardiologist decided to order a CT angiogram of my heart. I went there without fear because I had no symptoms that could lead to suspicion of heart problem. Unfortunately the cardiologist who performed the CT Angiography told me that I had an 80% blocked coronary artery and needed a coronary angiography and probably stents. I knew that it was not without risk because it is very invasive. I was very worried and of course called my dearest Father James to tell him about my concern. Of course he told me he was going to pray for me.
Then there was the on-line Pentecost retreat that was scheduled. I had to make a very difficult decision as I had been engaged for a year for an important family celebration and when I told Father James he told me he could not move the date Pentecost day but a family gathering could be postponed. This was impossible because the gathering had been planned for a year, everything was organized, and the various family members had already booked their trip by train or plane. So I entrusted all this to the Lord in prayer because the family did not understand that I could cancel my participation in this event. The Lord answered me by saying three words to me: Matthew 10,37: "Whoever loves his father or his mother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me”. I immediately understood the decision I had to make and for me there was no doubt. Then the same day in the afternoon, I received a message from my dear Father James with only 3 words : Matthew 10,37 ! I told him that I had received these same words in prayer in the morning. The Lord had made the decision for me and confirmed it twice. I had to explain my decision to the family, but it was not easy because I knew I was hurting them.
The day of the retreat for Pentecost has arrived. As usual, I was very busy with the organization, answering emails, phone calls, following the control screens…. Etc. However, the Lord allowed me to watch the healing prayer undisturbed. As usual, I did not pray for myself but only for all my sick brothers and sisters who needed healing. Suddenly Father James said: "Maryvonne, the grace flows in you and you are healed of your heart problem". I was surprised because I wasn't asking the Lord for anything, but I accepted and thanked the Lord for this great blessing that I was receiving even though I hadn't felt anything in particular. I just believed in the healing that I didn't ask for. At the end of the retreat, as usual, I thanked Father James for his wonderful retreat. I clarified that I will go as planned to the hospital for the coronary angiography because he tells us to always obey our doctor even if a healing has been proclaimed.
So I entered the hospital on June 17th with the results of my CT scan showing that a coronary was 80% blocked. The cardiologist told me he would decide what to do at the time of the coronarography, but that he would probably have to put in stents. Stents are small springs that are placed in the narrowed artery to widen the passage of blood flow. When the coronary angiography was finished, the cardiologist told me that there was no narrowing, that the blood flow was normal and that there was no need for stents. In fact the result of the scanner did not correspond to the coronary angiography! Jesus healed me on the day of Pentecost through the intercessory prayer of Father James. I immediately sent a message to Father James who was not at all surprised as he was convinced of my healing.
On the other hand in the following days, I had to go to my cardiologist with the result of the coronary angiography and I did not know how I was going to explain the healing to him because the doctors are generally wary of supernatural things. During the cardiologist's consultation, he took some time to study the various documents and I could see he was trying to understand the result and not speaking. In my heart I was praying and saying to the Lord, "My Lord how can I explain to this doctor that I have been healed, he is going to think that I am crazy!" I was praying with all my heart when suddenly the doctor lifted his head and said "Hallelujah !" I was surprised, the Lord had heard my prayer. I replied "Yes Doctor, Hallelujah and I thank the Almighty God who healed me" and then with a big smile he replied "yes you can do it"!
In fact, I chose to prioritize my mission for the Lord, the organization of the Pentecost retreat for my brothers and sisters knowing that I was going to hurt my family, but the Lord had decided for me by sending me Mt 10:37, confirmed by Father James and he gave me a great healing grace although I did'nt asked anything. Hallelujah Our Lord is Almighty. Then I testified and my family was happy for me and for this great grace that I received.
Elizabeth - Retreat Warsaw 26.09.2021
A year ago I was diagnosed with a heart disease ( atrial fibrillation ) . I'm taking medication but during this retreat I received the grace of healing from this disease. I believe and trust God that I will be well.Glory to You, Lord.
Bogusia - Retreat Warsaw 26.09.2021
I attended a retreat with Father James in 2019 . My hair was falling out terribly and I was balding because of it. During the prayer I was healed . Father James Manjackal said during the prayer , Boguslawa you have been healed . I believed and received the healing, believing that these words were addressed to me. The baldness has stopped and is no longer increasing.Glory to the Lord!
Bożena - Retreat Warsaw 26.09.2021
My name is Bożena , I live in Warsaw .
I was suffering from sinusitis and related frequent respiratory infections, pain in my knee joints caused by osteoporosis and an intimate infection.
During the retreat in Warsaw 7-9.06.2019 , Jesus healed me of all these ailments . I also forgave those who had hurt me.
The spiritual fruit of the retreat was my first General Confession and the entrustment of Jesus to the hands of Mary, according to St. Louis Marie Grigniom ale Monfort.Praise the Lord!
Dear father,
I have come here to testify myself .I was having severe chest congestion since September 26th 2021.I attended achans healing prayer on YouTube.I kneel down on my knees in front of Eucharist till the end of the healing prayer.By the end of healing prayer I was cleared of my chest congestion.Thank you holy Trinity for my healing.I would like to thank James achan for conducting this prayer meeting.
Thank you father.
George Varghese
My name is Diana D'Souza. There was a tumor that was detected in my large intestine after several months of severe pain in my body and stomach. I went to multiple doctors and they all gave a different diagnosis. Finally, I got to know that there was a cancerous tumor in my large intestine. The doctors said that they would operate me and remove the tumour following which I would have to undergo a few sessions of chemotherapy. At first, I wondered why this had happened to me but eventually I offered everything to God. I placed all my trust in Him and underwent the surgery. The tumor was successfully removed. When I went for the follow-up, I got to know that there were no traces of the cancer left and I wouldn't have to undergo any chemotherapy sessions. I was completely healed by the precious blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. Many people all over the world prayed for my speedy recovery and the Lord was merciful and heard our prayers. When I attended the healing hour conducted by Fr. James Manjackal, deep down in my heart I knew that the Lord had touched me and healed me with His precious blood. All thanks and glory and praise be to Jesus. Praise be to Mother Mary and all the saints and angels who were with me throughout this process."She has thanked you in a special way for all your prayers and she specially mentioned your healing hour. She said that it was in that moment she knew that she was completely healed.
Thank you.
Mary Golda
I am 6weeks and 5days pregnant. I had two episodes of bleeding two days before. I requested Fr.james to pray for me. Gods grace my bleeding cured and the scan report came as Normal.
Praise the lord. HallelujahKind regards,
Mary Golda.
I' ve been suffering from bronchitis for a week , i have cough at nigth and in cann't breathe so well. Yesterday came an extreme sore throat that i could no longer swallow. During the healing prayer i heard my name , Angelika you are healed. The sore throad slowly improved and i was able to swallow again. I can breathe better again at nigth.
Thank you my Jesus for this healing !!!
My lord my god you are in so wunderful !!!
Dear father James, I am thanking you for praying to the Lord.He healed my nerves, organs and schizophrenia. I glorify the Lord Jesus. I sent donation to your account in Spain. God bless you! Jozo
Agnieszka Art
Thank you Lord Jesus that on the retreat I was healed of my female, intestinal and stomach problems as well as my ears and all the inflammation of my ear trumpets. And for the healing of my immune system.
Thank you for blessing me in my artistic activity in my professional life.
Glory to you Jesus.
We send you a testimony of healing my mother Mary.
She had a planned operation in January - a right kidney tumor. According to the doctor, the operation is necessary and cannot be solved otherwise. She decided to entrust herself into the hands of God. She did not go to the hospital, and together in the family we begged the Lord Jesus. We have asked you, dear papa James, to pray for her healing. On Friday, September 18, she had an ultrasound examination at the same doctor. There is no tumor on the right kidney!!!
It is another miracle by which God revealed his power!!!Alleluja!!! Praise the Lord!!!
with love
your gratitude children
Eva Melk
My name is Alojz and I am 78 years old. I live in Varaždin, a small town in Croatia. In May I participated in your online spiritual renewal. All 3 days, together with my family, I followed up your program carefully and with great piety, often with tears in my eyes.
The last day of renewal when you prayed for healing, you mentioned 11 people that have been healed from a tumor and other head sickness. 6 months before that, I had been diagnosed with an aneurysm of the brain and confirmed with 3 CT examinations. When you mentioned the healed ones, I was deeply convinced our Lord healed me too, through you. After 10 days, I have been on another CT control examination. When I showed the finding to the neurosurgeon, he said to me: “Sir Alojz, you do not have any signs of sickness on your brain. Take your findings and go home. For me, you are a healthy person.” I asked him then who was wrong with the diagnosis, but he had no answer on that. But I knew who my healer is – our Lord – through your arms, and I am very thankful to him!May God bless you and work through you for many more years!
Greetings from Varaždin
Alojz Češnjaj
Peter is now 11 years old, he had speech problems from the beginning, we went to speech therapists who tried to help him. In school, problems with stuttering developed due to contacts with peers, which later became more severe. We opted for another therapy, which ended with the Covid pandemic. During this time, the symptoms of stuttering worsened even more. Before the holidays in 2020, we found another therapist. This time, the methods used started to bring some results, but the process was slow.
We decided to entrust our son to the Lord Jesus, who can heal many problems. We wrote a prayer request to Father Manjackal who assured us of deep prayer. A few months later the situation started to improve significantly. Peter stutters less and less and the therapist says that she has not seen a patient who makes such rapid progress. However, we are convinced that God is implementing his plan for Peter. Praise the Lord !
I am enclosing a photo of Piotrek, who is a brave young boy who did not give up despite his problem. At the same time, he himself is heavily involved as an altar boy in our parish.
Glory our Lord! With respect and greetings,Marek Rogalski
Thank you very much for the healing prayers on Youtube. I would like to testify. I have been given healing from the Lord for my knee pain and pain in my back, pelvis and healing from migraines.
Thank you for your love and devotion. I also pray for you and your healing and all your requests.
God's blessings and warm greetings
Birgit Schubert
On Saturday the 4th of September 2021 while listening and praying during your healing prayer, you said Denyse you are healed, so I accepted the healing right a way and I felt it specially in my soul and I thank Jesus Christ for this wonderful gift and whatever happens I know now that He is with me and will take care of my family and my husband as well as my self. He knows what I need and if wants to heal me in my body from rhumatoïde arthritis let it be He will, if not I ask Him to give me the strength to accept it and to give my suffering to Him for His glory and the souls of the poor sinners. May Jesus bless and protect you. Looking forward to pray with you next Friday September 17, 2021 for our salvation and healing of souls and bodies. PS the picture is of me and my dear niece Nathalie.Denyse Brazeau
Dear father James! God bles you! God bless you! God bless you!Ema is doing great! After your prayers. all the infection is gone, she has no ear pain! God bless you! Thank you for your prayers! We love you! And pray for you! Praise Jesus!
Mair Christine
Dear Father James
I attended the online retreat and have been relieved of my left knee pain. Due to cartilage damage, I was always in pain despite cortisone injection and now I am completely healed. I thank Father James for his intercession with Jesus. Hallelujah, praise and glory to the Lord! Hallelujah
My name is Mateja from Varaždin, Croatia. I'm mother of a two-year-old boy named Roko. When he was eight months old, malignant epilepsy seizures occurred. From strong and frequent epileptic seizures, he forgot everything he had adopted so far. The doctors told us we can’t expected recovery for Roko. Over time, with prayer and a lot of practice, Roko slowly began to progress. Then dear God brought us a wonderful priest from Varaždin named Milan on our life journey. He directed us to common and daily prayer. He also told us about Father James. We decided to contact Father James and ask him to pray for our Roko as well. Then miracles began to happen! Jesus began to heal Roko. Roko began to vocalize, calling mom, started grabbing toys, laughing, crying, leaning on his arms, slowly raising his head. He couldn't do all that before. A doctor who had not seen him for two months said Roko has completely changed. Jesus is alive and Jesus is healing. Glory to Jesus! We pray more and more every day, more and more strongly, until Roko completely heals. We are grateful for all the good and all the bad and for all that Jesus has yet to do. We pray Jesus to stop his epileptic seizures forever so that he can continue to progress the best he can. We believe that Jesus will be glorified through Roko. We believe that he will be physically healed and someday become a priest to serve God and help people. The whole family was spiritually healed with Roko. Glory to Jesus!
Thank you Dear frJames. I prayed with you today at the Healing Prayer on Youtube and then my husband Niko was healed by Jesus !!! Because I put him in Jesus heart wound.Thank you Jesus
Dear Fr. James,I just wanted to write you to let you know that I received a physical healing on Pentecost Sunday during the healing prayers in the afternoon. I primarily started to pray for others and then I remembered that I had similiar issues, so I included myself in the prayers with an open heart, open hands and thanksgiving. Somehow I felt and I knew that God was healing me. I did not know it like you know something on a human level with your brain, but I knew and felt it inside of me along with peace and a certain ease of being. I thanked God and I believed.
Also I did not have to make any extra-efforts to believe, I believed with ease that I was healed. This issue I am talking about I have had for years and my doctor advised me to have surgery.
Three days after Pentecost Sunday I had a regular, routine appointment with my doctor. She examined me and said that my status concerning some health issues remained the same, so I thought she was addressing ALL of my health issues by this. I said to God inside of myself: "I thank you for healing me". Even though I believed I received the confirmation from my doctor that all remained the same, I wanted and desired to thank God for my healing. All of a sudden, while examining me, she said to me: "And you will not believe this. You will laugh now. This is gone." But guess what? I believed it. My certain health issue was gone. My doctor was completely happy, because she thought before that I needed surgery but now not any more. And I was completely happy because I saw that God healed me. I asked her if she had ever seen something like that. She did not answer, just smiled.
I just wanted to give this testimony in honor of God the Father, whom I was able to encounter in a completely intimate way as a true Father during your prior Online-Retreat in March in a Vision that healed and reconciled me.Praise be to God and thank you Father James for your spiritual Fatherhood and your retreats!
I am one of the living proofs that Online-Retreats do work!God bless you Fr. James,
My name is Abel Asanov.
When i was 3 months old my grandma named Spomenka took me to seminar at Kuresko, near Ljublijana in Slovenjia conducted by Fr. James Manjackal. He prayed for me and said that I should be baptised to be healed. The doctors said that i wouldn't begin to walk before my 6th year.And my grandma took me to baptism and i got baptised and a miracle happened after that....on my first year i started to walk normally. Now I am 11 years old. My mom got divorced from my dad who was muslim and my mom came back to my grandma and now we live as the most happiest family...I look after my grand mother.
Vlastimil and Eva
Dearest our papa James,
we are sending this wonderful testimony of ours. Now is just 10 years since you first prayed for my husband's healing. He had severe pain and tingling in his legs and arms. His diagnosis of multiple sclerosis deteriorated rapidly. Doctors in Prague clinic considered ending expensive treatment.
The Holy Spirit himself, through the priest Paul, showed us the way to you. Our Lord God heard your prayer and healed my Vlastimil. He healed us both in body and soul.
From then on, we feel a much warmer relationship with our Lord God. Our prayers are no longer empty. We feel God's nearness.
Five years ago, we prayed long on retreat in Bratislava and accepted an offer to help evangelize with you. We completely changed our lives, changed our housing and left our jobs. We have had so many wonderful days filled with love. We are grateful to the Lord God for how many days we could have been close to you.
We have seen so many miracles and healings from serious illnesses. We have seen hundreds and hundreds of people clap and sing with joy to the Lord God. They all praised the Lord God and were happy. The most beautiful was your humility - your words: who healed you? Jesus!!!
Thank God we had indescribable moments... God himself knows what is in our hearts and minds, and you know it too, dear our papa James.We want to thank you so much for our whole family, for our children and parents.
Thanks to your prayers, we are united. And we pray for you every day, our dearest papa James!!!THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS,
THANK YOU DEAR PAPA JAMES!!!With gratitude, love and joy
Vlastimil and Eva with children
Claudia Blume
Dear Reverend,Here is my detailed report of my healed thrombophlebitis.
Around March/April 2018 I noticed a swelling in my left foot. I was not immediately consulting a doctor. The swelling and pain increased, so I finally decided to see a doctor. He diagnosed a thrombophlebitis.The doctor prescribed some cream and medicine. A specialist recommended a surgery.
On 26 to 28 February 2021 I was listening your online retreat on Radio Maria Switzerland. You called my name twice.
After 2 weeks I was totally healed.Here is the picture of the healed Tromboflebite ( left leg, it was swollen before healing)
Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers!
Your's sincerely,
Claudia Blume
Dear Father James,Recently, our family participated in an online spiritual exercise "Led by the Spirit of God", organized by the Credo Endowment Fund from the Czech Republic.
We were thrilled to be able to meet you at least in this way and be "infected" with the joy and love you give out.
These exercises have greatly strengthened and encouraged us. Thank you for them. I also want to thank the Lord Jesus for healing from knee osteoarthritis. I could barely kneel and now my knees no longer hurt. Thank God for that.
Father James, we pray for you and your missions. May God give you a lot of strength and bless you.Ludmila, Czech Republic
Anca Possnitz
Dear Father James ,
I write a little late because Pentecost is almost over . . I want to thank you very much for the online retreat I think that was the most beautiful retreat. Not that the others weren’t good, but I I think maybe I was open for that time. I’ve already said thank you to God for giving it.
Dear Father James I want to thank you for my healing, I was ill with breast cancer last year and I prayed to you for prayer,I wrote to you then that I am very afraid of dying,You comforted me and said I am not afraid I pray for you, you’ll get well . Now one believes for a while, but then falls back into the old pattern, well in this retreat you have said so beautifully: What you need is ,faith ! I capitalized that on my Bible! And I always read that. Well I think, and in fact I feel better much better ❤ ️☺ ️Thank you , Father James . In this retreat you have said so many beautiful things that I am now going to hear again to deepen. Dear Father James You have also said that T. knows exactly what gift you have received and he comes to places, I beg you very much to pray that I have the strength to always decide for the good and do, but it seems to me sometimes you are so pushed into the corner that you have no choice. Thank you very much for your prayers, God reward. May the dear God give you much strength.Thank you and ask for blessings leaves
You greet Anca Possnitz.
Testimony of Raphael
In 2020, God gave us a daughter, Marija. After her birth, I was very
tired. I thought that it was so because of my age (I gave birth for the
first time when I was 38). After a year, I went to my doctor, who found
that I had serious thyroid problems and I needed surgery. Before the operation,
I was warned that there is very small chance that they could damage my
vocal cord nerve. After the operation, I found it very difficult to talking
what was supposed to be because of the swelling, but to keep me calm, doctor
sent me to a specialist otorhinolaryngologist, who found that my left vocal
cord was practically immobile. One month after the operation, Fr. James
had a retreat in Slovenia. Since my husband didn’t get free on work,
we only went to the retreat on Friday morning. During the first break we
asked Fr. James for prayer. When he finished, we added that we would also
like to have another baby. Father James said that he knew and that he already
prayed for thet. One year after the birth of Mary, we started with healing
of secondary infertility. The doctors discovered that my uterus was divided
into two parts and that they should operate me, but because we already
have one child, they did not decide to have the operation. After the prayer
of father James, I was filled with great joy, and I kept repeating, "Thank
God!" Even it was seemed as if nothing had happened, but when I woke up
the next morning, I was able to speak and even sing normally and so it
is now. God also blessed us with three other children. Thank God.
In August 2020, it was confirmed to I had breast cancer. Because the
cancer was triple-negative and very aggressive, doctors decided to start
immediate with chemotherapy and, after chemotherapy, breast should be removed.
A few days before the operation father James had a zoom seminar for Slovenes.
During the prayer, he said that God had healed Irma. I believed it was
me. Since I didn’t know whether to cancel the surgery or not, I praied
that God decide by the hands of the doctors if surgery was necessary. I
had surgery on March 3 and the doctors confirmed that all the excised tissue
and lymph nodes were negative. God healed me of cancer. Thank God. Thank
you father James for all your prayers. And also thank to all people that
pray for my family.
Irma Vuk -Slovenia
I want to testify that after your prayer, my legs healed, a muscle
on one leg broke and I could not stand on it, I walked on crutches for
a long time and it was difficult to walk on the other leg. On the second
day of the seminar, I walk without any difficulties. Thank you and glory
to Jesus for working miracles through you! God bless you and keep you!
If necessary, I will write this testimony in English, because I want
it to be made public.
I come from Poland. I attended the retreat on May 21-23, 2021, for
Pentecost. Jesus healed me already on the first day of the retreat, but
I didn't pay attention to it, because I didn't ask for it and even doubted.
For confirmation, immediately the next day God, through Father James said:
Kasia, you are healed completely, do not doubt.
What is this healing about? The Holy Spirit helped me to go back to
the moment of my conception. He showed me how much nervousness and discord
there was in my parents at the moment of procreation. Sex was forced. God
made me realise how important it is for New Life to bring spouses together.
Throughout my life, I had emotional problems: I worried about what others
would think, I carried a heavy load of anxiety, this led to nervousness,
constant, unexpected tantrums and emotional hypertension and insomnia,
my hands trembled, sometimes my whole body trembled. I had to take blood
pressure medication and tranquillisers. Now these symptoms are gone. I
stopped taking the tranquillisers immediately, but I am still taking the
blood pressure medication. Not right away.
I thank God with all my heart for this unexpected gesture. Praise the
I attach my photo because I can no longer and do not want to be ashamed
of my faith in God.
Dear father James,
I am grateful for your email and I am sending you my photo as you were
asking for, copy of email of
my patient who were seeking a emergency on Sunday when you had a seminar
for all of us.
I am a dentist, and on Sunday morning before your seminar started a
patient called me for emergency dental intervention. Since I was on the
mass she wrote me an email (which I am sending you in attachment of this
e-mail). I went in the morning to the mass therefore I can be free later
for your seminar. I didn't want anything to disturb my concentration for
your seminar. Therefore, I said Jesus, please solve this. You solve this.
In the evening, after the seminar finished, I called the patient with
the intention of helping her. She told me it was hurting her a lot, and
was swollen. She spontaneously took a toothbrush and brushed in the area
of her teeth. She said it all bled (probably a fistula opened and pus came
out). After that it stopped hurting , the swelling went away and she felt
better. At that moment, I knew that Jesus had solved it . I saw that she
was happy during our conversation on mobile phone. We said if there will
be necessary, she will come tomorrow morning – Monday morning – to
cheek it. I thanked to Jesus, and said loud :Jesus, you are really genius.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for your prayer for my family and me.
Kindest regards,
Father James,
When the Eucharistic Adoration began, I felt the power of the Holy
Spirit descend on my body and my head. I felt a tingle as if a current
was passing through my body, as if the Lord had set me on fire with His
spirit. I burned all the time. You said in prayer my name Maja, that I
should never say that my father and mother do not love me. To have a new
life. As you prayed at the very beginning I had a vision of Jesus and the
heart of Jesus. I believe I have received the Holy Spirit. I believe I
will become a mother. I'm sending you my picture. Pray for me. God's blessing!Thank
you Father for everything.
Maja Ivic
Dear Merciful Jesus,
Thank You and glory to You!
Bless my brother, father James Manjackal, translators, people who had
helped with technical support on Pentecostal zoom seminar from May 21st
to 23rd and all participants who had attended it!
Dear sisters and brothers in Church!
Before seminar I have had problem with forgiving. My stance was - not
to forgive. I had been tired of people not testifying forgiveness with
more precision and depth.
During the seminar I have been experiencing father James's true testifying
about connection between forgiveness and healing. (Also, I was tired with
lack of blessing in my life, also, and I knew it was somehow connected
to un-forgivness.) At the same time, during seminar, I was encouraged within
myself (by You, Holy Spirit, I believe) to pray rosary of Merciful Jesus.
It was my last hope to change my stances. After one hour, father James
named my name because of hatred. He explained it was towards church. I
had been treating hatred as a virtue, not as sickness of my spiritual heart.
(I think it was
also mixture with some kind of self-proud.) So, I immediately took
techniques of forgiving that father James had recommended - and - started
to forgive to all those people, all of them.
After half an hour I heard my name again. This time it was about psychological
and physical healing by You, dear Merciful Jesus. My name was mentioned:
I was "fully healed".
Thank You, dear Holy Spirit, for Your kindness. I am sorry for being
so stubborn! Thank You for Your apostol and charismatic father James Manjackal
who testifies Your merciful glory.
CONCLUSION: Dear brother or sister! If you don't know how to forgive,
or if you can't forgive, don't worry so much. In moments of un-forgivness,
contemplate by praying rosary of Merciful Jesus. And He will bless you
with spiritual gift that you need - to be able to forgive and with proper
technique also.
Tomislav Perica, Croatia
Marie Georgette & Mum
Good evening father,
My mother thanks you for the pension. She lives in Senegal and I in
France. She has been following your retreats since Easter 2020.
Here is her testimony: She had fallen twice down the stairs of her
house two months ago. She had two very serious falls in the space of a
week, which caused pain in her coccys. She suffered terribly, it prevented
her from walking properly and sleeping. She took a lot of medicines and
herbs, to no avail!
During the retreat, at the Saturday prayer, the healing prayer, she
had goose bumps.
And on Sunday, she didn't know what to do. With the time difference,
she was torn between going to the retreat and going to Mass and finally
decided to go to Mass. And during the priest's homily, she was thinking
a lot about the retreat she was missing, she decided to be in communion
of prayer with you and at that moment she felt a great freshness she had
never felt before. She is completely healed of all her pains. She also
had a bad cold for over a week. Everything is gone! She is in joy!
Bless you Father for all you do!
Here are our pictures, my mum in blue and me in red.
Marie Georgette NDIAYE
Praise Jesus Christ. Praise the lord. I Maria Wimmersberger received
healing from the cysts in the throat and on the Kidney during the retreat
on Saturday and on Sunday I was again blessed with healing on the left
side a above the kidney and received the grace of prayer. I saw the sky
open and received a pleasant scent. Praise be to the holy spirit. Hallelujah.
LG Maria thank you.
On 12th April, 2021, I, along with my parents got infected with the
deadly coronavirus in the second wave of the infection that rapidly spread
in the capital of India. The entire northern region of India including
my city was devastated with the rising infections and the utter chaos it
created. My family remained immobile, stuck in the house, with no way to
reach even a hospital. The hospitals were overflowing with covid patients,
there was shortage of beds, oxygen and medicines. Though, we took medicines
as directed by doctors online, my condition was not getting better. My
father’s fever was also not reducing. Moreover, I was so scared of my
helplessness. I had no money for treatment and expensive medicines. I have
no vehicle to commute.
The entire place was in a strict lockdown. But I kept on praying, believing
without doubt that Jesus will take care of everything. I had never attended
Fr James’s retreats, nor heard about him. In March 2020, as my city grappled
with the 1st wave of covid-19, I came across Fr James’s video on You
Tube. It was all Lord Jesus’s plan. I started communicating with him
through email. My condition was worsening and I was worried. As I was praying,
I was inspired to write to him sharing about my family’s illness. I received
an immediate response!
Fr James prayed for my family’s healing and we too continued to believe
in the Lord, and kept on praying. On 28th April, me and my parents were
completely healed from Coronavirus! Praise you Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!
Fr James has been my constant source of courage and hope since last year.
My family has renewed faith and love for our Lord now, thanks to his constant
prayers. Moreover, I felt the powerful presence of Jesus as our family
got healed, when all around us people were dying every second, even after
receiving best medical care. There is no other name under heaven or earth
that is higher than the name of JESUS OUR LORD and SAVIOUR.
Thank you, dear James Acha, for all the pain and suffering you endure
with Jesus, for our healing and well- being.
Thank you for leading me to Jesus and also praying for me so much.
I’m truly blessed! God bless you Acha!
I Thank you, I Thank Fr. James and the whole team for this wonderful
I give you my testimony :
From New Caledonia, with the jet lag, I thought I would follow the retreat in replay but when, in the very first video, I realized the healings, I preferred to follow the teaching live and I was not disappointed.
At one point, I heard "Christiane, the grace of God heals you". It is
true that there could be several Christiane ! but at the same time, I,
who had rheumatism on the fingers of both hands, I felt a relief, a lightness
in the hands which now continues to persist. I even notice that my fingers
are less swollen. The healing will certainly continue over time. Which
goes to show that from home, the effects are just as powerful.
Thank you again to Father James for all the healings made by Jesus
through your prayers of intercession during this retreat for Pentecost
In union of prayers with each and every one,
Christiane Guichard
Sisak, May 24, 2021
My name is Lucija, I come from Sisak, Croatia. For the first time I
attended the seminar of Father James Manjackl, all 3 days from May 21-23,
2021. On the second day of prayer (Saturday), I prayed repeating the words
of Father James, may the Lord renew me in spirit to soul and body and I
presented all my health problems to the Lord (problems with sinuses, bladder
and spine) and I kept my hand on my forehead.
At one point I felt the Holy Spirit completely overwhelm me. I knew
I was healed. My heart was pounding with joy and I waited for Father James
to say my name, which he did. During the prayer when Father James said
that 17 women had recovered from thyroid and menopausal problems and I
was among them. The Lord also healed my heart from the lack of fatherly
and motherly love. I forgave my late father and he could now leave the
purgatory to the Lord. I forgave my mother too. I was angry with God because
he abruptly took my parents away, so I forgave God and myself. I was born
at 7 months and I was in an incubator for 2 months. The Lord freed me from
feelings of loneliness, rejection, and dislike. On the third day of prayer
when Father James prayed for the filling of the fire of the Holy Spirit,
I was that person who longed strongly to be filled with the fire of the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled me with his fire and I felt peace in
my heart and a strong urge for the gift of healing and deliverance.
Thank you and Glory to the Lord.
Lucija Šegota-Pavelić
Testimony from retreat 2021.
During the retreat there came the knowledge that the Lord Jesus is
healing three children completely from autism. This healing, which began
on the retreat in Krosno Odrzanskie, has now come to full fruition. After
the retreat with On -line Fr. James Manjackal in March I called and
told my daughter that Isaac was completely healed , also, there was
the knowledge that the Lord Jesus heals the mouth and the problems disappeared.
At the end of the retreat my husband also prayed. After the prayer I said
that he looked brighter . Lord Jesus touched his heart and healed him of
his fear , a miracle of transformation took place .
May God be glorified.
Glory to the Lord.
Testimony from the 2021 retreat
Jesus Christ be praised!
Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and sore lymph nodes. I stayed
in bed all day to beat the infection. Usually such symptoms are the beginning
of a very strong infection.
In the evening I joined a retreat with Father James Manjackalem , where
he began to lead a prayer for healing.
During the prayer I was healed, my throat stopped hurting, it changed
its color (from very red to paler), my sinuses were cleared, and the pain
in my lymph nodes on the right side disappeared.
Today I feel very good.
Praise the Lord! God bless Fr. James.
God bless,
Anna Grabowska-Sawosz
Testimony from the 2021 March retreat
I had nerve root pain for a week. I had difficulty sitting down, lying
down, bending over. On 12.03.2021 a retreat with father James started.
At the end of the retreat, during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Father James began a prayer for healing and then asked me to lay my hands
on the sore spot. I did so. After the prayer was finished I got up without
any difficulty, without any pain. I immediately went to my husband who
was in the other room and joyfully told him that Jesus had healed me. As
a confirmation I did some sit-ups and also jumped up a few times, and I
am 72 years old. The next day, Saturday, at the end of the retreat, Father
James mentioned, among other things, three people who had been healed the
previous day.
This included my name Adela, which is very rare. For me this was an
extraordinary confirmation of my healing.
I am no longer in pain. Jesus thank you for every healing. Glory be
to the Lord. Hallelujah
Adela Tumilowicz.
and Maksim Uhorych
Dear Father James,
We congratulate you with the desire to remain happy in your vocation!
Today we remember you with gratitude and send you our testimony. Sorry
my English is not perfect.
Our names are Maxim and Alina Ugorych. We are from Minsk (Belarus).
We wanted to have children and pray for it. We have heard a lot of good
things about Fr. James Manjakal. And we decided to go to an evangelistic
course in Poland in the summer. But we had a small problem with the visa.
And there was such a moment that it was possible to cheat and resolve this
issue. But our spiritual father Andrei Sipovich said: "If there is a deception,
then you will not receive anything at these recollections." This ruined
all our plans, but we took his advice and could not go. We honestly resolved
the issue of visas and decided to find out what kind of course might be
in the fall. These are recollections for married couples who have no children.
We decided to go.
This time was important for our marriage. We received a lot of valuable
information, which we then tried to share with our familiar couples in
Belarus. Dr. Ricci's testimony was very important to us. That was
the first time we thought about participating in the Holy Mass every day.
The important thing for me was to look at the moment of the wedding and
the confession before it. At the recollections, I confessed. The Holy Spirit
led me to a priest who tried to understand me, because I didn't speak Polish
well. Father James gave a gift to the couples and prayed over each of us.
After the prayer, he smiled and said to Maxim : "Max, you will have many
children." We were happy. At the recollections, we updated the sacrament
of the wedding. And it was wonderful!
Pregnancy did not occur immediately after the recollections. But it
was a very happy time for us. God so arranged that we could go to Medjugorje
together. We went to Ross again and continued to pray. We tried to live
by the principles that we heard about at the recollections in Warsaw. God
gave us a daughter right after the celebrations in Budslav sanctuary (Belarus).
We named our daughter Faustina.
This Saturday, Faustinka will be 3 years old.years
Last year, we wanted to go to Father James recollections for
families in Poland, but the coronavirus appeared. But last spring we were
back in Rossi and asked Jesus to bless us. I am glad that in the fall we
decided to dedicate our family to Maria.
Now we are waiting for our son. We decide to name him Maximilian. There
are a lot of fears in our hearts right now because of the coronavirus.
We usually participate in Holy Mass online. This is reflected in our spiritual
life. But with God's help, we will try not to give up. We will be grateful
for your prayer about our family. Also I want to ask you to pray about
my mother Lilia ( now she is in hospital,she has had diabetes for a long
time). Thank you!
And I promise my prayers for you, fr. James.
Thank God for the gift of your priesthood!
Alina and Maksim Uhorych
- Slovenia
I am sorry for my late response. I am sending you short Elizabeth testimony.
Elizabeta is 12 years old and she was still peeing and pooping day
and night in her pants. Off and on still. The last year was getting even
worst. Her response was always, that she is not feeling that she has to
go to WC. She is very slow at everything and forgets everything always.
We had a lot of medical examinations, but had shown us anything. We had
in 10 years done really everything we could. And stress because of her
age was really getting higher and higher. Sometimes its just like she is
not living jet or is on some medications that is getting her slow, sleepy
all the time. Her body is with us, but her mind is not.
In this year we gave for masses for our ancestors and for victims of
our ancestors, because they done a lot of bad things in the past.
Then James Manjackal had a seminar and with my husband we sad to our
3 children (10, 12, 13 years old) that we will be on his seminar this weekend
and if they went to listen, they can be around. Elizabeta, our daughter
was all the time around and listening everything he sad and told about
all 3 gardens and everything else. She said, that he is so interesting.
And on Sunday she heard her name called by you-' Elizabeta, you are healed'
From that monday on she is dry, her pants are dry, at night she is
dry. At school we had organized when are they telling her to go to
WC and how the teachers are telling her to go, so that she would go. Because
she never wanted to go to the WC and was always too late. They stopped
now with all that and she is dry. She is different, she acts different,
active. She is finally living. She is responsible, more free. Her mind,
heart is with us. Praise the living Jesus!
Thank you Father for all the mighty works Jesus doing through
you. !
Dear Father James,
On your online retreat in last February I received two healings.
1. On Saturday when you prayed for our total healing of body and mind,
you prayed for my immune system. I felt the healing touch of Jesus, my
weak immune system became a very strong system with strong power that fell
me in your prayer. Praise the Lord- Alleluia! Now I have a golden immune
2. Also you prayed for freedom from all kinds of virus. At that time
I felt a great freedom from all sorts of infections and virus and I felt
great healing and freedom. I am so happy in Jesus- He is great and
I love Him more and more. Your preaching is very powerful touching every
heart and soul. Thank you father James for your dedicated life. I pray
for you to continue your beautiful works for many more years in Europe.
Hildegard, Eggenfelden, Switzerland.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Dear Father Manjackel,
my name is Maria Zongorova and I am from Slovakia. I attended your
spiritual renewal in Hlohovec 2 years ago and I was miraculously healed
from dizziness that occurred after my hemorrhagic stroke. Thank you for
your prayers
Thank you and have blessed days.
My name is Slavica and I was healed by Jesus Christ thrue prayers of
Father James.
I was born in 1980. in Zadar, Croatia. My childbirth was very hard
for my mother, I almost died and in the and I was birth and diagnosted
hemiparesis of the left sight of body. I had some difuculties thrue my
chilhood but in the end I was a happy child who tried to lived a normal
life. When I was 15 years old I was diagnosted epilepsy as resolt of the
hard dilivery. It was a very hard time for my family especially my mother
but I learned to live with my illness and go on with my life. In October
2003. I was in some dinner with my cousens and one of them (who was very
agnostic in that time of her life) start to talk about some priest from
India who came to Zadar and do healing prayers. She wanted to go and see
miracle and than she'll belive, said. My sister and other cousnes started
to attack her becouse every saterday she talked about exsisting of God.
Our family is religious and all of us are belivers so for them she was
boring with the same talk every time. I was sorry for her so I sayed that
I' ll go with her. She was sourpriesed and in the end we desited to go
next day.
When she came to me she said that it is the last day of seminar and
she heard on radio that there'll be no healing prayers that day. She almost
disaited not to go but i told her that we schould go and if it's like that,
just heard him talk.
When we came in the hall we heard it will be healing prayers in the
end and my cousen was very exited.
I knew I was sick but i didn't went to that event with atention of
praying God to give me health. I always thought that other are people more
But, when father James started with his prayers he said that we"ll
be starting with sicknes of head . I just put my hand on my had and said
: "Lord ,when I am here"...that was all that was on my mind at that time.
In few minutes I felt something....first I felt like something or someone
came to me and touched me close with His closeness, I opened my eyes and
sow something like a dress in some color between white and yellow, I get
scared and shocked and in that second i felt some strong pain in my head,
something like piercing. I caught my cousin's hand and she said..."Something
happend..." I told her:" Yes Mare, something happened". In the and
of everyting father James started to giving names of people who get healed.
From epilepssy he said was heald....he was numbering names, and in one
time he said: "Slavica you are heald". I will never forget that word. It
was Jesus words thrue Father James. I was heald by Jesus that day.I give
thank to my Lord, bless You Jesus l love You Jesus. Thank You Jesus...and
thdnk you my dear Father James for your prayers and love You give to all
Jesus Christ be praised❤️
My name is Grazyna and I would like to give a testimony of my healing.
On the first day of the retreat with Father Maniacal, I had terrible
pain in my back. It was so bad that I had trouble sitting and listening
to Father's words, but when I knelt before the Blessed Sacrament and prayer
began, the pain disappeared in a second! The Lord showed me his grace and
healed the pain. Father Maniackal spoke my name , that the Lord healed
me ❤️
Glory to God , thank you Jesus be Glorified !
Thank you Father for your prayer, thank you that through you Jesus
gives us his grace and shows his love. The second day of the retreat, listening
to the suffering of Jesus and one tear on my cheek, I was very surprised
because I hardly felt how it happened. The last day and a great subtle
warmth came from my heart when we were going to lay our hands in the blood
and water of Jesus. Peace and silence and warmth so beautiful and full
of goodness, because that is Jesus.
May the Good Lord bless you and give you health and strength to preach
His Word.
God bless you
Hi. I am Jolanta.
I am Polish. I got a healing after last meeting and pray with you.
Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.
I am feeling much much better. I had 1.5 year ago problem with sciatica
nerve and big pain in my legs. Since 7 years my write hip joint is inflamed,
it hurts if I am walking. I am limping. I feel much much better after last
conference with you. The pain has subsided. If you can help me with your
pray? Please. I sent my photo.
Father I am sending from Jolanta Sternicka 100 zlotych for your account.
Thank you very much for your pray and help with contact me with Holy Spirit.
God bless you
Dear Father James,
I have attended your online retreat (26.-28.02.21). Thank you so much
for taking so much effort to serve God and people. Today I want to give
testimony of my healing: I have suffered from back pain for many many years.
The pain was not permanent, but on some days it took me 1-2 hours (with
painkillers) to stand up straight. Since Saturday – after you prayed
for healing – the pain have disappeared. Allelujah. Thank you Jesus and
God bless you.
Many warm greetings
Dear Fr. James,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the retreat.
your prayers and all the sufferings you may endure. Thank you!
On Saturday evening while praying Jesus healed my inner wounds and I
could forgive and felt peace in my heart. On Saturday I could feel grace
on the inside of my hands. It was as if Jesus was fully in my heart and
I had a picture of Jesus in my heart.
I thank Jesus, the holy spirit and Mother Mary for all the graces.
Thank you Fr. James for your prayers and your guidance.
The lord may send graces of holiness to you.
Connected in prayers,
Anita Authried
Praise Jesus Christ,
I, Maria Wimmersberger, have been completely healed of my ribs and neck
problems. Also, I have such a joy in My Heart, thank you Fr. James, God
will reward you infinitely forever
Angelika Bendfeldt
Jesus healed me at the online retreat yesterday !!!
I could no longer sleep on my back and right side as I was in great
pain. I said to Jesus, “Please let me know where you healed me so I can
testify.” I was able to sleep on my back and right side without pain!
Thank you Jesus!
I would like to testify how Jesus healed me in the fall of 2020.
At the end of July 2020, I woke up with a significant loss of sight,
so that I was unable to move on my own. I was very worried about this situation,
especially because I couldn't read the Breviary. I have been to several
ophthalmologists who were unable to make a diagnosis. They offered a surgery
on one of my eyes, which I refused. My children prayed earnestly for me.
The daughter also asked for prayer of Fr James Manjackal. I believed all
the time that only Jesus could heal me, if that was His will.
Thank God I regained my sight after two months! Currently, I function
independently, I pray the Divine Office. I thank God for the grace of healing
and I thank Father James for praying for me.
Praise the Lord!
Regina Skoblicka from Poland
Dear f. James,
When you prayed yesterday, you said also my name Melita. :)
I suffered emotionally since I was 17 becouse all the guys I met, treated
me like a garbagge. Because of that I hated them, but I was able to forgive
them yedterday. I'm 44 now.
When you said my name, I know no man will be abble to hurt me again
becouse God won't allow that.
You are the best my dear f. James!!
Thank you so much,
Hello Father
I am sending you below a testimony from my mother Marie Georgette ndiaye who participated in the retreat you hosted on YouTube last weekend:
"I had a very serious abscess on my finger. I had a very serious abscess
on my finger. I hadn't slept for 5 nights because of the pain. I was crying
at night. And last weekend I had to go to a cousin's wedding, but I preferred
to stay home for the retreat. On the second day of the retreat, when Father
James said to put his hand on a part of our body that makes us suffer,
I did it. At the end of the prayer, the abscess was pierced, pus was flowing
out of it with a smell so foul I never smelled it.
I was worried about how to end this abscess, I was even afraid of losing
my whole nail. But it flowed a lot for a long time and above all without
pain. What is incredible is that the wound healed immediately. I thank
God for using this retreat and Father James to heal me.
I thank very much the whole team, Father James, all the other priests,
the translators and Maryvonne. It has done me a lot of good to follow this
retreat. Especially in this time of pandemic when we cannot gather to pray.
God bless you, thank you for this revealing information. Thank you for
the teachings on confession.
I prayed a lot for my son Benjamin who has converted to Islam. On Sunday,
when you said that Benjamin is healed, I cried, I said Lord my son is healed.
And when you said many of Mary are healed. I took this healing for myself.
I also thank my daughter Camille who always registers me for your retreats.
You do the will of God and you say to yourself, 'Woe to me if I do
not preach the gospel'.
My father, my mother wrote to you during your first online retreat in March or April. She lives with her husband, my father, with whom she was married in church. But my father has a second Muslim wife and this creates a lot of sadness in our family. At the end of this first retreat, my mother threw herself into my father's arms and asked him for forgiveness. It had been a long time since they had hugged each other. My father in turn asked her forgiveness.
We give thanks to God for the wonders that God does in our family.
Be blessed and strengthened in your mission.
Camille Sène
Dear Father James,
Thank You for your online retreat which has been finished on 6th December
God bless You! Thank You for your continuing evangelization. I’m
grateful that You are close to Polish people and teach us how to go through
our life with Jesus.
Last year I had migraines. Even when I came to retreat with Father
James, which took place in November 2019 in Warsaw, I suffered from migraines.
During the retreat, after the prayer for healing, the headache was gone.
Lord Jesus healed me from migraines!
Praise the Lord!
Dear Father James,
We would like to thank my husband for the prayer and the letter with
the words of support and encouragement. On November 22-24, 2019, we participated
in a retreat in Warsaw, praying for the gift of children. At the beginning
of our marriage, we experienced the loss of the Child. During the retreat,
the Father prayed and said that 'there are married couples among us wanting
to have children. God gives them this gift. '' It was US - me and my husband
received the gift of children. On August 15, our son Piotr was born - the
Warrior of Mary. The photo of our Son is attached.
Thank you for your support and prayer. May God give the Father health
and necessary gifts,
with greetings and remembrance in prayer
Ania Klewinowska
Dear father,
Earlier inth year I had requested for prayers for my husband who was
having lung cancer and was under treatment.
Now the treatment is over i.e chemo and radiation and after three months
his pet scan shows that everything is normal. He is also free from addiction
to smoking and alcohol.
Thank you so much for your valuable prayers. Please publish my testimony.
"You are a God of wonders you have displayed your might amongst the
people's" Psalm 77:14
Yours sincerely in Christ
Praised be Jesus and Mary!
My name is Zrinka, I come from Zagreb, I am the mother of a 2-year-old
son and I am 37 years old.
In December 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I found
out, my whole world collapsed. After anxiety and fear, I find the
greatest consolation in prayer. I prayed prayers for healing from Father
James, which opened my heart the most and gave me the consolation that
Jesus would heal me. After the operation, I was hospitalized and I was
very saddened by the news that in addition to that formation, a couple
of lymph nodes were removed. A great fear crept into me. In the hospital,
I read Father James 'book, "Our God is a Mighty God," and dreamed of going
to Father James' seminar. The very next day, great graces began to happen.
I learned that Father James has a seminar in Austria in 2 weeks. When we
came to the seminar I was so joyful and cheerful. I prayed for the healing
of all who are sick and suffering. When Father James began to call out
the names of the people who were healed, I waited for him to call my name.
Father James once said that 'now a woman is recovering from breast cancer',
I thanked Jesus with all my heart. Then my friend Ivana told me it was
me. I felt great joy in my heart and I just thanked and glorified Jesus.
I remembered one chapter from Father James ’book when his uncle was healed,
even though Father James did not call his him. I knew that it was my faith
in Jesus that should heal me! After I returned from the spiritual renewal
of Austria, the findings arrived and thank God, the lymph nodes were clean.
I had to go through both chemotherapy and radiation. With Jesus ’help
I went through therapies without much nausea, Jesus was with me the whole
time. I met wonderful people and made new friends. Jesus, by my crisis
I was carrying, turned everything around for the better!
Thank you Jesus for all the people I have met through my therapies!
Jesus drew me even closer to him! I believe that Jesus healed me and I
thank Him every day for that! I am grateful to dear Jesus for sending us
Father James. I thank Jesus with all my heart.
I praise you Jesus! I love you Jesus! Thank you for sending us Father
James to heal the sick and make everything new through his prayer and sacrifice!
I am Thomas Saju, now living and working in UK. Since many years, I
was suffering from Vertigo and taking medicine. I used to get its attack
in every two weeks or earlier. When I get the attack my eyes get darkened,
feel tired, weak and dizzy. I go to bed for some hours to rest and to be
It was when I had such attack and was lying on bed praying in my heart
that Fr. James Manjackal called me on phone to speak some matters of the
church today. I told himl about my illness. He prayed for my healing
immediatly over the telephone, he rebuked vertigo and I believed that Jesus
healed me fully. Immediatly I claimed the healing and got up from bed with
a good feeling of health, peace and joy. I told him that I was healed.
It is now over two months I have no more attack of vertigo. I am fully
healthy. I praise Jesus. It was providential that Fr. James called me at
a time when I was lying on bed with illness. Gods plan on our life is great!
It is only short time that I have contact with Fr. James, although I know
him well through his speeches, vedeos& books. Now I pray for him daily.
My name is Matilda Pranjic and I am 51 years old. I live and work in
Bosnia and Herzegovina in Tomislavgrad. I was at your spiritual seminar
in 2001 in Medjugorje and then I experienced healing. I was mentally seriously
ill after losing my twins as a young mother in a high pregnancy. My illness
was a vicious circle from which I could not get out and lasted for three
years. I was consuming various medications but I still felt bad and had
severe mental problems. I even had suicidal instincts and I was afraid
of myself. Thank God, then you arrived in Medjugorje and thank you to my
godparents who bought me a ticket for your spiritual seminar.
Yes, after spiritual renewal, Jesus healed me, stopped smoking, soon
became pregnant again, and gave birth to a healthy and normal baby girl.
I now have 3 healthy and normal daughters. Thank Jesus.
BIG Thank Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
God bless father James and keep him on himself life journey!
Good evening Father,
I would like to thank you for this retreat, you have prayed for me in
2015 for my brain tumor surgery. I stayed in hospital for 10 monthsSince
then, unfortunately I had a lot of accidents. What is strange is that it
is always happening around my head.
Recently a parking bar fell on my head and shoulder, I survived. Unfortunately
on Friday I could not attend your retreat because I had to attend a medical
examination. My head was hurting a lot and my left eye was bleeding, this
never happened to me. I often have terrible migraines but bleeding from
my eye never happened to me.
Saturday, I healed from my left eye and I know that the Lord with mother
Mary ir have taken me under their cups, their wings
God bless you
Huberte, consacrated in, 2015 in Paris
Dear Father James,
With thanks and much love in my heart I write to you today and would
like to give testimony. I have participated in both German online retreats
and have been healed and liberated. Praise the Lord!
I confessed immediately after the retreat and the priest also celebrated
a thanksgiving mass afterwards.
As I have already written to Dr. Richi, I would like to thank you again
very much for your service, your clear words, your love, your sacrifice
and fasting and also for the pain you endure for us. God bless you!
I would be happy if you accept me as your spiritual child.
United in prayer.
Love greetings
Henriette Gehring
1 week has passed (14.06.2020) since I was allowed to experience a
very, very great healing through Jesus Christ - Hallelujah, praise the
Lord - Hallelujah.
Fr. James Manjackal, Richi with family and team, held a retreat from
June 12th - June 14th, 2020 - Home - Retreat (via computer and yourself
you were at home)! Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart - Thank
you in the name of our Lord - JESUS CHRIST - Hallelujah.
I am 55 years old, born in Germany and married in Austria for 34 years.
My husband and I have 4 children.
Since I was born with a bilateral hip disease, pain is my "everyday
companion", sometimes more, sometimes less until the : "I can't stand it
anymore". In the meantime I have a lot of physical and psychological "construction
sites", which I carry, bear and sacrifice again and again with Jesus Christ
and yet ... . a big "building site" is gone - Hallelujah - Praise the Lord
- Hallelujah. In 2005 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis (bone atrophy)
in the area of the spine and the femur at the Innsbruck University Hospital.
Tablets and injections followed and exactly there, where a cartilage in
the disc area pressed on the root nerve, just the area was not operable
according to the doctors. How fast or slow the whole thing developed was
due to my "way of life" in movement, according to the doctors. I made it
without a wheelchair until June 13, 2020, but I needed a walker to be able
to walk very short distances, but I could no longer do housework, cook,
walk or stand for 2 minutes at a time. My walking had become stooped and
extremely painful, the cartilage was pressing too hard on the root nerve.
On June 13th and 14th, 2020, Fr. James Manjackal said during the healing
prayer: "Jesus heals many in the back, shoulders, etc. . . and each time
I cried out: "JESUS, here I am, lifting my finger to the cross like a schoolchild",
I also heard my name, but I did not know how many Marianne ́s participated
in this home retreat? Anyway, on Monday, June 15th, 2020 I got up as usual
and IMMEDIATELY I registered: The oversized pain in the intervertebral
disc area was gone. . . . I was still dreaming, was it only a short moment
without pain in the intervertebral disc area? Had I received a cure for
this? Yes, yes, yes, yes - Praise the Lord, for HE is GOOD - Hallelujah,
thank God - JESUS CHRIST - Hallelujah, I did indeed experience a very great
healing: The cartilage is no longer pressing on the Roots - Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah ... ! THANK YOU God the Father, Jesus and the Holy
Spirit. THANK YOU "Mami" - Mother of God and Virgin Mary, for your intercession
- speak to God our Lord: JESUS CHRIST
Marianne from Tirol
"I will bear witness, as I promised, for Jesus Christ our Lord. My
name is Renate, I am 45 years old and live in Bramberg/Land Salzburg -
I got breast cancer in 2008 and after 7 years metastases in the pleura.
When I was for the first time in February 2016 at Father James retreat
in Vienna, said Father James after my confession during a talk that Renate
has been cured of breast cancer. She could be here, in Germany or Syria.
From then on, I knew. a healing happened, because after my CT scans, it
was seen that metastases were reduced.
When in September 2016 and now in April 2017 I went on retreat in Altötting
with my family, said Fr. James during the healing prayers, when my Daughter
Julia laid her hands on her and prayed, Renate is healed.
From then on I knew that this was my complete cure for my metastatic
breast cancer.
I had an appointment with my oncology doctor on Friday 15.12.17 to
discuss the CT examination and she informed me that no more metastases
were visible.
I thank Father James for his intercession with Jesus!
Renate Egger
In 2016, I started having very serious health problems, and during
the treatment, doctors announced a scary diagnosis - Multiple sclerosis.
The first lesions already had appeared already in 2008, but the doctors
did not have any thoughts that I might be having the disease. The next
one was in 2012, when the disease was diagnosed, and in 2016 the fits became
so severe that it greatly affected the ability to move and resulted in
vision loss in one eye.
In October 2016, together with my husband and my mother I went to the
healing retreat lead by Father James and through the blood of Jesus I received
physical healing, but healing was not exactly what I asked of God, some
scars were healed in me, some leasions of my spine disappeared and the
eye was healed, I regained my sight and even got rid of the glasses.
I was cured of barrenness that had prevented my husband and I from
having children for 14 years. I have been healed from polycystic ovary
syndrome, and one of the most special life events in our lives has happened,
we are happy parents for a boy who was born in 2018!
For Multiple Sclerosis, the lesions returned, but at the moment they
have been so insignificant that there was no need for medical intervention
and I spent the pregnancy without any complications by MS.
Often people seek God when they find themselves in difficult life situations
and want to get rid of their sorrows, whatever they may be, material, spiritual,
In my life I have realized that the most important thing is to find
reliance from the depths of my heart and to trust God in every moment of
my life. Even if you are sick, pray, pray as much as you can, ask for His
presence in your life, and he will arrange the rest through Jesus Christ.
Our Father in heaven knows what everyone needs the most.
A man will not be able to realize how much God can give through Jesus
Christ, the Lord Amen??
Marina (Latvia, Riga)
My name is Ewa I am from Poland and I'm sorry, my English isn't good.
I didn't have a job for a long time and I suffered a lot. Sadness overwhelmed
me so much that I was depressed. I felt that I was useless. I felt that
I could no longer find a job myself, that I needed God's help. Then I asked
Father James Manjackal for prayer. Then I thought that I would ask a friend
to put in a word for me in one company. I got a call from this company,
they invited me for a short interview, in which I immediately signed a
contract of employment! The Lord is great. I was so depressed that I would
not find a job myself! Now I am grateful to the Lord every day for the
gift of work. I am sure that it is the prayers of Fr. James that did wonder
for me.
I work there to this day and now I am thinking about my further professional
development. In December it will be 3 years when I work there.
Our God is good, thank You Lord.
My name is Irene Vaz. I had visited you in 1996 at Bangalore. I got
married in 1995 and in 1996 when I came to you for prayer I did not have
a child . But you told me that God will bless me with a Son and you gave
me a word Jeremiah 29:11 ‘ 11 For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.”
Your prophecy came true as on 24th October, 1998 I gave birth to a
child and named him Jeremiah. This was all due to your prayers and
blessings. Now Jeremiah is 21 years and serving the Lord in Divine Retreat
Centre UK. He leads the music ministry playing Keyboards and singing for
the glory of God.
All praise and honour to the Almighty God for blessing us abundantly.
I apologise from the bottom of my heart for sending my testimony to
you after many years. Hope and pray I will be forgiven in the name of the
Lord and I assure that I will continue my prayers in praising and thanking
the Lord for all the blessings & goodness to us.
Finally I humbly request you to keep my Son Jeremiah in your daily
prayers so that he hears the voice of God to serve his Ministry as a Priest.
Praise you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Glory to
you Jesus!
Love and Prayers,
Irene Vaz
Thanks.I am a religious, belonging to sisters of st Joseph of Cluny.
I was having terrible itching in my both legs below my knees many months.
I tried with different ointment and oil extra, I did not get healed. After
attending Fr.James prayer and I wrote my intentions aswell.With his prayer
and blessing. God had healed me. I believe in the Power of Jesus .I thank
father James ,and all those who prayed for me
Josephine Kamanda
Dear Fr. James,
Greetings from Seychelles. Yes i received your mail and i was
very happy in which i told you about my health, i am very grateful to God
and to you also. After attending your prayer session and you prayed
for us and said about the different ill health that will well i went to
hospital to check and i was told by the Dr. that my cholesterol level was
normal and all other tests that she requested. Even though i continue
to take the cholesterol medicine but i feel much better. I thank
God and i am grateful for everything. I wish you all the best in
your ministry. I shall enclose my photo to this mail. Thank
Best wishes,
Seychelles - Healing testimony of Lina
with Fr. James Manjackal. January 2020 |
I was living my lives like my two sons drinking mostly every day, gambling
and having fun with lots of friends. I didn’t go to church for a long
time, it’s been nearly two year that I have realized that I should change
my life and come back to church to improve my seminary in the church. I
was Patient with High-Blood pressure.
During my three days retreat I have experiencing a very good time in
my life with God for those three days retreat with Father James Manjackal
and would like to thank him and God as well for the amazing things they
have done for me to change my life completely and I have been healing from
my High-Blood pressure on Saturday night during the retreat and was also
bleeding since that day for 8 days. And as from now on my best friend are
GOD and my four children and looking forward for GOD to send me a companion
for me to complete my family forever and ever in my life.
Hi sir Richard !
It’s me Juminela francoise ( the girl that couldn’t walk and I
have the Guillan barre syndrome cause by food poisoning).. I came to the
healing mass at Baie Lazaire two weeks ago.. u gave me your number.. I
don’t know if u can remember..
i just want u to know that this past few days I’m able to walk independently
without any crutches from my bathroom to my bedroom back and forth .. surely
God is good and God is surely answering our prayers.. thank u so much
I was sick, with severe varicose veins no my legs, back ache and slip
disc. One whole year I couldn’t attend any meeting at the church. In
listening to you; all God’s words. Jesus freed me.
Today, I am full of strength, courage and determinations; and I really
want to share charismatic prayer to Christians in my community in small
family group.
I am freed and ready for any challenges. Thank you again Father
James. Richi and the children.
Marie Freminot
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Baie Lazare
Dear Father James,
I would like to testify of my healing. Father James, during your retreats
I was cured of epilepsy. I am very grateful to the Lord!
Jesus healed me! Praise the Lord!
Hi My Fr James, I am very very very upon very happy to write you my
testimony for my healing.
I thanks God for his mercy and his wonderful love for me, the word
can not explain what i feel but i would like to tell you i am healed because
i believe in Jesus and in the word that you prononced on my name:" by two
times you said Martin you are healed", i was suffered of testicle burnt
since march 2014 and that affected me more, fear to hire for wedding and
shame for seeing most of my friend maried but today Jesus accepeted by
your intercession to raise me up. I thanks you for your support and the
time you took for us. May the Lord Jesus who accepts to share with you
his Passion be blessed and give you long life for seeing my children.
I have nothing to give to Jesus Christ because all belong to him but
i promise when i will reach my country(Congo)send my part of contribution
of your ticket by western Union.
Thanks thanks thanks my fr James for accepting Jesus because today
we benefict of his love trough you.
I was came in Seyshelle just to assist at the retreat, tomorrow afternoon
i will leave for Uganda. It was not easy for me to enter this country but
Jesus is the King of kings, the master, the power. I love Jesus CHRIST.
You Child Martin MBAYO from RD Congo
My name is Beata.
During the retreat the Lord Jesus healed me from the habit of smoking
cigarettes. He also healed me from frequent headaches and right hip pain.
The Lord Jesus continues to heal me. He teaches me to trust, love and forgive
Glory to the Lord Jesus the Most High.
God bless you.
Our name is Agnieszka and Zbyszek. On the first day of the retreat
my sister's daughter's accident happened - she was hit by a car in Germany.
When we found out by phone, we immediately asked Father James to pray.
Together with Father, holding hands, we prayed for Suzana.
Suzana was taken by helicopter to the hospital for tests. After a short
time we found out that the girl suffered only minor injuries (abrasions
on her elbow and knee).
Thanks to the immediate intercession of Father James Suzanka, nothing
Praise be to the Lord!
We thank you Father James for your prayer Agnieszka and Zbyszek.
My name is Halina. I am from Suwalki. Jakub's son was born in birth
asphyxia .
I prayed all the time, even before the birth of my son to be healthy.
At the age of 5 years he was diagnosed with a psychomotor disability (memory
and speech problems). He developed strange diseases such as bending and
throwing the body, allergies - which were not shown by later tests and
speech loss. These disorders lasted some time later and passed and new
ones appeared. Doctors did research which did not show anything, they were
helpless. Whenever I went with my son on a retreat something bad happened
to him. Many people, even priests to whom I went with this problem said
that I must accept his illness, because it is the will of God. I directed
my efforts even more to Jesus and I looked for priests who will understand
me and lead to faith. We pray together with our husband for the health
of our son by putting our hands on him. I would like to mention that the
prayer of both parents has great power. In 2016 I was on a retreat with
Father James Manjackal. At the conference I heard about generational Masses
for our ancestors. Then there were 30 Holy Masses for blessing Jacob's
life. The more Holy Mass was offered for him, the worse it was with his
son, for example, the regress in his memory, he appeared during the first
day. Then there were fainting that lasted five months. (We did a study
that again showed nothing). I was in contact with Father James, who was
still praying for Jacob. Jesus answered our prayers, our common prayer
and healed Jacob.
At the moment we are on the retreat of Father James , Jacob is free
from such torment of soul and body. I want to say from my experience that
we must never lose faith in Jesus who can do everything. My earlier and
later problems with my son in human terms were not tu be cured, and Jesus
curable and listened to our requests.
Praise Jesus!!!!!!
A year ago I found out I had a sick spine. I didn't think about it
at all, because I focused on other ailments, insomnia, sadness and fear.
I was not aware that I had to be careful about my spine before Father
James's retreat.
26-28.07.2019 I was at my friends' house for coffee. I sat for an hour
at a comfortable table, on a beautiful comfortable chair, and yet I had
a problem with my spine later on. On the retreat I sat for 3 days and nothing
hurt me! I could move without pain.
Praise be to the Lord.
I'm from the Rzekunia. I am 69 years old. My name is Albina.
When I came to Father James' retreat I had a strong neurosis.
During these retreats I was healed from anxiety, from neurosis, from
leg inertia, from imbalance, and from severe headaches. My life has changed.
I got strong faith, patience and cheerfulness. During the prayer, the Father
mentioned my name "Albina, you are healed" and I received the joy of life
and healing.
Praise be to the Lord!
My name is Magda.
During a retreat with Father James Manjackal in 2018 during the prayer
for healing and release I was healed from glaucoma.
This was confirmed by a medical examination. The doctor in charge of
diagnostics stated unequivocally that there is no such disease. The parameters
of the examination returned to the state before the diagnosis.
However, during the retreat in 2019. Jesus gave me the grace of offering
the cross for the intention of sick Dominiki, whom I met during these retreats.
Praise be to the Lord!
My meeting with God through the retreats of Father James Manjackal
began in 2012, thanks to the prayer during the retreat I gave up smoking.
For many years I suffered from back pain / pain interrupted my sleep,
I got up, swallowed NLP-zets, stretched out, my husband sprayed my spine
with ketonalem, heated my spine with an electric pillow. Last year I came
to the first retreat meeting with great difficulty. I came to ask for healing
for my husband. Not about your spine. I got used to this pain in a way.
During the prayer, at one moment about James called out "4 Dorothy Lord
now heals from back problems". Some lady behind me said "It's me". I turned
to her and called out "And I".
Since then I've been sleeping, I didn't get any injection, I can walk,
I can bend down. After about six months, something a little bit hurt me,
I got worried, I took NLPZ .
And then the thought "Hey, God healed you" slipped through my mind.
Get up. My health is in Jesus Christ. It is a matter of faith.
Praise be to the Lord for everything.
I didn't really want to come to the retreat. I didn't want to hurt
Kasia who wanted to be here.
Since September 2018 I have been divorced. My husband attacked me for
going to church with God and he didn't want our younger daughter to go
to church and believe in God. He cheated on me and I filed for divorce
because he wanted to be with another woman. I thought about myself that
I was a worse man, not deserving of love. I felt rejected. My heart was
one big wound. I had a great regret for my husband and this woman who broke
into our lives. I went to confession and said that I couldn't fully achieve
peace. On the one hand there was no full forgiveness and on the other hand
there was a prayer for the conversion of the husband.
I constantly asked God for peace of heart and full forgiveness from
my husband every day. God brought me to the retreat of Father James Manjackala
through Kasia. On the first day when Father James spoke, I thought to myself,
it doesn't concern me, my tattoo is small and harmless. However, in the
evening a thought appeared in the house, even if it will be very painful,
you have to get rid of it. On the second day I came to the retreat with
a different attitude. I asked God to put together my wounded heart and
give me the grace of full forgiveness. During the prayer for healing when
Father James spoke about divorced women so that they would be holy divorced,
all those words that he said started to silence and put my heart together.
Tears flowed from my eyes and purified me. I did not want physical healing.
After the accident I have pain in my shoulder and my fingers are numb.
As the Father spoke about physical healings, I asked God not to take away
this pain so that I could offer it for the conversion of my husband and
the salvation of my daughters.
I feel great peace in my heart and great joy. I am not afraid to confront
my husband - before God he is still my husband and nothing will change
that. It does not matter what happens to me from my husband's side, I am
not afraid because God is with me. I know that as it is written in the
Holy Scriptures we will stand before God in Heaven as a marriage. I feel
great joy, peace and forgiveness. I love Jesus and want to follow Him.
Today all the alcohol will disappear from my home. My strength will be
in my God. Glory to the Lord
I ask St. Joseph to help me keep my purity. May they be thanked to
God for my Kasia who brought me here and for Father James. For his prayer
through which Jesus healed me inwardly and healed my wounded heart.
In 2018 I was diagnosed with melanoma on my back. During the Holy Mass
I was healed during the retreat of Father James Manjackal. Czerniak after
will began to disappear. At the moment I have a small trace. I am healthy.
My name is Andrzej. I am from Ostrow Mazowiecka .
Before coming to the retreat with Father James, and for the first 2
days I had a big pain in my stomach. I also felt anxiety.
On Saturday, after the evening prayer of Father James, the pain in
my stomach gave way. When I returned home after the retreat I felt peace
of heart in myself.
Praise be to the Lord.
My name is Anna.
I was very lost spiritually. From childhood I was tired of feeling
inferiority, depression and general failures. During the first retreat
with Fr. James, I was completely healed spiritually and received a deep
inner healing that continues to this day. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant
and during the cytology I was diagnosed with cancer cells. During the 2019
retreat, Jesus completely healed me.
Praise be to the Lord !
November 2019.
My name is Wioletta I am from Warsaw .
On 13.11.2015 at the retreat of Father James before the prayer I put
the last pack of cigarettes into the box that was placed in front of the
altar. Father James was praying for people who were addicted to different
addictions. I had been smoking cigarettes for 20 years. I have not smoked
since prayer and retreat and I am happy.
Praise the Lord!
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
My name is Sylwia Tabert .
Since November 2018 I experience the graces of the Holy Spirit. My
son Johnny had a childhood blindness. Jesus came and said, "Your son can't
see because you can't see him. I saw in my heart that I only care about
his body so that he had something to eat and what to wear, I devoted very
little time to him. When God turned me away from this path and I started
to take time for my son I heard (Johnny wore glasses then) "He no longer
needs glasses. I accepted these words, my husband didn't believe
it and didn't want to go to the doctor with his son. So I went alone and
the ophthalmologist found a total 100% healing.
Since then I have had and experienced many healings. My husband was
healed from alcoholism, I have no migraines after 29 years - God has healed
us. During my stay at Father James' retreat I asked God to open my heart
to Daniel - because he doesn't believe in any of these miracles. Jesus
told me, "Do you think it's hard to open his heart? "I said, "yes.
Jesus answered, "I will open his heart like a book." I moved and cried
with happiness. I know it will happen soon.
Warsaw November 2019
In 2010 I had an accident. For 23 days I was in a coma, for about a
month I was catheterized - after that I had uncontrolled urination. I was
in a wheelchair because of a broken leg. The moment I started laughing
or raised my hands up automatically my whole ass was wet. My kids laughed
at me. It humiliated me terribly.
At Father James Manjackal's retreat in Poznan I asked for a prayer
over me.
From the moment Father prayed over me I stopped having uncontrolled
urination. Jesus healed me.
Praise the Lord .
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019
My name is Maria .
Last year I came to Father James Manjackal's retreat with strong dyspnea
and lack of strength. The doctors said that I have to wait for the bypass
surgery. After returning from the retreat to the home, the dyspnea gave
way. I went back to work, stopped going to the attending doctor, medicines
I still took as directed. In December the doctor called me why I am not
coming for a visit. I answered the doctor "The Lord Jesus healed me and
the medication recommended by the doctor".
I am healthy. In the spring without any obstacles I could dig the ground
on the plot.
May God be thank you.
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
During the retreat Jesus freed me from the bonds of Satan, gave me
Mary for my mother, gave me Himself for the Father, Lord and Saviour. In
a direct, tangible relationship, Jesus in the Trinity gives me the unimaginable
power of love. With her eyes, Our Lady transmits compassion for people
in despair to me. God in the Trinity and Mary transmit to me the depths
of human tragedy, which awakens my desire to save people from despair by
proclaiming the love of Jesus. I cry out of happiness for the longing for
Jesus and Our Lady cry out of love and despair for us .
Glory to the Lord Jesus
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019
During these retreats Jesus healed my stomach reflex and my liver.
Jesus multiplied faith in all my family.
Glory to the Lord
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019
My name is Grażyna .
Thank you for the graces that I and my family experience. Thank you
for freeing me and my family from curses .
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019
My name is Janina .
For the first time I am on the retreat of Father James. During the
prayer, the Lord Jesus healed me with pain in my back.
Praise be to the Lord Jesus!
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
My name is Anna, I want to glorify the Lord for the grace that I received
at these retreats.
I came with a heart rhythm disorder, the fear inside never left me,
it disappeared when I received the Lord Jesus, then it came back.
On the first day, Jesus gave me the opportunity that Father Manjackal put
his hands on me and prayed for healing of my heart for humility. The Father's
hand on my head was like a current that touched every cell in my body.
On Saturday, the Lord Jesus healed me from fear and heart rhythm disorders.
The Father's homily about the Holy Spirit and Dr. Ricardo's lecture helped
me a lot. Peace has come, thank God.
From today I start the day with a prayer to the Holy Spirit. I thank
my friend Jola for bringing me to the next retreat.
I start to live in the Holy Spirit, in the presence of God, and so
I want to live .
I have lived a sinful life before. For about 25 years I have been converting.
I was still afraid of being myself, I did not believe in myself, I felt
fear. The Holy Trinity in me was first God the Father, then the Son of
God and then somewhere the Holy Spirit. Here, during these retreats, the
Holy Trinity to which I have been praying for years has become one . Today
Father James asked and prayed if we feel and if there is a Holy Trinity
in us? There is !!!! The whole Trinity. The whole!!!!!
I'm after 4 strokes . God gave me clarity of mind, and Father James
taught me to love everyone.
Praise the Lord!
November 2019
During Fr. James' retreat in June 2019 in Warsaw my lumbar spine was
healed. At night, between the days of the retreat, I was awakened by the
lack of pain. Sooner I had pain every night. The lack of pain was such
an unusual feeling that I woke up and in the middle of the night I praised
God. I also wrote a letter to Father James in which I shared the problem
of not feeling God's love in my everyday life (despite regular sacramental
life - daily Mass, prayer, retreat). On August 30, I received from the
Father an answer and an assurance about prayer. It was a few days after
my return from the Ignatian retreats - I think that they and Father James's
prayer contributed to the fact that today, in November, I feel peace of
heart, self-satisfaction, and the feeling of my own hopelessness appears
rarely and I can easily recognize it as a temptation with which I can already
Praise the Lord!
November 2019
Good bless you.
In 2017 I was on Father James' retreat. A few years earlier I had a
car accident, I had a broken leg in my knee. After rehabilitation, I could
walk, but it was very hard for me to kneel and I couldn't kneel for long.
My ribs were broken and my shoulders hurt a lot. I couldn't stand the pain
on Friday at the whole Mass. The stillness caused me unbearable pain.
On the second day of the retreat (Saturday) after the whole day of
the conference, Father James' prayer and the Holy Mass, when I returned
for the night, I felt the pain passing.
I was healed.
Glory to the Lord
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
Father James my name is Nina Wojnar , I have a very sick granddaughter
Lenka . Lenka is 2 years old , a brain tumor and a cyst that caused hydrocephalus.
She has two surgeries, the tumor has been excised 30% and the cyst caused
the hydrocephalus and then the second valve operation took place.
Doctors decided on a quick operation. But we needed a foundation,
because we don't have 220.000 PLN... The collection went poorly. I prayed
during the retreat that God would help us to save Lenka. On Saturday I
found out that a miracle happened - the whole amount was collected on the
During the healing prayer I saw a hand that was golden, red and shining.
After the retreat on Saturday, I told my mother that Lenka would be healthy.
I believe that it was the hand of the Lord Jesus who will guide the
hand of the surgeon during the operation with deep faith I prayed for this
and I believe that Lenka will be healthy.
Praise the Lord Jesus!
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
My name is Ewa .
After check-ups at the doctor it turned out that I have a relapse of
cancer (a change in the rectum) and will need surgery. When I heard that
I felt the need to share it with Father Jemes. I wrote a letter to him
and asked him to pray for a happy operation.
I was frightened by the thought of another chemotherapy and its effects.
I asked the Lord Jesus, if there will be the Lord's will, to make the relapse
not big. I finished the letter with the words "See you at the retreat in
Krosno Odrzańskie".
How big was my surprise when even before the operation I received a
letter from Father James. I was strengthened by his words and without fear
I gave up the third operation. It turned out that the change was small,
the knots were not enlarged, the chemistry and stoma were not necessary.
I trust that Father James sighed behind me before you. I praise the Lord at the next fourth retreat with Father James and believe that I am healthy.
Praise the Lord !
November 2019
May Jesus Christ be praised!
My name is Zbyszek I live in Gołaszyn near Łuków.
During the retreat in June 2019 with father Manjackalem I was healed
from spinal pain. The pain was painful when I did not move for a long time,
especially while praying. Now I no longer feel any pain.
Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord!
November 2019
God bless you.
We have been married for 8 years. In June 2019 , we were for the 4th
time on retreats . For many years we prayed for the gift of offspring.
During the prayer for healing Father James said that the Lord Jesus gives
offspring to married couples, then he told Ewelina you are healed, you
are blessed. Two weeks later I did a pregnancy test. In February 2020 our
little girl Hania will be born!
Great things have been done to us by the Almighty, His name is sacred.
Praise the Lord !!!!
Ewelina and Gregory
November 2019
Two years ago I was diagnosed with a neurosis in the left middle ear.
I had headaches, dizziness and frequent loss of consciousness. I felt very
tired. The doctor referred me for surgery to Warsaw to a specialist in
this field. I was informed that after the surgery I would not hear on this
ear and I might experience partial facial paralysis. For this reason I
was very afraid of this operation. I was a year old and I was growing up
to it. I prayed, fasted, followed different cleansing diets, but it didn't
help. The neurosis continued to grow. It was a sign for me that God has
a plan for me and I should have this surgery. I gave my life to Jesus,
my will, health and death. I prepared myself and went to the surgery. As
it turned out they couldn't operate on me because I had bad blood results
and the operation was postponed until May 2019.
At the beginning of May I attended a retreat of Father James Manjackal.
I went to these retreats because I wanted to hear about the Holy Spirit.
Already on the first day of adoration, the Lord Jesus said through the
mouth of Father James that he is healing Alice to whom they say Alice.
Since then I have been healthy and I feel very well. I have been healed.
Praise the Lord!
Odrzańskie 18-20.10.2019.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
I am Adam 37 years old, a year ago my mom gave up coming on the last
day of the retreat . I came instead of her with my dad and sister .
I drank a lot of alcohol on Saturday because I'm an alcoholic. After
arriving for the retreat, my sister took me to the chapel for adoration
to say hello to the Lord Jesus. I prayed for a while and started to cry.
Because I drank a lot, the day was sooner to feel alcohol from me.
Sister Anna got me mint gum and I went to confession. Waiting
in a very long line I felt powerless. I listened to Father James' words,
which penetrated into my heart, and felt warmth all over my body. I cried
very hard. During the break, my sister gave me a chain with the Benedictine
Cross. She prayed with her daddy over me while putting it on. This time
cried too.
For a few years I have been trying to fight this awful addiction, but
it always ended in failure. A year has passed since the retreat,
and thanks to God's grace and His love I do not drink!
I thank the merciful God for curing me from my alcoholic addiction.
I thank Father James for his words which opened my heart to the grace of
I thank the Holy Spirit for guiding me in my life in such a way that
I was able to attend these retreats.
Glory to the Lord.
My dear Fr. James,
I met you, Father for the first time in 2012 and I want to give my
testimony. It will be short, because of course, there are plenty
of details, but the point is not to be a story but to prove that Jesus
heals. After my mother's death the thought where her soul must be haunted
my mind. 24 hours I was thinking if she is haven or in purgatory.
I was not at pace. Never I thought she went to hell because she was very
believing good woman.
In the retreat a miracle happened! It was a spiritual healing. During
the imposition of hands, I fell down and rated in the spirit. I experienced
the great and tremendous love of God through the Holy Spirit. I saw two
people in front of me. One was my mother and other was Jesus! Jesus told
me, " Now don't be worried, be at peace, see for yourself, your mother
is with Me!"
Till now I am at peace. Sorry for my late testimony. I thank God for
Fr. James and his parents. I pray for him daily.
With God,
It all started in September. I took my son Marcel to school and after
an hour I got a phone call from him to take him home, because he can't
stand the headache and chills. Everything pointed to flu, as the fever
went up to 40 degrees Celsius.
The next day new symptoms appeared: stomach pains with strong cramps,
so we went to emergency room. The doctor ordered tests and did an ultrasound
of the abdominal cavity. We received the results after half an hour and
it turned out that CRP (inflammatory factor) is 96 – it was very high.
I got scared and started crying because I immediately thought it might
be cancer. After the ultrasound the doctor found out a thickened colon
so he suspected appendicitis. He directed us to the paediatric clinical
hospital in another town.
When we went there, the doctors did series of tests and they left Marcel
in the hospital. I came back home at night. I knew the only help was in
God. One thought flashed through my head – through a friend I asked Fr.
James Manjackal for prayer. Father James often gives charismatic retreats
in Poland and I participated in some of them. Father immediately texted
us back that he started praying for Marcel and sent him his blessing. Moreover,
Lord Jesus told him that it was nothing serious and Marcel would recover
soon. It strengthened me a lot and gave me great confidence…
Within three days CRP came back to normal and Marcel returned home.
A month has passed since then and we are going for a check-up. I know that
everything will be fine because I trust Jesus!
Praise the Lord for such a great grace of healing, and may God bless
Fr. James for his prayer!
Testimony october 2019
I would like to give my testimony for healing of lymphnode cancer. I
am working as physician, as a specialist of Internal Medicine. During the
month of august 2018 I discovered first signs of lymphnode cancer on my
body. A first prayer of Father James led to an attenuation of symptoms.
Due to a diagnostic delay my husband and I were able to participate to
a seminary for married couples in Germany. There F. James said during adoration
time: “Bernadette, you are healed”. I was very surprised, believed,
at the same time as a physician I remained sceptic.
After the seminary I had an appointment at the oncologic department
and they told me the results of the exams which had taken place before
the seminary. The bone marrow was filled until 90% of tumor cells and also
all lymphatic stations of the body were sick. They had ignored a tumoral
bulk of 10cm in my abdomen.
In the control CT scan after the prayers the tumoral bulk was 7,5cm.
They told me to start treatment immediately and also that I would never
be free of cancer.
One month later Father Florian from Vienna followed F. James‘ advice
to celebrate a family mass for our family. During the following night I
had a lot of abdominal pain and the enlarged lymph nodes of my neck disappeared.
One month later I had a control ultrasound of my abdomen, the tumoral bulk
was completely gone and all lymph node stations were normal in size! Nobody
could believe it. Also at the end of therapy during the month of June 2019
the radiologist wrote with astonishment that in the PET- CT scan there
was no tumoral element left in the whole body, there was a complete remission.
The severe inflammation of my bowls also disappeared after a second seminary
of F. James, this time in Switzerland.
I can just praise the Lord for this new life he gave me through the
healing prayers of F. James and I offer him my life to serve him. Praise
and adoration be to the Lord!
Bernadette, Lucerne (Switzerland)
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Agnieszka .
In 2011 I took part in the retreat of Father James Manjackal in Poznan.
Thanks to the prayer for healing I got a menstrual period, which was sooner
blocked for six years, and the doctors said that nothing can be done about
it and I will have to take hormonal medication until women have a menopause
Thank God and prayer I have had my menstrual period so far and I do
not take any hormonal medication.
Thanks to the prayer of Father James, the small nodules that I had
on my thyroid gland also disappeared. Another medical examination was done
about 2 months after Father James's prayer, which did not detect any nodules.
The doctor doing the examination was very surprised.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Jolanta , I am a believer. I attended
the retreat of Father James Manjackal in 2014 and even though I was a practitioner
and a believer, my life was converted and transformed. In 2014 Father James
prayed over me because I was after a breast mastectomy in June 2013 and
a large lymph node metastasis. Now I feel very well, I control myself and
everything is fine. I asked God, through the prayer of Father James, to
free me from the depression that has accompanied me since I had cancer.
After 2 months of retreat I realized that I am still laughing, happy, satisfied
and I have no sign of depression.
Thank you, Lord God!
and Karol. Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
In 2011, I heard from a doctor - "You will not have children".
In 2019, in June, my husband and I came to Warsaw for the retreat of
Father James to pray for the gift of offspring.
Yesterday during the prayer we believed that God blessed our marriage
with a child. I believe that for the next retreat we will be here with
our child.
Praise be to the Lord!
Thank you Father James for your service. God bless you.
Dorota and Karol
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Wanda .
I came to Father James Manjakal's retreat with enormous leg pain in the left hip joint. I could not get up from the kneeling position and it was very difficult for me to kneel. During the prayer for healing the Lord God healed me. The pain was gone, I could kneel without any problem and then get up and walk.
Praise be to you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
In 2018 I was on a retreat with my father James Manjackal in
Krosno Odrzańskie. During the blessing after the Holy Mass I had a rest
in the Holy Spirit. This experience strengthened me very much spiritually.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
God bless you,
During a retreat with Father Manjackal in 2015 in Warsaw, I was cured
of multiple sclerosis.
Praise be to the Lord and thank you very much!
Halina from Chełm
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
In 2009, an exorcist priest sent me for the retreat
of Father James Manjackal to Niepokalanów, where I was spiritually healed
from a twisted spine and hands (this is how bondage appeared in me). After
a few days a piece of stinking tissue came out of my ear - it could have
been a hematoma after a strong blow to the back of the head. When Father
James held my hand, I felt as if the current was releasing me.
Thank you O. To James for his ministry through which God touched me
and led me to a deeper conversion. Today I testify of God as an evangelist.
Thank God.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Wojciech Muzal .
In 2012, during the retreat of Father James Manjackal in Falenica on Friday during the Holy Mass, I was healed from nicotine.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Julia Nowińska , In 2019 during the retreat of Father James
Manjackal in Warsaw, Jesus healed me from back pain. I also had a rash
all over my body and abdominal pain. I no longer have a rash and abdominal
pain and I just don't have any more pain.
Thank God!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
During the retreat with Father James in 2016 in Kielce, I was healed
from allergy spots on my face.
Glory to the Lord Jesus
Zofia from Podkarpacie
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
Four years ago I got sick depressed, stopped sleeping at night, destructive
thoughts appeared. At confession, the priest asked me to participate in
the retreat of Father James for penance. I participated in them and three
days after the retreat, Jesus completely healed me from all the symptoms
and effects of depression.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
My name is Dagmara and I wanted to tell you, dear brothers and sisters,
what happened to me just before the retreat with Father James.
I woke up early in the morning with a rather severe
headache and I don't remember ever ,having one. Jesus, how am I supposed
to go to this retreat when my head hurts so much? „
How can I survive this much time?
And there were some doubts.
But I decided to trust Jesus and said, "Jesus, I trust in you, you
take care of my head.
And so it happened, Jesus came during the prayer, took away the pain,
gave in return his love, freedom, joy and peace.
I desire to live in this Spirit with Jesus
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Alicja ,
During the retreat of Father James during the prayer after the Holy
Mass on June 7, 2019 I was healed from atopic dermatitis.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Jan ,
During the retreat with Father James, I was healed from an allergy
that could not be detected by modern medicine.
Thank you, God.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
In 2017 I attended the retreat of Father James in Warsaw. Jesus
healed me from the pain of my spine and hips. After further retreats I
received the grace of the daily Eucharist, and a new love for the loved
Praise be to the Lord!
Anna Sowa
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Urszula I am from Sieradz .
In my early childhood I was sexually harassed by my older brother. Although God allowed me to understand and isolate myself from the behavior of my brother from the First Communion, as a result of this evil I addicted my emotions to masturbation. This lasted for many years even when I was married, I was angry and disgusted with myself, but despite the many resolutions and retreats I continued in this addiction. God, through the teaching of Father Manjackala and the filling of me with the Holy Spirit, gave me a New Life.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Sylwia .
During the participation in the Holy Mass for healing during the retreat
with Father James Manjackal my body and soul was healed.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
A few years ago I was healed from hormonal disorders during a retreat
with Father James Manjackal.
From hyperprolactinemia (microglandular pituitary glands).
Until today the results of my research are normal.
Thank you, God.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Magdalena.
My husband and I were trying to have a child. After each visit to the
gynaecologist the diagnosis was still the same: "You will not get pregnant,
you will be like winning the lottery ". In 2017 we came for a retreat with
Father James. Father prayed for marriages that want to have children. He
put his hands on our heads and prayed. I became a miracle. After three
months it turned out that I was pregnant. What from a medical point of
view was impossible. Our great miracle, the Son, came into the world, and
after a year and six months our daughter was born.
Glory to the Lord for this great gift of being parents.
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Zofia .
Under the knee of my left leg I had a Baker cyst diagnosed by a doctor.
During the retreat of Father James Manjackal, the Lord Jesus healed
me. The pain in the leg and the cyst was relieved. I have no more pain.
Praise be to the Lord
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
On the retreat with Father James Manjackal, I am for the
third time I was in 2017, 2018, 2019).
During these retreats I received many Graces. The Lord God healed me
from the cervical spine, gave me peace of heart, strengthened my faith.
During the prayer on Saturday, June 8, 2019, the Lord God healed my thumb
of the right hand.
Praise be to the Lord!
Warsaw, 7-9 June 2019
My name is Danuta Kamińska, I am from Lublin.
In 2018, during the retreat of Father James Manjackal in Warsaw, I
was healed from a very severe knee pain. A year has passed and I do not
feel any pain.
Praise be to the Lord !
On 23.02.2018. Arno told me that he does not see me anymore - only blackness.
That last for several seconds. Years before he had very strong headaches-
mostly left side of head. (30 years). We made a medical check and a huge
brain tumor was found.
First surgery: 28.02.2018. arrived into the hospital. Surgery done
by prof. Rotim 07/03/2018. Because of my condition he said he will do his
best but will not guarantee if I will not make it. The surgery lasted about
8 hours. The tumor was well-drained, which means it grew fast above the
right eye. Arno lost his right eye because the tumor made a huge
pressure on the eye nerve.
Second surgery: 03/27/2018. something was leaking out of his
head wich was infected and very swollen. Immediately Arno was prepared
for the second surgery. The doctors cut out the infected skull bone. Thank
God the brain was not infected. After that for six months he was with a
missing part of skull.
02/10/2018. Exactly one year ago I got a plastic implant instead of
the infected part so my brain is now protected.
Presently there are side affects - dont see on the right eye and forget
often. Headaches shown up sometimes often, left side as earlier.
All the last year during my illness father James was praying for me
and served numerous masses for healing. My family members wrote father
James via emails my conditions.l Last week I made MR of head and brain
scans. The results are great and there are no tumor cells and the brain
is recovering well. It is getting enough blood and oxygen.
Jesus cured me through the prayers of father James. In Graz last month
on his retreat he prayed for my head and now the MR is perfect after three
difficult surgery. I praise Jesus for His wonder!
Thank the Lord for father James!!!!!!
I am Rose. Hope you remember our son Joseph. I am writing to tell you
about a healing happened to Joseph. He's a 15yr old autistic child. He's
been under medication since 3yrs for difficulties like Hyperactivity, OCD,Tic
disorder, Motor coordination difficulty etc. According to dr, when these
problems are treated, there'll be an overall improvement in his condition
as he comes under the category in which improvement is possible with medication
and therapy. And he's improved a lot over the years which I strongly believe
is only because of God's grace.
As an after effect of this long term medication he has grade 1 fatty
lever, obesity, big belly, hormonal imbalance, sugar level was becoming
higher and his liver function levels were also high. So in last August,
we stopped one tablet which mainly caused these problems, and a few months
later his levels came down a little. But no change to obesity and pot belly.
There was also a foul smell to his sweat at the time when I mailed you.
We thought its because of hormonal change.
A few days after receiving your reply mail in which you promised you'll
pray for him in holy mass and adoration, he became lean and his belly started
flattening. The foul smell of sweat also had gone.
When we noticed these changes, we thought something is wrong with
his vitals. But I had a feeling all this started after receiving your mail.
Then we did a blood test.To our surprise, when the results came, his sugar
and liver function levels was back to nomal. We believe God blessed Joseph
through your prayers. Thank you Lord and thank you so much father for your
He's going to write 10th std's exam. Since its an open school syllabus
we can choose how many subjects to write at a time. So this time he's writing
only one subject "Painting". The practical exam is on Sep 25th and theory
on Oct 24th.This is the first time he's going to write an exam.
Father please keep Joseph and all his classmates in your prayers. All
these children are disabled in one way or other.
Thank you once again for all your prayers.
Retreats in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Grażyna .
I came for retreats with a deep wound in my heart because of the distance
from me and from the Lord God of my daughter, the only daughter Karolina.
During the retreat I got a room in my heart. I wrote her an sms that
I love her. I wrote without regret, without sadness, with great hope of
her conversion to the Lord.
I have a diagnosed auto-aggressive disease for which medication is
given for myeloid leukemia. I suffered a lot during the last year. I had
huge pains of bones, joints, muscle . The whole right side of my body was
leaning against me. Huge muscle tension made it difficult for me to function.
I took painkillers.
On the first evening of the retreat during the prayer the pain in my
knees subsided, on the second and third days the pain and tension in my
body muscles subsided. Glory to the Lord!
I also came for retreats with a sense of rejection with the pain of
lack of family in my life. In my family, which lives is a lot of anger,
addictions, living without God's commandments and a lot of anger to me
from my day of birth.
I have not had a relationship with them for 6 years.
I am very glad that during the retreat I received the gift of Jesus'
love. I feel free from regret.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Sophie.
During the retreat of Father James, I feel the power of the Holy Spirit in a physical way. I saw and adored the magnificent images of St. Charbel, Father Pio, Escape to Egypt , Our Lady of Guadalupe. During the retreat I received a rain of blessings.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Grażyna I came from Poznań.
