Thaya -Österreich. May. 25 - 28. 2006


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Ricarda: In this youth retreat at Taya the Lord called
my name and I received a deep inner healing. 
I felt the warmth of the Holy Spirit. I am healed to a new life

Rupert: This retreat was a great experience for me.
I know God has a especial plan for me and that 
i should live a life helping others

Simon: These 4 days at Taya for the retreat were the
most beautiful days of my life. I believe I am healed 
from my allergic asthma.

Romana: IN this retreat I received a deep
inner healing. I made a decision not to spend time on 
radio and TV, but to spend more time in prayer and fasting

Tamara: In this retreat I was able to forgive 
many people which in the past was impossible 
for me. I received an inner healing. I give first 
place to Jesus in my life

Martina: here I testify the blessing I received
in the retreat at Neu Simering  in Wien last year.
For ten years I lived with a man without Church
or faith in Jesus. After the retreat of Fr. James I 
got married in the Church with my husband 
and live a good Christian life. 

Margaret: I received a deep inner healing,
I have decided to follow Jesus in a new life.

Lisa: I came to this retreat with much pain
on the back because my spine was bend. 
During the prayer Jesus called my name
and healed me

Claudia: In this retreat I was weeping all the while because
I had been to esoterics in order to help my child
who was sick. Although I came out of it I was fully 
liberated from the power of Satan only yesterday
in the inner healing prayer

Maria: I had a squint eye which means my eye
was twisted. In this retreat the Lord healed my 
eye and straightened it. I am very happy,
I will live for the Lord

Sandra: Yesterday in the inner healing prayer,
I felt the Lord touching me and healing me. 
Through the Holy Spirit I am born again

 Taniza: These four days were the most beautiful 
days in my life. I feel very closed to Jesus and to the Church. 
I feel very light and happy

Sabine: As I was not believing in Jesus or in the Church,
I had stoped all Church going, this retreat changed my life.
Now I believe in Jesus, now I know the power of the Eucharist

 Sarina: In der Vergangenheit habeich 
nicht gern gebeichtet, weil ich vielen
Menschen nicht vergeben konnte. Bei
diesen Exerzitien habe ich die Gnade
empfangen, allen zu vergeben und
eine gute Beichte abzulegen. Gestern 
wurde meine Seele geheilt beim Gebet.

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