It is with a great joy and gratitude to God that we report that Fr. James took his first steps to walk on the 31st. of October, on the feast of the Lord of Miracles (El Señor de los Milagros). It was Gaby's birthday, she was praying ardently with the novena to the Lord of Miracles for a miracle on Fr. James as a birthday's present. On 31st. evening, dr. Richi lifted Fr. James up from the wheelchair and dr. Christoph Hubner, who came for the birthday's celebration came to his aid to help Fr. James to walk as you can see on the video. Tears of joy came from all who were around and all praise God for the miracle of the Lord. Everyday Fr. James is becoming stronger and stronger. He expresses his gratitude to all of you for your prayers, fasting, Holy Masses and financial help for his treatment.
Because of this report please do not think that he is able to get up by himself and walk, this is a major step towards his full healing but he has to go through many more steps of healing for his complete health's recovery, so kindly continue to pray more ardently for this intention so that he may be able to get up and walk normally and start preaching the Gospel all over the world. Everyday, especially in the Holy Mass, Fr. James prays for all his benefactors, friends, relatives, prayer warriors and all those who are praying for his recovery. May the Good Lord Jesus bless all of you.