During Father James' retreat I was healed from liver disease, hypersensitive
large and small intestine. The Lord God healed my internal organs.
During the prayer I felt that I had been healed, but I was not sure,
then my father said, "Grażyna you are healed".
Glory to the Lord, Jesus as you are very merciful.
Thank you, Jesus.
Lord Blessed is Father James.
Retreats in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Ania I am from Miedzyrzec Podlaski .
For three years I have been attending masses to heal my soul and body.
There I was healed from knee pain and after prayers I was diagnosed with
the correct diagnosis of borreliosis. I did not sleep at night for 3 months
because of the great pain. Previously I had been treated for another illness
that I didn't really have. It turned out that it was borreliosis. Father
Jerzy Jarzowski always prayed with me, who always told me that Jesus always
works in you. He sent me to the retreat of Father James Manjackal. He said:
go to these retreats, you will walk and so I am. After the retreat it doesn't
hurt my body anymore, I believe that I am healed. I don't walk alone yet,
but I believe that I am healed.
I had a great pain in my joints which I no longer have.
I was discerned by the Holy Spirit that I would evangelize. Jesus
says to me that he is with me and I will walk. Since then, Jesus has changed
the life of my family by 360 degrees. Husband kneels daily to to prayer
, daughter 18 years old is always with us, participates in all prayers.
There is peace and joy in us. I believe that I am healed and I will get
up from a wheelchair.
I love you, Father James. May Jesus give you health and strength.
Thank you for your individual prayer.
Thank you Lord Jesus
in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Iwona, 32 years old.
During the retreat in 2017 I was converted and experienced my first
sincere confession. After this confession there were others who opened
my heart.
In March 2018 I had my ovaries removed with a large tumour (cancer)
It turned out that there were changes on the second ovary. I have had
many tests to prepare me for the removal of the ovary from the uterus.
In 2018 my husband was also diagnosed with changes in the lungs. He was
asked to do a study to prepare him to take a lesion sample to cure the
lesion. When he was supposed to lie down in hospital for a previously planned
study, it turned out that the disease had completely disappeared.
In June 2018, my 5-year-old daughter had a deadline for the removal
of almonds. We went and it turned out that the removal of almonds was no
longer necessary. Praise to you, Lord.
On the first day of the retreat I was healed . Father James Manjackal
said during the prayer: " There are two Iwons who have been healed . I
knew I felt like I was. I thought, if it was me, why don't I feel physically?
But Father Jacob says again: "Iwona, I believe that you have been healed!
. I believed that these were words for me and I accepted healing.
On the second day that Father Jacob prayed for healing, he said:
"Iwona was healed yesterday at Mass. Indeed, there was a moment at Mass
where I felt discomfort in my lower abdomen. I thought I had to go to the
toilet, but I found that there was Mass and I would dedicate myself to
all this.
The symptoms subsided. And these were the physical symptoms I was waiting
Today is Sunday. In two days I am going to the Oncology Centre in Warsaw
for surgery to remove whole reproductive organs and I know that doctors
will see what the Miracle Jesus gave me. They will see that the Lord Jesus
healed me.
I thank you, Father Jacob, that you appeared on my life's path.
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Marek .
At the first retreat with Father James Manjackal in Ostroleka in 2010
I was freed from the habit of smoking cigarettes.
I am free, since then I don't smoke.
Glory to the Lord!
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
My name is Beata.
I want to give glory to the Lord the Supreme God and give testimony
of the events that took place a few years ago. I was a wreck of a man on
the verge of collapse, life was falling apart with my marriage. Then I
felt that something was wrong, but I didn't know what. The Lord God sent
me a person thanks to whom I went for a retreat with Father James Manjackal
and that was the best decision I could make. During the first retreat,
Jesus healed me from depression, took away the addiction of smoking, healed
me internally, allowed me to love my husband again, poured peace into my
heart and joy. After some time the Lord Jesus blessed us with a daughter
for whom we were trying. He blesses us effectively so far, although there
are adversities along the way, but I know that only Jesus can help me.
Last year he healed me from a breast tumor that I was supposed to have
removed. Again he turned out to be the best surgeon, but the most important
thing for me is that he allowed me to return to the path of faith and a
living relationship with Him.
Glory to the Lord!
Retreats in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Sylwia . I came to the retreat without any particular intention.
I wanted to get closer to Jesus and love Him more. During the prayer, Jesus
showed me that I still have various traumas against people in my heart
and I did not fully forgive him. I confessed about it and following the
advice of a confessor while I was in adoration I said that
"In the name of Jesus Christ I forgive and I ask you, Lord Jesus, for
complete forgiveness.
During the prayer, Father James saw an image of my heart with a dressing,
and in the background a calm and peaceful sea. I heard "accept healing,
rejoice"!! .
I feel that my heart has been completely healed from injuries and the
Lord Jesus gave me complete forgiveness.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Glory to the Lord!
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
May Jesus Christ and Mary always be praised.
I want to thank God the Holy Mother of God for the grace, for the retreat
with Father James Manjackal. I believe that I was spiritually and physically
healed. When I prayed with my hands layered on, I rested for the first
time in the Holy Spirit. I believe that I was renewed with the Holy Spirit
and I am a new person.
God the Father thank you for this love and mercy for us.
Jesus, I trust in you.
Anna O.
Retreat in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Krysia , during the retreat in Ostrołęka on Saturday I
was healed from knee pain. On Sunday morning I prayed kneeling for an hour
and a half and I had no need to straighten the knee or get up. Until now
it was impossible for me to kneel so long.
Glory to the Lord! I am healed!!
Retreats in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Małgorzata Wnukowska .
For a long time I had a severe knee pain. I also came for retreats with
this pain.
During Father James' prayer for healing, the Father said, "Margaret
was healed". I accepted this healing and deeply believed that the Lord
God was healing me. Now my knee hurts much less and I know that the pain
will pass through me completely. I also believe that God has healed me
from liver disease.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Retreat in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Krzysztof Wnukowski .
During a retreat with Father James I asked God to free me from
the enslavement which was smoking cigarettes. The Lord God freed me! I
do not smoke. I feel free man.
Thank you Lord Jesus....
Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Victoria, I am 18 years old.
I want to thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of forgiving myself for
my sins and strengthening my faith that I am pure again.
Thank you, Lord Jesus! Glory to the Lord
My name is Monika .
In November 2015 I was for the first time on the retreat of Father James
Manjackal and I was healed from hormonal problems. The healing occurred
on January 1, 2016, when after 7 years of inactivity, my ovaries were unblocked.
It is impossible to explain it medically. To this day (July 2018), my cycle
is regular. Glory to the Lord!
During these retreats I also received the grace of daily Eucharist,
the grace of general confession, the gift of courage and courage to proclaim
Christ and the beginning of discernment of the vocation to follow Christ
and give his life.
In May 2016, at the successive retreats of Father James during the
prayer of healing, he said: "A young girl named Monika receives a great
physical healing". At that time I suffered from psoriasis coexisting with
arthritis, which made it impossible for me to move around. I believed and
accepted healing. With time the arthritis began to go back and it is still
so today (July 2018).
Today I can walk, run and, above all , kneel.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
- Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Regina, 58 years old,
I was spiritually healed at the youth retreat in Ostroleka which Father
James Manjackal led in 2011. During the blessing of Father James the light
fell on me so strong that I had to close my eyes. After all this I started
to cry very much.
Now, in retrospect, I know that it was my spiritual healing. God showed
me that it is light. My eyes, ears and heart unblocked. I now see, hear
and feel everything differently. If I have the opportunity to go to church
in week, I accept the Eucharist and pray more .
I thank God for that.
Retreat in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
Dagmara from Sieradz, 45 years old.
During the retreat in December 2017 with Father James, I was healed
from cervical spine pain. I was not helped by rehabilitation or painkillers.
I have been ill with my spine for many years and the disease has been getting
worse. Because of the great pain I have not slept for a long time at night.
During my stay at the retreat I slept without pain in the chest section
for 2 nights. I believe and feel that it will remain like that. I believe
that the lumbar region has also been healed, although I still feel a little
I received the internal healing 5 years ago and thank God for all my
worries, joys, sorrows and problems. I trust Him and do not give in, because
it was through problems with my son that I came very close to our Father's
God, for which I thank you very much.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
- Retreat in Ostrołęka, 13-15 July 2018.
Dorota from Ostrołęka .
After a sincere confession from the whole life, after confession of
serious sins, there is a
enslavement. I asked the Lord Jesus to heal me.
During the retreat, Jesus listened to my requests and took captivity
from me.
I am now happy and freed.
Glory to the Lord . Thank you, Lord Jesus!!!
- Retreat in Ostroleka, 13-15 July 2018.
My name is Elżbieta .
About 10 years ago during a one-day retreat in Obory I was healed from
a spine disease. During the prayer Fr. James asked me to put my hands on
the sick places and then I said: Lord Jesus, I missed my third hand and
then a woman next to me put her hand on my spine. After this prayer I fell
asleep in the Holy Spirit. From that moment my spine does not hurt. Glory
to the Lord .
On 14.07.2018 the Lord Jesus healed me from bad family relationships,
anger to the Father and Mother.
Glory to the Lord .
Weronika & Sebastian
Dear Father James,
We pray for your health and your mission. We hope that you feel better
and have a lot of strength to proclaim God's word.
We send our testimony, which we proclaimed during the retreat.
We are a young marriage that has been trying to have a baby for 2 years.
Because of our health problems, it was not so easy. Doctors advised to
start treatment. However, we decided not to go for the therapy but to pray
for the intention of parenthood to God. We also attended your retreat
where, after the strong prayer, God gave us to understand that we would
become parents soon. Now we are happy parents of 5 months old son Samuel
Piotr. We attached a family photo from a baptism.
Thank you for your prayer and we ask for a blessing for our family.
Samuel, Weronika & Sebastian
My Jesus healed me from all my illness, Alleluia! I am 53 years old
and I was sick for 25 years! I am married for 30 years and I have 3 children.
Because of my son and depression, I could not care my husband and children
as a wife and mother.
They were really fed up with me! During these years I had been to retreats,
seminary and prayer services; Fr. James, I had been to your retreats too
but I was not healed. I read your book " I saw Eternity" that inspired
me; as you wrote it was not enough to be pious but I had to be authentic!
I was regular with my personal prayers, daily mass, often confession, reading
the Bible, family prayers act but I was not converted deeply in my heart
because I had not forgiven other and loved my neighbours!
Jesus gave me the grace of conversion and healed me in your retreat
at St. Pölten on 11th August 2018, I became humble to ask pardon to all
and to reconcile and to helming others. Now I love and serve my family
with joy in my heart. The counselling and therapy of Dr. Richie and the
pastoral care of Fr. James led me tot his great healing. I thank them and
pray for them. I decided to help them in their ministry. Jesus, my Saviour
and Lord healed me. I am healthy, praise the Lord- Alleluia.
Birgit Spreitzhofer.
I am renate Eggerl. I am 45 years old and I am from Bramberg/ Land
Salzburg, Austria. I want to testify my miraculous healing of cancer. I
had cancer on my breasts with metastasis for seven years. In February 2016
I attended a retreat with Fr. James Manjackal and during the healing prayer
he said, " Renate, you are healed" and I believed. In the following CT
scan the metastasis were fewer. Again I attended his retreat in the same
year in April. I believed that Jesus was healing me and strengthening me.
Finally I attended his retreat in April 2017 with my family. During the
prayer of healing, my daughter Julia was laying hands on me to pray for
my healing as Fr. James had instructed and he called out my name again
in the crowd of about a thousand people, " Renate, you are healed".I fully
believed that I had no more metastasis in my breast and that Jesus
healed me fully. On 15th December my ontologist checked my CT Scan and
certified that I was fully healed and I have no more cancer. Thank you,
Fr. James for your intercessory prayers; I am fully healed by my Jesus.
I am Karina. My husband is Achim. In my firs seminar with Fr. James,
I had a deep awareness of my sins and thus I had a deep conversion. I had
great joy after the retreat. Then I took My husband also to another retreat
with Fr. James. He too became aware of his sins and made a good confession.
Fr. James called my name and gave inner healing and physical healing. I
am healed of all my pains. Now both of us are very happy. We go to mass,
pray together at home. Praise to Jesus Christ.
Abdel Fattah
Praise the name of the most high God FR. Jmanjackal And greeting too
FR from me and my family. First and foremost I thank the almighty God for
the healing of my left foot ANKLE that had swollen without any reason.
After you prayed for me and requested me too to continue praying and within
3days I'll get better, I did as you requested and after the end of those
3days you gave me, the swell on my left ANKLE disappeared and all is well
PRAISE GOD!!Thank you FR. Stay blessed, strong and Good health for you
I am Diana, Koziatel. In the retreat in July at Ostroleka. Jesus healed
my married life; I was indeed very angry with my husband. By the prayers
for Fr. James, I was able to forgive my husband and return to our love
to live together. Glory to God!
I am Maria Wimmersberger from upper Austria. At Altötting on last
Friday, 31st August, I had a great physical healing of my severe bladder
infection and surgical wounds. I am indeed fully healed from all my infirmities,
and now I am light with light wings like a butterfly! Praise the Lord-
alleluia! I prayed there for my husband who was at home and he was healed
in his arm. My priest said that he felt my prayers for him. During the
prayers, I heard the names of my children and grand children through the
mouth of father James. I believe that they all are blessed. I thank and
praise God for His great love.
Dear Father James,
I was at the retreat at Chaumont this last July. I received many blessings
and a particular big desire in my heart to become a deacon or to similarly
serve the Church. I thank you in advance to pray for me, so that I can
judge, with the spirit of discernment, if this is my vocation.
I followed with my family the « hindu religion » in the Reunion island.
I had a great conversion with mother Marie who led me to Jesus.
Be sure of my prayers through the chain of prayers, started by Gisèle
Bomal, to support you in your suffering and your mission
Michel FELD
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
By forgiving, I received healing for my eyes!
I am Aniela and I have been a Warsaw resident since my birth, I live in Warsaw. On August 2, 2017 I started my 90th birthday. In 1939 I saw the victorious parade of the Germans and Hitler. I well remember his terrible rule, the SS army, the daily round-ups and executions. The year 1944 came, the Warsaw Uprising came, and then the Germans burned down the whole of Warsaw. I was left homeless, hungry without means, in sandals and a summer dress. I have fallen from prosperity into deep misery. The winter was coming, very cold. Then I cursed Hitler. Liberation has come. I tried to forget the tragedy of the occupation. The words spoken by Father James Manjackal during the retreat in Warsaw in 2016 were for me. Father said: "Do you remember Hitler? "- there was Silence! He continued " you know what a criminal, a murderer he must have been!. He must be forgiven, you are christians". I was immediately reminded of my curses and the war reality stood before my eyes. There was no other person in the room who could see Hitler live. I lived with this sin for 77 years, even though I confessed and received Holy Communion; I forgave Hitler and prayed for his soul; I said Hail Mary; and my conscience was free. Since then, I have prayed for Hitler's soul, offering a plenary indulgence, and ordering the Holy Mass for the peace of his soul. I haven't learned German yet, even though my daughter settled in Berlin on June 2017. Recreations in Warsaw :I have a document that I am a visually impaired person. I have two black holes in my eyes instead of a yellow macula. I don't read or write anything about manual work. During Father James' prayer for healing, the Father said, "Aniela, the Lord Jesus heals your eyes. I grasped my hands for the face, praying very hard for the grace of the Lord Jesus. I got up and called out loud: "I see, I see, "From that moment I can move around the city alone, with limited visibility of course. Simply the Lord Jesus gave me so much grace that I can see what Jesus permitted me to see! And below I enclose a statement of disability for the the Glory of the Lord Aniela Czosnowska!
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
Nothing impossible for God!
When I first attended Father James' retreats, I was not married. I received a great grace to pray for my boyfriend. He was not "holy", and at that time he turned in an uninteresting company and "enjoyed" life. He was far from being prayerful, going to church or receiving the Sacraments. I had a medical diagnosis that I could not have have children. This was sad news for me, because I have always loved children very much; and I wanted to have children unmarried life. In the retreat wit Fr. Jams, I prayed much for my boy friend but I found no result after the retreat! I experienced "hell on earth".! It was impossible that he would return to the right track! It was really painful for me. I had the whole family and friends against me and our relationship. Nevertheless, in spite of many tears poured out, I did not give up and prayed for him all the time, and during the following retreat Father James said: "Kinga, you are pregnant". My friend said it was to me. I said that was not possible. However, it turned out that it was possible and I was really pregnant. We got married in the church, my husband was converted. He participated in Father James' retreats with me. We have a Son, and a month ago our Daughter was born. There is nothing impossible for God: when some one turns oneself to God with full trust ,things would change! Many had judged that my boy friend was a bad person. I have trusted the Lord God and now he is converted. He is a loving husband & a father of two wonderful children...All for the glory of the Lord!
Henia - Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
In English " My name is Henia and I am now 60. In my young age, I was
diagnosed with a serious illness in my heart. In 2009, Just 2 months
before the wedding of my daughter, I had a serious illness on my left breast.
Jesus healed me from all these and from my pain on the car in a retreat
with Fr. James in November 2017. Praise be Jesus Christ.
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
My name is Maria Kasasova. I am from Czech Republic. I had severe pain
on my left knee and the doctors suggested a surgery but I wanted to go
to the retreat to see if I would be healed; otherwise I wanted to operate.
in the retreat at Warsaw in 20017, Jesus held me fully in the retreat of
Fr. James. When my doctor say my knee he said that it was indeed a miracle
by Jesus. I have no pain now. I can walk easily. Alleluia.
Beata - Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
I am Beata, I am 35 and I am from Jelena Gora. I was born and grew
in a family of Jahowa witnesses. Thanks be to God, at the age 13,
I knew Catholic Church and I received Baptism, confession, communion and
confirmation in the church. After some time I left faith and lived a very
worldly life 20 years with prayer or sacraments. I was in all sorts of
sins and even in an immoral relationship with a man. Again the old thoughts
about Jehowa witnesses came to my mind and all that were against the Catholic
Church. I was desperate in my sinful life and several times I thought to
commit suicide.
Then I had an inspiration to leave my immoral relationship with the
man. I thank God for His grace. A day before my birthday, one of my friends
invited me to the retreat of Fr. James at Krosno. I was happy with all
the teachings that he gave from the Bible. With deep sorrow for all my
sins , I made a very good confession. I discerned my vocation to religious
life. My confessor confirmed it also. In the healing prayer, as Fr. James
had told ,I was able to forgive all especially my parents.
I was very angry with my mother especially. I forgave her and fully reconciled
with her and on the following Christmas we received Holy Communion together
in a mass. I felt great peace and joy in my heart. I began to go daily
to mass. I felt great and deep love to Jesus and to His Mother, Mary to
live a holy life.
I must say that the prayers of Fr. Jame is very powerful. I placed a photo of my mother in a an envelop and gave to Fr. James to pray for her conversion; soon she got conversion and now she lives in Jesus and the Church with her daily mass.I read all books of Fr.James, they are great, they bring food for my soul. I tank God, Jesus and His mother for all the blessings that I received in the retreat of Fr. James. I pray for him daily.
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
I am Moroslawa, I am 41 years old. I am from Mazowiekie Voivodeship.
In December 2015, by attending the retreat of Fr. James, I had my conversion.
Seeing him and listening to his speeches, I could not but change my life!
Then onwards I attend all his retreats. In a following retreat I was fully
liberated from aggressiveness, my addictions to masturbation, pornography
and alcoholism. Also I was healed physical from my diseases in the liver
and heart. I had a defect on my left leg after an accident and the doctors
had said that I would never he healed but Jesus, with whom nothing is impossible
healed me fully in the retreat of Fr. James. In a recent retreat at Warsaw
with Fr. James , Jesus healed me from infections in my intestine and stomach.I
thank and praise God that now I am able to live a holy life because I attend
often the retreats of Fr. James. Always I await for his retreats in Poland.
Jacek with Magdalena. - Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
In October 2016, we attended a married couples retreat with Fr. James
Manjackal. After praying over us by laying his hands, he told that we would
come to him soon with a child. Ten months after the retreat our daughter
was born as he had said!. In June 2018, we came with our daughter to show
her to Fr. James and to thank God for the gift of a child.
Brigit& Jacek with Magdalena.
Renata - Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
I am Renata. I came to the retreat of Fr. James with a tumor on my
left ovary. During the prayer of healing Fr. James announced by the Holy
Spirit that a Renata is healed from cancer and I believed that it was I.
I go ahead with this firm faith that I am healed and healthy. I praise
Jesus for his love for me.
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
I am Bogumila. In a retreat with Fr. James at Warsaw in 2015, I received
a deep inner healing from fear, rejections and wounds of the past from
my child hood. Also was able to for give all especially my father who had
rejected me much. When I forgive him and reconciled with him , I had deep
peace and joy in my heart. Again in a retreat with Fr. James in June 2018.
I was healed from my persistent dizziness because which I was scared to
walk; and I was healed from my pain in the spine. I used to walk with a
stick, now I can walk without it and without pain. Praise to Jesus the
- Retreat in Warsaw , 1-3 June 2018
My name is Sophie. I was suffering on my face from red acne.According
to the doctors, I used many tablets, ointment and antibiotics for
years but without any cure.I attended the retreat of Fr. James at Kielce
in May 2016, and in prayer Jesus' Spirit spoke through Fr. James" Sophie
is healed fully on her face!" I believed it and I was totally healed. Now
I have a healthy and beautiful face; I thank Jesus for his great love for
- France
Thank you for your prayer and your kindness I have testified on Sunday
at the end of retirement: I was filmed, here is my picture. At the retirement
of Chaumont, Friday, I heard you pray for diabetics, I said in my heart:
"Lord, if it's also for me pronounce my name." And you said it. On my way
home, the two persons I stayed said: “you were called, it was for you.”
I know that God also speaks to us by brothers and sisters. Saturday you
did the prayer of review of our life from conception, a month ago in my
group of prayer the brothers and sisters had asked me to that. At the exit
they told me you have been blessed father in fact prayer you needed. Then
you have prayed for the sick of the pancreas and you again said my name
but only you're cured. Not already healed. Checking my blood sugar I found
I was low although my pump is stopped for two hours. I welcomed it as a
sign. Other controls values were high. I continue to believe that the Lord
has cured me of my diabetes, despite the controlled values. Yesterday while
praying the Stations of the Cross for the priests, I asked the leap of
faith to unplug my pump, until late afternoon values were correct, but
at dinner they had crossed high thresholds, that I corrected with my pump.
I would like to tell you today, mid-August, dear Father James Manjackal,
that my kidney problems go through the precious prayer of you have completely
disappeared. There are no complaints at the moment. I almost can not believe
Thank you dear James Manjackal from the heart.
God bless and keep you.
Jürgen Söchtig, Wettswil/Schweiz
& Klára - Czech Republic
Dear Fr. James
Shortly about us, my name is Michael (40), I met Jesus when I was 20
years old. Wife name is Klára (36), she is from Catholic family, we have
2 girls, Monika (5) and Aneta (3).
It is by association with the protestants that I came to about the
Holy Spirit for the first time.I believed that my God would give me a right
wife for my welfare.
For the first time with Father James on spiritual exercises by end
of summer 2009 in Koclířov, Czech Republic. When Father James blessed
to all and read what Holy Spirit was telling him, read with closed eyes,
which diseases disappeared from audience (with exact numbers, from how
many people) and then he read by the same way all names, who were touched
by God with original special message, ... only this was unbelievable miracle....
and when Father said„ ... 15 of you here will get wife/husband soon...“,
I belived to the word. Very soon, maybe two weeks later The Holy Spirit
told me very clearly: „I’m the husband of Klára, I’m the man, who
is responsible to lead her to our God, I’m her head and Jesus is my head.“
The Holy Spirit told me this message so clearly, like Moses was listening
God from burning bush. I was listening The Holy Spirit from my burning
head, fully of grace words and blessing to my life.
We married in Catholic church in 2010. Later we lost 2 children around 7 weeks old of prenatal life, always around Christmas. We were at doctors, and the result was we are both healthy. We realized, that Devil hates Christian children, and maybe we need to heal our ancestral roots or maybe any other spiritual issue.
After discussion with one very good charismatic priest in Prague, my wife asked him, what he thinks about Father James? He answered, he is Holy person on the Earth. So we decided to go to long weekend on spiritual exercises of married pairs with Father James in Brno, Czech Republic 2012. It was one of the best weekend ever. After lessons, how we should pray together, how husband should pray for his wife and opposite… After many miracle stories, on Sunday, Father James was blessing pair by pair, maybe 300 pairs. There was queue, and when he pass around us, he closed eyes, asked Holy Spirit and after 5 sec. he looked at me, his face was changed to big smile and he told me: “ you must come to me with your child” J. I believed to this word and waited for my first child Monika who was conceived soon.
If anyone decide to follow our good God, and recognize, that our Catholic church has holy priests, who are connected with God, it is intelligent decision to follow them.
God bless you
Michael & Klára
& Tatiana - Czech Republik
God bless you!
Thank you Father James for two spiritual exercises in Brezno. We would
like to share the testimony of God's blessing through your prayers.
You said during adoration: "The Lord gives you the gift of the
child", we believed it and really it happened. The Lord gave us grace to
forgive and the Lord gave us the baby after five years of marriage!
Praise to Jesus Christ!
Father James we love you, continue to pray for us and for our child!
Lubomir ♥ Tatiana ♥ our baby in womb (will be born around 14.December
- Martinique Island
Hello, Father James,
Here is as requested my testimony of healing, following the retreat
that you animated with such fervour and faith in January 2018 at the Ferme
Perrine in Martinique.
Indeed, my family tree is infested, among other things, with various
eye diseases (glaucoma, corneal malformations, uveitis, hole in the macula...)
in all generations.
I'm 53 years old. But since my adolescence, I was victim of uveitis
(serious infection of the cormée) repeatedly to the right eye only; the
last one dating from 2013.
Before you came to Martinique, my eyesight had greatly diminished in
the right eye.
I had asked for an appointment with the ophthalmologist, who offered
me one during the retreat in Martinique. So I turned it down! Because I
wanted to attend your retreat.
During your healing sessions, you said two days in a row: "Lina,
you are healed".
The second day, I immediately had the impression that it was a healing
of the eyes. I prayed intensely.. Sisters in Christ came to pray for me.
One week after retreat, when I left my physiotherapist's house, I could
hardly see anything with both eyes (not even five metres away!).
Manjackal & Precy. India
My name is Johny and I’m from Mumbai, India. I’m also the
nephew of Fr. James Manjackal. My wife and I have been married for 5 years
and were having difficulties with having a child. Fr. James invited my
parents and us to Western Europe for a pilgrimage to all the major churches
and holy places. We went to Rome, Padua and Lourdes and many other pilgrimage
centres. My wife and I experienced what millions of other people have been
experiencing for thousands of years when they visit these places – a
spiritual upliftment and renewed vigour to live life as per the wishes
of our Lord and Saviour. We also spent time with Fr. James in the house
of Dr. Richie where he, Gaby, Richie with his wife Janine and 8 children
prayed over my wife and me by laying their hands on us to have children
in our married life. God answered the prayers and miracle happened!Almost
as soon as we came back to India, my wife, Precy conceived and infact now
after nine months she has given birth to a healthy baby boy who was born
on the exact birthday of my uncle, Fr. James! Praise the Lord for
being merciful to us and giving us the grace of having a child. We
named him James. It was a great joy for our whole family that my uncle
with all his pains and hardships on his wheel chair came alone to Bombay
to baptise our child on 28the April.Hope this helps those who are still
yearning for the Gift of a child, may the Lord help you as he has helped
us. Indeed prayers with faith do wonders!
Johny & Precy.
Dear Father James,
My name is Kamila and I am from Poland (I live in Kielce and together
with my husband we took part in the Father's retreat with us).
We have been married for 10 months, and immediately after attending
your retreat, God blessed us and gave a beautiful son Adam. We thank and
praise for the gift of our child.
God bless you.
- Slovakia
Praise the Jesus!
Hi father James, my name is Lucia and I´m from Slovakia. We have been
in Brezno. We expect fifth child we are happy becouse we said yes to life
with my husbend, but our famillies is thinking about us that we are crazy,
we are living in Kosice and we praise for our house. We are living in sublease
for 6 years I´m home with all my childrens and my husbend working , he
is making roofs and he is dooing medium schol because he was drug
addict and he spend 6 years in comunity Cenacolo, me too but only for 3
mounths – thanks a God for this time! Anyway I would like to say thank
you to God because of you! Before I came to Brezno I felt really bad because
my ppregnancy it was hard time I was despread and sad because I coud´nt
look after my babys and husbend and home. I never felt like that before.
I said to Michal(husbend) please go without me to the Brezno I can´t go!
and he said no way, we are going to be closer the God, this
will be our sacrifice! So first day Friday was dificult and during the
mass after confession when bread was transformed of Jesus I felt power
(now I am crying) and sickness and illness was away!!! Thanks God i worship
you!!!! And my little son Mateo he had skin disease and is away and you
said his name he is only 4 but he is praying every evening for his skin
so he is so happy and always singin thank you thank you Jesus J)))))
And I had complicated kind of epilepsy for last 4 years, i had 20 seizures
during the day and 20 during the night with urine leakage I know that I
am so prod but I started pray for fourth child was
born by section because of this diagnos of epilepsy and I have strong tablets
two times a wants give me stronger tablets but I love breast
feeding...and my gynecologist said Lucia you have 4 children must be enough
for you I will give you contracentive body...I said to her NO i am catholik
and she said that we are not normal...anyway I realy had a fear to go the
doctor now when we expect fifth baby but there is a new doctor and she
was thinking that I am without children thank a God! But you was pray for
people with epilepsy and I felt it is me...I am not eating tablet from
Friday!!! God is good father!!! Thank you Jesus
And I have 8 younger brothers they are addicted of alcohol and three
of those were in Brezno and for me is miracol!
Thank you Lord Jesus
Please for our house and we will pray for your mission. Thanks
& Mirosław Bińkowscy with son Peter -Poland
Dear Father James!
We would like to share with You our testimone.
I and my wife took part in retreat in Warsaw in May 2016. Until that
time, we have been trying for a child without success. During retreat there
was a special prayer for couples without children. Father James put his
hands down on our heads and started to pray. He said: “Lord Jesus is
purifying You from your sins and gift You many offspring.” After prayer
he added: “come to my retreat with your first child.” 2 weeks after
the retreat my wife became pregnant.
During all of the pregnancy, every day we prayed with a special prayer
for a pregnant women from Father James Manjackal book with 33 charismatic
prayers. Unfortunately, in the first trimester was abnormal ultrasonic
genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother. the probability of birth
of a child with genetic defects was 1 to 56. It was a difficult time for
us, but we have trusted to God and have prayed. Our son was born on February
14, 2017 with a asphyxia pallida. He was livid and limp, shows signs of
apnea, thank God, only for a short time. Since then our son is healthy.
There are no genetic defects or neurologic deficits.
We believe that the conception of the child and the fact that it is
now healthy are miracles performed by the Lord Jesus.
Praise the Lord!
Aldona & Mirosław Bińkowscy with son Peter
-Czech Rpublic
My dearest Father,
Please see below the photos of Jakub 17 years, for whom you prayed very hard last summer as he was diagnosed with the leukemia and had to transplant his bone marrow right after. The chemo therapy continued after. The Lord kept little Jakub alive and his family is very grateful and would like to thank you from the whole heart for your prayers and support. They believe that it is YOUR PRAYERS that saved his life. Praise the Lord.
Jakub has been isolated for half year at home now, his immunity system
is still very weak and he has to stay isolated at home till the next school
year. But he just had his first hear cut of new hair. Praise the Lord.
Slowly he is getting better, communicating with his friends via computer.
With the grace of the Lord he would like to start at the Bishop Gymnasium
in Brno at first grade in this following September. The family very kindly
ask for your prayers for this boy and for the whole family.
We are thanking god for this little boy even though we don't know this
family personally and we hope that he can have a good life.
Our deepest love and prayers
- Poland
My name is Agnieszka. On retreat in Kielce in 2015, I was healed from
my knee disease. I had two operations after which I could not walk properly
anyway. The muscles in the thighs were sunken. During the retreat, when
father said: Agnieszka, you are healed, I felt a current passing through
my body . For a month after the retreat, the muscles in my legs trembled.
After this time the pain has gone away and I can walk normally. In addition,
father said that they are on retreat persons who will soon meet the future
husband / wife. A year after the retreat I met my fiance. Similarly, 4
familiar people who were on retreats got married. I believe that this is
just the beginning of blessings and healings in my life. Thanks Jesus!
God bless you father,
Hello Father James,
I'm Valerie. I am 43 years old, I am married and mother of a 14 year
old girl. I live in Guadeloupe (island located 45 minutes by plane from
Martinique). I was delighted to participate in your retirement in Martinique
ten days ago. I am charismatic since 1999. Assistant social training, I
am currently receptionist at the Family Allowances Fund of Guadeloupe.
Give thanks to God because I was healed (haemorrhage-blood loss) during
your retreat. If one day I meet you, I will give you my testimony in more
Union of Prayer - Be Blessed
Hi Father James,
I have emailed you twice asking if you would pray for me to have good
health after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. You have kindly prayed
with me since my request.
I am writing to let you know that I have had some good news, my cancer
is currently stable and has also had an over reduction of 30%.
Thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray with me in hope
that the good Lord will bless me with a cure.
Kind regards,
Nicole Unsal
Xavier. India
I am Joseph Xavier. I testify here all the blessings that I had received
at a Charismatic retreat conducted by Fr, James some 25 years ago from
8th to 12th Nov 1992, at Eramalloor, Karumancherry, in the district
of Alappuzha, Kerala. When I was praying during the adoration, through
the mouth Fr.James, the Holy Speak said the Lord took away my habit of
smoking and alcoholism. Immediately I felt the power of the Holy Spirit
falling on me and transforming my life. I was addicted to them for many
years! From then till today I have not smoked and even touched even a drop
of alcohol.On the last day of the retreat, while praying to remove the
blocks of the youth to enter into their states of life; he said names of
some who would get married soon within a year, and I was one of them. God
gave me good catholic wife within one year as it was prophecied; I got
married on 25th October 1993. Today I thank God with my wife and three
children for the many blessings Jesus bestowed upon me from the time I
attended the retreat of Fr.James. I express my gratitude to Jesus by evangelising
and proclaiming His lordship to whomever I meet. I gave this testimony
directly to Fr. James when I met him on 2nd February 2018 at Charis Bhavan,
Athirampuzha. Although he is on his wheel chair with much pain, he heard
me with much patience and prayed for me and my family.Praise the Lord!
Joseph Xavier,
Kovendha Chirayil,
Thuruthy, Chnaganacherry.
- Martinique
This retreat spiritually redeemed me and I needed it a lot because
I had a weariness of everyday life (personal life, work etc ...). I had
heard so much about you father Manjackal!
You want so much that we are saved, it is beautiful and that pushes
us to want LA SAINTETE by applying the 5 vitamins!
Corine Capitaine
C. - Martinique
I give thanks to the Lord for you, Father Manjackal, who was able to
hold four intense days despite your suffering. 4 wonderful days for me,
the lord was really present.
Thank you for healing my stomach and healing my cousin's legs.
Yolaine C.
L.- Martinique
I will never be able to express in words all that I felt when I learned
of your coming Father Manjackal. This retreat was very enriching for me
especially your teaching on: the importance of the confession, to learn
to know more and more the SAINT SPIRIT and to call it often, the teaching
on the family ...
It was a great joy for me every night to tell my family members about
my day.
Suzon L.
J’avais vraiment hâte de vous rencontrer père James, depuis plus
d’un an je priais déjà le Rosaire médité selon vos enseignements.
Vos Conseils concrets au regard de la Parole de Dieu pendant ces 4
jours m’ont fait grandir dans la Foi en la Sainte Trinité..
Merveilleux temps avec vous saint Prêtre JAMES qui êtes allé au
de-là de vos souffrances terribles pour nous porter Jésus sur un plateau
Soyez remercier dans le saint Nom de Jésus.
Bravo et merci à Vincent interprète très humble mais si efficace,
à l’ange gardien Gaby, Maryvonne qui a tout bien coordonné.
Revenez vite nous porter encore l’Amour de Dieu et nous conduire
encore plus haut sur le chemin de la SAINTETÉ.
Dear Fr James; Praise the Lord.
My name is Joseph, a Tanzanian currently living in Brussels Belgium.
I wish to share with you the testimony of our encountering with the Lord
Jesus Christ when my wife Lucy and I attended your retreats. The first
retreat we attended from 15th to 17th of September, 2017 at Maison De La
Culture at Nevers, France. As a matter of fact I must acknowledge
the fact that I never knew you or rather heard of you before. But as we
are in the Charismatic renewal one day a family friend told us about you
and helped us to arrange to attend the retreat in Nevers. This same family
friend also gave me your website so that I can see the Might and divine
Hand of Jesus Christ through your ministry. Indeed we saw all the divine
work and got inspired to attend the retreat. We knew that now our long
time illness and sufferings has come to an end. I wrote you an Email
and you responded instantly as I asked the possibility of having an audience
with you. During the retreat my wife and I consulted you and explained
our difficulties. I was suffering from a severe back and waist pains
to the extent that standing or sitting for a long time was difficult. Also
my left index finger was in such pains that the normal use of my hand was
difficult. These pains normally got worse at dawn especially after waking
up and inhibit my normal movement. Way back then it was like a partial
paralysis at the right hand side of my body. I started experiencing
all these from the year 2010 onwards. I was also experiencing vomiting
(mucus like or even blood sometimes) whenever we started praying of when
someone was praying for me. I have attended several healing and deliverance
programs back home since 2011 but to no avail. All the medical tests
showed negative. So when you prayed for me the first time in
Nevers, I fell down, started vomiting and epileptics manifestations. Later
in the afternoon session you mentioned my name twice saying Joseph you
are healed. That was the new experience with me and so I actually claimed
that healing in Jesus Name. You also mentioned my wife’s name to be healed.
On arriving home after the retreat I experienced vomiting only on two occasions.
But until now no vomiting as it was used to be. Likewise, I have received
a complete healing of the index finger in my left hand. These days no pains
at all and I can now make the normal use of my hand. However, I was still
experiencing minimal waist and back pains.
Again we attended the second retreat in Münnerstadt Germany from 26th
to 29th Oct 2017. We were lucky enough to have an audience with you again
this time around and being consecrated. My wife has been
experiencing unstable menstrual cycle. When we came to the retreat she
was beyond the normal cycle for one week and no usual signs. But the moment
we came to talk to you she started experiencing the signs and started the
cycle. After returning home on my first day after the second retreat in
the morning I did some physical exercises with ease that I was not able
to perform for more than 3 years because of the severe back and waist pains.
Indeed Jesus has healed me just the way you said it two times during the
retreat that you saw me being healed physically. Apart from physical and
inner healing that we received we thank you for your guidance on Holiness.
We ask you to keep on praying for each other so that we can be together
and share the feast and the banquet which our good Lord has
prepared for all His faithfully children.
Dear Papa, We really thank God for you and pray that God should
protect, heal and pour on you more divine anointing so that many
afflicted people can encounter Jesus through you the chosen
and humble servant of GOD and banish out the work of the devil. We are
quite sure that on our side Jesus in us the best is yet to come.
Thank you so much and God bless you Papa (Asante sana na Mungu akubariki
Dear Father James,
Thank you very much for reply and prayers !!!
I believe I was healed from food allergies, diseases, spinal pain,
thyroid and nodular disease. I believe that will give me a good job. I
thank Jesus for his healing. He gave me a new life, healed from injuries
and gave friends. Praise the Lord!!! Jesus lives!!!
Thank you very much, I wish You health Father!
With gratitude and love
Ich habe im
Februar 2015 bei Pater James Exerzitien gemacht und wurde in deren Verlauf
von einem Krebsleiden geheilt. Ich wurde vorher schon zweimal operiert
und nun hat das Krankenhaus bestätigt:
Bei dem Patienten
sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen vorgesehen. (Den Entlassungsbrief habe ich
wurde eine Dornwarze, die seit langem beim Gehen schmerzte, plötzlich
Dank dem Allmächtigen, aber auch Pater James für die Fürsprache.
Wolfgang Bayer
Zeugnis: Was ich bei den Exerzitien von P. James Manjackal erlebte:
Diese Exerzitien waren für mich eine unglaubliche Erfahrung. Schon
am ersten Tag, als ich hineinkam, hatte ich den Eindruck, als ob mir eine
schwere Last abgenommen würde. Der Heilige Geist wirkte sehr stark und
so verbrachte ich die Tage in großer Freude. Beim Heilungsgebet
von P. James heilte mich Gott von meinen hormonellen Problemen. Ich hatte
stets eine sehr unregelmäßige Menstruation; es kam schon auch mal vor,
dass ich über mehrere Monate hinweg meine Tage gar nicht bekam. Davon
bin ich jetzt befreit, ich konnte kurze Zeit nach den Exerzitien bereits
den physischen Unterschied erfahren. Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese Heilung,
denn ich fühle mich nun wesentlich besser.
Ich leide auch schon seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt an Schlafstörungen.
Die Heilung diesbezüglich wurde auch für mich bereits freigesetzt und
sie wird sich in den kommenden Monaten mehr und mehr realisieren.
Das Überwältigendste war für mich allerdings ein Gespräch mit einer
geistigen Tochter von P. James. Sie erzählte mir von ihrem Leben und wir
fanden viele Parallelen. Sie legte mir nahe, für meinen Stammbaum beten
zu lassen und eine Gregorianische Messreihe für meinen Stammbaum lesen
zu lassen. Ich verstand plötzlich, dass ich für meinen Großvater beten
und Hl. Messen lesen lassen soll. Dazu hat mich auch das Zeugnis von Dr.
Richie ermutigt. Sie versprach mir außerdem, für mich zu beten. Nachdem
ich das gemacht hatte, habe ich bei einer Hl. Messe den aufrichtigen Dank
meines Großvaters gespürt und ich habe gemerkt, welch große Gnade es
ist, dass ich von diesem Anliegen erfahren habe.
Jetzt merke ich, wie Barrieren in meinem Leben beseitigt werden. Manchmal
sind nicht die Umstände das Problem, sondern der eigene Blick auf die
Umstände. Ich treffe zunehmend auf Menschen, die für mich beten und die
mir helfen, die Dinge anders zu sehen. Und plötzlich wird das Unmögliche
möglich…. So habe ich wieder Hoffnung geschöpft, dass sich meine Berufung
realisieren lässt.
Was den Alltag betrifft, so hat sich Folgendes geändert: Mein Gebet
ist christuszentrierter geworden. Und ich bete mehr zum Hl. Geist. Ich
habe begonnen, das Buch „Ich sah die Ewigkeit“ zu lesen, in dem James
Manjackal über seine Nahtoderfahrung berichtet. Seither habe ich eine
bessere Erkenntnis meiner Sünden, ich kann mich selber klarer sehen und
habe mehr Respekt vor Drogensüchtigen und Obdachlosen.
Ich bin unendlich dankbar für diese Erfahrung und könnte mir nicht
vorstellen, wie mein Leben verlaufen wäre, hätte ich diese Exerzitien
nicht besucht.
Mag. Karmen Hofer
Testimony of Monika from Slovakia:
God helped me to end up with smoking
“Not in three days, now!” “Not me but God
“ I had been smoking for 15 years. It all started because I was feeling very unhappy, unsatisfied, broken. I lost many things in my life that time and cigarettes were only one thing which nobody could take me. At least I thought so. I found more advantages at smoking. I became self-confident. I did not eat so much so I was slim. I had a break for a cigarette at work with all other colleagues. It looks like the great idea to smoke because I was feeling very well. Unfortunately, cigarettes were my compensation for pleasure which I did not seek in God. It was not good. I felt it somewhere deep in my heart. I was popular but my friends did not care about me. I was slim but my problems with unhealthy eating did not change. I was self-confident but alone. One addiction changed to other addictions.
I heard that people stopped smoking and I knew that I can do it too. However, I felt that I do not want to. I was still resistant. I thought that I enjoy life which I had but I knew that when I stop smoking I again gain weight, lost “friend”,…. I stopped for a while but I was again smoking when I felt bad. Everything changed when I heard a testimony of one woman. She decided to consign her addiction as a compensation for souls in purgation. I was decided to do it too. It was in October in 2016 and I wanted to wait till the All Souls’ Day. Meanwhile, I and my family came to Kosice where Father Manjackal celebrated holy mass. He called upon people to bring their joys, sorrows, addictions (even smoking) to the altar. He added: “Not in three days. Now!“ It touched me so much because according to my deal with God it was three days until the All Souls’ Day. I had the last box of cigarettes which I intended to festively smoke.
After an inner fight, I devoted my life and addiction to God as a child. I said: “Please, take away from me all sorrows, my inferiority, my fear of putting weight. Not my, but your will be done! “Then I understood that all the time it was me who wanted to fight against the addiction. However, it was possible only with GOD in me. It is a part of all healing what has happened in my relationships and family. I realize that everything is changing and healing when I forgive but also bless in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus.
Dear Father James,
First off all I would like to thank you for your prayers for our son
Nickolas. I wrote to you last year, he was about to lose his leg.
After a year and 12 surgeries later, he is able to work and go on
with a normal routine. We believe that it was because of your prayers in
your holy masses. We come to know that your prayers and masses have great
power and effect, as you say " Mass has infinite blessings". Thank you
or as they say in German: Vergelt's Gott!
May I please ask you for your prayers again, we are in
Georgia USA, and in the path of hurricane Irma. Please pray
for for us and for all the people in Irma's path, as well for everyone
that has been affected by hurricane Harvey.
My parents have come to Altoetting to your seminar 3 times. How I would
love to be able to join them. Thank you for all you do and your help.
You are included in my prayers.
Sandra Eubanks
and Brygida and Magdalena
Dear Father James,
In October 2016 me and my wife- we took part in your retreat for married
couples in Warsaw.
We have been trying for many years to have a baby. We have prayed in
this intention, also as intercessory prayer. During your retreat you prayed
for us and the Holy Spirit told us, through you, that we will have a baby.
You told us as well to come to see you with our baby. One month after the
retreat, my wife became pregnant.
August 5, 2017 our daughter Magdalena was born (according to your request
in the attachment I send our pictures together).
With God's help we want to participate in your retreat in 2018.
God bless you.
Jacek Jesionka
Dear Fr. James Manjackal,
I am Hermine from Südtirol (german speaking part of Northern Italy)
and I was able to attend your retreat in Altötting.
I am so overwhelmed and I have to say that this seminar was the most
beautiful one that I have ever attended.
With all my heart I thank the Holy Spirit for the many graces and blessings
that He gave us and to you, Fr. James, may God reward you for everything
you taught us and for the many blessings that you invoked for us from God.
Alleluia, a hearty thank you!
I praise and thank God also that He gave us such a Holy Priest like
you, Fr. James. Alleluia.
Here I also want to give testimony, thank God I have received inner
healing. On the second day of the retreat we had to put the hand on our
chest and after some time I felt everything warm around my heart and afterwards
you pronounced my name and said that I am healed.
I had such a great joy and was so happy and only wanted to thank God.
In the evening after the retreat I went to another holy mass and I couldn’t
even listen to the Priest, because I had to thank God the whole time.
Already half a year ago here in Südtirol I had started with a priest
to pray for my inner healing. He also helped me with blessing and prayer.
This priest did not know that I took part in your retreats. After a few
days when I had returned home, I realized that this same priest got an
inspiration exactly on the day when I received healing in Altötting, to
pray for me although he already wanted to do something else..
The Holy Spirit worked with full power.
Now I am so happy and full of joy that I have peace again in my heart.
I also had the grace of resting in the Holy Spirit.
Dear Fr. James, I wish to understand what God wants from my life? What
am I called for?
Please can you ask the Holy Spirit that He may show me exactly what
He wants from me and what I should do and that I may also get the joy,
the wisdom and the power to go His way and live in holiness.
May God reward you a thousand times for everything.
All the best and God’s richest blessing for you!
Hearty regards, happy Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit!
Hermine Costabiei
My name is Marta Mičánková and I would like to share a testimony
about my healing from multiplex sclerosis that happens during one of the
renewal retreat with Father James.
On 10. April 2011 in the early morning I experienced terrible vertigo
that didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop vomiting. My husband called for an
emergency. I stayed in hospital for couple of days. After plenty of medical
examinations the doctors diagnosed me multiplex sclerosis. They started
to cure me with interferons injections.
I was frightened how everything will go on. We had a 10 months old sun
and 2 years old tougher at that time. However I hoped for a miracle….which
finally happened.
In the spring 2012 me and my husband attended a renewal retreat with
Father James hold in Brno Czech Republic. I wished to get healed…
During this event Father James put his hands on me and my healing happened.
That day ended with a holy mass when my name was mentioned: “Marta, you
have been healed from multiplex sclerosis (MS)”.
After my first attack my left leg became weaker and was prickling.
Since the moment I was healed the MS’s symptoms are not developing. They
stayed the same. I go for a medical check every year where they scan my
brain. There is no development of my brain damage here either. So the conclusion
of doctors is that the MS is stabilized and not developing. See below.
I told the doctors about the fact I had been healed but they strictly asked
me to continue applying injections. However I believe God has healed me
through Father James.
Dear Father James,
My name is Margaret, I am 36years old. I am suffering from multiple
During Your retreat I was praying for healing from this disease
but God wanted something else
I started smoking when I was 19.,I smoked for 17 years.
I tried twice to quit smoking but was no effect
On the second day of the retreat in Warsaw I smoked half a cigarette
and threw the rest out
On the third day situation repeated, I lit only a half cigarette
- I could not finish smoking this cigarrete - God was already working in
Since the retreat has passed already 5 weeks - I did not smoke any more cigarette. I am free from smoking, praise the Lord.
I went to your retreat in Vienna at the beginning of February 2016.
It was my second retreat with you. I was almost dead in my faith, I didn't
love Jesus and had no prayer live with dear Jesus and dear Mother Mary.
Before I went to Vienna I experienced the devil for the first time in my
life. I had problems with my car and I was not sure whether I could come
to your retreat. I told Jesus "if you want me at this retreat, you will
resolve my problem" and Jesus resolved it. Through your prayers to the
Holy Spirit, Jesus gave Himself completely to me and I fell in love with
Him. I remember it was just Jesus and me, like other couples loving each
other. I had just eyes for Jesus. Since that moment I have been feeling
a deep relationship with Jesus, it's like being married with him. There
is something between me and Jesus and Jesus is always waiting patiently
for my prayers and His eyes are looking with great love on me and on my
life here. So after that retreat I was a completely different person, my
life changed completely. I got a new heart. You were talking about the
5 vitamin tablets and I am taking these tablets almost every day. And not
only these tablets I am taking, I have been doing more and more. I have
been going to Holy mass, have been praying with my husband, I have been
reading in the bible with my husband, I have been talking (praying) to
Jesus, to God to the Holy Spirit, I have been praying the Holy rosary almost
every day. And since last September I have been starting to volunteer as
a sacristan in our small church and people are saying that this church
is showing love to people. I have been going to retreats, have been going
to the Holy confession almost every month..... Now I know that I may have
a chance to go to heaven and I can already experience God's presence in
my life here on earth. Now I know that Jesus is the most important person
in my life and I already gave my life to Jesus in a charismatic retreat
this spring. Thank you Fr. James that God gave you us people so we may
go to heaven!!! And I have been praying for you, almost every day. I have
been praying that God let you on earth for more years coming.
Dear Father James,
I am Mario. I live in the North of Poland. I am disabled since I was
born. I have Cerebral Palsy and hydrocephalus. I use the sticks to walking.
Besides Cerebral Palsy I have almost everything but I believe. I was on
Your retreats in Warsaw since 15 – 18 June, 2017 and I was healed from
my high pressure. It was my second time, but this time was special. During
retreats I have had experienced of the Holy Spirit. In first day when you
said during the mass: Mariusz Jesus is healing you. In that moment
I felt big stream of warm for all my chest. I felt peace and good. I knew
it that has happened something good. For all 4 days of Your retreats
I felt strange: something was going with my body: a lot of streams of warm
into my body, especially into my chest, besides tears and calm. When
you blessed me with all disabled people one day I felt warm in my head
and when I stood up from the chair I felt big streams of warm through all
my body and I couldn't say anything. Suddenly I started crying. One woman
asked me: Are you ok? But I've been still standing and crying. Another
girl from the community looked at me and I saw she knew it what was happened.
After retreats I felt badly. I had a headache and dizziness. I didn’t
know what is going on. I stayed in Warsaw. I couldn’t go
to the doctor. I decided to reduce the dose of my medicines but every day
I've been checking the pressure of my blood. I said: Jesus I Trust
in You. I felt better. When I came back home I was going to the doctor.
My doctor knows my case for 20 years. She examined me, also did ECG, she
told me you are very calm, everything is very calm and everything was ok.
She reduce the dose of medicines. Now I am taking only two piece of tablets
on a day. Earlier I took 3 kinds of medicines only in the morning.
Besides I have to go on the control in two months. I wanted to give my
testimony on Sunday, when the retreats was ended, but I was afraid. I am
sorry Jesus. Now I have the possibility.
Thank you for that my Lord.
Grace the Lord.
Now I am waiting on my legs. I felt… but maybe I wasn’t ready.
So keep the faith! Jesus is alive!
Mariusz Wentowski – Poland
Dear Father James!
As promised I would like to send my testimonial to you! It was in 2012
after Easter when I participated in your courses (Exerzitien) the first
time. My husband unfortunately could only stay for two days. During lunch
break when you laid your hands on the sick people in order to bless them
something special happened. When you laid your hands upon my head and prayed
over me everything started to vibrate and at first I was like “what is
he doing to me?“ but in this moment I experienced the power of the holy
spirit! This was my first experience of the holy spirit! I got the gift
of praise and from this moment on I started to do praise at home. Also
the praise at your exercices when everyone was singing and praising the
Lord began to feel like an early stage of heaven for me. Especially at
the communion I felt the power of god! When I came home I looked out oft
he window because my husband noticed something strange in the skys. So
I took a photo. When i developed it I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of
a dove in the sky and I realised that this was the exact display as a colourfull
cross which is hanging in my living room on the wall. This is the place
where I allways praise the Lord with songs! Furthermore I asked you to
pray over me because I was ill very often and I wasn´t able to go tot
he holy mass everyday as you told us to do. A few weeks later I also got
this grace and since then I am able to go to mass every day.
Thank you for all your prayers and love for me and your precious courses
Your´s sincerely Veronika - Austria
Dear Father James Manjackal,
Following the charismatic session organized by Fr. Manjackal in Brest
on April 29th and May 1st in the church of Saint Laurent in Lambézellec
(29200), I wanted to thank you for having authorized him to preach on the
Quimper and Léon diocese , and to testify of the graces received. I testified
of my physical healing to the participants present on Monday 1st May. I
prayed for my sanctification and healing by invoking the Holy Spirit. I
felt during the prayer for the sick, very concretely my heart dilated in
my chest. At first, I did not take more importance than that.
And it was only on the following day, after the prayer and Father hand
imposition, that I understood, after the rest in the Spirit, the profound
certainty that I was healed. A conversion, a miracle? A great inner peace
has inhabited me since that time. I reviewed the specialist in the oncology
department at Morvan Hospital, and he told me he was not treating lymphoma.
Banal? Leaving the doctor, he shook my hand as if giving me Christ Peace
. I did not ask anything, I received everything and grew up in this ordeal
of sickness. I am happy to be a believer, to live my faith in Jesus Christ.
Trials, I will have others, they are all offered to Him who loved me before
I loved Him.
When we came to Saint Laurent(Lawrence), Fr. Manjackal gave us an Eternity
Water, and I wish that he could evangelize with his charisms France, all
those who have gone away from the God of Love, or who do not know him not
And I also thank Father Jean-Baptiste Gless for his availability, for
having received the reconciliation sacrament and for having opened the
doors of his church on this occasion for this great "reconciliation with
God" (theme of the session).
Thank you also to Father Manjackal for having preached this session
with strength and authority to build the civilization of Love and give
France back to become again "eldest daughter of the Church".
Dear Father James,
I am sister Mary Angelika Spychalska, felician sister from Warsaw of
the Our Lady Queen of Poland Province.
Your retreat is always grace as you emanate of Jesus, His goodness,
love to every human being and of peace.
This year I experienced a real joy of taking part in the retreat in
Warsaw for the third time. It was exceptional because Our Lord let me take
advantage of spiritual and physical healing grace too. I believed that
He would respond with His grace. And He did. I was excited very much about
this moment when I heard: the sister Angelika has been healed.
Before making my decision as to healing I told Jesus that although the spine ache and the lack of hearing are very painful, however, I asked Him for such a grace which would be to His greater glory and let love more - or for the grace of reducing the pain, or bearing this pain for His bigger glory and the good the other ones.
At present, I am feeling strong and very joyful in my heart. I am sure
that whatever has been done by Our Lord, it is His gift. My healing - there
is not only the eased spine pain, what I do believe, but also the other
attitude to pain, accepting it as the grace of Our Lord to the others,
and I have got so many people who are in need of such
I am expressing many thanks to Jesus and you Father with all my heart
for this exceptional healing and I am asking you a lot for your prayer
and imploring the grace of transformation for those whom I keep in my heart.
Praised be Jesus Christ and adored!
Przewor - Poland
A few years ago I fell down the stairs and suffered a lower back injury.
I moved in the corset, but also then decided to take part in the retreat
as a volunteer. Who once experiences this, wants to re-participate in this
great event. I heard from family: you can not handle. But I felt I had
to be there. During those retreats during the prayer for healing, James
said that the Lord Jesus touches the spine. I felt enormous heat. On the
second day I removed my corset, without which I could not function normally.
Jesus healed me.
& Georgia Lehninger
My dear Fr. James,
you made me very happy. By recommendation of my sister Kalliopi Strunz, my husband and I visited your retreats from 21.-23. of April.
My sister gave testimony, she was healed from psoriasis, asthma and
migrane. She is a practicing catholic.
Although we are greek Orthodox she recommended your seminar. We came
with much shyness, but what we’ve experienced in those 3 days helped
us much to
1) forgive,
2) understand the meaning of communion through the 10 wounds of Jesus,
3) experience healing through prayer.
I am sure that I am liberated from migrane, from psoriasis and joint pains.
We received the baptism in the holy spirit and I learned to pray in tounges.
Without exageration - I have never been as happy as in these three days.
I was very touched by the baptism of Jörg, because me and my husband were baptised only a short while ago. Before, we had been with Jehova’s witnesses for 40 years, until we couldn’t stand it anymore. It was a battle that lasted 6 years until we left. You must know that no one is allowed to talk to whoever allows himself to be excluded. At one blow we lost all friends and family. But it was clear in our mind that we cannot help our children if we didn’t get out. Unfortunately, they are still in the sect. But the power of God is great and so we pray for God’s help and blessing that He may lead them into the light and that they may find the truth.
We thank God that he brought Fr. James into our life. Thank you for this seminar that has strengthened our faith greatly. May God keep him for us much longer. Alleluia.
Warm greetings,
Martin and Georgia Lehninger
I, Maria Wimmersberger, Frankenmarkt, Oberösterreich, was healed Saturday
evening during the healing prayers from rheuma in the soft parts, ear pain
and loss of memory. Praised be Jesus Christ, alleluia, thank you Jesus.
best wishes, Maria
Dear Fr. James Manjackal, God bless you and all who you support in
your holy ministry.
On 10.-12.02.17 I took part in one of your many retreats. It was wonderful. Thank you for your effort and clarity. You spoke clear words and that is exactly what we people need in these times. A clear spiritual loving guidance to the words of Jesus. No “wishy-washy”. No. But precise statements, that hit the heart like a sword - like the word of God - and help immediately to correct oneself.
Therefore I was able to understand how important it is to bite one’s tounge and not to talk about a spiritual father in a negative way only because one doesn’t understand everything and how great the risk to judge. I went to confession immediately.
I was able to forgive everything from the heart. Forgiving and forgetting has always been very hard for me and a very long process. Thank you Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord.
Today, at the end of April, I am able to notify you, dear Fr. James,
that I am healed from psoriasis. My bronchial asthma is almost fully gone
and I don’t suffer any more under migrane. Thank you Fr. James.
Thank you Jesus, I love you Jesus, my Lord and my God.
Dear Fr. James, I gladly pray for you, please also pray for me and my intentions to God our Lord. Alleluia, God bless you!
best regards,
Kalliopi Strunz
" I, Manjusha
Joseph, would like to share my experience of the Holy Spirit– during
the conference ‘Life in Christ” Birmingham. I was a nominal Christian
with my Sunday mass and daily prayers without any experience of the Holy
Spirit in my life. This was my first experience of a charismatic retreat
in my life.
When I met Fr. James in his room on the 2nd day
of the retreat, he placed his hands on my head and prayed and then I felt
his hands were heavy on my head. After that prayers tears were were rolling
down from my eyes through my cheeks. I don't know why! I was astonished
at the power and strength displayed by Fr. James during his long &
continuous talks and prayers without any tiredness or weakness as a disabled
man sitting on the wheel chair. I was overjoyed seeing his bleeding palms!
On Friday in the
father noon Fr. James individually laid his hands on everyone’s head
and prayed for the infusion of the Holy Spirit. When my turn came, I was
standing in front of Fr. James, he laid his hands on my head and I prayed
earnestly for the Holy Spirit. This time, when Fr. placed his hands on
my head – it felt very light (not heavy like yesterday!) My body felt
as light as a feather, and I couldn’t control or remember anything. When
I woke up, I was on the floor; I got up and went to my seat: my tears were
uncontrollably running down my face. I was praising Lord Jesus. I couldn’t
join my hands together, even if I forced them. I saw a beam of light coming
into my eyes, and then it split into two beams. I tried desperately to
open my eyes, but I couldn’t open them. The light suddenly filled the
whole room and my tongue was stuck to the top of my mouth. I couldn’t
control my tongue, however I could feel that my tongue and fallen back
into my throat and I choked. I started coughing and got my breath back.
But I lost control of my voice, words came out as noises. Then, I felt
like I was pushed down from the top of a tunnel, I saw an ash-coloured
blanket. However, I am not able to explain all of these things, but I experienced
the Holy Spirit. I felt very peaceful, calm and relaxed.
I attended the holy mass, at the end of the day,
in full concentration. I wasn’t able to do that before. When I came home,
I shared my experience with my family. I took the Bible and I read the
paragraph from 2 Kings: “You are recovered.” I had bleeding for the
last nine months, I became anaemic and I was on treatment. I had to use
a pad every single day, when I attended the conference for two days, I
didn’t even have a spotting. I thought that I was healed – I don’t
need pads any more. Next morning, I went for work - napkin-less! Praise
the Lord! I believed that Jesus the great healer touched me!
Praise the Lord,
Manjusha Joseph
Hello my name is Jacques
At the first retreat I attended in 2006 at "Les 3 épis" Alsace (Apparition
Shrine of Our Lady), I was seized by the depth the truth, the strengh,
the demanding requirement and relevance in mercyfull love of the teachings
of Father James Manjackal especially, charity, reconciliation, family and
That is why I regularly followed his retreats and tried to put into
practice his teachings and received in abundance many graces.
1) Shortly before her death as 10 minutes before this was not planned,
I had the grace through the motion of the Holy Spirit to go and kneel down
before my mother in low for a reconciliation after more than 20 years.I
am sure that my mother forgave me and went to heaven in peace.This happened
because I followed the teaching of FR. James on reconciliation.
2) During a session during a retreat in 2011 Father James said "Jacques
Jesus heals you". I wondered from what. The next day I felt that a big
permanent tension in the belly, following aggressions and sexual abuse,
had disappeared.
3) In 2014 when I was handicapped after fracture of the femoral neck,
Father James said "Jacques you are healed", I felt a great outpouring throughout
my body and I was able to let my crutches, jump and dance, and my physiotherapist
when turning back home after retreat, noticed this sudden improvement.
4) In 2015, the retreat allowed me to discern the will of God and after
a personal trial where by weakness I had set myself up with a lady, I had
the grace to make the decision to break, and the firmness to do so the
very instant I arrived.
I thank God for all his blessings, and I pray that many may benefit from the teachings of Father James, put them into practice and receive the graces of God.
Reverend James Manjackal,
I hereby thank you for all the wonderful retreats you give, for your
intercessory prayers and for the healing I received through you. It is
my duty to share my testimony.
I attended your retreats in 2016 for the first time. I was blessed
with the opportunity of attending both retreats in Fatima, both in October
and December. I attended them along with other members of the Charismatic
prayer group I belong to.
In December, after the healing prayer, when, inspired by the Holy Spirit,
you mentioned the names of the persons who were being healed, right near
the end you mentioned a name similar to mine and the healing received.
I noticed there was a resemblance to my name and the pathological situation
I was suffering from for over 25 years. But there were so many people in
the retreat …, should the healing be meant for me...? I didn’t ask
for that healing…The doctor told me that my clinical problem had no healing
due to its location. It could get better with surgery but it would never
be as before.
I had an anal fissure due to a lack of organic stability which I had
been living for over 25 years, as previously mentioned. The fissure bled
when the intestinal content hardened due to nourishing reasons. It caused
such uncomfortableness and uneasiness that lasted for some days.
But thank God, through the intercession of Fr. James’ prayers I am
healed. Both the fissure and bleeding vanished. I became aware of this
healing some days after the retreat, even before the year ended.
God is the Doctor of doctors! How wonderful it is to know and feel
that Jesus is alive, that He loves us and that He is merciful.
On the last day of the retreat, Jesus wanted to tell me something during
the Holy Mass. At the time of consecration, when Fr. James raised the host,
I closed my eyes and withdrew myself in prayer like I usually do. Then,
a visual phenomenon took place. I saw the host multiplying itself consecutively
in two other hosts alike, separated by a small gap. It all happened in
a brief moment. I thus opened my eyes for I was not understanding what
was happening to me. I opened and closed my eyes again for another two
or three times while the host was being raised, during the chanting. The
visual phenomenon with the three hosts kept repeating itself during those
times I had my eyes shut. It suddenly came to me: “It’s the Holy Trinity”.
In fact, it had never occurred to me to think of the consecrated host in
such terms. I have always recalled that it [the host] was the Body and
Blood of Christ. Although I knew that the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and
Holy Spirit - are three Persons in one [God].
In the end of the Eucharist I told the phenomena to two colleagues
of my prayer group who were next to me. One of them interpreted the phenomenon
the same way as I did, because she also saw it as the Holy Trinity.
Fr. James, I thank you once more for giving us the opportunity to attend
to your retreats, to learn and experience all the blessings the Holy Trinity
provides us there.
God bless you!
Maria de Jesus Justino de Morais Amaral.
Algés - Oeiras, 23rd March 2017
First of all, I would like to apologies for my bad English and that
I was sceptical about Your retreat and teaching. I was also laughing about
that. Please forgive me Father. Now I have opened my heart and eyes and
I am sure, that Someone, Who is teaching about Jesus and Love of God, Holy
Spirit, Jesus, Holy Mother, must be a good and spiritual human. My mother
has convinced me to take part in Your's retreat. I was also sceptical about
that, but now I am very happy that I could meet You, take part in retreat
and that I could pray together with such a good people. I did not understand
earlier the meaning of the shared pray. I thought, if I am praying and
talking alone with God, that is enough. I was so wrong. The power of shared
pray is so big and good. I could also not understand everything from the
beginning, but for now I am sure that I would like to live with Jesus.
I am catholic and I believe in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Holy Mother and
the eternal life. I am and I was praying to God, but unfortunately I thought
that is enough. I thought that I believe and pray and that is enough. I
was so wrong. I did not understand that the Holy Mass and Holy Communion
are very important. Now I know.
I would like to thank You for that. I would like to thank You also for blessings to my father (he was possed by very bad spirit, but now he is feeling good), my mother (she was touched by the Holy Spirit), my sister (she was taking part in the confession) and my husband survived an accident, but he is sceptical about You and unfortunately he did not believe in God anymore. He has lost his faith. I am praying for him and for his conversion. He is a good husband and he is taking care of me. He loves me very much and I love him so much and that is the reason, that I am writing to You. Please help me Father and pray for me and for him. Please pray for his conversion, peace of my heart, soul and to intensify my faith.
I was and I will be praying for Your health, that you could share the
faith in Jesus and blessings of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
Once again I would like to thank You for blessing for my husband
and my family.
God bless You! Thank you in advance!
Marzena Traczykowska and my husband - Tomasz Traczykowski
A testimony of healing from Daniel and Ela Ambrozej
Jesus heals from autism - Turn on the subtitles facility in YouTube |
Last year I was with Fr. James. I was agnostic and always critical
of things I was confronted with. I thought that healings, laying of the
hands and such things are only acted until I was able to feel the truth
myself. During the laying of the hands I felt that someone pushed me and
in the next moment I had such a beautiful feeling that I’ve never had
before. After this I can say full of conviction that it was the love of
God. I received conversion on that day.
of Maximilian from Konstanz
My name is Maximilian, I am a doctor and I live in Germany.
I would like to give testimony of my experiences which I’ve made
through Fr. James.
We met Fr. James for the first time in Vienna in 2016. This meeting
has changed my life completely. I took part then in the Holy Mass with
baptism in the Holy Spirit, an extraordinary experience which kindled the
burning in my heart. Everything became even stronger when I read the book
“I saw eternity”; half of the book I had “devoured” already in
Vienna, the rest of the pages I completed reading at home.
Since the retreats, we (my wife, 2-year old son and I) have been going
to daily mass (with few exceptions), the longing for going to Holy Mass
is always there. Also personal prayer, reading of the bible and rosary
are our daily companions.
We’ve already offered several Gregorian masses, masses for family
tree healing and masses for us. After offering lately 30 Holy Masses, a
great problem in our family has been solved. In addition to that a close
family member has stopped drinking alcohol after 20 years of addiction.
Already after 20 of the 30 masses had been read, he could not drink
anymore and changed in a very positive way.
The experience of the Holy Spirit has also brought great difficulties.
We could feel the spiritual fight very closely for 6 months after the first
retreats. That time was one of the most difficult periods in our lives:
depressions, premature deliveries – we were mentally devastated at times.
But after 6 months and holy masses for the family it abruptly became
better. The spiritual fight continues. We can still notice that life becomes
harder when we are spiritually more active than usually. In spite of these
difficulties I am very grateful for the experience of the Holy Spirit,
I don’t want to miss a day without the Love of Jesus.
Turn back! For the kingdom of God is near at hand. (Mt 3, 1-2)
Thank you very much Fr. James.
- Testimony of healing from my niece Abada Catherine
Catherine Abada comes from Cameroon and at age 6 began to swell her
whole body, she did not know what she had, she was weakening and also began
with urinary incontinence. The poor family did not have enough means to
take her to the hospital and give her in-depth examinations. But they performed
some tests that revealed several heart problems, kidney, etc ...
She spent a whole year without going to school because of various illness
crises. Several years passed until she was aggravated, she could no longer
eat salt, and everything related to flour and oil, had to perform several
blood, heart and kidney tests every month to take medications and also
to maintain this diet. It was also stated that the name of his disease
was a nephrotic syndrome. The situation was fatal because the family is
poor and numerous. That is why I could not sustain the expenses. We begin
to pray for the best doctor to heal her or take her with Him according
to His will.
It is thus that I, her religious aunt, lloked in the internet for some
priests who have received the gift of healing from the Lord, I found Father
James Manjackal and I wrote to him. I also sent you a photo of Cathy. After
a few months the doctor stated that Cathy had completely healed. For the
whole family and everyone who saw Cathy suffering was a source of immense
joy and gratitude to God.
To finish, I thank God and Father James for his mediation. May the
Lord bless you, father James!.
With gratitude: Str. Crescence FMSC
- Valladolid. Spain
Escribo desde España. Estuve en tu retiro en Valladolid el pasado
mes de noviembre. Tengo un hijo de 8 años con autismo. Su nombre es Diego.
Se enfermó después de una vacuna cuando tenía 18 meses de edad. Mi hijo
era hiperactivo antes
Iba a retirarse, corrió sin parar en su casa porque no podía callar.
Ahora, después del retiro, cambió, está tranquilo y aprende las cartas
con el iPad. Ha habido un gran cambio tanto en casa como en
Escuela y en sus terapias. Todavía hay un largo camino por recorrer,
pero este progreso ha sido muy significativo, así que estoy muy contento.
También quise pedirte ayuda con tus oraciones y con poder sanador
que Jesús te da para mi pequeño.
Comparto con ustedes un video de 3 minutos con su trágica historia antes del retiro
Eve Przybylska from Krosno Odrzanskie, Poland
Since more than a year I had a strong Pain of palms and feet as the
bone were crushed. Walking and even standing caused an additional pain.
I had also a strong pain of a backbone and a heart, also disorder of metabolism.
My whole body was covered with cellulite. During the retreat with Fr. James
in my home town in November 2016 I was healed from all those complaints.
I feel in my heart a great joy and peace. I feel very light, like having
the wings... Praise be to the Lord! I thank you also, Fr. James.
Two years ago, after reading the book "I saw eternity" I was healed
from strong allergy to lilies and other strong smells.
2014 I attended for the first time in the retreat with Fr. James in
Warsaw. I was healed there from the pain of the backbone and pulling up
of the Muscles in my legs. In that time, I had also problems with my eyes,
I was losing the eyesight, I saw double, my eyes were burning and itching.
I had balance disorders and difficulties by walking. I had a strong headache
and earache and I wasted often the awareness. I do not like to visit the
doctors so nobody did not know my health problems, even the family. The
complaints became so strong that I decided to visit the doctor after the
retreat. But after the retreat there was no reason to visit the doctor...
I prayed and asked the Lord to heal my eyes: I prayed with such a words:
"Son of David, give me an eyesight, Lord help me to see." My eyesight improved
so that I was able to read, the diplopia disappeared and eyes stopped to
Our God is great! Praise to You O Lord! Alleluia! Thank you Fr. James!
Emilian from Krosno Odrzanskie, Poland
Since many years I was treated for asthma and sarcoidosis. I have many
other diseases, but you need to have something in order to be able to offer
it... Since some time the dyspnoea did not allow me to live normally. Making
some steps I suffocated, I could not speak to much because of coughing
4-6. XI 2016 I took part in the retreat in Krosno Odrzanskie with Fr.
James Manjackal. On the 4 of November 2016 during the intercession prayer
I was healed from asthma, I don`t have dyspnoea and I can sing again. In
obedience I received the medicines giving me before by the doctor. Yesterday
(6 of December 2016) I visited my doctor who reduced by the half the medicines.
In march 2017 I will have the CT and I believe that the sarcoidosis also
yielded; this will be known firstly in march...
Praise be to the Lord, Alleluia!!!
Przybylska, Krosno Odrzanskie / Poland
During retreat I was healed from a heavy pain of my legs and kneels;
from a grave headache (which lasted several years); from a sharp cough
and a high pressure about 190/100/100
After the retreat in my home town with Fr. James Manjackal my blood
pressure was normalized. I am healed!
I experience also inner healing in my heart, I feel joy, peace. I feel
Praise the Lord!
Thank you Fr. James
Leonarda Przybylska
(Holy Mass and the prayer for healing 6 November 2016
Krosno Odrzanskie / Poland)
4. Teresa Przybylak:
I live in Torzym / Poland and my name is Teresa. I want to give a testimony of healing. Since more than two years I suffer on Bolerioza which make my life difficult. I had problems with walking, pain in ponds, I had difficulties even with lifting up of small things like glasses even though I got the antibiotics. When a friend of mine told me about the Holy Mass and the healing prayer in Krosno Odrz. which will be celebrated by Fr. James Manjackal, I got the desire to take part in it. During prayer in the church I heard: Teresa - Jesus heals you from Bolerioza - I was very happy. Since that time I don`t feel any difficulties. Praise to Jesus! Jesus lives here and now!
Skoblicka, Krosno Odrzanskie, Poland
I want to give testimony from the retreat of Fr. James Manjackal which
I attended since 2008. I saw that the Lord gave me different spiritual
and physical blessings and graces which I described in my previous testimony
from the retreat in Poznan in the year 2011.
2009 I received the grace of strength for apostolic life and the grace
of intercession prayer.
I began to speak openly with courage about living Christ and need of
prayer, also praying for the people I met. With the time I saw that many
people got different graces like healing from alcoholism, birth of a child
after a long time of waiting, happy surgery, physical healing and spiritual
The apostolic desire was revealing with the time. Those personal graces
which I got during my retreat in Gorzow Wlkp. in 2009 brought many fruits
in life of other people and my parish. Two times we organized a bus to
go to Warsaw for the retreat of Fr. James in 2014 and 2015. The fruit of
those retreat was the new prayer group of Praising the Lord in my parish.
We met and meet once a week on Wednesday and pray for the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit in our parish, to wake up the apostolic desire of many.
After two years of prayer we were ready to organize together with our Parish
Priest Fr. Zbigniew Samociak the bigger retreat in our town for 1000 people.
Fr. James Manjackal agreed to come and gave it from 4-6 November 2016 in
Krosno Odrzanskie, Poland.
We hoped that at least 500 people from our parish and surrounding will
take part in those retreat. We were blessed more by the Lord because more
than 75% of the participants attended for the first time in their lives
in such a renewal retreat. Even our local authority with mayor took part
in the preparation and actively during whole program of the retreat.
We are getting many testimonies from the participants who tells us
how their life has changed and how they are filled with peace and joy and
also we already got the testimonies of physical and spiritual healing.
Through this written testimony of mine I want to tell that Jesus is
very close to us!!! He is the Way, the Truth and Life!!! Praise be to the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Hallelujah!!!
Thanks also to Father James!!!
Wojciech Jurewicz, Krosno Odrzańskie, Poland
Welcome. Praise be to the Lord! I want to give my testimony of healing
but first of all I want to thank for the beautiful time of grace during
those four days which filled my heart with God. God was always close to
me, but to experience this in such a big group of believers and on such
a way like during those retreat, caused that the Lord filled my heart fully
up. I can say I was waiting for this since my birth. This moment was approaching
and I knew in my heart something special is coming. Yes that moment came
and it was the time of the retreat with Fr. James Manjackal. I didn`t ask
for healing because I know God gives this grace according to His will and
in the time He find as an appropriate. I am 58 years old and have sometimes
small problems with urinary system. I read a lot about this and I know
in my age many men could have such a problem. During healing prayer Fr.
James suggested to ask for healing and touch the sick area of body. Having
feeling of shame I put my hand on my Bladder. Since longer time I had the
feelings of roasting in my Bladder. From the time of that unforgettable
prayer I don`t have any problems and thinking about this I get a feeling
of relief. In such a moment the Lord remember me that very time in which
my hand was resting on my Bladder and the room was filled with a deep prayer.
The retreat was also very special for me because I was a part of music
team. I knew the music level of our group was not so high, but the preparation
time for the retreat, prayers, adorations and workshops, they did it a
very special time for all of us. We prayed for grace of blessing of our
songs. The Lord blessed us richly because hearing us singing I could not
recognise us and I was thinking somebody else is singing. I know it was
a grace of God. Once I had a dream in which I asked God why sometimes happened
inexplicable thing? The answer I got was that our cognition is partial,
our surrounding very reach, even when we are asking for miracle. Many people
praised the music during retreat but I know it was a grace of God. I consider
this as a second miracle of the retreat. I had more experiences of grace
and I am happy having living relationship with the Lord. Thanks be to God!
Thank you also to Fr. James for his apostolic work during this retreat.
Glory to God!!!!!!!!
I met Father James at Estoril, Portugal by the first time. Then,I was
very sick. I hardly could breath,I walked very slow,and I slept with the
help of a machine.
As I entered tears ran to my face. Someone was trying to forbide me
to speak with Father James but I insisted on this. Father James prayed
for me and blessed me. Only asked my name.
At the end of the day,I heard Father James saying - Júlia ,don'
t doubt ,you are healed! I believed.
After four months I went to the hospital and doctor didn't believe
that the examination had got a normal result.It was a public hospital named
Pulido Valente
When I went to Lamego I was without medication.
Now,Thanks God, Thanks Father' s James prayers and power I live a normal
Dear F.James! Hallelujah, praise the Lord, which I now can go without
sticks. I have witnessed many times! It took some time after you told me
that Jesus cured me, and I do not need more sticks because I always had
very strong pain in my feet after walking. But I went gradually without
sticks. About 3 weeks ago I finished a rehabilitation, and with the feet
it is much better. On the rehabilitation I often went (for me) longer distances,
and that was too much then. (Pain) The doctor advised me to walk long distances
with sticks, but I could do it anyway, because I already have long pain
in my shoulder. Well .... But unfortunately, I still plague my spasm in
the legs that means I'm still quite uncertain (but after the rehabilitation
better) But shortly after the rehabilitation I went I again for a longer
time, I had it then very hurried And had to go quickly and rushed. Thank
God, not a gross injury! I will continue to trust in God that he will heal
me further. And thank Him, where He has already cured me. Of course, every
day I do my gymnastics, weekly physiotherapy. ..... Hallelujah! !! Thank
you dear F.James for your prayers, I pray for you, also my mother! Love
- Poland
On Father’s James retreat for marriage couples in October 2016 Jesus
healed me from the fear of heaving a baby. By the fact that I had gynecological
problems and I was waiting for surgery we
postponed conception. I believe that God healed me of my problems and
will give us a child.
On earlier retreat in May Jesus healed me from drinking alkohol. Before
I used to drink small drink or beer almost everyday. Since May 2016 I do
not feel the need to do this.
Thank you Jesus!
Honour and glory to Jesus!
Let me testify about the great grace from God, which I received. Through this testimony I want to fulfil my promise which I gave to Jesus in my prayers for my full restoration.
In July 2014 I received my diagnose - malignant tumor. I was one year and a half after my reversal back to God. I worked a lot from that time but my knowledge about the Truth, Gospel, Holy Bible and my faith weren't enough strong. I didn´t have any choice, I knew only that Lord can heal me completely. So then started my "quick course" of faith. I still continued (maybe selfishly) praying a pleading for my full recovery, but I also had in my mind that the God will can be different. I was looking in a Holly Bible for articles about healing. I copied them to small papers and put everywhere around my house so I could see them. But the Satan caused that I felt all the fears and distressed. He whispered to me: You can’t just simply heal your disease, how could Jesus heal you? He doesn´t even know about you etc. That caused that I was even more praying and one day I asked: What can I do for you, Jesus? The answer was: Just believe me. I will take you through.
I was just lying in my bed without any movement after chemotherapy. The body didn´t want to react so I could only think. I didn't like it at that time, of course, but now I am very grateful for that. I had a lot of time and I could at least in my mind plead for forgiveness from all the people which I hurt in my life. I also forgave the people who hurt me. I took it right from the beginning - kindergarten, school, job, one after another, teachers, neighbours, colleagues at work, seniors, ex-husband, and parents. But I also forgave to me. All it happened because of the help from Jesus. I couldn't do it by myself.
Chemotherapy, lost of hair, surgery, radiation. Second type of chemotherapy and biologic treatment I stopped because of the contraindication. I had luck for amazing doctors with the humane approach. Thank God for them and their care! It was a difficult time, but my prayers, faith and hope still supported me. I went to every holly event what the Catholic Church offer. A big help were prayers from my friends.
I was waiting with a big hope for this year´s spiritual renewal with
Father James Manjack, the Indian charismatic catholic priest with the gift
of healing. My first meeting with him was in June 2015 in town Nitra (Slovakia).
It was the beginning of something new, but because of my blood test after
the event I knew that it is a good way. The second event with him was in
October 2015 in Brno (Czech Republic). There I did my significant confession.
Father James was praying individually for every seriously ill person. Then
the mass for healing and the next day the mass for Holy Spirit was celebrated.
What in Nitra began in Brno was completed. The freedom, real feeling of
lightness came. The feeling that new life start. It weren't only feelings.
Thanks to Gods providence I got the fourth day after event a long planned
whole body examination - CT. It approved that I am completely healed!
And I testified about it in Kosice 2016, where my health get even better.
With gratitude Marie
Czech Republic, 18/10/2016
My name is Dr. Joan Emmanuel. I was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2015.
After recovering from surgery and chemotherapy I was leading a near
normal life for about one year. In 2016 July, when I was on vacation
in Kerala, I started suffering from constipation. It became so severe that
I lost all appetite and sleep.
On July 23, I heard that Fr.James Manjackal was conducting a one day
convention in Charis Bhavan, Athirumpura. I attended the convention
and during the healing session, when Fr was praying, suddenly I could feel
the Holy Spirit in the form of a powerful vibrating current passing over
my surgery site. I could feel my intestines being pulled as I got a sharp
Then I went back home, and since then my constipation disappeared.
I believe that the Holy Spirit healed me in the mighty name of
Jesus and the mercy of God the Father.
From Dr. Joan Emmanuel
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dear Father James,
I went to Poland 3 weeks ago and I saw my godson. I wanna say" thank"
you for your prayer for Sebastian, my godson. Sebastian recovered so fast
after I requested you to pray for his healing. Surgery was in August they
put implant of his forehead and guess what? He decided that he is going
to school from 1st September. He is driving motorcycle 2 km to get to the
bus everyday. And+ he has no headache he said, after such a big brain trauma?.
Sebastian is my godson and my younger first cousin.
I am sending the picture, its a village in Poland called Jankowo. I
am standing with Sebastian on front of the small chapel where we use to
pray all together with my grandmother in May.
My aunt told me that he is better after accident changed for better.
Hope you feeling better father James
God bless you
Katarzyna Gryczman
My name is Krystyna, I am 61 years old and come from Poland. In May
2016, I was diagnosed with skin cancer-melanoma and was miraculously healed.
Praised be to Jesus and Mother Mary for the gift of my healing.
Thank you Fr.James for saying Holy Mass and prayers for the healing.
Dear Father James,
My name is Kasia. I'm 43 years old and I'm from Poland.
I wanted God to heal me and to give me a baby and that's why I attended
the retreat with you in 2014 in Warsaw.
During the prayers I heard God said to me three times "I'm the Way
and the Truth and the Life "After that I heard different sentences in my
head every day. On the last day of retreat in Warsaw I borrowed the Bible
as I needed to find where were the sentences coming from. As soon as I
opened the Bible I saw the words: I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!".I
realized that all sentences from last four days were coming from John chapter
14. I looked at the last sentence: "If you asked me anything in my name
I will do it" and I thought how much I would like to have a baby....
Next month I became pregnant and I found out about it on Christmas
Day. I was 42 at that time.
I would like to Thank You Father James for your prayers!
Praise be to God!
Dear Father,
End of August 2016 you inform us by mail to our request have blessed
the little Lucas 4 years disabled. We just received an email of the grandparents
of Lucas (below) telling us that the child has made great progress.Thank
Jesus.We thank Father Manjackal for your prayers.
Hello Pierre and Jacqueline,
For several months, Lucas made much progress, he repeats the words, began to make small sentences, stands up much better. Flora Hungarian with his method taught me to do the walk taking in some way by the hips because it becomes very demanding, he said often "want to walk, want to walk" !!!! At his hands (above right) is still complicated and long, by the time we see some progress and others when morale is low, resignation trend and see him smile gives us "courage" he does not forget that we are in the school of patience ...
Otherwise what happiness to be with him, he brings us so much joy, he
is kind, funny, naughty, loving, it's really a love of little boy.
This summer was Lucas and his sisters came as every year on holiday
with grandma and grandpa and many had to see him walk in the water, playing
in the waves and beach fill buckets of sand, obviously our Lulu has no
phobia of water as some small child, on the contrary he loves the water
side. Besides, it seems much more comfortable to walk in the water, it
There would be so many stories to tell Lucas that he should write a
book !!!!
Jean-Claude and Ghislaine
Dear Father James!
I have been healed several limes by Jesus and your prayer. Have been
healed from growths of the larynx at the mass in Poland in Gorzów on 26th
of July 2009. I also forgave my father for not taking care of me for years.
Third heeling was from ocultism and fourth from skin disease caused
by mycosis. My physical and mental condition has been getting better now.
Jesus is great! He is the lord of my life.
Natalia Anna
I would like to send you my testimony. I feel I should write it, although
it was already in 2014. I hope you can use it somehow.
My name is Ewa. In 2014, it had been already 3 years since I couldn't
decide whether to marry a muslim man. This unclear situation caused high
stress to me and I was feeling like destroyed. I sent an email to Father
James about my doubts, and I have received answer -" it is not good to
marry a muslim, You would never be happy with a Muslim". Soon I went to
one of his retreats in Warszawa, Poland. I received first time in my life
Holy Spirit. Only because of HIM I had more than enough: strenght, peace
and inner joy necessary to break with my former fiancé. Through Fr. James
God spoke clearly what I should do and what I should not do. It has been
almost 2 years since that moment. God through His Holy Spirit took away
stress and gives me everyday His peace, love and joy. I have never expected
that I could ever feel like this in my life! :)))) Now I can also take
easily decisions with Him. Praise the Lord! :))))
In response to my email request on August 1, backache my mom Françoise
, you know , and your response the same day confirming your prayer to the
Lord , I am pleased to inform you my mom no longer suffers from the following
day, August 2nd and thank you very much for your intervention with the
Lord Jesus. We will continue our prayers for your attention. Thank you
Father James , thank you Jesus!
In union of prayer
His son, Jean -Christophe
Mate for your security during your retirement in France at the request
of Maryvone
Published in Polish
This is the Google's translation from Polish
I never cease to give thanks
We have learned to adore God, to thank him for everything, even for infertility. We understood because it was not a punishment, but a gift. It is God, not a child, he became the most important for us. And as they say: if he is in the first place, everything is in place. In our case, saying it proved 100% - argue Iwona and Sebastian Sobczukowie from Biala Podlaska, who after 11 years lived to the child.
Photo of the last May's retreat from o. James Manjackal: Iwona is held
by a son; next to her is a woman who, looking with a smile at the camera,
also presents a few months baby. Children are more or less the same age.
Likewise dressed. Underneath posted on the Facebook photo caption: "The
two have two sons. Like two worlds, and one. On the left Jacob John, right
Jan Jakub - the fruits of the retreat. " This picture becomes even more
remarkable when you know his story: a few months before the two women took
part in the meeting on. Manjackal; They did not know you never seen.Meanwhile,
more or less at the same time became pregnant, gave birth, which gave the
same names. A coincidence? - Miracle - says Iwona without hesitation. They
waited for almost 11 years.
Silence the heart
Iwona and Sebastian were married on September 24, 2005. After the wedding
they wanted a moment to enjoy the only themselves, but - concede - from
the very beginning they were open to a child. When after three years, still
it was not, they began to suspect that something may be wrong. - A friend
told us that in Siedlce takes a good doctor. So we got to Dr. Joseph faka.
It turned out that I have problems physiological and hormonal. We drove
to Siedlce over a year. Then the doctor told us Dr. FAK. Maciej Barczentewicz,
Lublin physician specializing in NaProTechnology. After nine months I was
pregnant. However, after a few weeks it turned out that the child's heart
is not beating - tells the woman. Again, further studies, medications,
treatments, visits to specialists. The result: after two years again two
lines on the pregnancy test. - We were happy, but cautious. Joy intertwined
with fear - a woman confesses. Unfortunately, the situation repeated itself,
and at the heart of Iwona for years reigned dead silence. Although it did
not give up. They studied, still looking for physical causes, which prevented
them to be parents, but they started to go a spiritual path, which previously
did not know.
spiritual remanenty
At the insistence of friends went to Starogard on retreat with o. J.
Manjackal. During this meeting they learned a lot about themselves, their
families. Charismatic India reminded them what the consequences may involve
persistence in sin, especially hatred and anger. - I thought that about.
James speaks only to us. Indeed, relationships in my family left much to
be desired.Besides about. Manjackal opened our eyes, that the consequences
of sin can weigh heavily on our present life, causing problems that can
not cope - he adds.
They returned with a firm commitment that they want to organize your
life. They began with a prayer for the family, for their ancestors, taking
on their behalf penance, fasting, ordering Masses. - We have learned to
worship God, to thank him for everything, even for infertility. We understood
because it was not a punishment, but a gift. It is God, not a child, he
became the most important for us. And as they say: if he is in the first
place, everything is in place. In our case, saying it proved 100% - argue
Sobczukowie. Also they began to regularly ride a retreat. - Then there
were addressed to us prophecy. I know that some of these words significantly
popukają his head, while God speaks to us and gives us the signs even
today, in the twenty-first century. - Provides Iwona.
prophetic words
More than two years ago, they participated in the National Forum Charismatic
in Czestochowa. - During the prayer for the couple, which took place in
the hall of. Kordeckiego Augustine, we were asked to kneel. At one point,
a young priest stood up and began to follow our way. He stopped in front
of me and, pointing to my belly, he asked if I was pregnant. I replied
that they do not. He said: "Wait, I'll soon be able blessed," then he turned
and walked away. During the break we approached him and asked what his
words mean. We explained that for five years to treat infertility. Then
he explained to us that they do not know how it happened, but is convinced
that he heard the voice of the Mother of God, who told him to tell us the
good news. He asked us yet where we came from. We said that the White Podlaska.
