Photos and reports of the preaching ministry of Fr. James 
in the year 2004 (January - March)

January - March   |  April - June |   July - September   |  October - December

Menden - Germany: March 29 April 1

Published on " Mendener-Zeitung " March. 30. 2004  -

A Christian must always work on himself 

Father James Manjackal at Heilig Kreuz till Thursday

MENDEN – Impulses are what he wants to give, to reconsider your life, especially the Christian life. To that end Father James Manjackal will be preaching through till and including Thursday at Heilig Kreuz Church. The word  is the only tool which the charismatic Missionary from the Congregation of St. Francis de Sales uses to rouse the people who want to see and hear him. Thanks to the simultaneous translation it is no problem to follow the man from India who speaks about himself, his ministry and his personal relationship to Jesus Christ. Repeatedly he chooses pithy (bold) examples, he would like to see a jolt go through his listening community- a jolt in the direction of considering a new life, a life whose meaning is following Jesus Christ. Father James will be preaching daily from 9am till approximately 6pm, thereafter –except on Thursday- he will celebrate Holy Mass with the Christians. It is important for him, always to emphasize the power of prayer and to encourage his listeners to enter into a personal dialog with God. -job.

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DeutscheKreuz -Austria: March 24 -27

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Fr. James with his Provincial at Graz for a healing program
On 21st. of March, Fr. Jose Parappillil was with his priest, Fr. James Manjackal, for a healing program at Mariengasse, Graz, Austria, in which hundreds of people from all over Austria, and even a bus full of people from Italy gathered to hear the Word of God and to be healed.
Fr. James and Fr. Jose conducted a healing service and celebrated a Healing Mass. During the Mass, Fr. Jose preached on the Gospel of the day on "the Prodigal Son" and he appreciated and praised the courageous preaching of his priest Fr. James Manjackal in European countries as well as Arabic countries. The program ended with a dinner with St. Thomas prayer group which oraganizes all preaching programs of Fr. James Manjackal in Austria.

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Retreat at Möderbrugg -Austria
Fr. James conducted a retreat at Möderbrugg in the parish church from 17th to 20th march which was attended by a good number of parishioners and people from outside. On the last day of the retreat, Fr. Jose Parappillil, the Provintial of the South West province of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, from where Fr. James comes, gave a message to the people. He told that Fr. James is a precious gift to the global Church for the renewal. Fr. Jose was working with Fr. James for long time in India for evangelization and it is he who set appart Fr. James for world evangelization. Here are some photos

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Pöllau -Austria: March 10 -13

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Santiago de Compostela - Spain

Concelebrating mass at the Cathedral 

With Archibishop Mgr. Julián Barrio

Apostol St. James' tomb

At the foot of  St. James Cathedral

On the 3rd. of March, Fr. James along with Javier López and Gaby went to the famous Cathedral of Santiago where the sacred remains of his patron saint lies. He had the opportunity to have the Holy Mass with the Archbishop of Santiago, Mgr. Julián Barrio. They witnessed the unique “swinging of the Botafumeiro” before the blessing of the Mass. Botafumeiro is a Thurible weighing 54 Kg.  The whole Cathedral crowded with the people were singing and praying during this incensing as they believed that their prayers go up to heaven along with the smoke of the incense. Here are the photos.

Olón -Ecuador: Healing Mass - Radio María
On 28th Saturday morning, Fr. James gave a live healing program in Radio María of Ecuador which was attended by several people, not only in South-American countries but in European countries and elsewhere. Soon after the radio program, there was a healing Mass attended by thousands of people. People left the ground happy, cheerful and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit after the Mass. Here are some photos.

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Fr. James at Cuenca - Ecuador
On 28th afternoon, Fr. James along with his translator Gaby Landauro, left Manglaralto to Cuenca, the most beautiful city of Ecuador, situated on the Andes hills at the height of 2.600 meters. Here in the site of the apparitions of Mother Mary at Cajas, where a new sanctuary is being built, Fr. James conducted a healing Mass which was attended by thousands of people from the city even at a short notice. After the Mass, he blessed each one by laying his hands, many spiritual and physical healings were reported.

Here Fr. James met the missionary Carmen Patricia and saw the Crucifix and the statue of Mother Mary in her room that shed tears even now. In the photos you can see the tears flowing through the eyes of both. Patricia was living in the world with all worldly styles of life and she was working as a model of folklore dresses. When she was sixteen years old, on 29th of August 1988, Mother Mary appeared to her in her mother’s home and told, “Don’t be afraid, I am the guardian of faith”. With the first apparition she had her conversion then followed many apparitions at home, at the Valley of Cajas Mountains and on her pilgrimage to Guadalupe, Mexico. It was a time when several priests and people lost faith by the liberation theology which was prevalent in South America. As Patricia received secret message for the Holy Father, the Pope, with regard to what is going to happen to the Church and to the world, the Nuncio of Ecuador took her to John Paul II in April 1990 to hand over the secret. Patricia had a very hard time after the apparitions as many people, priests and bishops persecuted her in various ways and she was not allowed to talk about the apparitions for nine years under the vow of silence. But the present Archbishop Msgr. Vicente Cisneros accepted her and approved all her messages as private revelations and allowed her to talk about it and he has given permission to build a sanctuary in the site of apparitions at Cajas. Since 1990, she has no physical apparitions of Mother Mary although she has locutions and messages, she says she has many times the vision of Jesus, especially Jesus crucified with various messages. The messages of the apparitions are published in various books. They are like in any other Marian apparitions, of repentance, conversion, purification, reconciliation, prayer and sacramental life. Many people do come as pilgrims to the site of apparitions. Here are some photos.