At this conversation ended - says woman. After returning home, she came
to your account on Facebook, and there's a surprise: a message from-understood
at Jasna Gora priest who was a seminarian with Elk. They began to talk
to each other. - A year ago in January he wrote that come to him for holy
orders with the child. And indeed it did, because after four months, ie.
In May, became pregnant, and 18 February 2016. Was born, our son Winnie,
and ... May 21 we went to Elk on ordination. I realize that this sounds
unbelievable, but it all really happened - provide spouses.
Joy and fear
Before Cuba appeared in the world, Iwona and Sebastian sought help in
the next clinic. This time in Warsaw. During his stay in the hospital St.
Families know the patient from Gdynia, who encouraged to once again try
NaProTechnology, but this time in Bialystok. So they came to dr. Tadeusz
Wasilewski. - We have treated with him for a few months and quickly found
out that quite effectively - smiles Iwona, dopowiadając that, contrary
to what is often said about NaProTechnology, eg. That is nothing but a
diary, churches a family planning method, comprehensively uses the most
achievements in medicine in collaboration with the natural cycle of women,
achieving better results. - When the pregnancy test showed two strokes,
I had in mind chaos. I left the house and, walking down the street, at
some point I looked up at located at the Church of St. Anthony cross. I
stood in the place, the people were passing me, and I had the impression
that the world has stopped. It was at that moment I felt that now was my
time, that this time we will be parents. I called to her husband. Just
it was with friends who were also waiting for years for a child. When he
heard the good news, very pleased, but he tried to restrain the joy, not
wanting to offend them. We knew because, as it is. On the one hand, man
is happy, because he is born a new life on the other - he was sorry, that
he did not again - says Iwona, admitting that apart from the joy she felt
fear. But he was different than during previous pregnancies, if przewalczony.
- When we passed the tenth week of pregnancy, in which I lost my previous
children, we were almost sure that in a few months przytulimy awaited our
son. Meanwhile, a few days later I started to bleed heavily. Scared that
a further miscarriage. Panicked went to the hospital. On site, it turned
out that everything is in order. I got a warrant involuntary lying down.
Bleeding occurred from time to time, but Sonny developed properly. I think
it's an evil spirit wanted to scare us, make us doubted. He failed - says
And the miracle happened ...
Through all these years of effort or times not thought about adoption
or in vitro, although the family on several occasions proposed that the
procedure to sponsor us. - I was in the heart of the certainty that God
will give us in the end is the first child.Often I said to him, "Lord God,
keep up your coat and you will not let go, I will ask you, and I know you
will give me a child at the time that you you think is best." And I want
to emphasize very strongly: if not for God and the path that we have taken,
which consists of inner healing and release us and our families, James
would not be. The same is heard from Dr. Wasilewski, who clearly said that
our Winnie is a miracle. Yes, medicine is important, but even more important
is the way of spiritual healing - selects young mother, adding that repeats
all those who, seeing that after many years lived a child, often turn to
Iwona and Sebastian advice. - We urge them to start by organizing your
life, to trust in God. We recommend the retreat of about. Manjackal where
everyone can make a deep examination of conscience. One of the couples
who strongly denied it, while after returning thanks to God for this time,
during which, among others realize how important it is to constantly test
their own conscience that it becomes dangerous disregard for venial sins
- say spouses. - An important moment for us was also the realization that
we need to repair family relationships, to forgive. It happened. Seen from
today's perspective, we are convinced that our problem, that infertility
was a means to heal our families - says Sebastian.
Fruits ye shall know
Iwona and Sebastian live close to the Church. They use musically in the parishes. They are also the initiators of the concert of praise "White Jesus". - It is also the result of our spiritual transformation. He born before I was pregnant with Cuba. During a musical performance in Warsaw, I heard an inner voice: "Organize the White concert of praise to God." I was scared because I could not imagine how I do it. Again, I heard: "I'll give you the people, but the initiative must come from you." I told all my friends about. They took up the idea. The assistance also asked Father. Slawek Szypulski. Managed to. 4 June 2015 r. In amphitheater attendance surpassed our expectations. We believe that this year will be similar - hopes Iwona, adding that the concert of praise is an expression of thanks to God for Cuba. Although - as claimed by young parents - it's still not enough to express my gratitude. - That is why we never cease to thank - provide.
May 2016
Dear Rev Fr James,
Praise the Lord.
I am Jiby Joy residing at Perth Australia.
I had heard about Fr James Manjackal and his preaches in you-tube from
my friend. His powerful speeches about Jesus touched my heart very
deeply and I recognised him, 20 yrs ago I had traveled with Fr James in
a tourist bus from Bangalore to Kerala by sitting next to me.
I was suffering from severe leg pain since last four months. When I
get up in the morning I used to walk only by supporting the wall for few
meters as the severity of pain. This pain also there when I get up after
sitting long time. Doctors named it as 'Plantar fasciitis'. On April 13th
I listened your speech for 2 hours during night. Gone to bed with different
beautiful thoughts of Jesus.
I woke up in morning when my wife came back after night shift and rang
the bell. I ran to to front to open the door. Soon I started to think how
come I could run now which was not able with me for last 4 months.I had
seen the doctor in twice for the same and booked for an U/S on 16th April.I
couldn't believe, I kicked to wall with my leg checking whether the pain
completely gone. I realized my savior Jesus taken away my pain completely
I am sure this blessing I got through while I listened the speech for few
hours ago.
Now I am praying to Jesus to give a opportunity for us to listen his
speech in Australia.
Glory to our Lord, Thank you father.
My name is Rado, I was born as the fourth child, but a disabled child.
When I started to walk properly, I was 12 years old. But it had one flaw.
Every year, I scraped a large number of pairs of shoes , every month about
seven pairs. In 2005, when the father James Manjackal was in
Presov, through the Holy Spirit he told me that Radko will be healthy.
At that time I believed, that I can be healthy, but only for a few days
. After a few years I was on Fire ( seminar of evangelization)- again
in Presov, where the father Ricardo was. Such a feature he called
me in the front of audience that you would not believe.
Through the Holy Spirit he predicted that I would move my hand properly.
I stood in the midst, and he said, "This man will be completely healthy."
Last year when Fr. James Manjackal was in Slovakia I felt that
I had to testify that I am completely healthy. Many have not even talked
to me. It was something special for them. Since September I change the
two shoes. Absolutely not leaky. I walk with a 99% better. In October,
when I was in Brno on retreat with Fr. James Manjackal, so I really
shaking legs, I thought that I fall. I held the spoon as excavator, I hold
it normally now. I have various temptations. But I offer all for
Jesus. Now my voice is deteriorated, but Jesus
is one who tunes my voice.
I already have sang in church, almost like an opera singer. I can carry
a tray with food, yet without soup. I can carry lemonade itself
in a glass. You know, because of what I have achieved so many things? Well,
thanks to Jesus. I try to live in sanctifying grace, going to church every
day. Prayer and Scripture readings keeps me. Frequent Holy Communion gives
me strength. I have dreamed that I was carrying by an angel to heaven.
I have peace in my heart.
Therefore, during this retreat I would like to dedicate to Jesus
and the Virgin Mary.
Praise Jesus for all!
Dear Father James,
I am very thankful for Your prayers for me. I have written to You on
8th April 2016, when I was leaving hospital in bad condition. Doctors could
not help me.
Thanks to Your prayers I have been starting to convalescence. I was
feeling so good that I was able to take part in the retreat, which you
led from 30th April to 3rd May in Warsaw. Since the retreat I have been
getting better day by day. In Warsaw I have got the blessing from You.
You put your hands on my head and gave the Holy Communion. It was a true
gift from God.
Before the meeting with You, I had about 20-30 diarrheas during the day. For 18 years my bowel had been very diseased, therefore, I had suffered on bloody diarrheas. Since the retreat is so much better. I have diarrheas two- three times a day. Also I haven’t got anemia, asthma, arrhythmia and daily fever. I feel stronger and I can normally do my work. Thank You Father for preyers for me. I thank God that I was able to meet You in person in Warsaw. I thank Jesus for healing me every day.
Good morning Father James,
I want to share with you the testimony of my conversion.
I thanks the Lord Jesus and Virgin Mary. My conversion began when i
viewed a video of you preaching in France. While viewing the video i cried
lot,tears cames from my heart with repentance,i was crushed by the word
of God that you was preaching.
I have had bad relationship with my wife,bad habits, &Sins. I was
far away from God and his church for many years. Now I am back in
the Church with prayers and Sacraments.
Father James you are a Holy man,the Holy Spirit act through you. Now
i feel that God is close to me in His church (catholic),through
priests and sacraments. The relation with my wife was restored. We love
each other now very much.
May the Lord bless you in your ministries.. my conversion was definitive
a few month after I had told you by mail to pray for me.
Praise the Lord Jesus and Mother Virgin Mary. Amen Alleluia.
Jean Luc
Dear Father James,
I am sister Mary Angelika Spychalska, felician sister from Warsaw of
the Our Lady Queen of Poland Province.
Your retreat is always grace as you emanate of Jesus, His goodness,
love to every human being and of peace.
This year I experienced a real joy of taking part in the retreat in
Warsaw for the third time. It was exceptional because Our Lord let me take
advantage of spiritual and physical healing grace too. I believed that
He would respond with His grace. And He did. I was excited very much about
this moment when I heard: the sister Angelika has been healed.
Before making my decision as to healing I told Jesus that although
the spine ache and the lack of hearing are very painful, however, I asked
Him for such a grace which would be to His greater glory and let love more
- or for the grace of reducing the pain, or bearing this pain for
His bigger glory and the good the other ones.
At present, I am feeling strong and very joyful in my heart. I am sure
that whatever has been done by Our Lord, it is His gift. My healing - there
is not only the eased spine pain, what I do believe, but also the other
attitude to pain, accepting it as the grace of Our Lord to the others,
and I have got so many people who are in need of such
I am expressing many thanks to Jesus and you Father with all my heart
for this exceptional healing and I am asking you a lot for your prayer
and imploring the grace of transformation for those whom I keep in my heart.
Praised be Jesus Christ and adored!
Drogi Ojcze James,
Jestem Siostrą Marią Angeliką, felicjanką z Warszawy, z Prowincji
Matki Bożej Królowej Polski.
Rekolekcje Ojca są zawsze łaską, bo Ojciec emanuje Jezusem, Jego
dobrocią, miłością do każdego człowieka i pokojem.
W roku bieżącym miałam radość uczestniczenia w nich w Warszawie
już trzeci raz. Były one wyjątkowe, bo Pan pozwolił mi skorzystać
z łaski uzdrowienia duchowego i fizycznego także. Wierzyłam, że
On łaską swoją odpowie. I odpowiedział. Bardzo przeżyłam ten moment,
gdy usłyszałam: siostra zakonna Angelika jest uzdrowiona.
Przed decyzją proszenia o uzdrowienie powiedziałam Panu, że choć
ból kręgosłupa i brak słuchu, są dotkliwe, to jednak proszę Go o
taką łaskę, jaka będzie na większą Jego chwałę i pozwoli
bardziej kochać - albo o łaskę zabrania bólu,
albo znoszenia go ku większej Jego chwale i dobru innych.
Obecnie czuję się mocna i wewnętrznie bardzo radosna.
Jestem pewna, że cokolwiek Pan uczynił jest Jego darem. Moje uzdrowienie,
to nie tylko ustąpienie bólu kręgosłupa, w co wierzę, ale i inne nastawienie
na ból, przyjmowanie go jako łaski od Pana dla innych, a mam wiele osób,
które takiego wstawiennictwa potrzebują.
Całym sercem dziękuję Jezusowi i Ojcu za to niezwykłe uzdrowienie
i bardzo proszę o modlitwę i uproszenie łaski przemiany dla tych,
których w sercu noszę.
Niech Pan będzie wszystkim uwielbiony!
Z wdzięcznością i oddaniem w Panu naszym.
Reverend and dear Father James
On this date so special deeply we wish you a very happy day , God bless
you today and always. We pray every day for you, so that your life is full
of Love, Health , Peace and Blessings of God.
Thank you for physical healing miracle ( muscular dystrophy disease
Duchenne ) that Jesus gave to our son through you in retirement in Carmaux
. Praised be .
Many our lengths and a very big kiss our son Francisco.
Silvia Lima
Carlos Cunha
- Mauritius
Dear Father James Manjackal,
Please find attach the photo of my nephew that I ask you to help to pray for his mouth cancer. Since December 2005 he was living with milk only, cannot eat anything, all our familly was down Bryan mouth cancer was bleeding & deteriorate but we know that for Jesus nothing is impossible. The Doctor informed us that has already done the theraphy & nothing else could be done & that he would check with other Doctors together if he could be sent to India to remove the lower jaw. But he has been miraculously healed from his cancer on 23rd February 2016 during the prayer of Father James Manjackal . We wrote and asked for a prayer of healing and he promised us to pray for him . After checking him well the doctors certified that he was fully healed and there no need to go to India for surgery. Now his mouth is well, he can eat and drink; we praise The Lord for this miracle.
Dear Father thank you for all the miraculous done to my familly by your prayer.
May God continue to bless you all along your way.
Thks & B.Rgds
Stephanie of Mauritius
I have attended couple's retreat with father James Manjackal
in January 2016 in Bratislava. I used to waste a lot time before
TV.During this retreat I was delivered from watching sitcoms in TV. Now
I spend more time with my family and in prayers.Praise the Lord.
bela Lawer
Dear Father James,
I thank you a lot for your e-mail, it gladdens my heart. You ask me,
few month about my testimony. I and my husband could not have a child.
The reason was medical problem with me uterus and mentally blockage. I
was in 2013 in Warsaw at Your retreat, Jesus The Lord healed me, Alleluja!!!
In 2014 I was pregnat, and I & my husband were in Warsow (retreat
with you Father James) to thank the Lord for this miracle.
I bought many of your books,33 charismatic prayer is my favorite one. I pray every day with this book, and I have joy in me heart. I belive, that Jesus took to me throught this book. I learn that Jesus is every day with me, and walk with me. I receive blessing to pray ,,Koronke do Milosierdzia Bozego". My familly receive blessings too, me sister-in-law has now a job, and she found Jesus too. Father James, thank You for your prayer nad message for Christmes 2015, I sent you the most important (for me) photo of me familly.
Me love and prayers to you,
Izabela Lawer
- Belarus
My story with f. James began in summer 2011, when he came to Ros (Belarus)
for a retreat. Back than it was not the best time in my life. I almost
left God, trying to find a way to break a connection to Him I received
in the Christening. I felt offended by God because of various difficult
situations I had gone through a couple of years before. In such a state,
I took part in the retreat and on the first day I experienced healing and
many signs of God's constant presence in my life and his deep love towards
me. I loved f. James and became his spiritual daughter, although he didn't
know about that!
In 2014 during a charismatic prayer, it became clear that I was not
free. It was connected to the fact that at the age of 8 I underwent an
operation on my kidneys and the stitches would not heal and bleed constantly.
My mother took me to a "healer" and the stitches healed shortly after that.
During the prayer it became evident that the woman used my blood for some
magical rituals. From that point on, I suffered from sui?idal thoughts
and tried to commit suicide twice. I couldn't accept my body or psychics.
Or my life as a whole. I had no desire to live. After this I went for several
charismatic prayers for deliverance and regularly received prayer from
an exorcist.
In November 2014 I took part in the retreat of f. James in Warsaw. During the retreat I prayer for deliverance from the consequences of these bondages. I clearly felt that I had a long way ahead of me. I was aware this would be a process and it would take time and effort from me, but also trust in God. I cried the whole time during the treat, because I felt the struggle taking place inside and around me. F. James told us about 7 places where Jesus shed his Blood for us. I was deeply touched by the description of Jesus prayer in the Olive garden, where he sweated with Blood, knowing what was to come after. He asked the Heavenly Father to take this cup of suffering away from Him. How hard it was for Him to accept THIS WILL OF THE FATHER! After that he stood up and went to his murderers - to fulfill the Will. I prayed that he would help me to do the same - as He did.
After the retreat the struggle began! It was a life and death struggle! I fell down and remained in the mud and I couldn't get up, when I did I immediately fell again. I was alone. I even wasn't in a desert. I was in the airspace, void, where you don't hear s single voice, don't feel a single smell and the only thing you can hold onto is emptiness. I would lay on the floor for hours and cried, I felt rejected, offended and I hated everybody and everything. From the outside world I was attacked by rejection, calumny and disapproval. None of those who shared food, living and prayer with me didn't dare to knock at the door of my heart and I shut it. I only had the Lord! My God, who cried with me, laid on the floor and banged the walls with me. He, who didn't leave me even for a second... The image of Him praying in the Olive garden was for me an image of suffering.
A year passed. Every week I went for a prayer of deliverance to a local priest, went for a charismatic prayer in Warsaw, but was still not free. At the end of this year I was indifferent to everything, broken and exhausted. In November 2015 I went to Warsaw for F. James retreat again. I went to ask God for restoring hope, faith and love in my broken heart. At the retreat during the prayer it became clear to me that my path of deliverance was about to end! In a moment the Holy Spirit came softly and filled my heart with confidence in my healing! During personal prayer I asked the Lord for the gift of prayer!
I praise the Lord for the gifts He gave to f. James every day! I praise
the Lord for the day when I saw this wonderful man and fervent preacher!
I pray for him every day and always will!
I thank the Lord for everything! Amen!
I was addicted to cigarettes for almost 9 years (2000-2009) and I couldn't
stop, though I wanted to. I had a need for cigarettes. In the year 2009
, Fr. James,You prayed for me on Kurescek and Holy Spirit liberated me
from this need. I felt His touch in my heart. Through God's Mercy I haven't
smoked since then. I thank You for Your prayer, Fr. James and I thank Lord
Jesus for helping me to stop smoking. I asked Him to help me to stop and
He did. His love is great, alleluia!
and Monika
Praised be Jesus Christ.I suffer from muscle atrophy, was with his
father on a retreat in November 2015 in Warsaw, the second day of the retreat,
said Father Jaroslaw been healed yesterday just go to a good confession,
the other day I went to a general confession, very me relieved that my
soul is clean and that I approached to God, I'm still in a wheelchair,
maybe because then I could not believe my faith is too weak. Father James
I ask you to pray for me. My life has changed after the
retreat, I became a better person, but I try to be better. Thank you
Father James for this retreat.God bless you
Dear Father,
I have suffering back pain since from my childhood after a fall.In
connection with this, pain is radiating to my right leg. It was a horrible
pain that cannot explain .During convention, you have called "Lucy" and
said "Jesus is going to cure you.And also spell out my pain feature. That
time I am sure that Jesus touched me.No where I heard about calling this
name. I was wondered and i believed. Now I am free from that pain.Similarly
I am also free from one habitual sin.
Now I am asking prayer help from you. I am a PhD student. I am struggling
to complete this.So, dear father remember me in your valuable
I wish you merry X'MAS and happy NEW YEAR
and family
Dear father James,
My name is Petra, I come from Slovakia. I wrote you en email a year
ago and asked you for prayers because I have a diagnose "schisofrenia"
and I was afraid that I would not be strong enough to take care of my three
little children.I also wrote you, that I longed for touching by Holy Spirit
very much and wanted him to come into my heart and life.
I want to say thank you very much for your prayers. I was feeling that God gave me his blessing and his strength and has started to fill my heart with his Holy Spirit.I realised that He was prepared to help me all the time I was waiting for Him and the only thing I had to do was to open my heart for Jesus
I will also keep praying for You, dear father. May God bless You and once more - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!
With love your daughter Petra from Slovakia
In January 2014 my husband and I were desparate. We had been married
for 1 1/2 years and really wanted to have a child and a family. We were
devestated, because our big dream of having a big family somehow didn t
come true. We had prayed several novenas, had been on some pilgrimages,
we put our big ask to the feet of Jesus and had asked several saints for
their intersession. In January 2014 I nearly gave up hope and even researched
information about adoption. I felt that God wanted us to grow through having
a family, but for some reason, our prayers were not answered.
One day I went to pray infront of the blessed sacrament. It was the
first time, I didn t pray for myself to have a baby, but for my husband
that he would have a child. Imagining he would never have a daughter or
a son, he could bring up Catholic, brought me to tears. The next day, I
wrote an email to Father James Manjackal. We had received his book for
our wedding, and are praying every evening together the way he had taught
it in this book. I had asked him before for prayers for my lost brother,
and on the day he answered, he had prayed, a big miracle had happened,
and my brother came back to my family.
It was a short Email that changed my life. A few days later on, Father
James wrote back, that he had prayed for us, and a week after his email,
I found out, that I was pregnant! It was a beautiful, uncomplicated pregnancy.
The baby developed very very well, but I was still a bit uncertain, if
everything would work out well, since I had made bad experiences before.
I wonder why I thought so!
A month before the birth, I wrote an email to Father James, in
order to tell him about the miracle the Almighty Merciful Lord had worked
on us, through his intersession. I asked him also to pray for the birth.
The birth was a miracle of 5 hours only. Philippa Maria Philothea was born
without any pain killers or other help. The midwife was not needed.
I can only express my deepest gratitude to the Lord and his wonderful servant Father James, who has prayed for us. The Lord's mercy is unending and so with Sister Mary Joseph Aubert, who we picked as patron saint for our daughter, I only can sing: " Thanks be to God, for all He has done and is doiing for us!"
Elizabeth J. Spiekermann
I grew as an atheist in atheist family. When I was 30 Years old, I
divorced, I had 3 children, one was not my (but I gave sake for it). Then
I meet my wife Iveta and we together found right in Bible. We entered together
to Hussitte Church.
In 2001 year I was invited by voice in my heart into Catholic Church,
the voice said me, that I need Confession. In 2002 life Confession, ratification
of our marriage, First Holy Communion, but my wife Iveta does not want
to practice in Catholics. My wife is good wife, she helps so much, I love
here very much. And I believe, that she will convert in the time. In Catholic
Church I found so much treasures!
In 2010 year I got terrible illness, diagnose was cancer of pancreas!
2011 I was on Your retreats in Koclirov, dear Fr. James and when You prayed
for healing, You said my name Jiri in the healing prayers. And I received
physical healing. Then I went to investigation and cancer was not confirmed.
From this retreat in Koclirov was my health slowly better and better, until
nearly good. But my experience in the Holy spirit was
beautiful! During illness I completely surrendered to God. Your retreat
was for me a new beginning! From this time I tried to go for
every day mass, pray Rosary, live by Ten Commandments. And it slowly be
better and better
My dear Father, I received so much from You on Your retreats ! I love Got so much. I love You so much. I pray for You. I fervent pray for You, and pleas Got to give You the fullness of the Holy Spirit, also health and all You need for Your mission!
With Love
Jiri Frybort
Czech Republic
of Mérika and Eric
Hello my Father,
We are desolated of our English. We wish to testimony after our
first retreat of March 26, 2015 in Lourdes. We are a couple from Réunion
island. I live in cohabitation since 15 years. We did have many problems
to be moved forward in our lives. We asked for graces(favors).
But the difficulties prevented us from to advance. We asked if
our or our religious practices were
good. Merika comes from a Catholic family. There was had occult
practices in her family in the past. Today
they are income to the path of the Catholic Church.
Eric me, I come from a family with a double religion, Hindu and Catholic.
We go to Mass and I was doing my parallel Hindu prayers. We be present
during our travels in the Meeting to Hindu rites (memorial ceremonies,
religious festivals etc ...)
We decided to get married for October 2015 at the Catholic Church.
In March 2015, we participated
in the retreat of the father Manjackal at Lourdes.
During this retreat, day by day we were touched by grace. We
realized that this double religion was not good for us. We did take a firm
resolve to stop the Hindu religion and to dedicate ourselves to a Catholic
All doubts, anxieties have been removed from our lives during
this retreat with Fr. Manjackal. It's a new beginning for us. Now, when
we attend Mass and resuming our daily prayers, we seem to rediscover each
word. Our goal now is the path of holiness.
Now, We prepare our wedding with happiness, serenity and confidence
in Jesus. We know that now
we are not alone.
We give more time to prayer. We decided to attend as often as
possible at Mass and be in a prayer group. We thank the Father Manjackal
for his teachings, and we praise the Lord for this conversion. thank you,
My father of to pray for us.
Merika (33 years) and Eric (33 years), Créteil, France. March 2015
God bless
Dear Father James
I participated this year in the days 12-15.11.2005 in which you led
a retreat in Warsaw I want to testify healing. I am writing because I stood
in line for certificates and there were a lot of people and suddenly felt
ill father had to interrupt testimony.
My name is Jaroslaw Pogorzelski, I'm 34 years old and live in Sokolow
Podlaski is a resort, located about 86 km from Warsaw.
A year ago I was on retreat in Warsaw in the hall, and the Lord Jesus
healed a part of my spine, and at this year's retreat had finished his
work and heal the second part of my spine .I thank you for it to God and
let him be the glory of the Lord.
Father, thank you that you love our homeland and that willingly coming
to retreat. The fruits of these retreats are very large. Our group consisted
of 21 people each day we drove from our town .In among the people who came
were also nuns bezhabitowe so. Maidservants.
Father, I thank God that gives you every year more health and strength
I saw that Father've done yourself a few steps in my eyes filled with tears
of happiness. Father, thank you very much for the words that have directed
us thank you thank you for the service that you learn to take seriously
the prayer of deliverance and healing and not let to people screaming and
confusion distract prayer.
Thank you for this attitude.
Father, I'm 34 years I divorced I'm a 10 year old son Matthias. With
my wife, Dorothy got to know seven years. We have entered into marriage
without coercion did not have premarital sex wife Dorothy to marry a virgin
.Maciek was born two years after the wedding.
Maciek was 3 years old wife left absolutely wanted a divorce .I Niechcia?
give her a divorce but Dorothy just pushed on the court so the court gave
a divorce. His wife Dorothy entered into a civil union with a man and have
him twins Maria and Michael May and two years. His wife Dorothy home from
her father drank alcohol and fuss to .M??czyzna which Dorothy is also an
alcoholic. With my wife, I have a good relationship with Her partner and
her children have a good contact. Son Matt I see and I take a daily basis.
I live alone already a few years .?yj? clean .To persevere in purity
asked the Blessed Karolina Kuzkówn? and I joined the Movement of the Faithful
Hearts, I wear a signet purity of the Blessed Carolina Kuzkówny .B?ogos?awiona
Carolina gives me support and encouragement to persevere in purity. Thank
you Father, that I could share each other and a piece of my life.
God bless
Jaroslaw Pogorzelski
08-300 Sokolów Podlaski
Honour and glory to Jesus!
Let me testify about the great grace from God, which I received. Through this testimony I want to fulfil my promise which I gave to Jesus in my prayers for my full restoration.
I was baptism because of my grandmother, but I wasn't raised in faith. Big family tragedy came during my life and it was very hard to overcome it. I didn't know how to deal with it or where and how I can find help. If I then know what I know now - that I can go with my pain to priest! Esoteric and all thing connected to it (New Age, reiki, numerology, astrology, kinesiology, family constellation) came to my life and I deeply believed in it. These practices give you fake feeling of freedom. They pretending that they are a good and they help in our lives, but the opposite is really true. Sadly I didn't notice that my life was worse and worse. I finally notice, thanks to God, how a big lie and evil is it and what it caused in my family during 12 years. Esoteric ruined my successful business and right after destroyed my family. I divorced. More and more problems appeared in all aspect of my life. I was completely exhausted - physically, mentally and financially and I was still asking myself: What am I doing wrong?
My friend who lives in Canada visited me after some time. She testified about the power of faith and prayer in her life, family and community. I was impressed and said to myself that I want it too. I want to know the power of prayer. She wanted to visit our local church which was a lot of years under reconstruction. Because of that there was a big celebration. I entered to a beautiful church and saw a altar. I knew that I am HOME! I stand in front of the cross and light a candle. I plead as it was my only and last chance „Jesus, save me! I can´t do it anymore!" And then all things went very quickly.
My friend (I knew her from esoteric sessions) sends me an email about her reversal to to the Jesus and Virgin Marry and journey for rescue and heals herself. I didn't believe her from the beginning. And then my other friend put in my hands a purple book - Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was 08/12/2012. I read: You shall not have other gods before me. All things were clear. I started to put my Christian life back together. General sacrament of penance, exercise with priest Elias Velo, Holly Bible lessons, preparation for Confirmation, Confirmation, Holy Mass for my family... And suddenly I found an opportunity to do a very interesting job which I really started to do after one year preparation. It last only few months.
I received my diagnose - malignant tumor. I was one year and a half after my reversal back to God. I worked a lot from that time but my knowledge about the Truth, Gospel, Holy Bible and my faith weren't enough strong. I didn´t have any choice, I knew only that Lord can heal me completely. So then started my "quick course" of faith. I still continued (maybe selfishly) praying a pleading for my full recovery, but I also had in my mind that the God will can be different. I was looking in a Holly Bible for articles about healing. I copied them to small papers and put everywhere around my house so I could see them. But the Satan caused that I felt all the fears and distressed. He whispered to me: You can’t just simply heal your disease, how could Jesus heal you? He doesn´t even know about you etc. That caused that I was even more praying and one day I asked: What can I do for you, Jesus? The answer was: Just believe me. I will take you through.
I was just lying in my bed without any movement after chemotherapy. The body didn´t want to react so I could only think. I didn't like it at that time, of course, but now I am very grateful for that. I had a lot of time and I could at least in my mind plead for forgiveness from all the people which I hurt in my life. I also forgave the people who hurt me. I took it right from the beginning - kindergarten, school, job, one after another, teachers, neighbours, colleagues at work, seniors, ex-husband, and parents. But I also forgave to me. All it happened because of the help from Jesus. I couldn't do it by myself.
Chemotherapy, lost of hair, surgery, radiation. Second type of chemotherapy and biologic treatment I stopped because of the contraindication. I had luck for amazing doctors with the humane approach. Thank God for them and their care! It was a difficult time, but my prayers, faith and hope still supported me. I went to every holly event what the Catholic Church offer. A big help were prayers from my friends.
I was waiting with a big hope for this year´s spiritual renewal with
Father James Manjack, the Indian charismatic catholic priest with the gift
of healing. My first meeting with him was in June 2015 in town Nitra (Slovakia).
It was the beginning of something new, but because of my blood test after
the event I knew that it is a good way. The second event with him was in
October 2015 in Brno (Czech Republic). There I did my significant confession.
Father James was praying individually for every seriously ill person. Then
the mass for healing and the next day the mass for Holy Spirit was celebrated.
What in Nitra began in Brno was completed. The freedom, real feeling of
lightness came. The feeling that new life start. It weren't only feelings.
Thanks to Gods providence I got the fourth day after event a long planned
whole body examination - CT. It approved that I am completely healed!
With gratitude Marie
Orlova, Czech Republic, 23/10/2015
& Siegi
Dear Fr. James,
My husband Siegi and I would like to thank you for the beautiful days
in Altötting, for your service and your dedication. I was happy to see
that your health is going better.
I wrote a letter to Bischof Oster, right after the retreat. I send
you a copy, it is in German, but maybe Richi or Gabi can tranlate it to
you. We gave testimony and asked Bischof Oster to allow next year's retreat
in Altötting, too. We also invited him to come to the retreat.
I prayed much for the gift of tongue prayer and got it on the last
day of the retreat. I'm so happy about that. My husband and I also started
with family prayer. My husband wants to read the bible completely, as we
know, that you will ask us next year, if we did our homework.
I don't know, if you remember me, but many years ago you prayed for
my healing from chronic throat pain. And you also prayed for me to find
a good husband. As you can see on the picture in the letter, your prayer
was answered. I'm married now for three years. We don't have children so
far, please pray for us. The doctors say, that everything is OK, but still
no child was given to us.
We will continue praying for you and are looking forward seeing you
next September in Altötting.
God bless you.
Violetta & Siegi
My name is Agnieszka. Retreat with Fr. James Manjackal in Kielce was
for me from the beginning to the end of a great spiritual experience. All
the time during a retreat, I felt an incredible and special presence of
God, His nearness and the action of the Holy Spirit, which kindled
my heart and filled peace, great joy and love. At this retreat, I
experienced what is the Kingdom of God here on earth. It is not only in
heaven but here on earth and every one of us can experience it, when will
live with God, to God and when God is the meaning of our lives. Where God
dwells in the hearts of people there is a real Kingdom. These four days
of the retreat was for me a spiritual experience happiness and joy of the
True Source that is God. In addition to these experiences the Lord have
touched several areas of my life.
I prayed for the healing of the family tree and deliverance from the
effects of the sins of my ancestors and the Lord has made - he gave me
feel incredible freedom and joy when Fr. James prayed for deliverance from
the effects of the sins of ancestors. God healed me during a retreat also
from hormonal imbalance, which I experienced for about 7 years and helped
me to forgive those who have hurt me greatly just before the retreat.
Praise the Lord for the miracles that makes my life!
- Vlastimil, Eva and children
Dear our papa James,
We would like to thank you for your prayers - my husband Vlastimil
celebrating his 50th birthday and thanking OUR GOOD LORD for the gift of
faith and gift of health. We are so grateful and so very happy! And we
look forward to meeting you at the retreat with us in Brno! Over two thousand
people longing for your preaching!!!
Our sister Immaculata called and she sending greetings you and Gaby
and she also pleased that our Lord has sent you to us! She invited to retreat
their relatives and sisters and they together prayer for your health and
power of Holy Spirit!!!
We promise prayers for you and your heart!!!
With love and faith
Immaculata - Vlastimil, Eva and children
My name is Alicja, I live in Zielona Góra. When I only found out that
Fr. James is coming to Poland (to Kielce) to conduct the retreat, I knew
that I have to participate the retreat. During the retreat Jesus healed
my soul and my body. I felt I’m liberated from the courses of the Law.
During the prayer my whole body was shaking, I felt hot and the tears flowed.
I felt that something went out. I felt really light.
During the healing prayer Fr. James said that Alicja is healed. I knew that is about me. I felt hot in my stomach, exactly in the place where I had much pain. Since that time I have no pain. Also during another prayer I felt hot in my sick, swollen leg. The leg became so heavy that I coundn’t lift it. And since that moment my leg became much better.
I thank from my whole heart Jesus, Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit. I thank you, Fr James for your presence.
I was a very pious young daughter. When in 2005 I met the now my husband,
I gave up my living Christian principles. in 2006 and 2007 I had 2 abortion.
after the second abortion I was assigned psychologically and physically.
I had a pain in the lower abdomen. I confess and I try to live according
to the faith again. I made my spiritual father accompanied by Fr. Alain
Takam. and in prayer I rebuilt myself gradually. but when I found myself
in sessions of intense and true prayer to the Blessed Sacrament or face,
pain in my lower abdomen was being felt intensely. when I have spoken to
the Abbé Alain, he told me that my healing was not complete and that I
should continue to pray. he offered your prayer book "33 Charismatic prayers"
and told me about you. it was in 2010 in the same period you had come to
Cameroon and people so much about you.
When I start an internship in September 2014 in the company that I currently use, Internet access is easy. I decide to make Christian research. and I entered your name in Google and I could see the series of 13 lessons of one of your retreat in France. I have listened so well and I was doing other work I listened while meditating, during worship while having intercessory prayer the pain returned. One day listening I believed you hear me Carole you are healed. Aude you are healed and the pain left me abruptly. Similarly, I arrived at home the temperature had dropped my daughter Carole. I mentioned it to my sister telling her that she must listen praying and we decided to make you an email to let you in our family.
Father thank you for your prayers and I promise to pray for your recovery.
Rv Father may God blessed You
Today I would like to express my gratitude to our Lord for the
experience of the Holy Mass in Kielce, Poland in 2015, where in which I
took part with my husband and a daughter. It was the first day I met you,
Dear Father in Poland.
In fact I prayed not so much for myself but for my family and other
intentions. I just put my hand on my heart to pray. And then, day after
day I felt that my problem with the left knee was solved.
It was true that maybe since March some problems had appeared,there
was time I could not kneel, for me it was so sad in church - not to kneel
for God. And I can kneel now. This year I could even pick up blueberries,
which had been difficult before because of a knee ache and my body in general.
Thank you Jesus, my God and Saviour!
Thank you Father James for being our Lord's "tool" and for all the
efforts of your service to people of the world!
I participated on your retreat in Nitra in June. Nothing of my health
problebms I was thinking on were healed. But I was very surprised
while I was kneeling on adoration and I didn't feel the pain in my knee.
I felt a strong pain only if I was kneelig. And I was not thinking
about it during prayers for healing. This pain disapeared. Maybee the Lord
wants to tell me to use knee more often.
Praise the Lord!
and Adam Dzudzewicz
Dear Father James
I should write this testimony a long time ago. Exactly in 2012, when me and my wife, went to retreat, which Father led in Zdunska Wola. Especially since Father asked me about this testimony in email, which was a response to our query about homeopathy.
I am very sorry that I write only now. It mainly results from my neglect
and laziness, but also from the fact that I do not know what exactly I
should write - so much had happened and still happens in our life.
We went on a retreat that Father led in Zdunska Wola to save our marriage.
In that time our faith resulted mainly from tradition, not from relation
with God. The retreat which lasted three days, were so far, the most important
thing in our life. Leaving them we already knew that there is a God who
loves us and wants our happiness and that this God has always been, and
always will be with us. We returned home as a new marriage. We knew that
we were saved by God and although we had many concerns, we felt that in
every situation God will be with us.
Since then it has been three years now. All what happened at that time exceeded our wildest expectations and dreams. Although there were many difficult moments at that time in our marriage, God carried us through all of them. Now we are so happy as never before, and all the time we see that God gives us more and more happiness in our life. Our life is interesting, we live in abundance, and we feel peace and the true meaning of life. So much has happened in our life that I do not know what I should write first of all.
We have experienced that if we trust God, entrust our lives to Him and
will follow His commandments, He will lead us wonderfully every day and
will perform in our live true miracles. With him we can overcome all evil
and adversity.
We are most happy with the fact that we truly believe in God, and that
three years ago we wanted to end our marriage, and now we are a happy family,
and more over God has given us further children. Now we have eight year
son, two year daughter and one child is under the heart of my wife and
will be born in the end of November.
If such is the Will of God we will take part in retreats for marriages
which Father will lead son in Swiebodzice.
Praise the Lord!
Adam and Agnieszka Dzudzewicz
Dear Father James,
I'm very thankful and praise the Lord for his mercy.
Three weeks ago my daughter went the first time, since two years, to
the womans run at bern. She came back, very happy, with any pain in her
I'm alo thankful that my family goes well and my husband has a work
who gives him satisfaction.
I thank you very much for the exercitien last year at wettingen. A
vew weeks bevor i heard the call from God to change my life: j've been
at a monastery for a vew days. Their, in the silent, i realised how busy
i am! I realised i need a cut from all of them, to live my life for God.
I realised, i need the penitence to beg pardon for all the busy work who
leeded me away from the lord since years!
Also during the exercitien at wetttingen i went to the penitence. Since
then i feel how i need the sacraments. I feel how i'm growing as a child
of God. I feel gladness when i give my sins to Jesus. After i feel blessed
of him. I feel how he will the best for me, like a father. He gave me in
my life all what i needed and made me happy since yet, but i forgot to
give him my love!
Now i learnd to give him my work during the hole day: my homework,
the duty for my family, but also in my profession as a nurse anestethist
at the hospital. It is my offer for him. So i'm growing in the love to
In my parish, here at wettingen, i'm workig since three years with
the children servants for the mass. Also i'm organising the duty of lectors
and distribuer of the sacraments. I pray to the lord, that he let me be
an instrument for him. That he make shine, he's holy ghost through me.
But i need the help of yor prayer: i need more personnes, children
and adults, who make this duty. I'm so happy he send me four childrens
this year. But it is not enough! And i need your prayer to make a good
job with them. So that they feel the necessary of their duty and the joy
in God for their own lifes.
Jesus is my light on the path toward God Father. I thank the Lord for
priests like you who brings us he's word in our lifes. I hope and pray
he will bless you for your work. I'm sure he gives you back your health.
Susanne Del Conte-Gallati
My name is Ines Baruch, i was born in Zagreb ( Croatia ) at 1970. The
illness which i have had was inside of me for a years, the first signs
was the insensibility of the different part of my skin on my body, but
i don't care because i was sure that i can't have nothing heavy. I was
very calmly because i was learn to go away in my life very courageous like
a child, because i was leftover without my father at seven years, he was
killed in his shop of two shoplifters.
Instead, in a moment was change all !! I was begin to have debility in my legs, even much more. I can't walk so much, my legs make me sickness. My right leg i must gripping. I was finished in hospital, nurse take to me many blood for analise, blood and liquid spine. Dyagnosis was a multiply sclerosis !! Oh my God what will i do now ??? I was scream inside of me " WHAT WILL I DO NOW ???"
I have a son ( Matteo ) nine years old and i'm alone. How i will finish ?? Who take a care of my son ?? Where will he finish ?? Soon i will finish disable, HELP !!! I was finish, despair, killed !! .... Treatments, injections and hopeless that the worse go ahead . Another big pain, anchor the biggest of the sudden death of my father. Totaly disaster !!
But God know always what He do. A short time after was the seminar of Father James at Monte Santo ( Sveta Gora, near Nova Gorica, Slovenia ). I know the people from Zagreb ( Croatia ) which speak to me about Father James years before. They tell me to come at his seminar to see him. He makes a miracles, but i don't beleive. I don't beleive neither in Jesus. Forgive me Jesus i'm shame !! Now i have heavy illness i must to do something. I was going in the church. I begin to pray. I pass my nights pray and pray. I pray and cry. So i fall asleep. But the first time in my life i pray from my heart, from my soul.
There was come a moment of three days of seminar with Father James. Person which change my life definitively ! We listen the speach of Father James, we pray, we sing .... and there come a moment of the Father James pray for illness people. I was concentrated on my illness ... The pray go on ... the time go on ...30, 40 minutes, i don't know how many time, but long long time go on .... Father James nominated many names, many illness, but not my name my illness. I was thinking inside of me " o God who think of my illness, of multiply sclerosis, of me ? " ... After short time Father James said : " In this church are three person which Jesus heald of multiply sclerosis !! " I was feel the power of Jesus !!! I remember that i was crying so strong and so much. JESUS HEALED ME !!! JESUS IS ALIVE !!! JESUS IS WITH US !!! Jesus forgive me that i don't beleive at Him, He embrace me with His infinity love, THANK YOU JESUS !!! From that moment Jesus is the most important person at my life, and when i have a problems at my life i just pray a Jesus !! Just Jesus can help us in all !! Jesus is here for us, we must just beleive Him and pray Him !
Thank you Father James to open my eyes !! Thank you to show me the way to Jesus !! I love you Father James so much !! YEAR 2005 TO YEAR 2015, this is ten years that i don't use any treatment, injection, nothing ... and i have a perfect health !!! I found a way to a real source of health, peace and love, and this is Jesus !! I was growe up my son Matteo. Matteo is today 19 years old. Like many adolescent he is rebellious, but i know that he will found his way soon. With Jesus we can make it all !!
THANK YOU JESUS !!! THANK YOU FATHER JAMES !!! I LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH !!! This ten years i was waiting my testimony on your side Father James because i was thinking that the testimony write you or Gaby. In your message two weeks ago you write to me : " why did you not write your testimony ? " Than i understand that i must write a testimony. Sorry Father James, sorry Jesus. LOVE YOU
Ines Baruch, Trieste, Italy
My name is Ivona. I got pregnant at the age of forty so the doctors
told me that my age is not suitable for pregnancy and recomande me to take
genetic tests to see if everything was all right with my child and that
some women unfortunatly decide to have abortion if something is wrong.I
did not want to make any tests though those information brought so so many
fears about health of my child to my life. During my pregnancy my blood
results were not good, my trombocites suddenly started to decrease and
it is so difficult to find out what causes this and to heal that. I asked
dear Father James to pray for the health of my child and my health. He
told me that he will pray for the health of booth of us,my child and me
and for the health delivery of healthy child and not to worry about pragnancy
in my age. Lord Jesus answered the prayors, I gave a birth to healthy child
and my blood results were suddenly so much better, the trimbocites got
back to normal. Thank you Father James for your prayers. Good bless you.
Thank you, love you and glory to you my dear Lord Jesus!
Ivona Valic
- Marija
Dear Fr. James,
I would like to inform you of the latest miracle the Lord has recently performed through your intercessory prayer as well as of several other ones.
I had an opportunity to send my intention to your seminar in Wien (6–8 February 2015) via a friend of mine, who was present in the audience there among other Croatians. In this intention I included a few people with various needs among whom was my godchild's husband, who was suffering from heavy lung damage and who was on a transplantation list. I joined the participants in prayer from Croatia and specifically prayed for you as my friend informed me of your need to rest every little while due to the strong spiritual obstacles to holding the retreat in Austria. After the seminar, I offered a thanksgiving mass to the Lord for the received grace. In several weeks time my godchild's husband was called from Croatia to Wien (!) for a lung transplant. The transplantation surgery went very well and his postoperative recovery is equally good. Praise and glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ, as He is the greatest healer!
I would also like to report here another transplantation miracle which happened also through your intercessory prayer in November 2006 (I reported it in your Guestbook immediately afterwards). During the retreat at Croatian Franciscans in Norval, Canada a few of us from Croatia were mentioned in an intention through the kindness of an acquaintance of ours who was there. Among us was a girl from Zagreb who had been waiting for a kidney transplant for two years and whose condition was deteriorating. We intensely prayed for the success of that retreat, for all present there and their intentions. I offered holy masses and I fasted that Friday for this purpose only. In two weeks folowing the retreat, this girl was called into the hospital in Zagreb where she was the only one to match the donated kidney and the transplantation was successfully performed. She was reportedly doing well in the following years and her life significantly improved. Yes, our Lord is a mighty God! I would also like to add here that I am aware of the need and joyful obligation to pray for the souls of the donors of these transplanted organs.
I was blessed with a good job in 2002 after your seminar in Croatia following several years of unsuccessful job search. My stomach also healed from bacteria during the Adoration.
Finally, I seeked your prayers and blessings on quite a few other occasions, especially while Croatian generals Gotovina and Marka? were imprisoned in the Haague and falsely indicted at the International Court only to be found completely innocent. This was a great victory of prayer.
I thank you very much in the Lord for all of your prayers and wish you Lord's great reward for the generous help to Croatians.
My dear Father James,as i told you i´m sending to you a photo of Maria
do Rosário, she was born on 7th May and she is well.
I want to thank you for your prayers.
Me and my husband we have also three boys, and they are very
happy with their sister.
We miss you very much. Our children are fruit of your retreats
in Portugal and we thank God for your life.
Please keep praying for our family, for peace and joy and for
our sanctity and salvation.
We love you
God Bless you
I am resending you a picture of small Frantisek (Francisco) who
was born with the intestines outside of his stomach. The situation was
very serious, no one knew if he survives. You prayed for him much. He went
true several surgeries and thank to Gods grace and your prayers he had
baptism last weekend and he is bringing his parents a lot of joy. Thank
you very much. God bless you. Our love and prayers. Z.
My name is Magda Lorena Gomez Bahamon, I am unmarried mother, I have
an 8 year old daughter disability called Gwenn-Aziliz Gomez Bahamon. We
have assisted both in retirement than you gave to Lourdes in France in
the month of March 2015. I wanted above all to thank you, retirement Lourdes
has changed my life, I had an inner and physical HEALING. All the hatred,
rage, anger I had towards many people is partly thanks to you, the Holy
Spirit and God our Lord. In addition I have no pain in the back, and all
my muscle pain disappeared and suddenly I can better take care of my daughter,
since we are alone both. In addition since retirement I go every Sunday
to Mass and even holidays to Catholic holidays and it brings me a lot of
peace and consolation. Since retirement I feel a kind of pain that does
not hurt my back at the shoulder blades, I Croye it was an evil spirit
that I was stuck in the back but I think now that it's rather the Holy
Spirit that is in me, because for the first time in my life I no longer
feel empty, father James thank you for all the graces that I received because
of you.
I am Colombian but since September 2006 I live in France and I hope I can stay in this country I love so much. Here I have found the faith because of you, and for the first time in my life I feel safe especially at home, even if I'm away from my family, more here my daughter can have an educational medical monitoring. Before continuing, I want to apologize to you because I do not speak English and I did what mail with google translator, I apologize if there are errors.
Well I wanted to thank you for your attention and for all you have done for us, heartfelt thank you and I hope you will heal soon. I also hope I can go to your next retraitre in France, since your retraitres gives us fishing, as they say in French. James father I ask you to pray for my daughter, for there is a way for it to make its first comunion (she is disabled, she does not speak and it is not known if it includes something). Thank you for everything and may God keep you long time alive, and bless you.
Magda Lorena Gomez Bahamon
My name is Ernst Josef Guggenberger and I come from Spittal/ Drau, Austria
Praying the rosary from the heart, reading the bible, going to holy
mass, confession, spiritual conventions, hours of adoration, Cursillo course
of faith, retreats, seminars with Fr. James Manjackal liberated and healed
me completely from my alcohol addiction and mental illness.
Yes! Jesus touched me with his everlasting merciful love. He healed
my soul, gave me a new heart and He taught me to think differently. Plainly
said - Jesus changed me. Out of a man who was an alcoholic possessed by
a demon, out of a sinful person He made a liberated, healthy, happy and
blessed Christian who is full of life. This is true loving Divine Mercy,
which Jesus performed on me as He already has done on many other sinful
people. The Mother of God, our loving mama, and many wonderful amiable
people helped me on this way. Especially the Legion of Mary and the book
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas of Kempen. Thank you with all my heart.
Jesus is alive! Praise the Lord!
Even today exists the miracle that God touches people with his Holy Spirit and liberates them from demons. Through His breath He gives us liberation, healing, change and power to complete conversion. Let's take God and His words in the bible to heart.
Hello Father James
Since our meeting to Saint Maure in France, my life changed completely.
I left Freemasonry as I began to integrate, I just got married in church.
Now I'm still looking for job, but I remain confident. I give you the full
picture of my family;
Jani and Tadej
Two years ago I asked you to pray for me and my husband as we lost 3 babies at the begining of my pregnancies. It was hard for us but we had a lot of friends who prayed for us, too. We prayed a lot and everything put into Lord"s hands. We said novinas to st. Padre Pio and at the same time we decided to adapt a child if it is the will of God.
Last Christmas 2013 we foud out that I was pregnant again. We put everything in the hands of God. Last August 13, 2014, we got our son Tadej (Jude-Thaddeus). We know that he is the gift of God. We are so happy and thankfull to Him. We know our baby is a miracle from Heaven.
We thank you for all prayers and supporting words you wrote to us. And we pray for you, for your health and your work. Hopefully one day you come again to Slovenia and you can see God*s miracle- our son Tadej.
Thanks once again. God bless you.
With prayers,
Antonija, Jani and Tadej
My Name is Stefani and I'm 16 years old. I attended your retreat in
September 2014 in Switzerland. During the healing prayer you called
up my name and said: one young Stefani is getting healed. That time I felt
grace flowing through me and I felt completely renewed. Since then I feel
more love for Jesus and I'm more interested to pray and read the Holy Bible.
I'm able to concentrate more on my studies instead of playing with my mobile
phone and watching TV. Now I'm also more interested in attending the Holy
mass and my faith to the Holy Eucharist has grown. Now I'm using my free
time to listen to different retreat messages from internet. I am more interested
to pray for sinners and to pray for souls in purgatory.My faith became
Thank you Father James for your retreat and your prayers.
Stefani Stephen
and Antonin Janovi
We are Blanka and Antonin Janovi with our child Antonin Josef. When
you conducted a seminar in Brno two years ago we had no child.You, father
James put your hands over our head and prayed and prophesied that we would
get a boy child soon. So it happened, God gave us a boy. and we named
him Antonin Josef. He is a great blessing to our family. We heard
that you were seriously ill and we prayed for you much. Thank God that
you came to preach in Brno this year.We pray for you daily that you may
continue the good works of evangelization. Pray for us also.
I am so happy because the Lord Jesus healed me during your great retreats
in Graz in September 2014.
First of September the doctor sayed I have a tumour on the ovaries.
During your prayers of healing I feeled, that the Lord Jesus has healed
me. In October I had an operation. After the operation the doctor sayed
that the tumour ist not malignant and I am healthy. Thank you Jesus, praise
you Jesus.
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings and I continue praying for you. I am looking forward to see you in Vienna in 2015.
Lots of love
Serge Sanou
Father James
My name is Serge Sanou, I am writing to give you my testimony of what
I had with the Lord by listening to your lessons on the internet. I started
smoking cigarettes in 2006 and in May 2009 I had a personal encounter with
the Lord during a vigil of prayer and the Lord has completely changed my
life that I was not going regularly to church the next day j 'I found the
life of the sacraments and I recited the rosary every day and the Lord
had freed me from many things: fornication, masturbation ...... but I still
smoked and because of that I suffered a lot because word of God is clear,
'' you are the temple of the holy spirit '' I prayed to the Lord to heal
me of the cigarette but in vain until the day I listen to your testimony
of conversion on the internet and when I saw you heard that you smoke cigarettes
and that the Lord delivers you then I told myself that the Lord could heal
me too but shortly after I got discouraged and I started to smoke and the
next day I listened to the testimony of richie and when I heard him say
that he also smoked and that the Lord had healed so I'm really told me
the Lord can heal me and a voice came into my heart '' of the Holy Spirit
helps us in our weakness' and knowledge came to me and I knew exactly what
to do, I got up I took my pack of cigarettes in hand I went to the toilet
and I started prayed the Holy Spirit saying: "Holy Spirit Lord I turn to
you today to implore your aid for the word of God says that you come to
the aid of all our weaknesses and many years ago I struggle to quit smoking
but without success, come to my rescue because of myself and I can not
see my willingness to quit smoking by this gesture that I will make folding
my cigarette pack and throwing it in the toilet. takes pity on me and come
to my rescue>
and after I threw my pack in the toilet and I start Ends testimony
richie and until today I have never smoked cigarettes was December 4, 2011.
I have always wanted you give my testimony but I always postponed without
reason, but today thanks to God you stink I gave my testimony to the glory
of God father prayed for me because I live in difficult situations at the
moment but I abandon myself into the arms of the Lord hoping his help and
thank you father God bless you and keep you and the Virgin Mary keep
you in her maternal love.
Dear Father James,
I’ve written you at the retreat in Graz and I promised to send you
a photo. I want to thank you from all my heart for your service and write
a short testimony.
My husband Alex and I have been married for 15 years, we’ve got four
children (Simon, Andreas, Judith, David). Since his youth my husband hasn’t
had contact with his father. He couldn’t forgive his father that he had
left the family when he was small.
I attended the retreat in Linz (Healing of the family tree). A short
time afterwards my sister in law called me and it happened to be a meeting
with my husband’s grandmother. Until this time he did not know anything
about her. He had a meeting with the grandma and afterwards he had several
conversations with his father whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.
On the Divine Mercy Sunday 2012 my husband spent a weekend in Vienna
together with his father. They were able to begin completely anew and to
open their hearts to each other!
Our children like the grandpa much!
I often think of the word: „He who loves his father will rejoice
in his own children.“
Jesus has really changed the impossible into a blessing!
Best wishes,
Reteat in Lyon, nov. 2010
Jesus called me by my name. I was filled with wonder because of his
love! He answered my prayer, he healed me my from cancer – two recurrences
– and gave me the grace and the light.
Thank you Lord fort he many miracles you do!
Thanks Father James for your intercession
Our daughter Olga suffered from severe depression for years. It was
very painful for her and all family. God´s protection was her daily support.
When she met Father James Manjackal in Zlin, James spoke to her and RETURNED
HER TO HEALTH. Her and our lives were bright again.
We thank Lord Jesus and Father James, we can´t even say how thankful
we are.
Parents Dana and Vladimir Turzak
I attended your Prayer meeting in Paris, Saint Maur des Fossé, on
August 23 and 24, 2014, with my son Lionel.
During the Words of Knowledge, the Lord healed those who were suffering
from a hight cholesterol level in their blood. On February 08, 2014, my
level was 2.57 g/l, and on September 02, 2014, it lowered at 2.02 g/l.
My son, Lionel, is allergic to many things, mainly to bees since he
was stung at the neck on June, 2012. He went to the hospital urgencies
in September, 2013, further to the royal jelly I gave him to strengthen
him for the winter.
Early in September, 2014, he was tested at the Cité Hospitalière
in Lille to know his level of allergy and start a desensitisation treatment,
which will take over many years to complete .... And then, A MIRACLE -
all tested negative.I glorify our Lord from the very bottom of my heart
for the Graces He poured over us. I don't forget you, Father Manjackal,
you are always in my prayers for your healing.
With all my love
Your sister in Christ
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Ewelina. Three years ago at the retreat, the Lord Jesus
blessed my husband and me with a baby. With my whole strength I tried to
believe in this healing and receive it, although it was very difficult.
After that we started waiting for the fulfilling of God’s promise. At
the beginning we didn’t know if we were sick or we simply couldn’t
conceive a child. Several times we had an idea to go to the doctor and
start a diagnosis. But then the thought appeared: “No, my Jesus will
heal me, I can’t take a medicine and recover because then nobody will
believe that it is Jesus who healed me. The best would be if an inexplicable
miracle happens and then I could testify about my healing”. After some
time I realized how proud I was. I was like a man waiting for rescue on
the roof during a flood who sent away all boats and finally drowned himself.
So I called the clinic NaProMedica In Bialystok and I made an appointment.
The doctor found a dangerous bacteria Ureaplasma which causes miscarriages
and infertility. We started treatment with antibiotics and hormones. After
7 months our son was conceived. I asked then our doctor: “did the treatment
cause that I’m pregnant now?” He replied: “If God’s name is Ureaplasma
– yes”. Today our son is 5 months old. His name is Dominik – like
st. Dominik the patron of pregnant women!
Alleluja! Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Maria. For several years I have suffered from spine pain.
2 days before the retreat I went to the doctor and I made a X-ray test.
He said that my spine is in a very bad condition and recommended rehabilitation.
At the retreat I couldn’t seat comfortable – I had terrifying pain.
I also had pain in the knees - I was not able to kneel down and get up
by myself. On Thursday Jesus healed completely my spine and knees. I can
kneel down and praise my Lord. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Stanislawa, I came from Bialystok. I know and I believe
than on Thursday – my name’s day – I was healed from a thyroid tumor,
noises in my head and problems with the eyes. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Grazyna, I came from Elblag. I believe that yesterday I
was healed from a parathyroid tumor and several other illnesses connected
with this. I thank Jesus for this healing from the depth of my heart.
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Eugenia, I live In Wrzesnia. In September 2012 I participated
in Fr. James’ retreat in Warsaw. At the retreat I made a general confession.
During the prayer Fr. James said, „Eugenia, you are healed, just don’t
doubt”. I already knew that Jesus healed me. The spine pains disappeared
and what is the most important – the MRI test showed that the aneurysms
on the both sides of my head stopped growing. Jesus touched me and healed.
Thank you Jesus, glory to You. Jesus is indeed alive!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Wieslawa. On Thursday during the healing prayer I asked
my friend to put her hand on my neck as I had a sick cervical spine. I
felt then strong vibrations and after the prayer I didn’t feel the abrasion
of the cervical vertebra. I believe that the Lord Jesus healed my spine.
Let His will be done in my life! Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Ania. At the retreat in Ostroleka in 2010 God healed me
from nephrocalcinosis. I know that I’m healthy. He healed my spiritual
life, He leads me, He is with me all the time. Praise the Lord! Alleluja!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
Our names are Marta and Daniel, we came from Bydgoszcz. In July 2012
we participated in the married couples’ retreat in Ostroleka. We asked
the Lord for a child as we tried to have a baby for almost 4 years. We
came back from the retreat with deep faith that in that year the Lord will
give us a baby. And so happened. In October 2012 while the Daniel’s family
tree healing masses were celebrated our daughter Auralka was conceived!
On 29th of June she will be 1 year old. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Ania, I live in Celestynów. For a long time I had problems
with the urinary tract. On the first day of the retreat I heard, “Anna,
you are healed from your problems in the urinary tract”. Today is the
third day of the retreat and I have no problems with the urinary tract.
Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Teresa, I’m 65. I suffered from the isthmus of both hands,
especially the right hand. When I prayed rosary, I was not able to move
the beads of rosary because of stiffness and pain in fingers. Yesterday
during the prayer I felt bliss and I forgot about the pain in the fingers.
Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is sister Izabela, I belong to the congregation of sisters
of St. Elisabeth (Wroclaw Province). At the retreat in Koszalin I was healed
from cancer. Although there was cold when I heard my name and the sickness,
I felt great warmth. Before Father spoke my name I was gazing in the Blessed
Sacrament. I felt like the Host is burning. Then I heard, “I see a light
above a religious sister called Izabela, she is being healed from cancer”.
I believe that is Jesus who gave me a sign because after a while the Host
became normal. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Dorota, I came from Sierpc. For the last half a year I suffered
from a pain in the left hip and for the last one month I also had a pain
in the left feet. I felt great pain while walking and the pain woke me
up at night. When on the first day I heard that Jesus is healing my legs
I started praising and giving thanks to Him. The pain was gone. On the
next day I stayed 3 hours in the queue for confession and I didn’t feel
any pain in the hip nor in the feet. Praise the Lord! Praise to Jesus!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Bozena, I live in Sokolów Podlaski. A few years ago I participated
in Fr. James’ retreat in Torun. On that time I had pain in my upper spine.
During the prayer I felt something in my spine and I heard the words of
Fr. James, “Bozena, you are healed”. And indeed I didn’t feel the
pain which disturbed me before by sitting and rejoicing at the retreat.
Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Marek, I live in Marki. I was healed from remitting contusion
of the right hand (I couldn’t carry heavy things). After yesterday’s
prayer the pain disappeared. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Danuta. Several years ago at the Holy Mass with healing
prayer in the St. Andrew Bobola church in Warsaw I was healed from a pain
in the cervical spine. Yesterday during the healing prayer when Fr. James
said to put the hand on a sick place – I put my hand on my head because
I had dizziness caused by high blood pressure. Jesus healed me. Praise
the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Bozena. During the healing prayer on Friday I stopped to
feel pain on the right side of my head which was a result of an accident
in December 2012. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Alina, I live in Otwock. My knee hamstring was broken. Despite
the rehabilitation sometimes I had problems with walking – I limped.
On the retreat in Warsaw in 2012 I was healed from the knee pain. Praise
the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Lucyna, I came from Klodzko. Two years ago at the retreat
in Dzierzoniów I was healed from spine pain. Fr. James said then, “Lucja,
Lucyna, you are healed! Praise the Lord!”. Until today I have no pain
in the spine. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Alicja, I live in Warsaw. Yesterday during the healing prayer
I was healed from food allergy. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Grazyna, I came from Starachowice. Several years ago some
lesion appeared on my right leg– it itched, the skin was red. This lesion
was becoming bigger and bigger. At the retreat in Skarzysko Kamienna in
2012 my leg stopped fully to itch. After coming back home I realized that
the lesion had disappeared. The skin became smooth. Jesus healed me!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Jadwiga, I live in Ostroleka. In 2010 I participated in
the retreat with Fr. James in Ostroleka and I heard that the Lord healed
Jadwiga from migraine headaches. My first thought was that for sure in
the hall among 2000 people there was not only one Jadwiga, but then Fr.
James repeated, “Jadwiga, believe that you are healed”. I believed
that these words were for me. Since that time I have no migraine headaches.
I deeply believe that Jesus healed me. Today I know that when I trust Him
fully, He can do miracles. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Grazyna. During the retreat I was healed from sore throat
(my throat was swollen that is why I could not sing). Thank you, God.
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Elzbieta Maria, I live in Siedlce. Several years ago I felt
down and I broke the 11th thoracic vertebra. It accreted but the great
pain remained – on the resonance a big hernia was visible. At the retreat
in Torun during the healing prayer Fr. James said, “The Lord heals 3
ladies named Elzbieta from back pain, 2 of them felt down”. My back pain
disappeared and the next resonance showed that there was no hernia.
At the Holy Mass in Niepokalanów I was healed from knee pain. I heard
the words that the Lord Jesus heals people from cancer, MS, AIDS and many
other sicknesses. I praised and thanked for the grace of healing. I didn’t
ask for the healing of my knee because comparing with other sicknesses
it was a little problem. I was very surprised when after the Mass I realized
that the knee pain disappeared. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Malgorzata, I came from Krasnik. In April 2010 a tumor in
the intestine cracked. The tests proved that the tumor is malignant and
will build up again. In the same year I participated in the retreat in
Ostroleka. Fr. Manjackal said, “Malgorzata, you are healed from a tumor”.
Now is already four years and I’m healthy, I feel well and my test’s
results are good. I believe I was fully healed. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Halina. I would like to thank God for the grace of healing
my knee. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Pawel, I live in Luków. At the retreat the Lord Jesus helped
me to truly forgive somebody. I also was healed from spine contusion. During
the healing prayer I felt contraction in my right hip. Since that moment
I’m healthy. I can carry heavy things and walk without any pain. I’m
a truck driver and I feel that my spine became young and healthy again.
Thank you Jesus, that I can work and drive. Praise the Lord.
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Hania. For many years I have high cholesterol (genetic influeances).
At the retreat in Warsaw in 2012 I believed that I was healed. Indeed the
cholesterol level went down into normal without any treatment and diet.
The tests confirmed that later. On that wonderful day I was also healed
from endometriosis and a cyst on my ovary became smaller. Jesus Christ
healed also my stomach.
Before this retreat the cholesterol level increased again so the doctor
recommended me pharmacological treatment but I refused. During the healing
prayer I heard that the Lord heals me from high cholesterol level. I deeply
believe in that. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Alicja, I live in Wolomin. I thank Lord Jesus for healing
my migraine headaches, stomach illness, stomach pains and depression. Praise
the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Halina, I came from Krasnik. Some time ago the doctors diagnosed
boreliosis. The sickness attacked all joins and nervous system. On Friday
during the healing prayer my beloved Savior and Redeemer healed me from
boreliosis. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Barbara, I live in Warsaw. For many years I suffered from
migraine headaches, sometimes they were very intensive that I could not
do my daily duties. When the retreat started the terrible pain appeared.
On the second day during the healing prayer the Lord Jesus liberated me
from headache so I could in peace and with joy take part in the rest of
the retreat and concentrate on the teaching not on the headache. Praise
the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Agnieszka, I came from Szczecin. During the retreat in Gorzów
Wlkp. I was healed from nods in the thyroid (it was proved by ultrasonography
test). Since that time the Lord has healed me and liberated me. As a result
of a car accident I had a broken spine and a spine hernia. Today I’m
healthy physically and spiritually. I’m a new person and I have a new
life. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Marzena, I live in Ostroleka. At the retreat in Ostroleka
five years ago I was healed from sore throat. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Hieronim, I came from Ostroleka. At Fr. James’ retreat
in Bialystok I was liberated from smoking cigarettes. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Magdalena. I participated in the retreat for the first time.
I feel that I’m liberated from the consequences of my ancestor’s sins
and I’m filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Anna, I participated in the retreat for the first time.
In 2012 the doctor diagnosed discopathy, lordosis and spine hernia. He
said that only rehabilitation can save me. Otherwise I will have to use
a wheelchair. I felt great pain while sitting long hours at the retreat.
On the second day during the prayer the pain disappeared. Praise the Lord!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Ania, I’m 30 years old, I live in Oslo. I thank you, Lord
Jesus, for the healing of my urinary system. During the prayer I heard
that Ania is healed exactly from these problems. Before Father said that,
I thought about my sickness and after a while, I felt lightness in the
bladder. Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Jesus!
in Warsaw, May 8-11 2014
My name is Kasia. With my whole heart I want to thank Jesus for the
inner and physical healings. I thank Him for the changing of my heart and
the liberation from fears, anxieties and worries. I thank for the Holy
Spirit, who opened my eyes to my sins and helped me to make a good confession.
For two evenings the Holy Spirit was telling me of what else I should get
rid of from my house: books and some other esoteric things.
In December 2013 I felt down and I broke my spine. I wore a plaster
during 2 months. Because of the plaster I could not sleep. So in the evenings
and nights I watched recordings from Fr’s retreat, I prayed, read religious
books. This broken spine became a big blessing for me. The doctors were
surprised that my spine has recovered so fast and that I became healthy
so soon. During the retreat I felt that my stiff muscles were becoming
normal. The stiffness and pain disappeared. Praise to Jesus!
In June 2014 we visited your retreat held in Brno (Czech Republic).
Our marriage was in a very bad shape. I even did not want to sit next to
my husband so we sat apart. After your first speach I was very ashamed.
The example you gave was exactly for me (About a woman who did not forgive
to her mother-in-law and after she forgave, she was healed). I was ashamed.
After the break we met with my husband, I gave him a hug and we sat together.
During your prayers for healing on Friday I felt in my heart this sentence:
"Why did not you bring Angela here?!" Angela is our four years old daughter
suffering with congenital adrenal hyperplasy (CAH). We have to give her
medicine (hormones that her body does not produce) three times per day.
So Sunday we brought her with us and prayed for her. You said: "Andela,
Andelka, you are healed!" That is exactly how we call her at home! We beleive
that Angela was healed, but now she is in the process of testing it. At
the retreat we have forgiven each other with my husband and our marriage
was healed. After the retreat I went to my mother-in-law and begged her
for her pardon. I said sorry to her and she forgave me. I would never beleive
that I would do this! Gods solutions are the best solutions that would
not come to our minds! God is great, God is good! Alleluia!
Marketa Frankova, Brno, Czech Republic
I’m from Poland and I participated in your last visit to Poland for
four days. I would like to thank God and you for your prayers, because
those four days were the best and fruitful retreat in my life.
And now, thank you your your email dated 21.07.2014 informing me, that
you’ve prayed for me and my intentions. I WAS HEALED! From big pain in
cerivcal spine. That was a sudden healing. I was in total pain during four
days, and then it completely stopped ,until now. Your email has come a
few days after the pain stopped, so I now, that you prayed for me and Good
Lord had mercy on me through you. I praise the Lord!
I wish you, all the blessing from Lord, health improvement, but most of all, more and more fruits of your beautiful evangelization. I feel, that you are remember of all your daughter and sons, that have met you, I know , fruits of your prayers will remain with me. It is wonderfull, that we have such a Merciful Lord above us.
Please, come to Poland again, when it will be possible. I will be praying for you and your mission and your close friends.
My very best regards,
Agnieszka Marasek from Poland
I want to bear testimony about my healing during seminar in Brno
in June 2014. During the prayer for inner healing, exactly after the prayer
for inner healing of the wounds from the period before the birth, I felt
the relaxation. Later I brought to mind that my mother suffered from hart
ischemia and the pregnancy was a burden for she. I can t confirm that it
is the real reason of blessing, but since the prayer I feel more serenity
and self-assurance. Further, one-two days after seminar I was healed from
a little angiom. Now, two months after seminar, I have to ascertain, that
the prayers during seminar deepen my spiritual life.
Thanks God. Thank you for your prayers
Marta, Bratislava
My name is Christian D'Emal, 64, Liege (Belgium), living in France
since 1977. Chemical Engineer from the University of Liège, R & D
specialized in waste procressing.
Parish of Saint Columban (Val d'Europe - 77), active in the Alpha course
and in the Parish Evangelization cells, member of the outreach team from
My journey with the Father Manjackal:
- Retreats in Lyon, Bordeaux and Saint Maur des Fossés
- Last Saturday, August 23, 2014:
- 1, the Lord healed my pain in the legs and feet (I had hard time
while walking and being standing)
- 2 He answered me and set me free from my greed and my lack of courage
towards food.
I thank the Lord
Christian D'Emal
I am writing to thank you for the spiritual wealth and peace of heart
that you made to me during the retreat from Saint-Maur-des-Fosses in the
Diocese of Creteil, France from 22 to 24 August 2014 .
My letter is summarized in two points: the first point is my testimony
about what the meeting with you has changed my life. The second point my
material and health concerns that I submit to you that you help me with
the help of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I did graduate to PHD. However I was still suffering from a lack of
self-confidence. I could not develop my skills. Whenever I wanted to meet
someone for an interview, I always had a feeling of weakness and fear to
cry. Today I feel I am inhabited by a new force. I feel cured me of this
lack of self-confidence. Thank you.
I have always been esoteric practices with powders and magic candles
today, thanks to the education I received during this retreat, I threw
everything. Thank you.
My wife and I were married civilly since September 18, 1999 After our
retreat with you, we have decided to accelerate to get married in church.
We were married before men (the law), we need to get married before God.
Thank you.
I have long hesitated to write my testimony and now I want to share
with you the fruits of spiritual renewal. Spiritual renewal in Brno with
Father James Manjackal I received the gift of inner healing. From the first
day of spiritual renewal all sentences that said father James Manjackal
I had my mouth wide open and I could not move. Every word penetrated deep
until my heart. Every lecture and every prayer was profound intervention.
I thought that kind of strength I have no chance to survive. Suddenly,
as if I gradually saw all my sins. Gradually I began sins is showing my
feelings with them. And to this day it continues. I cried. I thought I
would go mad. I could not catch my breath .I could not leave the place
where I was sitting. The words that I heard had me on a chair.
I now feel deep pain intervention in heart, and yet I feel peace and
tranquility. I could not get up from my chair.Could not.I had to sit. Like
I was stuck to the chair.I was able to rise to confession.I performed the
sacrament of penance. It hurt. At the end, I felt great joy and relief.I
felt great peace and love Jesus. Never before that I did not have such
experience. In the evening, the first day I came home and I did not know
what was happening to me. When I talked with my husband and children were
all ok. It was so strong that I thought "I can do the next day? "Everything
was in me a new. In the evening I was not feeling well. I was worried.
Overwhelmed me angst. In my head sounded, offered praise and thanks to
the recovery. The next morning I hurried to spiritual renewal. When praying
for healing from ancestors to today ... I have no words .. I had
a gift of liberation .... Earlier I asked for prayers. For myself, and
everything I needed. I was not at all virtuous Christian. I did not have
the strength to pray and not at all desire and courage to pray for a mother-in-law.
On Saturday I went to confession again.I prayed for it „,if
this conffession is not sufficient mate,“ I'll go to the thrid. It made
me even confess ... And this happened to me something .... In the
second confession, I looked to the people who waited in line for the confession,
and I saw the Lord Jesus and his mercy, take my fingertips and says to
me: "My child full of sin, I have forgiven you everything". I do
not find words for this event. Then the priest gave me absolution and I
had the feeling that I can dance, rejoice and be happy .. Wonderful ..
I got up from my chair and everything filled me with an incredible scent
.. chants, prayers .. I was lightly. When the laying on of hands and the
blessing of the Holy Spirit I was a bit worried. When the priest prayed
over me, I felt enormous pressure to the head and a huge burning in his
belly. My stomach wanted to vomit. I was thinking that I must keep it.
Suddenly I felt the heat from the head to the shoulders and gradually the
whole body .. I was a bit wrong .. I sat next to the nuns, and together
with them, I praise the Lord Jesus and sang we come now Holly Spirit.
On Sunday I went with my son Thomas 9 years old , at which Father James
put his hands. Thomas says to me: "Mom, I've never felt so" He was beautiful.
Tom and experienced inner healing and physical. He had problems with bowel.
He went to the throne only once in 7-8 days. Much of this suffering! Today
she almost daily!! Halelujah. Spiritual renewal, I received a gift pray
for my family and my husband's family. This was not possible before.
Every day I thank God for this spiritual renewal. "Behold, I make all
things new." Thank you Father James Manajckal he wanted to come to the
Czech Republic. Thank you also for your beautiful website. Help me a lot.
Hana Hanychová from Brno (Czech Republic)
My name is Petra, I´m 38 and I was healed on Sunday, on the feast
of Pentecost in Brno 2014. During the physical healing I was praying with
father James for the ill people, I didn´t pray for me because I didn´t
feel ill. But at one I felt a power flowing through my body from the bottom
up. This power straightened my hunched back. I realized that I was setting
upright and this was something new for me. I felt light and comfortable,
like a new creature. From the time of my adolescence, I started to slouch,
because I didn´t accept my body. My stance became a round-shouldered slouch.
Some years ago I wanted to change it, I started a therapy, but it was not
possible for my to keep me back straight. I received it miraculously from
Jesus as a gift in front of the Holy Sacrament during a retreat with father
James Manjackal. I never prayed for in before because I didn´t thought
it could change by this way. Now I believe that Jesus can heal us and He
is still the same as He was two thousands years ago. Just trust Him!
Thank you Jesus and Thank you father James that you teach us to belive Jesus.
I went to one of your retreats, in Lyon, in 2012. I I Thank God for the healing of my bladder. I thank the Father James. Thank you for your prayers. I'm very happy and I'm really relieved. Thank you Jesus.
testimony of Monika i Jacek
My name is Monika. I am married with Jacek. When I was 18 years old (now I have 37), I started to have health problems. The diagnosis was: hepatitis C. My liver was sick. In 2001 I had a theraphy, but it didn’t help. After a theraphy I started to have problems with my thyroid. I had also a big depression and whelk. Then I had also hypertension and anemia.The virus also attacked my kidneys. In 2012 my all body was sick. The situation was very serious, my life was threatening. Doctors didn't give me any chance for recovery. But my Lord Jesus gave me the chance. I HAVE BEEN HEALED BY JESUS. I am healthy, I have no hepatitis C!
In may 2014 me and my husband participated in the retreat with
Father James in Warsaw. It was a wonderful time. My husband was gifted
by The Holy Spirit!
Jesus changed our life!
Let's praise the Lord for His mercy!
In August 2013 I suffered again from my right knee injury.
I was diagnosed with meniscus and medial collateral ligament injury. On the 13th of February 2014 I had a knee arthroscopy. From the 8th to the 11th of May 2014 I took part in the retreat conducted by Father James Manjackal in Warsaw during which I was HEALED by Jesus. When I was praying I heard: "Beata, you have been healed".
Praise the Lord - Thank You Jesus - Be Praised!
Thanky you for your praying and blessing. My fever is out and I feel me so good. Thank you Jesus and Thank you James, because Jesus give you a big gift for evangelisation.
About my childerns:
Martina, she is 9, we found out that she has loss of hearing by 40
dB (she is not hearing a whisper). After your praying in Brno she is hearing
a whisper. Halelluia!!!
Vojtech, he is 7, we found out that he has loss of hearing by 50-60
dB, After your praying he is hearing a whisper (now he got a cold and cough
and his hearing is a little bad) Halelluia!!!
And the small - Klara (Claire) she is 1 - her christians name is Kilian
Anezka (my husband by her birthday said - she is Kilian - and you in Brno
you said -
"Kilian is healed" (In our republic this name is very big curiosity
- I don¨t know anybody with this name - My husband and me, we are looking
and saying together - our Kilian is healed... she has loss of hearing by
60 dB. After your praying I was sure that she is healed. Every day she
hear plus, I think that she is begining to hear the birds song.... Halelluia!!!
My husband Petr, he is 40, he said, that his back-ace is out
after praying in Brno. Thank you Jesus and Thank you James!!!
I feel that I must say everbody, that the Lord is big and good.
I think, taht my others childern are healed to - by asthma, alergia,
For me it was very big and nice experience. Really, I was praying
for charismat - the Faith, because I feel that I need it very much.You
said: Pray for courage... And now I seen that it was very wise.
Excuse me please for my english, I speak very bad (I spek plus franche).
Dear James, my blessing to you!!! Que Dieu te benisse et que Dieu te donne sa paix et sa joie, que te decouver par son amour!!!
Merci, thank you!
Michaela, Petr (husband) and 6 lucky childern
In this year’s retreat preached by Fr James Manjackal in Warsaw –Miedzeszyn,
I received from Jesus a profound grace of forgiveness. During one of prayers
for healing, I felt presence of Mother Mary, who touched my whole body
from head to toes with an extraordinary tenderness and affection that no
earthly mother could have (though my mother loves me very much). Then I
heard a voice in my heart saying “your body is a gift of Jesus.” I
did not like my body much before. Halleluiah
Whereas in 2010, also in the retreat preached by Fr James Manjackal in Ostroleka, Jesus healed by blood from clots. On the second day evening I heard a voice of the Lord in my heart “your faith healed you.” I realize faith is a given grace. I had never experienced anything like that and I was not sure if it was His voice so I asked God to confirm what I heard. The next morning, the preacher told the story of a Samaritan woman who, after 12 years, was healed from bleeding once she touched Jesus’ clothes. Afterward, Jesus told her „your faith healed you.” Then the preacher said that the previous night the Lord had said the same to a young woman suffering from bleeding who was taking part in the retreat - hallelujah. Our Lord is a God of miracles.
The Lord Jesus healed me in the night when you prayed for me in the
retreat at Warsaw. Knee pain disappeared that night and did not return
anymore. I have Baker's cyst below the knee and despite the fact
I walk and I am glad to health. I praise the Lord for this wonderful healing
and many blessings that I received in the retreat. Dear father, I am praying
for your health
Praise the Lord Jezus and blessing for you, Father.
I praise Jesus for the retreat in Poland at Warsaw from 8th to 11th May. I testify the healing and blessings that I received there. It was with much fear and trembling that I went there as it was after a gap of one and a half years that I was preaching and that too after a very long sickness of paralysis followed by G.B.S. But when I reached there and started preaching, an extraordinary power from the Holy Spirit enveloped me and I was able to preach, sing, pray and do everything as in the past retreats without any problem although I had pain on my left knee & foot. Many who attended the retreat thought that I was not sick at all! Some who attended my retreats previously said that I was more powerful in this retreat than the previous retreats. The Lord healed me from all my fears and negative feelings that I had accumulated in my mind through three hospital experiences. Now I am not sick at all! I AM HEALED! It is ok that I sit on my wheel chair as the legs are weak; it does not bother me; I am able to preach the Gospel of the Lord and work for His kingdom; that is enough to make me glad. In my spiritual experiences during my coma, I had promised the Lord that I would preach his Kingdom even on my bed or wheel chair if he would allow me to live.And the Lord said, " You will preach again with more power and enthusiasm ". Indeed it is fulfilled-Alleluia. When I laid hands and prayed - (While praying Richi and Johannes were holding my hands on either side as Hurr and Aaron held the hands of Moses!)-on the sick, children, pregnant women and volunteers Jesus strengthened my hands, now my hands have more muscles and I am strong to use my hands. Praise the Lord.
Fr. James Manjackal.MSFS
Dear Father James!
I was on your retreat In Poland In 7-10.07.2010 in Pi?a. I promise to
myself that I will write a testimony and I didn’t do it. I’m sorry.
When I find out that You are coming to Poland this year I told to myself
that I will write to you this time and thank You and tell You about what
happened on your retreat in 2010 with me.
My life was one big black hole and I didn’t know what
to do.
I am visually impaired so when I was in school I had a really big glasses
and children laughed at me and called me terrible and told that I am nothing.
It was a real suffering. I believed them in every bad thing, what they
told me. I thought that, if they acting like that, it must be a truth.
Also, as a child, I was abused by one member of my family. Because
of that I started to hate my womanhood and myself. Those two things create
me as a person without any self dignity. I wanted to commit suicide. I
had no one. I didn’ t know living God. But now I know that He knew me.
In 2010 I was in Pi?a with my husband. I was sad inside, I lived with
no self dignity and no self respect. That was real pain.
On your retreat in Pi?a, thanks to your teaching and prayers
for the first time I told God “yes”. I invite Him to my life. And He
answered! I had a “sleep” in Holy Spirit and a miraculous inner healing.
And my journey with God has started! I think telling to God “yes” was
so important, that I always say it when I say my testimony.
Today off course I remember my past and I am still visually impaired
( I don’t pray for heeling my eyes) but my life is totally different
and new. Now I am the happiest women because I find God and I let Him to
find me. God is the love of my life.
Father James, thank you for your teaching and your faith.
Hope to see You in Warszawa 8-11.05.2014.
I thank God for You and for your life.
If it is possible could you please pray for us, because we can’t have a baby. Doctors said “no”, our hearts say “yes”. We believe, for God everything is possible.
Magdalena Kubalska
Warszawa, Poland
de Fátima Fonseca, 67 years old – Bombarral, Portugal
Since I have been participating in the retreats of Father James, my
life has been changing and improving much. Since I was small I suffered
much in my intestines in such a way that I could not eat properly because
everything was making harm to me. I had alternate periods of permanent
diarrhoea, cramping and constipation. Since I have been participating in
the retreats of Father James, I have improved much.
I also suffered from glaucoma (very high eye pressure) for four years.
I had to make exams and treatments every six months but they made harm
to my intestines so, according to the doctors, I had to stop with the treatments
for a while. I went to a retreat of Father James and, during the healing
prayer, I asked God for the healing of my problem. After one year, I went
to the doctor and she was surprised with my eye pressure that was normal
without any treatment.
Since I was 30 years old I also suffered from rheumatoid arthritis.
During the healing prayer I asked the Lord for my healing and I have been
much better: several times the blood tests are almost normal. Praise be
our Lord.
Sampaio, 55 years old – Guarda, Portugal
I participated in a retreat of Father James in Sameiro, Braga, for the
first time and I had a problem in my ovaries, uterus, lungs and stomach.
After Communion I felt a sting in my ovaries and uterus and I felt and
was healed and, by His grace, I am healed. Also my husband was brought
closer to God. He made a life confession and he has been coming to all
retreats. Praise God.
Graça Silva, 63 years old – Lourinhã, Portugal
In 2006, when I participated in the retreat of Father James for the first time in Fatima I suffered from phobia for five years. After coming back home, I checked that I had been healed. The regular appointments with the doctor which I used to go every six months were no needed anymore and now I only go every two years, just for routine. After that I caught a disease in the lungs and the doctors did not know how to treat it but I have becoming much better by the grace of God!
Amália, 71 years old – Beja, Portugal
During a long period in my life, when I woke up from my bed I looked like a very old person all bended with tingling in my feet which caused strong pains. I did several exams and the doctors could not find anything. When I went to the retreat of Father James in Fatima in 2007 during the healing prayer I felt a heat in my leg and I thought: “Lord, if you want, you can heal me!” And the Lord healed me and until today I didn’t have pains anymore.
Gonçalves, 52 years old – Fundão, Portugal
Thank you Jesus for healing the tumour in my uterus in May 2012. I asked
Father James for prayer and by miracle I was healed! After my operation
it was not even necessary to make chemotherapy nor any other treatment
because Jesus haled me.
Thank you Jesus for Father James.
Martins, 33 years old – Sintra, Portugal
I want to thank Our Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly Father, the Holy
Spirit and Mother Mary for the blessing I received through Father James,
yesterday, the 26th May. During prayer, after Mass, I started feeling bad
with much anger, and I started with aggressive screams. God liberated me
with His power. I felt a strong smell of roses during my possession crisis.
I was possessed by the devil for many years, as I had a curse against
my birth since I was in my mother’s womb but God did not allow it to
happen. I had also made many mistakes like going to witches and fortune-tellers
to know about things. During these 33 years I didn’t have good fortune
regarding to the work, love and I had many fears since my childhood. Lately
I had been accompanied by Father Sousa Lara from Lamego, an exorcist who
was trained by Father Gabriel Amorth from Vatican.
God exists, my dear brothers and sisters and I knew it and, once again,
I had the confirmation. The people present there could testify the situation.
Open your hearts to God as He is always waiting for our sincere yes.
Without our acceptance, God cannot work. Praised be forever the Holy Trinity
and the Virgin Mary . Amen
Figueiredo, 21 years – Setúbal, Portugal
I had psychological problems and behaviour problems since I was 16 years old. I felt always rejected in the school and in the group of friends. I came for the first time for the retreat of Father James in June 2012 and, on Friday, during the adoration prayer; Father James said five people with the name Ana were healed. I believed I was one of them and immediately i felt mu head very light. I feel very well and very happy. Praised God.
Cesaltina, 57 years old - Vila Real, Portugal
I have a cronical disease for a long time: diverticular disease (in the intestine) but it was only diagnosed when I had a serious accident falling down on an escalator in October 2009. This accident caused an infection and I had to be in the hospital for one month. I participated in the retreat of Father James for the first time in November 2010 in Fatima and in the healing prayer before the Blessed Sacrament I felt that something was being pushed from my right breast and in circles crossed my entire intestine. I believed the Lord was healing me. I went to make a CAT scan in the beginning of 2012 and everything is ok. Never more I had any crisis. Praise God!
Navalho, 53 years old – Sardoal, Portugal
I participated in a retreat of Father James for years ago (2008) in
Fatima where I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was a marvellous
experience. I got a conversion and the healing of my problem which I had
for 4 years. I suffered with pains all over my body and long time depression.
I was taking many medicines without any success. Since I found Christ,
my life changed totally: never more I felt lonely, I feel much joy in the
heart, I pray every day for the conversion of sinners, for the souls in
purgatory and for many and holy vocations.
Praise God!
I participated in the Spiritual Exercises of evangelization in Szczecin
conducted by o.James' a Manjackal.
They lasted three and a half days. During its we were praying, singing.
listening conferences, attending daily Holy Mass and were praying and asking
for healing with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
I went to this retreat for many reasons. I wanted to meet Jesus, I
have brought many people in my heart to Him and also I was hoping for a
cure. I expected a healing, not only because I want to be healthy. I wanted
just to feel the healing touch of Jesus, His presence, and closeness.
One of my symptoms is joint pain. I had a pain in my knees. I
think even the pain had increased recently. I pray on my knees so it was
difficult for me. It hurt when kneeling, and even harder when standing
up. Particularly bothered me left knee. I had to get up slowly and carefully.
On the second day of the retreat, while praying for healing, knelt
on the hard floor. Just before getting up from knees, prayed to Jesus:
how can I pray to You Jesus as my knees hurt?
Standing up, I felt that I do not feel pain, just feeling something
like cold, emptiness without pain . I was in shock. So Surprised.
Then I knelt and got up without any trouble, no pain (hurt just strained
muscles). I do not hurt me anymore, knees are like new, lightweight, feel
they are rejuvenated, oiled, free. The feeling of being healed physically,
when suddenly something stops hurting is an extraordinary sensation! Relief,
joy, gratitude, a feeling that Jesus is really alive, heals, loves us and
is with us! Only Jesus is waiting for an act of faith. He hears our thoughts,
short prayer... Hallelujah!
Thank You Father James again for everything! Thank You for praying
for me and my family, for my city and country. I have left so many photos
in envelope, sorry for that, I thought it was right J
God bless You
Agata Skarbek
My name is Sarka Cahova I'm 40 years old, I live in the
Czech Republic. I was raised in Catholic faith. I am married and
for 18 years and with my husband Jan we have two sons: Mark 16, and
Jan 12 years.
In July 2008, a year after a finishing of my studies on the faculty
of theology I learned my diagnose of the incurable cancer syndrome
disease known as “Non-Hodkins” lymphoma: chronic lymphocytic
leukemia. The doctors promised me 10 years without treatment, without any
restrictions. I went to work, I worked in education in elementary school.
Gradually my state deteriorated and as the results after 3 years
I had to undergo the imuno-chemoterapie launched in July 2011. In
June, a month before starting treatment for the first time I was on the
retreat of P. James in Samopse. P. James pray for me personally
laying his hands on my head. I received inner healing and accepted God's
will and gained inner peace in my heart. My husband was at the same time
healed from the alcohol addiction occurring in the same period as my disease.
I praise and thank God for all his blessings. Before that, I had a panic
attack from the medical chemo treatment. Nine days we prayed with
my family the novena of surrender. July 20, 2011 I was instructed
to start the treatment in the hospital. I had to spend a first week of
the terapy in the hospital. My husband was there with me and held
my hand. At that time he also left his job for five months. Therapy continued
then in periods: in between I was released from hospital. In August I went
with my husband and sons on one day prayers in the Koclí?ov lead by P.
James Manjackal. There was a miracle Itself that I felt good immediatelly
two days after last chemotherapy period which is unusualand . I was
always sick 5-7 Days after the treatment period. In October
I went to Prague. I prayed for all those present and thanked that I can
be here with husband and sons. James P. prayed for inner healing
and for physical healings too. The first name, which he said was
"SARKA you are healed," I was very surprised and with tears in my eyes
I praised and thanked God, then later P. James said: "There is a woman
with leukemia is healed" I felt It was me again, and finally P. James
repeated "Sharka believe you are healed." I knew that I was truly
obtaining full healing. Since that night, our younger son, thanked and
praised God for my healing. He never prayed for my healing, knowing
that the Lord healed me already. I had to finish two more periods of imuno-chemotherapy.
In the spring before Palm Sunday my doctor was considered healthy and gave
me a medical report. I knew about his recovery a long time ago. God healed
me Hallelujah, praise you Lord and thank you.
For over 20 years I suffered from migraines and headaches of various
origin, feelings of confusion and dizziness. Migraine attacks lasted 3
to 4 days, sometimes a week, disabling me from normal life, my head alwasy
felt heavy and just not right.
At this Mass that I attended with father James Manjackal in Skarzysko
Kamienna, I asked the Lord Jesus to heal me from the headaches, because
I can not travel anywhere however I would really like to go and visit my
children in America. During these retreats throughout the four days I had
a headache. During the healing mass Father James said that
9 people named Jadwiga are healed of migraines and headaches, and then
I felt as if wave of heat pierced me strongly from head to the stomach.
Then I thought I was healed, and I felt so light and happy, however my
head still hurt even after the Mass. The next day I woke up and my head
hurt more and I thought to myself that maybe healing was related to other
women named Jadwiga, not me. And here the next day during healing
mass Father James mentions people who have been healed and says Jagoda
you have been healed from headaches. Then I knew for sure that it was directed
to me because Jadwiga is my birth name, but I have always been called Jagoda
by everybody. I was crying with happiness, I believed I was healed
even though I still had symptoms and headache wouldnt go away. Father James
said that healing in some people can be seen only after a while, and
that it I may not be visible immediately. After the seminars I went
back home and I felt so different, my head stopped hurting me, and I have
such a light and clear head right now like the old days when I was still
very young, I am 56 years old now. Sometimes I still ache, but it is due
to hypertension. I do not have any more feelings of heaviness and
confusion that I used to have every day when I got up from bed.
I feel like new born, light and my head is so clear. I am very happy
and I Praise the Lord for the great things that He continue doing.
God Bless,
In April 2012 in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Lyon (France), I
attended your retirement. When you have laid hands on me, I fell. Returning
to my place, I started to cry and tremble, I knelt down and I felt the
warmth and serenity has taken possession of me. For months, my arms and
legs were covered with patches of red and stinging impressive. Nothing
could cure: ointment and lotion were totally ineffective. I suffered a
lot. During your healing prayer, I heard you pronounce my name, saying,
Jacqueline: you are healed. I realized it was me and gradually everything
disappeared. The power of prayer, your charisma, and my faith have erased
all my symptoms and now I have no itching, no trace of a button.
I thank the Lord for his blessings and thank God for healing me. Thank
you, who bring good to all those you meet during your retirement and send
your immense faith in those you teach.
Gospodova milost, usmiljenje Božje, Božja ljubezen
Lord's grace, God's mercy, God's love
God's mercy, love and grace are unmeasurable. All that was given to
me four years ago. I can't say why I waited so long to write the testament
of my experience. One aspect of it is that I receive God's goodness every
day and I get thy mercy in different ways all the time. Sometimes it is
difficult to be aware of it. To give a testament of everything is really
I was lost and then found again and I can not put in words all the
width of this experience.
I associate it with the visit of Father James Manjackal's seminar,
his prayers and his sermon on life.
After the prayer for my healing I felt tangible improvement of my health
condition. I signify the day of the prayer on the seminar as the day of
mercy for me, other improvements came gradually.
When I was thirty my left side of the body was suddenly paralised and
so was my spine. I also lost my balance and I landed in hospital -
unmobile. The diagnosis was – multiple sclerosis. It took me a long time
that I could use wheel chair and much later the crutches.
The ascent of this stage was difficult then I had another fall - a new starting of the disease and only one year from the last one. I lost my sight, memory and speech. I felt very small, helpless and lost. All days were my free time, I was incapable of work, job, I could not take care of myself, which I strongly wanted to.
Four years ago I was told about Father James Manjackal's prayers. Štefan,
my partner, who I had met a few months before I got ill, /we were not married
but he stayed with me all through my ups and downs/, took me to Log near
Vipava where Father James held his symposium.
Father James prayed for me and my health. I stayed there one day and
I didn't know how much it would help. Somebody asked me if I beleived into
healing after the prayers but I could not answer him. I did not know anything
about it. I only know that I beleive in God, that He exists, that nothing
is impossible for Him, but I do not know what my chances are to get
His grace. My considerations and my answer were short. If it is God's will,
I will gain the improvement, I probably have no other impact or chance.
Father James was praying for me, praying and asking profoundly. Also the group prayer at the end of the day was magnificent, full of God's presence which you could really feel.
The next day I experienced a huge change of my health and I was really surprised. My health and the strength in my legs improved. Since then I do not use wheel chair any more. I have a strong feeling in myself that the Lord touched me that day and I was given His grace. Nothing can wipe it from my memory.
At the end of the prayer for my health something surprisingly happened. Father James turned to my partner and asked him:"Why does a man live with a woman and doesn't marry her?" A year later Štefan asked me to marry him and we got married.
Lord's goodness, love and mercy are unmeasurable. The Lord has saved me from the slavery of darkness, desease, sin and hopelessness in which I found myself. He is my Saviour and my healer. I hope, I will be capable to be grateful enough for everything I have received.
Maja & Štefan
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I felt the whole world around
turned upside down. All my plans and dreams fell into pieces. The most
painful though was the prospect of leaving my loving husband and children
who I felt still needed me. I cried but I never despaired. Sometimes I
would ask myself – why? Now I know the answer. Everything that happens
to us in our life has its place, moment, and reason.
Shortly after the diagnosis I was treated with a chemotherapy
during which I lost my hair. Then I had to undergo a surgery, another course
of chemotherapy and a radiation therapy. I drew my strength from prayer.
Everyday I thanked God for giving me another day. It is only in suffering
that we notice our fragility. I often found myself thinking how many more
days, months, years I was granted by God.
During that time I felt I had what has proved the most valuable:
the FAITH in good Lord, the HOPE for a recovery, the LOVE of the dear ones,
whose constant presence, help, comforting words were very supportive. I
thank you all! So I may say I had plenty.
In my prayer I often addressed God. Lord! You know what's best for
me. Help me to accept your will, even if it's different from mine. God
has shown his grace and heard my call!
One day my mother-in-low told be about the charismatic retreat
with Father James Manjackal that was to be held from 11-14 March 2010 in
Chojnice (Poland). I had never heard about him nor his healing gift. I
had always believed that Jesus can heal people, but at the same time I
remained very reserved towards those who claim to possess any healing
charisma. All the places for the retreat had already been booked out, and
the priority was for the members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the
group I did not belong to. Two weeks before the meeting one booking was
canceled. I felt a real joy when again two days ahead another place got
vacant. Thus I could go there together with my husband Jacek. It was an
instant decision beacuse his attendance had not been planned (somebody
had to look after the children and he wasn't even sure if he would
get any days off). I felt it was not a sheer coincidence. While boarding
the coach, the group leader told me that God had a plan for us. I am now
deeply greatful for her words and prayer. Then it filled me up with hope.
The time of retreat was filled up with worship, adoration of
the Holy Sacrament accompanied by the prayer for healing, the Eucharist,
and the Penance. While listening to the words of Father Manjackel during
his conference I felt the same kind of liking which I felt for our beloved
pope John Paul II. Father Manjackel touched very important things. He spoke
of forgivness, which is the basis for the integral healing of one's whole
being. I discovered how powerful and effective weapon our prayer is. I
understood that these are not just some formulas and clichés learnt in
our childhood. They conceal the power of worship, of thanksgiving, and
that of pleading. Also, the problem and the consequences of sin were raised.
Father touched the deepest recesses of human conscience. During that retreat
Jesus healed many suffering people. I was ONE of them! Praise be to Lord
for his goodness.
During those days filled up with prayer I did not hear my name
being called (the Holly Spirit indicated the Father the names of the healed
people). Nonetheless, I felt I had been healed. I queued up with a thousand
other people to give my personal witness, but because of so many and the
shortage of time I did not manage to give one. During the next prayer for
healing Jesus touched me and healed me. My whole body started to shiver
and my right hand touching the place where my amputated breast once had
been started to tremble so vigorously I could not control it. It was as
if somebody else was in control of it. Deep inside I felt a pleasant warmth
I had never felt before, that grew even to the point of heat in the place
of the operation scars and radiated down my left arm. Despite having my
eyes closed I could see a great brightness. Tears of joy were rolling down
my face. All the time I was thanking the Lord for his goodness. Somebody
was holding my arm, and my husband's hand was holding my hand. I was conscious.
I could hear voices around (Father Manjackel was still calling the names
of the healed ones), but I could not gather their sense. My body was not
under my control, I was kind of next to it. It all lasted a moment. I got
a chance from God to feel physically his healing power. Maybe to make me
believe even more. I could feel I was face to face with Jesus - my wonderful
healer, so close to him. Not only did Jesus heal my sickness, but he also
freed me from fear and put into my heart even greater faith and hope. He
also assured me in the fact that we are here only for a while. We should
live that short time the best way we can, so that later we can live forever
in the fullness of joy. It is well worth it. Even if we have to face greatest
difficulties, suffering and things that from our human perspective are
impossible to overcome.
This is absolutely true that the Holy Bible, which during that retreat
was our guidance, is called the Book of Life. It is from where we can learn
how to live our lives NOW, so that we can live FOREVER.
Living this greatest gift of joy I have received, I entrust myself
entirely to God. We should trust Him like a child holding out a hand to
the father without asking any questions, just allowing to be led to the
destination. I wish you all this kind of trust.
P.S. Father Manjackal I ask you for your intercession and prayer. Dear
Jesus I ask you for even greater faith, hope and love for all my family
members and relatives. Especially for the gift of repentance and forgivness
to those who have gone astray and live in sin. Holy Spirit put your gifts
into their hearts so that they become brave and strong on their journey
to the everlasting life.
Father Manjackal, your spiritual retreat was the time of my life. I
thank you for that and assure you of my prayers.
Lucyna Plócienniczak
Tatak & family
It is almost a year since we have last met. We met in the Samopše
charismatic renewal in Czech Republic last summer. There we came to you
and our Lord with prayers for granting us another third child. We have
had at the time 2 natural (spontaneous) abortions. You layed your hands
on us and prayed. In next Holy Mass at the end you said that Jesus grants
baby to Veronika.
After coming back from renewal my wife Veronika became immediatelly pregnant and one month ago we babtised our third son Ivan (Ivan James).
You can use this testimony anywhere you want.
Best Regards
Zdenek Tatak & family
Topczewska – retreat for Sacramental Marriage – Ostroleka 26-29/7/2012
My name is Katarzyna. Retreat for Sacramental Marriage in Ostroleka,
was my first. On Friday ,when Father James, was prayed for healings, He
was said: Katarzyna, you are healed! I didn’t believe. On evening, I
got terrible headache, and back pain. On Sunday morning we was come, meat
with Father on individual marriage blessing. I was steal have terrible
headache (migraine). I was certain that, depends of this pain, I’m too
weak for spend all day in conferences.
The Holy Spirit, however, had a different plan. When we kneel before
Father James, and Father have prayed holding His hands on our heads, the
pain disappeared. I was feel nice warm on a forehead, exactly in place
where pain was earlier. Per half day I was feel, as Father’s hand was
still on my head. At this moment I haven’t any headache and back pain.
At this prayer I’m believe, that I’m healed from headache (migraine)
and back pain.
Before retreat, I was always very tired every evening. Usually, I’m
work long in office, and later on evening at home. Now, after retreat,
I’m calm, composed, and I’m not upset, and although it I’m much smiling
and I’m relaxed.
Thank You Dear Father, thank You Holly Spirit! For all graces! Hallelujah!
Katarzyna Topczewska, Dabrowa Chotomowska, Poland
Topczewski – retreat for Sacramental Marriage – Ostroleka 26-29/7/2012
My name is Seweryn. Retreat for Sacramental Marriage in Ostroleka, was
my first. When I standing too long, I had pain on the right in the back,
where the kidney are. When on Sunday morning, we was waiting for pray with
Father James, I had this pain, a little this time. When we kneel before
Father James, and Father James have prayed holding His hands on our heads,
the pain disappeared. Also I, per half day was feel, as your hand Father
was still on my head.
On Sunday evening Father James was celebrating a pray for a healed.
My wife was praying for me keeping her hand on left side of my back. During
this prayer, I was feel that some warm is going under my wife hand, and
like a countless streams is flowing into my left knee. This knee is hurts
with changes in temperature, with high humidity. After this prayer, I believe,
that this pain will never happen.
Before retreat, I was have a lot grief in my heart. During the prayer,
in which Father James and Holy Spirit healed us back to the womb of our
mothers, all grief I had in my heart - disappeared.
Since the retreat, our children wear crosses around their necks. In
the rooms they have facing Benedictine Crosses. Our Children held them
in their hands when they were shining Father James. Each evening one of
our children brought up his cross into our room and leads our evening prayer
together. For a change. Son one evening and daughter on second.
Eelier our children was pray alone. It was a big mistake on our part.
Now, we will always pray together.
Thank You Dear Father, thank You Holly Spirit! For all graces! Hallelujah!
Seweryn Topczewski, Dabrowa Chotomowska, Poland
I write because I owe the testimony of the miracle that God saved me
and my family. I am a married and I am father of two children. I am 42
years old. My wife Barbara is 40 years old, daughter Cecilia 5 years and
son Pavel 4 years.
In the past I had a wonderful job (deputy of director). With my good
friend I had developing a very profitable business, as addition to regular
job. Because a lot of work all day I was absent from home.
I did not put God on top 1 priority. I was full of plans and concerns
for the future. In the future I did not include God. I was sure that my
plans are also God's plans. I did not feel the need that 10% of income
dedicated to the needs of the church or nearby.
I left my job. The company where I worked was a construction company.
There were no new business, because there were no new investments and investors.
In business with a friend I saw the opportunity for the future.
It all collapsed in early 2011.
A friend let me down. I saw that the joint cooperation will be zero.
I was very saddened. For our family began Calvary . In front of me I saw
the financial disaster. But God preserve us, and with his powerful hand
guide as through all the trials. In 2011 you visited Kurescek and will
of God was, I attended the mass. God has touched me and I wanted to know
who is Fr. James.
On your website I found "Program Warrior". I also add to prayer a fasting
for your missions. And our life began to change on better:
- My wife and I attended a seminar in the renewal in the spirit
- After seminar we pray every evening
- Our prayers always begins with a celebration
- Every day I read the Bible
- We set a God on first position of our life
- We put in God's hands all future
- In God we trust
- I am no longer afraid about the future
- I forgive to my friend
- God has gifted me with the gift of healing
- My family is included in the prayers group in which children are
- In our heart is peace
- I got a great job, in these days it is miracle
- I got the unlimited private use of company car (without any costs)
- Within one month finances was sanitized
- My work is blessd by God abundantly
- To owner of the company, I explained that an excellent result of
exploration is work of God and not my work. In such a short time
without the help of God we would not have succeeded.
- The owner of a company has started to think about God.
God has blessed me abundantly and make me wonderful things. Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, God be praised. His name is holy. Hallelujah Hallelujah.
Let God bless you, your work and mission Dear Fr. James Manjackal .
In pray we are every day together.
With Gratitude
Peter Zapušek
A short prehistory:
Last May I found in the church in Maria Lankowitz an information about
the White Sunday (Feast of the Divine Mercy Novena). Full of zeal i read
the booklet. God's mercy impressed me so much, especially the fact that
on this Sunday after Easter God's mercy is especially great. For the first
time I felt with my heart the meaning of the word mercy. I didn't take
the flyer with me or I've lost it afterwards. In September, when I was
drawn into a church again, I saw a booklet with the picture of Jesus (Sr.
Faustina) - there was only 1 copy in the church! In this booklet there
was also a picture with the "Inviting Heart of Jesus and the prayer". I
was very moved in my heart and I had to pray this rosary again and again.
For the first time i felt "peace" within me - not like I felt in Esoterics,
that calmes one down only for a short while, only to stir up again and
which seems like a bottomless pit.
This Jesus-booklet I put on my night desk. After some time I had a
dream about a man who had a cross on his back, who was in a kind of church
with me and who healed me and I was singing the song JESUS, JESUS. That
was in autumn last year.
Then I came to know that Fr. James was to be in Graz exactly on this
Sunda of Divine Mercy. I was looking so much forward to these retreats.
For the first time I was able to hear and understand so many things with
my heart. Those days were so precious to me - to be able to experience
God's love and goodness and to know that to receive healing we only need
to "believe", for Jesus had already taken all guilt upon himself on the
cross! On the first day during the healing prayers, Fr. James said: "Klaudia,
you are healed!" At the same time I felt that i was meant. 6 and 2 years
ago I suffered a very severe sickness. I was looking for my healing in
many ways in Esoterics. I didn't think anything bad of it, because they
also work much with angels etc. I felt so undescribably filled with God's
love. For the first time I perceived many things with my heart and I experienced
great healing. It reminded me of my dream!
On the second day Fr. James explained why Esoterics is bad. The subject
still weighed on me during the day during the talks. When I came home in
the evening I immediately threw all esoterical literature, cards, symbols,
etc. out of my house and sleeping room and I went to get our crosses from
the basement. I hadn't realized how much space all those things had already
taken in my life, I hadn't thought that all that would keep me away from
God. My children and my husband were surprised at first, but the situation
was immediately much more relaxed.
My son said: "Mama, I always told you that I don't like those things."
He behaves now like a completely different person towards me!
Fr. James also spoke about our identity and that we have to stick to
us being Christians. On the way home I was stopped by the police and I
had to show my driver's license. The policeman said: "Do you know why we
stopped you? You are driving with only one light and your name in the license
should be changed as well (I got married in 1996, but my driver's license
still contained my maiden's name). This experience confirmed what Fr. James
had said - not only to drive with "half light" and that my identity needs
to be changed.
I experience so many blessings in my life now. The picture of Jesus
(Sr. Faustina) is hanging next to my bed, i love it very much - "Jesus,
i trust in you!" Since then i go to church every Sunday, I'm looking forward
to Holy Mass, it is my deep desire to go to Holy Mass. I like visiting
a church on the way to work to pray or simply to be there. Every day I
read in the books of Fr. James, his words go directly into my heart and
fill it. I have found what I was looking for a long time, something I could
hold on to and I could trust in, something that would last. In Esoterics
I never felt inner satisfaction. I read many books, but they all didn't
satisfy me, one person said one thing and another person said exactly the
opposite of it.
I can rely upon JESUS, with His words He gives me everything I always
I'm already looking so much forward to the retreats that are going
to take place in Graz in October.
Thank you,
Klaudia from Fernitz
Valladolid - Spain
I'am a man from Valladolid. I have a 28 years old. In the month of
March I went to a retreat of Father James Manjackal. It was the first time
I went to a retreat of evangelization. This was great for my life. I had
never heard any other priest speaking like Fr. James. I had a vice. I smoked
a lot. I did not consider smoking a sin. Every vice is a sin. When Father
James spoke about it, I was shocked and I got to laugh. It seemed silly.
The Lord made ??me understand that it was not. And through the prayer of
deliverance that the Father did, I was released from the smoke. Now there
is a month without smoking, and without that "cold turkey" which one must
Praise and Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Emília - Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
I came to the retreat for the first time with the main aim of thanking.
My grandson of 18 months suffered encephalitis cause by the virus of chickenpox.
He was admitted to the hospital paralysed on his right side with serious
injuries. His diagnosis was very serious; everything could happen.
We believed in God and three weeks after this incident her left coma
and recovered. On Friday, in the healing prayer, after Mass, Father James
said a child by name Miguel was healed. I believed it was my grandson.
On the following morning I can say that he was born again.
Thank you, my God. Thank you, Father James.
Lília Miranda 38 years old – Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
I want to testify my healing of a cancer in the breast that happened in this retreat. When I go back to the doctor I will ask for a re-evaluation. I cannot describe what I feel. I love Jesus.
Ribeiro, 35 years old – Ílhavo. Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
In the retreat of Fatima in February 2011, during the healing prayer,
I was healed of my alcoholism. For several times, I had tried to stop drinking
but I could not. My wife Elsa used to go to the retreats of Father James
and invited me to come because she was seeing me ending my life. She used
to tell me: “come and meet Father James! He is holy and teaches good
things, things from heaven, from the Holy Spirit, come to get healed”.
I was saying that everything was ridiculous and that she was becoming crazy.
When I saw I didn’t have a way out and that Elsa might be right,
I went to the retreat in Fatima of four days. After the talks and Holy
Mass there was Adoration. Father James called upon the Holy Spirit to heal
all who were on that hall. I knelt down, I opened my heart to Jesus and
I asked Him to heal me from the addiction of alcohol and to heal my liver
that was sick. There I felt string pains in the abdomen, on the right side,
in the liver, I started sweating. I thought I was going to fall down, but
it seemed that Jesus was healing me. I started to cry and I could not stop
it and the pains left. There father James said: “Jorge, you are healed”.
I believed and I thanked the Lord. I was healed. Since that day, I never
drank anymore. Jesus changed and moulded my life. Now I am a responsible
father: I work, I go to Mass every Sunday, I confess and I pray every day.
I live in Jesus and Jesus lives in me despite not being capable of doing
everything according to God’s will. But I have the humility (which I
did not have before) of asking God’s pardon to try to change and to sin
no more.
Glory to God.
da Cruz Teixeira 60 years old – Matosinhos. Retreat in Porto March 2012
- Portugal
I was a chronic patient with fibromyalgia since I was 32. The doctors
told me I would be never able to walk unless with the aid of a wheelchair
or with crutches. I was using them at home but always with many pains.
Six years ago, on the 26th September 2005, I really stopped walking.
In September 2011 I participated in a retreat of Father James in Porto.
After the infilling of the Holy Spirit, on Sunday, I went home and on the
following day I felt strength in my body and I had no pains. I left one
crutch and I felt well so I left the other one and I started walking without
any pain. I am very happy and I thank God for this miracle in my life.
Conceição Carvalho 69 years old – Coimbra. Retreat in Porto March 2012
- Portugal
During many years, everytime when I came back home from work, I had
much itching in the areas of the breast, abdomen and feet (all parts of
my body where I was tight. If I scratch the skin became very red until
it bleeded. I was using many creams but without solving my problem.
I participated in a retreat of Father James in Vila do Conde 2011 and
in one moment of healing prayer, father James said many people were being
healed from allergies and I felt I was one of them. Never more I had itching
on my body. Jesus healed me. Praise God.
Cristina Costa Moreira 33 years old – Paredes. Retreat in Porto March
2012 - Portugal
Since I was 14 I had epilepsy and I was being treated at São João
hospital. I went to a retreat of Father James in Vila do Conde though an
invitation of a friend. I was taking 15 pills per day because of my illness.
On Saturday, during the healing prayer, Father James said my name:
“Sandra, you are haled of the epilepsy”. Since that moment I stopped
taking the pills and I’m not going to see the doctor anymore. I found
Jesus on my way who sent His angels and gave me the strength of the Holy
Spirit. Now I know that my doctor is Jesus. I am healed. Thank you Jesus!
Gracinda Pinheiro 60 years old – Maia. Retreat in Porto March 2012 -
I participated in the retreat of Father James in Fatima, November 2011.
During the healing prayer, on Saturday, I received a physical healing in
my knees which had arthritis; therefore I could not kneel down.
Since that moment I stopped having pains and now I can kneel down before
the Blessed Sacrament. I have also received spiritual healings: I started
praying more, my parents despite being Catholics were going to the Church
only for weddings or baptism; now they go for communion.
Thank you Jesus.
Costa 60 years old – Famalicão. Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
I participated in the retreat of Father James in February 2011, in Fatima. After 27 years of having been poisoned with the dust in my work, I was healed from asthma and pains in the kidneys and bones. I could not kneel down. Thanks be to God.
Teixeira 63 years old – Lixa. Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
Some weeks before participating in the retreat of Fatima, in November
2011, I was diagnosed a cancer in the liver. Father James, during one break
prayed for me and in the keeling prayer I felt a tingling all over my body.
The pain which I carried with me to the retreat didn’t come with me when
I got back home. I was operated on the 24tyh November and I do not need
to take medicines. The operation was a miracle. Praise God.
Sousa Leite, 68 years old – Lixa. Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
Since I started to participate in the retreats of Father James I have been healed from many problems: evil thoughts, incontinence I had for six years, obsessive neurosis, digestive problems that didn’t allow me to eat at dinner and diabetes. All these disappeared. Praise God.
Maria, 71 years old – Vila Real. Retreat in Porto March 2012 - Portugal
For five years I felt a strong pain on my left breast, a great heaviness
that caused me the feeling of dying. I also had many difficulties to kneel
I came to the retreat of Father James in Porto 2012 and on Saturday
Father James prayed for me. Since that moment I don’t feel any more pains,
I can sleep and I can kneel down. Glory to God.
de Jesus Coelho, 56 years old – Vila Real. Retreat in Porto March 2012
- Portugal
On April 2010 I was diagnosed a cancer in the tongue. I went to the
retreats of Father James to Viseu, Porto and Fatima 2011.
After these retreats, I did the medical exams and the values are normal.
The doctors were surprised and cannot explain this situation. Because of
the radiotherapy I did before I had to take a pill everyday to calm me
down. Yesterday, 31st march, 2012, when father James prayed for me I felt
an inner liberation and after the retreat I forgot to take the pill. I
went to my room and I slept very well and I feel very well. God healed
me. I feel a great peace inside me. Praise God.
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Monika, I live in Poznan. I came here encouraged by my son
and daughter-in-law. I was liberated from the habit of smoking. I used
to smoke 40 cigarettes a day and I was not able to quit smoking. Thank
Jesus for such a huge gift!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Wanda, I come from Ustka. For many years I was unable to
forgive myself. During the prayer I received the power of the Holy Spirit,
the gift of forgiven myself and other people and also the grace of peace.
I was healed from liver disease. Glory to God!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Adam. I have suffered from cancer since 2000. I had several
surgeries. Half a year ago the tests showed some changes in the liver.
Then I went to Obory to the healing program with Fr. James. Few days later
I had the PET which showed no changes in my liver or anywhere else. Praise
the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
Four years ago some lady cursed me with voodoo curse. I experienced
a spiritual torment all this time. During the prayer Jesus liberated me
from that curse. Praise the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
We have been married for 8 years. We had only 1 son and for 6 years
we tried to have another baby without any success. The doctors proposed
us in-vitro insemination. Then we learnt about the retreat with Fr. Manjackal
in Gdansk (2008). We regarded ourselves as good Catholics and we had nothing
to reproach ourselves, but anyway we participated in program and we both
were healed. During the prayer Fr. James said, „Justyna, you are healed.
This year you will conceive a baby”. And it happened so. Since that time
our life has changed 360 degrees. We became new people. Today we are animators
in the Domestic Church. During the retreat I was also healed from high
blood pressure and I stopped drinking alcohol.
At the retreat in Koszalin I was liberated from smoking addiction.
Praise the Lord!
Krzysztof Buzan
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Rafal. 14 months ago 2 disks in my spine slipped. I had
a surgery, but I still used to feel pain. I also suffered from stomach
ailments. At the Adoration I heard, “Rafal, you are healed from stomach
and spine diseases”. I felt heat flowing from my head to my feet. After
a while I felt a relief – all pain disappeared. Praise the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Roman. I smoked cigarettes for over 30 years. Last year
I attended the retreat in Chojnice and I was liberated from this addiction.
I do not smoke for 1 year and 7 months. Thank God for this healing!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Ewelina, I live in Pniewo. At the retreat in Skarzysko-Kamienna
the Lord healed me and my husband and promised us a baby. I knew that maybe
we have to wait some time for the fulfilling of the promise. At this retreat
I asked the Lord not to command us to wait long. During the prayer Fr.
James said that there were 3 couples on the hall whom Lord gave children.
At that moment we both felt the healing touch of our Lord. Praise the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Alina. For many years I suffered from a degeneration of
the bones and since beginning of this year also from inflammation of the
ankle. In August I participated in Father’s retreat in Poznan. On the
first day I put away crutches and orthosis.
I came to Koszalin with inflammation of the veins. Just at the beginning
I realized I could kneel down. I believe Jesus healed my veins. Praise
the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Elzbieta. For a long time I had a sick spine and my right
leg used to go numb. Jesus healed me from these ailments. Now I feel very
good, I can walk and even jump. Jesus also healed my soul. Praise Him for
these healings!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Danuta. I used to smoke cigarettes for a very long time.
Neither cancer nor my son’s requests did convince me to quit smoking.
And now since the first day of the retreat I don’t smoke and even I don’t
desire to smoke. I believe that it will stay like that.
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Bogumila. 2 months before of the retreat in Koszalin I started
feeling pain in my hip, arm and hand. During Adoration Father called out
many names and I desired that he would also say my name. When he did it,
Jesus touched my hip, arm and hand and healed them. Praise the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Andrzej, I came from Zdunska Wola. I want to thank Jesus
for healing me from a throat disease and liberating me from the habit of
overeating. Praise the Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Anna. During the retreat Jesus took away my fears, especially
the fears of people who hurt me. I received the gift of courage too. I
am a different person, I am a new born. I am also healed from skin disease.
Thank you, Lord!
in Koszalin, Poland, November 4-6, 2011
My name is Anna. I participated in Father’s retreat in Torun this
year. After I forgave my mom I was healed from migraine headaches and depression.
Praise the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Agnieszka. I attended Father’s retreat in Torun 3 years
ago. I suffered from some cardiovascular sickness: my hands and legs used
to get swollen when it was warm. I could not bend my fingers and walk in
the evenings.
After the healing prayer all my ailments were gone and they have not
appeared since then, for the last 3 years. Hallelujah!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Grazyna. In July 2010, I attended the Holy mass with a healing
prayer which Fr. James celebrated in Torun. I was there with my granddaughter
who was suffering from epilepsy. During the healing prayer Father said
that few people were healed from this disease. My granddaughter told me,
“Grandma, I’m healed”. She had no attack since that time, she does
not take any medicines. Thank you, Jesus! Praise the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Daniela, I live in Lidzbark. In 2010, I participated in
Father’s retreat in Torun. Jesus healed me from pains in my back and
arms. I work as a nurse and these pains were very annoying. Thank you Jesus
for your great love.
During this retreat I was liberated from the habit of smoking. Praise
the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Wojciech, I live in Warsaw. In June 2011, I was operated
of a tumor on my lymph nodes. The doctor instructed me to come to the Oncology
Institute to pick up my histopathological test results. In July, I participated
in the retreat for couples in Bialystok. During the healing prayer I heard
that some people were healed from tumors on lymph nodes. After I came back
to Warsaw I picked up my results – I did not have cancer.
I have been suffering from MS for 35 years. I feel that through prayer
my condition has improved. Praise the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Ewa. 2 years ago I had a big myoma in the uterus and my
periods were very abundant. I attended the Holy Mass with a healing prayer
in Gorzów (2009). During the Mass I felt a pain in my abdomen. I was healed.
After that I went to the doctor and made some tests. The myoma has diminished
and my periods became regular and normal.
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Dorota. During the retreat in Poznañ I was healed from
my stomach ailments. Praise the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Joanna, I live in Trzcianka. In July 2010 I participated
in the retreat in Pila. I was healed from kidney stones. The echography
showed that three stones have disappeared. The doctor asked me how did
I do it and I answered that I attended a healing mass. Praise the Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
In July 2011 I attended Father’s retreat in Skarzysko-Kamienna. I
received many spiritual blessings and I also was healed from digestive
tract and throat diseases. Praise the Lord!
Teresa Orlowska
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Izabela. I suffered from duodenal ulcers and stomach pains
for many years. The treatment was casual and helped only for short time,
the pains came back. I also had severe spine pains which did not allow
me to move even when I was laying on my bed (I had a degeneration of the
Jesus healed me from all these ailments during the Holy Mass with a
healing prayer which Fr. James celebrated in St. Andrew’s Bobola Church
in Warsaw. During prayer Fr. Said, “Izabela, Lord heals your spine and
stomach”. Since that time my pains are gone, the gastroscopy showed that
my ulcers are healed.
Jesus, I thank you for this healing and for the grace of conversion
for me and my daughters.
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
I want to thank Jesus from all my heart for healing me from MS. I have
suffered from it for 10 years. At previous retreat Fr. James called out
my name. Here I heard my name again and now I am sure that Jesus healed
me. Thanks a lot and praise to Him!
s. Szymona Komorowska
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Jadwiga. During the retreat in Skarzysko-Kamienna I was
healed from spine pain. Jesus liberated me also from smoking addiction.
Thank you, Lord!
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
Lord Jesus, I thank you from all my heart for healing me from asthma
and liberating me from fears and sleeplessness. My sickness was very severe,
I had attacks almost every day, especially at nights. I became nervous,
I started taking very strong sedation and sleeping pills. I got addicted
to them, I could not live without them. It was a nightmare! In August 2010
I participated in the retreat in Ostroleka. During the healing prayer Father
said, „Beata, you are healed from asthma and now you are able to sleep
normally”. I received that healing. Now I am able to sleep well, I do
not take any sleeping pills. My test results are excellent. When I went
to the allergist, the doctor asked me how did I do it and I answered that
Jesus healed me at the retreat. Thank you, Jesus and I love you so much!
Beata Koczyk
in Torun, Poland, October 13-15, 2011
My name is Slawek. For several years I used to drink beer and other
alcohol drinks first every few days, then every two days, sometimes every
day. It caused many conflicts in my marriage, and also had a negative influence
for my adolescent sons. After many talks with my wife I decided to join
the AA group. Unfortunately, the results were for short-term. My wife and
community members prompted me to attend the retreat for married couples
in Bialystok. At that retreat I renounced my habit and throw a piece of
paper with my decision into the basket. I do not feel any temptations since
that time and I have not drank even one beer. Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Asia. When I decided to participate in the retreat preached
by Fr. James in Ostroleka I did not think that my life would change so
much. When I came here I was addicted to smoking cigarettes. In the past
I never even thought of stopping smoking. Now I know I can do all things
through Him who strengthens me. After Father’s prayer I stopped smoking.
Today is the fourth day of the retreat and I have not smoked for three
days. What is more, I do not even think about smoking anymore.
God is wonderful! Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Julia, I’m a young person, 22 years old. I come from Belarus.
I am attending Father’s retreat for the second time. I had been suffering
from osteochondrosis for 2 years. On the second day, when Father was praying
for me, I received a great grace. I was asking Jesus for Father to say
my name and that I was healed. And then I heard, “Julia, you are healed”.
I began to cry and thank God. I am totally healed physically and spiritually.
I love Jesus with all my heart and with all my being. Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is s. Marianna Irena. I am a nun of the Congregation of the
Holy Family of Nazareth. I was born in Grodno, Belarus and I work there.
In January 2011 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I was
examined by many doctors in two clinics and all of them were 99% sure that
I suffered from MS. I was desperate. I pleaded with the Lord to show me
the root cause of the disease. During the retreat my vocation was confirmed
after 20 years of religious life. Jesus has healed me totally! Praise the
Lord! I’m grateful for the time of my illness as due to that experience
my soul got healed and I have risen to new life!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
I wish to share my testimony with you. My name is Wieszawa. For the
last few years I have been suffering from backache. The doctors said that
it was only a matter of time when I would be wheelchair bound. I am a single
mother of a small son who is also gravely ill. Due to intensified symptoms
of my back condition I worried a lot that I would not be able to bring
up the child. I found it difficult to sit or stand for a longer period
of time. On the first day of the retreat in Ostroleka, after making a good
confession and receiving holy communion, I asked Jesus to deliver me from
my suffering. Jesus healed me when Fr. James prayed for me. I thank Jesus
with all my being! Hosanna to Jesus! Jesus is great and mighty! He is Holy!
Jesus is God and King! Hallelujah!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Slawek, I am 39 years old. In 1990 I had a motorbike accident.
I broke my left leg in three points and my calf muscle was torn. After
2 years of convalescence I began to walk without crutches. However, I still
felt pain and my leg often swelled up. During the retreat in Ostroleka
I prayed for healing of my leg and also for strong faith in Jesus. I have
received both. Thank You Jesus for the gift!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Marta. I am a wife and married and I have two children,
Dominik and Weronika. I’m attending Father’s retreat for the second
time. I came here because of my daughter’s illness – spina bifida and
hydrocephaly. Weronika also suffered from neurogenic bladder and paresis
of her feet.
One year ago, before I attended Father’s retreat for the first time,
I had been tired of life, a rebellious and an unhappy person. After what
I saw and heard at the retreat, I decided to change my life and follow
Jesus. I found the best doctor for my child and for my soul. Jesus –
my Lord and King – has changed my life and healed my soul. At this retreat
during the prayer for seriously ill my daughter was completely healed!!!
Praise the Lord!
Jesus, my family and I are Yours forever. Jesus, I love You! Thank
You, Jesus!
My name is Adam, I am Marta’s husband. Last year my wife and daughter
attended Fr. Manjackal’s retreat. I could come only on the last day,
but Jesus touched my heart. He liberated me from addiction to sex and from
all kinds of immorality.
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Magda. As a child I was a very introverted person. I felt
rejected and I had an inferiority complex. It made me a very aggressive
person. I was selfish and I tried to attract the attention of others in
many ways. Such aggressive behavior was the result of my not having received
complete love from my parents.
When I was 13 my dad died and then my behavior got worse. I felt very
lonely and I wanted to commit suicide.
At the retreat in Ostroleka, during the inner healing prayer, Jesus
healed me! I opened myself to His action and His love. I experienced so
much of His love and now I know that I am loved by Him and I can do all
things through Him! I also prayed in tongues, even though earlier I had
thought it to be silly and funny.
God loves me and He will never leave me. And that is beautiful. Praise
the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Emilia. Since my father’s death I suffered from depression
and eating disorders. I hated myself and I tried to commit suicide six
times. I stopped going to church and I had not made a confession for more
than a year. At the retreat in Ostroleka I made a good confession and I
forgave everyone. The Lord spoke to me, “Go and give a good example.
Do not be afraid”. I was healed. Filled with faith, I changed my life;
I love God and myself because I am beautiful for His glory. Our God is
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My wife suffered from terminal cancer. She struggled with the illness
for several years. She had been waiting for healing for a long time. At
the retreat in Ostroleka she was miraculously healed. I suffered from a
spine condition. After having performed a magnetic resonance test, the
doctors made the diagnosis – I had to undergo surgery. I was also healed
and filled with the Holy Spirit at the same retreat preached by Fr. James.
Praise the Lord!
Renata i Stanislaw
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Dorota. For four years I had had serious problems in the
cervical and lumbar spine regions (discopathy). I underwent spine surgery
in the cervical region but I was still in pain. The doctors also diagnosed
instability in one of my knees and deafness in my left ear. However, today
everything has changed. The Lord has blessed me richly. I made a good life
confession. The Lord had shown me the root cause of my sins. Today Jesus
healed me during the adoration prayer. And for that praise the Lord forever.
I also prayed for confirmation of my vocation to married life. Today
all my doubts have disappeared. After the prayer for the infilling of the
Holy Spirit my boyfriend took me to the Adoration Chapel and asked me to
marry him before the Blessed Sacrament. Being 100% sure and consecrating
my decision to the Lord, I agreed .
Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Magdalena. During retreat I was liberated from the habit
of overeating and I was healed from stomach aches and intestine problems.
I feel that I am a completely new person, healed and filled with the Holy
Spirit. Moreover, I have received the grace of serving in my community
and the gift of evangelization.
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Ewa. Jesus healed me from stomach problems (reflux). During
the adoration prayer Fr. James said, “Ewka, Jesus is healing you, He
is healing your stomach”.
I did not believe it fully, so after the program I went to a shop,
bought some sweets and I ate them. In the past I could not do that because
after eating junk food I used to feel very bad. However, that night I slept
better than ever before. The following day I made the same ‘experiment’
once again. Jesus has really healed me! Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Kuba (Jakub). During the retreat Jesus healed me from the
fear of rejection and thanks to Him I am now able to accept myself. I was
also liberated from the habit of masturbation and immorality as well as
from resentment towards my father and priests.
Jesus healed me from all my problems and praise Him for this! Alleluja!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Aneta, I am 18 years old. I have been suffering from spine
problems for several years. At the last appointment the doctor said I had
lordosis. May be it is nothing big, but it was a shock for me! “You can’t
wear high- heeled shoes” – he said. I started crying like a child.
It also meant I would have problems if I got pregnant.
Everything changed during the first adoration prayer at the retreat.
My friend put her hand on my back. Then I noticed she took it away but
I still was feeling a warm touch. I began to realize that I had been healed
and that It was Jesus touching me.
Now my spine is straight!!! Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Lena, I live in Belarus. I want to thank to God for the
gift of this retreat. I was liberated from fears of my future and from
several spiritual problems. I am grateful for getting to know the love
of Jesus.
I also had problems kidneys and spine problems. I believe I have been
healed. There is no more pain either in my kidneys or in my spine, I can
walk easily and upright. I can kneel much longer and nothing hurts me.
Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Tadeusz. Some time ago I had a heart attack. I was healed
at the retreat and I do not feel any discomfort now. I feel my heart is
strong and healthy now. Praise the Lord!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Agnieszka. I had been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis
(MS) for 4 years. Now I am healthy because Jesus healed me.
During the healing prayer I heard the words, “ Agnieszka, you have
been healed from MS. It was very difficult for me to believe. But God put
people in my way and gave me such signs that now I am sure that I have
been healed. Jesus, I am Yours, please lead me.
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Monika, I’m 20 years old and I live in Tczew.
I lost all my body hair in 2006. At that time my parents used to fight
a lot. I have no hair on my head, hands, legs and I have neither eyebrows
nor eyelashes. I went through various treatments, but nothing helped me.
During the adoration prayer Fr. James said, “I can see two women who
are praying for hair. They have an inferiority complex due to lack of hair.
Jesus is healing them now.” I was one of those women. I believe that
God has healed me and some time from now I will be able to a give testimony
having a fine head of hair! Praise the Lord!
I also attended Fr. James’s retreat in Chojnice last year. Prior
to that I had been a shy person, I did not use to much in company. The
Lord gave me the gift of courage and He is still healing my shyness. I
have no more problems with asking for directions or taking part in a discussion.
Jesus lives indeed!
in Ostroleka, Poland, July 1-4, 2011
My name is Jola. I had had suffered from knee problems for several
years I was even faced with the possibility of undergoing knee surgery.
During the retreat the Lord came, He touched me and He healed my knees.
I had been suffering from back ache for some time. Jesus also healed my
back at this retreat. During the inner healing prayer the Lord took away
my sadness which in the past used to come over me without any reason. Praise
be to Jesus who came to save me!
- Czech Republic
End of August 2011 my father died suddenly. He had more than 20 cows
which remained without care. I didn't know what my old mother and I should
do with them. I never cared about farming, I had my own job.
But there was nothing to do, I had to overtake the care for the animals.
I really couldn't imagine doing that!
In October 2011 I went to Prague. There I took part in the prayer meeting
with you, Fr. James. I was very depressed, because I didn't know what to
do with the cows in the future. It wasn't possible to sell the animals
right away.
During prayer you, Fr. James, said: "Jesus is blessing 2 businessmen
in their business." I was very happy with that and I knew, Jesus is blessing
me. My heart was full of joy and grace. I knew I wasn't alone anymore with
the problem.
When I came back home in the evening, I immediately ran to the animals
to check on them. How surprised I was as I saw the new born calf from far!
I'm sending you the picture in the attachment.
Jesus is blessing me all the time. He protects me in many dangerous
Many thanks for your prayers.
Ladislav - Czech Republic
da Conceição Fernandes, 64 years old – Madeira Island - Portugal
I had a cyst on my left arm for more than 9 months. It was growing
so much that I was hiding it out of shame. I went to an appointment and
the doctor told me I had to be operated as soon as possible. Since I have
an infection in my body I told the doctor I didn’t want to be operated
and that I would let Jesus to solve my problem. The doctor replied I was
a person of much faith.
I came to a retreat of Father James in Viseu in July 2011 and during
the prayer I surrended my problem to the Lord so that His will would be
done. When I came back home, on Monday, I went to take a shower and I saw
the cyst was no longer on my arm. The Lord healed me. Praise God!
Santos, 53 years old – Coimbra - Portugal
I and my husband were both widows with two children each and we got
married on the court. During the retreat of Father James, I understood
I could not continue with that marital situation because it was not pleasing
God. So I started thinking I had to regularize my marital status.
During the fifty years celebration of the prayer group Christendom
in Fatima in which we participated, during the moment of communion and
looking to the tabernacle I felt that something within me was not allowing
to be well with myself. I went for confession and told the priest I didn’t
have the sacrament of Matrimony. After one month we got married and received
the Sacrament of the Matrimony. Since that moment I have been always coming
to the retreats of Father James and our life have improved a lot. I thank
Julieta Antunes, 54 years old – Entroncamento - Portugal
I had a big depression since 1986 but I didn’t accept I was sick.
In 1990 I went to the doctor and started a treatment. I was taking 30 tablets
per day.
My life didn’t have any meaning so I wanted to end it to stop all
my suffering. I felt I was the worst wife and the worst mother and despite
being medicated this idea never left me but I never told anything to anyone
because I was ashamed.
In September 2006, a friend invited me to come to the retreat of Father
James in Fatima. I felt a great desire to go to the retreat, so I went.
Blessed be that day! Since then I got strength, courage and my life changed.
In August 2007, in a funeral of a young girl who had cut her pulses committing
suicide, I realized that the thought of suicide was no more in my mind.
Praise the Lord!
In the retreat of Father James in Anadia, I had a physical healing,
a toe that was broken became well and I was healed of a skin problem.
In another retreat in Fatima, Father James, during the healing prayer,
said my name, that I was healed and not to doubt. Despite taking fewer
pills for depression, I was still taking some but today I am not taking
any medicine. I am really healed from the depression. I am a happy person
and I thank God for my life, my husband and for my children. Praise be
Lord Jesus. Thank you Father James. God bless you.
da Conceição Abreu, 48 years old - Madeira Island - Portugal
When I was seven, I had an accident and started to have epilepsy. Since
then until now I have been taking medicines. I had to live my life with
several limitations. During the retreat of Father James in Fatima in February
2011, during one moment of prayer, I felt I was being liberated and I felt
a great joy. I started to cry with much emotion when Father James said
my name through the Holy Spirit. I was asking the Lord for my healing and
He replied my prayer. I thank God for the blessing He has given me.
Nascimento Ramos, 32 years old – Armamar - Portugal
My first retreat with Father James was in Viseu in July 2011. There
I received the healing of a strong pain in the end of my back. The pain
caused me a permanent discomfort and a pressure on that place. The Lord
healed me during the healing prayer. During the retreat, I went for confession
and the priest who heard my confession said the Lord wanted me to have
another child. During the Holy Mass I had the feeling of a baby moving
within me. I thought it might me a sign of God that I was going to get
pregnant again. After the retreat on Monday, I felt the heat of a baby
beside me. On Tuesday I went to an appointment and I told the doctor I
felt I was pregnant. I made the pregnancy test and it was positive. I am
pregnant again. What I felt in the end of the retreat after the infilling
was a great peace as if I had born again. Before I thought the Pentecost
was something that only happened to the Apostles but now I know personally
by my own experience that it can happen also to us now!
Nunes, 32 years old – Madeira Island - Portugal
I was born with 1 kilo and 600 grams and since my seven months I have
cerebral spastic paralysis, with a congenital luxation of the hip.
I participated for the first time in the retreat of Father James in
Fatima, in February 2011. I came on a wheelchair, I could not stand up.
On the moment of Adoration, I felt the Lord was touching and healing me
by the power of his five wounds. I feel much better and now I can kneel
In another retreat, in November 2011, also in Fatima, during the moment
of communion I felt the Lord asking me to kneel down and I surrended Him
all the people present there and also myself and on that moment I felt
my healing again. The Lord has also given me the charism of interpreting
tongs – when we are praying in tongs I can understand what is being said,
the charism of feeling what the others are feeling and the gift of surrendering
to God Our Lord the people who are in suffering. Praised be Lord.
Fraga, 41 years old – Fafe – Portugal
In the retreat of Father James in Fatima last year (2010), during the
Adoration prayer, I asked Father James to pray for a couple who had got
separated: “help Father James for the couple to get reconciled as the
husband had left home and went to live with his parents”. After the retreat,
I phoned the couple and they had reconciled. Now they live together, husband
and wife, after asking pardon to each other. Praise God!
I was also healed from strong back pains and migraine headaches. After
that retreat in Fatima, the pains left totally. Thank you Father James.
Praise be Jesus Christ!
Gomes Cerrão, 80 years old – Madeira Island - Portugal
I had 11 children and when I was thirty I became very sick in my bones.
I had pains and I was always with a great discomfort. The doctors could
not find the reason for my pains. I came to a retreat of Father James and
during the healing prayer I felt I was healed. Now I don’t have pains
anymore. Praise Lord!
de Jesus Gomes, 69 years old – Madeira Island - Portugal
I had strong headaches and pains in the heart that caused me a discomfort
in my daily life. Three months ago, I came to know about the retreats of
Father James and I came to participate in Fatima in November 2011. During
the Adoration prayer, I felt a heat flowing on my back. Since that moment
I don’t feel anymore pains. Thank you, Jesus for this healing.
Miguel, 32 years old – Braga - Portugal
On last June, I went for the first time to a retreat of Father James
in Vila do Conde. On that retreat without asking for any healing I was
healed from migraine headaches. Since I was five I suffered with that problem
and I had those migraine headaches regularly.
During the retreat of Vila do Conde, on Sunday, before the infilling
and laying of hands, I was with strong headaches. After Father James laid
his hands on me, I was immediately healed from the headaches. They disappeared
totally and until today, the 20th November 2011, I never had those horrible
headaches anymore.
All because of God’s grace and the intercession of Father James.
Isaura Batista Santos, 53 years old – Chaves - Portugal
For two years I have been living in a great suffering with algoneurodistrophy,
fibromyalgia and arthritic pains. I could not stand my life, I had only
one desire “death”.
A friend by name Fátima brought me to the retreat of Father James
in September 2011 in Porto. It was marvelous. There I felt healed, I didn’t
have pains. The physical healing was not total but I started to sleep standing
better the pains. But the healing of my soul was great; I received the
desire to live and to accept the will of God.
I had a great desire to come to the retreat of Fatima in November 2011.
But there I was disappointed because my pains increased but Father James,
during the healing prayer, said: “Isaura, you are healed”. I felt a
great joy and now I am sure that God will only give me the suffering I
will be able to stand. Thank you, Lord. Aleluia!
Maria dos Santos Ribeiro Domingos, 38 years old – Coimbra - Portugal
I had asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis since my five years old. In
the retreat of Father James in February 2011 in Fatima I was healed. I
could not wear earrings because they caused me much allergy. Since then
I wear earrings everyday. Praise God!
These were physical healings, but the spiritual healings and blessings
for me and my family are many. Praise God. Alleluia!
Ferreira da Costa, 72 years old – Braga - Portugal
I can say that clinically I never had any disease but since I was very
young I suffered from strong headaches and migraine headaches. One day,
I went to Germany to teach Portuguese and there I found out that all this
was due to a mercury intoxication provoked by analgesics that were introduced
in the teeth, in the past. It was not easy to understand how many doctors
ignored this problem but in Germany all knew about it but they were scared
to talk about it and rejected all those who had this problem because the
indemnity I would have the right to get was huge.
When I found this out and got a doctor to treat me, the problems became
less but the pains in the jaw-bones continued especially in the places
that have not been very well scraped. In a retreat I told Gaby who stated
the case to Father James. In the end of that retreat, during the healing
prayer and through the mouth of Father James by the work of the Holy Spirit,
he said clearly: “Alberto, you are healed! Why do you doubt?” On the
following retreat I heard the same words. It was not suddenly but naturally
the pains disappeared, the difficulty to concentrate and the troublesome
sleepiness also disappeared.
Thank you. I feel a great trust and I have no words to express my gratitude
to Jesus, the true King who Father James sends us!
Celeste Barros, 61 years old – Aveiro - Portugal
I had a cardiac arrhythmia and a depression for more than 10 years which
caused me much suffering. In a retreat of Father James I received the blessing
of being healed. I felt in all my body the work of the Lord even in those
parts which I could not feel because of the sedatives. On the first day
of healing prayer, Jesus said through the mouth of Father James: “Maria
Celeste, you are healed. Believe, my child.” And on the second day, Jesus
said again: “Celeste, you were healed yesterday, say thank you, my child”.
Praise be Our Lord, Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. Thank you, Lord.
Carvalho, 41 years old - Portugal
Since 1997, when I lifted weights and made journeys I felt many pains
in the lumbar spine. I went to doctors and I was diagnosed a discarthrosis
in the L5 S1 probably caused by a traumatism. I started to take medicines
and to go for swimming in order to improve my life quality.
In the year 2000, I had a tendinitis in the left arm.
In July 2011, when I participated in the retreat of Father James in
Viseu, in the moment of Adoration and healing, Father James said by the
power of the Holy Spirit that I was being healed and he added: “Believe,
don’t doubt”.
I believed. I felt small peaks in the spine and in the shoulder; something
was happening…It was with surprise I felt the changing in the tissues
and I thank Jesus for the healing and his infinite mercy for me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus! May your name be glorified and praised forever.
Morais, Mira - Portugal
I have participated in several retreats of Father James and in all of
them I have been acquiring something within which has influenced my way
of acting and thinking. All the retreats are spiritually very rich but
we also receive a lot on the level of the personal relationship.
My way of living as a Christian was superficial; now I feel more mature
and the deep love of Jesus for us is unimaginable which gives me peace
and joy everyday.
The Holy Spirit, sent by God the Father and God the Son, hangs over
those crowds of 1000 to 3000 people, depending on the places of the retreats
of Father James, pouring His Gifts and Charisms, preparing us for the mission…
Jesus in His infinite love for us heals and liberates us of our chains
in the retreats of Father James if we are able to walk in the Light …
We go sick and we come healed in the mind and in the body!
You, who are hesitating, expectant and unhappy, come and make the experience.
He, Jesus is waiting for that moment. Decide and you will see the wonders
our God Trinity sets apart for His people and for you especially.
May the Holy Trinity continue to bless Father James who with much generosity
and interior strength takes us to Him with so much care and love.
Thank you, Father James.
Praised and adored be our All-mighty God.
My name is Alicia; and me and my husband (Paco) met you during a retreat
that you celebrated in Tenerife (Canary Islands - Spain).
Two years ago I left a baby when I was nine month pregnant. It
was a rare case and doctors didn´t know if it will happen again to me
in a future pregnancy.
When I went to your last retreat, me and my husband (during a break)
visited to you; then, you told us we must go to the church and confess
all the first friday during 9 months. You told us too: You will have a
baby and then, you should witness.
We celebrated the Holy Mass and confess (as you told us) during 9 months
and it was a surprise because it "coincided" that I was pregnant
during that time and finally I have a baby the week after we finished the
ninth Holy Mass (as you exhort me and my husband)
Now we have a baby named Rubén and all that we hope as parents is
he will be a saint and a very good God's servant.
God bless you!
I am Vananja from Ptuj, Slovenia. I had difficulties in studies in
the elementary school. I did not get along with my parents. I was arrogant
and depressed, I had no will to live. I had several mental problems. Eight
years ago I attended my first retreat with Fr. James at Kurescek, since
then my life is completely changed. Jesus healed my mind and personal relationships.
I finished my studies, now I am a new person loving my parents and all
around me. I go ahead trusting my Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Fr.
Email :
I am Francka. When I attended the retreat of Fr. James in 2004 I came
with a severe pain on the spine. The drs. Could not diagnose or heal it.
During the Adoration and healing prayer, Jesus called my name “Francka
you are healed”. Since then I am healed in my soul and body. Through
the preaching of Fr. James I came to know how to live an authentic Catholic
Christian life. I praise God and thanks Fr. James for my healing
Francka Perovsek
Sv. Gregor 12
1316 Ortner
My name is Slavica and I come from Pula Croatia. In 2003 when I attended
the retreat of Fr. James in Krk, Croatia, I had problems of chest pain
and pains in the joins of the body. My daughter Daniela had a problem on
her right hand with great pain. Through the mouth of Fr. James Jesus called
out our names and both of us were healed. Ever since, we come to the retreats
of Fr. James in Kurescek. Gloria and praise to the Lord. Hallelujah
Slavica Grgurevic
Skokovica 27
52300 Pula, Croatia
My name is Saska. First I attended Fr. James’ retreat in 2008 at
Kurescek. During the Adoration I was healed of my headache and pains on
the back. I was a very aggressive person because I was emotionally ill
treated by my parents
Jesus healed me from my aggressiveness as I was able to forgive my
parents. I was liberated from my habit of masturbation, alcohol, cigarettes
along with depressions and fears. From then on I attend all the seminars
in Kurescek and every year I find new teachings to grow more in my Christian
life. My only daughter Isabel was hyperactive, now my daughter is healed.
Thank you Jesus. Praise you Jesus
Saska Queragic
Kajuhova 5
2250 Ptuj
My name is Ivan. I am 73 years old living in Ljubljana, Polje, Slovenia.
Six years ago I had continuos pain in the heart region. The diagnosis was
a need of cardiac valve operation. Then I heard of the retreat of Fr. James
in Kurescek in 2005. During the healing prayer my name was called out and
I was healed. Driving home two hours on the same day I felt no pain. The
cardiologist tested and ruled out the need of operation. Jesus healed my
heart. Praise the Lord.
Dear Fr. James I pray for you daily for God’s protection and blessings
on you.
Ivan Rajk
Ljubljana Polje
I am Jasminka from Celje, Slovenia. I was born in an atheist family
and I was not baptized. In my search for God I started practicing New Age
like transcendental meditation, reiki, yoga, etc. Meanwhile I was baptized
but not converted, for me the baptism was just a ceremony, and thus I lived
twenty years without experiencing peace and joy in my heart. I was full
of resentment, fear and inferiority complex. In 2007 I came with one of
my friends to attend the seminar of Fr. James at Kurescek but I attended
it only for few hours but it was enough for Jesus to touch my heart. So
I went to the seminar the following in Log where the Holy Spirit convicted
me of my sinful life. I went first time for a good confession. Real conversion
began within myself. I completely cut off the old life and started to experience
a new life with joy and peace in my heart. Now I go daily to mass, read
the Bible and pray alone. Also the Lord healed my spinal pain that I had
from childhood. I was healed of my stomach pain and eating disorders. I
glorify Jesus, Hallelujah. I pray for Fr. James
Jasminka Jersic
Trubarjeva 32
3000 Celje, Slovenia
My name is Milena, I come from Kamnik Slovenia. I felt down from the
stairs and suffered four fractures in March 2010. I attended the retreat
of Fr. James in the same year in Log and I was totally healed. My wrist
and vertebra were healed. During this time I had a boil in my shoulder
(suphraspinatus) with acute inflammation. The shoulder is healed also.
Praise Jesus! Hallelujah
Milena Cebular
Medvedova 5B
1240 Kamnik, Slovenia
My name is Irena and I am 21. I come from a traditional Catholic family.
From my childhood I was interested in faith, but only in the retreat of
Fr. James eight years ago I came to know about a personal relationship
with Jesus. At that time the Lord put a desire for Him in my soul, but
as I was growing I had a desire to be appreciated by others and to be accepted
by others because of my feelings of rejection and inferiority complex.
While working as a volunteer in various groups I was always seeking the
attention of the boys. Till I became 19 this continued. Then in the retreat
at Kurescek two years ago I received a deep inner healing and I was filled
with the love of God. I put stop to my sinful relationship with my boyfriend
and made a very good confession. I gave first place to Jesus in my life.
Now I go daily to Mass, make weekly confession and do my personal prayer.
Praise the Lord
Irena Zakrajsek
Videm 12
1312 Videm – Dobrepolje
I am Jozica from Ljubljana. In the year 2004 I got a severe allergie
to almost every food and the specialist in allergy told that it was an
incurable form and it may cause blindness and skin deformation on the face.
The doctors prescribed Medrol which I was afraid to take because it would
affect my liver and kidney. In 2007 in the retreat of Fr. James at Kurescek,
Jesus called out my name through him and I was totally healed. I have no
allergy, praise Jesus! Hallelujah!
Jozica Bratoz
Clevelandska 47
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dear Fr. James, I am Mateja. I was healed of my HPV virus which causes
cancer in the cervix. I was taking injections until 2006 when Jesus called
my name and healed me here in Kurescek. In fact the drs. Had told that
an operation was needed. Now I don’t need any operation. I am fully healthy.
Thank you for all your prayers
I am Evelin from Pula, Croatia. I got over two pericarditis and was
cured in Padua, but great pain continued in my heart. I could not stand
long time without pain but in 2003 in the retreat of Fr. James at Pula
I was totally healed and my right carotid also was healed. Thank you Jesus.
Amen. Hallelujah
Evelina Zuljic
Prostinske bune 7
Pula, Croatia
My name is Suzana, I was at the retreat of Fr. James at Kurescek in
July 2009. I came to the retreat to pray fervently for my daughter to get
graduated, but that did not happen. My jesus had another plan. He healed
me from my tumor in the sinuses. I had terrible in my bones and hips and
throughout the body. The Lord is great, He healed me fully and made me
My name is Saso and I come from Slovenia. In 2009, it was for the first
that I visited the seminar of Fr. James at Kurescek. On the very first
day as I was late I had to stand outside the tent but I was touched by
the prayers and talks of Fr. James. I never had this experience before.
I felt great compassion in my heart, tears came running down my cheeks.
When I called Jesus into my heart, my whole body was shaking and I experienced
the tough of the Lord and deep within me I felt peace and joy. On the following
day I attended the whole day and Fr. James said to throw away everything
what is connected with the New Age and not to follow Sai Baba and other
gurus. It was difficult for me to accept his teaching but in prayer Jesus
told me that what Fr. James said was the truth and gave up the gurus and
all what was connected with the New Age. In the past I used to criticize
priests for their bad behaviours but in this retreat God gave grace to
forgive the priests and pray for their holiness. Now every day I get up
in the morning and pray praising and thanking Jesus.
Saso Radman
Antona Kodra 15
4207 Cerklje, Slovenia
My name is Zvonka, I am from Grad, Slovenia. I received healing in
2006 in the seminar of Fr. James in Turnisce. I had stomach pain that completely
stopped after the retreat. Since then I feel great. Thank you Fr. James.
Praise Jesus
Zvonka Krpic
Grad 169
Obcina Grad, Slovenia
I am Branka, 63 years old Croatian but living in Slovenia. I testify
my conversion through the retreats of Fr. James. I lost faith (if I had
any!) as a teenager. For many years I lived in great sins and as a consequence
I had many spiritual and physical sufferings. I attended almost all seminars
of Fr. James in Croatia and in Slovenia. Jesus opened my heart through
the talks of Fr. James and I was able to make a general confession to live
a new life as a child of God. In every retreat in the inner healing prayer
I was receiving healing of the wounded memories. Now I am spiritually and
physically healthy. Through my participation in various retreats many miracles
happened in my family. Praise to God. Hallelujah
Branka Matoic
Tomsiceva 5
1241 Kamnik, Slovenia
I am Marija from Slovenia. The retreats of Fr. James gave me faith
and conversion. In the year 2009while attending the retreat of Fr. James
at Kurescek I heard him saying, “some people are blessed to sell their
properties successfully”. Immediately I believed and I felt that I was
one of them. For several years I was trying to sell a building plot but
nobody was coming. After one week of the retreat I was able to sell the
plot with more money than expected. It increased my faith in Christ. In
the following year during the retreat I was healed from tenosynovitis.
I had much pain on the wrist and fingers. A rheumatologist found out my
illness by ultrasound but could not heal it but my Jesus healed me fully.
Now I have no more pains. Hallelujah
I am Emina from Slovenia. It is two years before that I attended the
retreat of Fr. James for the first time at Kurescek. I was not a Catholic
because my father was a Muslim and my mother was a Christian but not Catholic.
When I heard about Jesus through the preaching of Fr. James and saw the
miraculous healings happening in the retreat I cried a lot. After the seminar
I wrote to Fr. James an email asking to pray for my parents and my brother.
In his reply, (I don’t know how he knew that I was not baptized), he
asked me if I was baptized and it touched my heart and in the following
email I wrote to him that I was not baptized and in his reply he advised
me to go to a priest and learn Catechism and Bible and to get baptized.
In October 2009 I received three sacraments from a Slovenian priest. Now
I am proud to be a Catholic. I pray daily to jesus and go to Holy Mass.
My name is Gabrijela. I had a tumor in my bladder and I was operated
in 2006. In 2008 I attended the retreat of Fr. James in Kurescek. During
the healing prayer I heard through the mouth of Fr. James Jesus telling
that two women by name Gabrijela were healed. I felt a wind blowing on
me and passing through my whole body and I felt unbearable pain around
the bladder and I was in tears but I believed that Jesus touched me and
healed me. On the following day I felt good. When I went to the urologist
after the retreat, he testified that I was completely healed. In the year
2009 I got back my sense of smell which I had lost four years before. No
doctors could heal me. How nice is to smell again! I am grateful to my
God. Praised be the Lord forever
Gabrijela Cviren
Crna pri Kamniku
1242 Stahovica, Slovenia
My name is Miha and I am from Ljubljana. I arrived at the retreat of
Fr. James on the first day in the year 2006 when the priests were going
towards the altar for the Holy Mass. From the very beginning I had a very
good feeling and I believed that Jesus would heal me. During the healing
prayer, after the Mass, through Fr. James Jesus called my name and I told
my wife that I was healed. While walking I had a rattling sound on my hip
and the Lord healed me from that. Praise the Lord
Miha Bakaric
Cesta na Poljane 7a
1210 Ljubljana Sentvid, Slovenia
My name is Patricia Taler. I' m a Polish girl, now living in
a small village in Poland. I'm 25 years old., I teach English in Gymnasium.
I would like to pray the Lord for the healing he granted me one day on
the Mass for healing celebrated by the father James Manjackal in Bialystok,
in Poland.
I seriously suffered from depression and a kind of undefined disease
that no one of doctors could recognise. It might have been a boreliosa,
or, as some specialists suspected, some serious problems with neurological
system and brain. I had a big cyst in my head that made me unable to lead
a normal life. I had problems with moving, eating, smiling with almost
all daile routine tasks.
After the Mass of healing there was the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
and a prayer for healing, leaded by father James. He prayed for all us
gathered in the church and Jesus has made wonders to our souls and bodies.
The Lord has healed about hundred of people that day, from various terminal
diseases. I has also heard my name and the words I will never forget: "Patricia
you are healed". In that moment I felt a great heat in my body, especially
in those parts of the body which suffered the most - my muscles and joints.
After a while I feel extremely happy and the pain has disappeared.
I have had no problems with boreliosa, depression, joints and muscles since
that time. I can move, eat and smile again. Let the God be praised!
Patricia, Poland
- Australia
I would like to thank you for the healing I have received during the
retreat with Jesus Light Of The World Sydney in Rockdale. Previously I
suffered from Constipation for the last 20yrs and during the mass while
you were praying for healing I placed my hand in my stomach and I have
asked the Lord to heal me anything not right with my internal organ. I
told the Lord that He knows better then I do what need to be fixed. Few
weeks later, I've just realised that I can go to the toilet now every single
day, no more constipation and everything went so smoothly. Before I received
my healing I can only go once every 2 or 3 days and my stool always hard.
I praised and thank the Lord for his love for me and for this healing.
During the praise and worship when I lifted up my hand,.. my tears rolls
down and my hand shakes, and I have never experienced something like this
before (shaking of the hands). I can feel his powerful presence at that
time. Thank you once again Father Manjackal for becoming channel of God's
love and healing for others.
May the blessing of our Lord always be upon you, may He always protect
you and your ministry, where ever you go to preach the good news. Hallelujah
I have 2 children and my daughter Neja got sick, she has leukemia.
The moment me and my husband were told the diagnosis we decided that the
most important thing is to turn ourselves to God, as we didn´t regularly
go to the holy mass and Communion.Just when Neja got sick, the first weekend
we got out of the hospital, you had your seminar on Kurešcek. I had no
idea who you were and my husband knew even less.My mother has already been
on your seminars and she wanted us to take Neja to you. She didn?t know
how to do that, because Nejas immunity was very low and she was forbidden
to go to the crowd. Me and my housband on the other hand weren`t really
convinced if this was so necessary, because as i already said, we had not
known who father James was.
But now i know that God wanted it. When I asked my husband permission
to go alone to ask prayers from Fr.James, he said, " we all will
go with Neja" When we got there we had to park far from the tent, because
all the parking places nearby were already taken. Everybody waited in the
car while I went to the tent, so that I could go in line and tell you that
my daughter is waiting in the car. I met my mother who was already there,
crying that Fr.-James has just ended his prayers over people. She said:"It`
over you`re too late."She was so restless. And I on the other hand was
thinking:"So what, he`s just a priest like any other. And I said to her:
"Let Gods will happen, maybe we came just for a trip." And in that moment
you,Gaby and another man and some women came from the tent and you were
about to leave. Every time I remember that moment, it reminded me
the story from the Bible, when Jesus came to Jerusalem and everybody greeted
Him with olive branches All the people were greetings you with raised hands..
And I said to my mother:"So, why cant I go now and ask father James to
pray for Neja?" She answered,"You can." But she did not dare to come and
ask you. In that same moment I also felt the Satan telling me:"Aren`t you
ashamed, asking father James to help your daughter, while this is your
first time on Kurešcek, and you were not even attend the holy mass?"
But then I thought: If not now, I may have no chance to plead for my
child? So I ran to you, as fast as I could. You were tired and didn`t notice
me, but the man who was with you saw me crying for help, he called his
mother and said that a woman is asking for your help. And she arranged
it with you so that you prayed over Neja and gave her a Rosary.
Later I started to listen to your seminars from Kureš?ek on the internet
and to read your books. Now me and my husband go to holy mass every Sunday,
we go to Communion and simply trust in God. Rosary you gave to Neja is
always by her side. The day we came from Kureš?ek I prayed the rosary
you gave to Neja and while I was praying the part "who send the holy spirit",
it we saw smoke around it. At first I thought that it was hallucination,
so I called my husband to see if it was real. He was watched it and believed
that it was real . Today we know it was the sign of the holy spirit.
Now we are living a new life, not only concerning our religion, but
in other parts of our life, too. We spend a lot of time in a hospital.
In the first two months Neja seemed almost healthy, but after one month
of illness we were told that Neja must have stronger therapy,because she
has Blood Cancer with higher risk. The first two stronger therapies tired
her out, but after the third cycle she seemed healthy.
From the moment we left you, we believed that Neja was healthy.
And Neja herself often says that she is cured.
But father James, all this is not the reason why I`m writing to you.
I`m writing mostly because I`ve listened to Richis(Gabys son) testimony
and it made me see that you are a real spiritual father.
I`d just like to have your advice how to go on and if we`re going the
right direction. My mother and father in law also started to go to holy
mass and pray . Please tell me, how can we turn even closer to God,
so that our confidence would be complete.
I thank for everything, everything indeed.
I pray for you and ask God to give you health and strength, so that
many more sinners would convert and get faith into our Lord, with the help
of your evangelisation. I hope we`ll meet the next year on Kureš?ek, because
I`d like to thank you in person and show you our Neja, who will at that
time still have therapy, but not as strong as now. We have three months
of strong therapies ahead of us and a whole life in Gods Mercy.
I recommend to your prayers our family, our parents, grandparents and
our sisters families and ask you for blessing.
God bless you and give you the strength to follow His plan.
Mojca Mejak
Czech Republic, Brno
This is one our very good priest says: “God evangelizes either by
a shock or by humor, where there is boredom there is no God.”. Here is
my testimony as an evidence of God’s sense of humor:
1. I can manage “it” (life) just by myself
2. I will not visit church (building) 3. If I enter a church, it will definitively not be the Catholic 4. Rosary prayer is too much words |
1. Jesus is my Lord who only can bring me to God
2. I love Eucharist, I regularly visit church 3. I am a Catholic 4. I visit a prayer group (Marian Movement) |
Father James Manjackal was a very important part of my journey. I visited
his retreats three times, first in September 2009. The crucial part for
me was when I realized how a sin blocks God’s mercy.
On the first retreat a very strong idea came to my mind –„Make
his paths straight." It sounded very clearly, I understood everything at
that moment. The sentence – I found later – was from Matt 3,3 - "Prepare
the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
I needed it, because I was evangelized by the shock too – through
our daughter. When she was at the age of 2 she got Atopic dermatitis (type
of eczema). I – as a non believer at that time – decided to „solve
it“ by my myself – that was by natural healers. An unexpected
result came 2 years later when she got more dangerous disease - EPILEPSY.
I doubled my effort to heal her through different forms of ENERGY healers
but it was getting worse. By one very strong attack I felt a desperate
need for help and I asked spontaneously Jesus and Mary. The attack stopped
and I was told to stop with healers.
After some months I found myself by one priest who asked me the crucial
question: “ Where do these people (meant healers) take the ENERGY from?”
I didn’t know but after a while understood everything. The priest said:
“I suppose it is not epilepsy!”.
I had to decide which way to go. I choose the Christian. So we had
the children baptized and the effect was immediate - the doctor proved
a great improvement on EEG.
Then I took my daughter to the father James’ evangelism day (the
last day of his retreat in2009 in Koclirov, Czech). After one month she
was again on EEG and the doctor said: “She is clear!” She hasn’t
had any attack since then and on EEG there are only very very small disturbances
– sometimes.
What was my sin? Breaking the first commandment - YOU SHALL HAVE NO
I say to many people the sentence of the priest: “Be very careful
to whom you allow to put hands on you.” A very good testing question
“Is Jesus the Lord for you?”
Thank you Jesus, thank you Church, thank you James.
Radek, Czech Republic, Brno
Belchior, 59 years old, Portugal
During the year 2010 the doctor diagnosed two cancers at the same time,
one in the intestines and another in the ovaries.
During the treatments, in the retreat in Bragança, Father James prayed
for my healing. In June, I went to his retreat in Vila do Conde. I had
serious problems in the stomach as I could not tolerate any food. During
the healing prayer, Father James said my name. Immediately I felt I was
healed. On that night I ate much but it didn’t make me any harm. Now
I have put on 14 kilos and the doctors say I am very well.
I believe that my faith and God’s mercy worked on me in the retreat
of Father James.
Glory to You, Lord.
de Fátima Lima Oliveira, 7years old – Felgueiras - Portugal
(Testimony given by the mother)
My daughter had myopia since her birth. On the moment of Adoration Father
James said that a small child Maria could take out her glasses. I believed
it was my daughter and I took out her glasses.
On the following morning, my daughter had her dress unsewn, so I looked
for a needle and a thread to sew the dress but neither me nor my husband
could thread the needle. Suddenly, mu daughter said: don’t worry, I will
thread the needle” and she did it quickly. Now she doesn’t need glasses
and she can see well. All could check that in the retreat. Glory to God!
Nazaré, 9 years old – Felgueiras - Portugal
I had a problem on my left eye. The eye was swollen, very red and when
I woke up, the eye was always gummed. My teacher was the one who noticed
the situation. During the routine exams, I went to the doctor who made
more exams but without any conclusion.
I came to the retreat of Father James in Porto 2011 and, in the moment
of the healing prayer Father said that twenty people were being healed
of problems in the eyes and I believed I was one of them. The swelling
disappeared immediately. Now I can see well and I don’t have any problem
in the eye. Thank you my Jesus.
Mimosa Silva Santos, 63 years old – Vila da Feira - Portugal
I suffered from diabetes for twenty years. In the retreat in Vila do
Conde, in June 2011, Father James, during the healing prayer, said my name
and I believed. Since that moment my blood tests are normal. The doctors
were surprised with my healing and now I am withdrawn from the diabetes
Praise Lord.
da Costa Ferreira, 58 years old – Vila Nova de Famalicão- Portugal
In 2009 my doctor diagnosed a cancer in the liver and nothing could
help me. The cancer has been a hereditary disease in my family. It
has taken away my own father and other relatives. I was terrified and depressed;
I felt I was too young to die. I lost thirty kilos and I didn’t feel
like doing anything.
I went to the retreat of Father James in Vila do Conde in June 2011
with the hope that only God could save me. During the healing prayer, Father
James said: “Francisco, you are healed” and I thought whether it was
really me as so many people were there! In August I went to make a CAT
(Computerized Axial tomography). Then in the appointment, the doctor told
me something wasn’t right. I was frightened and asked if I was worse.
She told me that I had to repeat the exams because she could not find anything
abnormal, despite what before have been diagnosed.
I asked the doctor if she believed in miracles and she said yes. On
that moment I remembered the words of Father James, “Francisco, you are
I was healed from the cancer in the liver and now I can live a normal
life. It was a great miracle that God made in my life. Praise be the Lord
Our God!
do Céu, 42 years old – Aveiro - Portugal
In the retreat of Father James in Viseu, in July 2011 in which I participated,
my way of behaving was healed: several times I felt the presence of the
enemy and I tried to make suicide for sixteen times.
Now I go everyday to Mass, I make more retreats and more prayer, as
a result of what I have learnt in that retreat.
Maria da Silva Martins, 58 years old – Barcelos - Portugal
For two years, I had strong headaches. They were so strong that I could
not lift up my head. I did several exams which didn’t show anything.
I was taking medicines but I didn’t feel any improvement. I went to the
retreat of Father James to Porto in 2010 for the first time and, on the
moment of the healing prayer, Father James said my name and I felt it was
for me. On the following day, the pains have gone off and never more again
I felt any pain. Praise Lord!
Ema Paulo Ramos, 75 years old – Gafanha da Nazaré - Portugal
I had glaucoma and cataracts in the eyes. I went to an appointment
on the 30th May 2011 and the doctor told me my retina was so bad that I
had to make many exams. After making all the exams, I had to go to another
appointment on the 30th August and after that every three months. I was
very sad and down. In June I went to the retreat of Father James in Vila
do Conde, believing I could be healed from my problems. On the moment of
prayer, Father James said my name: “Maria Ema, you are healed”. I believed
those words were for me and immediately I started feeling better. In August
when I went to the appointment, the doctor told me there had been a change
of my problem because the glaucoma and the cataracts had disappeared. I
told him it was Jesus who had healed me in a retreat. Now I am going only
for routine appointments once a year.
Praise God!
da Graça Ferreira, 64 years old – Gafanha da Nazaré - Portugal
I have glaucoma and has a consequence my left eye is blind. I had appointments
every week. In the retreat in Fatima, after Father James had prayed personally
over me, I came back near my wife and started crying. After some time I
started feeling better and was able to see. I told my doctor how I had
received the healing in the retreat of Father James and he could not explain
what happened. He told me to continue having faith. Until today I can do
my normal life and I see well.
Praise Lord!
de Sousa Almeida, 78 years old – Gaia - Portugal
I had a heavy fall and I made a big bruise on the head. I went to the
hospital but the pains remained always. The doctors could not find the
cause of my pains and I had difficulty to make my normal daily life. Since
I started participating in the retreats of Father James, the pains left
and I feel very well.
Isilda Abreu, 57 years old – Braga - Portugal
During two months appeared on me something swollen coming from my neck
until my fingers, on my right side, looking like a swollen vein for which
the doctors didn’t have any explanation nor technical name. I went to
a retreat of Father James to Braga and, during the healing prayer; Father
James said three times my name and to believed I was healed. After leaving
the prayer I didn’t remember my problem anymore. I am totally healed.
Praying at home, I read the Bible and the passage that came out was to
accept my healing. Praise God!
Madalena Neves, 68 years old – Aveiro - Portugal
For three years, I had a problem on my right eye, some small bubbles
that covered part of my sight and also a problem in the ear. The doctor
had assured me I was losing hearing.
In the retreat in Ana dia, the Lord healed me from the problem in the
eye. When I went back home, no more I had the eye covered with the small
bubbles and started to see well.
I came also to the retreat in Porto in 2011 and, during the healing
prayer, Father James said my name: “Madalena, you are healed”. Since
that moment I started hearing normally. I thank and praise the Lord for
these wonders.
Joaquina Vilaço Ferreira, 67 years old – Braga - Portugal
I suffered much with pains in the spine that caused much discomfort.
After my first retreat with Father James in Braga the pains left and until
today I had never more problems. I was healed.
My heart had also an inner healing after being prayed by Father James.
I was able to forgive my husband and to overcome all negatives I had against
him. Now our life is happy because we have God in our lives.
Madalena Alves Medeiros, 48 years old, Vila Real. Portugal
During six years I had a problem on the scalp and on the body. It was
a kind of eczema. When I touched it, it bled and caused much discomfort.
I went to several doctors and hospitals that made several useless efforts
to help me.
In the retreat of Father James in Viseu, on the 17th-19th July I received
the blessing of healing. I still have the scars on my body but they are
I also had problems of urinal infection (constant infections) that
are gone and also very high levels of cholesterol. Now the levels are normal.
Praise the Lord!
Pereira, 66 years old – Felgueiras. Portugal
I had a pain in a toe since my childhood. The pains were stronger and
the situation got worse. Two months ago, I had to go to a podologist but
there was no solution for my case. On the last retreat of Father James
the toe pains stopped until today. Glory to the Lord!
Ana Silva, Porto Salvo - Portugal
I am Maria Ana Silva and I live in Porto Salvo. In 2009 I only had
20 per cent of sight. I had cataracts. I had my operation appointed for
the 8th August 2009 and the doctor warned me that he could not guarantee
the success for my left eye because I had already made 5 laser treatments
and so the eye was very fragile. I asked the doctor to postpone the operation.
In December I went to the retreat of Father James in Fátima. When
we were praying, in the Adoration, I was in the middle of the all and I
could not see the monstrance where Jesus was. Suddenly, Father James said:
“open your eyes, you will see Jesus”. I opened my eyes and I saw Him
as if I was near the altar. I was very happy and I thanked the Lord. On
the 28th December I went to the doctor’s appointment and he was very
surprised, he said the cataracts had stopped and I had recovered sight.
He said there was no need of operation and he prescribed me only lens of
low graduation. Jesus is alive in the Holy Eucharist.
Praised be forever for the wonders He makes among us. Thank you, my
Batista Fernandes Velosa, 51 years old, Madeira Island, Portugal
I want to share my testimony and personal experience lived in the retreat
of Father James in June 2010 in Fatima.
I was not a believing Catholic. I was invited by a friend to go to
the retreat. He talked about many beautiful things, so I got curious and
decided to go. It was with much curiosity that I went to the first retreat
of Father James. For many years, I wasn’t going to the Mass, only to
the funerals went a relative died. I didn’t confess for more than 20
On the 7th April 2005 I had a work accident that caused a tendon parcial
rupture of the biceps brachii (arm). I made a medical treatment but I got
a permanent incapacity of 15 per cent. I am a left-handed. When I held
the hammer to fix a nail I used to give 2 or 3 strokes and I had to stop
as I didn’t have strength anymore. During the healing prayer of Father
James, I was healed. God healed me. Since then I go to Mass and I feel
very happy in the heart.
I pay everyday for Father James and to GOD and I thank all he has done
for me and for my family.
Morgado,39 years old, Viseu-Portugal
In the end of 2006, I was diagnosed a cancer in the breast. On March
2007, I was operated, I made chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After the treatments,
the exams results showed I was cleaned. I had overcome the cancer.
After 3 years and a half, In August 2010, in a routine check-up, my
doctor told my tumor markers were very high, that something wasn’t well.
I did more exams and unfortunately the results were not good. So I had
to do chemotherapy again. I was having metastases in the liver and a small
injury in the hip bone. Immediately the doctor asked for a bone scintigraphy
to see the metastases evolution. On the following day after listening to
that bad news, I had a big friend who went to my work place to encourage
me and she told me about the retreat of Father James and invited me to
go. I went with much hope and faith. I asked to Jesus and Mary, His Mother,
to heal me. When I heard my name being called out by Father James, saying
I was healed, not to doubt and to praise the Lord, to thank Jesus. On that
moment I felt something extraordinary on me. After two weeks, I went to
make the scintigraphy. The result was very good, everything was normal.
I asked the doctor to make exams with tumor markers and the result was
normal. With much confidence that Jesus had healed me, I did everything
the doctor told. I can tell that Jesus is our Best Friend because I did
several exams and the results were all the same. Everything is normal.
I am healed!
Praise be Jesus Christ. Aleluia.
Abreu, 36 years old, Guarda-Portugal
I had several health problems not very serious but with the time could
get serious.
On my first retreat with Father James, in June 2009, during the healing
prayer, Father mentioned my name. I was receiving a blessing. I have a
son with 10 years, on that time, he was 8, and he was the cause that made
me and my husband to go to the retreats of Father James. His name is Pedro
and he is asthmatic since he was a baby with several breathing difficulties
and that caused some lung injuries.
On the moment Father James asked to put our hands on the person by
our side, me and my husband out our hands over our son and asked the Holy
Spirit to heal him. Then he said several people with the name Pedro were
being healed. On that moment my heart jumped and I thought: “My God,
is it my Pedro one of them?” And precisely on that moment, Father James
said again: “Pedro, believe your lings are healed”. We cried much and
thanked God the Blessing he has given us and to Father James for helping
us asking that blessing for our son. We don’t have medical confirmation
because we want our son to make more x-rays but we believe he is healed.
And regarding me, I was hypertensive; I had a small nodule in the breast
and another in the kidney. I never asked for my healing because I always
thought my small problems were nothing compared with other people we find
in the retreats with so serious diseases and much suffering. I go to the
retreats of Father James because I feel very well because I need to “load
the batteries” as I use to say and Father James is the source of the
energy, or to say better he is a high power cable that makes the direct
connection with the source of the energy which is the spring of the living
water, to God. Coming to the retreats strengthens my faith, gives me peace
and helps me to go through the way of holiness.
In June 2010 in Fatima, Father also referred my name in the healing
prayer, also in the retreat of October. Since 2009 I was feeling bad as
the medicines I was taking for the hypertension was not adjusted, but now
I am healed. Regarding the nodule in the breast, I did exams and it disappeared.
The doctor even asked if I was sure I had that nodule. Regarding
the nodule in the kidney, I was being supervised every year with scans,
resonances, etc. Now it has also disappeared.
Through the intercession of Father James I was healed and I thank him
and ask God to give him strength to continue his mission of evangelization.
Praise Jesus. Aleluia.
Maria Marques Oliveira Santos, 55 years old – Covilhã - Portugal
In August 2007, the doctors diagnosed a cancer on the nasal cavity
and I could not be operated. I started a treatment during 8 months of chemotherapy
and radiotherapy. In April 2008, I still needed to make the last exam before
the retreat in Covilhã. I had pains on my left ear. During the healing
prayer, on that retreat, Father James said my name: “Albertina Maria,
your ear is healed”. I screamed with joy and believed the Lord was healing
me. Since that day the pains left. The doctors confirmed everyting is ok.
I was totally healed.
Praise Lord!
da Conceição Spencer Bento - Portugal
I come from a Catholic family for four generations but I didn’t know
the meaning of the Holy Mass or the meaning of Communion. I stopped going
to Mass for 15 years. After going to the first retreat in Estoril, I never
stopped going to the retreats of Father James.
In the retreat in Fatima 2008, I received an inner healing when Father
James laid his hands on me and I understood the meaning of all he said
in the retreat. I cried all the retreat because of the deep words
of Father James as I have never heard anything like that. I bought all
the CD’s and books of Father James. After that, I was going everyday
to the Holy Mass and to Confession regularly until today.
The other healing was a physical healing from chronic asthma. Until
recently I was ashamed because I was always couching near the people. After
the retreat, the doctor asked me an exam that shows that I am not an asthmatic
anymore. I am healed in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father James for
your prayer.
I also want to thank Father James because through him I found out that
God loves me infinitely.
Barreto, 49 years old – Madeira Island – Portugal
On the first retreat of Father James I participated in Fatima, I had
problems in the stomach. It got swollen and I had an ulcer so I was taking
medicines for two months. I was away from Church and I didn’t go for
Confession for 20 years.
After the talks of Father James, I went for Confession and I felt another
person. During the healing prayer, the Lord healed me and the pains in
the stomach were over. On that moment, I forgot to take the medicines and.
On the 3rd day of the retreat, my sister reminded me about the medicines
but I didn’t need them. I received my healing, my conversion and the
conversion of my family. At home, we started to pray together. I
am a calmer person and I testify the love of God. Now I cannot live without
the sacraments because I am aware of their value and power.
Teixeira, 63 years old – Peso da Régua - Portugal
On the first day of the retreat in Viseu, July 2011, when Father James
was giving a talk, he was saying that it is Jesus who guides us. On that
moment I started crying. I received an inner healing.
In the same retreat, during the Adoration prayer, the pains I had on
the back and on the head, which I had since my childhood, have gone off.
Jesus is alive. I was healed.
Thank you Jesus.
da Conceição Pereira Ausório, 67 years old, Viseu - Portugal
I had a cyst on the head since August 2010. In October, in the retreat
of Viseu, during the moment of Adoration prayer, I felt I was healed of
the pains I had on the body for more than four years. After that I went
to make exams to the head and the cyst is no more there. The doctor and
the exams confirmed I am healed.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
Rosa Gomes Marques, 60 years old, Setúbal - Portugal
I was very sick when I participated on the retreat of Father James
in Setubal. I had problems on the thyroid that made an inflammation and
a swelling of the face. When I passed by the people I could not recognize
them. In one moment of the Adoration prayer, I was healed of my health
Praise Jesus!
Costa, 48 years old, Coimbra - Portugal
Through some friends I came to know about the retreats of Father James.
In November 2010, I registered my parents and my uncles for the retreat
in Fatima. I could not go with them but on the last day, Sunday, I was
attending Mass at my parish and, on the moment of Consecration, I felt
a relief on my digestive system (I suffered with bad digestions) and until
today I am healed. Praise Lord!
I went for the first time to the retreat of Father James in April 2011
in Figueira da Foz, and when there was a moment to listen to the Lord,
I had the confirmation of my healing and also an encouragement to become
again catechist.
In the retreat of Viseu I was convincing my parents and uncles to go
to the retreat again and when the weekend was approaching I started feeling
dizzy and for my surprise I was with low blood-pressure. I was for 15 years
hypertensive (high blood-pressure) I had an operation in 2010, a closing
catheterization. During the retreat when Father James laid his hands on
me, while I was on the floor I felt my heart was being touched by the Lord.
It seemed I was receiving electric shocks and since then my blood-pressure
is well without the need of any medicine.
The Lord started to bless me even before going to the retreat.
Faith moves mountains and the Lord is careful with his faithful and
He is merciful.
Lourenço dos Santos, 59 years old, Figueira da Foz - Portugal
During the Mass, on the second day of the retreat in Viseu, July 2011,
I asked the Holy Spirit to heal my brain from the Alzheimer and Epilepsy.
When I received Communion, I believed in my healing and, on the moment
of the healing prayer, Father James pronounced my name and my healing.
I am healed.
Thank you Jesus Christ for my healing. Thank you Father James for the
blessing of my conversion!
Pedro Lopes, 34 years old, Leiria - Portugal
I was a baptized Catholic but not believing. In went to the retreat
of Father James out of curiosity. I went to Fatima in November 2010 and
I received many blessings: my conversion, I started going to Mass, to read
the Bible and I stopped smoking.
Praise Jesus!
Abreu, 45 years old, Madeira Island - Portugal
In November 2010 I went for the first time to a retreat of Father James
in Fatima. I went for Confession, something I didn’t do for more than
20 years. It was on the confessionary that I had my conversion during a
confession of 45 minutes. I had problems in my knees, I could not bend
them and during the night I could not sleep because of the pains. During
months I was going to Mass but I could not kneel down. I went to several
specialist doctors and I was in the waiting list to be operated. On Sunday,
after the retreat I went for Mass and when I realized I was kneeling down
without pains, praising the Lord.
In the retreat of February 2011, Fatima, I was taking one pill every
day for my high blood-pressure. On the second day, in the morning, I was
on the toilet to take the pill when it jumped from my hand and fell down
on the wash-basin. I thought I have more pills but suddenly a thought came
to my mind: “Is this a sign?” After that, I never took any pill anymore.
It was really a sign that the Lord had healed me. Praise the Lord!