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Retreat for leaders from 24th to 26th.
Although it was meant for the “consecrated virgins” founded by Fr. Othmar, it was attended by many missionaries, priests and nuns. Fr. James gave deeper talks on growing in Christ and becoming leaders like Jesus the Good Shepherd. All those who attended this course had great appreciation and admiration for the deep insights Fr. James gave them.

Fr. James not only fished men at the Pacific coast, but he actually went to the Pacific sea in a boat and fished along with the fishermen. Here are some photos.

Fr. James in Ecuador- South America from 19th to 29th of February
Ecuador is the third smallest independent republic of South America bounded on the north by Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the south by Peru, and on the west by Pacific Ocean. The north west of the republic is crossed by the ECUATOR, hence its name. It has a population of 12’072,000 inhabitants of which 92% are Catholics making 24 dioceses with 1880 priests, 6322 religious brothers and sisters and 66 permanent deacons working in 1157 parishes. Three million Ecuadorians live in USA and Spain and many are leaving the country still due to the poor economical situation and the corrupt political system. As the bank system collapsed, deposits were frozen, the GNP (Gross National Product) decreased by over 7%, and because of the heavy debt on the country to the USA, the country was forced to adopt US dollars as his currency dropping its own national currency called Sucre. There are 20.000 Indigenous people who are called Indians, who still live in paganism with the worship of sun and moon. The famous Amazon river which runs through Peru and Brazil has his origin in Ecuador. The climate is tropical, hence lot of fruits and vegetables of any other tropical countries; except on the Andes mountains which has even the height of 15.000 feet above sea level, called “Paramos” with no habitation at all. Quito is the capital of the country. The main cities are Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Rio Bamba. Ecuador is the largest exporters of bananas. Also they export Petroleum, coco, Indian rubber and straw huts, vegetables and emeralds. Fr. James was invited by Fr. Othmar Stäheli, a veteran Swiss missionary working in the dioceses of Guayaquil for the last thirty years.

Church of Holy Cross in SigetFr. James conducted a retreat for all in the Sanctuary of “Blanca Estrella de la Mar” which is built in the shape of a ship in the Pacific coast at Manglaralto, where small statue of Our Lady “Rosa Mística” shed tears of blood before four years for more than seven hours witnessed by some people. The retreat was from 20th of February morning to 23rd evening. Many testified that it was the first time they were attending such powerful preaching, renewal and healing by the Holy Spirit. Many people gave testimonies of new life, inner healing and physical healings. Here are some photos

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Fr. James with the evangelization group of Graz at Schio.

Mass at the sacred 
remain of St. Bakhita

Statue of Infant Jesus 
that shed tears

Statue of Mother Mary that 
began to speak to Renato

Fr. James with Renato Baron
on his sick bed

Schio is a city of some 39.000 inhabitants in the Province and Diocese of Vicenza (Venice), Italy. It lies in the Leogra valley, where the mountains of the Little Dolomites rise up from the plain of the Po. Here lies the holy remains of Mother Josephine Bakhita, who was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 1st. 2000. Nothing is known of Bakhita’s family and early childhood. She was born in 1869 in a village of Darfur near the Agilerei Mountain in Sudan in Central Africa. At the age of five she was kidnapped from her family by the slave traders and served seven different masters until when she found her place in Italy, in the family of Michieli, who put her in the Canossian Institute of Catecumens where she received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist on 9th. January 1890. She took her first profession on December 8th. among the Canossians. From then until her death she lived in Schio. While she was alive especially during the world wars people used to rush to her for prayers to find consolation and solace. The evangelization group offered a Mass at her Altar and visited the holy remains.

Schio became famous because of the apparitions of Mother Mary to a very pious man, Renato Baron, from the 25th. of march 1985 onwards. There are volumes of messages of Mother Mary given to him in various apparitions. Hundreds of pilgrims rush to this place for prayers. Fr. James, Fr. Florian and Fr. Wolfgang and Gaby had the privilege meeting the visionary who is very sick with cancer on his spine. He is a man suffering 24 hours with a pain all over the body but with cheerfulness and no complaints. Submitting everything to the Lord, he suffers the pain for the sanctity of the priests and for the conversion of souls. In the holy sanctuary of Schio, there is statue of the Infant Jesus which shed tears at several times in the presence of many pilgrims gathered. Mother Mary began to speak to Renato and give messages from her statue in the Chapel of St. Martino. During the Holy Mass where 500 people gathered together at the occasion of the Consecration to the Heart of Mary by 60 people, Fr. James prayed over them for their healing. The group from Graz along with Fr. James and Fr. Florian and Fr. Wolfgang really enjoyed the pilgrimage to Schio for two days and left the place with much grace and power through the intercession of Mother Mary.

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The evangelisation group prepared by Fr. James Manjackal at Mariengasse, Graz, Austria

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