Pinto, 38 years old, Viseu - Portugal
I have decided to follow Jesus! It was not easy and it is not easy
as it binds ourselves everyday to change our way of living but believe
it is worth! I have born again for a new life!
Despite being born in a Catholic family and being raised up with much
love, care and with good moral principles, I thought I could live without
Jesus. I stopped to be a believing Catholic and left Church. To go away
from God was one of my main sins… I stopped recognizing His presence
in my life and thinking that everything was going on well only by my effort
because I was strong, determined and a fighter. Being guided by the principles
my parents have given me, I lived and fighted against the wickedness and
without noticing I allowed the evil to have a place in my heart. When people
hurt me and when I saw injustices against me or in the world, I felt a
great anger that surely does not come from Jesus. And instead of responding
with love to those who had lack of love, I started to collect anger and
lack of forgiveness in my heart.
I have a cancer. After becoming a mother, the doctor diagnosed a breast
cancer on the 3rd January 2008. It was a shock for me. My only strength
was my son but inside me I was asking without faith: “My God, why me?”
I followed all the medical process: 8 sessions of chemotherapy, operation
of mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time, 26 sessions of radiotherapy
and one more year of chemotherapy that would reduce the probability of
new cancer reappearance. Despite the suffering, I tried to push my life
After this stage I baptized my son. He had fears at night and after
receiving the Holy Spirit he came back to calm nights. My second operation
of reconstruction was appointed. It went on well and I recovered quickly
but one month after this operation, when I was putting my son in the car,
I felt a pull in my breast. I thought it was in the muscle and I went to
see my doctors. I was scared, frightened and lost and I was feeling pity
of myself. After two months of suffering the exams showed that the breast
cancer had spread to the lungs, liver and bones. I was unable to be operated!
This was the death sentence for me. And I felt really dead, my soul
was dead. Again I went through chemotherapy, the intravenous type. I started
to take anti-depressives and sedatives but my sadness was not going away.
I dind’t sleep or eat. One day I received a phone call of a colleague
who invited me to go to a retreat of Father James. I asked if it was a
Catholic retreat and I said yes for my own surprise. In May 2010
we went to the retreat in Braga for the Pentecost, which was for me a really
Pentecost experience. The talks of Father James were really for me and
the Holy Spirit operated miracles on me. I developed a great love for Jesus
and I had a great repentance experience. I didn’t confess for more than
20 years. It was a great suffering but how good it was to repent! Farther
James told me to go for confession and I went. It was a great experience
and one of the wise advices the priest he has given me was: “My child,
don’t die before time”. I felt a joy and a peace as I never felt before!
I received an inner healing.
I changed many things in my life: I forgave many people, I reconciled,
I became humble. In August I did an exam of control and the doctor was
surprised with the results. The cancer in the lungs had disappeared completely,
only in the liver and on the back remained. A miracle had happened and
I felt healed. In May, I did another exam and now I only had a small nodule
in the liver and on the back it seemed to be only scars. Now a more complete
exam is going to be done. Despite that, I feel totally healed.
Praise be God and the Holy Trinity.
All honor, praise and glory to you, Jesus!
I'm thinking in all the graces that The Holly Spirit gave to me through
you, and they are many. Shorly that GOD had a purpose with this facts.
I had the grace of smelling the roses perfume, when i was nearer from you
and even when you weren´t; When i first met JESUS i saw lights coming
from the Holly Sacrament and felt involved and while this was happened
you told that you were seeing some people sitting in The Lap of JESUS,
and then i start crying because i was feeling something amazing that i
was not able to describe; this happened not only in your first retreat
in Portugal, but also in a christian comunity in Fátima when the lights
were coming from a picture of Mother Mary with The Child JESUS; Once when
i was working with the team in one of our morning prayers, when you put
your hands in my head i saw The Feet of The LORD ! And you told: Thank
You Lord for this moment. In Medjugorje i saw in the sky The Holly Face!
In all my youth, even after marriage, i had the habit of masturbation
every week. JESUS liberated me from this sin. I started to read The Bible
everyday and start praying The Rosary regularly. I went no more in martial
art practises, yoga, tai chi or any kind of eastern philosophies. Once
in a while i started going to Mass during the week and fast at wednesdays
and fridays with only bred and water.
I realy wish for you the Allmighty Grace in everyday of your life here,
and then in Heaven with The Lord, Our Lady Mary and All The Angels and
Big HUG. GOD bless you.
Your sp. son,
"My brother had been unable to find a job even one year after completing
his studies and was completely disheartened. He also had severe anxiety
and fears and this jobless situation slowly made him very very frustrated
and depressed. He had gone to many interviews with no positive results
and at some places, where he had got an appointment, he was unable to go
for some reason or the other. He was also gradually loosing confidence
whether he would ever find/ do a job.My parents, who are about to retire,
had also become extremely worried with the situation and we were not finding
any way of solving this problem. I then remembered of my previous meeting
with Fr. James, many many years ago in India wherein his words had given
me lot of encouragement. So, I looked up Fr. James' contact on the Internet
and asked him to pray for my brother. On the very day that Father responded
to my email promising me to pray, my brother had an interview. My brother
was scared, anxious and unsure of whether to go for the interview at all,
since he was so so disappointed and also scared and did not have much hope
that he would get selected after so many interviews. However, after I receiving
Fr. James' email, suddenly, he got ready, went for the interview and got
a job at a very very good company!!! And more importantly, he was able
to conquer his anxiety and fears and go for the job!!..And the best part
is that his bosses and peers and very very supportive. Today is his fifth
day at work and we continue to pray for him.I am extremely grateful to
Fr. James Manjackal for his timely intercessory prayers that helped my
brother in getting a job and saved him.Thank You Fr. James. Thank you Jesus!
Praise you Jesus!"
I write this letter to give the testimony of my healing in thyroid.
In the month of June, I have detected for some thyroid problem and we have
been to three to four doctors and they were having different opinions regarding
the illness and most of them suggested that I might need to take some medicine
which could have some side effects. We were sad and confused. That time
I wrote to Fr.James Manjackal regarding my illness and he prayed for me
over the phone. After that there was a dramatic change in my thyroid hormone
levels and it came to its normal level within two months. According to
the doctor’s words,” Thanks to God, We should not have to give her
any harmful steroid medicine. She is absolutely normal now.” I thank
and praise you Jesus for healing me and led me to the correct way without
taking any medicine in that two months and Thanks a lot for you my dear
father for praying for me and always there to guide and pray for
With love, Sushama Cherish, Abu Dhabi
Sushama Michael
Baia. Portugal
Ricardo Baia (this moment was when Father James prayed for me during
the retreat in Sameiro Sanctuary, Braga, after I have renounced smoking,
putting the cigarettes and lighter in the basket).
My name is Ricardo Baia, I am 28 years old and I live in Guarda. I was
a drug addict for many years and I also smoked a lot. I made treatments
but, after leaving the treatments, I was going back to the drugs. I felt
I was the reason for the suffering of my family. I knew how much selfish
I was, I wanted to change but I couldn’t and while the years were passing
by, I thought there was no way out. I felt I was a lost case. I have tried
everything to get rid of the drugs but it was impossible!
No, for my Jesus, to Him nothing is impossible! It is a pity I haven’t
met Him before. I met Jesus in May 2010 when I went to the retreat of Father
James, in Sameiro Sanctuary in Braga, pushed by my mother. There I was
healed from my addiction to the cigarettes. Since then I didn’t smoke
But Jesus made the real healing, months after, when I went again to
a retreat of Father James, in Viseu in October 2010. This time, Jesus touched
me but in my heart. He healed my heart and for the first time I could see.
Jesus removed the veil of my eyes which were blind for so many years. I
accepted Jesus. On that day, I felt His love, His peace and my conversion
happened. Never more I took drugs, I was healed of an ulcer and gastritis
caused by the drugs and so many tablets. I didn’t have pains in the stomach
anymore. Jesus healed me from all my bad habits. Since the retreat, I didn’t
take alcohol anymore and I didn’t committed masturbation anymore. Thank
you, Jesus.
Pinheiro, 58 - Coimbra. Portugal
In the retreat of Father James in Fatima, November 2010 I had a cancer
in the colon. Although I have made treatments, I was still very bad. I
had an operation but it didn’t go on well and not all the polypuses were
During the Adoration prayer, Father James said my name: “Avelino,
you are healed” and I believed it was really me. Since that day, I stopped
going to the toilet 15 or 18 times per day, as I used to go. I did some
exams (blood tests, colonoscopy) which didn’t acknowledge anything. I
was cleaned and healed from the cancer in the colon. I don’t need to
take medicines. Glory to God!
Irene Viterbo Martins, 75 - Porto. Portugal
In my first retreat with Father James, in October 2010 Viseu, I was
healed from a cancer in my left breast. In July the cancer was found through
some exams. I was operated and the doctor was surprised because I never
had pains and didn’t need to take tablets. In the moment of the Adoration
prayer, Father James said:” Maria Irene, why do you doubt?” Believe
you are healed”
In November 2010, in the retreat in Fatima, Father James said my name
again and I believed I was totally healed. The exams confirmed my total
healing from the cancer in the breast. I felt I was the happiest woman
in the world. Praise God!
Manuel Pelaio, 63 - Setúbal. Portugal
Three years ago in a retreat of Father James, I had a problem on my
right knee: it produced liquids and I could not bend the knee in any way.
On that occasion I had many difficulties to drive and reach Fatima for
the retreat.
During the moment of the Adoration prayer, Father James said there
were people being healed in the knees and I believed I was one of those
persons. When I went back home, on Monday, I had no more pains neither
any swelling. I called my wife for her to see. She came and confirmed I
was totally healed. Since then, I had no more pains.
I give this testimony for the Glory of God.
Ferreira, 56 anos, Setúbal. Portugal
In the first retreat of Father James I participated in Setubal, in
2007, Father James, during the prayer, teached us to pray for our husbands
and for the sinners. I was praying continuously and I was healed and also
received the blessing of forgiving my husband who had left home in the
year 2000 and started living with another woman whit whom he had a child.
Some days after my inner healing and my forgiveness, he came back home
and lives with me. Now I don’t look at his child with any resentment.
I accept him as my own and take care of him with much love.
For many years I also had pains in the back and sometimes I could not
even move. Only with medicines and treatments I could get some relive from
the pains. I participated in the retreat of Father James in Fatima, in
the year 2010, and in the moment of Adoration, Father James said to put
the hand on the part of our body that was sick. I put my hand and I was
healed. Glory to God!
Maria B. Prita, 35 - Alverca. Portugal
I trust in the All-might God, Our Father, in the Merciful Jesus Christ
who forgives everything when we open our heart, in the Holy Spirit who
sanctifies us, in Mother Mary, Our Mother who prays and interceds for us
I trust I was healed. Before, I had constipation and my stomach was
swollen. I had also allergic rhinitis that obstructed and made my nose
dripping. After the Adoration, in the retreat in Fatima 2010, my intestines
started functioning well and never more I had any crisis of allergic rhinitis.
Thank you for these blessings received through Father James.
Blessed and praised be the Holy Trinity.
de Sousa Moreira, 60 - Penafiel. Portugal
I was a smoker for 45 years. On my 4th retreat with Father James, in
June 2010 Fatima, on the last day, after the invitation of Father James
to renounce bad habits and to put them on a box near the altar, I received
those words as if they were only for me and I felt had to stop smoking.
I stood up; I gave all my cigarettes and lighter. Since that day and after
the healing prayer for those bad habits, I never more smoked.
Praised be God!
do Céu Costa Leitão, 48 - Alverca. Portugal
After participating in a retreat of Father James with my husband in
June 2010 in Fatima, my husband, who was away from the Church, changed
completely his life. He confessed after 31 years. This was the best healing
he could have in his life.
My sister, noticing his difference, also confessed after 46 years.
We had family problems which were being dealed in the court with all the
family against us, but through the grace of God, the problems were solved,
the complain was took out from the court.
And to add to all this blessing, also my son turned to God.
Thank you, Lord!
dos Prazeres Gonçalves, 51 - Pombal. Portugal
I have several health problems and I was also hypertensive, depending
on a pill for the rest of my life.
On the 2nd retreat of Father James I participated, in December 2008,
in Fatima, after the Adoration, I went back to the hotel and when I hold
the tablets I felt something for not to take them. During several days,
I didn’t take the tablets. I went to my doctor who confirmed that only
a miracle could have healed me. And that miracle happened 3 years ago,
the healing of my hypertension.
Praised me God!
Paula, tenho 50 - Moita. Portugal
On the day I made 45 years old, I was on holidays abroad, and there
I was diagnosed multiple sclerosis. So, before meeting Father James, I
was a sick person with multiple sclerosis and I was in a wheel chair.
My religion is the Catholic but I was not practicing it. I believed
in the Lord but I thought it was enough to ask him and to thank him at
home. But, after those holidays everything changed. There I understood
how much throughout my life I was so ungrateful to the Lord. I started
participating in a prayer group of the Charismatic renewal – Emanuel
Group- and my faith became stronger and my heart full of the Holy Spirit.
I am married for 20 years and I have a son with the name Tiago. We
are a happy family. When I married, my husband was a divorced and so I
am forbidden by the church to receive the sacraments. This made me very
sad and I had an emptiness which I could not explain. In November 2010
I went to Fatima to the retreat of Father James Manjackal. I didn’t know
him but I decided to participate. When during the lunch break Father said
he was going to pray for the sick, I stayed there. After that I had many
confusing emotions as I heard my name but I thought there were so many
names equal to mine. But since the healing prayer I got much better. In
the next retreat, in February 2011, I was there also with other people
from my prayer group to whom I’m forever grateful for taking me to the
On the 11th, a Friday, during the Eucharist, I went a bit away as I
cannot have communion, and on that moment I became paralyzed, col. I knew
it wasn’t any outbreak of the M.S. No one was looking at me as everyone
was with the joy of the retreat. But when Father James said my name many
looked at me and were a bit frightened as I didn’t moved and couldn’t
stop crying. So they took me in the wheel chair to a member of the team,
a man very gentle who tried to calm me down although I wasn’t nervous.
When I reached the hotel I started feeling my body again and the cold disappeared.
In my room, I stood up from the chair and I felt so well, so well that
I didn’t sleep. I didn’t feel like that for five years. On the following
day I went again to the retreat but walking with my own feet (without Wheel
chair) and very happy. I went to thank the man that helped me and that
could not recognize me. I gave my testimony but I waited until the next
retreat as my heart believed but my intellect was stubborn to believe I
was really healed. And my healing was confirmed. I am healed, Lord, forgive
me for my doubts. I am forever grateful to Father James, your worthy intermediary.
Jesus touched me and healed me. BLESSED AND PRAISED BE THE LORD.
Barbosa, 8 - Barcelos. Portugal
My daughter could not sleep alone during the night. She had nightmares.
She woke up frightened and screaming saying she was seeing mice and she
could only calm down when I lie down with her. This was happening for 2
months, until the moment when we went to the children retreat of Father
James and Christeen in Novembro 2010, in Fátima.
On that retreat, during the Holy Mass, I asked God the blessing of
her healing and she fall asleep on my lap. While sister Marykutty, founder
of the Christeen, was giving her testimony, my daughter woke up and said:
“Mother, I am not scared anymore of sleeping alone.” Since that moment
my daughter was delivered and now sleeps alone without any nightmare. Glory
to God!
Manuela Teixeira Vaia, 62 - Aveiro. Portugal
When I went to the retreat of Father James in Porto, in September 2010,
I had dizziness for 2 months. I had been to several doctors although they
could not find out my problem. I did treatments but they didn’t solve
In the moment of the Adoration, Father James said: “A Maria Manuela
is being healed”. I believed the Lord was healing me and I said: “It
is me, Lord”. After two days, the dizziness disappeared. Never more I
had problems. Praised be God!
Sheples, 69 - Fátima (Inglaterra). Portugal
I had a depression and I was a person always depreciating myself. I
felt I was good for nothing. I didn’t wish to live anymore, I have lost
all the sense and meaning for life.
After several retreats with Father James and through all his talks,
God molded me and started entering my life, making me fell more and more
happy. I feel I am a renewed person, with more faith and much strength
not to leave anymore Our Lord. I also had a problem on my knee that didn’t
allow me to climb stairs. I was healed in one of the retreats and that
problem disappeared.
António e Tomé - Estarreja. Portugal
I decided to give my testimony because I know how much it is important
for the couples who wish to have children, a very common problem nowadays.
I was trying to get pregnant for more than one year and I couldn’t.
I also had that problem in the family. I could only make my reproductive
system functioning with hormonal medicines.
I was worried and was being followed in the hospital by the infertility
medicine. The doctors decided to make an operation to my ovaries to check
what they could do to help me.
My sister in law gave me a CD of Father James which I liked and so
I decided to go for a retreat. I went to the retreat of Father James only
with the expectation of listening to his talks. I didn’t know anything
about him, only that it was good and that it was worthy to go. I have heard
already about the Charismatic Renewal and of the healing prayer but I didn’t
know anything.
During the retreat, in the healing prayer, I decided to ask for my
difficulty in conceiving despite thinking that there were other diseases
more important than mine and that I shouldn’t “give trouble to God”,
I thought my problem could be solved by the doctors. But as Father James
said we could ask what we want, that He would answer our prayer, I decided
to ask.
I had my operation appointed for the 23rd January 2010. On the day
before, I thought it would be better to make a pregnancy test. It was positive!
God blessed us. God gave us a beautiful baby and for the first time in
my life my reproductive system is functioning without needing medicines.
Thanks be to God!
Maria B. Frita, 58 - Arruda dos Vinhos. Portugal
I trust in God Father, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I was healed. I had difficulties to climb stairs and many pains in
the knees. Now I can climb stairs and run without pains. My daughter was
very surprised to see this. Thank you, Father James, for your retreats
and talks.
do Carmo, 70 - Aveiro. Portugal
I had a glaucoma in the eyes and thanks be to God I was healed in a retreat of Father James in Fatima. Praised be the Lord.
da Conceição, 61 - Penafiel. Portugal
In the retreat of Pentecostes, in Braga I had a problem in the spine
due to an accident. I was taking medicines for 5 months. In the moment
of the Adoration. Father James said my name: “Believe, Rosa, you are
healed”. On that moment I felt my spine very cold and then very
hot. I believed I was healed.
Until today I didn’t have problems anymore. Telling my husband what
happened, he was very surprised, because he knew how I was before, and
he came to me to the following retreat where he received a conversion.
He had communion without having confession but father James said there
was a person who had communion unworthy and he felt those words were for
On the following day, very early, he went for confession, something
he hasn’t done for years. Now he participates with me in the retreats
and we pray together. It was a very deep conversion. Glory to God!
Pães de Sousa, 35 - Leiria. Portugal
Until the retreat of 12 and 13 of December 2008 of Father James, I
was very bad, making psychiatric treatments for 2 years. I was involved
with occultism, witchcraft and sorcery. After reading Father James book
“New life in Christ”, I wanted to meet him and to go to his retreat
because my salvation would only be there.
During all the retreat I was very concentrated listening to everything
Father James was saying and finding out the drawbacks in my life. After
that, a big battle started to get away from the hands of the devil and
with the help of a priest, with confession and daily going to Mass, my
life improved a lot. I recovered back the happiness.
Later on, some nodules appeared in my head. I went to a doctor and started
a treatment. In the retreat in Fatima, in 2010. Father James, during the
Adoration prayer, said a person was being healed of a problem in the head.
I didn’t doubt it was me. I made some exams and I don’t have anything
more. I am totally healed. The doctor couldn’t find any explanation for
I was lost and now and can see the love of God in my life. Praise the
Isabel da Silva – Figueira da Foz. Portugal
I had sinusitis since my teenage and I was healed in my first retreat
with Father James in November 2010, in Fatima. Also the pains I had in
my legs were gone and I am healed. It was a miracle of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
38 - Guarda. Portugal
In the retreat of Fatima in 2011, since I didn’t have the registration,
I was out of the pavilion, at the door. My husband is a Muslim and he came.
As we were out, I prayed with faith and I believed that the same Lord who
was making wonders inside the pavilion, was also out at the door. I believed
Jesus was going to make wonders right there. I prayed the divine mercy
chaplet with a lady who joined us and we asked the grace of receiving Jesus
in the Eucharist and I was interceding for my husband. He suffered from
strong pains in the stomach and since that gathering the pains disappeared.
I am still praying for his conversion to the Catholicism and for his baptism.
Praise the Lord!
Marcelino, 56 - Leiria. Portugal
During several years, I suffered with strong pains in my bones. I was
diagnosed osteoporosis. I made treatments but they were not successful
and in the end my organism rejected the several medicines I was taking.
I came to know about the retreats of Father James in December 2008 and
I participated for the first time in the retreat in Fatima in December
2009. I went for the second retreat also in Fatima and during the moment
of the Adoration I heard my name and I believed I was being healed from
the osteoporosis. On that day I had many difficulties climbing the stairs
of the Auditorium. I went back home and went to sleep. On the following
day, I woke up without pains and today I can do everything that before
I could not do because of the pains in my bones.
Praised be the Lord, thank you Father James. May the Lord bless you
to continue preaching the Gospel and converting the sinners. Thank you.
- Belarus
My name is Elena and I come from Grodno, Belarus. I took part in the
recollections in Ross’ at the end of July. And I will try to explain
what happened to me before, at that time and after recollections.
I was baptized in orthodox church still never was aware what is God and what is his Love, thought that visiting churches on Easter and praying in need sometimes make me a good Christian. Still we were married in church and I was the one in the couple who wanted that very much as I really believed that marriage is one and forever. Probably my ex-husband had a different point of view.
God blessed us with two wonderful kids and now our son is 9 and daughter is 6. And it may be clear already that we were divorced, I am not proud of that at all, already understand the lessons that God gave me. 2 years ago I moved from Minsk to Grodno with kids and I did that for many reasons. To make the long story short (I am trying to do my best:) I just want to tell about one - my daughter was baptized in Catholic Church. I wanted a very special man to be her Godfather and he is catholic, but Orthodox Church didn’t allow me to do that, moreover, they said a lot of bad things about Catholics and that was something I could never understand.
We had several difficulties, of course, but I felt that my soul was looking for peace and I felt in peace here in Grodno – a city with very powerful catholic society, a royal city as a tourist guide says. I am happy to live in this historical place and proud to be Belorussian.
As I feel the responsibility for baptizing Anastasia, my daughter I went to a Polish Language School to learn polish and understand prayers and help her on her learning for the First Holy Communion later on. I also wanted to learn how to behave during the Holy Mess and my friend Carolina who is catholic promised to take me to the church. She invited for many times, and then stopped and one day I phoned and said that tomorrow will go with her. So I will always remember that first conscious time in the church as before the Holy Mess there were recollections for women by Father Cheslaw. I never thought priest can make me laugh but he did! Already forgot when I felt such joy, his humor was very delicate; he gave us a lot of lessons of wisdom and love and that was something that opened my heart for a sincere prayer to the Lord. There is a lot of misunderstanding in our family, there was a period when I didn’t talk to my Mom for several months, so I prayed to God for love and peace for us. The next day, April, 11, the bomb exploded in Minsk metro and my Mom had passed the station few minutes before. Remembering we both were crying on the phone and I said that I love her, told about my visit to the church the day earlier and felt so grateful to God for saving her life.
Since then I wanted to go to Ross and thank Father Cheslaw for opening my heart. So when we got to know about your recollections in Ross, I said that we would definitely go there. I didn’t know anything about you and your missions and now thank God so much for bringing you to our country.
I had my first confession maybe for ten years or something, I cried during prayers, I was a new born in Jesus Christ our Lord. A part of my skin was healed and purified and that was a God’s miracle I could feel and touch. On Sunday evening during the Holy Mess in Farny Cathedral I prayed like I never did before and I heard you talking about me and my diseases and then I heard – Helena, you are healed! And this is my name in Polish, so I was and I am sure that I am totally healed.
Dear Father James, you gave me a new understanding of what is God’s Love and how happy we are to be Christians, so when I am sad now I do remember your joy and belief and always smile then. When there is a chance to go to Ross and talk to Father Cheslaw I will discuss how to become a catholic for me and my son. 5 days after recollections I took part in pilgrimage Grodno-Ross and it took 2 days and 75 km to go there. I knew I will not be alone anymore as God is always with me and our slogan was GREAT IS HIS LOVE! And God was with me as a sister Natalia – she gave a lot for my spiritual growth on the way (you may see us on attached pictures) That was my first pilgrimage and I felt no pains, no difficulties on the way – God was with me. I had three intentions – 1) thanking God for keeping my Mom’s life, 2) thanking God for opening my heart through Father Cheslaw, 3) thanking God for complete physical and spiritual renewal at recollections with you, Father James, also asking God to bless your mission on the East these days. I heard a lot of intentions for you on our way, and with the help of sister Natalia we organized a group of 7 people – Apostolate Daisy – to pray for you till the end of our lives and we ask for your blessing very much. We also need to know who your saint patron is as we will mention his name in our prayers – so, please, let us know.
Dear Father James, we will pray so much to see you again in our country.
I would even dare to ask for your and Father Cheslaw permission to be you
interpreter for your second visit. The girl from Odessa did great job,
really, still journey is too long, maybe. I do understand that I need a
special preparation and I am sorry for any mistakes in this letter –
I don’t write often in English, still maybe this is the way I could serve
to God and people who are waiting for you here.
We, 7 people of your Daisy, looking forward to your reply and starting
our weekly prayers.
Thank you and Lord from all my heart for every change in me!
In 1996 I came to see you in Bangalore with 1 lady her name is Christye
from Goa she is a good friend of Fatima from Bangalore and Fatima was you
I came with Christye because I had no children I was married for a
year. you were sick that time you told me that somebody kidnaped you and
beat you and put you in the gutter, you prayed over me and told me that
if any body tell you, you will not get children dont believe i will get
1 son and that is your gift for me from GOD and he will be a priest like
you and you said give him your name James. after 2 years my son was born
in 1998 24 Oct. fr. I am very very sorry I have not name him James but
I have named him Jeremiah second name i gave him Innocent because his Godfather
is a priest and his name is Fr. Innocent and 3rd name i gave him savio
because i was in charismatic reneval and I was under Fr. Savio and when
he celebrated my wedding on 28 Oct 1995 and on 29 Oct the next day of my
wedding he died while saving the boys who were getting drowned in Goa so
I gave him Fr. Savio name Now my son is 12 years 8 month old he want to
become a priest he is in the VIII Std we are in Kuwait at present
I and my husband are working in Kuwait and our son is studying in Kuwait.
I and my son Jeremiah will come to Goa in August for 1 month holidays Fr.
Please I want to meet you and show my son to you I told him about you Please
Fr. James can we come in August to see you Please Fr. send me your India
Address so i can come with my son to see you.
I always wanted to write to you but I did not had your address today
in the office i went to google and just typed Fr. James Manjackal and i
found your site Praise The Lord.
Fr. James I am attaching a Photo of my son Jeremiah he received Confirmation
on 13 May, Fr please Keep my son Jeremiah in you prayer to be a holy priest
like you As you said i will get 1 son, GOD blessed me with only 1 son,
I and my Husband are praying everyday for our son to be a holy priest like
God Bless You Fr. James.
In Christ
Dear Father James!
I have been heeled several limes by Jesus and your prayer. Have been
heeled from growths of the larynx at the mass in Poland in Gorzów on 26th
of July 2009. I also forgave my father for not taking care of me for years.
Third heeling was from ocultism and fourth from skin disease caused
by mycosis. My physical and mental condition has been getting better now.
Jesus is great! He is the lord of my life.
Natalia Anna
Dear Father,
My name is Urszula. I am 55 years old and live in Poland, a small city
called Kra?nik ( South Eastern of the country). I attended recollection/
retreats in Ostroleka and Elblag in 2010.
I have suffered from low blood pressure ( 60/40) ,blood circulation
problems and very weak pulse for many years ( more than 10 years). During
recollection in Elblag, you Father pronounced my name - URSZULA first time.I
doubted then, and thought to myself " Lord if it's me, please let's make
the Father pronounce my name again". After that once more I heard Father
Manjackal pronouncing my name, that time in a shorter version - ULA.
After all I got back home and I felt strong and very well.After a few
months I went to see my doctor that confirmed that all my problems with
blood pressure and weak pulse had disappeared.
Thanks and praise Lord Jesus !!!!
God Bless you Father James,
Urszula Rola
Hello Dear Father James,
May the Lord Jesus be with you. We hope you are still feeling healthy
and strong. I'd like to Thank Jesus for sending to us a holy priest like
you, who takes us to the heart of Jesus to heal us on our souls and body.
My healing start on my first retreat I attend at Anadia-Portugal. Since
this retreat I've received many heals and Blesses on my personal and married
The most important Bless I received was my convertion to Jesus, because
I was far away from Jesus. I was going to the new age, but Jesus with his
mercy and love, healed my soul. Thank you Jesus. I Praise you Lord. After
this Retreat I've changed my attitude to the Church, to the Sacraments
and to the Lord's Commandments, and consequently all my life changed. I
could not be the same person after having this specially meeting with Jesus
who Loves me so much. And because Jesus Loves me, He healed me. He gave
me inner strengh to deal with many things in my life. I was suffering for
an Allergic Asma for 9 years, but on the Retreat at Consolata-Fátima-Portugal,
on March of 2008, Jesus Healed my allergys. I was 600% allergic and now
I'm only 100%. When I told to my doctor he said that I was crazy, and in
fact I am. After the allergic tests that he asked me to do, he told that
I was right. He asked me how can I be so sure, and I said that God knows
what is good for us. That's why I must Praise the Lord Jesus for everything
He gives to me and to my family.
I Praise Jesus also because on the Retreat at Anadia He healed me of
ovary policyst. I went to the Hospital and it was clear. No more cysts.
The ultrasound scan proved it. I Praise the Lord for being so wonderfull.
Thank you Jesus for being the Lord of my life and of my marriage and of
my family. Thank you Jesus. I love you Jesus. Aleluia. Amen.
Thank you Father James for taking us to the Heart of Jesus. Thank you
for your prayers, fasting and mass.
God Bless you, your work and your mission, and also all the team that
helps so the retreats can happen.
Sofia Malta.
I was born with a patella luxation which was operated a few years ago.
A few months ago I had an accident in which a car hit my bike. Even
if I took much less harm then I should have, regarding the force of the
crash, I got harmed at my knee, at the knee that was operated years ago.
That crash almost undid the operation.
I feared that I might not be able to visit Pater James at Wigratzbad
but was able to do so nonetheless with a good friend and his mother.
At the evening of the first day at holy mass my friend was chosen to
read the lesson. The minute he began to read a strange warmth crept up
my knee. I wore a bandage so I was unable to feel it with my hands. But
it became hotter and hotter and focused on the exact point where I was
operated and what has been harmed mostly through the accident. I was stunned.
I didn't know the meaning of it and it never occurred to me that this
could have been a healing, what I experienced. I were a little afraid,
because everything I don't understand frightened me. And this I didn't
When I told my friend he made it clear to me what that experience meant
and I was a little childish in expecting my knee to be totally healed and
the scar gone by the next day. So I was somewhat disappointed when I woke
up next day still with my scar on my knee and still needing the bandage
to walk stairs.
At the evening of the second day the healing prayers began. We were
to touch the part of our body were we wanted to be healed and I wondered...
there were so many people in this room who might be seriously ill and here
I was with just a little vice. And then there was my mother who was much
more in need of healing - inner healing - then I ever was. Many people
have done her wrong in the past and in the time being she chose to close
up her heart. So I touched my heart with the meaning of healing her through
me since my beating heart only exists because of her and that is what is
binding us together.
But then out of nothing it occurred to me that the Lord wanted me to
touch my bad knee, to heal what went wrong some months before. So I did.
I still wondered if I shouldn't pray for some of those who are seriously
ill, but when my friend also touched my knee I knew that this was what
the Lord really wanted. And so I obliged and prayed for the healing of
my knee next to the inner healing.
Afterwards my friend told me that even before my name was said my hand
suddenly became hot for a short while. I didn't recognize it.
But I took the Lord for his word and expected to be healed. So, since
then I haven't used the bandage anymore. At first the difference was only
vague. But I kept on taking his word and thanked him for the
At the last healing prayer I had nothing more to ask for. So I just
soaked up the incredible feeling of peace while these minutes. My name
was said with someone else along to be filled with the holy spirit. And
I guess that is what one can name that feeling of absolute and deepest
peace I've ever experienced. It did heal my inner self. And because of
that I am now able to forgive the person who has wronged my
mother most: my grandmother - her mother. And because of that honest
forgiveness I am the very first person within that family who actually
can pray for her and for the healing of a mother-daughter-binding. And
through that and because there is still a long way for me to go, one day
I might be able to make my mother see the power of forgiveness and then
she too might be able to be healed.
A few days after I was home I began a Thank-You-Novene to the holy
spirit for the healing. I began to feel a change in my knee while walking
stairs and soon felt nothing out of the ordinary in my walking.
I didn't exactly expect I was healed completely but I do trust that
in time the Lord might do his work.
So a week later on Sunday I went home after holy mass. It was raining
and the front door was slippery - of course I almost fell down. But my
reflexes were good enough to catch myself - with my former bad knee. I
had to catch all my weight and stabilize myself with that knee. And I felt
nothing. I should have - even before the accident. In that operation years
ago the doctors transferred a muscle a few inches to
stabilize my patella. Since then I felt every sudden exertion of that
muscle. As I should have felt then, but didn't since the healing.
That was just one of many times since the healing that I could use
my knee even better than before the accident.
Dear Father James
It is with great joy that we announce that our dear daughter was born,
Constance. She was born on 9th December, realizing the great desire to
have a child! We are Sonia and Tó, married for 12 years and some years
ago who tried in vain tohave a child ...
In February 2008 we attended a retreat for couples, Fatima, directed
by Father James.Since then, attend other retreats at various locations
in Portugal. In May 2008, Estoril, during the healing prayer, heard from
your mouth the following message: "Sonia're cured, you will have a child
and your marriage is blessed!"
This grace has fallen on us for four months ... We have a beautiful
girl and serene. We are forever grateful for your intercession before the
Father ..
We thank God for the angel who has given us ...
You are always in our prayers...
With love,
Sonia and Tó -
I am Luka Barisic. When Fr. James preached retreat in St.Johns Park,
Sydney five years before, I attended it and I had a great spiritual conversion.
Now I pray daily and to Mass daily. I am no more the old Luka, the Lord
took away my old self and gave me new self fter his likeness.When I attended
the retreat I had two sicknesses, problem of Thyroid and Blood cot on the
legs.Jesus called my name through the mouth of the preacher during the
healing prayers and healed.At First I could not believe it, so on the second
day again the Lord asked " Luka, why dont you believe and claim your healing",
then I wept and responded," Lord I believe that I am healed". It is five
years, I have no problem.Jesus healed me fully.Praise the Lord.Daily I
pray for the worldwide preaching ministry of Fr.James and Gaby.May God
bless them with good health of soul and body.
Luka Barisic
St Johns Park,
Sydney, Australia
The photo is our daughter Alicia Mendes. In 2006 when Fr.James gave
the retreat at Johns Park, Sydney, we were able to attend it only on the
last day, as we heard about it only on that day through a Croatian lady.
Our Alicia was suffering from 'Global developmental delay' because
of which she was behaving like a very small child although she was five
years. She could not be quiet even for five minutes, she was mischievous,
her capacity to learn and understand was very low.Also she had epilepsy,
often getting fits. The Croatian lady told about the many miracles and
healing that happens through the prayers of Fr. James Manjackal, hence
with great hope we asked to lay his hands and pray over the child. As we
did not attend the retreat fully, at first he was hesitant to pray, saying,"
I came to preach and not to heal, I am not a healer". Then after praying
in silence for a while, he laid both his hands on Alicia and prayed with
some strange sounds. At the end of the prayers, he said "Alicia is healed,
dont worry, go in peace". Yes she is healed. Praise the Living Jesus !
Her doctors said with surprise that now she has remarkable mental
development and her IQ capacity to learn and to understand increased. Now
she is doing the home schooling. This time at St.Johns park and in St.Michaels
church, along with us she attended the full retreats, she was very quite,
and was understanding every word that Fr.James preached. She has
no fits now, no medicine for epilepsy.In our family- prayers, every day
we pray for the good health and long life of Fr.James, so that through
his hands and prayers many people in the world be healed and come to believe
in Christ and the Church.
Ivy & Joachim Mendes,
Mount Druitt, 57- 5 Hythe street,
Marques de Sousa, 70 years old, Meirinhas-Fátima. - Portugal
In the retreat of 22nd February 2009 at Fátima, during the Adoration prayer, Father James said for those who had pains to put his/her hands on the part of the body that was sick. I have put my hands on my back where I had many pains. Father James continued the prayer and said that there were four people healed with the name “Armando”. I looked at the room and I saw so many people that I told my wife: “There are so many people here, is it me?” Father James doesn’t speak Portuguese but, on that moment, I heard him in Portuguese saying: “Why do you doubt Armando?” After all this, I felt I was really healed and I have given my testimony in the retreat. I was very happy, on that Sunday, it was my birthday.
After the retreat, my life changed.
I stopped smoking, I used to smoke three packages of cigarettes every day
and never more I felt the desire to go for the café where I used to stay
every night until one o’clock in the morning.
Praise you Jesus.
Paula, 50 years old, Moita - Portugal
I was sick with Multiple Sclerosis and I was in a Wheel Chair. I went to the last retreat in Fátima, November 2010. I was much better, but on this retreat, 11th February 2011, after Father’s talk, I felt something very strong in my all body and after it a paralysis. It took some time to go away but today, the 12th February, I came to the retreat without wheel chair! I am healed.
I am married for 20 years, I have
a son and we are a happy family. But my husband was divorced and because
of that I cannot have communion. That caused an inferiority complex in
me because I thought Jesus would never heal me but the faith and strength
of the Lord were stronger and today here I am now very well. I ask the
Lord pardon for all my doubts. Aleluia!
de Fátima dos Santos Gonçalves, 45 anos, Moita Redonda-Leiria. - Portugal
In June 2003, my vesicle was taken in São Francisco Hospital in Leiria in an operation that took 4 hours and went on badly. The surgeon pierced too much my liver, destroying the aorta artery of the liver on the right side. After this, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks almost dying. I did several medical tests, a magnetic resonance in which it was found out a destructive anomaly on the aorta artery of the right side. I did a biopsy to the liver which was analyzed in Coimbra and England.
An attempt to put a prosthesis in the artery was made at the Hospital University of Coimbra, but its application was impossible. There I was in the surgery block during one hour and a half without results.
In the following two years, I did blood tests every month. I stopped with this after consulting a specialized doctor professor at the Hospital of Ordem Terceira in Lisbon where it was told me that there was medical negligence and that probably I would have to make a surgery again to take out the dried part of the liver, where the blood could not reach in order to avoid transplantation.
In December 2008, in the Retreat of Father James at Centro Paulo VI in Fatima, I found my healing. Father James said my name in the retreat and 3 days later I felt very bad, I was in bed in the hospital with many pains and when I woke up, in the next day, I felt another person completely well. I made blood tests and everything was very well.
I am Healed, thanks be to this Great
miracle of the Holy Spirit and to the intercession of Father James.
Thank you Jesus
de Fátima Moreira, 59 years old, Penafiel. - Portugal
I have received the grace of the
physical healing in the retreat with Father James in Malaposta, Anadia,
September 2007.
I was paralysed in my inferior members.
After the imposition of his hands, I was healed thanks be to God.
Glory to the Holy Trinity
Botelho Gomes, 69 years old, Vila Real. - Portugal
My God, I want to give you many thanks for the two big healings that by your infinite mercy, you have given me through the intercession of Reverence and very dear Father James.
I suffered from a very rare and incurable
disease for 14 years. There was no healing by the medicine neither in all
country nor in Brazil because one brother of mine took my process there
to great doctors and called me saying they didn’t know the disease. Through
my dear sister, who has already come to the retreat of Father James (April
2010 at Vila Real) , I came with her, her husband and their daughter. I
was introduced to Father James who blessed me and told me to have faith
and that I would be healed.
After that retreat I attended two
others at Porto and Bragança.
In the fouth retreat at Fátima
(November 2010) the healing happened. With the great Divine Mercy, that
all those who turn to Him with faith, repentance and trust always get,
on Sunday, 6th November 2010, I felt much, much better and until today,
10th February never more I was in bed nor I fell down (before I was falling
all the time, many times I break several parts of the body), never more
I vomited (I used to have a basin near my bed because I vomited day and
night). I was only skin and bones. The disease was mortal, in any crisis
I could die.
The 2nd blessing happened in June
2010 also in the retreat of Fe. James at Fátima. I was in the hospital
to be operated to the intestines by emergency which I suffered for 30 years.
But my daughter, who works in the hospital, didn’t allowed my operation
because she was going on holidays and so asked the doctor to wait for her
so that I could do more exams and see what else was necessary. I went to
the retreat and I was completely healed until today. Never more I had pain
or colics that made me scream everyday. I thank for everything and I want
to make all these blessings known.
Praise you Lord.
Nunes, 61 years old, Alvaiázere-Leiria. - Portugal
I suffered from a Great anxiety that was making me becoming crazy. I was taken to the hospital emergencies for three times. From there I was sent to a Psychiatrist. In the meanwhile I met the Catholic Renewal and I assisted some retreats of Father James.
In those retreats I was healed, I
left all the medicines and now I am a person full of peace and joy. So
I will praise and worship Jesus all days of my life for His great mercy.
Praise you Lord.
Albertina Trindade Luís Santos, Figueira da Foz - Portugal
I suffered migraine headaches that
lasted for 3 or 4 days and only with bid doses of several medicines they
went away. I suffered this for 28 years. I went to 4 retreats of Father
James and, on the last retreat in Fatima, in November 2010, through the
mouth of Father James, God proclaimed my name. Since then, the migraines
disappeared. I am healed. I had also a great conversion and I was healed
of unforgiveness. Praise be Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much,
Father James.
Maria, 55 years old, Sobreiro Curvo-Torres Vedras - Portugal
I want to thank God Father All-Mighty
and to the Holy Trinity because, through His anointed Father James, I received
many blessings of healing in the body and soul.
I received several healings: a healing
in the liver, of many pains in the legs and feet and in my lung which had
burnt cells due to the radiotherapy. Because of that, several times in
the year, I had to go to the hospital. I also had many fears and I stopped
taking medicines. Now I feel very well.
Thank you my Lord and my God.
Glory and praises to You, Lord.
Santos, 65 years old, Carcavelos - Parede - Portugal
Thank you Jesus for having bought me back to your House, to your love and to your Holy Spirit. Many times I was forgotten You existed. I was during many years without understanding why I existed. You, Lord, have given me everything a woman can expect from live: 2 beautiful children, intelligent and full of love for the parents, a good house, a good live, money for everything I wanted to buy and to have. All these were the fruit of your love and will. And what have I given you back? Nothing, even not a simple thank you! I have never thought in you, Lord.
One day, and because my life was full of sins, the disease came. I was diagnosed a breast cancer. On that time everything fall on my feet, everything seemed to be dark and nothing else could make me smile. I knew I was going to die and I was sad to leave my children, my husband, my parents and everything I built up throughout all the years. At the same time, my husband committed adultery on a time when I most needed his help. It was terrible, after all everything I have built worth nothing. My heart was bleeding with pain, there was something I missed but I didn’t know to explain. I went to psychiatrists, pshychologists and nothing happened. I was not well.
One day, a big friend of mine told
me: “Why don’t you go to Mass and talk with the sister or with the
priest and maybe they can help you”. I did so. The Sister of Bom Pastor
advised to go to the retreat of Father James that was, on that time, in
Sameiro (May 2010). I went to that wonderfull retreat of Penthecost and
since that blessed day my life changed: I learned how to love Jesus and
the Holy Trinity, I learned to recognize that everything I have is the
work of the Lord Jesus Christ and today I thank God my cancer because it
was it that brought me back to love Jesus. I learned to forgive (my husband)
and other people that made much evil to me (mother in law) and I forgave
all. I am spiritually happy because I believe Jesus healed me. Father James
pronounced my name and I feel the Holy Spirit in my life. Thank you Jesus
for everything, thank you for loving me so much and for everything you
have given me throughout all my life and, as I was blind, never saw your
goodness and love. Forgive me Jesus for not having recognized your great
goodness before. I want ot give you my heart. Give me strength and faith.
My heart will be always yours.
da Purificação Silva Vieira, 54 anos, Caranguejeira-Leiria - Portugal
I am Maria da Purificação amd I
went for the first time to Father James retreat in 18th September in Porto.
I received a great blessing. It was the healing of my cervical and still
today I feel the Holy Spirit entering in my heart.
Never more I want to loose the Holy
Spirit. Everyday I praise Jesus. Glory to you Lord.
Jorge, 54 anos, Comenda-Gavião - Portugal
I broke a prosthesis in my knee and I was with the broken prosthesis until I could not walk anymore. I was operated in urgency at the Hospital of Parede on the 6th August 2009. The prosthesis was broken in very small pieces according to what the orthopedist told. It was a complicated operation made with iron and screws, etc.
On the 6th December 2009 I came to a retreat of Father James in Fátima and, during the Eucharist and Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, I felt an interior power and a strong heat and I knell down. I was without words not knowing exactly what was happening to me but I thanked much the Lord for what was happening. I was able to kneel down before the Blessed Sacrament!
On the following day I could kneel down, jump and run. I had an appointment in 2010 with the orthopedist that has operated me to see how I was and I told him I was very happy I could jump, kneel down and run. He could not believe and I started to run in his room. The doctor without words called a colleague who also knew about my operation and asked me to run. Both of them were surprised without knowing how to explain that. After such an operation, they could never happen and never had they seen such a thing.
I have given my testimony and, despite
my doctor could not find an explanation; he didn’t believe it was a divine
work. In January 2011 he phoned me, asking if I could go to the Hospital
so that he could take some photos. I went there and some photos were taken
and my doctor was going to add them to my process together with the RX’s
before and after the operation. As far as I was told the process is going
to be studied with other American doctors that every year used to come
to Hospital da Parede. When I went back to the Hospital many people were
saying it could only be a miracle of God, other didn’t know what to say.
My case is being studied so that after I can give the testimony. For me,
it was without any doubts, a miracle God made in me. Thank you my Lord
and my God. Glory to you, Lord!
God bless you dear father James!
My name is Matjaž and I am 31 years old. I was present on your
seminars here in Slovenia several times (Kurešcek,Log pri Vipavi). I smoked
20 cigarettes a day for 16 years. Two years ago I was heald during your
seminar on Kurešcek.I do not smoke anymore! And everything in me and round
me is getting better ("Behold, I make all things new").
I thank Lord Jesus and I pray for you daily!
and Gerald Roth
We were at your retreats in Linz in September and asked you to pray
for a Spanish friend of our daughter. The friend's name is Patricia,
is about 28 years old and has given birth. Before birth, Patricia received
an anesthesia epidural. After the birth in the hospital she had a headache.
They gave her an injection with her own blood. But a week after the birth
she suddenly got blue in her face, started shaking and bit her face.
After some days in hospital she got better and started eating and talking.
She had a crisis and she couldn´t move, speak or see. She had a
lot of medication and slept most of the time. The doctors didn´t know
what was happening to her. They knew only three cases in the world with
similar history, which all improved after some time at the hospital.
The baby couldn´t be with the mother, it was with the father and the
grandparents. Now Patricia is all right. She ist still under cortison-treatment,
but according to the doctors she will be 100 % healthy.
Maria and Gerald Roth
Dear Father James,
I thank and praise the lord to give the following testimony. In the
retreat last week in Wiegratzbad / Germany ,
Father James prayed with us the inner-healing-prayer in front of the
Holy Eucharist, Jesus.
Then it happened during the prayer I felt a big warm and with eyes
closed , a big warm light starting shining into my hole body, praise the
Lord, Halleluja.
Then Father James called." Thomas , you are filled." In this moment
Jesus touched me totally and I feel so much Love , Peace and happiness
inside . Jesus I thank and praise you ,my only lord and only savior
From this day I cannot be quite , I must repend and turn my life totally
to Jesus and to bring Jesus to all souls into this world. So much soul
doesn´t know
Jesus. I will start it and give my life to Jesus to evangelisation
, first family , neighborhood and working place, the all peope who will
crossed my way.
I love y all with my heard . Let there be a holy fire burning in all
heads, my Lord and Savior Jesus, Send you Holy Spirit to the hole World,
there will be a change , you kingdom comes...
Ten years ago, my daughter Maria was four years old and she couldn’t
properly pronounce ‘r’. We have already decided to send her to a speech
therapist to correct this. But at that time, Father James was visiting
Croatia and by chance I had acquired a number of tapes with the recordings
of his seminars held in Austria. As we were living in a small, one room
apartment, my husband, our two daughters and I watched them together. After
the first we watched the said tapes, Maria suddenly started pronouncing
‘r’ properly. I hope I will soon write the testimony about the cure
of my other daughter, Daniela Patricija
God bless you.
Grateful mother Jolanda Bilic
I am Vanaja, a Hindu Lady in the neighborhood of the SFS Vidyashram,
Aluva,Kerala. I had thyroid growth on my throat and the doctor had suggested
operation.I was scared of operation.Then the cook of the priests at SFS
Vidyashram told me about Fr.James Manjackal with his special gift of healing.When
he came there in February(2010), I dared to go to him and ask
for his prayers for healing. It was my first experience of asking a catholic
priest to pray for me.He layed his hands on my head and prayed to Jesus
for healing and I believed that I was healed.In the following week,
when I went to the doctor ,he was surprised to see my thyroid fully healed,
I told him that a priest prayed over me and that I am healed.Yes ,I am
healed by Jesus. I thank Fr.James for praying for me.
Near SFS Vidiyashram, Aluwa, Kerala.
Soby Maroor
With gratitude to almighty God I testify the healing that I received
through the prayers of Fr.James Manjackal, my confrere. in December 2007
I was admitted in St.Philomina `s Hospital, Bangalore with severe virul
fever which was turning to affect my brain.Also I was suffering from Pancreatitis.I
was worried and anxious about my illness and the consequence that would
follow a brain fever. It is then Fr.James visited me in the hospital during
his usual holidays to Bangalore, I was sure that I would be healed by his
prayers because I had seen many signs and wonders worked through him at
Charis Bhavan where I was doing my regency when he was the founder-director.
He prayed over me in tongues and assured me the healing of the Lord.Immediately
I felt healing. Dr.Sekhar, A Hindu,my doctor was shocked to see me healed
completely without any complication.Soon I was discharged from the hospital.It
is the prayer with faith and love that healed me,and not by medicine.I
praise Jesus who healed me and thank Fr.James for his kind visit and prayers.I
pray daily that Fr.James continue his mission of preaching and healing
all over the world.
Fr.Soby Maroor.MSFS,
Mermier Bahvan,
Electronics City Po. Bangalore.
Nowe Miasto 01/15/2011
My name is Pawel Marciniak. I have 41 years. I live in New Town, near
Poznan, Poland. I want to submit a testimony of physical healing in prayer
for healing. Healing took place during the retreat with Father J. Manjackalem
in Elblag. In September 2009, he felt pain in the hip. After three months
started to feel pain in the other hip. Pain worsened over time. The most
dissuasive resembled a wound cut fingers. After about 9 months of X-ray
done. Diagnosis showed degenerative changes. The lesions are irreversible.
I attended a retreat in the Holy Spirit in September 2010 in Elblag.
I knew that o. J.Manjackal has the gift of healing. But I had other
intentions for the retreat. I think that more important than my personal
health. On Friday, before the prayer for healing, oJManjackal announced
that he would pray for the healing of people here and now in the courtroom.
I was a bit surprised. I wanted to offer this prayer for other purposes.
Since the information was clear, I could not do otherwise. Then I had a
few complaints. Bothered me most, however, hip pain. I chose this part
of the body. I laid hands on his hips, sides. During the prayer, the father
of J. Manjackal with his right hand felt warm balls. She was about 10-15
cm in diameter. After a while I felt that the whole ball has moved slowly
to the second hand. After a while, went back. In this way, the ball has
moved several times. The pain suddenly disappeared after that. During the
retreat, in a sitting position I had to change the position of sitting
on a chair. On average, every 1 - 1.5 hours. That day and the end of the
retreat I felt pain. Among those whose names are mentioned f. J Manjackal,
there was also mine. Since the retreat to the present day has passed 5
months. Acute pain in which I was previously untouched since the retreat
never occurred. In ponds not everything is perfect, because something
sometimes chafes. These defects disappear. I believe that I was touched
by the grace of physical healing. At this point, I bear witness that the
Holy Spirit works. Honor and glory of God the Father and Son and the Holy
In 1996. I was severely ill and hospitalized at the gynecological ward
at the hospital in Split.I was diagnosed three different diseases at once.Each
individual disease meant very little opportunity to become a mother,and
all three together left me with no hope.I had a tumor in the uterus;fallopian
tubes,which were deformed due to step and turned into a ball;and adhesions
associated with pelvic and ovary which was,due to endometriosis converted
into a chocolate cyst.
I am a doctor and the weight of my health condition was totally clear
to me.I could not accept it.Why did it have to happen to me?I did not deserve
this.Why does God punishing me?Spiritually I was deteriorating.Until then
I went to Holy Mass almost daily,and now I had to push myself to attend
at least on Sundays.I did not like to pray any more,it was boring.I thought
I was faithful;I grew up in a Christian family.Now I know it`s traditionalism.Until
then I did not know anyone who was believer in the true sense of the word.Spiritually
I was drowning dipper and dipper.Knowing that the church does not approve
extra uterine insemination,now suddenly it seemed to me that this is the
method of treatment as well as many others in my profession.I tried three
times extra uterine insemination and it failed.My ovaries were not producing
eggs,follicles were empty.I was the unhappiest person in the entire world.Today
I realize that it was the grace.I was spiritually and physically drained
out,but I knew if I do not go back to my prayer I would be totally destroyed.
It was Christmas Eve and I went to midnight mass.Everybody sang and
were joyful.I cried so much that people started to turn and look at me.My
husband dragged me by the hand to come out of the church because he was
embarrassed.I pulled away from him and went in front of manger.From the
depths of my heart I cried out to Mary to plead eater for the grace of
motherhood,or the grace to accept the fact that I can not bear a child.
By the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady I became a mother.Yet I
was not entirely happy as one would expect.There was emptiness in me.My
friend gave me Father Manjackal`s book as a gift.The same year,2001.I attended
Father Manjackal`s seminar in Split.I watched those happy singing people
all around me,but in me was sadness.
The next year Father Manjackal was in Split again,and at that seminar
I experienced healing.I testified about what the Lord has done.Father Manjackal
laid his hands on me and prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into
me.I received the gift of praying in tongues and some other gifts.
Later I attended a few more seminars and did everything that Father
Manjackal advised: I set the time each day for my personal prayer,regularly
received the sacraments,read Scriptures,prayed for those who have hurt
me in life,prayed for the family tree...
With the spiritual healing the physical healling arrived,too.I gave
birth to two more children.The Lord has removed the sterility cross and
gave me some new ones to carry,but now I understand that the time of suffering
is a time of grace.I understand the value and power of suffering presented
to the Lord.I now that God`s love is miraculous,and happiness does not
depend so much of the circumstances of life as much as to allow God to
be our father.
With love,
Irena Primorac_Bošnjak
Silva Dias – Bursite
My name is João Silva Dias and I am 52 years old. As many know, I am
the coordinator of Father James retreats in Portugal.
In the end of April 2010, in the elbow of my left arm, it started to
appear a sac with liquid with the size of a chicken egg. It was not hurting
me but it was uncomfortable when I was at the computer or in other daily
activities. After some routine blood tests, and since the situation was
not improving, but, on the contrary, it was becoming worse, I went to the
urgencies of Santa Maria Hospital (main Hospital at Lisbon). There they
made me more tests and because of what they showed (they could not find
uric acid nor infection) I was sent to the Rheumatology services of the
mentioned Hospital. So, I was diagnosed with a bursitis (inflammation of
the synovial sac) and they booked, for the following week, an intervention
to aspirate the synovial sac. After one week, I was submitted to the intervention
and they aspirated 50 ml of liquid (which went for analysis) and I was
advised to put much ice on my elbow and to put the arm hanged on my neck.
That was what I did. The sac with the liquid decreased but was still big.
The tests made to the liquid (direct test, cultural, TSA, among others)
were normal. But with the increase of the weather temperatures the synovial
sac became bigger, the situation was uncomfortable for me, and I was wondering
to go back again to Santa Maria Hospital, before my summer holidays.
Besides the doctor had already told me, if the aspiration was repeated,
I would have to take cortisone to clean the synovial sac. I thought to
go again to the Hospital after the retreat of Father James Manjackal, in
the 11th to 13th June 2010, which was already soon.
In the retreat of 11th to 13th June, after the Adoration to the Blessed
Sacrament and healing prayer, as all those who participated in the retreat
know, Father James told us to pray to God for the person who was beside
us and to ask him/her, if it was the case, for any physical problem which
we had, putting the hand over that place and asking God for the healing
and the fulfillment of that miracle. I was on the stage isolated and the
person nearer me was my younger daughter Joana. I thought I was going to
stay there alone and so I was prepared to pray interceding for all those
who were there so that the Lord could answer their prayers. But my daughter
came near me, and as she knew I had the bursitis problem, as I was complaining
more and more about it, she asked me if she could pray for my bursitus.
At the time, I wasn’t even thinking about it but, seeing her with so
much care and love, I accepted her request and prayed for her also. During
her prayer I felt a heat in the elbow and I even told her that she didn’t
need to pray more and to move her hand of my elbow. But she insisted to
pray intensively for my bursitus. On the following morning, when I was
shaving for the new day of retreat, my wife noticed and said: “João,
you don’t have bursitis anymore.” In fact, the liquid sac of the size
of an egg had gone completely and now I only felt a small impression on
my elbow (which I had never felt before) and, as time passed by, it went
disappearing. Six months have passed and I can testify that never more
I had liquid in my elbow and so God healed me completely of the bursistus.
Three years ago, in another retreat of Father James, God also healed
me from chronical insomnia that I had for 30 years (see my other testimony
of 26th March 2008). It was a big healing of a very serious problem. This
was not the present case, as I said, since the bursitis did not cause me
any pain, but it was troubling me. In fact, my Good Jesus also worries
with minor diseases and, like 2000 years ago, he passed and healed me using
as instruments the hands and the loving prayer of my daughter Joana.
This healing reminds me that we should give thanks to God for everything,
including for things we consider smaller. To the eyes of the world, a bursitis
is an insignificant disease compared with a chronical insomnia, but my
Good Jesus decided to have me with my elbow good to serve Him better!
And like in the song I thank Jesus for one more Grace by singing:
Thank you, Thank you Jesus! Thank you, Thank you Jesus! Thank you,
Thank you Jesus from my heart!
Glory Aleluia, Glory Aleluia; Glory Aleluia to my Lord. Glory Aleluia,
Glory Aleluia; Glory Aleluia to my Lord.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. ...
Blessed and Praised be the Holy Trinity. All Honour and all Glory for
You, Dear Jesus. Aleluia!
João Silva Dias
Carcavelos, 10th January 2011
My name’s Frater Aloisius Pernegger.
I was born in the year 1986 in Schlierbach and learned the Instrument
mechanic. It was the grace of God to grow up in a quite religious family.
Since I received the First Communion I wasaltar boy and wasn’t indisposed
to our belief.
In the year 2005 I visited the exerzitien of P. James in Schlierbach,
in Oberösterreich. At this time I didn’t know any exceptionally gifted
priests, and also exerzitien were new to me. At the beginning I was quite
sceptic, because I’ ve never seen people clapping, singing and praying
in this way. These days passed and feeled nothing. Two months later Hain
Heinz, who has organized the exerzitien in Schlierbach, asked me to come
to Vienna (Wien) to the advanced exerzitien of P. James. In these days
I recognized, that God touched me and I could feel the Holy Spirit. I felt
a power, which flow through me. These was all new to me. P. James split
us in groups after the first speeches, with the intention to pray for each
other. My request to God was, that he should show me for what he had appointed
me – for the marriage or the Priest. The destiny of God sent me a student
of Heiligenkreuz, who was also in our group. He explained to me the study
of theology and how to become priest. He gave me the number of the rector
of Heiligenkreuz P. Karl and after a dialogue with him I started the preparation,
which allowed me to study – an alternative to the school leaving examination
at the 1. october 2005. After that I began to study und joined the Zisterzienser
in Schlierbach in 2008. After one year of the novitiate in the monastry
of Schlierbach I continued to study.
God willing I will become priest in the year 2012.
I thank God, that he sent P. James to Austria and for all sacrifices,
prayer and suffering, which P. James dared.
Thank you very much P. James! God bless you, your work and your mission
Father James! I thank Jesus Christ that he healed me from homosexual
trough your hands and preaching the word of God. I attended for retreats
in Elblag this year and I have to say my life have changed completely.I
wish to give my testimony for everyone who has the same problem in their
life that Jesus Christ our Lord has power to change it.There is my life
a great of the proof that it is possible.Carently I can to say that homosexual
is one of the big lie which direct unhappys people to the nothingness.
I do know there is so many homosexual people who looking for help end hope
in there life.I wish to be a tool in hands of God if he let me do this
for them.I pray for them and I belive that Lord will give me the time and
the power to work for people who are not well. God bless you father. Piotr
We' ve been married for 6 years. 3 years ago my husband was baptized
and we tried to have a baby short after that. Unfortunately after 2 weeks
I had a miscarriage. After that we didn't really try to have another baby
( money problem - that's what my husband always says). He still does not
trust GOD completely I'm afraid. However 1,5 year ago we decided ( I rather
convinced my husband) that is our duty to have a baby, we have to try to
live GOD's Will no matter what so for the last year we 've been trying
and nothing happend. We went for a check up if everything was all right.
It turned out that there was some problem with me so I had to take some
pills. However the medicines didn't help, it was June 2010. In August 2010
we went to your retreat to Ostroleka in Polen ( I am Polish, my husband
is Dutch). You said there that nobody was there by accident. Now I know
why GOD guided us there. You praied there for married couples without children
and I'm sure GOD blessed our marriage then. When we came back to Holland
first month I got pregnant. Now is my second month. Thank you so so much
for everything.
Manfred, Renata and the baby
My name is Edyta and I am 36 years old. I come from Legionowo near
Warsaw, Poland. In 2009 I took part in three retreats preached by Fr.James
Manjackal in Poland.
The first retreat I took part in was held March 5th-8th in Warsaw.
I went there with deep faith that God would hear my prayer. At the
time I had been married for four years but we were childless due to my
having been diagnosed with some kind of infertility. I prayed ardently
to God to hear my prayer but apparently I still had problems with total
and unconditional forgiveness for people who had wronged me in the past.
That must have been the reason why I did not receive the healing at that
time, even though I went to confession.
I later participated in another retreat of Fr.James held in Niepokalanów
July 17th-20th 2009. It was there that I forgave everyone everything wholeheartedly
and unconditionally during the inner healing prayer. I also made a good
confession. On July 18th Fr.James prayed over me at the time of individual
prayer. He said that my husband and I would have a baby! On the same day
during the adoration and healing prayer I heard Fr.James say: “Edyta,
Lord Jesus is healing your sexuality”. I was deeply moved and began to
cry and thank God for the gift of my healing.
At the end of the reatreat, during the testimony time, in an act of
deep faith I gave a testimony saying that I would certainly conceive
a child, even though I did not know when. In August I went with my husband
to visit our family and there I got to know I was pregnant! On August 18th
my pregnancy was confirmed by a doctor who performed an ultrasound scan;
he added that the conception took place around July 22nd-23rd. That was
right after the retreat!
I then participated in another retreat preached by Fr.James which was
held in Somianka near Wyszków, September 17th-20th 2009. I decided
to participate in that retreat as my way of thanking God for the gift of
offspring. On September 18th Fr.James said during the adoration prayer:
“Edyta, Lord Jesus is blessing the child in your womb”. I felt such
a great joy and happiness that God was with me, blessing the conceived
child and I felt certain that He would lead my baby according to His plan
for its life. I thanked God from the bottom of my heart and at the end
of the retreat I gave my testimony, holding the ultrasound scan made by
the doctor which was the proof that I had been healed. Through healing
me at the Niepokalanów retreat preached by Fr.James God gave us the gift
of so greatly desired baby!
Our son was born on April 20th 2010 and we named him Karol. He is healthy
and so lovely!
My Jesus, thank you for everything: for all your blessings and love
and thank you, Mother Mary, for your motherly care and protection.
Glory to You, Lord Jesus! And thank You, Father James, for your prayers.
Hi everyone, my name is Silvie and I come from the Czech Republic. I
am 19 years old and since I was about 13 I had problems with breathing.
There was no doctor, who could help me or even diagnoze my disease. I had
expectoration in my throat. Especially after physical activity or eating..I
had phlegm in my neck and mouth. My condition was getting worse, so I visited
the doctors again and I was told that I have asthma and allergy..unfortunately
probably forever. I stopped doing the athletics, I couldn´t breathe during
jogging, riding a bike, was very unpleasant.
In September 2009 I took part in the SPIRITUAL EXERCISE in Koclirov.
In fact, I had no idea what is it going to be like. I was suprised, that
during the first evening we were told, that we might be healed. Father
James began to pray and said: “ Everyone, who believes, can be healed!
Touch with your hand the place, where you want to be healed!” In that
moment I touched my neck and thought: “ Whom else should I believe, when
not You, Jesus?” This answer came very fast, because since I was a smal
child, I tried different ways how to be healed. I am sorry to admit, that
me, as a catholic, tried many alternative treatments!
PLEASE, never trust any of this ways. Although it is called Christian
yoga, special breathing or 5 Tibetans.. chinese and generally the easter
philosphy, exercise, energies.. The problem was, that I ever trustedd everyone
but not to Jesus!
Immediately I felt very much warm in my hands and heat going into my
body. I was a little bit shaking, I wasn´t breathing very good, I was
gasping and tears were rolling on my face.
Father James was praying. He asked the Lord to heal people with cancer,
with sclerosis multiplex..later on he mentioned also alergy and asthma.
At that point I drew a deep and clear breath! I cried, I still felt
the heat in my body, it was even like “elecricity” from my hands..However,
today I understand. Eventhough it is difficult to put everything into words,
it must have been GRACE FROM OUR LORD! I was healed!
At the end of the praying father told some names of people who were
healed. Suddenly he said: “Silvie is healed!” and he added the verse
from the Bible..John 20, 27: “No doubt and trust!”
I couldn´t believe it! I felt so so happy!
When I got out of the church, I opened the Bible and guess what was
there..John 20,27... “No doubt and trust”
I was strengthened in my doubts and since then I never doubt but I
believe, that Jesus healed me, that Jesus is ALIVE!
Praise the Lord and the Holy Mary!
I am really gratefull,, I was really happy in that moment.
Silvia C. Medical student
My name is Dina Rodrigues and live in Bragança. I want to thank Jesus
for putting Father James on my way. Father James met at the retreat in
June of Lamego 2008.Desde then I have participated in retreats at Fátima,
Covilhã, Vila Real and Bragança. In the retreat of Lamego bought the
CDs that were burned. Now I can watch whenever you want at this retreat,
as I have - the record.
I am Catholic, but was little practitioner. Since I started attending
the retreats of Father James, my faith increased. I need to be in constant
contact with Jesus. More intensified my prayer, I pray the rosary every
day and every day I ask Jesus to bless the Father James in their mission
of evangelization throughout the world, that free from all evil and keep
it strong in his great mission. Today I can say that faith and prayer are
miracles. My house has been blessed by God. Jesus heard my prayer and answered
my prayers. He healed my daughter Lia Joana suffering from leukemia. Despite
the illness and its fragile state due to chemotherapy sessions, studies
at the college have passed very well. Peace, harmony and well-being returned
to my house. Could this be possible without the help of Jesus? Jesus is
part of my life and I thank you for that Father James. Thanks also to Father
James for coming to a retreat Bragança. It was on 5 October 2010. I waited
anxiously for this day. This morning my heart was pounding, and full of
joy. Finally I could hear here, in our city, the words of faith given by
Father James. These words are so wise, so convincing, so full of Divine
Power that there is nobody who dares to question.
The teachings of Father James and the joy of the songs involve charismatic
- in such a way that makes us lose all fear. We feel - are strengthened
by the presence of the Risen Jesus. Jesus is alive. Yes, Jesus is alive
and cares for us.
The healing session is an unforgettable moment. Our eyes light up,
our heart beats faster, tears of emotion running down his face. There is
joy, sorrow, care. We want to hear and absorb every word uttered by Father
James. Their joy, their enthusiasm, the intensity of his preaching it -
is infectious. So the retreats I've ever participated in were of the happiest
moments of my life. In those days I forget the worldly life to devote myself
completely to Jesus. In the end I am - take me, loose, able to forgive
and in peace. Today I give my life to the Lord my God and ask Him to help
me do all that is good for my holiness.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Father James and Jesus bless you.
I leave here I express my many thanks to the organization: Mr João
Carlos da Silva to keep me informed of the retreats which are held in our
country, D. Maria Clara, the D. Maria Madalena, the D. Ana Maria, to Pedro
and the other elements of the organization without which these retreats
would not be possible. Special thanks to Gabi and the lady who does the
translation. Thank you all for your attention and availability.
Alenka & Gorazd Kos
My name is
Helga and i live in the Obersteiermark near Schladming.
I’ve been
attending the retreats of Fr. James for the past 7 years and my whole family
has been blessed. In the year 2004, during my first retreats, the pain
in my eyes and the pressure on my forehead spontaneously disappeared after
the prayer of Fr. James. Before, I’ve had two surgeries at the Hypophyse.
My nerves are stable as well, before I suffered from depression.
Because I
grew up in a religious family, I’m sure that Jesus carried me through
all the years, but for the first time after 49 years I had the experience
with the Holy Spirit. I was protestant then and I converted to the catholic
church in the same year.
Thank you,
Fr. James, that you are working amidst us.
My mother
had progressed Osteoporosis. She broke one of her „brustwirbel“ and
after the prayer of Fr. James we stopped the pain therapy and until today
she has no more pain.
A difficult
surgery on the head of my brother in law was successful as well and he’s
doing fine.
I cannot imagine
a life without Jesus Christ and God Father anymore and i ask the Holy Spirit
every day for the grace to be a witness.
Praise the Lord!
All thanks and glorry to our God Father, Sun and the Hoy Spirit. And
thank you Father James for your wonder-ful retreats, and also to Gaby and
your stuff, we are all very blessed through your great mission. Many miracles
happpen, the loving, healing, blessing Holy Spirit is doing changing works
of love, transforming, renewing, bearing all, life, power and flavor into
all whom want to receive Jesus as the Lord.
The Lord gave me the blessing and I could join your reteat this year
in Tenerife and in Valladolid, both a great experience for me, where the
Lord is taking care of my big stones in heart, things which most I long
for a change, are moving, most of all to become humble give my things to
the Lord and ask him helping me in my trials, to reduce myself my weakness
and strongness of selfsufficiency, give my loads to the Lord and get through
his grace bigger in love.
I always was, am and will be willing but it is imposible for
me, to overcome my fears, weakness, poorness, bad habits, as much as i
tried, I could not resolve them, and in my fears also He warned me and
told me it is time for, go, do a change, throw your bad habit, ask me and
I will make it posible to you.
I stopped smoking. God knowing my heart, knows all my hardships,
worries, problems and urgencies and saved my life already many times
till there, in 2002 I again was confronted with a too big urgency,
painful situation, wounded, hurted, stressed, hardened in heart, did not
know how to resolve it anymore by myself and asked for Jesus to help me,
save me with my girls and give me a way out of were I was, and He was here
in the moment, and gave me, great things happened, he gave me a new
life, heart, home, work, relations, charismatic prayer group, and a living
And since my love for God is growing and with the love he gives me
i want to love Him above all and my next as myself. Still and everyday
I have urgencies going on, and there is always one hope, there is Jesus,
he is here, he loves us and is the way for us to be with the Trinity God.
He gave all and forgave all and still today our same Jesus lives and
gives us eternity. We love you Lord , you are the autor and the power
of all good, you are the Lord
Thank you Lord, praise you Lord, Amen
Greetings from Adelheid
God bless you and your loved
Jesus did some very strange for us. He died for us. And because He has done that, the dept is paid in all accusers. Jesus was always also on the side of the perpetrators. He has forgiven them. He stood on the side of the victims, as he was a victim himself. I would remind all those who rise up now. And Jesus himself says. Who of you is without sin cast the first stone.
My name is Iris Konzert. I am married and I live in Tirol, Austria.
Thanks to my Grandma, I was confirmed in May 1973. She was a woman with faith and she prayed the rosary every day. In July 1973, my family (I am the eldest of 5 children) left the Catholic Church and joined the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In 1981 my mother died of cancer at the early age of 37 years. After my mother’s death we left the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those 8 years with the Jehovah’s Witnesses left a deep impression on us. We encountered Jehovah as a strict judging God; the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon; we were told, that Satan and his demons were at work in the Catholic Church and that the cross, holy water and all the statues in the church were demonic.
I didn’t want to hear nor know anymore about such a god, this bad Jehovah-god, that I had encountered through the Witnesses and therefore I turned my back on him. For 17 years I lived as a quasi atheist and I was a great sinner (… separated from God…) , my sister had a handicapped child and I became sadder and sadder. I resorted to esotericism and occult practices. Among others, I tried to ‘contact’ my deceased mother, etc. In spite of all that esotericism had to offer, I became sadder and more depressed and I started to look for “Love”.
In spring 2000, I ‘by chance’ watched a TV show about Mary, the
Mother of God. In this show Gabriele Kuby’s book titled “Mein Weg zu
Maria “(How I Found Mary) – was introduced. I bought the book and read
it right away. I thought, Mary, that’s it! That’s a woman who is merciful
and not a strict, powerful God like Jehovah. I’m sure Mary is good for
me! Then I won’t need any church or Jesus!
In this book the rosary is mentioned repeatedly and I felt the urge
to pray the rosary. (I am convinced that I felt this urge because my Grandma
always prayed the rosary). Naturally, I didn’t know how to pray it. One
day, I passed by a church where they were praying the rosary. I went inside
and listened to them praying. After that I went to that church several
times to pray the rosary with the few women who were there. Then I found
a leaflet about the rosary and I started to pray the rosary at home. Shortly
after that I came into contact with a charismatic prayer group and gradually
I started going to church. After about 3 years I joined the Church again.
During this time I was often plagued by doubts about the Church, doubts
about the truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church.
In 2005, Fr. James came to Innsbruck and I attended my first retreat with him. But the things he said were, in part, ‘unbearable’. Those were hard words to my ears. After some time I slipped into a spiritual crisis. On the one hand, I couldn’t forget Fr. James clear and definite words; on the other hand, many theologians say that not everything written in the Bible should be taken literally. So I was undecided, confused and stopped going to Holy Mass and to the prayer group meetings. At the beginning of 2006 I heard that Fr. James was in Linz. Strange to say, I felt a strong urge to go there. At Linz I felt better about Fr. James’ teachings. It was there, I first offered a Gregorian Mass for my family tree. There are many illnesses, early deaths and problems with addiction in my family. After the retreat I threw out many esoteric books I had at home. My thirst for the truth was increasing daily.
In the fall of the same year I attended my third retreat with Fr. James. In Vienna Fr. James said, it takes ten years till all the attachments we get into through esotericism are gone. In Vienna I didn’t have the courage to see Fr. James for counselling. I was ‘afraid’ of him. First, in my opinion, he was very strict and secondly, I was afraid he would be able to see all the evil in me and my sins and I wanted to put off seeing him till I was half ways ‘holy’, (because God wants my holiness). So instead, I made a very good confession and I remembered a lot of things from the past. Before this retreat I notoriously slept in. Afterwards I had no problem getting up early and since then I have my personal prayer time early in the morning and I go to Mass daily before work. That has brought me closer to Jesus and my love for the Church has also increased. I have also signed up as a Prayer Warrior with Fr. James and requested his prayers for the conversion of my brother Gerald (I was most concerned about this brother). The more my love for Jesus and the Church increased, the more I longed to bring my husband, my father and my brothers and sisters to Jesus in the Church.
In August 2009 I attended the retreat at Graz. Before this retreat I had severe back pain. I was only able to ‘roll’ out of bed and I was hardly able to kneel because of the pain. I wanted to see the doctor after the retreat. During the healing prayer Fr. James said my name and said that I was healed. I claimed the healing immediately and from that time the pain was gone. At Graz I joined “Freunde seiner Mission” (Friends of his ministry). Since that time I feel very strongly the blessings coming from his Masses, works and prayers.
My 5th retreat with Fr. James took place at Linz in October 2009. The theme was family tree healing.
I thank Fr. James for his powerful prayer and his untiring dedication and I wish him and his team God’s richest blessings! At each and every retreat I received inner healing; my faith was strengthened, my love for the Eucharist increased and is still increasing and his clear, TRUE words showed me the way that I must go. I also experience that my prayers are heard more often. God’s fire hurts, burns, cleanses and causes repentance!
Finally, I would like to report that my brother Gerald and I both attended
the retreat at Kopfing in 2010 … I hope and pray, that my brother will
also write his testimony for Fr. James.
Ângela de Jesus Gomes e Silva - 66 years old - Madeira
In Fr. James’ retreats I was graced with physical and spiritual healing.
I had much ear pains when flying and I had hearing problems. This problem
lasted for at least two years. I felt a great uneasiness whenever I went
to and came from Madeira to the Continent. During Adoration (retreat of
December 2007) Fr. James proclaimed my name. I believed in the healing.
Never again did my ears hurt. I was absolutely sure I was healed, for when
I returned to Madeira I felt no pains when flying. This increased and strengthened
my faith and I have been trying to give Jesus to other people, giving my
I thank God and may the Lord protect Fr. James of all his enemies!
Fatima, 22/02/2009
Conceição Lopes Santana Almeida - 69 years old - Leiria, Portugal
In the retreat of Fr. James in December of 2007 (Paulo VI, Fatima),
my voice was healed. I had lost my voice almost completly. The doctors
couldn’t find out my problem. I’ve suffered from this problem for a
year and a half. I work as a school helper and this problem caused me great
difficulties. My healing was immediate! After receiving Communion, I begged
the Lord to heal me, even if it was merely to sing praise songs to Him,
for the lack of voice gave me much sorrow as it kept me from singing to
the Lord. After a few minutes, I tried to sing along with the others singing
and I felt as if my voice got loose and I was able to sing. Later, Fr.
James proclaimed my name and said I was healed. I even doubted that I eas
the “Conceição” he was mentioning. When my son called me he immediately
noticed that I was better. I still have voice until this day!
I give many thanks to the Lord and may He protect Fr. James of all
his enemies and of all dangers!
Fatima, 22/02/2009
Eduardo Coelho de Moura - 54 years old - Torre de Moncorvo, Portugal
Before going to Fr. James’ retreat I was diagnosed with a tumor in
the esophagus, a pre-cancerous stomach ulcer and with a bacteria which
was eroding the stomach. In the retreat in Lamego (Portugal, June 2008),
I received an immediate healing. During Adoration, Fr. James claimed my
name; “Eduardo”. I didn’t believe much, for there was many “Eduardos”
I was subject to an endoscopy procedure afterwards; the ulcer, the bacteria
and the tumour were gone!
I wish that Fr. James keep his great apostolic successes and be freed
of all dangers.
Fatima, 22/02/2009
Ernesto Manuel de Oliveira Santos - 48 years old - Águeda, Portugal
My first spiritual retreat with Fr. James was in Anadia, Portugal, abou tone and a half year ago. This retreat today is the 5th retreat I'm going to since my life radically changed, for the better. When I started hearing Fr. James and began to follow His spiritual advices from His prechings and ministry, I felt my life would never be the same again.
I was not a bad person, however, I was a great sinner and suffered from
several illnesses, both physical and spiritual. Somehow, even believing
in Jesus as being the Sono f God, I thought that only the chosen ones –
the outstanding persons - were loved by God… Everyone else would have
to live a miserable life, only receiving something good after death. As
I sinned much and knew I was wrong, I hid my sins from the priests. In
my Confessions all I revealed in the confessional were the sins which didn’t
expose me… Thus, I lived my “christianism” in the comfortable ignorance
of my spiritual cowardness. But my life dind’ go well; on the contrary.
I knew that, inside, I was in a deplorable state, quite miserable indeed.
I lived anxious, worried, sad, lost in delusions, with frequent problems,
and my projects always failed… Although I tried hard, dedicating my full
self, all my life goals went down the drain. My affective life was inept
and my affections were directed to sexuality with no love, with bad sexual
habits, immorality and perversity.
Dissatisfaction was increasing within me, making me seem a normal being,
but very unhappy and miserable! By hearing Fr. James, little by little,
I changed my behaviour with much prayer and begging to Jesus. Before knowing
Fr. James’ retreats I smoked Cannabis with some frequency and with God’s
help I managed to stop smoking that… and I also stopped smoking tobacco!
With the retreats, I had much more strength to keep a firm position in
the decision on abandoning those terrible addictions for good. My relapses
stopped and the courage in Confessions increased. My life was getting better
from day to day…
I was also cured phisically. I had a problem on my backbone for 21
years that got worse on the last 3 years. With the weather changes, rain
and cold, the winters were terribly painful to me, I sometimes had 2 seizures
per month which lasted 3 days each. My body got motionless and I had to
stay in bed, having no position which eased my pains… I couldn’t walk
nor sit down… Even in bed my pains tormented me. I collected x-rays for
21 years… All of them accused problems in the vertebras L1, L2 and L3.
The doctors told me there was no healing…The only answer to my problem
was to practice swimming and avoid efforts to prevent the situation from
getting worse, but I had to work… I knew my health would only get worse
because of that.
In Fr. James’ retreats, during the healing prayers, I started asking
Jesus Christ to heal me! In the 4th retreat I went to, on the 13th of December
of 2008, in Fatima, the Lord Jesus healed me during Adoration and, for
the first time, I experienced a physical healing without the help of any
medication, doctors or physiotherapy… Only Jesus and Fr. James Manjackal…
I Know it was the teachings of Fr. James which gave me the courage to change
my life, which led me to encounter Jesus, thus, I received this miracle
in my life!
Through Fr. James’ retreats, I’ve changed my behaviour, my conduct;
I began to urge to surrender myself to God. At the moment (and for six
months) I’m attending to vocational meetings with Franciscan priests
from the Church Santo António dos Olivais de Coimbra and, thus, asking
for my entry in the Order.
With this testimony I want to honour Fr.James’ Ministr, stating before
the whole world that i tis a powerful Ministry and faithful to Jesus; not
only does it honour the Catholic church in the whole world, but it will
also be living Praise and Glory to Jesus Christ, to the Father and to the
Holy Spirit, for the welfare and love of everyone who comes near God and
who believe in him… Amen!
Fatima, 23/02/2009
My name is Fátima Morgado, I’m 36 years old and I live in Alverca
(Portugal). I’m part of that bunch of ungrateful people whom Our Lord
fills with blessings and that even thank Him, but remains in silence instead
of crying out to the seven winds so that others may also have the same
opportunity God gave me, although I didn’t deserve it.
After almost 4 years, when my God and Lord of infinite mercy healed
me (may He forgive my delay), I now send you my personal testimony of conversion
and healing.
I begin to say that, at the time, I was already mother of 2 children,
a baby and another child that was already in primary school. By then, and
like most the "Christians” of our times, I was what we call a non-practicing
Christian. I was baptized but I was away from the Church for almost 20
years. My son was attending catechesis due to my mother’s influence (and
because it came in handy). And, thus, whenever she couldn’t take him
to Sunday Mass, I would go there with him unwillingly.
I must also say that I had a very serious health problem, besides others
more common which we go round them. I had multiple sclerosis. Since I was
18, I had strokes which the doctors at the time couldn't diagnose, thus
my situation lasted until I had a bigger stroke at the age of 32. I was
interned at the hospital and there I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
The disease affected me, restraining my movements and making several parts
of my body insensitive; I lacked concentration and memory. Besides the
medication I had to take!
Now my testimony:
My mother belonged to a Charismatic prayer group of the parish and
was going from retreat to retreat, and my father always had to carry her
from one place to another for it was what she liked. She was doing this
for some time when one day she came to my home full of joy and almost "hysterical”
(so I thought) and said: “Daughter, you don’t even dream where I come
from! I come from a retreat whose preacher was an Indian Priest, who if
not a saint is on the way to become one”. I thought to myself: “What
have they done to her? She's even delirious!” And she told me in detail
everything she had seen and heard and I heard and place many questions
to all that talk which was distant for me. Even so, when she told me later
that she was going again to another retreat of the same Indian Priest I
offered myself to go with her. I had to see where she was going and what
they were doing to her, for she came again like the last time, no one could
put up with her. There I went with the car full with “old ladies” to
a retreat of that Indian Priest. I didn’t even know what a retreat was
for I never had gone to any.
As soon as I got there I was frightened. It seemed I was in a party;
everyone was very happy and in a good-mood, they talked, laughed… Then,
they started singing very joyful music; they danced in their places, raising
arms in the air, clapping a lot, a lot of happiness. I though to myself:
“I thought that these people came to pray; where am I into?”. I remember
of laughing to myself, joking in thought: “the only thing left so see
is drug dealing”.
After all these and many singing, which I now know were of praise and
to the Holy Spirit, the said Indian Priest. Well! The house (the pavilion
of the Salesian School of Estoril) nearly collapsed with so many clapping.
I was very expectant when the said Indian Priest began to talk. All that
he talked about was absorbed by me the same way Jesus said something like
“he who eats and drinks of me more hungry and thirsty of me will be”,
that was what I felt; the more I listened to that Priest, the more I wanted
to hear him. His words and preaching “cut my soul”. The more he talked,
the more I wanted to hear and I didn’t get tired at all. Moreover, if
I could I would stay there to sleep, like others, to listen to him.
There, a new age began to me; the age of my conversion, acceptance
and total surrender to my God. Later, I though, the drug dealing I was
expecting to see, was in fact nothing more, nothing less than the love
our Lord has towards all His children; His infinite mercy. Thank you, Jesus
for Your love.
I lived in my world with almost all the misery it has to offer us (and
I thought I was very well like that), and today I search for the light
and gifts of the Almighty and live according to the sacraments of our mother,
the Church. After my conversion I was Chrismated, I consecrated myself
to Jesus and Mary as their love slave by the method of Saint Louis-Marie
Grignion de Montfort, I’m a catechist in my parish, I worship the Blessed
Sacrament every Thursdays for at least one hour, for the Pope and the entire
clergy. Besides, I don’t miss the Sunday Mass nor do my children and
whenever I can I also go to the Mass during the week and to Fr. James’
retreats, unless it is completely impossible, for it is there that my spirit
is better fed with the Almighty’s blessings.
I still need to mention that there was something which for me was in
first plan, but I now simply surrender it to the Lord’s hands; my Health.
Through the blessed hands of the much beloved servant of God, Fr. James
Manjackal, I was healed of my multiple sclerosis. Who would of thought?
As I previously explained, I didn’t go there to seek any healing. I went
there to protect my mother of something I though it was bad for her. But
I was completely wrong (like many others!). Only the work of Holy Spirit!
Even the doctor was confused, but lucky for me he’s Catholic and a believer,
so when I explained I had been healed in Fr. James’ retreat he understood
and accepted the healing as the work of God through Fr. James’ intercession.
Nowadays, when I go to my doctor’s appointment (I need to be followed),
in the end he tells me: “Never stop going to Fr. James’ retreats”.
All exams confirm my healing. May all be aware that the healings were not
something that happened in Jesus’ time. Jesus is Alive and acting. It’s
a shame that many Christians don’t know this; otherwise, maybe the Churches
would be full with people. Besides the healing of my multiple sclerosis,
everyone knows that Fr. James' secretary, Gaby, was also converted and
healed of multiple sclerosis in a retreat given by Fr. James. Therefore,
it is not an illusion but a reality of God's mercy that wants to save all.
Fruit of my healing and conversion; from then on I’ve been taking many
people to Fr. James’ retreats. Something which is very gratifying for
me is that when I take people who were like me (non-practicing Christians)
and others that considered themselves very Christians (but that in the
end realize they are practically ignorant) I see how they react and they
leave the retreat full with the Holy Spirit, completely renewed.
Blessed be Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who just like He preached the Gospel,
healed and casted out demons during His public life, until today is still
sending His chosen children, the Priests, who by their faith and true surrender
do the same things He did.
Thank you, my Jesus!
Thank you, Fr. James!
Thank you, organizers!
Thank you to the whole team of volunteers!
Alverca (Portugal), 14th of June 2010
Fátima Morgado
My name is Ines and I am from Ljiubliana, the Capital of Slovenija.
Although I prayed for many things in the past,I must admit that I didn't
pray a lot for healing from my bulimia. The years were running and
I thought that bulimia was typical illness of teenagers, and of me in particular.
I took a lot of pills and I was not allowed to drink any alchohol because
of potential epileptical attacks. And this lasted 25 years!
Only Jesus understands me, He knows who I am, so he invited me in July
2007 to Kureš?ek when father James Manjackal was leading his Charismatic
seminar. I was sitting in the crowd, I felt frail and was filled with many
emotions. One moment I heard father James telling us which illness Jesus
should heale today and he said also that some people took too many pills.
I felt he told something important especially to me so I whispered in my
heart: »Jesus yes, too many pills. And only You can heal me if You want
to«. Later I joined the group of people who were waiting to receive blessing
from father James' hands. I felt like a smiling little child, looking at
Tabernacle, and I believed that I had already got something good for me,
I didn't know exactly what.
In the evening I was sitting at home in the kitchen where we keep the
picture of Jesus, the Divine Mercy. I looked at him and said:« Ok,
Jesus, I think I am free from bulimia. I am trying now this glass of wine
which we bought in Crete last week. I feel I won't have any problems because
of it«.
Next day I really hadn't got any problem because of that glass of wine
and I realised that my bulemical habits disappeared. I felt free and I
enjoyed in peace. Today it is three years after this blessing and I am
totaly free from bulimia.
In one of the father James's book it is written that the person who
is healed has to thank Jesus and to write testimony of it. I was not able
to do the second task immediately. Two months ago I could do this for the
first time at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana (see
,page 19).
Last year I became a member of Charismaic renewal praying group and
I prayed Jesus to pour His Love on. I don't know exactly why I prayed for
this charisma but Holy Spirit showed me later in 13 Cor 8-13. Aleluia,
Jesus I love You and I expect a lot from You. Show me what I shall do for
Ines Sarazin Lovrecic
We have been married for 4.5 years now and we did not have children
for 2.5 years. We had also had many health problems which influenced
our life in a very bad way. We attended a retreat by Fr. James in Canada.
After the mass Father told us that we are going to be blessed with a Baby
boy. We believed in Jesus blessings and continued our prayers. Father James's
blessings and prayers were with us always. Now god has blessed with a healthy
baby boy named Alex. Our life has changed totally and we are so thankful
to God for his special gift ‘Alex Mathew Joseph’
Thank you father James for bringing people to Jesus!!
Thank you Jesus. Praise the Lord.
Biju & Nisha..
We are Alicia and Paco and we are writing to you from Gran Canaria.
I´ve wrote to you a few weeks ago to witness but I didn´t send to you
our photos.
Before, I have told you that my husband (Paco) and a member of
our Charismatic group don´t smoke since they were in Tenerife (they smoked
a lot and for a long time in the past). They have tried to left cigarettes
in the past but it was impossible for them!!!
I (Alicia) was healed too; My nose was operated four years ago because
it was diverted and it causes me problems. That operation was not successful
and included when I was in Tenerife I couldn´t breathe properly by the
right orifice of my nose. When I return from Tenerife to Gran Canaria I’ve
got a flu and I discovered that I was healthy about my nose! I could breathe
and I expeled mucus without difficult by both sides of my nose (before
it was not possible)
I attended a retreat in Chojnice March this year(2010). It changed
my personal life completely! Previously I had had quite a "modern" attitude
towards life and after two and a half years after my wedding I did
not have any babies.
I was occupied with my work and studies, so I decided to delay parenthood
until September this year or later. I work as a teacher and it previously
it seemed to me a very stressful
job. In order to relax I smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol in smaller
or bigger quantities. I didn’t want to get pregnant during the school
year because I felt that I deserve habitual smoking and weekend drinking
working SO HARD! Again I didn’t want to get pregnant during the summer
because it’s the time of best parties, discos and barbecues in my area.
I was much stressed with such a lifestyle, felt tired, appeared harassed,
especially on Fridays and...I felt lonely. During the retreat with Father
James I got most beautiful life lessons one can get. As the results of
them: I got rid of a shameful habit, I quit smoking, I became aversion
to drinking, my cyst in my ovary disappeared completely, I`m LESS stressed.I
feel much inner peace nothing could give me before.
At one point Father James said that a married couple is receiving grace
of parenthood and I knew it was about me. Now I’m in my sixth week of
my pregnancy.
At the moment, as well as right after that retreat I feel joy and happiness-
Apart from this, I’m leading a more harmonious life together with
my dear husband, I don’t feel lonely as I know that there is somebody
who loves me dearly and I have new friends, younger and older
in my prayer group.
I love life for everything I received from God through Father James!
Danuta, 27 Poland
My name is Danuta, I`m 26, I come from Poland. I was present at the
retreat with Father Manjackal in Chojnice that started on 11th March 2010.
During that time apart from feeling extreme happiness and God`s love through
words and person of Father James, I realise who is my Lord of life and
that all wealth I could get in my life and all the material goods, trips,
nights at expensive hotels is nothing in comparison with joy that feels
a "daily" Christian. I had some problems with my ovaries for a year.Namely
I got a cyst.I was taking homeopathic medicines which I wasn`t fully conscious
are opossed to my Catholic religion. During the healing prayer of Father
James, after he touched my head and went back to take my seat I felt that
all the pain connected with that ilness was gone. The same applies to some
other pains that appeared sometimes and that happened to be present at
the beginning of the retreat and that vanished thanks to God through Father
Father James, God bless You!
de Jesus Rebelo Benigno - Mêda (Testimony given in Fatima.
Dec 6th 2009)
At the Lamego retreat I suffered of arthritis on my knee and I couldn’t
sleep with many pains. During the healing prayer I got cured.
Since then I’ve never felt pain in my knee again. From this retreat
on I’m going to all the retreats of Father James and my life has been
changed with the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Testimony given in Fatima. Dec 6th 2009)
I had surgery on my gallbladder on the 2nd of September 2006. When I
woke up, the doctor was next to me and told me: -“We couldn’t extract
your gallbladder because you have a big infection.” – They put me drains
and latter on the doctor told me that the surgery was to risky, they even
saw a tumor but they couldn’t take it out. I started to get afraid of
eating because everything made me feel sick.
I went to a retreat of Father James and I heard him saying: - “Natércia
you are get healed!” - Since I’ve never asked God anything for
me, because I’ve always attended the retreats to help others, at that
moment I thought it was another person. 15 days latter, I thought seriously,
maybe “that” Natércia could be me. Then I tried to eat everything.
Oh! Marvelous God, I was cured!
I praised the Lord, and I could not be quiet about these good news.
I want to bring more and more people to the retreats. Thank you my Lord,
You are a Marvelous God, praise the Lord!
Olívia B. Dragão Santos (Testimony given in Fatima. Dec 6th
I come here to testify blessings, grace and healing that our Lord Jesus
has bestowed upon my life, and my husband’s.
I and my husband were drug addicts. I was taking drugs, living on the
street, in prostitution, begging and sleeping on the sidewalk. I would
cover myself with cardboard boxes and my pillow was a plastic bag full
of garbage that I would pick up in the trash can. I was eating leftovers
from the garbage and from what people would give me. My life was like this
until I joined a rehabilitation program. I went from rehabilitation center
to a rehabilitation center and never solved my drug addiction. I got HIV,
Hepatitis C. Then I went to the rehabilitation center “Reencontro”
in Campo Maior”, where I met my husband. He also had HIV and Hepatitis
C. There we fell in loved and decided to leave.
He took me to his parent’s house. He is their only child. My in-laws
are Catholics and it was difficult for them to accept me but they took
us in. My mother in law goes to church and prays the rosary every day.
Me and my husband we also pray the rosary and go to Holy Mass. The Lord
healed us from our drug addiction, smoking and from depression, through
I was born in Angola, an orphan, and had no documents. The Lord through
my in-laws gave me the grace of having my papers in order, getting married
in the church and be baptized. He also bestowed upon us the grace of having
HIV negative.
Thanks to the Lord and our Holy Mother I’m healed and resurrected!!
Praise You Lord! Thank You Jesus!
Giestas – Lisbon (Testimony given in Fatima. Dec 6th 2009)
It was only after Father James retreat, that I could make a life confession
and truly forgive. Since then I received healing and many blessings.
Praise the Lord!
dos Santos Sequeira (Testimony given in Fatima. Dec 6th
I was bleeding from my anus. I attended a retreat held by Father James and I got a healing. I never bled again from my anus. Also I didn’t went to confession for a long time, but during the retreat in Anadia Jesus call me, I went to confession and I was converted, and I true believed in Jesus Christ!
Marques de Sousa – Viseu, Silgueiros (Testimony given in
Fatima. Dec 6th 2009)
My spine and legs were healed by the grace of Jesus and Father James. Because I feel great I want to give my testimony.
das Dores Fernandes Araújo Nogueira – Vila Real (Testimony
given in Fatima. Dec 6th 2009)
Thank you Father James and divine Holy Spirit! I’ve been suffering
from Lupus Sistémicos for the past 17 years. Thanks to you, since I went
to Lamego retreat until today I’m better.
Thank you! I wish that many blessings came upon you!
Natália Marques de Sousa – Viseu, Silgueiros
Delfina Pereira Gonçálves Nogueira – Vila Real (Testimony
given in Fatima. Dec 6th 2009)
The last 14 years I’ve been suffering from severe headaches and depression.
In to 2007 I went to a retreat of Father James in Lamego, and I got
healing on that wonderful and holy retreat.
The year after in December I went to another retreat held by Father
James, I asked healing for by breast cancer and during the retreat the
Holy Spirit cured me!
This is my testimony. Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!
Rosado – Peniche (Testimony given in Fatima. Dec 6th
I was suffering from an allergy which made me look like an animal, totally
deformed. My body was swollen and my feet wouldn’t fit in my shoes. I
attended one of Father James’s retreats and by the grace of the Lord
from that day until now by body never got swollen again!
I can send, by the internet, some photos if you need proof.
Dear Father James.
I want to thank You for the prayer and also bear witness to my healing, which the Lord give me through You. I was sick for clinical depression, I took a lot of different psychotropic drugs, which did not help me to treat, and sometimes even worse I felt after they. I drank too much alcohol, without which I could hardly be imagined live. During the retreat in September 2008. in Torun (Poland) through Your prayers the Lord came to me in the power of His Spirit, the Lord came and healed me! He took my depression, and took all of my injury, leaned over me and heard me. He gave me a new life pouring in there His incomprehensible love, give me the joy of being His child. After the retreat I weaned share of the drug and after consultation with my psychiatrist to take them completely stopped. Disappeared or compulsion to drink alcohol, on which I can now control. At the end of the retreat, I was invited to a meeting of community renewal in the Holy Spirit, where I can grow in faith and serve their help. Once again thank You and Praise the Lord!!!
Jaroslaw Kolowrocki, Poland
Dear Rev. Father,
Greetings from Fr.Anthony D’souza. You may remember on 11th of January
2010, I request you to pray for one of our student called Pradeep whose
right kidney was about to be removed through operation because of the sever
damage. Now he is healed without operation.
On 3rd of January 2010 we had gone to one of Jesuits mission. In that
mission Jesuits are working since many years like Hindu sages. They
wear the dress like Hindu sages; eat like them only a vegetarian food and
adopted whole life style of Hindu sages. They built a church exactly like
a Hindu temple. The tabernacle looks like Shivalinga. As I was talking
with the priest some of the students without my knowledge claimed a hill
just behind the church (like any youths do). As they were coming down the
hill one student called Pradeep who is doing first year PUC and only 16
years of age, slipped and fell on a stone.
Because of the fall his right kidney was severely damaged, there was
internal bleeding and his pelvic bone has fracture. The first CT
Scan (3/01/10) and in the second CT Scan (8/01/10) has shown 3rd degree
damage to the kidney and lots of blood clot, which means it was a very
sever damage. On the basis of this Doctors decided to operate him and remove
one kidney. 11th of January was the date fixed for operation. On
that day morning he was taken to operation theatre and all the procedures
were followed for the operation. We were waiting outside the operation
theatre to get the news of the operation. After one hour doctors called
me and told me that they want to postpone the operation because he is showing
lot of positive signs and improvement.
In the operation theatre at the last moment God inspired the doctors
not to operate. He was brought back to the ward and again on 13th of January
another CT Scan was done. In that it is found that the damaged kidney is
more or less healed and no blood clot is seen. It is indeed a miracle.
This miracle happened only because of your prayer
and the prayers of the hundreds of people. Yesterday (16/01/10) he was
discharged and now he is taking rest in our seminary, Belgaum . I take
this opportunity to thank you sincerely for having prayed for Pradeep,
please continue to pray for him and for us all. May God Bless you.
With love,
Fr.Anthony D’souza cmf.
Belgaum - 590 014
Family and Fr. James
This is a Photo of the Landauro family in Germany, comprising Gaby
Landauro (the Mother), Richi & Janine with their four children, Anna
(4&half), James (3&half), Maria (2) and Immanuel (9
months). Dr. Richi, while studying for medicine, was deeply touched by
the wonderful & miraculous physical healing of Gaby, his mother, from
Multiple Sclerosis – in a retreat preached by Fr. James at Augsburg.
Because of this, after having been away from God for many years and having
been deeply involved with new age, esoteric and bad immoral behaviours,
Richi got converted in an another retreat with Fr. James in the same
place in the year 2000. By the end of 2003 Richie met Janine who was a
protestant believer before, but became catholic along with her family after
attending a retreat with Fr. James. She was very much touched by the talk
of Fr.James on the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. They were
happily married on 15th August 2004 - Assumption day. God blessed them
with two boys and two girls. The whole family goes daily to the Holy Mass,
without fail, and every week they go at least once together to church
for making adoration. Richie and Jenine often say "our children are healthy
and well behaved because the priest lays his holy hand and prays for our
children daily during the Holy Communion". Anna and Maria have already
started asking for their first communion. During the Mass and intercessory
prayers Anna never fails to make a prayer for her brother, "Lord, make
my brother, James, a holy priest, a preacher and a healer". If any one
asks little James what he wants to become in future, his ready answer is,
"A priest, a healer and a preacher“!! Daily the parents pray the Prayer
of the Church, they pray the Rosary and other prayers together with the
Children. In the evenings the parents take the four children for their
separate prayers, either of the parents read a Part of the Bible loud while
the Children listen, and each of them kiss the Bible and kiss the parents
and go to bed. Before going to bed, the parents lay their hands on the
children and pray for God's blessings and the children on their turn, laying
their little holy hands they pray for their parents! If the children make
any mistake, both the parents will punish and admonish them, making them
realise their mistakes and asking them to ask forgiveness from God and
the parents. Also they instruct them to forgive each other immediately
after one offends the other. Both Richi and Janine are involved in the
evangelisation ministry of Fr.James all over Europe – besides their work
as a doctor and as a housewife. They go with Fr. James to make worship
in retreats and to translate his talks into the local language. They also
work together with Gaby, their mother who is a full time missionary with
Fr. James. She travels along with him all over the world, drives him wherever
he would want to go, translates all his talks and books in to Spanish and
takes care of him and his Ministry to the Lord. Along with Richi and Janine,
she makes DVDs and CDs of all his talks in various retreats in different
languages, and publishes all his books in several languages, and with the
little income she makes out of it she helps the Mission of Fr. James. Already
they educated two seminarists to be priests and they are now helping two
others in India.They send their tithing for the poor people in India. They
are always looking forward for ways and means to evangelise the world.
I took part in the spiritual retreat of Father James Manjackal from
the 12th to the 14 of June in Fatima. I had a disc herniation in L5-S1.
When, after Friday’s Mass, during the Healing Prayer, Father James said
“Carlos, you are healed”, I didn’t believe it was me. In the middle
of 750 people it could be any other Carlos. The truth is that I left Fatima
with no pains and no difficulty in walking and I’m still feeling well
until this day.
I must say I was not a practicing Catholic and I only went to Fatima
out of curiosity. To all those who do not believe in the physical healing,
you may believe it for it is true, for Jesus is Alive.
Thank you, Jesus. Honour, Praise and Glory to you, Lord.
Senhora da Hora – Matosinhos (Portugal), 3rd of July of 2009
My name is Manuel Pinto and I am an emigrant in France. In 2003 I was
operated for five times due to a cancer in the rectum. In 2007 the doctors
diagnosed a recurrence in the liver and wanted me to be operated. It was
then that a friend of mine lent me a book of Father James.
I went to a first retreat of Fr. James in the 8th and 9th of December
of 2007, in the auditorium Paulo VI in Fatima. Until this day, I’ve went
to five retreats in Portugal and to one here in France (Lyon). After I
met Fr. James my life changed completely in every way.
In 2008, January I completely stopped the chemotherapy treatment and
began to pray every day, to sing the songs sang in the retreat, to go to
the daily Mass (and twice a day). In the retreat of 20 to 24 of February
of 2009, in Fatima, I received an inner healing and from then onwards I
stopped thinking about the disease and started thinking more and more about
Here, in France, we created a Group of Adoration and Praise to Jesus.
WE gather every Saturday and it’s already been much fruitful. In this
prayer group, there was a vision of my liver with the injury but someone
told me I was going to be healed. When Fr. James laid His hands on me I
felt electricity running through my entire body. As I said before I don’t
think in the operation nor do I Fear the Disease. All I have is a great
faith because Jesus Healed my Body and Soul. I’m now looking forward
for the next retreat to Worship and Praise Jesus. Aren’t these the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit!
A big friendly and recognition hug to Fr. James and to Mr. João Dias.
Without their work I wouldn’t have found the path which led me to Jesus.
Thank you! May God give as much blessings as I’ve received.
8th of July of 2009
Ten years ago, I was subject to a surgery on my ear canal due to an
acoustic neurinoma (I had a ball of pus on my left ear, just next to my
brain). The surgery was very strict and it was necessary for me to stay
in the Intensive Care Unit; I knew I was going to lose hearing of the left
I lost 100% of my hearing of the left ear, as expected. I asked the
neurosurgeon if I could use a hearing device, but he said: "No, no way,
it would be helpless". This surgery was done 10 years ago and there was
no chance I would ever get my hearing back. In September of 2008, I attended
Fr. James’ retreat in Sameiro. I stopped my right ear and began do hear
with the left one whenever someone spoke on the microphone and during the
singing. Later on, I went to the same otolaryngologist who had treated
me and he confirmed that I had a partial healing of 15 decibels and advised
me to put on a hearing device. In the end of November of 2008, I consulted
my neurosurgeon and he confirmed that I could now use the hearing device
and even stated I’ve received a “little miracle”. I believe that
in this retreat the Lord will heal me 100 %. Praise the Lord!
Maria Alice Oliveira Agostinho -Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I was healed from an unknown disease which had no healing treatment. Two years ago, my tongue began to have many cuts which began to increase. I was initially diagnosed with aphthas. At some point, due to a high fever caused by the “aphthas”, I had to give entry in the Hospital de Abrantes for I couldn’t even eat. There, I did a biopsy which accused cancer. I was then sent to Hospital de Palhadó of Lisbon, where I spent one month doing exams. Later on, the doctors stated I suffered from an unknown disease. I was then sent to the Hospital de Almada, where I remained for another month. I left this hospital medicated on cortisone and felt better, but I was not healed. I and my husband have always been believers, since we were little, and we had much faith. I was always accompanied by a prayer chain. Having been ill for two years, a friend of mine showed me a paper she found on the floor: the disclosure sheet of Fr. James’ retreat, in March of 2008, in Consolata (Fatima). I decided to go to the retreat and I kneeled down before Fr. James for the laying of his hands on me. With much faith, I got healed. Since then I do not take any more medication! I am now giving my testimony to thank the Lord!
José Porfirio -Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I had eczema on my right leg and sometimes I had such huge itching crisis
that my leg became wounded. I went to several doctors who never managed
to prescribe the right medication for my problem and this situation already
lasted for 2/3 years. In Fr. James’ retreat in Consolata (in March of
2008), in the end of the Inner Healing prayer, I felt I was healed. Since
then, and until now, never again did I have problems on my leg! Praise
the Lord!
Maria Zélia Brito - Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I was healed of respiratory distresses. I had two broncho-pneumonia;
one 20 years ago and the other, 7 years ago. The first one was not completely
healed thus I had respiratory distresses. I couldn't get any draughts,
otherwise my breathing canal would immediately get congested and I could
barely speak. I couldn’t even go to the balcony at night or in foggy
days. Last night during Adoration, Fr. James claimed that several persons
with respiratory problems were being healed. I believed that one of those
persons was me. I believed and today I have no problems in breathing, although
yesterday I left the retreat hall at night and under rain! Praise the Lord
and may He continue blessing Fr. James!
Maria da Conceição Barbosa de Sá Roso - Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I had big bleedings. In the day I went to the retreat in Estoril, in
Pentecost of 2008, I was suffering from a huge bleeding. During that day
I continued bleeding, although, very little. From then onwards, my bleeding
decreased gradually until I was completely freed of it. I believe that
God healed me through Father James. Praise the Lord!
Josefa Maria Vinha Heliodoro Santos - Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I was healed spiritually and physically. I was blessed with the grace
of healing of a depression and of an uterus myoma. I have always lived
in the city and when I moved to the country because of my husband, I began
to feel very sad and depressed. My clinical state required medical treatment
for one and a half year, until I went to a retreat of Fr. James for the
first time. On the 3rd of September of 2006, I went to Fr. James’ first
retreat in Fatima, being invited by the religious sisters of Oleiros. On
the first day, on Sunday, the transformation that occurred in me was so
great, that I never felt anything alike before: profound peace and joy!
I felt the Holy Spirit came down on me and put off the “old man” and
I felt that the 2new man” was born. On that same day I asked the religious
sisters for us to gather in Oleiros, for I did not want to lose my union
with the Lord. After a few weeks, the Catholic Charismatic Movement began
in Oleiros, and it still remains strong today. My life changed completely.
Later on, my neurologist certified that I was healed and I stopped taking
medication. I was a new creature, a new person. My parish priest invited
me to be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion. I am a catechist for children
for two years now. I’m guide for two groups of faith guidance. I thank
God because my life changed completely and I feel very happy.
Last year, in Setúbal, I was blessed by the Lord again: I had a uterus
myoma and it was not necessary to be subject to a surgery. During Adoration,
Fr. James said: “Josefa, you are healed!” Since there was another Josefa
in the hall, I thanked God for the other Josefa’s healing! After some
time, I went to the doctor for a gynecological observation and he said
that I no longer needed a surgery for everything was fine. Only later I
remebered that the healed Josefa was me, although I did not ask for anything.
I thank God for loving me. May Fr. James keep on being led by the Holy
Spirit for many years, so that people can live happily.
Amélia da Silva Age: 62 years old -Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
I suffered a lot from bone problems and it was very hard for me to walk; to walk for a long time was very wearying. In the retreat in Sameiro (Braga, September of 2008), I was deeply touched by the priest’s preaching. On the following week after this priest’s retreat, I was in bed and I woke up feeling a great heat on my legs and I rubbed them with holy water. I didn’t realize that it was the Lord who was healing me. Only in the morning did the Lord and father James came to my mind and I knew the Lord was healing me. I praised the Lord and did my prayers. I also prayed for a daughter of mine who was married for 13 years and couldn’t have children. In November I came to know that she was pregnant! Praise the Lord!
I was very sick for some time and I felt my tongue very hot and that made me feel so uncomfortable that I couldn't even eat unless it was mashed food. In order to alleviate the tongue I had to “make suckings”. I went to the doctor many times and the medication he prescribed me alliviated a little, but never healed. I am Charismatic and I had already come to two Assemblies of the Charismatic Movement and I didn’t receive any healing. After the second Assembly I went to the doctor, who didn’t know what to do when realizing that no medication had any effect on me. He said that it was necessary to do a biopsy to know more about the problem I had. I was (and am) with financial problems and I came to know that the exam was very expensive. I had already hanged on tight to God and I told the doctor to prescribe me the exam, but I might get healing in the meanwhile. In that month, I had in mind to go to João Paulo VI, for Fr. James' retreat On Sunday, the 9th of December of 2008, during the healing prayer, I incessantly asked for God’s mercy and after the laying of the hands I was completely healed. Since the, I stopped feeling those “pricks” and heat on the tongue. The uncomfortable feeling, the speaking difficulty was gone; the Healing came!
Adália Maria dos Santos Saborano -Testimony in Auditorium Paulo VI, Fatima 14/12/2008
In the retreat in Fatima, in December of 2007, I received an inner healing.
I couldn’t do anything else but to cry. I changed my life and my way
of being. Never again could I stop speaking about Jesus to others.
Now, in this retreat, during Adoration (having done a good confession),
the priest called for many names and I thought it wasn’t my turn yet,
for I didn’t feel worthy of receiving blessings, but I thanked for the
healings of the other persons. Afterwards, he called for my name and I
knew it was me he was talking about and the persons who were nearby also
knew that. I was healed of my fear of heights. I suffer from many things,
among them, of calcifications on the right breast and I have a cyst on
my left breast, which remained after I had it removed due to breast cancer.
I believe I was healed in this retreat!
After having lain in bed for about 15 days I was finally diagnosed with renal colic (urine in the blood) and finally medicated. Notwithstanding, I had a kidney stone which was lodged in a very difficult spot; thus it was difficult to detect it. I felt huge pains which made my movements hard. After this time, I came to this retreat of Fr. James in Paulo VI, in Fatima, and, although I didn’t ask anything for me (who even considered myself to me a sinner and unworthy of receiving miracles), the Lord called me by my name through Fr. James’ mouth and repeated it. Thus, I was sure about the healing. The mere fact that I had the strength enough to come here was a miracle!
One and a half year ago I had a permanent pain on my back whenever I was in bed, but it was not too disturbing. In the retreat in Consolata (Fatima) this year, although it was very difficult for me to get the badge, I managed to get it. In this same retreat, during Adoration, I felt a great heat on my back and Fr. James even proclaimed my name and I knew the Grace was being given to me. I gave and give thanks to the Lord for this blessing; I’m healed!
I have always been a very shy person and at the same time very explosive;
having no patience to talk to other nor to understand them. After coming
to Fr. James’ retreats for two years, little by little, I have changed.
Today I’m a much calmer person, more self-confident and I’m patient
when I talk to others. Moreover, me and my family have been much blessed
in which regards health. I praise and thank the Lord for the wonders He
has been doing in me!
Hi! My name is Tomek (Thomas), I'm 20 and I live in Poznan, Poland.
In year 2000 it was claimed that I have allergy and asthma. I had allergy
to many things, but mostly I was allergic to egg white, wheat and cow milk.
Therefore I ought not to eat most of available food products. The symptom
of this allergy was mainly the cattarh, I have almost never had permeable
nose. Later I started to breath with my mouth, and since about one year
I had so big plug, that I have lost my sense of smell and my taste was
weak. I have been noticing asthma while sprinting for about 50 meters –
then I was out of breath for 5-10 minutes. About two years ago I have asked
my doctor for possible cure from this asthma and allergy. He said that
it will remain so, and I should just take symptomatic medicine.
On 17th of September 2009 retreat with father James Manjackal
in Somianka near Warsaw have started. I felt there, that I want to ask
father James for individual prayer, although I was sceptical about physical
healings. On Saturday I went to a life confession and after that to father
James to ask for prayer. We started to pray, he put his hands on my head
and prayed in tongues. I took it wrong, because I didn't focus on praying,
I was waiting when I will begin to feel warmth or something special. I
heard, that people while being healed feel warmth in sick places of their
bodies. After the prayer father said: „you are healed”. I went away
doubtful. I was afraid that God didn't heal me because of my attitude to
the prayer. In the evening during general healing prayers father James
mentioned people that are being healed from asthma and some allergy sufferers.
I tried to believe that it is also about me but doubts didn't stop. I felt
big sadness; I believed in the Almighty God, and I couldn't believe in
my healing, just because I didn't feel anything! In my worries my friend
helped me. She reminded how father James told his testimony, that once
while he was being healed, he didn't feel any warmth. Later I asserted
that father James has bigger faith than I do, and that the Holy Spirit
pervades him and works through him, so when he says „you are healed”,
there is no need or reason to worry. I believed then, and Baptism with
the Holy Spirit made me fully believe and filled me with great joy, peace
and remarkable feeling of God's presence and closeness.
The symptoms didn't go away fully but I believe, that God healed
me. I can gradually breath with my nose. Once when I was going by tram
I saw my friend and I felt willingness to meet her. I got off the tram
and started to run after her. I noticed, that it can be a hard moment.
I prayed: „God, I apologize. I don't want to test you, please don't be
angry at me. I just want to catch her and have a chat”. So I run, and
when I saw oncoming tram I thought, that she will enter it, so I started
to sprint through about 30 metres. I had a breathlessness, although it
seemed to be bearable, and after about 4 minutes it stopped! However, I
felt strong pain in my calfs, because I didn't sprint or run for such distances
since few months. As I have checked on the map – I have run through almost
800 metres! Praise the Lord for all his works and for father James' service!
Tomasz Sroczynski
Poznan, Poland
ALELUJA! THANK´S JESUS I AM HEALED! -Don´t be faithless any longer! Believe!
Hi everyone, my name is Silvie and I come from the Czech republic. I am 19 years old and since I was about 13 I had problems with breathing. There was no doctor, who could help me or even diagnoze my disease. I had expectoration in my throat especially after physical activity or eating.. It was very unpleasant, because I had phlegm in my neck and mouth very often. My condition was getting worse, so I visited the doctors again and they told me, that I have asthma and allergy..unfortunately they had medicine only to limit the problems, not to heal me completely. That´s why I stopped doing the athletics..I also couldn´t breathe very good during jogging, riding a bike, going..
Since I was a child, I tried different ways how to be healed. I am sorry
to admit, that me, as a catholic, tried many alternative treatments! PLEASE,
never trust any of this ways. Although it is called Christian yoga, special
yoga breathing or 5 Tibetans.. chinese and generally the east philosphy,
exercise, energies..and homeopathy as well. Actually, sometimes it seems
to be good for You. However,.. it isn´t!
The problem was, that I trusted everyone and everything else, but not
to Jesus!
In September 2009 I took part in the SPIRITUAL EXERCISE in Kocli?ov. In fact, I had no idea what is it going to be like. I was suprised, that during the first evening we were told, that we might be healed. Father James began to pray and said: “ Everyone, who believes, can be healed! Touch with your hand the place, where you want to be healed!” In that moment I touched my neck and I thought: “ Whom else should I believe, Jesus, when not You?”
Immediately I felt very much warm in my hands and heat going into my body. I was a little bit shaking, I wasn´t breathing very good, I was gasping and tears were rolling on my face. Father James was praying. He asked the Lord to heal people with cancer, with sclerosis multiplex..later on he mentioned also alergy and asthma.
At that point I drew a deep and clear breath! I cried, I still felt the heat in my body, it was even like “elecricity” from my hands.. Eventhough it is difficult to put everything into words.. Today I must have been GRACE FROM OUR LORD! I was healed!
At the end of the praying father James told some names of people who were healed. Suddenly he said: “Silvie is healed!” and he added the verse from the Bible..John 20, 27: “DON´T BE FAITHLESS ANY LONGER. BELIEVE!”
I felt so so happy! When I got out of the church, I opened the Bible and guess what was there..Jan 20,27.. “DON´T BE FAITHLESS ANY LONGER. BELIEVE!” Since then I never doubt! I believe, that Jesus healed me, that Jesus is ALIVE!
I am really gratefull. Praise the Lord and the Holy Mary!
Silvie C
PS: I would like to recommend You 2things for Your “relationship”
with Jesus
1) Be sincere, be frank!
2)Give credence to Him,don´t doubt,don´t be faithless any
longer and believe!He loves You!
My name is Tania. I am 25 years old. I am from Belarus. I attended
the retreats with Fr. James in Varsav and in Somianka in Polen.
I thank God for all the presents He gave me during those retreats. I was
very wounded in my childhood, in the school and during the studies. My
father is drinking an alkohol. He hit me, my mother and sister. I
could not forget. So I was nervous, depressiv and sad. There were unforgiveness,
feelings of rejections, unlove,fear and disappointment in my heart. During
the retreats I've been meeting with the LIVING JESUS!!! He helped me
to forgiven all people. I knew Jesus love. A lot of people cursed me and
after the prayer of Father James I felt light in my body, freedom, love
and peace in my heart. I felt I am clear as baby!!! I am the |NEW" Tania
who is filling with the Holy Spirits power and grace! I am so happy! During
the retreats I have decided to follow Jesus and no turning back! Thank
you Lord! Thank you Holy Spirit! Thank you Father James!!!! Alleluja!
P.s I am sorry for my grammatical mistakes
Tania from Belarus
My name is Swieta. I am 22 years old. I am from Belarus. I attended
the retreats with Fr.James for the first time in Somianka in Polen. These
retreats are unforgettable for me. These retreats changed my life!!! Jesus
did me a new person. During the Adoration I have received a gift of forgiveness
and after them I was ready to fill with the Holy Spirit, with His gifts
and power. I felt the Gods presence in my heart, His incredible love to
me. During the conference of Fr. James Jesus showed me my sins which I
am never confessed! After the conference I have confessed all my sins and
I was so free and happy!!!! I had problems with the stomach and Jesus healed
me!!!I have received one more wonderful gift- Prayer by heart. For
the first time I felt joy from my prayer. I felt the activity of Holy Spirit
and the wonderful love of God in my heart. God comes to us with the great
LOVE to deliverence and heal us! But we must allow Him to do miracles
in our life!!!!!! Alleluja! Thank you Lord! Thank you Father James!
P.S. I am sorry for grammatical mistakes!
With love Swieta aus Belarus
Thank you Father James
My name is Doris Moser. I went to the retreats with Fr. James in Graz
and i thank God for all the graces He gave me during those 4 days. The
greatest gift is that Jesus finally liberated me from the clutches of Esoteric.
Thank you Jesus!
The second great gift is that since the retreats i've been feeling
a wonderful warmth in my kidneys and Fr. James said that my kidneys are
healed. I am more than happy and i'm looking forward to writing a comprehensive
testimony after the healing has taken place. Thank you Jesus for Fr. James
and all the graces that YOU give us in Your unending love! Halleluja!!
I had a eating disorder for 15 years. Always, when I was sad, I ate
too much and spit. And I was often sad because of many things, which happened
in my life and I could not forget. So I had often no nervs and no strength
for my husband and my children. I tried to overwelm this for a long time,
but even a therapy did not help.
And now I am healthy!!!
I wanted to thank you very much for your prayer. I am convinced that
your prayer and the healing love of jesus helped me. I often felt a warming
love... Thank you Jesus!
Thank you Pater James!
We would like to thank God for all the mercy and blessings He is showing to our family.
All began with heavy injury of our dear father. On friday 1st of May
2009 he felt during climbing from the top of the crag (15m) directly on
the rocky ground. He had 16 broken ribs, heavy crushed pelvis and facial
bones. He also had broken skull. He lost huge amount of blood too. All
together he lost 15 liters of blood - the amount of three grown up people
(the blood was literarly licking out of him). Doctors succeeded to stop
the bleeding, but fight for his life lasted for more than a week.
For three weeks he was in artificial coma.
Thanks to God brains and spain were not harmed. Concernig on a enormity
of a fall, this was miraculously.
When we were most desperate, we reminded on Father James Manjackal.
We remember him from the seminary at Kureš?ek (Slovenija) in 2007.
So we decided to write him (to his e-mail adress) a request for his mighty
prayers to our dear Lord for father`s healing. He answered us next day.
His answer was:"I shall pray for speedy recovery of your father. My love
and blessings to him."
And this is exactly what happened. Concernig on a intricacy of injuries,
improvent of our father is exeptional. And his physical state is still
rapidly improving. Doctors are very surprised. According to all regulations,
he should be dead.
Another event, connected with father`s accident also happened. This
was a seminar of Father James in church of St. Marko in Koper (also Slovenija).
This church is the nearest church from the hospital, where our father was
treated. We were very happy and honoured that we participated in
this seminar and also spoke to Father James and express our thankfulness.
Priest (Ciril Bajt) who gave unction to our father arrives also from
that church. He arrived immediately to hospital after the phone call. We
would also like to say thanks to him.
Fulfilled prayers of Father James, a priest who gave unction to our
father from a church of St. Marko and than a seminar of Father James Manjackal
at the same church (from 19th to 21th of June 2009). We are sure that this
was not a coincidence.
God was and is still very merciful with our father and with whole
our family. A lot of good conclusions and lifetime decisions were made.
One of those is (from the youngest son Luka), that he will become a priest.
This accident gave him enough strenght to decide. He couldn`t make this
decision more than 10 years. This accident was truly God`s blessing.
Dear Fr. James Manjackal, we all are very thankful for Your powerful
prayers and blessings. We belive and we also confess that this was a miracle.
Family Bišcak:
Father Branko, mother Majda and sons Tomaž and Luka.
Postojna, Slovenija
Praise the LORD!
Father, my mother Amalie is very happy and wants to thank JESUS and
You with a testimony!
About 5 years ago i started to have problems in lifting up my arms.
During the last two years it became bad to worse and finally i could not
lift up my arms any higher than my shoulders. I hardly could do my hair
by myself nor could i tie the apron any more. Often i had much pain.
The doctor said, that it is an erosion (from carriing and working hard
and much) and that there can not be done much.
In the retreat of Father James Manjackal in Wigratzbad during the healingprayer
when people were praying for each other he called out my name: Amalie is
healed on the shoulder and heart. I immediatly clamed healing and some
minutes later, when we all praised the LORD together i could lift up my
arms like a young girl! All the way up! I praised my GOD with all my heart
and thanked HIM! Also i had a flue bevore coming tot he retreat and
because of weakness i was sweating much during the day and during the nigth!
Allready during the first night i did not swead any more and since than
no more. As soon as I came home I also realised that all my heartpains,
which I had before, totally dissapeared and I believe that
he also has healed me in my heart!
You, Father James from the bottom of my heart for all his prayers and intercession
and for all his love for me and my family! Thank you for everything, Father
James, we love you and pray for you!!!
My name is Lila M. R. G. de Sousa, and I was born in Goa (India) in
a Catholic family, 61 years ago. I’ve been living in Lisbon for 34 years.
I was a practicing Catholic up until I was 26, more or less. Despite the
distance from Church, I maintained my faith in Jesus, in God.
In 1986, I was seriously ill, in a coma, with Systemic lupus erythematosus,
diagnosed a few months before. My only concern was my 5-year old daughter.
I recovered and God gave me the blessing to raise her. In August 2006 I
had a relapse and was seriously ill once again. Nine months passed before
I was able to go back to work.
In March 2007, I remember my cousin Telma dropping in, she told me:
“there is an Indian priest, who does miracles; he is conducting a retreat
in Estoril, don’t you want to go see him?” I answered that, at that
moment, I wasn’t well enough to attend a retreat, but I would go the
next time. I was not sure what a retreat was; but I was curious, especially
as a doctor, because our role in this world is to heal people. I knew that
Jesus had made miracles in His time, but I was unaware that someone, even
a Priest was doing the same in these days.
My cousin took me to Father James Manjackal’s 2007 retreat in Setúbal
(June 29th to July 1st). I wasn’t sure how to present myself at this
retreat. So I opened my heart and let the words of Jesus flow, through
the voice of Father James Manjackal. It felt like Father James shook me
and said: “Wake up, Jesus is waiting for you”. In fact, I remember
to think these last few years that nothing could satisfy me, as my daughter
was already raised. I was waiting, just didn’t know for whom or what.
Now I know I was waiting for Jesus.
I followed all the recommendations Father James made at the retreat.
He told us to confess, but I chose not to, as there was a long queue. I
would do it in Lisbon. At that 1st retreat I knew that the most important
moment for me was the effusion of the Holy Spirit. Until that moment, I
only knew the Holy Spirit through the Conception of Virgin Mary.
I bought all of the books on sale; the week after, I prepared myself
for confession reading his books. I became aware of my sins in this world
and made the confession of my life the next Saturday before the Mass. Immediately
at the beginning of the Mass, I felt the love and care of Jesus. When the
priest raised the Holy Cup, I saw the joy in Heaven. I was the lost sheep.
My conversion happened in July 7th 2007, when God gave me His grace.
The true meaning of Jesus dying for all of us in the Cross became present
and intense in my heart. I wanted to compensate Him for all He had suffered
for me, my daily pains and suffering. That’s why I wasn’t worried (and
am not worried) to be healed. Everyone tells me that I look well. I didn’t
ask for anything, Jesus gave me the blessing to keep on working. Above
all He gave me what I was most in need for, “my conversion”. My self-transformation
in a new being takes place every day, with peace and inner joy.
Many questions formed in my head, so I began reading the Bible. The
more I read, the more I craved for God’s words. Through the Bible, I
kept feeling all of Jesus’ strength and love for me. I met the Holy Eucharist
wonderful power of healing when I realised that my pain disappeared when
I received the Holy Communion at Mass.
Sometimes I make a contribution to Father James’ mission. It’s
a priority for me to help him in his task to convert those who haven’t
had the opportunity to meet Jesus.
Father James Manjackal, I hope you keep on going with all the strength,
all the power and all the love of Jesus, so that you can carry out your
ministry of Evangelisation.
God bless you.
Jesus be praised.
Pedro - Portugal
Hello everyone! My name is João
Pedro and I want to share with you my testimony and personal experience
lived in Father James’ Retreat in February 2009, in Fatima.
The tears began to fall and to slide
softly through my face. I am amazed with the blessings of God our Saviour,
I’m very thankful for finally, after 20 years, having come back to the
Lord’s house. I was never angry at Jesus neither have I lost the habit
of praying; I knew He existed in my heart. But now and after Father James’
Retreat, my soul was filled with light. God is very close to us, He gives
light to our souls and blesses all our requests, making us feel renewed.
I was born again on that day, on
the 22nd of February 2009. I hadn’t confessed for 20 years. I was so
happy and looking forward to receiving Jesus Christ that I looked like
the same boy of the 1st Communion, when I was seven years old. My mother
who accompanied me in this retreat was very emotional and happy with the
coming back of her son. The teachings of Father James, the joy of the charismatic
songs lead to the dimension of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
Our Lady takes us by our hands and all fears disappear, we feel strengthened
with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us. The spiritual healing is
the first to be revealed … our eyes shine… the tears of emotion, joy
and repentance are genuine and spontaneous… we are more concentrate…
we want to hear and to absorb each word of Father James. We feel so well
in the presence of his Being, so happy with his contagious enthusiasm,
so sensitive to the words claimed by our dear friend, always inspired by
the Holy Spirit, Who has outpoured on him the Gift of knowledge and word.
All collaborators, musicians, singers, along with all of us, enthusiastic
participants full of praises to the Lord helped to make that Retreat in
Fatima the most spectacular living experience that I’ve ever participated
in my life. The charismatic movement is the joy of the Lord. Being Charismatic,
as Fr James says, “Is to be lead by the power of the Holy Spirit, the
greatest gift God has given us”.
At this moment I am sure I was born
again, I was reborn and was walking in the light of the Lord. I give all
my life to Him and may His will be done. God gives me all I am asking for
but only if it is good for my holiness. Thank you Lord.
Everyone, with no exception, has
the opportunity of receiving the Spiritual Healing. In my case, I am giving
the first steps for my physical healing. As Fr. James says: “We need
to have inner healing in order to have physical healing”.
When Father James said that there
were 3 “Joãos” getting healed in the stomach… I believed; I knew
I was one of them. I felt a cold chill in my abdomen and later I understood
that the block I had in the abdominal area had disappeared. The tears didn’t
stop, the joy was great! Thank you Lord! I praise you Lord!
I also know that God was healing
me reducing my legs shivering. When I received the healing I remember saying
“We will heal… We will heal… Heal them all, Lord! Heal all these
people that are praising and thanking You, Lord! Thank you Lord, you are
our Saviour!”
My physical problem is neurological
(in the central nervous system) and shows symptoms of a progressive spastic
paraparesis. More exactly my symptoms are: Muscular tension in the legs
with some loss of control of the movements of the 2 inferior members, less
mobility and motor sensibility in the left foot, difficulty to walk and,
consequently, lack of balance.
This physical problem might have
been caused when I was still a baby, probably due to one of my falls when
I still crawled. The doctors haven’t confirmed and the tests are not
conclusive, neither do they identify any known neurological disease. Thus,
I think it might have been caused by an accidental fall when I was small
in which I’ve lost conscience for some moments. Only since I was thirteen
years old did I notice I began having less mobility and, as time went by,
I began to have more difficulty in walking. When I was eighteen years old
I stopped running and at the age of thirty six I put aside all complexes
and started walking with a stick in order to be more comfortable and balanced
in my walking. I never gave up searching help for my problem. Today I know
the Holy Spirit came to me and I am very happy for the divine opportunity
God have given me in this Retreat in Fatima.
Today my back posture is more straight
and correct. I don’t make any effort in being seated straight on a chair,
which didn’t happen before. My tendency was to be bent with an inelegant
posture. A good example of this is the fact that when I’m seated on a
chair, working, I no longer have the tendency to slip from the chair. I
keep a firm posture without any effort and I know God has healed my abdominal
area. When I’m standing I also feel more stability. I’m better now
and I believe I will improve even more. Now everything is new to me and
I’m exploring my new capacities and I believe in the progression of my
Whoever believes in God knows He
exists, but it is even better when we feel He is so close to us and touches
us with his Love. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”,
a word from the Bible strengthened by my girlfriend who I love very much
(see her testimony on Guestbook, entry nr. 1572).
I thank my mother for the support
she gave me and the good company during all the Retreat. I am very happy
for having shared with her this experience so enriching and beautiful.
The love of a Mother towards her son stands for the love of Mary for Jesus
and having the retreat taken place in Fatima made me feel even more grateful.
Thank you mother, your son loves
you very much …
To conclude the same way I did in
my personal testimony, in front of a great crowd in Consolata, next to
Pax Hotel, in Fatima: It is God who heals spiritually and physically through
Father James. Believe! God really touches and heals us.
Thank you Lord!
I praise you Lord!
Blessed be all those who believe
in God our Lord, our Faith moves mountains, our Faith and the Love of Christ
Our Lord make wonders!!!
I continue praying for all of you
and for Fr. James. All together let us continue praying for him and with
him so that more people get converted and also feel the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit into the spiritual and physical healing.
Thank you,
João Pedro Carvalho Serra.
Cascais, 1st March 2009
Gaspar - Portugal
It’s been 2 years since I went to Father James’ retreat in Paulo
VI Auditorium, in Fatima. I was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in the
throat which, according to the doctors, was completely helpless for it
was going to reach my vocal cords. I was healed on that retreat. Thank
God I’m well until this day I am well. Praise the Lord! Alleluia.
Fatima, 24th February 2009
Name: Vítor Fonseca de Sousa
Age: 31 years old
It was with some curiosity that I attended to Fr. James’ first retreat
in Covilhã (Portugal). I attended this retreat hoping to be healed from
chest pains which lasted for thirteen years and for which Medicine could
not find any causes; the exams didn’t accuse any abnormality. In the
Adoration and Healing Prayer on Saturday, I felt the Spirit touched me
like a cold and soft breeze. What I also felt was that I didn't deserve
to be healed for I considered to have little faith and I didn’t think
I was worthy of such wonder.
I ended up receiving something much better, INNER HEALING and a new
spiritual awakening. Now, more than faith, I have confidence in God, I
live the Eucharistic, I pray with my heart, I know that I’m different,
I’m more joyful, more optimistic, more pacific. From “sleepy" I began
to be awake, "vigilant". I really have a new life, with more Light, Peace,
Love, Joy that comes from God; I’m born again to grow in sanctity. I
was healed from my chest pains (which previously made me collapse in bed
and have motivation for nothing). I’m better from day to day; it’s
a progressive healing connected to faith and trust in God. Although I still
have some pains which remind me of my limitations and frailty, the main
thing is to look for the divine grace, know how to forgive like Jesus,
to have a confident faith and not to doubt of the Power and Love of God.
I’m a priest, hospital chaplain, I’m 31 years old. Thank
you, Jesus!
Covilhã, 17/05/2009
Name: Maria Manuela Antunes Vieira Matos
Age: 65 years old
I was subject to a heart surgery 18 years ago. In November of 2008
I went to a routine appointment and the doctor said that I needed to me
subject to a new surgery (I needed to be operated to the three valves)!
In December of the same year, I came to Fr. James’ retreat (Fatima).
During the healing prayer, I felt a heat like fire in my heart and I heard
Fr. James saying: “Maria Manuela, whose heart was operated, you are healed!!!"
Thank you, Lord! Praise the Lord!!!
After 15 days, more or less, I had my heart examined and the technician
told me: “I don’t think that your will get to be operated”. I was
happy and although I'm not completely healed, with my continuous prayer
and faith in God, I think the Lord, who is Father, will continue my healing!
In this retreat I feel my heart so light that I think the Lord shall
not abandon me!
Thank you, Lord! Praise the Lord! Thank you, Fr. James.
Consolata, Fatima, 23/02/2009
Dear Father James.
My wife participated in your last retreat in Valladolid.
Let me express my most deepest thankfulness for all what you have done
for her and our family.
We are family with a regular religious education with many good intentions,
but with many limitations and poor in pray. We've grown up in catholic
movements when we were living in Argentina and since 2002 in Spain. We
have been in different retreats with very prepared and caring priests,
but let me tell you that the spiritual experience and conversion that my
wife got in your retreat, was something absolutely unexpected with a major
impact in our lives.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t there because I was taking care of my two
lovely daughters (Maria Sol and Maria Lucia), but as a result of what I
saw in my wife when she was back at home I can tell you that she is a living
temple of Jesus. She was not a bad wife at all before the retreat, she
had all our regular sins, the same what I have indeed, I'm talking about
mistakes and sometimes lack of tolerance, lack of perseverance, a very
nervous woman, very easily irritated by our kid`s daily behavior.
She returned at home with a fabulous treasure inside. She has God living
in her mind and heart. She is willing to go to Mass every day, she prefer
not to watch TV and dedicate that time to pray, she is giving love all
around her and, of course we are the first beneficiaries, her family.
Our older daughter (6 years, Maria Sol) was sad lately, sometimes fighting
with her younger sister, and we realize that she had a low concentration
at class. As soon as my wife Belen returned and had the chance to talk
with her and tell her how much she loved her, it was so special that Maria
Sol is a whole new person. She is happy again, smiling again, and sharing
more with her sister and writing short letters of gratitude and love to
Belen. It is hard to believe! but this happened in less than 2 days!
I cannot find the right words to express all my gratitude what I feel
for you, your collaborators and your superiors, they are so generous to
share their time and work for our salvation!!
I am so impressed, so happy, because in 4 days you made something that
changed in my family what I did never expect to accomplish. Moreover, I
feel now that THANKS to your retreat, we may be able to get to Heaven and
I am sure that this is only the beginning, now that Christ has made a way
into our home, we will work hard to keep him inside, praying as you taught
to Belen, reading good books, giving love of the way that you do.
Today I read that Barcelona and Guadarrama retreats have being canceled.
What a pity, what a sad feeling, not only for myself, that will not get
the chance to live the retreat and meet you, but for all Spanish families
that will lose the opportunity to receive the blessings that God send us
through your person. Maybe I will be able to go to Portugal. Believe
me, that Spain, really needs you now.
Sorry for this long mail and my poor English, but I had to express
loud and clear how grateful I feel now.
With my deepest appreciation.
Francisco Manuel Fernandez Olalla
Pilar Maçarico - Age 76 - Lisboa
I had several hernias in the lumbar
and cervical spine, which jammed my leg movement, especially of my right
leg, up to the hips. It was very difficult for me to walk and I had to
climb the stairs one step at a time. Every time I had to go out I need
to go by car, even if I only needed to go somewhere very close to my house.
To roll over in bed used to cause me much pain. I already had taken several
injections and pills, but nothing ever improved my clinical state; I needed
to submit myself to a back surgery.
I was in the retreat of Estoril,
in May of 2008. I lived that retreat with much FAITH and made a confession.
After that retreat, little by little, my pains started to leave me until
this day; my life is has become easier. I now that the hernias remain,
but due to the Lord’s grace, I’m freed of the pains they caused me.
Glory to the Lord! Blessed be God!
Praise the Lord! Alleluia! Blessed be the Most Holy Trinity! Abba, I love
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Maria Filomena M. S. C Dias - Age 55 - Porão
I was healed of a cancer of the pancreas
(with a 7 cm big malignant tumour, already inserted in the duodenum).
The spiritual and physical healing
was received since I participated in Fr. James’ retreat in Sameiro, Braga.
There, I felt god had healed me. I took medical exams after the retreat
through a PET/CT (nuclear TAC). The result given by the doctor was that
everything was clean: “you are healed, Filomena. Congratulations!”.
Thank you, Lord! All Glory to you. Praise the Lord!
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Bernardete Galego - Age 55 - Miranda do Douro
I had polycystic kidneys and I got
healed in the married couples’ retreat in Fátima, in February of 2008.
During Adoration, Father James said that 7 persons were being healed from
their kidneys and afterwards he said: “Bernardete, your kidneys are being
healed”. Thank God!”. While I was praying for healing with my husband
I saw the image of Christ in front of me. In the end of the Adoration,
when I was going to my room, I felt a big squeeze on my kidneys and I knew
I was healed.
In this retreat (Fátima, December
of 2008) I am receiving new blessings. I was suffering from a strong headache
and for more than 15 days I felt a strong pain on my arm and during the
Adoration, Father James said: ”Bernardete, why you doubt? Many blessing
are being showered over you!” I was completely healed! Praise the Lord!
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Ferreira da Horta - Age 68 - Marinheiros
I was blessed with five healings
of the holy Spirit. On the 3rd of September of 2008 I was healed from problems
from which I suffered for two years: arthrosis of the knee (I have the
doctor’s certificate which confirms the healing), of stomach and liver
In another retreat of Fr. James
in 2007, I was also healed in my prostate. I used to have the need of going
often to the loo and I also needed to take pills. In 2008 I had my prostate
examined; everything was normal and I no longer needed to get up in the
middle of the night to go to the loo and I stopped taking the pills without
having been subject to any kind of surgical intervention!
I would also like to testify another
healing of the holy Spirit here. In the Summer of 2008, I fractured my
shoulder. I didn’t want to go anywhere to treat it, I trusted in the
retreat I was about to go to, preached by another priest, in Paulo VI (Fatima).
The priest who was presiding said: “Raise your shoulder!”, and I trusted
in this word. I wanted to get my faith tested. I came because I knew I
would be healed.
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Franco - Age 64 - Cascais
After having gone to the retreats
of Fr. James, in the year of 2008, in Estoril (May) and in Lamego (June),
I was healed from inconclusive eosinophilic vasculitis (vascular –circulatory
- disease). I had already been interned in the hospital in 2004 due to
my problem. However, no doctor could ever determine with accuracy what
was my disease nor how to treat it. My physical healing was progressive,
having begun when Fr. James laid his hands over my head, praying for my
healing, in Estoril. After the Retreat in Lamego, I can firmly claim my
healing; all my problems concerning this disease disappeared!
I was also blessed spiritually.
I was freed from fears and guilty feelings and I began to feel better accepted
by others. The complicated relationship with my son became almost normal.
I give thanks to the Lord, because
I feel that He is with me in the smallest details. He Healed me and Freed
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Helena Ezequiel de Carvalho Amaral Pereira - Age 57 - Sassoeiros
I broke a leg in March of 2008, a
few days before Fr. James’ retreat in Estoril. I went to the hospital,
for I felt many pains and I needed to get the prescription of something
that would release me from the pains. At the hospital I was taken an x-ray
and the doctors verified that my leg was broken (in the peroneal head and
I also had a fissure in the knee); my leg was plastered and I should only
remove the plaster after two or three months). After a dew days I went
to the retreat of Fr. James with some friends. Two days after the retreat,
I went to the hospital again. They took another x-ray there and said that
I could take out the plaster after two days only! Praise the Lord!
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Suzana Furtado - Age 37 - Águeda
I suffered from stomach problems
(esophagitis) which caused me digestive difficulties. The digestion process
of my organism was painful (I lived episodes of acute suffering), because
I there was bile in my stomach.
You merciful and kind God had compassion
over me, You were understanding and tender and healed me through the merits
of the life (certainly) of Your (new millennium) apostle, Fr. James. I
was healed on the first wonderful day of the retreat, in December of 2008,
in Fatima and with the protection of our beloved Most Holy Mother Mary.
The most meaningful and wonderful thing for me was that God called by my
name, just like He calls all of us in all our problems and in all our hopes.
Three months have now gone by, since this retreat took place and my welfare
and the relief of my symptoms have consolidated. Lord, Thou art the God
of all light, the light of all splendour, the splendour of all glory!
Fatima, 13/12/2008
Diana & Günther
I would like to thank God for the wonderful way that he has repeatedly
intervened in my life and the life of my family! After making a general
confession I was able to forgive my father after 38 years. I received inner
healing and realized how much God loves me. My depression disappeared.
Because I was freed from the clutches of esoteric I also experienced physical
healing. I was healed from a chronic disease that I had had for years and
I am no longer hard of hearing. A time of trial and suffering (death of
my mother-in-law, death of my unborn child, my husband’s “burn out”)
strengthened our faith. We could really feel the prayers of many friends.
After the retreat for married couples with Fr. James Manjackal in Vienna,
we dared to depend on God’s providence. My husband recovered and found
a better job. I became pregnant again and was able to deliver our third
healthy child at the age of 44 years.
Thank you Jesus, Thank you Mother Mary, Thank you Fr. James for your prayers!
Somewhere in late spring 2008 I began to feel pane in the middle finger
of my left hand. Day after day the pain was stronger. I tried to get help
from doctor (surgeon), but he was not sure about what is the cause of the
pain, so he did not know where to perform an operation. After few visites
the situation did not change. In October 2008 I sent an email to Father
James asking him to pary for healing of my finger. After some time i could
realise that the pain is reliving. Somewhere at the end of 2008 I could
say that the pain is off. Today, some 2 month after the situation did not
change: I have no more pain in my finger!
Now I can only say: thanks be dear God for healing, and many thanks
to You dear Father James for your prayer!
I continue praying Prayer Warrior every day asking dear God to keep
you healthy for long time.
It is wonerfull that dear God choose you to help us. Let dear God bless
Appreciative Elvira
Dear Fr. James,
I was suffering from Depression and Fibromyalgia for 16 years
- I was 24h per day always feeling very tired, even if I slept well
(that for the last 11 years was very rare ) I awake feeling the same tiredness
and don`t have any strength on my arms and hands. In December
I went to your retreat in Fátima and during the healing mass Jesus told
you to call my name - I felt cured, all my pains disappeared and
I start sleeping much better and awaked well - not tired.
I went to your retreat in Fátima from 20 - 24.02.09 and during the healing
mass you said that Jesus has cured 4 people with depression and you called
again my name, I felt cured straight away - all my sadness went away -
my depression gone... I felt so happy in my heart, like I have not felt
for so many years! My family is so happy because they have noticed
that I am different, happier and suffer from no more pain on my body.
I praise God - Abba, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! I thank you,
Fr. James for letting God use you to come to me and to so many people
that are in need to be cured physically and spiritually.
I want to thank you also for your retreats with so many wonderful
teachings. May God Bless and protect you always and everywhere!
Dear Father James,
My name is Anna. I live in Grodzisk Mazowiecki in Poland. On last Sunday
I gave my testimony in Warsaw (internal Healing).
I had allergy and initial stage of asthma. On Monday I felt I've got
a new lungs of increased volume. I've also got a resonant melodious
voice good for singing (I spoked in a soft voice before). My doctor
told me to continue taking the medicines. When I prayed on Monday I felt
tender touch on my hands. I have heart palpitations and I've got some other
sings I trust The Holy Spirit will tell You...
Praise be to God! Thanks to God!
Father James,
By writing this letter to you, I offer to your prayers my brother Olivier
who suffers since 1999 of recurring epilepsy crisis because of a congenital
malformation, and also Colette, who suffers from a serious neurological
disease and whose condition is critical.
Here is the testimony on the great cure received from the Lord during
the retreat you preached in Lourdes (France) in October 2005:
My name is Odile Lorec. I am 45 years old. I have had suicidal tendencies
since I was born and have on several occasions almost committed the act,
either consciously or unconsciously.
My mother had a first child, called Hervé, and fell pregnant with
me very soon afterwards. Her second pregnancy was not desired (she always
told me that she would rather have waited to have a second child. “Too
bad, I keep it”, she decided nevertheless.) In the meantime, Hervé fell
gravely ill, of a sort of leukemia, and died one month after I was conceived.My
mother almost died at the time, and I was born prematurely at 7 1/2 months,
placed in an incubator, baptized a few hours after my birth and sent to
hospital after catching a staphylocoque. I refused to take any food. I
was given back to my mother three months later..
My mother loved me but I always bore in me the wound of feeling abandoned:
a visceral feeling of not been expected or awaited by anyone, of nowhere
being my place. I felt my mother, whom I loved deeply, as being “far”
from me: as he I ware kept on behind by this little dead brother...and,
until I reached 25, I was convinced that I had stolen the life of this
child, that he had had to die to make my living possible…
I fell into a depression several times, the first time when I was 13.
I put myself unconsciously into a situation of bodily danger and injured
myself on several occasions.
In 1994, I followed some psycho-spiritual help : I felt unwound
only in front of the Holy Presence !... I started to have crisis of anguish
and my suicidal tendencies were still there, more or less controllable
(I knew how to judge from what point I was threatened by taking action
against me). From that year on, I was prescribed tranquilizers and sleeping
The psycho-spiritual aid I was given in the hands of Jesus Christ revealed
to me the cause of my insatisfaction and of my desire to die: the fact
not to have been desired. But it was humanely incurable, as my past was
closed up and sealed.
Starting in 2004 (after a difficult moment), I started to be frightened,
as my suicidal pulses started to come on me brutally, without premonitory
symptoms, at any time of the day or night. Everything was coming out of
control: I could have committed suicide in just a few minutes… But my
situation was insoluble.
Only the Lord could achieve the impossible (for me). I launched towards
Him a sort of desperate “ultimatum”: only He could save my life.
I enrolled –it was my last chance- for your retreat in Lourdes in
october 2005 : The Lord had to act, if He wanted to, « with powerful hand
and extended arm » because, at the rate things were going, I knew I would
not reach the end of 2005 alive.
I have received the Spirit in 1987. By participating in this retreat,
I was not expecting such an abundance of graces, of blessings and of healing
from the Lord. Some healing, yes, but not such powerful shining manifestations
of His Power and Love !!
On the first evening of the retreat, I stopped all medications, and
I slept right through without any awakening or anguish (and I have not
taken any medication since).
On October 15th, there was that long prayer in front of Jesus Exposed…
For the first time I could forgive Hervé, my little brother, for having
died, and could also forgive my deceased parents for their alcoholism.
I knew on that evening that the Lord had touched what had been beyond
repair inside me: my being conceived without being desired, and that He
had cured me of suicide. At a later stage He had this word: “Odile, you
have received a great healing”.
Yes, I was reborn again on October 15th 2005.
I know now that God has created me, wanted me (Jer. 1 (4)). He lifted
the veil of death and sadness that covered my life. My life is to Him,
for Him.
Glory and praise be given to the Father, his Son Jesus and the Holy
Spirit, now and for ever.
May the Lord bless you, Father James, may He fulfill and bless your
ministry. Thank you to you for being such an instrument between His hands.
Odile (
In Dietikon, Zürich, healing of digestion problem, which had been
for generations in the family. Now she needs no more medicine or special
nourishment, she can even fast.
Praise the Lord! Thank you Fr. James!
Agnes Wyden
When I left
home to attend your retreat, I was in great pain in my back, neck and stomach;
hence, I was taking many different pills (pain killers, and others).
A car accident
in 1998 was the cause of all my health troubles, generating symptoms of
a genetic illness called scoliosis camptocormisan: I would bend suddendly
and be throwned forward. 3 years ago, I had to wear a corset day and night
to hold my back. Very frequently, at 2 or 3 am, I was awaken by acute muscular
pains which paralysed me; my husband had to massage my legs until the cramps
During the retreat, on Friday August 1st, as the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, you said”Marie-Bernadette, you have no more pains”. I realized that you had pronounced my real name; then, when you elevated the Blessed Sacrament, I saw Jesus’s Face with his crown of thorns, in the host. That night, as I went to bed, I had no pain and I could sleep comfortably.
On Saturday,
before mass, I gave my testimony about the relief I experienced.
Right afterwards,
a lady showed me her badge: she had the same name as mine; she said that
the healing was addressed only to her. I started then to doubt and
became greatly confused. However, I resumed my prayers.
When you elevated
the Blessed Sacrament, I started to feel intense pain in my stomach, my
neck and in my head. After mass, during Adoration, you said twice:”Bernadette
is healed in her spine, neck and stomach”.
Later, when
you placed your hands on my head, I sayed on the floor for a long time.
Today, I have no pain, I can bend forward, I can do my house chores easily and I can even lift my grandchildren!
On Tuesday september 2nd, my doctor, Mme Perez, a specialist from Bordeaux, declared that I was healed and asked me to give you this testimony.
I thank the Lord for all the blessings and the healing of my body.
First, I must confess that I never was attracted to charismatic movement, being suspicious at any religious novelty and fearing to meet dogmatic freaks or “out of range” spectacular or incongruous behaviors.
However, I did not completely discarded this form of prayer, as my life experience proved that God has a way of touching people which varies which each individual. Also, I had many disillusions during my apostolate and had to accept the unacceptable!
2 years ago, I saw and listened to a DVD from Father Marie-Michel, founder of the “Workshops of the Carmelites with Mary the Missionary Virgen”. I was won over to his books and teachings.
Early September
2007, an acute sciatica started, adding to my already poor health; an operation
was declared impossible due to my age (85), 3 weeks in a hospital, treatments...
11 months
later, I was still not cured and new symptoms manifested, less painful
however than those from early May. I was in pain every time I got
up my bed or my armchair and had to struggle terribly to climb the 18 steps
leading to my bedroom. I wore a special girdle and walked with a cane.
Well-informed about retreats, pilgrimages and others through Marian magazines, I first went to Lourdes to carry out my jubilee. One month later, I attended a charismatic meeting near Bordeaux with my daughter Hélène; I came out marveled as Hélène’s knee was healed.
During that meeting, I was told:” What you do for the elderly is the gtace that the Lord gives you at this moment”. As I was feeling useless, that sentence filled me with inner joy and then, I thought that perhaps, later, more blessings could come for my poor spine...
As I
could not go to Italy to meet Father Michele Bianco, I jumped at the opportunity
to go to Rocamadour and meet Father Manjackal. So, I took a
train on Friday August 1st, arrived at noon, rested and came to the retreat
at 3:30 pm.
During mass
at 5 pm, the only person I knew there was healed! And the following
day, on Saturday August 2nd, I heard my name in a long list of healed people,
announced by Father Manjackal.
“Aline, you are healed, Linette, you are healed”; this diminutive/shortname was given to me by my mother at by birth. For me, this detail has a very special intimate meaning. I had no doubt and I burst into tears. At that moment, I did not feel anything particular in my body, spirit or soul. On the next day, I could get up without pain and climb upstairs. I do not need a girdle or a cane any longer.
In spite of my Gregorian background, I did not find anything to criticize in the charismatic liturgy and I let myself immerse in the enthusiasm, the joy one could see on everybody’s face, in the prayful, fervent atmosphere and so “adoring” before the Blessed Sacrament, in the veneration without ostentation; everyone’s attitude was heartfelt, coming from the depth of their soul.
As for the wonderful priests, they showed and transpired piety, reverence, deep faith: I could feel it by just looking at them. And then, I met with one of them for confession and I realized immediately that, through him, I had an exceptional connection with God.
All teachings were in accordance with the Church Doctrine and emanated a clear loyalty to John-Paul II and to Benedictus XVI. Moreover, the spoken words along with the voice were so powerful and convincing that the assembly was carried along. This is what real, authentic preaching is!
Yes, I left the retreat with a sheer inner joy, thinking that God visit his people during such a retreat and that’s where the future of the Church and of the world is.
Aline Ehanno-Chatelier, 86 yrs old
13 Brussac - 33420 Lugaignac
I’ve been dancing since I was 6; dancing is my passion since I was
a little girl, I was only living for dance. When I was 12, after a sprain
on my left ankle that was not well healed, I had a severe scoliosis, my
back had the shape of an “S”; the whole left side of my back (heap
and ribs) was touched.
Doctors and physiotherapists forbade me to dance but I kept on dancing
I had to have an important spine operation, followed by several month
of reeducation; the doctors had fixed a date, everything was planned. But
3 days before the operation I met a physiotherapist who treated me every
month during a year. The operation was cancelled and my spine went back
to its normal shape.
I was surprised to hear this physiotherapist encouraging me to dance
since it was good for my body. I was pleased to hear such encouraging and
comforting words that allowed me to practice my passion.
I thank the Lord for this person who was a faithful catholic. I had
met so many doctors who had forbidden me to dance.
AMEN, JESUS, The Lord is with us at every moment of our life, He knows
what we need. Glory to you Lord for the wonders you do for your children
that you love so much.
Then, my mother died, she was from a very pious and faithful family.
Mum was a wonderful artist. I thank the Lord for having received the gift
of faith through my family. When my mother died on the 15th of April 1988,
I was 20 and I stopped going to Holy Mass. I then moved to Paris until
2003 to perfect my dancing. I was the beginning of a great adventure for
me and I had the grace and the opportunity to work with famous and great
It all started in August 2003 when I went for the first time to Lourdes
to rest after these 15 years of learning dance and training in Paris. I
stayed in Ste Therese house in the Emmanuel community. I was exhausted
morally, physically and psychologically. A sister from the community came
to know that I was a dancer so she proposed that I dance in the community
chapel. I was very surprised by her proposal because I had left, the Holy
Mass, the sacraments and confession for a long time. But I was still wearing
the Cross of Our Lord Jesus on me.
I accepted and I improvised a choreography on a CD “Il est vivant”.
It was a great and beautiful moment to dance in front of the images of
Ste Bernadette and Ste Therese of the Child Jesus while I was thinking
of stopping dancing!
I can say now, that the Lord’s plans are not our plans. Thank you
Jesus for your kindness and your patience for your children.
The path is hard, we don’t know where we are going. Then there are
doubts, spiritual fights, lack of faith and confidence, fears, anguish
and insecurity. The Lord is like a doctor who heals us, cleanses us, purifies
us and touches us in our deepest wounds. It is painful but we have to accept
it because then we become an entirely transformed new being. Thank you
Jesus for these moments in the desert because every struggle leads us on
a way of peace, joy and love for others. I have no words except for praising
you, I want to bless you, adore you and love you more and more. Thank you
Back from Lourdes I went to the church of the Trinity in Paris to have
information on the Emmanuel community’s prayer group dedicated to the
artists. I knew nothing about the charismatic renewal and praying in tongues.
It was not easy for me to be dropped there, praying since I knew nothing
except dancing.
I felt compelled to meet the parish priest of the St-Sulpice church
in Paris. I told him what had happened in Lourdes. I had in my heart, for
quite a long time, the desire to create a choreography; something pure
and beautiful, different from all what I have been doing until that moment.
The parish priest listened to me and he showed me the crypt of the Rosary.
I had the permission to go there as I wanted. Thank you Lord for
such a grace! In a month and a half I created a choreography based on the
poems of Ste Therese of the Child Jesus sang by Sylvie Buisset. I suffered
a lot in my body, but the Lord, Mary, Joseph and the heavenly court helped
me during this time. A new way was opened for me and my life changed.
In 2003 I moved from Paris, back to the area where I was born, in Pornichet.
I received the grace to dance the choreography I created in churches, even
though I had lots of health problems. Thank you Lord! In June 2005, after
having given dance classes and the end of the year spectacle, I decided
to stop dancing. It was no longer possible for me to dance since I had
back problems, I was stressed and losing weight. I was at that precise
moment that, over a period of 3 years, I lived a radical transformation
in my prayer life.
I went to Medjugorje in November 2005 for a inner healing retreat.
I was going with a great joy and lots of sufferings, without knowing why
my body was so painfully reacting.
When I came back, I went for confession which I didn’t do for more
than 15 years. After my confession I felt like a little girl, jumping;
it was a real happiness. Since that day I go to confession every month,
I go to the Holy Mass every day and I adore Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
in a chapel .
I consecrated myself to Jesus through the hands of Mary. Then I went
for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I then attended charismatic retreats
and prayer groups. The Lord helped me through holy priests, sisters and
lay persons so I stay on the good path. Brothers and sisters, never stay
Though I was suffering physically and spiritually, I received many
graces. Thank you Jesus.
In the beginning of 2008, I was suffering a lot in my body, in my back,
my ribs, my heap and my heart and I was lacking of appetite. I want to
see doctors. All of them said “You are tired and stressed”, for them
everything was normal.
It is then I heard about Father James Manjackal, about his healing
charism and the retreat he would preached in “La Roche sur Yon” (February/March).
But I was reluctant to go, I had to fight spiritually. But during a time
of adoration, I met a person who was healed during a retreat preached by
Father James in Lourdes. She convinced me to go and I trusted her. The
Lord does everything for the best… AMEN.
So I went for the retreat and I surrendered myself completely in the
arms of the Lord; He only knows me.
When I saw Father James, I was filled with peace and joy. At that moment
I was thanking Jesus for inviting me to the retreat. The teaching of Father
James were wonderful. The songs, the praise, the Holy Mass were beautiful
moments. During the Holy Mass, I had the grace to receive the Holy Eucharist
from Father James’ hand, I received the body and blood of Christ on my
tongue for the first time (before I could only receive the body of Christ
in my hand). This was a moment of pure joy: Blessed are you Lord Jesus.
During the healing prayer I was praying intensely for a deep complete
healing, and the Lord did it. Father James told loudly “Stephanie you
are healed, you will sing and dance for God”. I cried out of emotion,
joy and love. I was thanking, blessing, praising God from all my heart
after all these years, crying, imploring God to be able to dance again.
Thank you Father James, Thank God for giving him this healing charism.
Thank you father James for preaching the Good News of Our Lord Jesus
May God keep you in His heart, protect you and bless you.
Glory to God! Le Lord is really alive, ALLELUIA!
Stephanie, April 2008.
and Pawel
Our names are Magdalena and Pawel and we are from Poland. We have been
married for six years now and we did not have children for 5 years. Only
God knows how much we suffered with the vision of not having children especially
after I had miscarried last year. We had also had many health problems
which influenced our life in a very negative way. But one day our life
started to be changed after we had attended the inner healing retreat in
Gdansk in August last year. We experienced the touch of Jesus and we believed
we were healed. Jesus continued the healing till February when we went
to Glogow. After the mass we left the church and we believed God gave us
a child. We came back home and after three weeks we discovered I was pregnant.
God gave us a healthy beautiful daughter Maria Dominika on 12 November
this year. God made great things in our life and we believe that he continually
heals all aspects of our life.
Thank you Jesus.
Praise the Lord.
(This is the photo from our daughter’s BAPTISM)
Thank you father James for bringing people to Jesus
In summer 2006 I was suffering under great pain in my hip and in my
right leg. On the basis of a computer tomography the doctors diagnosed
that a sizable herniated disk was the cause of my pain. I had a lot of
treatment but there was hardly any sign of recovery!
In April 2007 Fr. James gave a retreat in Linz. During the healing prayer Fr. James called out, “Brigitte is healed from her pain in the back and in the hip” and in faith, I immediately claimed this healing. It was not an immediate and spontaneous recovery but I always believed that Jesus had healed me from my herniated disk! After some time it even became worse and Fr. James recommended me to offer my pains to Jesus – I did so with faith. I never had any doubt about my healing, whether I would experience my healing sooner or later!
Months passed by and I got better and better and at last my pains disappeared completely. This year I had to go to a computer tomography because of a different matter. When I got the medical finding I read the following note: ‘the sizable herniated disk diagnosed 2006 does not exist any more.’ This was the proof of what I have known and experienced for several months! Praise the Lord!
Brigitte Kaar, Linz, Austria
October 2007 was the second year that I attended Father James’ retreats
in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. You can read my testimony on Father
James’ website that I wrote in March 2007.
I attended, not to ask for healing, but rather to thank God for my
previous healing. This time I noticed that instead of Father James
telling some people specific healings I heard him inform some that they
were receiving Grace. I thought to myself – how wonderful it would
be to be filled with Grace.
In addition, while I was at the retreat I was sitting in the last pew
– so that my children would not disturb others. I had always been
blessed with perfect vision until the past few years where night vision
and distance were getting a little worse. Although I was able to
see Father James, I could not make out the features on his face.
I was kneeling; I had my head bowed and my hands on my chest. Father
James was saying that people were getting healing of the eyes. At
that point I said in my heart – “it would be nice if I could see well
Father James had already called out numerous names and specific healings.
Then I started seeing purple in front of my closed eyes. Then Father
James called out “Nancy Grace is flowing to you, you are being healed.”
On that, my eyes started to twitch like I’ve never experienced before.
When I opened my eyes I was able to see Father James’ facial features
As Luke 11:9-10 reminds us: “Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For
everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks,
it will be opened.”
Praise-you Jesus.
Nancy C. Diklic
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
Gertraude Kriegsauer
Since a skiing accident in January 2006 I've had a block on the spine
on the neck. This was causing severe headache and permanent pain on the
neck. In spite of gymnastics and a therapy there was only little improvement.
In August 2007 I took part in the Fest für Jesus in Vienna. Right on the
first day when Fr. James started with the healing prayer I had strong headache.
And suddenly I felt that my block was removed and since then I have had
no more pain in the area of shoulder and neck and I was
liberated of headache as well.
I am so thankful for this miracle. Jesus, You are our healer. Thank
You, Jesus – I praise You, Jesus!
My name is Urszula Wluka (“Wluka” – if your computer has Polish
fonts). I am 55 years old and I live in Lodz, Poland. I would like to testify
that Jesus is alive and that He heals people, also in Poland .
19.5 years ago I started to have Parkinson’s disease. Later on I
also got ulcers and reflux in the duodenum. My intestines did not function
properly, either.
I had to very carefully control what I was eating and how much I ate
– this was because the medicines for the Parkinson’s disease did not
take effect.
In September this year I participated in the retreat conducted by Fr.
James Manjackal in Torun . This was a holy retreat time and the time of
my healing. Jesus kept healing me all the time. He did so through the ministry
of Fr. James Manjackal and through his hands (Fr. James laid his hand on
me and prayed for my healing).
In effect, Jesus healed me from my Parkinson’s disease and also healed
Thank you Jesus for Fr. J. Manjackal, for all his effort of serving
Your people and for preaching of the Holy Gospel to them. Hallelujah!
Urszula Wluka – Poland .
Dear Brothers and Sisters
I would like to give my testimony. I am a convert to islam, was
born catholic. I was having trouble conceiving and had tried fertility
tablets and special prayers. I had being pregnant before but had
a miscarriage. My parents in South Africa, told me about Fr James
Manjackal who was visiting churches around South Africa and his ability
to bring about healing with people with all sorts of problems. They
gave me his email and said I should contact him with my problem. I did
just that and within a few months I fell pregnant. I gave birth last
year to a healthy and beautiful little boy, Zinedeen. I am so happy
with my precious angel and I thank Fr Manjackal for his prayers and non
prejudiced and prompt response to my call for help. He is a lighthouse
and beacon of hope for all of mankind. I also thank my parents for guiding
me to him. May God bless us all!
from Poland
In September 2008 I took part in the retreats of father James Manjackal,
in Gorzow Wlkp, Poland.
I was born as the youngest of three children. At a very young age my
mother gave birth to a child every year. Having me was not easy: my Mum
had got a surgery (caesarean section) and almost died. As a third daughter
in such a short time I wasn’t awaited and not very much wanted. But I
always thought that I understood it and that I didn’t blame my parents
for not wanting me.
When I was a little child my father didn’t show me much affection.
He never used to hug me or let me climb his knees. I have a feeling that
he didn’t care about me or maybe even rejected me a bit. For sure he
didn’t show any interest in me.
However, later, when my Mum left our family, he appeared to be a very
responsible father. He was carrying and loving, and helped me a lot through
many difficult moments in my life. That’s why I was sure that in my heart
I didn’t have any wounds, caused by my Dad.
When Father James began his prayers to heals our wounds, unexpectedly
I felt very emotional. Father James spoke about the father and I had a
feeling that someone very close to me was next to me. Father James told
us he was praying for our dearest who were no longer alive and that they
were among us. Suddenly I cried – I had a feeling that my Daddy was next
to me, crying. So that was the wound, that I was unaware of: the wound
caused in my childhood by my Dad. Father James told us that at that very
moment Jesus was giving us a new heart. And I could certainly feel it.
Until then me praying “Our Father” was kind of meaningless, and I didn’t
know why.
I got a brand new heart, Father God is now my loving Daddy.
Thank you, God.
My name is Elzbieta. I wish to give my testimony and share what God
prepared for me during Fr.James Manjackal's retreat in Gorzów Wlkp., Poland.
I got to know about the retreat from Radio Rewelacja and from Monika. I
had a great desire to take part in the retreat, so I prayed about finding
companions who would go with me for the retreat. God saw my desire as He
answered my prayer by giving me three companions: Basia, Helenka and Celinka.
I was very happy about that and I looked forward to our going together
to the retreat in Gorzów. I made a general confession with a wonderful
priest during which some tears were shed, too. I experienced the amazing
love of God, His total understanding and acceptance. When Fr.James laid
hands on me, the Holy Spirit showed me His love, too. During the prayer
for healing Fr.James had the word of knowledge that 2 people by the name
of Elzbieta were healed; one from a kidney condition and another one from
spine and stomack pains. I knew instantly that the second one was me, as
I had been praying to God for the grace of healing from spine and stomack
pains. I thank the Lord for His love for me, for all He has given me, for
the holy priest, Fr. James
Manjackal, and for the blessed time of grace which He prepared for
me at the retreat.
Elzbieta from Jelenia Góra, Poland.
from Poland
My name is Marta and I’m 22. I wanna give You my testimony. As I
remember I’ ve always been nervous and wanted to fight with it every
way I found. After many unsuccessful tries I went to bioenergotherapist.
I didn’t know that it is against my religion, particularly she (bioenergotherapist)
was talking about God during meditations and looked like religious person.
I began to practic meditations and yoga on my own. That helped at first.
I was more relaxed and saw life in another colours. But later it wasn’t
as fun as in the beginning. God wasn’t as important as He was before.
I stopped to go to church and pray. I let things slide. I believed in God
and energy contemporary. I made many other occult practics, which layed
me up. I don’t know how to explain what was going on with me. I know
that if someone would talk it to me before my history, I probably wouldn’t
beliefe. I felt something slowly filled my body beginning from my head,
ears, eyes and mouth. I couldn’t say and understand anything spoken by
another people. I had another problems with perception. I wasn’t myself.
I stopped all my relationships. Spent 3 months at home scared for everything
and everyone. I couldn’t find place for myself. Couldn’t do anything-
just crying and waiting for better day. I was sure that I had confinement
and started to look for my symptomes in the internet. I’ ve found them
in many sicknesses, so I went to many doctors in different specializations,
but all of them said me to go to psychiatrist. So I went. Medicaments helped
me not before I started to pray after 1,5 month of my medication. Then
I slowly began to feel better, but it still wasn’t me. When I saw an
announcement at our church’s door, I decided to take part in Father’s
James retreat. I don’t regret. His prayer gave me a spiritual freedom.
Fiend left my body and Jezus settled down here for forever. I feel as an
another better person strengthened in my trust. Thank You Father James.
I’ll pray for You and Your mission.
PS. Sorry for misteakes ;-)
Marta from Poland
I would like to thank to F. James for praying for us. For example,
my dentist went to pension and for quite some I had not yet reached a new
one. One has to wait for two years to get on the list of the public service
and it is rather expensive to use a private service here. So I had toothache
and asked Father James to pray for me. I was able to reach a dentist soon
after that! And it was Good Friday on my first visit there, and it was
3 pm when I opened my mouth, and the dentist's surname was »Cross«. I
see it as a sign of God, putting things in place at just the right time.
But this is ‘nothing’ comparing to the second issue. My mother was in hospital for a serious kidney problem. The doctors already put an inscription 'dying' on her card index. So we asked Father James to pray for her. But he would not respond to my email. We continued to pray and I ‘sent’ the request once again ‘via’ Holy Spirit. After 1 hour Father James responded via email, I think he was in Brasil at that time, and he promised to pray. My mother soon recovered as the doctors were only observing her and she is well now.
“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” (Ps 95)
Thank you, may God bless all who read this,
Blaž, Slovenia, 29. 8. 2008
Healing retreat from May 2nd to 4th 2008 at Am Spiegeln, Vienna.
On Thursday, May 1, I kneeled in front of the altar after the evening
Mass and prayed to JESUS: please help me, I am really in bad shape.
As I was about to leave the church, Sr. Julitta, a Sister of Mercy
said to me, “Ingeborg, I have news for you: Father James is conducting
a healing retreat in Vienna starting tomorrow.” I know that God often
answers very quickly, so the next day I drove to Vienna.
On Saturday, May 3, 2008 during the healing prayer, I suddenly felt
a very strong beam of warmth about the size of a palm near my heart. Instinctively
I put both hands on that spot and looked at the spot. At the same time
I was absolutely sure: it was the LORD who had touched me. The moment I
wanted to look towards Fr. James, I heard his voice, “Ingeborg, you are
I know he said more, but I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t grasp
any more. I was also the first one to give testimony, still strongly moved
by the experience.
I had been suffering from plasma cell myeloma (bone marrow cancer)
for 17 years and had had a bone marrow transplantation. On June 2, 2008
a test on my bone marrow showed no evidence of cancer cells. (see attached
report). But according to the doctors, a complete healing is not possible.
But our God can do everything – HE hears when we call HIM and he
helps us when we need it most. What I experienced is grace. I was touched
by my GOD. This knowledge is too wonderful for me, I cannot grasp it, it’s
too high. JESUS, I praise you, JESUS, I thank you; JESUS, I adore you!
Thank you Fr. James.
Ingeborg . Austria
Louise Piccoz - Belgium
After meeting Fr.James in the retreat, I returned home with much faith.
I had been to brother Elias who too prays for the sick people.Whenever
he prayed, he confirmed the healing which I recieved. Along with the family
I continued praying in faith. At last now the doctor has confirmed that
I am fully healed and that I have no cancer. Daily in our family we pray
for Fr.James Manjckal and Brother Elias through whom Jesus does signs and
wonders.Praise the Lord!
I attended Father James's retreat at Lourdes in 2004 and I complied
with his teachings. As I went to confession, with sincere repentance, I
felt the Holy Spirit invading me. I felt purified, free and liberated
and my physical problems were healed. Heaven was at sight, filling
my heart to an overflow of light, peace joy and an incredible tenderness.
I felt cradled by waves of praises. I was taken away in His infinite
ocean of mercy. I FORGAVE, HE FORGAVE ME
Then, I clearly saw whom I had hurt and had to ask forgiveness.
Later on, blessing poured on me...
I have since understood that each person is sacred, that I must not
condemn but meet them as they are, in their sorrowful heart and also the
God only desire for us is to remove us from our sins to lead us to grace.
The Holy Mass has now become more alive, each word expressed by the
priest becomes like a light bulb, sending infinite beams of light.
I clearly perceive the Eycharistic Mystery: God'shand offered to sinners,
to each one of us, everyday, we are called to become the One we receive.
One of the best psychologies, the most wonderful healing offered to
everyone is a sincere confession followed often by the healing of the body is..FREE !
The fruit of my sesond retreat at Lourdes in 2005 were for our daughter
Valentina who, at the time, was going through a stormy period of adolescence.
She is now walking on the path of light which seemed to virtually impossible.
Dear Father, thank you for channelin for us all those blessings.
Thank you Holy Spirit for the marvelous works you are doing through
your servant Fr. James Manjackal. Thank you Fr. James for your prayers
and healing masses. My name is Alberta from Togo in Africa, on a
visit to America. In Feb. 2008 I've been diagnosed with breast cancer and
thru a friend I went to your website asking you to pray for me for a successful
surgery and healing. The surgery was successful and i am convalescing well.
After a few visits to the doctor for check ups and tests I'm now declared
a cancer free patient. Fr. James I wish I could meet you one day in your
retreats and prayer meetings,but I believe we are meeting in spirit. I
am praying for you and I pray that the Holy Spirit fortify you more
and moreand protect you to do greater things for the salvation of
the whole world. I pray the Bl. Virgin Mary to intercede for me with Her
Son that I meet you one day. God be with you, Fr James.
Silva Dias
My name is João Silva Dias and I am 49 years old. I have suffered
from chronic insomnia since I was 18 years old. Since then, I started going
to the best Portuguese sleep doctor specialists, but all kind of medication
prescribed to me (anti-depressant, anxiolytic and even hypnotic medication)
did not have any effect on me. More precisely, some would work for 1 to
2 days, but quickly my body revealed an habituation effect which left the
doctors astonished. Thus, even under medication, I used to spend several
nights in a vigil state without sleeping a wink, or sometimes I slept 2
to 3 hours.
Moreover, some doctors in their clinics have also prescribed me relaxing
sleep inductor massage sessions (a kind of shiatsu; also a Japanese technique
in its origin) but they also did not get the expected results. It was also
suggested to me to practice demanding sports, such as paddle or rugby,
but that also did not work with me. I also avoided to work on the computer
after dinner, because I knew that this, along with other practices (like
watching television) would disturb my sleep.
Besides conventional medicine and physical exercise, later on, I also
tried alternative medicine like acupuncture, yoga, shiatsu, tai-chi, Bach
Flowers and similar things. Moreover, I have also tried homeopathy but
none of this worked for me. Now I know that we should not look for this
New Age alternatives, for their are evil things.
At that time, I had to wear ear plugs and if I took the medication
and did not begin to sleep 20-25 minutes after having gone to bed, I already
knew that I would have some insomnia that night, i.e., I would not sleep
a wink and would stay in a strong vigil state, detecting and hearing everything
going on around me, although I would spend the night with my eyes shut.
When the insomnia phase began, it could last for several days.
Obviously, after spending several days without sleeping, I felt depressed
and began to feel deeply anguished due to the lack of sleep. But when this
cycle of insomnia began, I would do self-medication, making a cocktail
of anxiolytic and hypnotic medication, and thus I would be able to
sleep 3-4 hours straight, and then I would began my sleepness night cycle
would begin again. When I began to feel very anguished, obviously, who
'payed the piper' were those around me at home and at work. Moreover, many
people, before talking to me in the morning, watched me first in order
to see if I was good or bad humoured, to make sure they could speak to
me. I recognise that there were days I was nervous and intractable due
to bad answers.
I did not enjoy like staying in bed, but I had to rest, for if I did
not rest I would not be able to bear my daily life. But if I slept those
few hours, resting in bed for about 8 hours, I could face my work day.
It was in these circumstances that I did my PhD and later the Tenure and
I became an Aggregate Professor of the University, being supported by the
Grace of God (although I was not aware of it).
In the Summer of 2002, after my conversion in Medjugorje in the previous
year, I decided to put an end to my medication (I had already tried to
do medication weaning in previous years), because even taking it, I would
sleep, in average, two and a half hours per night; in average, there were
8 to 10 days per month in which I did not sleep for even a minute. For
many times, I slept 2-3 hours and when I wake up, I had such sleeplessness,
that I could no longer fall asleep again and I would spend the whole night
rolling over in bed with such deep anguish that disturbed my wife greatly.
My biggest problem was to stop sleeping for one day, for it was harder
then to get back to the sleep cycle. But I came to the conclusion that
it was not the medication that made me sleep. As I was taking an increasing
amount of anti-depressant, anxyolitic and hypnotic medication (as well
as stimulants in order to survive during day time!), increasing the medication
doses every year, I decided to stop all the medication at once.
As you may imagine, by radically suspending all medication, I spent
a week without sleeping and during 15-20 days, I felt very bad; at high
Summer, I shivered with cold and had to dress as if it were winter, wearing
several sweaters. I did not know what would be the consequences of my action,
but the decision was made and I did not want to go back. I also trusted
in the Grace of God.
Little by little, my organism started to rebalance and, progressively,
not only did I began to sleep two to two and a half hours every day, as
I began to sleep much more peacefully and stopped rolling over in bed at
night. I also stopped wearing ear plugs, although it was very difficult
in the beginning. However, my sleep periods remained short.
And then, between the 25th and 27th of March of 2007, a retreat preached
by Father James Manjackal took place in Escola Salesiana do Estoril (“Salesian
School of Estoril” – Estoril, Portugal). During the healing prayer,
with the Most Holy Sacrament exposed, Father James claimed that several
persons who suffered from insomnia were being healed. I claimed my healing
and I Thanked God and, among other things, I said; “Thank you Lord for
the healing of my insomnia”. In that same night, I slept about 5-6 hours
straight and afterwards I remained in a deep state of drowsiness and slept
a little more; for the first time after many years, I felt joy in being
in bed. From this time on - and it is a year today that thus happened -
I still remain having a 4-5 hour period of deep sleep per night and, after
waking-up, I do not remain in a vigil state like in the past; I remain
in a state of drowsiness, usually, sleeping a little more until morning.
Moreover, last year, if there were any changes in my bedtime schedule,
if I changed bed or pillow (I always carried my pillow with me, wherever
I went), this would also lead to a night of insomnia; this stopped happening.
Do you know any Doctor better than Jesus? And who does such great wonders
like the Holy Spirit? I don't!
Blessed and Praised may be the Holy Trinity! All Honour and Glory to
You, Lord. Alleluia!
Thanks God for sending us Father James to Portugal.
João Silva Dias
Carcavelos (Portugal), 26th of March of 2008
Hello, father James!
In the past it was like that I went to fortune-tellers a lot, a woman
who praticise bioenergy, I read also horoscopes. I met a middle-
age woman who practised witchcraft. Not aware I persuaded my friend and
my sister to come to visit her as she is a good fortune-teller. Only a
friend came, my older sister cancelled.
I lend a large amount of money to that woman, which I earned. I even
pawned my car that she could get the money she needed.
I waited entire days and nights and I spent a night at her place hoping
she would return the money as she promised me she is going to give me a
full-time job and give me back my money with interest.
As I didn’t know that all those things were run by the satan himself,
I was misled and I let her practice sorcery, she told me fortune from the
cards, she gave me an amulet, I gave the amulet back later, I was bewitched
by her.
She lit some kind of candles and I had to cooperate, too. These spells
had very negative effects on me, I was scared a lot at that time, I couldn’t
sleep well at night in a fear she could kill me, also her dog was the entire
night on the lookout, the dog was feared,too, and it came to sleep beside
She told me all the beautiful things about my ex-boyfriend, my job,
my money, everything turned the opposite.
Fears and obsession were coming from all directions. In this period
of time I had an immense crises-I ended the relationship with my boyfriend,
I lost my job, I had a car accident, I failed to graduate, I lost all my
money I lended.
I seriously thought about murder (the satan seduced me so far). I don’t
know how God prevented this, thank God I’m alive. The cosequence of my
sins were terrible headaches, depression and obsession, also pains
increased all over my body.
In the same year my sister addressed me to go to Medjugorje on the
anniversary of St. Marry’s presentations, where St. Marry cured me. But
deep in soul I haven’t been free yet.
I transmited and not aware all the evil and the curse on me, beside
that I was cursed from my father. He also transmited the evil thoughts
and words on my mother. And how come that I went to the prayer’s group
Emanuel and to the witch at the same time is the fact that there was never
a talk about the evil spirit, because they all fear to preach about that,
I was misled.
The heart and the main point of the curse and break-down was
last year on Kurescek ( I WENT TO CONFESSION AT THAT OCCASION), where there
was a sudden change, when on you seminar and during the mass the Christ
freed me from the evil in my soul and I was really free.
You said at that moment during the holy mass that you see how the power
of Jesus is coming on some of us and how Jesus is breaking down the curse
on some of us. The rain came on on us at that moment and I wondered: God,
I’m also cursed. You looked in the diagonal from me, I cried at that
moment and the rain was there, I felt how the power of God is really
coming on me. All over my body I started shivering, a few minutes, after
the shiver I started to feel deep in my soul really free.
Hallelujah to Jesus, to his glory and his honour, amen.
I would like to give my testimony of the physical healing. My name
is Helena Grigova and I am aged 30 years old. I live in Ireland. I was
suffering from bulimia for long eight years. In this situation, I requested
the prayers of Fr. James Manjackal and others. Father James promised me
to pray for all the intentions mentioned in my email and he wrote me that
I will see the miracles of the Lord one after the other. Now I am health.
The Lord heard my prayers and healed me without any medication and therapy.
I strongly believe that this healing happened through the prayers of Fr.
James Manjackal and I glorify the Lord. Many thanks to you father James
for your prayers and sacrifices. May God bless you and Mother Mary always
protect you!
With love and prayers
In November of 2006 I attended a seminar held by Father James. During
the seminar while praying in preparation for reconcilliation I received
an awakening, I saw myself honestlly for the first time. The following
day after Father James led us through our lives, from the moment of conception
to the present time I remained in the church before the Tabernacle
and as I prayed I experienced God in an amazing way, an interior feeling
that no words can describe. I am very grateful to Father James for his
dedication to our Lord and for all the good his ministry has brought into
my life. In the past I had always believed in God but during the seminar
I realised that I had never said yes to Him, I now say yes to Jesus, may
His will be done. Each day brings new blessings and the journey since November
of 2006 has been very special; I give thanks and praise to God for his
constant love. May the good Lord bless you all, yours in Christ, Maria
I want to testify the following: I could not believe in that P James
is a "good" Prophet, so I asked God to heal me from an old desease, the
Hepa C if Fr. James was a prohet. I do not know whether I had been healed
before because I have prayed in this intention several times Before, but
I know, that there was no way to find any VIRUS after the Healing
Mass with Fr . James, thank you LORD JESUS, THANK YOU MOTHER MARY and THANK
YOU FR JAMES AS well for your fighting for the GOOD. this incidence(?)
was actually in the year of 2006 in Linz (PFR Hl GEIST) where I did only
stay for one Healing mass. GOD BLESS YOU+++
Sig. Nosovsky
rudigierstraße 9
4020 linz
I am Nives Granic from Slovenia and I am 27 years old. I began to smoke
at the age of 12 with my friends. Although I started doing it as a joke
I turned myself to be habitual smoker. I attended the seminar of Fr. James
at kurescek in the year 2004. After hearing his talk I trew away the packets
of cigarrettes and my lighters and knelt before him for a prayer. I felt
a liberation and healing. From that moment I did not smoke again. In the
past several times I tried to stop but I did not succeed but when the Holy
Spirit came upon me with power I was able to stop. I praise and thank the
Lord. Now I sing for the Lord in prayer groups.
I am Vera Drobnic. I was suffering from osteoporosis for long twelve
years. I could not bend or kneel. Ihad constant headache too. In the year
2003 when Fr. James Manjackal conducted seminar at St. Joseph, Lubljana
I was totally healed. During the healing prayer the Lord called out my
name, "Vera you are healed". Al though I believed and claimed the healing,
the real healing happened when I was returning home. After a good sleep
when I got up I had no pain or weakness. When I went to the doctor as usual
he was surprised to see me completely healed, he made again the tests and
all of them were ok.
I am Mirko Pristov. I was with schizofrenia and depression from the
year 1981. I was taking a lot of medicines for my cure . I attended the
seminar of Fr. james at Sveta Gora in Slovenia in 2005 and during the healing
prayer after the Mass, Jesus called out my name through him "Mirko you
are healed from depression". I felt great joy there and then because my
God has my name in his hand. From that time onwards I have no medicine
and I am leading a normal life. Now I attended all the seminars of Fr.
james in the country. In every retreat I get more power and grace to live
a good Catholic life.
Dear Father James
With this letter I like to confirm to you and all who read this, that
through your blessings I got healed from a very bad ski accident.It happened
January 6,2007 where I broke the sinew in my right knee and injured the
patella. The surgeon recomended first a physiotherapie and afterwards maybe
an operation. After three months of physiotherapie i still felt lots of
pain in my knee and I could not stand up for severals hours. In the months
of april 2007, I went to a retreat to Einsiedeln Switzerland with Father
James Manjackal. In the middle of the holy mass I felt totally in peace
and later I realized that I was healed. Halleluya! Some days later I went
back to the physiotherapist. She was totally amazed and sent me home.Halleluya.
Today I can do everything as before the accident. Thanks to God.
Thanks to Father James . Halleluya.
Claire Hoenig - Felder Switzerland
In June 2000 I was healed from “knots” in my breast and from eczema
on the skin when I came to a retreat and went to confession with Fr. James
Manjackal. I was still a Protestant then, so Fr. James could not give the
Lord’s absolution but he prayed for me for the forgiveness of sins and
miraculously I was healed. The blatches on my skin became less visible
right away and the knots in my breast disappeared after a little while.
I was very happy and built more and more faith in the Lord and I was fully
healed. The Lord gave our family two more children! We had already a daughter
and a son but after the retreat the Lord gave us two more sons Timothy
and David. On the day Timothy was baptized I got converted to the Catholic
Church in obedience to the Lord Jesus and with a deep conviction given
in my heart by Fr. James that the only church is Catholic Church. Many
thanks to our Lord and to Fr. James Manjackal. Timothy’s birth had been
difficult, it was a caesarean and I had a lost of much blood so I needed
blood transfusion. During this time the Lord spoke to me and said that
I will be having my fourth child David, I believe that it was angels voice.
I got my fourth child David as it was told. I thank and praise the Lord
for my wonderful experience by attending the retreats of Fr. James where
I heard God’s own words. I praise God that I am a Catholic now and I
praise God for the greatness of the Catholic Church and the wonders and
signs God does in the Catholic Church through His anointed priests. I have
no words to express my joy in becoming a Catholic. I wish that the whole
world be Catholic.
Dr. Uta
Hesford - Germany
Reverend Father James!
I want to forward some words of thanks to you, referend Father James,
but because travelling to vienna is too straining for me i want to
do it through my son-in-law Günther Kriegsauer.
In the year 2002 i had prostrate cancer and i was operated two times
and 35 times i had to be taken from Hartberg to Graz for irradiation. Also
i had a bad toothace, probably also an effect of cancer.
Twice a doctor had to pull out some teeth but even than there was no
release of pain. It was than, in the chruch „Maria – Hilf“ , that
you were preaching, conducting praise and prayers of intercession and
you were blessing the sick.
My son-in-law Mag. Günther Kriegsauer took me to these talks, prayers
of thanksgiving and pettitions and praises conducted for the sick.
During the Eucharistic celebration in the church „Mariahilf“ and
the imposition of your hands for the sick and through your intercession
directed to Jesus and Mary the mother of God, i had been liberated from
my sufferings through the grace of God!
For that i want to thank you , Father James, but also i want to give
thanks to Jesus and Mary through my prayers and penence.
With the grace of God
United in everlasting love
Hans Sack
At the invitation of my mother, I started to learn music at 6 or 7
years old, then the guitar during high school, for catholic youth meetings.
Several years later, the Lord started to convert my heart and I began a
new life since a marian pilgrimage for the Assumption 1998 in Medjugorje.
I started to play music for evangelization, but after a few years,
I started to feel much pain in my left hand, while holding the strings
of my guitar. I was no more able to play more than about 30 minutes. During
a charismatic and oecumenical meeting ("Embrase nos coeurs, near Paris
2004"), I was inspired to follow two friends met there. The young lady
prayed for me, holding my left hand.
I felt quickly my fingers prickling and as if a ring started to be
broken if each finger. She explained me that this bounds occured to me
because of some fears (to testify for Jesus). I felt better.
During my first retreats with father James in Pontmain and Lourdes,
2004, I did not feel anything about this problem, but I noticed not so
much pain afterwards. The following year, 2005, I return to "Embrase nos
coeurs" and leaded one intercession prayer night for France during hours,
and this year I was able to worship and lead praise with other musicians
during a retreat with father James, in La Roche Sur Yon, France, near my
parents parish. Three years ago, I decided to keep my celibacy for the
Kingdom of God and I already studied two years at the seminary for priesthood.
Praised be our risen Lord, Jesus-Christ !
Dear internet readers. With you, I would like to thank the Lord, who,
through the powerful intercession of Mary, his holy mother, and the prayer
of the Fr. James Manjackal, healed me of many warts on my hands, following
a retreat in Lourdes, during september 2003. I came there with my husband
and two ladies, friends of ours and we all lived very strong moments of
prayer, teaching and inner healing.
Since quite 8 years, this dozen of warts really bothered me, and I
felt pain sometimes.To take care of my grand-daughters, I hid them with
some bandages. I made them burn 7 ou 8 times with nitrogenize (azote) liquid,
but each time, they came back stronger. The last time, the doctor suggested
me to stop (the nitrogenize liquid treatment, too aggressive) ... So I
tried homeopathy during 2 or 3 months. In september 2003, I was remaining
without treatment for 3 months. [She refused to meet some healers - note
of the translater].
During a healing prayer, Fr. james annonced that many people were healed
from skin diseases. I tried within me to strengthen my faith and belive
I was among them. Some first names were also called. Twice I heard : "Eliane,
you are Healed". My name is Éliane and I thought I was among these 2 people.
[The pronunciation for E in english sounds like the lettre "i" in french.
-note of translation]
Coming back home, a few days later, I realized that my pains (because
of these warts) were decreasing. The warts seemed to decrease. They gradually
disappeared. Only remains a tiny scar on my right auricular [as a testimony
of my healing - note of translation].
Thank you Lord, thank you Mary, thank you Fr. James.
[Comment : In the family, sometimes we used to take homeopathic medicines.
Thus I told her about the 2 stories : The pharmacy blessing and the pomade
on your leg, and I advised her to stop any homeopathic therapies. So we
both decided to stop any homeapathic treatment.]
God bless you. Love in Jesus and Mary,
My name is Helena Santos and I’m married for 7 years, since December
1999. Since 2001, we thought of doing all possible medical exams to have
children. Everything was ok but, in 2002, I still couldn’t get pregnant.
So again we went through more exams and there were no reasons for not getting
pregnant. My doctor suggested me a treatment to stimulate my hormones,
but it was so stressing to check every time if I was doing my ovulation
that in 2004 I gave up. In 2005, I had to do a surgery to an arm, so in
that year I took precautions not to get pregnant, but in the year 2006,
I continued not getting pregnant. In that year, a doctor suggested me another
treatment with injections but I have horror to needles and I already knew
the stress I went through in the past. I didn’t want to have a child
that way; I wanted it to be the fruit of the love between me and my husband.
In March 2007, my mother registered me in the retreat of Father James.
I went on a Saturday, and before the celebration of the Mass, I made a
Confession, and so I received Jesus. During the healing prayer, I asked,
if it was according to the will of God, that my desire of being a mother
could happen. On that moment, I felt like a fire that came through me,
that I was going to become a mother! And, in the same second, Father James,
announced my name. As I went back home, I told everything to my husband
who told me not to say anything to anyone. I bought the book “Behold,
I knock” and I read it several times.
In the 12th May, I went to Fatima, to assist the celebrations, and
I made a wonderful Confession. I told the priest what happened and he told
me to announce the miracle only when I got pregnant. Until that moment,
I shouldn’t reveal anything. I was sure about that God’s miracle.
In June, I went again to Father James retreat in Setubal and, during
the healing prayer, Father said I was already healed. I didn’t doubt,
as I was sure about it!
On the following Monday, I wrote an email to Father James, saying:
“ Good Afternoon, Father James!
I went to Estoril, I received a physical healing, and that was confirmed
through the Holy Spirit in Setubal. I believe I’ll become a pregnant
woman, I don’t know when this is going to happen, but I’m sure it will
happen in my life. I’m going to give my testimony next time you come
back here.
Father, please pray so my family can increase fast. Thank you for coming
to our country. Portugal loves you. I love you very much. I pray for you
and your mission.“
Father replied me, saying:
“Dear Helena,
Thank you for your letter. I promise to pray for you and your intentions.
God bless your richly. Father James”
In the same week, on Friday, the 6th July 2007, I went to make a pregnancy
test and the result was positive!
I went to the doctor on that same day, and he asked me to make several
exams. I did all of them and the conclusion was that I was with 10 weeks
of pregnancy. According to this time, the baby was conceived between the
15-17th May, just after that wonderful Confession!
God is wonderful. He had always made many miracles in my life but I
couldn’t feel Him. That I owe to Father James, who taught me to listen
to Him. For that I also love you, Father James, Alleluia!
After this, I went to the doctor again who told me to repeat some exams
very urgently, as I was with a virus, Toxicoplasmosis. And if it was confirmed
that I got the virus after the pregnancy, I would have to make an abortion,
as the baby could be born with many disabilities. So, I went to do the
exams and had to wait for three days to know the results. While waiting,
I went to the feet of Jesus and asked Him to protect my baby and that me
also was going to protect him with my life. Me and my husband were expecting
for a child with much desire but we had always agreed with abortion in
cases of sexual abuse or a disability. But I couldn’t conceive the idea
of aborting a baby that was given to me by God, even if he had any disability.
Finally, I went to the doctor with the medical results that showed
I had the virus before the pregnancy without consequences for the baby.
On that day, when I arrived at the office I read my emails and I had one
from Father James, that said for me to stay calm and that the child I was
waiting for would be strong and healthy.
Praise God. He does miracles!
My address: R. Principal, nº 29, CI Misericórdia, 2530-454 Moita dos
I am Sr. Vida D'Souza, Indian on a mission in Belgium, for the past
fifteen years. I wish to share my experience with the Lord.
In December 2004, I had gone to Germany. On our return, the weather being very foggy, our car collided with a tourist bus and was totally smashed. I was very badly injured...... terrible pain in my hand, neck, legs. My right shoulder, backbone ribs were broken. I suffered from severe joint pains, which lead to rheumatism and arthritis. I regularly underwent medical treatment and physiotherapy in the hospital, but I did not get much relief.
During this period I trusted in the Lord, prayed for courage and healing , and the grace to bear this suffering. I was not able to do my apostolate... that is visiting the sick, old, and house bound and I taking Holy Communion for those who asked.
From August 10th to August 12th 2007, I attended a Charismatic Healing Retreat at Liège, Belgium, given by Fr. James Manjackal ( msfs ). I prayed to the Merciful Heart of Jesus, to touch me and heal me if it is His will. Fr. James prayed over the congregation and called out names of persons who were healed. One of them was Vida , which I immediately claimed with love, praise and thanksgiving. The next day, we had the infilling of the Holy Spirit , when Fr. James laid his hands over me, he called my name. I praised and thanked God. In three days my pains disappeared and I was able to go on my apostolate.
Thank you , praise you ,Lord Jesus.
I was very tired because of a bad health. A year ago, I was at Notre
Dame du Laus for a retreat with father James. During the prayers, Father
James says " Odile, you are healed". I think it was true but I'm not sure
because I felt nothing at this moment. At the end of this retreat, I felt
with a strong faith and happy. So happy that I can't stop to speak of JESUS's
love and of Holy Spirit's power. I was sure that by His death on the cross,
JESUS saved me and healed me. Today, I feel me better : I can work easier
because I'm not tired.
Thank you Lord JESUS
Tank you Father James
Odile - France
by Jintamma.
Thank you Jesus for healing me, praise the Lord. I attended the bible convention in October 2007 in Toronto Canada. The experience I had during that time is indescribable, when Father James was praying over me I felt a bright light passing through me. After that, I fainted for few seconds and when I woke up I felt peaceful, clean, and clear inside, crying tears of joy.
I also attended the three day retreat in Orillia Canada, and during praise and worship Father James said Grace is flowing through Jinamma's heart. Thank you Jesus. I had some special medical tests done in November 2007 and it showed 50-60% improvement. Thank you Jesus and please continue to heal me Lord. Praise you Lord.
Greetings in the Lord Jesus! I attended your retreat held at St Maximilian
Kirche from 1-4 oct. 2007.I am gratefull to God for having healed me of
my Hepatitis.Many thanks to you father James for your prayers and sacrifices.Please
pray God to endow me with his divine wisdom that I may know and do his
will at all times and love him above all things.I am praying for you also.
Wishing you God´s accompanied graces and blessings now and always.
Sr Mary Clavia.
Testimonies of the retreat in Ciney Belgium. Nov 22 -25. 2007
I am Josephine living in Germany, I became a Catholic by my baptism
in the year 2003. For the last three years I was physically sick as my
body became weak. I could not even hold a glass of water in my hand. I
was allegic to wheat, so I could not eat bread or anything made out of
bread. I was very much tensed, I was treated for reumathism, I had pain
all over the body. In this retreat I claimed healing during the healing
prayer before the Eucharist at Ciney, Belgium. The last two days I was
able to eat bread, all my pains disappeared, now I can do anything with
my hands. Praise the Lord.
I am Annie from Belgien. I attended a retreat of Fr. James a year ago
in Ciney. I was suffering from accute back pain (spondilosis). I was treated
with accupunture for a long time but I was not healed. In the retreat by
the talks of Fr. James I left all treatments of accupunture and prayed
to Jesus for my healing. I was complete healed and I am healthy now. I
praise and thank the Lord
I am Jackie from Congo but living in Belgium. In Agost 2006 when I
attended the retreat of Fr. james at Ciney I was very very sick with aids
and hepatitis C. In the the retreat I claimed healing and gave my testimony.
After eight months when I went to the doctor he certified that I am fully
healed from aids and hepatitis. I am totally healthy and I can work.
The Holy Spirit filled me with joy and peace, now I am living a new
I am Marie therese from Luxemburg. Three years before when I attended
the retreat of Fr. James with my husband at Alsace, France, we had no children.
We had a counselling with fr. James and mader confesion with him. In the
confesion whenhe prayed over me I saw a child and I believed that God gave
us a child.
During the prayer in my womb I felt a bondage being broken and it was
confirmed because he said: a couple is receiving a child in married life.
Now we have Samuel who is one and ahalf years old. I thank and praise the
Lord who is the giver of life.
I am Cecile living in Belgien. I attended the retreat of Fr. James
in November 2007. When I came my whole left side was weak, I could not
walk properly or lift my hands. I though I was going to be paralyzed.
On the second day of the retreat Jesus called out my name and I was totally
healed. Now I can walk without pain or weakness and I can lift my hands
and work with my hands. Praise the Lord
Mary Ivonne from Liege. In Agost 2006 when I attended the retreat at
Ciney I had several diseases, I had goiter problem because of which I could
not breath properly, so I did not have proper sleep at night. I used to
sit upon my bed and caugh. I also had problems in my liver and I used to
vomit. I could not eat any fruits ot anything acid. In the retreat my Jesus
healed me from all these sicknesses. Without operation my goiter is healed,
I can eat fruits or anything, no throwing up. I praise the living Lord
I am Claudine from Belgium.- When I attended the retreat at Ciney in
Belgium last year I was very much depressed and I was taking medicines
for pshychiatric treatment. My right foot paralyzed and I could not walk
without clautches, I used to smoke packets of cigarrettes. During the retreat
I made a very good confesion, I stopped smoking, I went to my father and
I asked him forgiveness and got reconciled, and then I was fully healed
from my depression, during the adoration when my name was called out I
was physically totally healed. I threw away my clutches, I made a pilgrimage
of 100 km. walking as a thnksgiving to God. Later when I forgave my sisters,
my eczema on the hand also was healed. I am short of words to express gratitude
to the liing God who chaged my life. The Holy Spirit filled me with grace
and power, now I am a strong Christian.
I am Edward from Liege. I attended the retreat at Liege last september.
I used to get nausea and throw up while travelling in the car. During the
retreat I prayed to jesus for a healing, now I have no
more car sickness. Praise the Lord
I am Andree from Ciney Belgium. Last Agost when Fr. James conducted
a retreat here I was suffering of accute back pain and pains on my joins.
After a very good confesion, during the healing prayer my name was called
out and I was completely healed. Now is more than a year, I have no pain
and I can do my works. Above this I received the power of the Holy Spirit
and I am filled I am a born again Catholic. I praise the Lord
During last winter, While getting out of my car in
the parking lot at my work, I slipped and fell down badly on
the ice hitting my back and hands.
I was taken to emergency ward and had X-Ray; there was no broken bones,
but only bruises and was discharged home. I returned to work in 2 days.
Two months passed, I began to feel the pain on my back and started physio
and massage therapy, as recommended by the doctor. Meanwhile my mom
was sick and went to India. I had lots pain sitting down very long in the
airplane. My mother passed away and stayed in India of 2 weeks. I decided
to have herbal massage, hoping that would help me with my return trip.
After several months of physiotherapy and massage, my pain got worse and
I could hardly walk.
Family doctor ordered the CT scan, and the result indicated that I
have a prolapsed disc. By that time, I could hardly sit, stand or lie down.
I was referred to the best orthopedic surgeon in the city by one of the
doctors I work with, and I was told there isn’t any treatment for this
except doing regular exercise and being very cautious.
I knew only God can touch and heal me if I surrender everything unto
I heard Fr. James Manjackal coming for the convention and in full faith
I attended both Saturday and Sunday service. Even though I
had such a severe back pain, I sat on the chair for two full days without
any medications or any pain. Praise the Lord! Since then, I haven’t taken
any pain medications, and I am functioning normal other than being careful
with weights or lifting.
I truly believe it was the Almighty that touched me and claim that
I received complete healing by the Grace of God; today I am able to function
without any pain
Sushamma Joseph
“In the year 2006 I had the luck to visit the website of Father James
Manjackal. The informations and prayers were an important impulse for me
to come back to the Katholic Church after 30 years.
For over 30 years I was involved in Esoterik, Yoga, Zen, Vastu etc.,
had contact to Gurus, Pseudoavatars and mediums etc. etc. On the second
of october 2007 I could drop the Astrology, which was for over 20 years
my second job. Also I received on the fourth of october 2007 your prayer
in St. Maximilian church in Munich. I rested in the spirit. My headache
and stomach-ache reduced about 50 percent.
Many thanks and I beg for Your prayers forward.”
Uwe Matthias Kraus, Bayern
Author and Journalist
My name is Cecil Fernandes and I am 56 years old and would like to
give my testimony. I had a Heart Attack on January 26, 2004 in Toronto
and after a few months when I was attending the prayer meeting at GETHSEMANE
MINISTERIES Br. Suresh announced that someone present here at the meeting
and who recently had a Heart Attack the Lord is Healing him. I claimed
the healing for myself and continued on with my life going to work and
attending the prayer meeting at Gethsemane every Friday without missing
a single Friday come snow or storm rain or sunshine.
Recently in September 2007 I went for my annual physical check up to my family doctor and I was told by my doctor that my sugar level was very high and that this time if I had an attack I would not live. Listening to my doctors words made me very uncomfortable, scared and worried. I was all the time thinking in my mind what if I get another attack what is going to happen and this worry was eating me up until one Friday in the first week of October 2007 while attending the Gethsemane prayer meeting Br. Suresh announced that there is someone here present who had an Heart Attack before and is worried about his condition and is frightened the Lord is touching him. I claimed the healing and many friends from the ministry also claimed the healing for me. I have faith in the Lord and after I claimed the healing the fright just disappeared from me and I became cheerful and happy once again and did not think of the past any more.
Then I attended Fr. James Manjackal’s convention in Mississauga, Toronto on October 19, 20 and 21, 2007 and at the convention Fr. James Manjackal announced my name (Cecil) the Lord is touching me and also announced that there is someone who had a heart attack and is now worried and frightened and the Lord is touching that person. I claimed the healing and it was like a confirmation for me not to be afraid but have faith and trust in the Lord and everything will go well in my life.
Then I attended Fr. James Manjackal’s Retreat at the YMCA in Orillia, Ontario Canada on October 26,27,28. I was not going to attend this retreat because I had an appointment on the 26th. with the eye surgeon and this appointment was difficult to get but on the last day of the convention I told my wife that we have to go for the retreat and I will cancel the appointment for THE LORD IS THE GREATEST SURGEON OF ALL MANKIND and before the end of the day we mentioned to Br. Suresh that we would like to attend the retreat.
During this retreat again Fr. James announced that there is someone here who had a heart attack and was frightened of getting another attack the Lord is healing him. Fr. James also took my name (Cecil) and said that the Lord is touching me in many ways.Fr. James also mentioned that there are some who are diabetic and the Lord is healing them. I claimed the healing for myself and again it was another confirmation by Fr. James that I should trust in the Lord and have faith and should not get worried. I proclaimed all the healings and gave my testimony on Sunday October 28, 2007 before all those who were present at the retreat. I told each one that they should have faith and believe that the LORD IS THE HEALER and have faith in HIM. After the retreat I have not checked my sugar to see how high or low it is for I know that if I trust MY LORD and have faith in HIM everything will be ok and that HE will protect me at all times.
Cecil Fernandes
Scarborough – Toronto
Dear Father Manjackal,
I am Carène Sanhoboa and am aged 28 years old. I live Mauritius Island .
I used to suffer from headaches everyday or thrice a week since I was
very young. After I went to pray with you, Father Manjackal in November
2006 at Rose Hill Stadium in Mauritius, I was completely cured from my
I wish to thank you, Father for the gift that you have and offer to
others. And Praise the Lord to have sent in Mauritius !
Carène Sanhoboa
Avenue St Paul
Praise The Lord
I am Sushama Michael from Heidelberg, Germany. I had a small cyst in
my mouth in the month of March. The doctor advised me to take the medicine
for one week and then operate it if it is not reducing. There was no change
in the cyst . Meanwhile I called Father James over the telephone
and told my situation. He prayed for me and within one week the cyst had
gone completely. I met the doctor again, he told if it come back again
you should take the medicine. But it never came back. I strongly believe
its my Jesus healed me through Fr. James. Thanks a lot Jamesacha.
With lots of love and Prayers,
My Dear Jamesachan,
I would like to give my testimony of the physical healings I have had
in my life. I attended Fr. James Manjackal’s convention and retreat in
Toronto in October 2007. I was suffering from migraine headache
for many years. After attending Fr. James Manjackal’s retreat,
my migraine stopped completely and I was cured and I did not have a migraine
headache since then. "God has healed me from the migraine headache and
has baptized me with the Holy Spirit". For this and much more I thank our
God. I want to thank Jesus for his Love and Mercy for me. I give my testimony
for the Glory and Praise of the Lord. And I want to thank Fr. James for
coming to Canada.
and Dolly
Praise the Lord.
Our dearest Father James Manjackal, Thank you,Thank you very much How
are you? We hope you are keeping well.We are praying for you every day.Father,
my wife Dolly she is alright now.Without any medicine those swelling are
gone. We believe it as a miracle only. With your prayers and blessings
my wife she is getting well and we are all very very happy now.Almost one
month we suffered a lot.Two doctors suspected something and suggested for
X-rays,ct scan,medication and even surgery. By the grace of God she got
all healings .
With love and prayers
Hi, fr. James.
In 2005 I was diagnosed with inoperable brain tumor. Among many things
I also asked you to pray for my healing. I also visited you at Kurescek
in Slovenia in july 2006. Now I know that the prayers and your words helped
me to accept the fact that if you ask Jesus to heal you he will eventually
heal you if you truly believe in it. After two years the tumor is not growing
any more and I'm slowly getting better. I know and praise Lord for that.
A month ago I heard a sad news that one of our parish altar boys, Andrej,
only 15 years old, has got a dangerous bone cancer. He's very sick and
is just starting treatment in Germany. I know that praying for him getting
better will help and I ask you, if possible, share a prayer with us for
Andrej to get better soon. I'll also let Andrej know we'll be praying for
Praise the Lord,
Marjan Slatinek, Slovenia
My name is Violetta, I’m 26 years old. In September 2000 I had a
bad cold with very much pain in my throat. Actually nothing unusual, but
after the cold was over the pain in my throat remained. I visited different
doctors, but weeks, months and even years passed by, but it didn’t get
better. The pain was so bad that I barely could speak, a normal conversation
was a torture for me. In the morning I got up with pain and in the evening
I went to sleep with pain and tears. The doctors couldn’t make a diagnosis,
my sickness was a puzzle for them.
Before that happened I wanted to become a singer. I took singing lessons
and after finishing my high school diploma, it was my plan to concretely
step into this business. Only when I was singing, I felt that I’m alive.
The pain in my throat was an absolute shock for me. I thought, why Lord,
why my throat?!
In March 2003 I attended the retreat with Fr. James in Pfatter for
the first time. It was hard for me to see the joy and the singing of the
other participants, because I was not able to sing and I was so sad about
that. On the second day when the people started to praise God with the
songs, I asked myself, what am I doing here. The whole time I looked at
the floor. I didn’t want that anyone sees my sad face and my tears. Nevertheless
I asked the Lord to help me and gave him all my weakness, unbelief and
the pain in my heart. Suddenly I saw my heart broken into peaces. I realized
that I lost everything, except Jesus. I recognized that nothing is important
even not my singing career. That was my inner healing. After that I was
free of all bad thoughts. I came to this retreat in order to get a healing,
but suddenly I found Jesus.
One year later Fr. James was in Pfatter again. This time I didn’t
attend the program for a healing (even though I still had bad pain) but
in order to get to know Jesus more. While the retreat the Lord gave me
so much strength, that I could say: ‘Lord your will shall be done, just
give me the strength to bear the pain, as long as you want.’
After this retreat I noticed that the pain in the throat got less and
it was going better. I had that feeling that I was healed, but then again
I often had bad relapses. It was also hard for me to accept the healing.
It was a time, when belief and doubts took turns.
In April 2005 I attended the retreat in Berching. At the last day there
was the possibility to come to the stage and share a testimony. Suddenly
I felt, that I should do that. I was not sure, because still I had some
throat pain from time to time. Despite my doubts I testified, that I’m
healed. This testimony brought so much blessings in my life and bit by
bit I could accept the healing. I always thought, that the Lord will heal
me in one moment, but He wanted to test my patience and my belief.
For almost two years I’m not having any pain in my throat. I thank
Jesus, that He healed me, but even more I thank Him, that I found Him!
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!
Thank you, Fr. James for everything!
While I was writing an article about the Munich retreat with Father
James, on day two -when he was preaching about sin - a butterfly circled
through the church. I thought to myself if it would sit down on my lap,
I would go for confession too. Instead the source of a great sin
appeared to my mind. I realized that I first had to destroy this source,
only then I would be ready to go for confession.
During confession I asked for a new heart. The priest, an old man,
who spend most of his time assisting on retreats like these, prayed in
tongues over me. In the afternoon Father James confirmed the receipt of
a new heart to several people present.
Although I would have liked to be one of them, I wasn't quite sure,
if I was meant too. The very next day after the retreat has ended, I went
for Holy Mass. In this Holy Mass the intercession prayer was all about
receiving a new heart! So now I was sure,that this was meant for me! The
Lord is great!
Franziskus v.Ritter-Groenesteyn,
Munich, Germany
Dear fr. James,
Last year when I heard that you will be coming to Ontario, Canada,
I was thrilled. I heard about gifts and Lord's mercy which He is pouring
out on us through you and I even saw some tapes.
At that time, I had a terrible condition in my throat and was in constant pain, but doctors couldn't find anything. Turtle-neck or scarf, were every-day dress code, even at night, regardless of the season. In fact, several times a day and during the night, I had to gargle with Listerine to ease the pain. I could only drink hot or warm drinks even in the summer. I stopped singing in the choir and to the joy of my children couldn't raise my voice at all. I also had a bad pain in my right shoulder and a very bad habit of biting my nails and skin around it.
Before the retreat started, I went to the chapel and spoke to Jesus openly with my heart. I didn't ask for healing, but I promised if He does heal me, I will give Him glory by testifying about it.
Father, you didn't call my name, but you didn't have to. I felt the Holy Spirit pass through me. I received inner healing and gained inner peace. As a result, couple of months later, I noticed how my nails are long and I am not biting the skin around it. Not too long after the retreat, I felt very hot around my neck area, so I had to take off my scarf, even change into a regular t-shirt. The pain in my throat was completely gone. It has been almost a year that I haven't used anything to gargle. I can sing again! My right shoulder has improved so much, that I started doing some exercises and presently, I have no pain. Truly, there is no end to what the Lord will do for those who love Him!
Thanks be to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!
Thank you fr. James for saying your "yes" to the Word of God! I can't
even imagine things that are NOT happening in our lives because of your
Praise the Lord! Come Holy Spirit!
Love and light in Jesus and Mary,
Zeljka Podstreleny-Govaert
and Elisabeth
With great joy we give you the message of the birth of Joseph Maria
Benedict on Sept. 10th. During pregnancy I often prayed the "prayer of
a pregnant woman" out of your small book within charismatic prayers. There
I prayed for a "strong and beautiful baby" and the Lord has given it! I
never had a baby with more than 4 kg before!
We praise the Lord every day for all these graces and also for his servant,
Father James! Our hearts are full of thankgiving.
your Markus and Elisabeth
with Leonore, Jonathan, Johanna and little Josef
- Palencia. Spain
My dear brothers and sisters, I would like to share with you this great
experience of conversion and fullness in the Lord. To perceive that only
God is capable of being the Author of such a great and unbelievable history
as is the history between the Triune Creator God with his creature, mankind.
I do not know where to begin, nor do I want to be too lengthy. I will say to begin with that I could not stand the Church, nor priests, nor anything connected with them.
All this took place in the Basque Region 28 years back. I went to Church as was normal. I received that teaching from my parents and in turn transmitted it to my children when they were small. But little by little I began to hear the voice of Jesus less and less, above all in the Church. His gospel and Word were being substituted by social problems, the political situation, labour problems between workers and bosses, those of Madrid, families in confrontation, people from the church getting involved in terrorism (in my own family), bishops taking positions contrary to the law of Christ….until one day I told myself, “I will never enter this place again, never again. They have cooked their goose, let them eat it.”
I then came across a group practising yoga and then enrolled under an eastern guru who taught me meditation techniques and I threw myself into them for hours seeking my inner self. I was fine. No one (the evil one) disturbed me and I travelled extensively to attend “events” and be able to listen to that Master. I filled myself from books of the New, and Final Age and never, never would my dormant conscience lift a finger to seek anything else for my spirit. The death of the sould is so imperceptible!
In the meantime my family would fast and pray for me, and while we spoke and had discussions, I never gave them an opening for anything else. My parents died, my children married, while I continued in that nebulous pleasant state. I never prayed with my children (something I greatly regret) but I am now convinced that the Lord took the reins of their lives, because they turned out well.
I met Fr. james Manjakal three years ago in Santander. Born in
India, in Kerala, he is a missionary priest of the Order of St. Francis
de Sales. I now live in a city in the interior of Spain and my sister invited
me to go with her to the coast, to Santander, to pass a few days by the
sea. What a marvelous plan! She was going for a retreat with a special
group of friends, and while she was at her prayers I was thinking
of taking myself to the beach without wasting a minute. And so I packed
by beach wear and told her, “Look out for a good hotel and we will have
a wonderful time, you praying and me sunbathing and resting, then later
we can get together to eat.” “Don’t worry”, she said, “I will
look for a five-star hotel”, and I left everything in her hands.
We arrived at Santander and lodged in a place run by nuns. “It’s
just that there is no other place at this season” my sister explained.
Fine. The place was good and we had to share the room with another person.
Fine. The following day I was still thinking of my plans, but it was cloudy
and my sister asked me to attend the opening session after breakfast –
it will only take a short time, she said. Fine. We arrived at the venue
( a different place) and there I see an Indian priest. I was stunned by
the coincidence that he was also Indian, like my “Master” This one
was taller, with a venerable silvery beard and a long white habit reaching
his feet. I had never heard of him and had no interest in knowing
him either.
We entered a big hall and I sat by the door to make a quick get-away.
People began to sing, clap hands, pray and praise the Lord in what I thought
was a shouting tone, since I was used to silent meditation for at least
an hour each day, and in all our gatherings world-wide you could not hear
even a fly.This was all very strange to me.
I met Fr. James through the mercy of my Creator and Lord, and by means of this holy missionary I received a shock that even today makes me tremble when I recall it. A little after beginning to speak, he addressed himself to God and said, “Forgive us priests, Lord, for closing the door of your Church and your grace to so many of your faithful, for perhaps their hands are also unworthy as mine were and I touched your Body every day.” Here he made a personal confession I found tremendous, and then he threw himself protrate on the floor in his while habit and remained there 5? 10? 15? minutes. To me it seemed an eternity. Something moved within me then with violence and force. A torrent of ideas within me. I did not want to speak to anyone. I turned to my Father and God and told him, “My God, I will never judge anyone again and if you are capaable of forgiving them and changing them like this, I can say no more.” On the way out of the hall there was a saintly priest and I said to him “Can you hear my confession tomorrow, since I have not confessed in 28 years.” When I see a priest on the street, with tears in my eyes, I ask forgiveness of the Lord and I bless and praise him for the gifts of such persons.
It is now three years, as I attempt to submerge myself in the True Knowledge, in the true History of Love and Redemption of our God and Creator, the only Master, the only Gate. Those who jump over the wall of his sheepfold, take hold of its doctrine, choose what pleases them, deceiving with the Truth. They are thiefs, robbers, wolves in sheep’s clothing (Jn 10& 11)
The experience of this second meeting with Fr. Manjackal in Palencia, has been a gift of the Lord to me. We have received many graces in this Conversion and Healing Retreat. What a warm and exalted greeting of the Bishop of Palencia, Msgr. Munilla, who took the time, in the early hours of the morning, to pray with us and then celebrate the Eucharist with Fr. Manjackal and all those precious priest. Unforgettable! Praise the Lord!
We hope that next year, God willing and with the help of the Blessed Virgin, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Michael, who has helped me so much in this process of conversion, that Fr. James may agree to return and speak to us of the Lord and impart his grace, of which we are so much in need. For only the mercy of God can save us, as we plead with strong prayer on behalf of our brethren, as He has rescued me.
Do not sleep! Be awake! Be attentive to the invitation of the Lord when he passes by our lives by means of souls such as the very charismatic Fr. Manjackal. At the last Eucharist he celebrated at this meeting in Palencia, he gave us the blessing of the Lord at the end of the Mass with open and extended hands. Should I live a million yearsI will never forget the luminous, precious hands with the Gift the Lord has given him, shining, shining in them for all of us. With much love and gratitude to Fr. James and Gaby (who translated simultaneously at the retreat) for their dedication, patience and gentleness.
Encarnita Salvador Palencia 26 de Mayo de 2007
Testimony of Walter Morawetz
Dear Father James,
My name is Walter Morawetz and I’m from Austria. In 2005 I attended
Father James’ retreat in Vienna.
Some time before that, I often felt a great tiredness in my feet, it
felt as if my feet had leaden weights on them and I often felt fatigued.
Some days after the retreat, I noticed that I was healed. My feet felt
wonderfully light and it was a joy to walk. Alleluja – Praise the Lord!
In thanksgiving, in September 2006, I walked 900 km on the Spanish
Camino de Santiago, from the French Pyrenees to the Atlantic Ocean, to
praise and honour the Lord with my feet for his goodness and love.
Praise the Lord!
God bless you, Father James
- Slovenia
Dear father James,
Let me say first that I hope that your health serves you well and that you have fully recovered from recent surgery.
I am so glad that you are coming back in Slovenia these days. I am certain that wherever you go on your pilgrimage it is a blessing for each country that you visit. This is true for Slovenia too. One of the signs that confirm this is that more and more people come to your speeches and also the number of testimonies from people is growing.
My wife and I also have our testimony to share with you. For a few years now we are coming to your speeches at Kurescek. We got married two years ago and we had a wish deep in our hearts to become parents. For some time we were quite frustrated because my wife could not become pregnant. Last year in July we came to your speech at Bled. There you have said many prayers and among others you also said a prayer for all the couples that were trying to have a baby without success. You also said that three couples that have this problem were then healed. My wife and I knew at that moment that we were one of these couples. A few days after that my wife made a pregnancy test and it was positive!
We would like to express our gratitude to you. Your prayer was truly a blessing for us. On April 13 th our son Matej was born and we believe that it was your prayer that helped us become a family. I have also enclosed a picture of our son Matej so that you will see the result of your prayer.
We also have a wish. There are many people across the world who are single and have been single for quite a long time. They would like to find a real soul mate, an appropriate person to spend a life together. Therefore we would like to ask you to say a prayer for all those people and ask our Lord in heaven to have mercy on them.
My wife and I are certain that our beloved God would like you to continue your journey of evangelisation across the world and that He will give you health, will and strength to do so.
We are looking forward to seeing you in two weeks at Kurescek. May your life be blessed with a thousand blessings.
Yours sincerely,
Rok Osojnik
Jesús. Palencia - Spain.
For all those people who will read this in the future just by chance,
for mere interest or for those who already know Father James...
My testimony? It’s a short story, nothing atypical from what you’ve
read or you’re going to read through the webpage. All the same it’s
got a main character: Jesus our Lord, our father, our friend, our love...
About 10 days ago I went to a Father James’s retreat for the first
time. The previous days I’d heard great things about this preacher among
which it was said people got healed during his retreats. It’s not that
I didn’t believe it, but it’s usual for me to keep my distance with
Saint things that exceed my mind... Anyway, I had those strong throbs sometimes,
which I’d had during all my life, and that whenever I got nervous or
something startled me my heart would start beating as if it would want
to go out of my chest. I’d also had a pain in my shoulder for 5 or 6
weeks then. I’d finished the cream the doctor had prescribed me and as
he said, if the pain didn’t disappear with it, I should go to the physiotherapist’s.
Right before the retreat I said to Jesus “Jo, Jesus, heal me from these
throbs in the retreat... please... and if you want to heal my shoulder,
that’s secondary, but you can heal it too if you want”. Then, I went
to the retreat. On Friday father James said something about heart throbs
in her prayers and that some people would get healed from them. On Saturday
morning when I woke up there were no throbs in me even though my mother
had opened suddenly the door to wake me up...
That same day father James shouted “Jesús... María... María Jesús,
you’re healed!” There are few people in Spain with my name! And on
Sunday I was thankful because, although my shoulder hurt more than ever,
I was sure I’d been healed from my heart throbs.
Then, on Monday night I was praying before an image of Jesus when suddenly
I felt that my shoulder didn’t ache. I lifted it up and down, and...
it was a miracle! It didn’t ache anymore! So, Jesus is a wonder. When
there hadn’t been a healing prayer yet, He had already healed my throbs
and when the retreat was already past He had healed my shoulder without
my notice. He loves us so much that even the tiniest or the “secondary”
things, He always takes them into account!! Thank you Jesus for beeing
how you are, for being the greatest ever and for sending messengers as
Father James througout the World. Amen!!!!!
May 22,07.
Hi my name is Maria.
I went to Fr. James retreat here in Toronto in October 2006. And I
had a very high flux, and I was tacking medicine to stop it but it was
only slowing it down. And I was already anemic from it.
After attending Fr. James retreat my flux stopped completely and I
was CUERED and I did not have a flux since then. I want to thank
Jesus for his Love and Mercy for man kind. I give my testimony for the
Glory and Praise of the Lord. And I want to thank Fr. James for coming
to Canada.
I am Stefica happily married to Viekolav Bedic for the last 49 years.When
I married him he was a good catholic with all catholic practices.Suddently
he stoped going to Church,started criticising priests and the church and
began drinking alchahol.In 1969 we left our home country Croatia
and came here to Canada.My husband remained same,he had no interest about
Jesus or Church,and I had to suffer much from my alchaholic husband.With
this unhappy situation my only son left faith and became a Budhist.It was
a big shock for me.Many of my friends advised me to divorce my husband
and live with some one else who can give love.But I wanted always to remain
faithful to the promise I made in the sacrament of Matrimony.With much
prayer I put up with my husband.Prayers and Holy Masses were giving me
enough courage to carry the cross and follow Jesus.Then my husband fell
ill with high blood pressure,diabetics along with Stomach,liver and
kidney deseases.Still he continued smoking and drinking.
Two years before there was an announcement that Fr.James manjackal
was coming to preach in our Croatian Chuch at Johns Park and began to pray
that my husband would attend it.But the retreat was cancelled as he and
his team could not get visas.I bought a book of Fr.James and taking the
address from the book,wrote a letter to him and he replied it with much
love. Then I called him on the phone and he prayed with me and promised
to pray for my husband,.I was able to tell all my problems to Fr.James
and he heard everything with much patience and consoled me. Al last Fr.James
came to our church in November 2006.The doctors told that my husband would
die within 3 months.All I wanted was that he attend the retreat of Fr.James
and make a good confession and meet Jesus.On the First day of the retreat
I took my husband to him and he prayed over him.He made a very good confession
after 49 years and came back to Jesus and the Church.Praise the Lord.He
stopped smoking and alchahol.He looks very healthy now.The level of Sugar
and the pressure is under control,the doctors say he is improving his health.I
thank and praise God for bringing Fr.James here and saving me and my husband,and
I pray that he may again come to Australia to preach the powerful Words
of Jesus to bring many people back to Jesus.My husband and I pray daily
for him and support his works.I am sure that if my son attends his
retreat he will be converted.
Stefica Bedic
7 coola st,
Condell park-2200
Sara and Michelle
Dear Fr James
I thank and praise our most loving and merciful God for the many blessings and healings received through your preaching and laying of hands.
My name is Sarah v.d. Ventel and my daughter’s name is Michelle.
We are from Cape Town, South Africa. We attended your retreat in
February last year in Athlone. You called her name and said that she will
be healed from her severe migraine headaches. I did not hear that.
One of my friend’s did. She only told me recently when we were
discussing attending your retreat again this year. It then occurred
to me and Michelle that she did not have a severe migraine headache for
a whole year.
This year we again attended your retreat in Parow in February.
We both received inner healings.
I was suffering from depression, had a lot of anger and unforgiveness
in my heart towards those who wronged me. I was also very judgmental,
self-righteous, and opinionated and quick to criticize. During
the healing prayer, you asked us to forgive others. I did this and
experienced a great peace in my heart.
Also when you laid your hands on us and prayed for the infilling of
the Holy Spirit, we were both filled with great joy, peace and love in
our hearts. Michelle expressed a desire to attend Holy Mass and go
to the chapel every day. This made me very happy.
We get up early now to go to 6am Mass during lent (Mon-Fri). We also
try to go as often as possible to the chapel in the evenings for adoration.
You have inspired us to more prayerful and pray from the heart. Also
to begin and end the day in prayer.
I also received physical healing of my knee and have no more back pain.
Michelle’s back pain lessened. The problem she had recently experienced
with her eyes (swelling up) disappeared.
Father James, thank you for bringing us closer to our Lord and to experience
the power of the Holy Spirit. May our Almighty and Merciful God richly
bless you, strengthen you and be with you always.
We pray that you will come back to South Africa so that more people
can hear your powerful preaching and be converted and experience a new
Sara and Michelle
March 23, 2007
My name is Nancy and I live in Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada. In
March 2004 I was in a car accident while I was eight months pregnant with
my daughter. I sustained whiplash to my back and neck. I never
rehabilitated my injuries due to the fact that the baby was born a month
later and it was difficult to focus on myself when I had a newborn and
a two and a half year old son to attend to.
Just over a year later (June 2005) my son and I were bit by a biting
insect and we both acquired Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi - Bb).
I needed to demand treatment since the doctor felt that I was not a likely
candidate despite the clinical diagnosis she made based on the hallmark
rash and other symptoms I had. My initial test results were negative
since they were performed too early in my illness. My son was denied
treatment since he did not present with the rash.
Upon treatment of one month on antibiotics I was told I was "cured"
despite the fact that I still had many symptoms. I sought an infectious
disease specialist who still insisted that I was "cured". She further
denied my son treatment. Every four weeks I was cycling through my
symptoms which were worsening every month. I even had a rash re-occur
on the original site every cycle. I pursued my research on my illness
and realized that treatment failure is common. I found a lyme literate
medical doctor (one of two well known ones we have in Canada).
In March 2006 my test results confirmed that I was still actively fighting
this bacterial infection. At this time my illness was extremely
debilitating. I had to use every ounce of energy in me to walk up
a flight of stairs. I was suffering cognitive problems, muscular
pain and weakness, the fatigue was extreme, I had pain in my joints, I
had lost weight, some of my hair, my patience...the list went on.
It was just before Easter that year and I had just begun my treatment
of long term antibiotics. I went to confession. I typically
had "short and sweet" confessions. This one was different.
I started speaking about myself and how I was afraid since there are many
unknowns with this illness. At that time the priest recommended that
I make the "Divine Mercy" my prayer. He told me to repeat "Jesus
I trust in you" often throughout my day. He further instructed me
to trust in the doctor and in the medication. Just as Sirach 38 states.
Slowly but surely my symptoms improved.
It was the fall of 2006. I received an e-mail as well as
a flyer with the brochure of Father James' retreat here in Hamilton, Ontario.
On the brochure was the Divine Mercy. I knew that this was calling
me to attend. I had never heard of Father James nor been to healing
masses with the exception of one a few weeks earlier. It was four
evening retreats. I assumed that you could attend any one.
I was then told that I should attend all four.
On the first evening I attended with my in-laws and my two children
(four and two years old at the time). We were sitting close to the
back of the church so that the children would not disrupt others.
As Father James was asking us to examine our hearts, asking for forgiveness,
going through our sins, my heart was beating hard. I opened my heart
and was asking the Holy Spirit to come in. I had my head down and
I felt as if it was being pulled up by a string. My eyes were closed
but I sensed an intense light before me.
Then Father James began calling out names. Out of the twenty
or thirty names he called one sounded like "Ancy - you are healed of your
illness." Since we were sitting at the back of the Church and the
children were restless at this point I was uncertain if he had called out
"Nancy". My mother-in-law turned to me and asked if he had just called
me. I told her that I thought so but I was not sure. My heart
was beating but not the normal beat, my legs were shaking. I tried
to stop them with my hands but they just continued until the end of the
The next day I took the children to receive a blessing from Father
James. We waited a few hours and he stopped one person before he
reached us. I really wanted to have my son Lucas blessed since he
too had lyme disease. That evening during the retreat I said to God
- "Please call me again if You meant me". I was like the blind man
in Mark 8:22-25. Jesus needed to place his hands on him twice to
be healed even though he performed other miracles without even touching
others and only he only did it once. Although I had faith, my faith
was not as strong as it could have been. That evening Father James
called out "Nancy you are healed of your muscle pain." I knew that
this was the injuries I had sustained in the car accident. Then Father
James called "Luka for your illness" and he also called my daughter's name
Cecilia and my husband's name John. I was praying for Cecilia since
her eczema was really bad. I was certain he was calling us since
Cecilia is not a common name here and since I call Lucas - Luka, often.
The third day I took my children to get their blessings. When
we got in to see Father James he proceeded to pray over Cecilia first.
Her prayer was a short little blessing. When he started praying over
Lucas his prayer was longer and more detailed. Then Father James
prayed for his knowledge. Immediately I had tears in my eyes since
Lucas' illness had affected his cognition and that was what I was most
concerned about. That evening during the retreat I again said to
God "Tonight do not call me but call the children". Now I wish that
I did not make such request but at the time my faith was not very strong.
That evening Father James called out "Cecilia and Luke".
The fourth evening we had the opportunity to have Father James pray
over us. He prayed over Cecilia first, then Lucas, then me.
As he was praying in tongues I felt the Holy Spirit enter me. It
was as if a bolt of energy went through me. I fell backwards.
When I opened my eyes I looked up to see the beautiful ceiling of St. Patrick's
church and my two little children were like angels looking down at me.
They proceeded to help me up. I was later told that the children
did not have any fear as I fell. The just watched and waited until
I opened my eyes.
Although my healing was not immediate, I still needed to continue with
four months of antibiotics until the doctor said that my treatment was
completed. Treating chronic lyme disease is difficult since there
are no tests which indicate that the infection gone. I have now been
off all medications for one month. Lucas' treatment was completed
shortly after the retreat since he no longer had any symptoms. I
know that my trust in God, trust in the doctor and the medication healed
me of my debilitating illness. I am pain free. The osteopath
which I had been seeing informed me that my body is healing beyond what
the textbook says it should do. I thank God for sending Father James
to Canada - to my home town. It was his first retreat in Canada.
I am looking forward to him coming again this year. I thank God for
my healing and for strengthening my faith! I thank the Holy Spirit
for filling me! "Jesus I trust in you"!
God Bless you all!
Nancy C. Diklic
Dear Father James,
I took part in your retreat at Hamilton. You asked me to send
you a testimony via e-mail. Many thanks for the Hamilton retreat, where
I had experienced a physical healing. I have been healed from my headache,
which I was suffering for a long time. Though I did not meet you personally
(I had an opportunity to do so, which I regret now), I am hoping to meet
with you in your next trip to Toronto.
God bless you Father James!
Clara D’Souza, Mississauga, Ontario
account of my experiences in Lourdes in 2004
Because I was angry, in October 2004, I suddenly decided to go
to Lourdes and attend Father James’ retreat as I needed to rest and relax,
not having taken any holyday for two years.
I had been strongly crossed, unable to go on a trip to Poland
where I had been expected for a long time. So, off I went, filled with
bitterness, hard fillings and gossip. I could feel aches and pains everywhere
and, above all I had been putting on weight.
During this retreat I saw lots of people taking notes about what we
were taught. As for myself I couldn’t listen or write and anyway, I was
on holiday !
Some time later, we were asked if we didn’t mind to write our expectations
on a paper that we left at the foot of the altar so that it could be blessed
during mass. Normally, I can write pages and pages but I had neither paper
nor pen and anyway , I was on holiday. So, I borrowed some paper and pen
and simply wrote : “Jesus, wash me, cleanse my soul and do with
me whatever you like”. That was all, but I was sincere.
Then, a confession was proposed to us. I chose Don Antoine Galland.
The date was Friday October 15th and the time about 3 p.m. I will always
remember that day. From then on, my life would be quite different. I decided
to put in practice what I had learnt and understood during the retreat,
not to ignore my sins any more. So, I confessed with real repentance and
a strong will to Forgive those who had harmed me. When I come back home,
I decided, I will renew my resolutions at the foot of the Cross, my heart
filled with humility, honesty and sincerity. Looking at the priest and
the Blessed Sacrament (just in front of me) I thought I am struck with
beams of divine mercy, I must hold back my tears, I don’t know where
they come from. In my confession, I still feel my sin of pride. I still
think all good things that happen to me are in part because of me. No,
everything comes from Him, I just remain humble and feel his presence.
I am too selfish and even if I share with the people around me, I never
really deprive myself, I always take from my surplus.
I end my confession with my sin of adultery (my husband having divorced
from his first wife, we haven’t been able to marry in Church so, I may
not receive communion. The priest suggests to ask for this first marriage
to be acknowledged as void but my husband doesn’t want to do anything
about it. But according to the priest I should take that first step. It
should succeed because of my husband’s past and the fact that he has
no children.
Then he suggests I go, drink and wash at the fountain as it was the
motto on our badge. As I stand up I have the impression to shed my old
clothes and I don’t understand why I can’t stop crying (fortunately
it begins to rain so it is not noticeable). I will always remember this
moment. The sluices of Heaven open for me, flooding my Heart which is too
small for this divine love. I bathe in radiant light. A torrent of peace
streams from me, overflowing with joy. I am immersed in an inexpressible
softness. I am rocked by waves of praise, carried away by the infinite
tenderness of God, buried in an ocean of glory. I had just received the
grace of forgiveness. I have forgiven, he has forgiven me. I was washed,
cured, free and liberated, as light as a butterfly. A new world was opening
in front of me. I entered the antechamber of Heaven where, I think, a degree
of knowledge was given to me. Forgive? Forgive and give again. All my pains
had disappeared and my extra-weight had melted away. Where ? I don’t
I bathe in the river of love, delight of Eternity and I can picture
an image which is given to me as a token of alliance and permanent mark
to be always able to sail, my eyes fixed on this beacon of light which
is also a compass of Love. I send you this image too.
We have no real word on earth to translate the Heavenly. Back home
I must do what I have promised in confession. I find my husband and for
the first time in our lives we’ll be able to forgive each other. Tears
and praises come together. For this very special moment, I ask him to undertake
the steps to have his former wedding acknowledged as void. He accepts,
I consider it is a miracle –and these formalities are going well now-
I suggest him to follow me to Medjugorge for I go there every year to fetch
“our two daughters”, Marina and Valentina who are Croats, who have
been staying with us up to now and have been able to go to the local French
schools. He accepts again and I consider it as another miracle. Two moths
after the midnight mass, we are both in Medjugorge ! It is the first time
he attends a pilgrimage. Then we join “our daughters” in their family.
I have forgiven and he has forgiven me. A rain of praises falls on
me. I am overjoyed beyond all my hopes.
I telephone to the person responsible for the journey to Poland. I
want to be forgiven for the hatred I had for him. Above all I want to thank
him as he did not yield about the dates of the journey to Poland. In fact
the Holy Virgen wanted me in Lourdes. My Cross had become a source of joy
thanks to him. That Polish journey, being only touristy was not written
on the pages of the book of my life.
Many sins come to the surface of my knowledge. I can see clearly
now whom I armed and whom I must ask to be forgiven.
I can see the eyes of God in other people and understand that every
person is registered in God’s hands.
I attend mass. Each word pronounced by the priest is like a flashing
bulb forming endless lines of light. I am now an actress and no more an
onlooker. The mystery of crucifixion becomes obvious. I can understand
clearly that he comes everyday to free us and that each Eucharist can help
the sinner to become Him that we receive.
When going to Lourdes, I took in my heart a person who can’t see
with her eyes of flesh and when praying for her my eyes of the soul got
cured. Divine merciful love is eternal in the purity of Eternity.
One of the best cures, offered to everybody is sincere confession.
It cures the soul and the body and it is free.
Father James, I send you as many thanks as there are stars in the sky.
Be divinely blessed for ever and ever.
Marie Rose from BIO ( FRANCE)
My name is Saramma Thomas. I am 84 years old. I live in
Hamilton city in Canada. I had pain and developed cramps on my left
leg for a long time. It was very difficult for me to walk.
My left leg was getting thinner compared to my right leg.
My doctors performed arterial angiogram. They found two blocks
in the artery to the left leg. Doctors advised bypass surgery to
correct this problem. They said it would be a difficult surgery because
of my age, previous bypass surgery of the heart, and being diabetic.
In this situation, I requested the prayers of Rev. Fr. James Manjackal
and others. Father sent the message:” And with all his abundant
wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all your needs.”
( Philippians 4:19 ) I believed in this Word of God and prayed.
Then, one day, my 9 year old grandson had an appointment with a doctor
and his parents went with him to a hospital. Then I was alone at
home. I felt a severe pain on my left leg. I did not know what
to do. Then, I thought and prayed that my pain was nothing compared
to the agony of our Lord Jesus when he was crucified by piercing nails
on His leg. Then I felt the agony of Jesus when nails pierced His
leg. Then I slept in that severe pain. After a while, I woke
up. I felt ice cold on my left leg. From that moment on I never
felt pain or cramps on my left leg until now.
Now I can walk free. After that Christ experience, my both legs
became identical in size. Praise the Lord! I strongly believe
that this healing happened through the prayers of Fr. James Manjackal and
I glorify the Lord. I do not need bypass surgery on my leg anymore.
Thank you Jesus. Praise you Jesus. Halleluiah.
I was informed on the parish of Riviere Noire that Father James Manjackal
was preaching a retreat in Port Louis during the month of November 2006
on the 8th, 9th and the 10th. I have always asked Jesus to allow me to
take part in an assembly where every body is united and guided to pray
Jesus, to glorify God and ask personal requests. During the retreat I got
more because I was introduced by father James to the Holy Spirit and all
His gifts, to his Love and Kindness and by then I became familiar to the
Saint Trinity.
I remember going there by telling Jesus ' here I am and You give me
what You want '.
I was a smoker, I was dependent of cigarettes, I needed cigarettes
to calm me down, to relax and socially when going out I loved to smoke.
When I was in places where I could not smoke I was thinking
all the time about this cigarette that I will have soon or later. During
the retreat father James told us to ask for personal blessings, healings
and he mentionned stopping smoking and I thought that could be for
me and I prayed for this request very deeply and very hard. I had other
intentions and demands of course but stopping smoking was a plus. During
the time father James was praying for us and where he was telling our names
loud he mentioned Christiane my name that I was receiving many blessings.
I was so filled of the holy spririt at this very moment I remember
coming back home that first night it was late I had so
much to share with my husband I did not have the time for a cigarette ,
the second day during the retreat I was such in a mood of prayers that
I did not want to smoke and at home that night I said to myself I do not
need to smoke and the third day and the third night it was the same, I
could manage without smoking. For me it was immediate, each time
I was thinking about a cigarette I had a sort of excitement difficult
to explain that comes all over me and a thought of if I smoke i will
spoil this special gift given to me by Jesus and this treasure
that I am sharing with Him, and it makes me so special. and it went
like this for weeks when Jesus was showing me how to cope without cigarettes
and this was not hard at all and to day there are 3 months that I have
not smoked. The thought of cigarettes does not come into my mind at all,
the hours of the days just pass by and the desire of smoking never reaches
me. When somebody smokes next to me it is like i do not see the cigarette
that he or she is holding. What I have is very special I have been healed
by Jesus.
e Carlos.
Dear Father James,
My name is Teresa, I´m 32 and I’m from Portugal and me and my husband
we went to your retreat in Estoril and Fátima last Septembre and we loved
it! There are so many things that I wanted to tell you about the feelings
that we have, but there are no words to express exactly what the Holy Spirit
does in our lives day after day, but we can tell you the visible effects.
These year, in January, I was pregnant but I lost my child at 9 weeks
of pregnancy, the heart stopped, we don´t know why. After that I was operated
in March (because the child died but my body didn´t expulsed the body)
and the doctors told us to wait some months before getting pregnant again.
I Prayed to Our Lady to give us a child on the 13 May but after I told
to myself: “why the 13 May, every day is good, maybe God was sad about
my prayer”. But in your retreat you told us a story about a couple that
prayed to have a child on the Pentecostes Day and their prayer was heared.
So I was sure that God speaks to me and I pray to get pregnant and also
that God gaves us childs who becames priests and religious. On the last
day of the retreat, Sunday, my husband, that didn´t know what I asked
God, told me: “I think “we” are pregnant, something told me that”.
And after 20 days I was sure, I´m pregnant! And the doctors says that
the child will be born in middle May! Thank you Jesus!
Also my husband stopped smoking on the second day of the retreat, he
felts so bad when you told that some persons came to see you to being healed
and they have cigarrets on their pockets, how can we ask Jesus to healing
us if we don´t do our part? You know, he has hard problems with the eyes,
and he felt bad because he was asking Jesus to heal his eyes and he was
killing himself with the cigarrets. So he stopped. Thank you Jesus!
Also on Saturday on the healing prayer you said that someones who suffers
from headaches for a longtime was healed and I knew it was me, because
since I was a child I had terrible headaches and since that Saturday I
don´t have it. Thank you Jesus!
And there are other things, for instance on the Sunday, in Fátima,
I was to the confession, because I felt that I should do a general confession
and when I came back to the retreat you said something that I was sure
it was to me, you told that God wants our sanctity and for instance when
we have doubts about our profession or vocation we must ask ourselves what
is better for our sanctity and we should not ask a priest or anyone because
only the person knows what is better for her sanctity. Before I had doubts
about my profession and I went to see many priests asking them, but now
I ´m sure about my choice because my choice is better for my sanctity.
Thank you Jesus!
Also on the last Mass, on Monday, something strange, and for the first
time, happened to me when you gave me the Holy Communion, because normally
it vanishs in our mouth, but I felt the Host growing up on my mouth and
I didn´t know what to do, so I swallowed. The taste was different too.
I think in that all the time. Thank you Jesus!
Dear father James we hope you came back to Portugal, we love you and
we pray for you.
Thank you Jesus for giving us father James.
Teresa e Carlos.
Dear All,
I am Karenne Nadia Ravina from Mauritius. I attended the sessions of
Father James. During the sessions I had visions, was healed from
the stomach and more. I received lots of blessings. I have
taken much time before writing my testimony but I feel that I can not
wait anymore and what a better day than Christmas to tell the world that
Jesus is alive and doing miracles in our lives.
Before the sessions I used to check horscopes for all important decisions
in y life but now I put all my life and faith in Jesus. I can assure you
that it is a new life and I am sure and I know that I will get more
blessings and miracles in my life.
To all those who will read that message I wish to say: 'Have faith
in Jesus and our mother Mary even when you are at the worst time
in your life'
Thank you Jesus,Praise you Jesus ,Alleluia
God bless you Father James
Testimony from Liane Ruch, September 26, 2006.
Dear Fr. James,
My name is Liane, I am 49 years old and I have been attending your retreats
for some years now. Each time I have been granted grace and gifts at the
programs and I have grown more and more in the faith. More than two years
ago I claimed healing for my heart. For several years I suffered form severe
disturbances of heart rhythm and very fast heartbeat. Very often I had
to have emergency care and the medicine did not help as was expected.
Although I was convinced of my healing, I still suffered the same symptoms
as before. Besides, my general constitution was getting increasingly worse.
My healing was not spontaneous, but demanded trust, faith and patience
on my part.
The attacks and heart rhythm disturbances decreased and this year in
August, they could find nothing wrong with my heart anymore. The doctor
told me: “You have the heart of a young person!” At the same time they
found out, that all the symptoms I had at this time were caused by another
For this disease: “hypoparathyreoidism” I also claimed healing
at the retreat at Basel this year, after having heard my name being called
The day after the healing prayer I was once more gifted with the words,
“Liane, you are receiving healing once more, believe!!” God has showered
me with his love and his blessings! I was so thankful, I cried!
This retreat was very intensive and meaningful for me. I felt the Holy
Spirit like never before. I was standing in line for prayer for the infilling
with the Holy Spirit and my legs, arms and head began to vibrate and shake,
even before you touched me. I received many blessings!
But at the same time, the greatest and most beautiful gift was the
conversion of my son.
He had accompanied me to Basel, to talk to you about his problems.
On the second day of the retreat he stayed at home. Towards evening, before
Holy Mass I received his message on the cell phone, that he had not been
able to concentrate all day long and then in the evening he had felt the
urge to go to Holy Mass.
Since then he not only goes to church on the weekends, but also weekdays.
He prays his personal prayer and we have many good conversations about
the faith!
Its as if I had received a new son. He is a completely new person!
Praise the Lord for all eternity!!
Maybe this testimony can help people who come to your retreats with great hope and then can’t believe they received any blessings or that they were healed. One may be able to realize some things much later. It is my experience that God wants my patience, love and complete surrender. He has blessed me so richly and still he keeps giving me new tasks. So tomorrow I am going to have an operation on my eye! I put everything in his merciful hands and I know, that he is always holding my hand.
Father James, I thank you for your never-tiring work in the Vineyard of the Lord and I thank you for continually praying for us.
God bless you.
Dear father James,
My name is Sanja and I live in Slovenija. I have been to you seminar last year on Kurescak and this year in Turnisce and Kurescak. Thank you father James for all Your effort and hard work, for all your prayers and for passing Your knowledge and experience to all of us who are hungry for God. Thank You for coming to Slovenija and for Your books, they hold a lot of grace and wisdom.
During Your healing prayer I have been healed of sun allergy and my
bad habit- masturbation - is gone. I did not know that masturbation is
sin until you told us Your story. Thank You for Your prayers and thank
God for hearing them. I also came to You in Turnisce for personal advice
and prayer.
During your healing prayer in Church I’ve heard You said:" Sanja,
you are healed. Jesus´s grace is flowing through you." I was so touched
and honored and happy, I cried like a child. Thank You Lord, thank You
father James. Aleluja! When I returned to work I went to visit a priest
who had broken his arm in a very bad way and had difficult operation (
I’ve worked in a hospital as a employment administrator ) and was still
in hospital. And something happened. We started to talk about Your seminar
and he was sad that he couldn´t go in Celje on Your seminar. Then he closed
his eyes and I felt that something is happening, something very beautiful,
graceful. He started to talk about his wounds of a hart, his sad moments,
his fears..... and he started to cry. I just listened to him very peacefully
and started to sing Come Holly Spirit in my mind and I felt Holly Spirit
flowing to him and he cried more and more. It was so beautiful, that words
can not express it. When it stopped, we just shook our hands and I went
to my office. And then I heard Your words in my head - Jezus´s love is
flowing through You. I just felt like sharing this experience with you,
because it is connected to You and to Your seminar and to Your prayers.
Thank You, father James for everything and God bless You and Your work.
I love You, father James and I ‘m praying for You and Your seminars.
Love, Sanja
Dear Father James
My Name is Daniel Ruch, I visited your exercises in Basel. It visited your ecercises twice. I just wanna tell you that I am very happy. I was healed from my bloodpressure sickness - I do not any longer have to take my medicines. My pressure is constant now, but it still depends on my inner peace. I got aware of the fact that sickness often comes out of a wounded soul. Although I does not beg for healing, I'm very happy to received it, physical and spiritual. I felt a growth of happyness, peace and strenght in my heart, and I am so glad to feel the work of the holy spirit. But what's much more important for me is the fact that I gain back my joy and the will to visit church. Now I am going as often as possible to the mass, on sundays and the rest of the week and I go with joy! And it is quite another feeling about the eucharist... it fills me with joy and inner peace, receive the body of jesus in the communion. Also I confessed my sins and will confess them in the future. Formerly I neither go to sunday mass nor to the confession. Unless I believed, but not with all of m heart. Now I do it with joy in my heart! And that's my greatest gift, besides the physical healing. So my happyness is undiscribeable in this point. Always I go to the mass, I sacrifice it for me, my family and my friends, and that all those who go inner healing, are able to preserve it in the struggle of daily life
Your child Daniel
Dear Father James,
On your seminar which was from 3-5 March this year in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstadt in Germany for Croatian people Jesus healed me. On the first day Jesus healed me from not being able to be without coffee. In the morning of the second day of your seminar I noticed that I was free of having to drink coffee. On the second day of this seminar we praised Jesus while you hold Jesus in your hands in the monstrance. We were kneeling and at this moment I fall back and a someone wanted to help me because she thought that I feel sick. I showed that I’m o.k. and that I need that she leaves me in peace. I prayed to Jesus that he helps me to lay down because in this situation I was not able to be in peace. Immediately a man laid me down on the ground. At this moment you preached (Jesus through you) that we should not be angry. At this moment I remembered that I was often angry, sometimes without a real reason about my professors, my family, and my previous boyfriend. I felt that I need for this absolution and got it on the next day. Since than I felt not angry except when I had a reason and than I remembered that I should forgive and so I do it or try it every time. On the same day of this seminar you prayed to Jesus that He heals us and than you said the names of the persons which were healed. You said "Elizabeta you are healed". In the beginning I was not sure if there is another Elizabeta because I felt nothing. Than I thought even if there is another Elizabeta that Jesus loves us both and will heal us both. I was happy but I wanted to wait to see what was healed and wanted to wait for the results of the doctor because my thyroid was ill and worked not enough. So every day I had to take medicine. I thought that Jesus wants that I take the medicine until I get the results. Once I asked him if he healed my leg or my thyroid. Then I heard an inner voice "wait for the results" and that meant that it was the thyroid because only the results of the blood can show if the thyroid is ill or well. After a month I had to go to the doctor to get the results of my blood to see if my thyroid works good. The next morning I had to call to hear the results. And the results were absolutely good! My thyroid had been ill since April 2004 and get worse before your seminar so that the doctor said that I have to take more of the medicine and now my thyroid is healed! Halleluja! Thank You Jesus! Thank you Father for praying! After the first result the doctor said that I have not to take the medicine and to wait three months to see if the thyroid is really well. So I did. Before we had the second results I said that I'm sure that the results are good because a catholic priest prayed for me. And the second results were absolutely good. Another doctor said to me that the thyroid can’t get well if it doesn't works anymore well. So I think this was the reason why my doctor was a little bit shocked while looking at the results. Halleluja! Jesus is wonderful! Father James, thank You for praying!
The purpose of this testimony is to show how God is doing His mighty works today. We would like to talk about a wonderful gift we received from the Lord Jesus Christ. He hears our prayers, fulfills them and sanctifies our lives.
After we were married for two years (in 1999) God gave us a child. Unfortunately, during the pregnancy they (doctors) told us that the child was going to have health problems. So, this first pregnancy lasted only seven months when suddenly our child died. From that time on we couldn’t have more children. We went through all possible medical tests. The results were always the same: unexplained infertility. There was a decision offered to us: an artificial insemination. We didn’t decide for that option instead, we started deepening our faith and seeking God’s help.
God led us through various tests, because He wanted to make some changes in our lives. He wanted us to change – to convert -, because He wanted children, we would have, to be born in a spiritually healthy environment.
It was July 2004 we first attended the seminar of Fr. James in Kurescek. This was a new and unique experience for both of us, for it was really the first time we were exposed to such a teaching and prayers. So, it was in those times that we read several articles and books about such seminars and inner healing. Among books, we then read, was also Fr. James’s book New heaven and New Earth. The spiritual life in our family gradually started changing. We started praying together a lot, reading the Bible and attending masses more often …
So, on the last day of the seminar in Kurescek, after the laying of the hands and resting in the Spirit, there was a prayer for inner healing. We both experienced healing of the body and inner healing, too. During the inner healing prayer Fr. James said that there were five couples who were getting the healing of their fertility organs. Soon after that word Fr. James also said, that three couples would get a child. We were absolutely positive that we were going to be among them. We had no doubt.
So, in September 2004 my wife became pregnant and in spring 2005 our beautiful child, Anastazija Marija, was born.
We are thankful to you, dear Lord Jesus! You never disappoint anyone.
Milena, Tadej and Anastazija Marija Košuta
Brestovica pri Komnu 55/A
6223 Komen
Dear father James!
My name is Monika, I am 22 years old. I was on your seminar in Turnisce,
Slovenia on July 9, 2006. I had a skin disease (a kind of eczema) for about
4 or 5 years, and it appeared about twice every year on my arms. In the
seminar I was filled with the Holy Spirit and healed from that disease.
I was also a heavy smoker, I smoked for 7 years, but after that day Jesus
gave the strength to quit smoking. I am thankful to Jesus that he healed
me. I am praying and praising the Lord for that every day. ALELUJA!
Praise our Lord for the blessings He is giving us!
Monika Zanjkovic
Dear father James,
I will send you my testimony of my healing and experience on your exercitien
in Wigratzbad. I got healing from my swellings on my hands, and from
a rash on my leg. I praise God
God bless you dear father James. We pray every day for you and your
In love your Anton
Crista : I came to the retreat at Feitritz last year to hear the Word
of God and to pray for my nice who was very sick. I used to get cists and
tunor in the stomach often and I had several operations in the past. This
time too the doctors found the cists and had fixed the operation hence
I did not ask for healing. During the retreat I heard my name called out
through the mouth of Fr. James but I did not think it was me. When I went
the doctors to fix the date of the operation, I was schocked to know that
the cist has disappeared and later on when I went gain to the doctor for
the cists in the breast, they have disappeared as well. I am fully healthy.
I am totally healed of that tendency of having cists and tumor. I praise
the Living Lord who heals the soul and body.
My name is Ancy and my husband is Roy. We are Indians living in Wien.
After having our first child we were waiting 6 years to have the second
child but it did not come. In the year 2003 we met Fr. James Manjackal
in the retreat at Ternitz and we asked him to pray for the gift of the
second child. After his prayer he said, In two years you will be getting
the second child. We really believed him and it happened exactly after
two years that God blessed us with the second child on the 16th of October
2005. He is clled Albi. We praise and thak the Lord for this wonderful
gift and we pray for Fr. James who does wonderful things for the people
through his prayers. We as a family pray together and go to Church often
to attend the Holy Mass, we follow Jesus
Roy and Ancy
I am María, I had a cancer in my stomach which was a rare kind. The doctors said that in the world only 16 people had this disease and all died except me because I came to the seminar of Fr. James in Kurascek where he called out my name and Jesus healed me. Now I am perfectly healthy and I praise the living God who gave me complete health. I have decided to follow Jesus. Praise the Lord
I am Angelika. I was suffering from cancer in the lungs. The doctors
said that it will spread to my other organs. I thought I would die with
cancer. It is then I heard about the seminar of Fr. James at Sveta Gora.
I attended it and I heard my name called out that I was healed. First I
was reluctant to believe, I was like St. Thomas. When I went to the doctor
he found no cancer in my lungs. I praise the living Lord who healed me
from cancer and gave me good health.
I am Branca. I was suffering from depression for the last thirty
years. I was taking many tablets for my healing. All with alcohol i was
able to sleep. Last year I came to Kurescek and the Holy Spirit came upon
me and healed me from all my depressions and sadness. Now I dont need any
tablets, I dont need alcohol to sleep. I pray everyday and I rejoice in
the Lord who loves me and who walks with me. I thank the Lord for sending
Fr. James to our country.
Toncka. Twenty years before I was a cancer patient but the Lord
healed me through medicines. For the last ten years I was suffering from
angina pectoris. last year when I heard about the seminar of Fr. James
at Kurescek, I came to pray for a girl with problems in the eyes. But during
the prayer I heard my namne called out that I was healed. First I could
not believe. On the following day I found that I could walk and climb the
stairs without any problem. Still I could not believe that I was healed
in my heart. later the dr. told to stop my medicines as I was perfectly
healthy. I praise the living Lord who gave me perfect health.
Martha: I was a chain smoker for the last 33 years. Several people
told me to stop smoking because smoking would bring cancer and other sicknesses,
but I could not stop. I thought I would never stop smoking. Last year at
Kurescek Fr. James made a special prayer for the smoker in the open air
in the sun. I saw him praying with fasting. I was very much edified at
his love for the people, not eating or drinking anything but sitting on
the scorching sun on a chair and praying for the people while others all
were eating and drinking. I threw away my packets of cigarrettes and the
lighter and I implored God's mercy and I knelt before Fr. James for his
prayer. I was totally liberated from the habit of smoking. In the same
evening, my friends gave me a cigarrette and I was rempted to smoke but
when I put it into the mouth I felt an avcersion to it. Now it is one year
I am living without cigarrette. Praise the Lord who liberated me from my
Marisa: twenty years back I had an accident in the car and my
back bone was broken. The drs. told that my vertebra could not be healed.
When I came to the seminar of Fr. James last year I did not believe that
Jesus would heal me because all the drs. said that it was impossible to
heal my back. But during the healing prayer through the mouth of Fr. James.
Jesus said, "marisa you are healed on your back". I felt a power passing
through my back but I could not believe that I was totally healed. I went
home with great joy and I felt no pain. I waited for few days to see the
pain coming back. Now it is one year and I am totally healed. I can walk
or run about without clutches or support. Praise the Lord
I am Carmen with my child Petra. Petra had cerebral paralysis and consecuently
epilepsy. All the drs. said that it was impossible for her to recover.
Four years Back I attended the retreat of Fr. James with my child for the
first time at St. Joseph in Lubljana. In this retreat I found my life in
Jesus and I believed that jesus would heal my child one day. I attended
all the programs of Fr. James at Kurescek. last year during the seminar,
Fr. James said, "Jesus is healing and blessing a carmen with a child" This
one year my child has no epilepsy, she satrted speaking. That which is
impossible with the drs. is made possible with God. In this seminar, my
child was so happy to see Fr. James and his secretary Gaby. Whenever she
saw Gaby or Fr. James she was shouting and singing with great joy. She
started walking. Praise the Lord
Alexandra: When I came last year to the seminar at Kurescek I had no
faith in God but I prayed for the healing from cancer of my step father.
During the prayer I heard his name called out by Fr. James and I believed
he was healed. By going home I found my step father filled with joy and
peace and later the doctors certified that he was healed from caner. This
incident led me to believe in Jesus and to change my life. Now I go daily
to Holy Mass and regularly I make confesion. Praise the Lord
Silva: I came to the seminar of Fr. James last year with clutches
because my left hip was broken. No doctors could found remedy. I did not
come to the seminar for healing. I heard that Fr. James speaks from the
Gospel and his words are powerful. I came only to listen to his words.
But during the healing prayer I felt a power going through my whole body
and I threw away my clutches. Now it is one year, I can walk around. I
praise God
Joze: SInce I was 15 Years old I had a strong headache. Docotors said
I had migraine. I visited a lot of doctors, took tablets and even I had
acupunture. I visitd different bio energetics but the headache stayed.
I suffered of it for the last 40 years and on weekends I had strong attacks
of pain. In the year 2005 I was present on the seminar of Fr. James at
Kurescek. I believed when he called out my name but still I had my doubt
wheather the pain will return. I was cured since then. It is one year and
I have no headache. I sleep well. I am very happy. Praise the Lord
Maria Lehner – Austria
Dear Father James,
I would like to give my testimony.
On May 21, 2005 I attended the retreat at SCHLIERBACH. And I received
a healing there. I had metastases in my lung. I would have had to have
an operation or inhale chemotherapy for five hours every day. Father James
laid his hand on me and prayed for healing. In the evening during the Holy
Mass, Fr. James said, Maria, you are healed. Two months ago I had a physical
examination. I received the good news that the blood test was good. May
God reward you a thousand times for this great gift. Thank you for praying
for us, Father James.
Maria Lehner
A-4841 Ungenach
My husband (Carlyle) and son (Fabian) were both unemployed for almost
10 months. I was praying faithfully to our Lord Jesus Christ who
decides the best for each one of HIS children according to HIS will and
My husband and son had attended several interviews but were all futile.
I was talking to a friend of mine who happened to mention your name to
me. I did not know how to contact you, but managed to log on to the internet
and retrieve information. I was really inspired on going through
your web pages, and then decided to send in a prayer request on for my
husband and son. This was in mid- November 2005. In the first
week of December, both my husband and son received very good offers from
good companies and blessed with good jobs. I praise and thank our
Lord Jesus, for all the blessings he has been bestowing on my family at
all times. PRAISE THE LORD!
I am attaching photos of self, my husband and son.
Thank you and God bless you
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Mrs. Carmel Roberts
Dear Father James
My Name is Mary Fielies, I attended your retreat at Holy Trinity Parish
in South Africa, before the retreat I suffered from bad stomach ailments
with severe cramps and also suffered with arthritis for many
years, since the physical healing service I had no pains in the stomach
and my arthritis pains has eased up quite a bit, some days I still have
a little arthritis but not as severe as before, I have been healed by my
God my Saviour.
Thank you once again for coming to South Africa to bring us God’s
word and healing powers and to teach us about the Holy Spirit , what an
awesome feeling it was to feel the holy spirit move among us.
I will pray that you return to South Africa so that others may experience
God’s love and Grace, I will keep praying for you and your ministry.
God’s richest blessing to you and your team.
Dear Father
I want to thank you very much for your wonderful retreats. Your words came straight into my heart. I thank you for the confession, for the talk, for your prayers and for the Holy Mass.
You have brought
close to me the two most precious gifts in my life:
1. Since your
retreats in Innsbruck last year I have been able to meet Jesus in the Holy
Eucharist in a new and very close way. I had no problems to believe that
Jesus is present in the Eucharist before but when you were celebrating
a Holy Mass I started to realize and experience that Jesus really is being
here, that He is coming to my heart and I can meet the living Jesus.
2. Since last
year I gained a new attitude towards the confession. For many years it
had been something very unpleasant and so I had avoided it with many excuses.
At your retreats I started to love the confession because I realized what
wonderful and beneficial sacrament it is. It cannot be compared with a
general celebration of repentance in a big group in church because we have
to express what is disturbing our concience. In the confession when the
priest says "ALL your sins are forgiven", there is so much inner healing
and peace that is coming to our soul. I appreciate it so much that we Catholics
have the possibility to repent and start a new life with God´s grace and
in the Holy Spirit.
I had studied Theology, Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogics for six years and I think I was a searching young woman. I thank God for these studies and all the good knowledge I could gain but of course it all remained in my head. Within only a few days of your retreats I could come closer to Jesus than ever before. You have brought Jesus into my HEART and inflamed so much love for Jesus. Now I can talk to Jesus and meet him in a new and special way in my prayers as well as in the Holy Mass. No one can take away this precious gift out of my heart any more. So I am "rich" forever, no matter what is happening, and I don´t have to have any fears because I can completely trust in Him.
I thank the Lord and praise Him!
Waltraud Juranek
I am from South Africa and attended you retreat this weekend at Elsies
River Parish, my father had passed on in September last year, I was so
sad that it caused me terrible insomnia, for 5 months I was unable to sleep,
I blamed myself for his death because I had dreamed 4 weeks before that
he had passed away and so I thought that I had willed his death, I took
two sleeping tablets every night before bed but still I could sleep, I
would lie awake for hours and would pray that God give me rest and I thought
God didn't hear or listen to my cries, on Friday night after the first
day of retreat , I went home and slept for the first time in 5 months
without tablets and I woke up at 6.30 to get ready for my second
day of retreat, Thank You God for healing me and thank You Father James
for being Gods instrument thru which he works
I have a second testimony: On Saturday you told us to go home and prepare for Sunday's inner healing, I prayed and prepared and forgave my father for all he has done to me and I asked him forgiveness too, on Sunday morning at 6.30 am I had a dream about my dad, he was standing at my bedroom door smiling at me and as he was about to walk away, I called out to him and ran towards him, kissed him on his lips and hugged him, I woke up with such joy in my heart , so when we did the inner healing on Sunday, I knew that all was forgiven between my father and I, I have peace now.
Thank you once again, so the next time you come back to Cape Town God would've already blessed me with my soul mate and then I will have another testimony for you
God bless you and all the work you do, thank you for coming to South Africa
With love and grace
Portia Fielies
My name is Karmen,I'm from Ljubljana ,Slovenija.
When you were in Slovenia on July 2005 on Kurescek, my 7-years old
son came to you & said to you that he'll be a priest. When he was 2
years old he said this every time, but once he done like priest in church
and priest said to him that must went out and priest was angry to him...after
that time he never again said that he'll be a priest, but police man. So,
on Kurescek he all times said:"I must something said to James!!"
Than he went to you, after than all my children went to You &
you blessed them...Barbara was kissed You..all of them become happy. I
went to Kurescek becouse my children - they have a big problems, becouse
we didn't have a home 10 years & moved a lot of times(11x),but this
year on East we got a home.Last time on Kurescek (-maybe on 2003?) you
prayed for family who don't have home & God give us home without a
money. Now, we have a house and garden! About this I must to tell
you a lot...This year Jesus gave us inner healing, to me & my children
Sara-8 years, Pavel - 7 ,Barbara -6,Miriam -3,Doroteja - 2 years old &
my husband Aleks. This year on 7.10. we'll celebrate 10 years of our
My children like you and pray for you and they like Jesus now. They
are a new children now. Jesus heals all thinks in our live: our soul,
our body, also our financal- money problems and also Jesus gives
a house. Jesus knews what we need, but although is our need a home - house,
where we can live. I always believe that Jezus give us a house although
we never have enough money for it. In Slovenian are a house and flots a
very expensive, cost a lot of a money..., but we never have a lot of money.Jesus
changes our life for ever. We have all what we need. Do you remember -
you said that family must pray together? We against pray together every
evenings. My daughter Sara was very angry to me, becouse we move from land
to city, she didn't like me anymore, it was very hard to both...But she
had a birthday on day when You come, she asked to me if I take her to Kurescek.
She likes You, becouse she heard that your schoolfriends didn't like you,
she listened all your, we went to Kurescek and it was very nice
for all.Before some days I & Sara was talking about all our problems
with The holy Spirit's help. After this we love each others against.It's
all OK.She trusts me against, she become good girl, Pavel prays a lot -you
said them this & reads prayerbook all days.Sing aleluja to God!!! Praise
the Lord!!
Please James, remember us on this Friday -7.october 2005, we have 10
years of our marriage, with love, the Hegler family: Aleksander,Karmen
& Sara,Pavel, Barbara, Miriam, Doroteja.
My name is Helga Weidner, I live in Augsburg in Germany.
Seven years ago I came down with a very rare cancer. After the first
operation in 1999 I should have had a secondone in 2001,
but the doctors were very worried about me and my life.
While I was fasting for 40 days I had a dream of
GOD. In my dream I heard his voice:"Don´t have fear, trust me, I will
make you healthy!" I believed and I decided to have no operation, but it
was not easy. Soon I have got the book "Eureka" of Pater James and I came
to know about the works of the Holy Spirit and a little time later I could
go to Father James for his retreat In the Holy Mass he called my name and
said about me": Helga is healed! A wonderful confirmation, which I have
needed urgently, for my future ,too. I have accepted my healing with my
whole heart. So I am healed: Thank you JESUS and thank you Father James.
Two years later, when I was with Pater James again, and heard
that Homeopathy is not good for a Christian.. I was taking homoeopathical
medicaments. I wanted to be obedient to the church and I separated with
homoeopathy. In this way I was liberated from and protected from many things
and so I am convinced of my perfect healing of my body, my soul and my
mind!I trust in JESUS and I´m very grateful.
My sons Bernhard (12) and Christian (6) and I want to live our life
with JESUS, with HIS LOVE, in HIS LOVE and we are hoping, HIS LOVE in us
can grow more and more!We all love Fr.James as a father and pray for him.
Our life is wonderful to live with GOD! Thank you FATHER without end!
Helga Weidner
An der Dolle 28
86199 Augsburg
My name is Veronika, I am from Slovenia.
I smoked 15 years. After the seminar on the Kurenscek in Slovenia,
I don't smoke anymore. For me, is a miracle. Thank you Jesus and thank
you Mr. James, thank you very much
Praise Jesus and Mary!
Dear father James,
My name is Mario Lovrinèevic and I live in Osijek. Upon your visit in Viskovo, when you have said that one woman from Osijek, has wrote to you and said that there is a pagan temple in our town, and that your heart is in pain because of that, for young people from our nation are bowing to Satan (Krishna), you have given me an urge to testify. I was a sinfull man, I did not go to Church, I smoked marijuana every day, for a long time, I was a child of rock'n'roll, I read books of Sai Baba, Castaneda, studying Aborigins, Yoga. I ended up in their temple, reading all their books, practising mantra, became vegetarian, and ending up in a psyhyatrical hospital on Easter 1999. I have changed three hospitals, I have spent 40 days indoor in one of the biggest psyhiatrical hospitals in Croatia – Popovaèa. (many people I encountered over there, had a lot of connections in their lives with paganism, and/or Yoga, meditation, Reiki, astrology, bioenergy…) After I left the hospital, I was consuming 20 tablets per day, in a deep depression, at the bottom of life, thinking mostly about suicide.
After you had a seminar in Koprivnica, my uncle has brought me one of
your books, and gave it to me for reading. This book has opened a path,
for me to go for all or nothing. So after visiting various hodjas, bioenergetics
and others, through whom I have tried to save myself, I have told myself
that I will live as a child of God or be cursed. And if God invites me
to become his child, he will surely spare me and return me to his light.
Then I have thrown away hodjas curse from my neck, for which I previously
believed that if I do so I would end up in a hospital again.
I started to pray a rosary of God's mercy (and I still pray it today,
and I will pray it all my life), and after a while, a wonderful thing happened
to me. Not only that I did not end up in a hospital, but after ten days
I managed to find strenght to stop smoking cigarettes.
Dear father James, through you, other priests, catolic church, prayers
of my close ones, God has changed my life. Since three years I stopped
taking any tablets, I have a good job, I got married, God blessed my whole
Thanks, glory, honour, love, blessings, life and soul to our dear saviour Jesus Christ and his wonderful mother Queen Mary, the only ones , who can give man a real peace!
When I have heard that you are coming to Rijeka, I said that I must go. We went with the minibus, 15 people from Osijek.
As the days on a seminar went by, I continued with my prayers:
I prayed to Jesus Christ, to give us a child, my wife Ana and me. It
will be his child,I said Jesus, please give us a child, you have spoken
to us through the mouth of a priest at our wedding, and you said that you
want us to have a lot of children. We have been married for three months
and nothing happened yet. Please give Ana to bare a child in nine months.
I prayed to Jesus Christ, to liberate me of drinking cofee, because
it bothered me, creating a feeling of nervousness in my stomach. Also I
wanted to offer it as a penance for all the sinfull things I have done
in my life. But I could not do it alone, I was so addicted to drinking
cofee, that it was harder to stop, even more than the cigarettes. I have
wrote, Jesus, thank you for releasing me of drinking cofee today.
Dear father James – Ana is pregnant for 9 weeks, and from that day on, I have not had a single cup of cofee. Also, Jesus has liberated me from consequences of mantra. And when you prayed for the liberation from the ocult, Jesus broke even the last bondage of Satan on me to which I had given myself in my sinful youth.
Glory to Jesus and Mary!
To the seminar along with us came Drago Vagro¹, whom I knew only vaguely, but your seminar has made us close. Here is his testimony:
"I am 53 ears old. I live and work in Osijek. During August I have been
at urologist at a supersonic vibrations haelth check, becuase my problems
with prostate My prostate was enlarged. The urologist said that in this
fase, even worse can be expected and he mentioned a prostate gland surgery
to be probable in the future. The prescribed drugs did not help. I have
heard that father James Manjackal is coming to Vi¹kovo near to Rijeka
on a charismatic seminar.
The way I understood this event: The living Lord is passing through,
I must go there and touch him.
It happened that my understanding was true. On the second day, after
I have received my holy Communion, I have prayed to Lord with all my soul
and whole heart…
Then, I felt, very clearly, a force that was going down across my stomach,
across the ill part of the body. Two months after that, I have visited
the urologist again and made a tests (transrectal ultra sonography –
TRUS) and after that he said: You will be surprised when I tell you about
the condition of your prostate. No operation is necessary, the prostate
is not only good, it is excellent, the size is as it should be. Be happy!
Thanks to Lord Jesus Christ and his holy mother Mary for releasing
me of evil, and given me good health and great joy.
I will maintain to visit the charismatic seminars of father James,
because I know that whenever I come with the strong faith, my travels will
pay off.
Drago Vagro – Osijek
Dear father James,
Drago has testified about his recovery on a charismatic seminar in Velika
Gorica on the 04.12.2005 and his testimony will probably be printed in
the next issue of charismatic magazine «Rhema» which is published
every two months in Zagreb.
We meet each other every day on a Holy Mass and often talk about
you. We send you our photograph, as well as our testimony in croatian language.
We are now in your chain of prayers and we fight with prayers for your
mission and your apostolate.
We can hardly wait for you to come to Croatia again, and we hope we
will not have to wait for long!
God bless you and thank you.! Praise Jesus!
Mario Lovrinèevic and Drago Vagro
Dear Father James,
I'd like to give testimony of my healing at your retreat in Basel 2004.
Before the retreat I had suffered from bronchitis and regular headaches.
Through your prayer and through the power of our gracious Lord Jesus Christ
I was healed. I did not realize this at that time, but after a few weeks
I noticed that the headaches had stopped completely.
The bronchitis was still there but I did not cough anymore. What a
relief! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
May God bless you and Mother Mary always protect you!
Achim Füssenich, Freiburg(Germany)
For five years I have been suffering from a facial nueralgia. At first
I thought that it came from a tooth, hence I removed the tooth but the
ache came back. It ached on the right side of my face up to the top of
the head always. I could not put my head under a shower or wash my cheek
or touch the sensitive zone. I went back to see the dentist who reluctantly
estracted one more tooth. During the pilgrimage to Medjugorje, the pilgrims
did not know how to relieve my pain. Again another tooth was removed but
my pain continued. This pain was leaving me tired and sad. I thought that
like St. Teresa of Lisieux or Martha Robin I had to offer my sufferings
to Jesus on the Cross. Again a fourth tooth was taking out. Than a friend
of mine gave the address of a surgeon who would try to anaesthetize a nerve.
I had an appointment with him for the 2nd. of September 2005.
Than another friend of mine invited me to attend a retreat of Fr. James
Manjackal at Trois Epis from 25th to 28th of August together with my brother
Fr. Pierre. On Thursday evening Fr. James prayed for the healing of many
persons. On Friday I was very busy with many confesions and in the evening
during the healing prayer Fr. James started announcing the names of healings
of persons suffeing from cancers, artrithis, lung problems, back aches,
nose bleedings, etc. As I felt very tired I thought of going to bed and
then suddenly I heard my name pronounced by Fr. James in good French "Raymond"!
I joined the 600 people gathered and praised God. Going back to my room
my brother came to ask "what happened to you, your name was called out"
Suddenly I noticed that I had no more pain. My nezralgia was completely
healed. I touched my head, my cheek, I felt no pain. My brother Pierre
gave me a little slap on my cheek and I felt no pain. The whole night I
slep comfortably and in the morning I stood under the shower with head
erect with no pain at all. Aleluya Jesus healed me !
When I came from the retreat I called the hospital to cancel the operation
on my nerve. I explained to the secretary of the surgeon of all that had
happened in the retreat. My brother too was healed from his terrible back
pain. he takes no more pain killers for his backache. Both of us go around
and tell everybody to go to Jesus for healing because he is alive and He
Fr. Raymond Jaccard
20 Rue Megevand
F - 25000 Besancon
Dear Father James:
We would like to give you testimony in order to praise and thank Jesus
for the miracles that He is doing in our family.
In February 2005, we attended your reatreat in Dubendorf, Switzerland
where you were praying over us for the blessing of our marriage and gift
of a child. We truly believed and claimed the child.
It became true, in the same month God bless us with a child.
Also, Tina had a couple of problems during her pregnancy: oligohydramnious,
low- lying placenta and possible Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). We truly
believed and prayed Jesus to heal these medical symptoms. We also asked
you, Father James to pray and offer Masses for these intentions and on
the following doctors’visit everything was well.
On Novembre 2nd, 2005 Sofia Maria was born, healthy and strong child.
We praise and thank Jesus for the wonderful gift of child. We pray
together everyday and we go for the Holy Mass regularly. We pray Father
for you and we support your Mission.
Yours in Christ
Pablo, Tina and Sofia Maria Pellizzoni
I was with father James in Schio/ Italy, where our blessed mother Queen
of Love is worshiped. There father James blessed us in the mass. I felt
how a beam of light went very very slowly and noticeable from my forehead
through my entire brain.
At the spiritual exercises in Vienna I felt at the healing prayer that
I received a very soft healing in the stomach. Every time I thank for the
healing all symptoms disappear and my head becomes clear like in times
of my childhood and my stomach gets really fine. This is an incentive always
to be thankful.
and Sandra Hammer
Dear Father James,
My name is Manuela und I wish to give testimony. My daughter Sandra and I have a rare skin disease. I have little skin tumours which are visible and my daughter’s are invisible, unfortunately. One year ago we attended a healing Mass at Maria Lanzendorf. When we saw Father James, we felt warmth in our hearts. We received promise of healing, and we received it. About 3 months ago I was told that my daughter’s tumors had decreased in size, although that is impossible according to the doctors. Praise the Lord.
Manuela and Sandra Hammer
My full name is Augustin and I am from Arlesheim near Basel (Switzerland).
About a year ago I had acute leukaemia. Shortly after finding out about the disease, there was a retreat with Father James at St. Anton parish in Basel, which I attended (June 10th to 13th 2004). At that time, Father James called my name during the healing prayer (“Augustin you are healed”). I claimed this healing with a testimony and I thanked Jesus for it.
Now, after one year (May 2005) I came to a retreat with Father James
at St. Anton parish in Basel again, to thank my dear Jesus, because I feel
so good, although the blood count is not good and I am not healed yet.
But I am able to sleep well, I have no pain and a good appetite. The
doctors are very surprised at my condition. Besides, I want to thank Jesus,
that I am still alive, because that is a miracle!
During this retreat, Father James called my name again during the healing
prayer: “Augustin is getting a great healing!” I thank Jesus deeply
for that and I claim this healing.
PRAISE THE LORD!!! Alleluja!!
Augustin Rüttimann
Hollenweg 24
CH-4144 Arlesheim
Email: rü
Dear father James
6th of June 2005
I want to thanks the Lord much all I can for his healing and I
want also to thank you. It was at the end of September in 2003. I want
to thank you father James because you said you would pray for me.
Before the retreat in end of September 2003 with you father James,
I had received a word from the Lord from a group of prayer where I live.
They were praying for me for this disease of tumour in the right testicle.
I had one tumour in the right testicle and I have been in fear all during
this period. With this prayer group the word I had from the Lord is "the
Lord is my praise", or exactly it was " is heal me and I will be healed,
save me and I will saved, because you are my praise " Jer 17 v 14.
During the end of the retreat with you at night I heard my name several
times” Dominique you are healed” but I did not know if it was me or
not because, it was not said the disease... so I had your gsm number on
a table and I let you a message, explaining to you, what I lived about
it, I wanted to know if it was me or someone else who was healed. Then
I called you back the tomorrow morning, and I started to explain to you
this and you told me "go to hospital, I will pray for you".
The Lord in doctor's hands cured me and took off this tumour by taking
off the testicle because the tumor was an inside and not spread tumor out
the testicle, sot hey took off the whole testicle and they said that
it was a tumour but nowhere else was infected with trace of cancer. The
tumour was took off and no more trace of disease was found, neither months
What i want to say is that, a testicle was took off but no cancer cells
or any other infected other cells at all, even years later.
So the promise of what i had received in prayer a few times earlier
came true, because even i they took off one testicle, i have other baby
and i am no more ill almost 10 years later.
I had a check control now there are a few days ago and the doctor answered
to me that all is ok. I praise the Lord deep in my heart and want to thank
you for having been here and to told me that you would pray for me. It
gave me a lot of courage
Thanks to our Father in Heaven, the Lord and the Holy Spirit.
Thanks again to you father James.
Praise the Lord !!! I will pray for you for the strong and sweet hope
you give.
Dear Priest
At first I
want to thank you for speaking with me in the sakristy of the Marianneum
( in Vienna)on 16.thor of September 2004 during the retreat ;and
also a big thanks to Mrs. Gabi,your secretary, who helped in traslation.I
was suffering from a tumor in my uterus.You promised to pray for me.
In the next
evening after the holy mass during the "Healing Prayer before the Holy
Eucharist you told : Christina you are healed in your uterus.
I claimed
this healing with faith and gave thanks to God. I already had a hospitalisation.
After the retreat on the following Wednesday the doctor
made an ultrasonic testing and she told me: "You need not go into the hospital
and that I am healed".
Alleluia! I praise, glorify and thank GOD!!! I say a hearty thanks to you father for your prayers! Now it is one year I am fully healthy.I decide to help your mission with my prayers and money. May the good Lord bless your preaching Mission all over the world.
In the charismtic retreat preached by Fr. James at Feistriz an der
Drau from 27 to 30th of July 2005, I met Jesus through a real conversion
of heart. I was always hard in my heart. But the Word of God spoken during
the retreat touched my heart day by day. I had lot of unforgiveness towards
many people including my husband and children. On the second day of the
retreat in tears I asked pardon to my husband and made a very good confession.
Also I decided to ask pardon to my children because I did not bring them
up in Christian faith. I gave a bad image of my husband to my children
and I know that it was wrong. The Holy Spirit gave a complete life change.
I even forgave the one who caused my car accident. Peace and joy came to
my heart. I am fully healed of the headache of which I was suffering for
long. When Jesus came to my heart through the Holy Spirit I became a new
being and I am healed both in soul and body. When Fr. James prayed over
for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I fell down on the floor and when
I got up I felt myself like a small girl with joy, peace. I praise the
Living Lord. I wish that all in my country get a chance to have this experience
of conversion and new life.
Brunhilde Turner
9500 Villach
Uferweg 30
I heard much about Fr. James and his works of evangelization in Austria
since a very long time because he was preaching many retreats in Graz,
my home town. I had attended one day program with him and I was longing
to have a retreat with him, but something was blocking to go for it. At
last I came to this retreat in Feistriz an der Drau on the 27th of July
2005. In this retreat the Holy Spirit showed me the "old dead man" I was
carrying within myself. It was full of sins and dead works. For a very
long time I had not made a good confession. In this retreat I was able
to repent of all my sins and make a confession with Fr. James himself.
On the second day evening during the Mass I experienced the Living Jesus
in my heart, at that night I asked myself why my knee is not healed of
its pains. The following day during the inner healing prayer, the Lord
called out my name through the mouth of Fr. James. On the following day
morning when I rose up from my bed I had still the pain but I acepted it
with joy and praised God for I know God has His ways and plans. In this
retreat God changed my life. I decided to live for Jesus and follow Him.
Praise you Jesus, thank you Jesus.
Edward Rathkolb
Zeppelinstr. 32
8055 Graz
My name is Elena, I am 25 years old, married, I live in Linz (Austria)
and was born in Croatia. In June I attended the retreat at Thaya (A) with
my two sisters.
One week before the retreat I found out that I have two stomach ulcers,
so I went in spite of increasingly severe pain and depression.
On the first day I was only quiet and pensive, until Father James told
us to surrender our pains and problems to Jesus. Suddenly I felt so relieved
and satisfied, then I realized everything has it’s purpose.
The three days were so wonderful, I was able to eat a lot and the pain
was gone.
But something was still bothering me. Father James had prayed for everything,
but not for that which I had been waiting for. But on the last day when
he prayed for us, he said: I pray for families without children, that they
may be blessed with children. Then I knew that my prayers were answered!
At the end, Father James asked us to give testimony. Immediately I
got up, full of joy, and proudly I gave my testimony.
I glorify and praise you Jesus … Halleluja..
Münster, July 9, 2005.
Quiet and apparently indifferent, I sat in the first row. The reasons
for that were not lack of interest, but rather first of all, severe pain
in the hip (total endoprothesis) and also in the knee (total endoprothesis),
all on the left side, and stiff joints.
2) I was raised to be disciplined and not to show any feelings or “weakness”.
3)I am a convert, the Lutheran church does not have this kind of “services”.
4)I converted with Jesuits and later I was in contact with Opus
Dei (conservative strict congregation)
I received a healing: my left knee which was operated 2x, has become
more agile and almost pain-free.
I am immensely grateful to the Lord for this improvement. There are
still other sufferings which I can offer up. Praise to Jesus Christ.
Gisela Serrano
I am Diana, 12 years old, from the age of 5 I was using glasses, I
had very much pain in my eyes. Last year I heard that many people were
healed in the seminar of Fr. James at Kurascek. Then one of my friends
gave me his book in Croatian "Prayer does wonders". When I heard about
the seminar this year in July, I began to pray to the Lord for a miraculous
healing by the prayer of Fr. James. Two weeks before while I was praying,
I received a healing for my eyes. I threw away my glasses, now I can see
everything clear. I praise Jesus who healed me directly. Now I know that
Jesus is with me always and caring me.
Diana - Slovenia
I am Nicolina and I am nine years old. After last year's seminar in
Kurascek I got the book "27 charismatic prayers" of Fr. James. Once when
I was praying, I felt something like darkness falling from my eyes and
suddenly I saw Virgin Mary standing in front of me and telling me to make
personal prayer daily. Now I wake up exactly at 5:30 everyday and make
my personal prayer. I find great power in the personal prayer. After the
personal prayer during the day I feel grace in all what I do. I thank and
praise the Living Lord who taught me to pray.
Nicolina - Slovenia
cancer healed
I am Monica and I am happy to read the wonderful healing I received
from the Lord in charismatic seminar of Fr. James here at Kurascek. I was
suffering from throat cancer for 3 years. Although I was taking medicines
I was unable to speak or to sing. The dr. suggested chemotherapy and operation.
I was afraid of operation. Then I heard about the charismatic seminar of
Fr. James where many people received healings from Jesus. During the prayer
I felt something like fire touching my throat, I believed and claimed healing.
My drs. were surprised to see that i was fully healed. I praise my living
Lord! I decided to live a holy life according to God's will, now I pray
daily and go the holy Mass. I have no words to express my joy that I am
a new being by the Holy Spirit. Daily I pray for Fr. James and his mission
Monica (Slovenia)
I was a social drinker. At first I only drank one beer in pleasant company, afterwards the second, and then I drank one after another till late at night, till I was completely drunk. The next day I felt awful, I had to sleep a lot and I couldn’t work. After resting all day long, I felt good the next day, I was in a good mood and in the evening I wanted to experience something. And so it started all over again. This was repeated every second or third day. I really would have liked to stop drinking, but I wasn’t able to do so.
In March I attended a retreat with Father James in Menden. There I went to confession, the first time in almost 40 years. There I was freed from alcohol. Since then I have not touched alcohol anymore. That was 2,5 years ago now. I don’t find hard to do without it at all, not even when everyone around me is drinking. I feel wonderful. I thank and praise the Lord. Halleluja!!!
Gertrud Thiessen
Dear Father James,
For a long time I hesitated to write my testimony. But your words, dear Father James, and also the gospel of yesterday’s Holy Mass touched me deeply and I saw clearly that I could no longer delay the matter:
My name is Margit, I am 50 years old and married to Joseph. We have
a 25 year old son and live in Kapfenberg.
Six years ago I had cancer. I had a sarcoma on my right thigh. The
muscle cords affected by this tumor were removed. I didn’t go for the
radiation treatment the doctors advised after the operation and therefore
the doctors’ prognoses were not very good, because this tumor was of
a type that reoccur. At the time my family and I lived without faith and
without knowing God.
When I look back today, I am eternally thankful for that time, for it was necessary to bring me back to the way of repentance, to leave my “old” life behind, and begin a new life with GOD. At that time I realized that a life without God is nothing. In his great mercy, the LORD touched me and gave me the gift of faith and healed me. Therefore I was able to convert to the catholic faith in 2001 (before that I was Lutheran).
Through the retreat with Father James in Kapfenberg, I learned how the Holy Spirit works in me. He took away my fear of people, so that I was able to testify to my faith freely and openly – and that was not easy for me at first. My husband was also touched, so that now he is on the same path of faith with me. But I also received physical healing at that time: not only did the cancer not reoccur in the last six years; I was also healed from the very painful after effects of having the muscles removed. Often after such operations bursas filled with fluid develop, and in my case this occurred in my right groin. It caused quite severe pain, especially when sitting for longer periods of time. I had that for one year and the doctors said it should be punctured to remove the fluid. During the healing prayer I felt the healing power of God come upon me and I was freed from this pain. At first I couldn’t believe it, but 2 weeks later, when I went to the hospital for my yearly check-up, they told me, this bursitis (the medical term) was completely gone. In the meantime a year has gone by and I am still free of pain and healthy! PRAISE THE LORD! THANKS BE TO YOU, LORD!
Dear Father James, I thank you for everything I experienced through you, for your love and patience with which you bring the Word of GOD to us and shake us up again and again, and make living witnesses to the faith out of us.
May the LORD bless and protect you! Alleluia!
Yours truly,
Margit Fritz
Schweighardtweg 12
A-8605 Kapfenberg
and Elfriede
Dear Fr. James
I am very happy to give this testimony in orfder that people may praise Jesus for the wonders He is doing in your retreats. Both of us made charismatic retreats with you and renewed our Christian life and got married. In a one day program at Graz, while I was praying for a gift of a child, you called out and said in your healing prayer, "God is blessing Sigfried with a child". I believe and claimed a child and it happened soon, after three months my wife got pregnant and on January 28th. 2005 our child Benedict was born. We pray together everyday and we go for the Holy Mass regularly. I praise God for our happy family life. Daily I pray for you and for your mission.
Sigfried and Elfriede
8431 Weinburg 120
of Waltraud and her son Simon
In February 2005 I went to the retreats of Father James in Innsbruck
for the first time. I went there in order to pray for healing of our 5-year-old
son Simon, who has got the Syndrome of Down. Father James put his hands
on him and prayed for him - as well as for our other two sons and for my
husband and me.
Within a few weeks Simon started to make remarkable progress in his
development of speech as well as in his mentally and motorial development.
Also his therapists, his kindergarten teachers as well as his doctors were
astonished about his extraordinary push in development. Now Simon is able
to talk much better, he is able to express himself in whole sentences,
he has got a good vocabulary and he is able to speak clearly. Again and
again he astonishes us because of his mentally alertness.
Last week we had to go to an examination of his eyes because he didn´t see well on his right eye. He had to wear a plaster on his left eye for six hours a day in order to make his right eye stronger. Moreover at the last check of his eye half a year ago the doctor had told us that in June 2005 Simon will get glasses because of his defective vision. Since the retreats in February Simon has strictly refused to wear his plaster and so we were afraid that his eye got even worse. But then we really could experience a miracle: Simon´s visual acuity has doubled and there is no more weakness of vision left! Praise the Lord!
Simon is a very special child with a strong believe in God, his heart is so open for God. He loves to pray and sing spiritual songs and many times a day he suddenly starts praying "thank you, Jesus". Sometimes in the morning we can hear him singing "Halleluja" in his room. Sometimes he gets the cross out of his room and contemplates it together with a of a book about Jesus. That Jesus had to to suffer and die at the cross engages his attention but then he emphasizes that Jesus is alive again.
The retreats of Father James left its mark on the whole family. For
several years I had a troubled sleep, which took away my energy for the
day. I could receive healing and now I am able to sleep well every night!
At the same time I began to wake up early in the morning and so I started
to do my personal prayer, which has become very important to me. It has
become a personal need, it braces my relationship to Jesus, it gives a
lot of power to me and fills my heart with joy.
Moreover I could find a charismatic prayer-group. We can make wonderful
experiences when we pray together and each time we meet we can grow. We
can experience the love and grace of Jesus and feel that the Holy Spirit
fills us. I have a joy in my heart that I never felt before.
Also our marriage and family have changed: the love between my husband and me got deeper and our family got strenghtened. Our family prayer has become more important, our faith has become deeper and our relationship to Jesus is more alive and determines our daily life.
The words and prayers of Father James gave us a new nearness to God,
we can feel that He is accompanying us. But the most important thing
was the confession: It opened our heart for Jesus Christ and His grace.
I think the confession is the "key" to God`s grace and the Holy Spirit.
We also renewed our promise of marriage and we gave our life to Jesus.
Now we feel calm and without fear and we can accept what comes up to us
because we trust in God and in His plan that is full of love.
We are convinced that our Simon is a present of God: He loves us and
He wants to bring the whole family closer to Him.
We thank God for all His love and grace and for all His spiritual and
material blessings! Praise the Lord!
Praise Him, praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the noontime, praise Him when the sun goes down!
Dear Fr. James,
I am the mother of Bianca in the photo above, last year in May in your
retreat at Basel, Switzerland, I came with my two children, Bianca and
Tobias, and ask you to pray for many things. My daughter Bianca was suffering
from epilepsy and she was taking medicine for three years. During the healing
prayer, you said 'a little girl by name Bianca is completely healed on
her head'. On driving home, my daughter told me "Fr. James called my name
mama, I feel better". It was true. While going to the doctor, EEG showed
no more epilepsy in Bianca and the doctor asked to stop the medicine. Ever
since Bianca has no peileptic attacks. I thank and praise the Lord. Please
continue to pray for our family. My children like your CD "Singt God ein
neues Lied" and they listen to it often. They encourage other children
also to listen these songs in the Cd.
Chaletweg 1
4146 Hochwald
Dear father James ,
I am very happy to became post from you .Many thanks, also thanks for
your prayers.
You want a testimony of my healing of megrin:
I'm Ursula Gebauer,60 years old, married, 4children, 4grandschilds.
I had been suffering of terrible headaches(=megrim)about 40years,at the
end rather regularly once every 10-14 days. During the curing prayer Father
James called my name: "Ursula will be cured of megrim "
I didn't believe that I was meant. At the presence of 150 -200 persons
in Basel 2004 it could be possible that there was another person called
Ursula suffering by megrim, besides I didn't pray for healing this evening.
The next day Father James called again my name among all the others (even
if he didn't meet me before)."Ursula will be cured of megrim, why are you
doubting? Now I felt that he meant me and I was astonished. During this
event I couldn't give testimony.
At home, in the following week, I suffered by a terrible megrim, after
that attack these terrible headaches came very rarely even in spite of
burden and stress . 11 months have been passed and the headaches are very
Another experience: During 3' 2005 one morning I suffered by terrible
headaches. But my husband and I intended to pray before the tabernacle
on that day. I really dragged myself to this place .We didn't spend 2 minutes
before the tabernacle in the church when the pain left and didn't come
back. For me this experience was a real operation .---Jesus, the Saviour
wants that I come to him and give him this time. But of a matter of fact
The Saviour gives me a present.
May HE strengthen my belief I want to thank for his healing and if
I'm suffering by pains occasionally I will bear the pains for him . Praise
to the Lord !!!
My name is Alphy, from Houston Texas. After completing my graduate
studies, I was searching for a job. I was not able to get any job, while
many of my friends were getting placed.
I was praying continously to the Lord, and going to church almost everyday. One day while I was searching the net, I came across Father James website. I remember Father James, very well because the very first retreat I attended in my life was conducted by Father James. This was in Bahrain when I was a teenager.
So I decided to write to Father James to pray for me that I will get a good job soon. I wrote the email to Father James on Wednesday, April 20th. I did not expect Father James to reply, but he did so immediately. He promised his prayers for me to get a job soon and told me that the prayer group is also praying for me.
And praise the Lord, on Friday, April 22nd I got a call from my company that a client had finalized on me for a job in Philadelphia. The job was what I wished for and the pay was double what I expected as my starting pay.
Praise you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!
I wrote back to Father James, thanking him for his prayers. He informed me that in the prayergroup a lady had a vision of me getting a job and specifically mentioned that it is in Philadelphia. It was absolutely wonderful.
Thank you so much Father James Manjackal and the prayer group. I will continue to pray for you and your mission.
Praise the Lord !!
“They brought to Him all the sick, those who were afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics and paralytics, and He cured them”. (Mt.4:24). Thanks to God.
I am Robin Mathew, aged 17, studying in Collage – XI, from Mumbai, was suffering from ear-discharge for more than a year. I got admitted for Malaria disease in August 2003, and again I was admitted in Hospital for Typhoid in January 2004 when I was in the Xth Standard. Since then I was continuously suffering of cold and cough while facing the usual problem of ear-discharge. Due to above reasons my parents had taken me to many Private and Government Hospitals. However, after medical investigations all the Doctors had then told me to undergo for an immediate operation. Accordingly we had finally decided to get admitted for the operation with an ENT Specialist in a reputed Hospital in Mumbai.
In the meantime, our uncle, Mr. T.K. Chacko told us to come and attend the Charismatic Convention being held at Tilak Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai from 11th to 14th November 2004, conducted by Rev. Fr. JAMES MANJACKAL, MSFS, and there after decide of operation, as nothing is impossible for our lord Jesus Christ…and hence, with faith we should attend the Charismatic Convention with my parents.
Accordingly, I could attend the Retreat led by Rev. Fr. James Manjackal, alongwith my parents. Thousands of people of different caste and languages were attending the Convention and also a lot of sick people…praying for a touch of healing by our Lord Jesus.
During the time of prayer service being done by Rev. Fr. James Manjackal, hundreds of various sick peoples were on queue for his prayers and I was also standing among them. When my turn has come up, Fr. James Manjackal prayed over me for a while holding my head…for a touch of healing by our Lord Jesus …and then Fr. James Manjackal told me, after prayer, that “No need of going for your operation, Jesus has healed you.” Praise the Lord. After this prayer service…I have not faced any problem of ear-discharge or any frequent sickness so far…and I strongly feel, and am convinced, that our Lord Jesus has touched me, healed me, and for which I am ever grateful to our loving Lord Jesus…while giving this testimony to the world.
Thank you Abha Father…Thank you Jesus…Thank you Holy Spirit…Thank you Mother Mary…Halleluia….Halleluia….Halleluia….Halleluia….Halleluia……Halleluia..Haleluia..
With love & prayers in Christ,
Bldg 203/Flat 2470, Sector-VI, C.G.S. Quarters
Antop Hill, Mumbai-400037, INDIA. Tel. (022) 24084163.
In August 2003 I attended a retreat by Father James Manjackal in Alsace,
France with two other friends from the same rosary prayer group.
I was very excited about the retreat as I’ve heard about the many
blessings and healings experienced by several people who had attended.
In my walk with Jesus, I have experienced His healing touch in 1980’s.
Jesus had healed me of a chronic cough which I had suffered for eighteen
months. So with much faith in my heart, I prayed very earnestly for Jesus
to heal me again. I prayed for inner healing.
On the first evening of the retreat which was held in church, the healing
session began after the praise and worship session. I was praying for my
friend who suffers from ear and stomach problems. We were instructed to
place our hand on the person sitting next to us, and to pray for that person.
To my surprise and joy, I heard my name being called out. “Patricia,
Jesus is now healing your heart”. Never did I imagine my name would be
called out as I had asked for a spiritual healing. At that moment, I felt
my heart dilating, As my eyes were closed, I could see my heart expanding
very gently like on a screen. . “How great Thou Art, my Lord and Saviour!”.
I had told Jesus that if He wanted me to love my enemies like He did. He
would have to heal my heart. “Praise you Jesus for Your goodness and
mercy to me! This healing has increased m faith, that You are truly a loving
God an d that You love me”.
On the last day of the retreat during praise and worship, I experienced
a prompting. At first I was not aware of the prompting as I was happily
singing and praising the Lord. It come a second time, and suddenly I realized
it was a prompting from the Holy Spirit. The prompting was “Look at your
right elbow”, I pushed up my sleeves, and what I saw on the inner side
of my right elbow, a tendonitis which I’ve had for some months. Had completely
disappeared. Before the retreat, I had toyed with the idea of asking the
Lord to heal me of it as it had been causing me much pain. I decided against
it as I thought I should not bother the good Lord for such trivial aches
and pains, that I should suffer this for my own sanctification. This healing
has taught me that nothing is too trivial for our Heavenly Father who is
infinitely good and who loves us very much. He wants us to ask Him for
healings and blessings with the heart of a child.
In October 2004, I attended another retreat with Fr. James in Lourdes.
During the retreat I experienced many graces and blessings, one of which
is fasting. I had lost this habit for several years now, and was grateful
for the grace to practice it during the retreat. On the last night of the
retreat, my name was called out “Patricia, the Lord is healing your whole
body” The announcement filled with me with joy, but at the same time
left me quite perplexed. I had prayed for inner healing again as I had
no major illnesses. “My whole body”, I thought ! “But I’m not that
sick”. I knew that announcement was for me although there could be another
Patricias present. That evening as I was lying in bed thinking it over
and feeling quite puzzled but happy, it suddenly dawned on me that I was
breathing normally and not gasping for air as I usually do. During the
retreat, Father James ha announced a few times that Jesus was healing many
people of respiratory problems. It didn’t occur to me then that I was
one of them. “Thank you Jesus once again for your love and mercy to me.
I praise and bless you Lord. Alleluia!”
My name is Maria Vallejo-Nágera, I am 40 years of age, I was born
in Spain and I am an authoress of novels. This testimony of healing is
real, happened to me and I give my word of its genuineness.
I developed some cysts in my vocal cords when I was 20 years old. These
cysts were produced by a malfunction of the vocal cords. At that age I
liked to go out at night, to pubs and parties, and of course, that increased
to a high degree the size of those cysts.
My family brought me to a very good specialist who confirmed me that
I had 2 options: 1)I had to keep silent for a month; 2) I had to be operated.
I decided for the 1st option and that was hard. (I had to keep a little
black board with me all the time in order to communicate with people).
After that long trial, I went back to the doctor who confirmed that
I was cured, but he advised me that if I did not learn how to talk with
a special training of breathing, the cysts will come back. Only one month
later, the cysts were back. This time I was young, angry and tired and
I did not want to kept silent any more. 20 years have passed by since then
and my voice has been broken, shaken and rotten all that time. 3 years
ago a friend took me to a retreat led by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Movement. My voice those days was in a very bad shape and my doctor has
told me that the cysts have grown a lot and that I had to be operated as
soon as possible.
In one of the healing masses, I felt a strange sensation inside my
throat. It was like a tickling. I remember being very much concentrated
into prayer and I remember feeling very strongly the presence of the Lord
in the Eucharist.
Next day, when I returned to the doctor to find a date for the operation,
his astonishment was enormous when he found that the cysts have gone. I
smiled and said nothing. Only I knew that I had been cured. The doctor,
full of bewilderment, told me that I was cured, but I had to go to classes
to learn how to speak or the cysts would come back.
I started to attend these type of classes, but after some months, due
to a total lack of time, I left them. The cysts came back some months later.
And this time they came with rage.
I got many infections in the throat that year, I was always hoarse.
This was very disruptive in my life: if I had to give a lecture in the
Univesity about my novels, I had no voice, if I had to attend a TV programme,
I had no voice; if I had to present a new book , I had no voice. Nobody
knew when or where my voice was going to desert me.
Antibiotics where a normal medicine in my night table, and I become
irritated and desperate.
I remember one specifically bad week when I was really feeling sick.
Precisely in those days, a friend proposed me to go to Father James Manjakal
retreat in Santander, (north of Spain).
I went and liked immediately his preaching.
After a couple of days and deep into the retreat, father James invited
us to receive his blessings for healing.
I went to him and explained what the problem was. He accepted to pray
over my neck, putting both his hands on my throat. Then he prayed in tongues
and I prayed interiorly asking God to cure me once and for all.
After some minutes, father James told me that he was seeing a light
coming into my throat. The soft light of the Holy Spirit covering everything
inside my throat, nostrils, tongue, larynx… I was not feeling anything
at all. Actually, (and please forgive me Father), I thought that everything
was an invention of father James.
After a while, father James Manjakal said these words: “Maria, the
Lord has healed you. Go in peace.” And I went back to my pew.
I was very confused. In one hand I desperately wanted to believe in
father James words. In the other, I was not feeling any relief. On the
contrary: the pain was bad and the voice gone.
Next day I returned home bewildered. The pain was excruciating and
I could not make a single noise.
I called my doctor in panic and he told me off for not having visited
before. I had last seen him some months before and 3 big cysts were really
growing there. This information was filmed into his computer, crystal clear.
I never showed up for a last visit before the operation, (he proposed an
operation to get rid of them once and for all, but I was scared).
Reluctantly he pushed me through a very tight morning, (he had many
patients to see that day). “I told you, Maria, that I had to operate
you, but you never called me back. I knew the cysts were going to grow.
Now you are in terrible pain. Come immediately.”
When I reached his office I was in tears. I was afraid to be operated;
I was desperate with the problem that has been haunting me for 20 years,
I was disappointed with father James. Was he a charlatan after all?
The doctor put inside my throat and through my nose a minimal camera.
This is a very specific machine that is very unpleasant, (it provokes nausea
and vomiting), but is very good to see what is going on down there.
After some terrible minutes of exploration, the face of the doctor
was full of bewilderment.
There, inside my throat, the cysts were gone. Dissapeared.
Astonished, the doctor said that he could not understand how the cysts
had gone.
The camera showed in the screen of his computer 2 vocal cords clean
and perfect.
“What is going on here?”, he said…
He sent me home and told me: “Maria, I do not understand. The pain
has been caused by some irritation, but is very strange… The cysts are
gone. How come? Go home and find a good teacher of fonetics or I tell you:
they will come back.”
I arrived home in tears and went straight to mass, to thank the Lord
for his lesson. He has cured me, father James was no charlatan, and I had
a timid Faith. The Lord, by the pain, had obliged me to see a doctor. (Father
James has insisted in the retreat that we should always do so, because
their hands as doctors, had also being blessed by the Lord). Only in that
way I could be sure that He has cured me. Now the result of Father James
prayer was into a computer, again, crystal clear.
Up to now, I am still cured. Only the Lord heals. Only He know what
we need.
Thanks a lot for your prayers I believe that we will definetely see miracles happening soon.My mothers name is Eliama Jose.She was suffering from diabetes and she had constant pain in the nerves of her left leg .She was about to visit the doctor for her checkup but she said she would attend the convention at Chembur conducted by Fr. James and then visit the doctor. On the secomd day of the convention you called out her name and she was cured of the pain in her leg and the heaviness in her chest.Then next week when she had her blood sugar test it came normal and then we visited the doctor,he too was amazed at my mom's report.She had no diabetes at all.Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord . When attended the charismatic retreat with Fr. James at Chembur on 12th of November 2004, I was surrounded with many problems at home, in the office and with my friends. Although I started praying to God in the nearby Church, I could not find any solution to my problems. In the talks of Fr. James I came to realize that I had to make a good confesion and be reconciled with God to have solution to all my problems, for there were long six years since I made a good confesion. On that day I made a good confesion and to this very day I continue the habit of making confesion and I see the Lord solving all my problems. I had severe back pain till the retreat and it was difficult for me to sleep on my back and to get up early in the morning. I thank the Lord for the miraculous healing of my back pain.
Praise the Lord in the highest
I am Mrs Thressian Joseph, attended your retreat in November 2004 in
Chembur in the Municipal ground (Mumbai ). I had been a diabetic patient
for the last 12 years and now I am
totaly cured from diabetics, after the retreat I confirmed my healing
with my doctor and from the lab report the result is totally healed from
diabetic. Thank you Lord
My address and tel no 0091-22-25103647
1/4 vijay nagar sicicety vidya vihar west
Mumbai - 86
Healing testimony from Marie-Bernadette Métifeu
7 rue Jean Codeau N°33
16800 Soyaux
Healing : 25 July 2002 St James feast day
I used to smoke 2 packets of cigarettes a day. It was like a drug.
I used to pray the way of the cross, and at the 10th point ‘ Jesus
has to remove his clothes’ I used to tell Jesus to take off everything
that was preventing me from going to him except from my cigarettes. And
since one year I understood I had to stop smoking, but I couldn’t; I
had no will.
In Pontmain, the Virgin gave a message; it seemed that things would
go quickly: ‘But pray my dear children, God will answer your prayer in
a few time. My son is touched by your prayer’. I came to the retreat
to listen to Father James and also to be healed; I knew the Lord would
heal me, I didn’t know what would the healing be, but I didn’t go for
the cigarette!! I went to confession 24th July, the priest told me to stop
smoking just after my confession; it was a hard job for me! I tried all
day long, a very long day ! I asked the souls of the purgatory to pray
for my cigarette addiction, and I told them I would offer masses with the
money saved. I asked the Virgin to be so quick as in her message.
On the beginning of the retreat, I used to go out many times in order
to smoke.
25th July, St James feast day, Father Manjackal feast day, feast day
also of my brother death and of my grand-father death. On that very evening,
Father James announced healings from tobacco and cigarettes. I got the
healing; I didn’t need anylonger to go out and hide for smoking till
the end of the retreat. I don’t smoke anylonger.
The Lord heals today also; what is impossible to human beeings is possible
to God.
Thanks for all the graces received.
In May, my eye doctor diagnosed a kind of spot in the macula of my
left eye. This spot meant losing eyesight in that area, and I was supposed
to take vitamins, which, at best, were to stop, or to slow down the process,
for there was no other treatment possible. After that I went to an optician,
who confirmed the diagnosis and besides did another test on me using a
new apparatus. Indeed, there was a 50% loss of eyesight at the affected
spot. She told me the same thing my eyedoctor had said: it cannot be healed.
Naturally I was concerned and obediently took the vitamins, although I
was somewhat doubtful of their effectiveness.
In June, at the seminar with Father James in Barreda (Cantabria, Spain),
on the day of the healing prayer, I prayed for the healing of said spot.
For a long time, my name was not said, and I thought to myself, “Even
if Fr. James doesn’t say my name, the Lord will not pass me by. He knows
what he is doing, He will remember me”. So I didn’t let negative thoughts
take hold of me. Finally, I heard Fr. James say, “Barbara, you are healed.
The light of the Lord is above you.” I didn’t feel anything at that
moment, nor later on. I just accepted it in faith. I stopped taking the
vitamins, with which I was already fed up. Some weeks later the optician
repeated the test with me, but the machine didn’t show any signs of the
spot. She was very surprised and said, “Everything is perfect, but I
will repeat the whole procedure, because I know what it looked like before.”
The second test produced the same result: everything is allright. Praise
the Lord!
I took part in the retreat led by Father James Manjackal for the renewal
of the faith. My prayer group Sinai from Sestao (northern Spain) accompanied
For years I have been spiritually guided by the leaders of the group.
With their help I have gone through a process of inner healing, in which
the Lord healed more and more of the wounds of my soul (and is still doing
so). That is why Fr. James’ talks were familiar to me, because he followed
the same steps. During these days the Lord prepared me step by step, till
the moment of confession, reconciliation and healing came.
In those moments I saw my whole life as in a film being reeled out
in front of me. It became clear to me how often I had been mistaken. My
God! He gave me the grace of repentance when I saw my sins very clearly.
On Saturday, during the prayer for infilling of the Holy Spirit, it was
like a new pentecost when Fr. James called out during the healing prayer
that, in the Name of Jesus, “the lame should walk, the blind see and
the deaf hear”. At that moment my ears were opened ( I lost 40% of my
hearing ability), as if the best sculptor carefully, little by little,
was working on my ear with a hammer and chisel as if it were a figure.
I was very grateful to the Lord for this gift and although physical hearing
is very important, I want to do my best to hear him with my heart.
May the Lord increase my faith, my hope and the love in my life. He
shall the most important to me.
It was important that my husband came along. He was deeply touched
when Father James laid his hands on him. I know that the Lord touched him
at that moment and that we shall see the fruits thereof.
Thanks to Father James for being a faithful servant of the Lord and
to all the people who made this retreat possible. May God bless you.
From: Brauckmann Monika
Re: My testimony
Date: Wed. Aug. 18, 2004.
Dear Fr. James,
Gladly I fulfill your wish for my testimony and a photo of myself.
Please pardon me but I am only able to write my testimony in German.
My name is Monika. I am 45 years old. I received healing at the retreat
at Muenster, preached by Fr. James Manjackal in August 2004. I was freed
from depressions, various fears, sadness and suicidal thoughts. I am very
happy. I gave my life to Jesus. He shall guide my life.
There are 2 points I would like to emphasize:
1. Confession: how important it is. In confession I was able to forgive
3 persons who influenced my life in the past. It was not easy. I learned
how important it is to forgive. It is good always to forgive people so
that evil does not take hold of you. Forgiveness is a prerequisite for
healing. How can God forgive my sins, if I don’t forgive the sins and
weaknesses of my neighbours. I know it’s not easy, but every day you
try again and much, yes everything, is possible with the grace of Jesus.
I believe that. Thank you, Jesus, Praise you, Jesus, I love you, Jesus.
2. The danger of Esotericism: From childhood I was a very reserved, inhibited, apprehensive person with many inferiority complexes, etc. Because of this condition I started having problems with my job 20 years ago. These were followed by several physical illnesses, one of which was an inflammation of the intestines. My life was very much restricted. After being urged by a former school colleague for some time, I finally went to see a non-medical practitioner. Through her, I got involved with esoterik things. It started with a Bach flower therapy, the Bachflowers were determined with the use of a pendulum. This was followed by: acupuncture, reading esoteric books (5 Tiber, Chakras, etc.), classical homeopathy, Schüsslers salts, psychic healer, and so on….! After starting with the Bach flower remedies, I started to have suicidal thoughts, on top of that, there were more fears, sadness, attacks from the devil, etc. About 10 years ago a religious person saw the devil’s head on my face. I was finished, mentally broken. The fears got worse, I never went to bed without a cross and a rosary. It was terrible. At that time, I didn’t know that contact with esoteric things automatically involves an invisible surrender to the devil. He took possession of my soul. The devil put suicidal thoughts into my mind and vandalism into my heart. I was supposed to jump off bridges, throw myself in front of the train, jump off a balcony, etc. He took away my joy in living. I developed sexual problems. He tried to pull me away from Jesus, e.g.: stop praying, no interest in reading the Bible, etc. I said all these things in the confession and the priest prayed over me for deliverance. I cried a lot during the confession and afterwards. My bonds have been loosed and I have been set free. I am very thankful. I thank Jesus for having set me free. Thank you Jesus, praise you Jesus, I love you Jesus.
In April 2003 Dieter Hug had a HEART ATTACK. In the hospital he had
another heart attack so he had to have a 4-hour operation on his heart.
After the operation Dieter was in serious condition; he developed fiever,
had violent shivers and was in a serious crises.
His wife Ursula asked me to pray for Dieter. I prayed in our praise
group (we combine our prayers with those of Fr. James) for Dieter’s recovery.
The very same day Dieter was suddenly healed of the symptoms of his heart disease. The doctors and nurses were surprised to see that he was free of pain and able to get up. He recovered completely and is well to this day. PRAISE THE LORD!
Offenburg, August 2004.
p.p. Marianna Koger
St. Gertraud Parish rectory
June 25, 2004.
Dear Fr. James,
Here is my photo and my personal testimony.
For years I suffered from pain of the vertebra of my neck combined
with terrible headaches.
I was hardly able to move my head. The pain robbed me of my sleep.
Pills and infusions only brought relief for a short time -- until the day
you came to the rectory to see Dechant Aichholzer, who is my employer.
When you noticed that I was in pain you laid your hands on me for prayer
at the rectory. When I was finished with my work I went to the church and
there you laid your hands on me once again and prayed over me. Dear Father
James, I thank God every day for sending you to us.Since then I haven’t
had any pain, nor have I taken any more pills!!!
I thank Jesus Christ and you also Father James, for this wonderful
I pray for you everyday that our Redeemer may always protect you. Alleluia,
Wishing you God’ blessings and all the best,
July 2 2003
Testimony of Nelda Schöfer
Mitterlingweg 10
8055 Graz
Thirteen years ago I had throat cancer. Immediately I offered it to Jesus in thanksgiving, because I knew that He maks all things turn out for the good for those who love Him. Jesus healed me. But only after Fr. Manjackal called my name at the retreat for couples and said that I was healed, did I receive the courage and the strength to give testimony of the healing. At this retreat Jesus also freed me from a sin that I had not recognised as a sin before. Fr. James Manjackal also prayed for our daughter for healing of a serious illness of the foot. She is healed. Praise you and thank you Jesus, our Saviour and Healer.
Nalda Schäfer
Dear Fr. James:
This is my testimony:
In June 2003, after finding a hernia, I told to the surgeon that I
had been watching from a long time ago something hard in the lower part
of the bowel, although I did not feel any pain. The scanner found that
I had a tumor in one ovary. They operated immediately and found that the
tumor was malign,and hence I had to follow a chemotherapy treatment with
an interval
of three weeks between sessions. Days before the session corresponding
to August 19th, I received the news of a retreat that a missionary of San
Francisco de Sales, Fr.James Manjackal, was going to give in a school of
my town, Santander (Spain), and I felt a strong desire of attending the
retreat. I received a first laying on of hands on the morning of the first
day, Thursday, and Saturday, during the healing service Fr. James started
calling out names individually and then in groups, for example, four men
with the name Juan are healed, four women with the name Pilar are healed,
and then with difficulty he pronounced "Sa-gra-rio is healed" (perhaps
this name is strange to an Indian). I confess that I did not notice the
meaning of that, I heard that like another name, until I arrived to my
house and I understood and I asked for forgiveness to the Lord and I thanked
Dear Gaby and Father James
Firstly I ask Father James to forgive me for my long silence because
I don't write easily in good english as Monique. But now I am happy to
send you my testimony.
My name is Françoise, I am Indian from Pondichery, married and have
three children. I live in Paris and in my parish I am catechist. When my
confessor asked me to accept this ministry, I refused and said :"I am not
able to teach catechism to children, I was a very bad girl at school and
inside me I don't feel that God love me truly". He aswered that I needed
a spiritual recovery. A few years later, during a pilgrim at Lourdes, I
wished inside me to be baptized again. And this year my sisters who lived
in Reunion Island told me about Father James. So I accepted to put down
my name to a retreat.
During these days, specially when I confessed my sins to Father James,
he prayed with his holy hands on my head. I was born again in Spirit, I
was a new person. All my fears and sins have disappeared. Alleluia! Thank
you God !
Now my ministry will never be the same and one day my husband who doesn't
believe in God will be touched by the Holy Spirit too. I am sure ! And
I ask you, Father, please pray for his conversion. I wish to go to one
Holy mass with my husband. His name is Jean-Yves.
I pray daily for you, with love
Testimony of Ursula
Dear Father James,
About 8 years ago I got after 5 days check in the Uniklinik of Hamburg
the result: Parkinson. I was shocked and allways when I saw a person with
this illness sitting in a wheelchair I got great fear to dy in this way.
In avril 2003 I had to make a new check and when the doctor saw the computertomography
he found a little dark shaddow on it. Now I should go to let make a magnetic
resonance. The date was about one week later. Meanwhile I heard about retreats
with Father James in Pfatter and I went to these retreats. In the holy
mass Father James got words of knowledge and he said: Ursula will be healed
from a great illness and also set free from great fear. When I heared this
I took in faith this promise as words from God to me and I praised Him
and thanked with all of my heart.
When I came back I went to let make the magnetic resonance. The result
was: the doctor said to me : there is nothing to see , you have no Parkinson!
I can only see your trumbling
right hand and arm. These we will try to heal with a new medicine.
I went home to my husband and told him the news and we both thanked the
Lord for his goodness and mercy.
In that moment I could feel a great freesetting and I am so thankfull
to Jesus our savior and healer.
Many greetings to you and God bless you so much. I hope you will come
next year to Hamburg . I told this testimony to Eva-Maria and Antony Cardozo
and they also praised the Lord.
In His love we pray for another.
Yours Ursula Rohling aus Aumühle.
The marks our son Raimund had at school during the last two years were
not the best. He had problems especially in mathematics. One teacher once
told me he would never be better than “3”. Since he had final exams
to write this year, we were somewhat uneasy when he kept writing tests
with the mark “5”. Towards the end of 2003 I heard a cassette about
Praising God by Fr. James Manjackal. I started to praise God for the problems
and for the final exams. Raimund agreed to do his best and to ask God for
help (instead of going for tutoring). On his mid-term report he had “4”
in math and his other marks had also improved. Then he achieved “3”
and on one test he even got “1” (=very good). On his final exam he
achieved “2” (=good) in math. That is the mark that will be on his
final report for math. Praise the Lord! He is GOOD!
Lucy Pregel
Lindenweg 5
89287 Bellenberg
of Stefan Talos
In the last seminar in Ljublijana, St. Josephs, I took part in the
charismatic seminar conducted by Fr. james Manjackal. It was the first
time that I was listening to an Indian priest. I was very ill and I could
not move about without clutches and support because of my spinal disease.
I had severe pains on the shoulders and the back. I was treated by many
doctors. In the seminar I believed that jesus is my only Lord and healer.
I made a good confesion and decided to follow Jesus. During the healing
prayer, Fr. James called out and said, "seventy ppeople with problems of
spine and back are healed". I believed and claimed the healing. Immediately
I threw away the clutches and stood on my feet praiseing Jesus. It is one
and a half years since I am healed. I am happy to give this testimony at
Kurescek when Fr. james is giving his second seminar in Slovenia
Stefan Talos
Zg. Brnik 115
Cerklje 4207
On the first day of Fest for Jesus in Graz, at the first class of Pater
James, I went to play football with the other kids while I did not obey
my mother who told me to stay and listen the class.
I was very busy with the game and following the ball, just I wanted
to kick it by the head but I crashed with my nose against the head of one
of the players and I fell on ground and my nose was bleading profusely
and I felt very dizzy.
At once my sister Simone and my mother came to scene and called dr.
Richard who decided to take me to the hospital to make sure that my nose
is not broken. My nose was bend and he wanted the doctors to bring it to
the right position. I felt frightened hearing all this.
For four hours we spent in the Hospital and I missed the best part
of the retreat, which was the childrens programm. I was so sad. When we
came back to the place in the evening Pater
James asked me. Why I was not listening to his class...
So I was thinking with my mother what did I learn in that situation:
1)I have to obey when my mother is telling me what I must do
2)I must praise the Lord for everything whatever happens.
3)I must thank God that He showed me the right way because of that
what had happened.
After the second day my name was called out by Fr. James during the
healingprayer. I knew then that the Lord was healing my nose and was taking
away the shock of the accident. The Holy Spirit filled my heart with joy
and love.
and Jürgen
Dear Pater James!!
July 5th, 2004
With the 15th of May 2003 my gynecologist informed me that I can will
never get my own children. In an exam at the hospital my doctor discovered
blocked oviducts.
At that time I said to my friend that I will not give up. I will undertake
everything within morale limits to get a child even if the medical experts
tell me that this is no longer possible.
At that time I started to watch out for possible ways of healing in
the internet. To my great pleasure, I found the name of Pater James Manjackal
and the great web-page he and his team run for desperate women like me.
On those exciting, assistance rendering web-pages I have read, how many
women he already healed by praying to Jesus and asking him for the wonder.
In September my friend and I sent a photo of us and described our problem
in a letter to Pater James Manjackal. He then mailed back to us and promised
to pray for us and ask Jesus to make it possible that we will receive our
child, irregardless of the bad diagnosis of the medicines.
The wonder happens: with the beginning of November I became pregnant.
My greatest dreams came true without any additional hormones or other medicals.
Nature and the holy spirit of Jesus gave us the best chance of our life.
In June we both married. A week later the incredible became reality.
Our child, Daniela, was born Friday the 25th of June 2004. A marvelous
girl, well developed with 3.6 kg weight and 51 cm length came to this world.
The biggest miracle of our life has come true.
With the same intensity as I thank Jesus for my pregnancy, I like to
express my deepest appreciation to Pater James Manjackal. He prayed to
god father and thanks to his mediation we now get the opportunity and the
great honor to receive a child from god. We wish you dear Pater James for
the future that your great strength and intimate relations to god father
remain always as strong as in our case.
You will always take a special place in our hearts.
Irène and Jürgen Söchtig, Glattbrugg / Switzerland
I attended your retreat at Pfatter near Regensburg. Outside you asked
me to send you my testimony via e-mail.
I have attended 7 retreats during the last 2 years. I have changed completely. My back pain was healed. I was freed from my bad habits and last year I was also freed of my severe allergic asthma. Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus! At last my wife also went to a retreat. My son Mathias went to a retreat last year and he said: Dad, I wouldn’t trade my 25 years for these 5 days”. Thank you Jesus for these words. That’s enough for me. Thank you Jesus, praise you Jesus! I would like to encourage everyone to put their lives in Jesus’ hands and to patiently wait for HIM to change our families and our illnesses according to His will. I followed the advice to get up early in the morning to praise the Lord. The dear Lord gives me His joy. And I can tell Him: YOU TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING!
God bless you Fr. James!
Tibor Varga
Bernd Kufner
Dear Fr. James,
From July 9th to 12th 2003 I attended the retreat at Hassfurt with my 12-year old son Alexander. This was a very inspiring time for me and my faith in Jesus was strengthened. Now I will be stronger in following Jesus in my everyday life. My prayer life has changed dramatically, that is, I spend much more time in prayer and I enjoy it. Besides, I claimed the healing of my stomach and intestinal problems. I am very grateful to Jesus for that. I am also very happy that the Holy Spirit filled me with love. Praise and thanks to the Lord.
My son enjoyed the retreat. He has already asked when we will go to a Christian seminar like that again.
Wishing you love and God’s blessings for your work
Bernd Kufner
Vinzenz Muchitsch Str. 60
8020 Graz
I am a married wife from Slovenia working and leaving in Graz, Austria. For two years I was having cancer in the uterus. I came to the "Mariengasse" Church for the "one day healing program" conducted by Fr. James Manjackal in last November. He prayed over me and to the surprise of the doctor I was completly healed. I was operated three time previously to remove the cancer, but it was coming again and again. From November onwards I am perfectly healthy. I praise my Jesus, who healed me and gave me a good health. My family and I will serve the Lord.
Dear precious Father James,
First, I would like to deeply thank you to get us the opportunity to be in contact with you by email and to transmit you our prayer requests. I hope that everything is OK for you !
In 5th november 2003, I wrote you a letter in which I gave you my prayer requests. You promised me to pray for all the intentions mentioned in my letter and you wrote me that I will see the miracles of the Lord one after the other. I noticed some miracles of the Lord and I would like to share them with you :
- Manuel in Portugal had trouble with a great problem of health in his
stomach and in his lungs. I met him in may in Lourdes and he is able to
eat without troubles. He is having a progressive recovery.
- Irène, an apostle of divine Mercy has multiple problems of health.
During a mass, the Lord touched her problems of knee. She couldn´t kneel
down for praying and now she is able.
- During my confession with you in Verrieres (next to Poitiers, in
France, October 2003), I asked help to the Lord for being able to forgive
my father. For Christmas, the Lord invited me to really forgive him. I´ve
been in great spiritual fight during three days, it was so much difficult
to forgive him. I decided to forgive him and prayed to Virgin Maria to
help me. When I saw him, I didn´t discuss, I´ve just smiled at him full
of love. My father has been filled with a great joy. I offered a mass for
the unity of the family during Christmas holidays. Now when I see my father,
I feel no anger, no hatred, no bitterness but love and peace. Months later,
my father proposed me to work with him for filing a patent and for finding
a partner who will develop the patent. I´ve decided to trust him and work
with him. For the celebration of the divine mercy (18th April 2004), I´ve
helped a friend for the organisation of this day. My parents came to this
celebration (teaching of the Love of God, mass and rosary of divine mercy
and the meditation and the kiss on the picture of merciful Jesus) during
6 hours. Normally, my father never comes to the mass and he came this day.
It was a real miracle to see him this day.
Thank you God for all these miracles and thank you Father James for your intercession ! God bless you and thank you a hundredfold !
This year my husband Gottfried and I are going to celebrate our silver
wedding - we have been married since 12.10.1979.
Our daughter, Elke, is 18 years old. As many families, we had to pass
through very difficult times, but Jesus took us out from darkness to light
to live a holy life together. Here I write my testimony.
In spring 1999 I separated from my husband, we had quarrelled all the time and we hadn´t felt any love for each other anymore. During our marital crisis I got help and strenght by some therapies and so I fell in Esoterik. Althought I used to pray, I wanted a divorce, but my husband didn´t want it.
About one year later I met a man and we fell in love. I was sure that
he was my "real love". I had never been so happy before and I thanked God
for it. I started to pray more. Once I came to an one-day program with
Father James and his words and prayers touched my heart but I did not make
any change.
At the beginning of the year 2003 my daughter went also to two one-day
programs and later for a charismatic retreat of four days in March 2003
with Father James. In this retreat she also heard a lecture about Esoterik
from Anneliese Scherer and Father James said, that´s important to destroy
all esoteric things and all that are connected like books, symbols, etc
My daughter and I decided to destroy all esoteric things like the bottles
with drops from Dr.Bach, esoteric books and homeopathic medicines. We hadn´t
known that there were so many bad things in our flat! I also destroyed
the prescriptions about my therapies. When I was destroying them suddenly
I got a terrible pain in my stomach - a real cramp.
At the same time many thoughts came into my mind: "What have you done?
Without the esoteric therapie you wouldn´t have left your husband. You
committed adultery and you live in mortal sin. But it´s not too late,
you are not divorced yet. You can change your life, you only have to go
back to your husband."
I was shocked about these thoughts and I spoke loudly to Jesus: "Jesus,
I´ll do everything, but not that, it´s too late, you know I love my boyfriend
so much!"
But the Holy Spirit didn´t leave me in peace, he said: Your "real
love" is based on a mortal sin and it´ll never have any blessings. Your
boyfriend is not married yet, but through the relationship with you he
becomes also an adulterer and he also lives in mortal sin."
I felt very bad, I didn´t know what to do. From this time on I wasn´t
able to pray the Lord´s Prayer. I wasn´t able to say: "Your will be done"
My daughter told me to pray and open the Holy Bible.
I got the bible vers Lk.9,57 - The Words clearly told me to follow
Jesus and His way
I had to fight with myself, but in the end I trusted in Jesus, I was
willing to give up everything and to let me fall into the hands of Jesus.
On Sharve Tuesday I broke up with my boyfriend and we went both to
confession. The next step was to speak with my husband, already the divorce
was prepared and it only needed to be signed. But I had no courage. During
my prayer I opened the bible again and I got 1Chr. 28,20. After reading
it I received much strength and courage to go to my husband. I told him
that I didn´t want a divorce any more and I asked him for forgiveness.
I told him my whole story. He said that he forgives me, but he wasn´t
able to trust me any more, he couldn´t believe that I meant it serious.
In my heart I was very sad and I couldn´t stand parting with my boyfriend.I
used to cry everyday. During the Lent I felt very bad. I gave my sadness
to Jesus as a sacrifice. My hope was Easter, the resurrection of Christ.
I was sure I would recieve happyness, but nothing happenend. I became more
and more sad and I was in darkness. I asked Jesus:" You say: "Follow me
and you´ll recieve peace and joy!" "Why am I always so sad and hopeless?"
Suddenly the retreats with Fr. James came into my mind and I felt a
strong need to take part in it.
In June 2003 I went to one of his retreats in Mitterdorf in Austria.
In a counselling I told Fr. James my whole story. He told me:" I pray for
you" and he layed hands on me and prayed. At this moment I got a new heart,
I was healed from all the pain and sadness. I felt peace and I was happy
for the repentance in the right time. Since this time I gave Jesus the
first place in my life.
One year ago I gave my testimony at the "Fest for Jesus" in Graz.
Now, about one year later, I can say that Jesus is joining us together
more and more. We made our first trip together as a "family" (with our
daughter) to the Holy Land - Israel, with Pfr.Sterninger. It was the first
pilgrimage for my husband. We were very inspired and Jesus touched our
heart! About a few weeks ago, after a confession, I recognized that´s
necessary to give up my work as a doctor´s assistant (since our seperation
I have worked to earn my own money), to spend more time with my husband.
So Jesus is joining us together and he is also joining us to Him. I praise
and thank Him for His great love for us, for all his wonders and for His
servant Fr. James.
Here is our family photo taken in Jerusalem
My dear Fr. James,
My family and I know you for a long time as we have attended several of your retreats. I don’t know whether you remember that in March I sent you an email asking for a healing. For seven years I had a severe pain on the left side of my stomach. No medicines could help me. I am nurse working in a hospital. In your reply you told that after reading the email I should pray a while and that a miracle would happen. I believe your words and prayed and it happened that I have no more pain. I am fully healed. I am sure that you prayed for me, that is why I was healed. I enclose 100.- Euros as donation for your mission. I promise to pray for you daily. May God bless you and your mission richly.
Anu James, Wien, 06.05.04
Bolo Alberte
Dear Fr. James,
This is my testimony of healing of headache. I attended your charismatic retreat at Lourdes in October 2003. I was suffering from a violent headache for two years. It was making me crazy and I even thought it was an affliction by the evil spirit. Once I get the headache I can not do anything, I can not drive, I can not do my household works, I could not pray loud. I always desired to sing and pray loudly. No doctors could find a remedy for my headache. My husband was much worried about me. When I attended your retreat I had much hope that I would be healed. During the healing prayer, you clearly told “Alberte you are healed”. At that moment itself I felt healing and began to sing and praise the Lord loudly. I took off the “headband” by which I was tying my forehead to control the pain. I am fully recovered from it forever. Now it is eight months, I can drive my car and do all my works. I thank and praise the Lord for healing me and liberating me. I pray for you that you may continue preaching the Gospel and demonstrating it by signs and wonders. Kindly continue to pray for me and my family,
Madame Bolo Alberte
13 Rue de la planté des champs
95360 Montmagny
France 14.05.2004
My name is Antonija Majstorovic and I’m member of the prayer warrior
chain and I would like to give my testimony for the glory of the Lord.
On the second seminar in Split, in August 2001. Lord has healed me.
I had problems with my right ear and my right nostril. I couldn’t hear
with my right ear, and I couldn’t breathe through my right nostril. When
Fr. James announced that Lord is healing sicknesess of the head and ears
and said: “Antonija, you are healed !” I felt that I could normaly
breathe and that I could normaly hear.
The Lord has also liberated me of the fears of persecution nad gave
me the gift of faith that I could follow His way.
Antonija Majstorovic
Kaštel Stari
Split, Croatia
31st December 2003
Dear Father James!
I love you so very much and pray for you. I send you showers of God’s
blessings for you mission.
This is my testimony:
My husband and I brought to our marriage a lot of wounds and sicknesses
inherited by our family trees.
Before our conversion we used to fight and put blame to each other.
I was the first one to convert ; I prayed for 5 years for conversion of
my husband. He is now a true apostle of Jesus. Children are healed of heavy
allergies and I’, healed of migraine headaches and feeling of suffocating.
At the prayer meeting with Fr.James, last year in church in Siget in
Zagreb, I experienced encounter with Living Jesus.
I was diagnosed a cyst on my left breast which had to be punctured
to discover its nature.
I had obstacles for going to seminar, but I still went. During the
prayer I felt very sick I even wanted to go out of the church . My husband
was praying for me during the healing prayer. Then Fr.James started to
call out names and he called my name . He said: “ Now Jesus is healing
Slavica.” I felt warmth in my body and I saw light, I knew I was getting
healed. Now the cyst is gone which is confirmed by medical tests (mammography).
Haleluia to Jesus!
May God give you strength in you job of evangelization.
Horvat family
Slavica, Andelko, Ana i Antonio
with Lukas
Dear Father James,
I wrote you in November 2001 (see attached text) that I've problems
with my studies organich chemistry) and with "a girl".
You promised me your prayers. From this time on my marks changed from
the worst grade to the best grade!! I'm very happy to tell you and I want
to thank you therefore!
Now two years later I beg you again to pray for me. The problems in
school disappered, as I said and I was able to get "the girl" out of my
mind as you told me.
This worked for about one and a half year. But now, especcially during
holidays, it's really hard not thinking about her. Sometimes, when I try
to sleep, I think of her and about a future, whitch may exist or not!
Another problem with "the girl" is, I meet her at different youth festivals
(Pvllau,...). She lives about 150km away from me and so there should be
no problem the get her out of my mind. But when I see her I have to "work"
for weeks to get her again out of my mind.
I've got also some other little problems, but I'm sure they all will disappear if you pray for me!
Thanks in advance
--- "Fr. James Manjackal" wrote:
Dear Lukas
I promise my prayers to you that you may be able to concentrate on
your studies."the girl"in your mind is making trouble,try to get it out
from your mind. Now it is time to study.Give priority to your studies.
God bless you richly Phili 4:19
--- "lukas.albert" wrote:
Dear Father James,
My name is Lukas, I'm 18 years old an I'm attending a chemistry school
in Vienna. You have been in AUstria this year for several times (e.g. in
Ovllau) and so I know you and hope you can help me!
Here are my problems:
I'm working really hard, but I've got some trouble at my school with
a special subject called organic chemistry! The main problem is, if I can't
get a positiv makr in this subject, I can't go ahead with my, education.
And that means that I won't be allowed to study (maybe theology, I don't
know) at the university.
The second problem (which is very smaller than the first one) is I
know a young girl in my age. I fell that I love her, but I'm not sure and
I'm to shy to speak with her about this!
So I beg you to pray for me and my problems! I'm sure my problems will
disappeare if you pray for me and the LORD lead me and show me the way
I have to go!
Thanks in advance
Following a deep desire I found after some difficulties at least a
way to attend the retreat for inner-healing in Seggau (Stmk.). It seemed
to me that Jesus really called me to come there. Thank you Jesus, praise
you Jesus!
These days were the greatest days in my whole life! Never before I
could feel the presence of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in this
way. I got the grace to forgive and I got a complete inner-healing. When
Fr. James said that some persons have got a new heart and called out my
name too I immediately claimed it for me. Suddenly I had an image: From
the depths a beautiful, white, gleaming heart was raising very slowly.
In the same moment I knew that this is my new heart washed and cleansed
by the blood of Jesus. Tears of joy run down my cheeks and I had a feeling
of happiness which I can't describe.
My life has changed since then. I feel much better than before with
much more joy, love and peace in me. My anxiety and the permanent worry
about my son have nearly disappeared. I am able to rely on the providence
of God and I don't feel the urge anymore to arrange everything by myself.
Now I have a very close relationship to Jesus and no hour passes without
thinking of him!
At the end of the retreat I got the gift of praying in tongues. Praying
is joy for me now and I love it to "meet" Jesus in my personal prayer.
I praise Jesus and thank him for all he has done and will do for me
in the future and I ask him for his richest blessings and protection for
Fr. James, that through the preaching and the prayers of Fr. James many
people will be conversed and healed!
Brigitte Kaar, Linz, Austria
Doctor Caillet testomony
Dear Friend,
During the retreat of Father James in Verrières, my wife, Claude, and I prayed for her brother Richard, who lives in Spain, and suffers since many years from diabet , hypertension (high blood pressure) and excess of cholesterol. He had a treatment by hypoglycémiants, and sometimes insuline. He is a computer engineer at an international level, and since a few months he would experience a spectacular return to faith and to sacrament. During healing prayer, Father James announced the healing of a certain Richard and we hoped it would be our Richard. Since, my brother in law told me he had many hypoglycémie (high level sugar) accidents, so he had to stop the sugar treatment. This morning, his Doctor told him that the tests taken ten days ago were all normal. My brother in law asked the doctor if she believed in God, she answered no but she had a smile agreeing it was a surnatural healing.Praise the Lord; we would be happy if Father James would be informed of this present God gave us. Your brother in Christ.
Doctor Caillet.
PS. I had my self a healing of periartrite scapulo-humeral during healing
prayer made by Father Manjackal.
10th of November 2003.
My wife and me have participated in Verrières retreat, and we want
to thank you for your teaching, founded on the Word of God, notably for
your refusal of compromising with others religions and with diverse modern
I have been cured, during your prayers of a rheumatism of the shoulder,
and my brother in law, living Madrid, who translate for you this email
seems be cured of a diabetes, for what you have announced the healing of
a certain Robert, for who we had specially prayed during the retreat
Favour of advance.
Filially yours in Christ.
Doctor Maurice Caillet, member of the Catholic Writers Association
Testimony of Celina
My Dear Fr.James,
How are you?I hope you are well by the grace of God.Sometime back I
had written to you about my father's spondolysis and about my Aunty heart
problems.Both are much better,my father's spondolysis has almost disappeared
while my Aunty heartbeat is coming to normal.I thank God for this wonderful
miracle.I also thank you Father for praying on my
behalf to Jesus.
How is the evangelisation going? How was it in Saudi Arabia? How is
the climate over there?There is nothing more left to add,
Yours obediently,
In the month of May 03 my daughter invited my wife and myself on a holiday to New Zealand. She had also taken an insurance policy which expired in early November. A few days later I developed a bad chest congestion and cough with difficulty in breathing. Gradually my condition worsened and breathlessness increased. I was taken to hospital on the 6th of Nov, it was detected that my condition was serious with multiple complications. I was told that I had a complete Heart-Block - a condition where the electrical signals passing along the conduction pathways of the heart had stopped. My heart rate was now 35 to 40 beats per minute with the possiblility of dropping further - a dangerously low rate and life threatening and the decision to implant a pace-maker was imperative.
My wife and I put our complete trust in the Lord and we prayed hoping for an instant miracle. At this stage my daughter sent Fr James Manjackal an urgent email requesting his powerful intercession and that of his prayer group. Fr James, incidently is renowned for his faith healing world-wide. I have always requested Fr James on several occasions for his intercession for various other ailments for our family. Fr James has been the instrument of support for me. I have experienced many miracles in my life. I am deeply grateful to Fr James Manjackal who in my reqest for his prayers for this operation, had a vision of the Lord healing me.
Though I was sedated, I was completely conscious and I had a clear vision of the Lord performing my operation. It was a complete success. I praised and thanked God loudly in the theatre and told the doctors of my vision. They were astounded but extremely happy.
The Lord worked wonders by inspiring my daughter who spoke to the authorities about our financial difficulty. The hospital was very understanding and waived the entire amount.
I praise and thank God for this great miracle and healing and I give glory to His name. I praise God for the power of His Spirit, which gave me the victory through Jesus's shed blood. I thank God for making it possible for me through this testimony to bring many souls around the world to the mercy and confess that He alone is my God, my helper and my protector. Henceforth, my entire confidence shall be placed in Him and I shall proclaim everywhere His mercy and generosity so taht His great love and the great deeds performed by Him may be acknowledged by all who experience His assistance. That they may persevere with me in showing increasing gratitude and a tangible expression of my love for the Lord Jesus for which be praise and glory forever.
Finally, my profound thanks to all, especially my wife, children and grandchildren for their unstinted prayers for me. May God enrich them with His blessings abundantly.
Thank you Fr for your prayers.
With love
Ron Callaghan
New Zealand
Testimony of Silvie
Thanks Father for everything you gave us and thanks for your great love
of Christ.
I came to look for inner healing and I received it when you
I had problems to sleep. Either I couldn’t fall asleep, or I would
wake up in the middle of the night without being then able to fall asleep
again. I was tired when it was time to get up; I would hate the alarm o’clock;
I also had back ake; I couldn’t move properly my head, it would hurt
a lot. This pain disappeared not all of a sudden, but progressively. Now
the pain disappeared totally. I feel more peace, my sleep is regular now;
no problem to fall asleep, no waking up during the night I also see things
in a different way; I am less worried, and above all, I don’t feel responsible
for the misfortune of others. All feeling of culpability vanished.
Sylvie Palacios
Testimony of Marie and Jean Rault
Dear Father James,
How could I express with words what I live inside of me ? Above all,
thanks for your great faith that leads us to the loving heart of our Lord.
Thanks for your kindness we can see on your face, in your Alleluia and
in your smiles. Thanks for the gift of your life in order to save our souls.
We had the grace to live the retreat as a couple; We already loved
each other very much, but since the retreat, beautiful it is !
The rhythm of our life was so full that we hardly had time for Jesus, and
watching TV in the evening seemed to give us some relax after our children
were in bed.
We were seeking for something else, and were asking for this grace
in our prayers and in sacraments, but we didn’t have courage to switch
off the TV in order to pray together. Since the retreat, we didn’t watch
TV any longer and we spend our evenings by talking together and praying
together. We are freed from the attraction of TV; God is great, thanks
You surely remember Thomas, our fifth child, who had chocolate for
the first time (he was 10 month old) in your hotel in Verrières; You gave
chocolate to him and to all his brother and sisters after you prayed over
them. Each time Thomas had a new tooth, he had asthma; the 2 last teeth
came out without any asthma, thanks Lord. But Myriam, Antoine and Benedicte
still have asthma, and we go on asking this grace to the Lord our Saviour.
Our children thanked us for having being at the retreat; they are small
(8, 6 and 4 years old) but they feel how it is good to live always closer
to Jesus. Since the retreat, Antoine our second child, says that he desires
to be a priest, carpenter and saint, isn’t it beautiful ? Pray for him,
because on the 21st of February, he will receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
for the first time.
My husband is now writing the letter:
I wish to thank you because since the retreat, the Lord gave me the
gift of praising him all the time, to be in adoration, and close to the
virgin Mary when praying the rosary. I thank Jesus for He is so merciful.
Every two days I had crises of stomac ake, I suffered a lot from it
and I was tired. The Lord healed me, and I thank him so much. Praise the
Lord !
Our twin daughters did experiment the holy Spirit: at the age of 41/2,
they still had nappies at night; after the retreat, I felt I shouldn’t
buy nappies again, and I should ask to their angel to wake them up if needed,
and then they could give the spare money to an orphanage . They were very
happy at this idea, they choose a name for their angel, and they never
did pi in bed again since that day. The Lord is great, Alleluia.
Receive our prayer and thanks a lot. We hope to see you soon... in 2004 if possible.
Marie and Jean Rault
Parents of Myriam, Antoine, Benedicte, Emmanuelle, and Thomas.
I am Sheela and my husband is Thomas.We are from Kerala, India but living now in Switzerland. After our marriage for long eight years we had no children. No doctors could find suitable treatments or solutions for us to have children. Some doctors said that we would never have children. But we were praying to God for a child. We were ready to accept Gods will whatever it be. In the year 2000 I met Fr. James Manjackal in a retreat at Vienna, Austria and asked his prayers for the gift of a child. He laid his hands over my head and prayed and gave a message with a smile,”Sheela the Lord Jesus is giving you not one child but two. I see one girl child and a boy child” I fully believed his words because I know that he is a man of God through whom m any miracles are happening. True to His prophecy we have two children now, a two year old girl and eight months old boy! I along with my husband thank and praise the Lord who listens to the prayers of His Spirit filled servants. We pray daily for Fr. James and his mission all over the world. Praise the Lord who does wonders and miracles.
Sheela Thomas
Altmoos Str.17
8157 Dielsdorf,
healed from HIV and pneumonia, testimony by his sister Catherina
I, Catherine, the mother of Noah write this testimony to praise and
thanks the Lord for His wonderful deeds among His people. When I heard
that my brother was critically ill and was actually on the point of dying
with HIV infection, which was complicated with pneumonia, I decided to
bring him over to Germany, not to show him to the veteran doctors of this
country, but to show him to the greatest doctor Jesus. As a doctor I knew
the danger of this disease but my faith in Jesus is more than my faith
in my medical profession. I wanted him to experience Jesus the healer through
the preaching of Fr. James Manjackal, who is well known in Europe for his
preaching and healing ministry. My plan was to make him attend his retreat
at Kevelar but his condition became worst and he had to be admitted in
the hospital. I attended the retreat on his behalf. When I went to Fr.
James and ask him to come over to the hospital to pray over Noah, he could
not find time as hundreds of people were standing in queue to have a touch
of him or a word from him. The doctors do not allow Noah to come out of
the hospital. I was not disappointed. I was like the “wrestling Jacob”
in the Old Testament, who would not let God go until He would bless. Fr.
James promised that he would pray for my brother and he assured me that
he would be healed. Then Fr. James laid his hands over a holy priest Fr.
Piere who too was attended the retreat and authorized him to do a healing
service for my brother in the hospital. He told me to tell Noah to make
a good confession and be in the state of grace top receive a healing by
the prayer of Fr. Piere. I was quiet sure that god would do a miracle.
As Fr. James authorized, Fr. Piere laid his hands and prayed for my brother
Noah, miracle happened! My brother was discharged from the hospital after
two days. Now he is working with good health in the United States. The
last report of the doctor was in June 2003 with the mention that HIV virus
count was below detectable level. Praise the Lord! Haleluja! More than
this, I testify that my brother became a new person as he came out of the
hospital, he stopped his forty years of habit of smoking cigarettes. He
was not a believer before but now he believes in Jesus, goes daily for
the Holy Mass and pray much.
My dear Fr. James I too received many blessings from your retreat, I will write them later. I am sending regularly every month to your account for your mission. Thank you for your ministry for me and for my brother
C. Adapoe-Doamekpor M.D.Ph.D.
Diefflerstr. 175
d- 66809 Nalbach Germany
of Karmen Jurišic
Dear Father James,
First of all I would like to thank you for your prayers. I was at your
seminar in Ljubljana on February -with my 9 month doughter Petra and my
familly. Jesus gave her new life and I would like to thank Jesus again
and You as all my family get a new hope, and I do believe that she is recover
(I dont have medical proff yet- but doctors are supprised how she progress...)
She is 19 month old now - she still can not walk.....BUT I believe
that her healing still countinuing and I am very very greatfull to Jesus
to send You as his apostol. Attached I am sending you her picture.
Jesus changed my life completly. I pray daily for her and I am a member
of prayer Prenova in Kranj, we go to holly Mass too. I wish you a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year and as I am also your prayer warrior I thank
You and thank Jezus to call You as his apostol and let God bless You and
save You where ever You are and You go.
Your reply will be very appreciated.
My home address is
4000 KRANJ
Testimony of Lidija Puš
Dear Father James,
I wish to give my testimony of all beautiful things which happened to me since I've started to pray with your prayer warrior group.
Maybe in a few words for beginning. Me and my children were living in Zagreb, Croatia. Before two years something really bad happened to me. As this event is so bad and painfull for me, I with the heavy heart decided to remove from Zagreb. In last year me and my children came to live into Ljubljana, Slovenia. As I'm a Croatian one and a foreign citizen in Slovenia, it's quite difficult to me to find o job.
As the work is so important in our lifes, two months ago I joined your prayer warrior group. I asked for prayers for me to help me to find an employment and to get a lot of job in translating as I wish to return my doubts and have a normal life. I also asked for protection and blessing for my children and me and our family. I am happy to report that my prayers have been answered with your prayer Fr. James.
Only a three weeks after I've started to pray with your prayer warrior group, my father completely unexpected made a big and life important gift to me and my children. Dear Fr. James, as this gift is so unexpected for me and as I even did not ask for gifts, only for job, it is my firm belief that this gift is grace for me and my children which we obtained with your prayer. Thank you Fr. James. One week after that I get the biggest wording for translating I've ever get. I must say that in my whole life (and I have a 17 years of experiences in translating) I've never get such a big job.
This summer me and my children didn't plan to go to vacation. Somehow, I don't know how, situation has changed and we went to vacation. You can imagine how happy we were. During the vacation some jobs appeared to be done. I recognized these jobs as an opportunity to me to return my father all his kidness by working, so I tuck up my sleeves and done all this jobs with great pleasure.
Dear Father James, I know that all these happened thanks to you and that my prayers have been answered with your prayer. Thank you. I'm still looking for an employment but these beautifull things which happened filled up my heart with gratitude and gave me a new hope.
I will continue to pray with your prayer warrior group every day. May God bless you and keep you Father James from all harm.
In Jesus and Mary
Lidija Puš 04.09.2003
1356 Dobrova (near Ljubljana)
Franz Haimerl
My dear loving father James,
Your message I KNOW WHO I AM has really strengthend my faith. And I will never turn back from this I AM, and the Lord is with us. This is kernel of living in Jesus Christ.
Testimony (photo is attached):
In the month November, when You prayed for the repose of the souls
of my ancestor, my family really was showered with blessings. My parents
- Franz Michael Haimerl, Anne Theodore Haimerl (born Köpf) -do not believe
in God, my mother had a lot of bitterness and my father still is a rock
hard unbeliever, and they do not live together. They both could not speak
with me without bitterness and accusing me or others. But know, since the
last weeks, I could meet my mother in peace, and my father in peace. And
my mother, who could not bear the name of God, Jesus Christ, in my mouth,
now she could hear me speaking about WHO I AM. I could find the good words
to speak about the light and the dark, the water and the dry, and we had
a peaceful morning. And also with my father I could do a step forward to
a peaceful meeting. I praise our Lord. Thank You for Your praying.
Thomas Franz Haimerl
Kastelburgstraße 51, 81245 München
Tel 089/8632368, Fax 86389564,
Testimony of Marie-Agnès
Guebwiller - France, the 28 October 2003
Dear Father James,
I send you my little testimony. Please accept my apologies for my bad
At the beginning of 2003, I receive your book EUREKA, direct from the
editor. I have never ordered it, and nobody sends me this book as gift.
I never receive any invoice or other paper for this sending. At this time
I had never heard from James Manjackal. The reading of the book was very
A little later, I receive the program of retreats from the Sister St. Joseph from Gueberschwihr. Your retreat was announced, but I have no time, any holidays. I was not inscribed early. But later my chief say that I can utilise ! the hours worked in advance and we have short-time working. I think that Jesus wills that I come to this 4 days retreat.
Gueberschwihr - France 16 to 19 October 2003 On Saturday afternoon,
Father James say : "Marie-Agnès Praise the Lord" it was all. I have pray
and praised during all the day. At
the end of the retreat, I was free, light like a butterfly, and with
much love, joy and peace in my heard. I had always my little pains and
think that the recovery was not for me. I say thanks to God, for al the
marvellous days we have lived together.
Yesterday evening, 28th October, after the pray with the charismatic
group from Cernay, it was late, we have a long talk after the meeting.
I was too tired to take a shower at this evening. Usually I can not take
a shower early in the morning and no wash the hair. My back is so stiff
and painful, so that I cannot lean forward the head for washing the hair.
I feel me sick. This morning, I take a shower, wash my hair, and also cut
the nails form my feet without any problems, or pains. My back is lithe
and fully painless.
Since two years, I have a spiritual father. He says to me, last time that I muss search or create a group with peoples in my age bracket and feeling. I always with peoples a lot older than I, so that I begin to think and live like these old persons. Please pray the holly spirit for me, so that I can find a good group to make progress together in our spiritual live.
Thank you and God bless you
Your Marie-Agnès
Ana - I am healed of my cancer
My name is Ana Pikunic, I am from Zadar. We have met on 21. Sept 2003.
in monastery of St. Maria in Zadar and I promised I would write to you
about my healing.
Two years ago, in 2001, I had lymph cancer - Non-Hodgin. A tumor grew
beetwen heart and pulmonies and after an operation I was receving a chemotherapy,
six of them. It is important to say that I was certain that God would heal
me and show His love and mercy through my life and my illness.
During my third therapy I was present on your seminar and while in
healing prayer you said : 'Ana you're healed of cancer'. I was sure that
was me, inspite that Ana is common name. Now I am fully healed. I praise
God for His healing touch. I believe god sent you to Croatia as a prophet
to heal us.
I always thank God and praise Him for my healing and my new life.Our
God is a mighty God. He is alive. He heals us. Halelluja
Ana Pikunic,
Jeretova 7a, 23000 Zadar
Blanche D’Souza.
Dear Fr. James,
I am thankful to Our Lord Jesus Christ for having answered my prayers
through your intercession. As per your instructions, my mother made a good
confession, heard mass and received Holy Communion on 23rd May 2003, and
was prayed over by Fr. Jose Prakash, an anointed servant of God. My mother
received her healing within a few days. Praise and thank the Lord. On medical
examination, the reports for urine and blood were normal. There has been
no infection and no albumen loss in the urine for the past so many months
and no swelling on her feet. Her hemoglobin count has also improved. She
has been healed completely in this area with your powerful prayers, and
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.
Now a new problem has arisen. Mum has developed acute spondylitis,
and because of this her blood pressure keeps mounting very high. Due to
medicine, her serum creatine count, and blood urea tends to be on the higher
side. She has acidity problem, and her appetite has not yet returned. She
feels weak and lethargic at all times. I would be grateful, if once again,
you could intercede for my mother to our Heavenly Doctor for a complete
Thank you,
Yours in Christ,
Blanche D’Souza.
Testimony of Helen
Dear Fr James,
How are you? By the Grace of God through your prayers I have received
healing. I followed your instructions of thanking Jesus and I also read
Ps 91. I placed my hands on my abdomen and prayed as you have instructed.
Pain in my abdomen is relieved now.
PRAISE THE LORD. May God bless you. Fr James, your prayers are very
much appreciated. Thank you.
Kind Regards
TESTIMONIES of Ivanka Duvnjak Zagreb, Dugo selo, Croatia
Our dearest Father James,
We first of all we would like to thank you for yours prayers for us (prayers warriors) We joined you prayer warrior group on February 16, 2003. Our needs were Spiritual, psychological and phisical health, conversion of living members especially my husband; healing of my and my husbands family trees, solving financial and legal problems, harmony and peace at home. It is just wonderful that Christ's peace came to our family life! God answered all ours prayers and we think that this is really a miracle. We wish to give testimony that God helped us in all ours needs, so we can now feel free and happy. My husbend is converted. It was my greatest wish. We go to mass every morning together. He, my dear husbend Slavko do not curse (scold) any more. He pray rosary with me together now. God gave me back my health and I can continue my work.
It is also miracle that God freed us from one terific suit law verdict. We had law suit. We have to pay 100 000 kuna as punishment or Slavko had to go to prison. The judgement was in favour of us. God set us freed from the debts. My husband need not go to prison at all. Our God is a mighty God
Our daughter is happyly married. We all have new life in Spirit.
We give thanks to God for His blessings and to you Father James for
yours prayers for us.
May God bless and keep you Fr. James from all harm. We will continue
to pray the warrior prayer everyday. THANK YOU.
Ivanka Duvnjak with familly
and Roberta Matkovic
My name is Roberta. My parents are "catholics", but they dont go to
Courch. I didn't also. But my husband and his family are opposite. They
believe in God and go to church. I went with my husband to your first seminar
and there my husband was healed from his terrible headache, and it never
came again. It was a miracle, but still I did not believe. As I was young,
my family ( me, my husband and son), sometimes used to go to Holy Mass
and sometimes not. Just before your second seminar, I was very depressive
because lot of bad things happened to me and I decided to confess my sins
and to go to your seminar. At the seminar, you called my name (in four
days) three times. You said: Roberta you are healed. And then I felt something
in my heart, and I cried. I cried because I relized that my eyes were closed
all my life. I cried because all of my sins. I am young, 25 year old woman,
but I hope its
not late for me to change. And I changed a lot. After your seminar,
now I pray every day. I go every Sunday to Holy Mass, and I get down to
my knees on Mass (before that was so stupid for me to do) I ve got a Bible
as a present and Im reading her for the first time. THANK YOU FATHER JAMES,
you a picture of me and my husband with our son Dorian.
Thank you Jesus for givin us this gifts.
Dear Father
As member of prayer chain I'm obliged to give testimony so I send it now. It is nothing spectacular comparing to other miracles I've seen connected to Fr.James's mission, but I send it anyway to fulfill my duty.
My name is Suzana Ivezic. I'm 39 years old and I live in Zagreb, Croatia.
I would like here to testify about God's grace that entered into my life
by prayers of Fr.James Manjackal. To help you understand what God did in
my life I must tell something about my past.
Since early childhood I have always been very melancholic, lonesome
and sad. I could never fit into any social group and idea of entertainment
or fun which is normal for any child was complete unknown for me. When
I reached the age of about 10-11 I started to feel very depressive.
The depression increased as time went by so it started to interfere
my school obligations and my personal relation with my family and also
suicidal thoughts often occurred in my mind. At the same time I was very
religious girl, I loved to go to church to listen prayers and sermons,
and I loved to read Bible. Jesus became the only light point in my life.
But in my mind Jesus was always somewhere very far away, He resurrected
and ascended to heaven and heaven was indeed very far from me at that time.
For several years I went to church every day, sometimes even twice a day,
I was receiving sacraments that gave me some strength, but nothing could
actually help me. After same time I begun to think that Jesus has abandoned
Church, and I started to search for Jesus elsewhere. I thought I could
find Jesus in new age philosophy. Of course, my depressions even increased,
so my everyday mood was in the rank from sad to despair.
On July 2001 for the first time I went to Fr.James's seminar in Zagreb.
After two days of seminar I realized that I have found everything I was
searching whole my life. I'm not the person that can get easily enthusiastic,
but it was the "real thing" indeed. For the first time in my life I have
experienced marvels that only Holy Spirit can do into person's life. The
Kingdom of God has arrived indeed and it is in the midst of us. ( And it
was worth waiting !!)
Since then I've been on many seminars of Fr.James and I'm the member
of the prayer warrior chain. As the result of that my depressions are gone
I can live normal life, suicidal thoughts are completely gone, I fully
accept teachings of the catholic Church and I'm completely liberated of
any connection to esoteric. For the first time in my life I can feel that
I belong to human society, that God HIMSELF has given me right to live
and to be happy. As the member or prayer chain I can every day EXPERIENCE
the support coming by Fr.James's intercessory prayers, my ability to deal
with stress situations improved as well as my communication with people.
I thank and praise the Lord!! I'm also very grateful to Fr.James, because,
let's not forget, his dedication to Jesus made all this possible!
Suzana Ivezic, Zagreb, Croatia
Subject: My testimony(Hrvoje-Jonjic) Split, Hrvatska
Date: Sun 16. Nov 2003.
Dear Father James!
I am 28 years old. Before you prayed for me I was sexually frustrated.
I never had a girlfriend and I was masturbating a lot, seeing girls on
the street I would image them satisfying my lust, I watched a lot of pornography
on the internet. I had trouble sleeping at night, I was lying to my parents,
I was full of inner fear and was imagining things that don’t exist. I
was lying to my parents and everyone else. My auntie urged me to write
you an e-mail. Since you replied to my e-mail I don’t masturbate anymore,
I don’t feel scared, and I am not lying to my friends and family. Nowadays
if people are swearing, that makes me sad, and I don’t like loud places.
I like to pray and that gives me courage and strength for life. I can concentrate
much better, don’t have nightmares and I know that our God is almighty,
most powerful, full of love and understanding.
Thank you Jesus for everything you are giving me
My address: Hrvoje Jonjic/Težaèki put 47/21000 Split/Hrvatska tel:0038521373109/
Dear Father Manjackal, dear Luzi and Gabi,
Thank you for the answer to my email from 9/23/03.
Here is the testimony of my healing.
For many years I have been suffering from constant pain in both knee
joints. Due to a torn cruciate ligament and several torn meniscuses I had
a total of 5 operations on my knees.
After the last operation a chronic inflammation in the hollow of the
left knee set in, which could only be removed by a further operation. But
after all those operations I had enough for the moment. Nevertheless, I
was not relieved of the pain. I could neither kneel nor squat down.
Through my faith in Jesus Christ and especially by attending the retreat
in Münster from 9/3 to 9/6/03 I was completely freed from my pain through
the prayer on 9/5/03.
To this day and till the end of my days I will never again have pain
in my knees.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Dear Father James, I include the picture of myself.
My family and I are already looking forward to seeing you again, and
we are 100% sure we will see again, as surely as the word AMEN is said
in church.
We entrust you and all those accompanying you on the difficult, arduous
and dangerous path ahead of you to our loving God. He will take care of
See you soon. Ingo Vaters, Pertra Vaters, Christian Vaters, Anika Vaters and Stefan Vaters.